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Most Serious 17/March/2020

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I hope I'm not too late in posting this. Things are getting deadly serious now.

As most of us are aware of,  the Jewish controlled media gives all kinds of suicidal advice,  no different from their bibles and other related crap.

The Jewish controlled press is now giving "rules" regarding how people should stock up. 

The common advice now is to stock up for only "2 weeks."

Satan and Azazel told me at the end of January, to stock up for at least 6 months.

I know there are people who are so fucking dense, they trust the Jewish media. More than likely,  they will wind up dead. Then the bozos who hoard toilet paper. You can't eat toilet paper. 

Anyone who follows the news and even has half a brain should readily see where this is all going. 

Even if the coronavirus doesn't kill you,  what's ALREADY happened regarding the world economy WILL, if you aren't prepared. 

The Jews know from history,  what economic collapse means for them. They have been working relentlessly to try to keep the world stock markets going...artificially. It's only a matter of time. 

For those of you who still don't get this, (I see them all over the city here), in many parts of the world,  following major blows to the economy,  travel (a huge and necessary source of income for nearly all countries), has all but collapsed. Other necessary and most essential sources of revenue like restaurants, bars, shopping malls, stores, have been shut down now for days in many areas, along with other places of entertainment, gyms, health clubs...
The list is endless. 

No, these haven't just been shut down for one or two days. That would be damaging enough. The food wasted from restaurant closures will result in trillions of tons, jobs will be lost and much, much more. REVENUE FROM ALL OF THESE.

Another possibility is the Jewish death grip in working to establish communism in America. Introducing food and other shortages, closing places of entertainment (Communist countries are slave labor States. What little entertainment establishments there are, are reserved for tourists),
getting the free populace conditioned to being controlled, accepting "draconian" measures and as with all communist states, readily and unquestioningly taking orders from the Jews in control.

Empty shelves in markets, drastic food shortages and related condition the populace for the reality of these under communsim.

Then, there are all sorts of other serious problems that will accompany this. Then, worse than anything,  the aftermath. 

Please read my articles on STOCKING UP, and Preparedness.  It's in the announcements here.

Time is running out. Market shelves are going bare. Cities shutting down restaurants and related,  from what I've seen, the next step is total lockdown where no one can leave their homes. 

Stores are limiting purchases on a lot of items. A family member or friends can shop separately and purchase more of these items, shopping separately,  if seriously needed.

Things are happening fast now and without warning. 

Those with shit for brains who actually believe this will only last a couple of weeks, with everything up, running and of course right back to normal within 2-3 weeks will end up dead.

Then, the usual spring time natural disasters... These will more than likely be much worse,  given what the Jews have been doing with the weather. 

Another thing I question,  in the Israeli news,  they stated those locust plagues in East Africa and the Middle East will rapidly advance,  but will not touch Israel. Did the Jews genetically engineer these as well?

"Plague of locusts set to descend upon Middle East in time for Passover
‘Extremely alarming’ desert locust swarms forming in Horn of Africa — but will skip Holy Land"


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich 
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:

I am legit in a very difficult position to even begin stocking up for even 2 weeks, let alone 6 months. I've been working hard to heal an injury that has been preventing me from walking even 2 blocks and lifting even 10 pounds, and I'm not allowed to hoard food where I live.

There's the possibility of a storage unit but then how will I haul all the food in? I don't have a car and again the injury. And if we get quarantined in our homes then the housing program I live in won't let me outside to even get the food when I need it. I'm prepared otherwise regarding masks, hand sanitizers and bug-out survival items with a bag at the ready for the worst. Food is the only problem.

Does anybody have any advice? If I can just last until summer I know some ways to forage food from the wild which could give me a bit of edge, but I need to be able to last more than 6 months.
My family has stocked up enough food for around 2 months, maybe 3-4 if we eat sparingly. Is this enough or should we try to get more?
our judaic government informed us that they are studying to FREEZE OUR MONEY THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT SINCE IT IS A POOR COUNTRY ,WOW NICE and later they will compensate us (still studying the idea)
i live in country which is next to pissrael, until now there is 44 people infected by corona virus, extreme panic
in the country , full Army is in the streets !! no one allowed to go out its a Hollywood movie and with islam Loud Prayer it make things to intensify it makes the people to feel sorrow
all countries that surrounds israel are infected except israel how funny :evil: :evil: .

fuck my existence in the land of Mordor
Economic collapse means banking system collapse. Take your money and savings out of your bank account or you seriously risk to lose them. People will rush like insane to take their money when it will be already too late.

Be very careful, I have already been told by someone that a bank in England (the Lloyd Bank) is not topping up the cash machines anymore because the money are withdrawn instantly and they only release cash if you go inside the bank and ask them. Just imagine how difficult is for them to just say "Sorry we don't have cash now, come back later"? And you don't have money to buy food if you will find any.

If they wanted to give cash to everbody for real, they would have kept to top up the cash machines because is the same thing if everybody goes inside and ask them for cash. Again in case of crisis the banks will collapse. Then you will see starvation, thrist and once civilised humans turning into animals in a jungle.
It's literally impossible for me to store food that would last 6 month because of money issues. All I was able to store would barely last a month, I'm waiting for my next salary to buy more but until then stores will probably be wiped clean.

And there's also the problem of convincing loved ones to store for more than 2 weeks.

The gods warned us of the situation escalating in the next 20 years but I never expected it to progress this rapidly, not that I could've prepared better anyway.

On the positive side, now I have more time to do more RtRs.
Things are not looking good unfortunately I can’t stock up because family doesn’t take it serious. There is one thing holding back total communism. Guns. But I’m certain in cities there will be mandatory confiscations door to door, or if you don’t turn in your AR-15 you don’t get government ration, etc. Remember people Juden has already lost and are now pulling out all the stops. We have to make it through this.
In Israel they just passed the law that allows the government to spy on every phone which is in use in Israel. Excuse is: “to better fight corona virus”.

This is the proof of concept. If they can do this in israel, they can do it anywhere. This situation is the exercise of control, they want to see to what extent are people obedient, and listen to what they are said.
Yeah it’s pretty bad. I remember when these announcements first happened, I was pissy cause I was on the brink of homelessness. Then it happened and I’m homeless. And where I live. No one is hiring. Places are shut down. I was at least getting a shower in the gym. But it’s closed now so can’t even shower. My job just closed down. And unfortunately I was an independent contractor there and had no benefits. So no work. No one hiring. No where to live. Can’t shower. Can’t stock up.

It has me in these strangely heightened stress levels for weeks. So just been upping rtrs, protection, cleansing and personal workings for quite a while to help me. Now a waiting game to see how it’s all going to manifest. But in the
meantime it’s worrying as fuck.

And that’s the scariest part. Is it’s just starting. To be in this position and it’s just starting. It’s not shut down for a day or two. Most places have signs saying 30 days at minimum. Others who knows how long? This is very serious. And I feel extremely worried being in my situation. Many bad transits and poor timing with certain things. These warnings are stressing me even more. But are very appreciated.
"Factoring the worst, Morgan Stanley in a note on March 17, warned investors that the seismic waves of COVID-19 are likely to trigger a global recession".


The pandemic is used to collapse the economy artificially. As I said before, David Rockefeller claimed that a global crisis is enough to force the population to accept the jew world order. What we have to deal with in 2020?

1. Global pandemic. Merkel stated 70% of world population (which is 7.8 billion) can get infected with coronavirus, which is not completely true. Basically there is nothing to guarantee that the other 30% will remain untouched. 100% of the global population is exposed, especially if they plant coronavirus on purpose like I heard before, that they use drones to plant coronavirus in areas where it wouldn't normally reach. This can lead to hundreds of thousads or even over 1 billion deaths.

2. Economic collapse as I said above

3. Millitary Warfare. Europe has been invaded by tens of thousands of US troops and millitary equipment to perform "millitary exercises" just next to Russia. Add this up together with the murder of Suleimani and the bombing of petrol extracting stations in Saudi Arabia, the jews just invent premises to stimulate WW3. They control most sides. They control US, NATO, China, Russia, North Koreea etc. All these nations would fight each other for the benefit of the Big Jew who will end the wars, starvation and diseases with one world government, cashless system, extreme surveillance, mass microchipping and mass-vaccination and this will be only the beggining of the nightmare if jews get their way.
My family lives on ´´countryside``, so we have a well, which supported about 12 years all 5 in my family. So no need for water, me and my siblings can move to my parents house. But on food, i *seriously* cant get them to realize, that we would NEED to stock up on few weeks, let alone for 6 *MONTHS*.

Anyone have any ideas on how i could convince them? Any finnish people who could link me some finnish articles about the world economy going to shit and what it means for a citizen?
I hope that each of the Satanic Brothers and Sisters will have enough food. What is happening in the world is scary. :(
Larissa666 said:
In Israel they just passed the law that allows the government to spy on every phone which is in use in Israel. Excuse is: “to better fight corona virus”.

This is the proof of concept. If they can do this in israel, they can do it anywhere. This situation is the exercise of control, they want to see to what extent are people obedient, and listen to what they are said.
I do not care about Israel but yes if the government is full of jews or goyms then they could do it in gentile nations...
Ghost in the Machine said:
There's the possibility of a storage unit but then how will I haul all the food in? I don't have a car and again the injury
Just rent a car for one day or pay some bucks to a friend with a car to help you buy and move the food. In the worst case you can try to hide it in your own room.

Shael said:
My family has stocked up enough food for around 2 months, maybe 3-4 if we eat sparingly. Is this enough or should we try to get more?
More. But you don't have to tell them if they don't agree, just buy it and hide it where you can.
Man I can’t get my dumbass mother to stock up and I’m in no way of shape do it my self Cause I’m extremely poor plus I wish people would quit making a joke of it with these crappy memes FUCK
The Alchemist7 said:
3. Millitary Warfare. Europe has been invaded by tens of thousands of US troops and millitary equipment to perform "millitary exercises" just next to Russia. Add this up together with the murder of Suleimani and the bombing of petrol extracting stations in Saudi Arabia, the jews just invent premises to stimulate WW3. They control most sides. They control US, NATO, China, Russia, North Koreea etc. All these nations would fight each other for the benefit of the Big Jew who will end the wars, starvation and diseases with one world government, cashless system, extreme surveillance, mass microchipping and mass-vaccination and this will be only the beggining of the nightmare if jews get their way.

They do these military practices every single year for decades, sometimes more than once per year. There is nothing about it that is uncommon or threatening. They get all the soldiers, the tanks and trucks, and they basically go camping in the woods for a week or 2. And they act out and pretend how they would move if there was some enemy going against them. The whole thing is really about practicing to see how well they can get all their equipment set up in the middle of the woods, like their communications equipment. And practice for the soldiers to see how well they can live out in the woods for a week or 2, and how well they can use a map and compass to move to another location a few miles away. There is no threat in any of this, there is nothing uncommon about this, and it is not anything unusual. They do this every year, sometimes multiple times per year, and have been doing it since NATO started.
What if I don't have any money? my family is practically bankrupt, so we cannot buy food for weeks and less for months and my family does not take this virus seriously, advices?
At the end of December I was thinking about how I'm going to retire in live my life in the future, and was looking into the homesteading life. Primarily because I felt like an economic collapse was inevitable later on but I had no idea things were actually about to get this serious right now.

Some rumors I've been hearing is that some grocery stores may be close to closing, because of workers calling in sick during high traffic times and delays in shipment or not even coming at all. Also Denmark just voted for forced vaccination but to make it worst, Israel is going to try to create their "vaccine" which could lead to further deaths and health problems.
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.
first thing I noticed is to 'stock up' for 6 months... which people were asking about earlier on but were not given any proper reply on..

Anyway. if I look at the dutch prep stores for 'emergency rations' just for one month you spend almost 300 euro, for one person. (I am seriously NOT kidding on the price).
It'd be better to just buy rice, and vegetables in cans or pots. Much cheaper. May not be preserved as long and may take up more space but its cheaper to do this way.
Also powdered milk (1kg) is about 30 euro. It may have a long preserve date, but this is WAY overpriced.
You can't find powdered milk in regular stores though (supermarket). (Unless you mean for in your coffee)
This is all happening now while there are 5 planets transiting through the late degrees of Capricorn and the US natal chart ruler Mercury in opposition to the Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn. We have to do the RTR's as much as possible now. The timing is perfect for dramatic change.
Should we prepare for water and electricity to get shut off?

And what will happen to the bulk of us SS?

I know we'll be fine, but it's not looking good. Cities are declaring shelter in place, businesses closing down left and right because of COVID-19, and a LOT is happening on Trump's end.

I'm genuinely scared. Though my workplace is still open, and will probably be open until ordered to shut down by the government.

Also, what happened to our ritual to destroy the leviathan?

I know you are all very busy, but this is accelerating faster and faster. And it doesn't look like it's going to stop any time soon. I truly hope by some miracle Trump is /our guy/ and this is all part of the plan. But fear grips me.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I hope I'm not too late in posting this. Things are getting deadly serious now.

As most of us are aware of, the Jewish controlled media gives all kinds of suicidal advice, no different from their bibles and other related crap.

The Jewish controlled press is now giving "rules" regarding how people should stock up.

The common advice now is to stock up for only "2 weeks."

Satan and Azazel told me at the end of January, to stock up for at least 6 months.
Thank you for warning us that it won't be over in two weeks. I just bought a bunch more dried fruit. Fortunately my parents buy a lot of food in bulk, so we already have large bags of oats, lentils, beans, raisins, spaghetti, frozen cheese, etc...

I am also growing vegetables and berries in my garden. For those who have even just a balcony, you may want to get some pots of low-maintenance plants, like kale, chard, or strawberries, if the stores aren't sold out yet. There are a lot of vitamins in fresh veggies that canned and frozen foods have lost.
here i thought we only needed to stock up for 2 weeks. now its escalated and that wont be enough? ooof.
Eric13 said:
Yeah it’s pretty bad. I remember when these announcements first happened, I was pissy cause I was on the brink of homelessness. Then it happened and I’m homeless. And where I live. No one is hiring. Places are shut down. I was at least getting a shower in the gym. But it’s closed now so can’t even shower. My job just closed down. And unfortunately I was an independent contractor there and had no benefits. So no work. No one hiring. No where to live. Can’t shower. Can’t stock up.

It has me in these strangely heightened stress levels for weeks. So just been upping rtrs, protection, cleansing and personal workings for quite a while to help me. Now a waiting game to see how it’s all going to manifest. But in the
meantime it’s worrying as fuck.

And that’s the scariest part. Is it’s just starting. To be in this position and it’s just starting. It’s not shut down for a day or two. Most places have signs saying 30 days at minimum. Others who knows how long? This is very serious. And I feel extremely worried being in my situation. Many bad transits and poor timing with certain things. These warnings are stressing me even more. But are very appreciated.
Honestly guys, can't we help each other out? We know Eric is a legit SS, if anyone lives near him or not so far, why not take him in? These are fucked up times we're living in and we can't let our own suffer to certain extents if we can help it. Lacking supplies is one thing but lacking a home especially at this point in time is one of the worst ordeals.
Have I said something wrong? Or is the topic I replied to not accepting any posts? I'm just wondering.
sonnenkraft said:
our judaic government informed us that they are studying to FREEZE OUR MONEY THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT SINCE IT IS A POOR COUNTRY ,WOW NICE and later they will compensate us (still studying the idea)
i live in country which is next to pissrael, until now there is 44 people infected by corona virus, extreme panic
in the country , full Army is in the streets !! no one allowed to go out its a Hollywood movie and with islam Loud Prayer it make things to intensify it makes the people to feel sorrow
all countries that surrounds israel are infected except israel how funny :evil: :evil: .

fuck my existence in the land of Mordor
Israel is also infected, or are they lying? I think it is true, the cases are 250 right now and going up pretty fast. I guess it backfired on them, lol.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I am legit in a very difficult position to even begin stocking up for even 2 weeks, let alone 6 months. I've been working hard to heal an injury that has been preventing me from walking even 2 blocks and lifting even 10 pounds, and I'm not allowed to hoard food where I live.

There's the possibility of a storage unit but then how will I haul all the food in? I don't have a car and again the injury. And if we get quarantined in our homes then the housing program I live in won't let me outside to even get the food when I need it. I'm prepared otherwise regarding masks, hand sanitizers and bug-out survival items with a bag at the ready for the worst. Food is the only problem.

Does anybody have any advice? If I can just last until summer I know some ways to forage food from the wild which could give me a bit of edge, but I need to be able to last more than 6 months.

To me, it seems like the biggest obstacle in your way that hinders both stockpiling non-perishables and foraging is your injury, and so you should focus on that as much as possible. If you believe it currently physically prevents you from stockpiling food into a storage unit, then it may be better to forego the idea entirely. If you cannot walk or lift much, it will be hard to take bulk items from a store all the way into a storage unit.

Does your housing unit provide food on its own? If quarantined, they won't let you starve, given that they don't allow food stockpiling. Ask the higher ups what the plan is for food when you get quarantined. The place stops becoming useful to you when it cannot provide you food, and I think at that point you should leave if the situation has no signs of improving.

Things are warming up, I think nature will be able to provide even prior to summer. The question is whether you want to go full wild man or not, or what you envisioned yourself doing. Do you have access to land from which you can fully nourish yourself with, and do you have the knowledge to do so? Perhaps instead of buying a storage unit, which may be impossible for you to stock, it may be worth investing in survival gear and spending time learning now while you can. I myself am going to do the same.

If you find yourself leaving the housing unit for food, the question is whether you can come back or not. If you are quarantined and leave, they certainly won't let you back in. I assume if you are quarantined they will provide food, and you wouldn't be allowed to leave for foraging. If the situation escalates and they no longer can secure food for you guys, then at that point you should leave entirely. At that point, I'd imagine you wouldn't be the only one stressing out either, so it likely wouldn't be safe either.

Do you have access to a printer? Perhaps start printing JOS related materials if you envision yourself being without access to a computer/wifi/electricity.

All this brings me back to the injury: living from nature will be made even harder. I am not trying to scare you, rather I think that should be a focal point, as it seems to be your main obstacle.
Ghost in the Machine said:
I am legit in a very difficult position to even begin stocking up for even 2 weeks, let alone 6 months. I've been working hard to heal an injury that has been preventing me from walking even 2 blocks and lifting even 10 pounds, and I'm not allowed to hoard food where I live.

There's the possibility of a storage unit but then how will I haul all the food in? I don't have a car and again the injury. And if we get quarantined in our homes then the housing program I live in won't let me outside to even get the food when I need it. I'm prepared otherwise regarding masks, hand sanitizers and bug-out survival items with a bag at the ready for the worst. Food is the only problem.

Does anybody have any advice? If I can just last until summer I know some ways to forage food from the wild which could give me a bit of edge, but I need to be able to last more than 6 months.

To me, it seems like the biggest obstacle in your way that hinders both stockpiling non-perishables and foraging is your injury, and so you should focus on that as much as possible. If you believe it currently physically prevents you from stockpiling food into a storage unit, then it may be better to forego the idea entirely. If you cannot walk or lift much, it will be hard to take bulk items from a store all the way into a storage unit.

Does your housing unit provide food on its own? If quarantined, they won't let you starve, given that they don't allow food stockpiling. Ask the higher ups what the plan is for food when you get quarantined. The place stops becoming useful to you when it cannot provide you food, and I think at that point you should leave if the situation has no signs of improving.

Things are warming up, I think nature will be able to provide even prior to summer. The question is whether you want to go full wild man or not, or what you envisioned yourself doing. Do you have access to land from which you can fully nourish yourself with, and do you have the knowledge to do so? Perhaps instead of buying a storage unit, which may be impossible for you to stock, it may be worth investing in survival gear and spending time learning now while you can. I myself am going to do the same.

If you find yourself leaving the housing unit for food, the question is whether you can come back or not. If you are quarantined and leave, they certainly won't let you back in. I assume if you are quarantined they will provide food, and you wouldn't be allowed to leave for foraging. If the situation escalates and they no longer can secure food for you guys, then at that point you should leave entirely. At that point, I'd imagine you wouldn't be the only one stressing out either, so it likely wouldn't be safe either.

Do you have access to a printer? Perhaps start printing JOS related materials if you envision yourself being without access to a computer/wifi/electricity.

All this brings me back to the injury: living from nature will be made even harder. I am not trying to scare you, rather I think that should be a focal point, as it seems to be your main obstacle.

Coronavirus Spreads To All 50 States As 1st Case Reported In West Virginia; NYPD Officer Tests Positive

33 Million Jobs Lost: Mnuchin Tells Congress That Without Bailiouts, Depression Era Unemployment Awaits

Global Financial Crisis 2.0: CPFF Down, AMFL, MMIFF, PDCF And TAF On Deck

New York Suspends Collection Of Medical, Student Debt

Trump And Mnuchin Discussing $1.2 Trillion Package To Fund Stimulus Checks; Delayed IRS Payments

This Is The 'Terrifying' New Research That Sparked Trump's Aggressive Change Of Tone On Virus
An alarming scientific report compiled by British researchers and shared with the Trump White House warns that, in the absence of drastic and coordinated government action, the novel coronavirus could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the United States alone.

The new research (pdf), led by epidemiologist Dr. Neil Ferguson and published Monday by the Imperial College of London, shows that merely acting to slow rather than completely stop the spread of COVID-19 would "still likely result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and health systems (most notably intensive care units) being overwhelmed many times over."

"For countries able to achieve it, this leaves suppression as the preferred policy option," the researchers wrote. "In the U.K. and U.S. context, suppression will minimally require a combination of social distancing of the entire population, home isolation of cases, and household quarantine of their family members. This may need to be supplemented by school and university closures."

Successful suppression of the virus could take a significant amount of time, the researchers noted — "potentially 18 months or more."
I know our aura of protections and the gods protecting us will help us here and our loved ones especially those who partake in the RTRs when they can. My question is for those who are legally able to should we look into obtaining guns and stuff as well? The stuff in the beginning I mentioned will definitely work I just want to get a 2nd opinion if I should still try to get other means of self defense regardless?
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Anyway. if I look at the dutch prep stores for 'emergency rations' just for one month you spend almost 300 euro, for one person. (I am seriously NOT kidding on the price).
It'd be better to just buy rice, and vegetables in cans or pots. Much cheaper. May not be preserved as long and may take up more space but its cheaper to do this way.
Also powdered milk (1kg) is about 30 euro. It may have a long preserve date, but this is WAY overpriced.
You can't find powdered milk in regular stores though (supermarket). (Unless you mean for in your coffee)
Yup, rice, pasta, canned beans and vegetables, canned meat, various nuts and raisins, some chocolate if you can find it cheap. Some canned products can basically last forever if kept reasonably cool&dry. In a very bad situation you will want to eat ANYthing and no one will worry about the shelf life. Among other things I bought marzipan bars covered in dark chocolate and they were like €4/kg because the date was going out.
Regarding powdered milk, have you tried searching from farmers stores and online? €30/kg sounds insane. Just a random example:
Blitzkreig said:

I got survival gear and am only missing a few basic things of which I can improvise. I have my blackbook which contains some of our runes and their uses as future reference (not yet completed) as well as the RTR and my guardian demon's sigil along with some other demons'.

I've already got a bag ready at the go in case of emergency and I've already been researching and jotting down a list of edibles that grow in my region as well as survival matters, bushcraft and such. I'm not stressed or fearful anymore now though and for the foreseeable future, I just needed to get a hold of myself. I don't have permission to be afraid.

The injury is a definite concern though, it's a back injury but I've been on top of it as best I can be. It's actually a reinjury from an old one I got from work last November. I had fixed it through healing with Satanama and Wunjo, but I neglected to keep going and strengthen my muscles to prevent it from happening again, which it did a couple weeks ago. I can't go to a chiropractor or physical therapist anymore so I've been doing everything on my own with strict exercises, a healing working and a sun square.

I had tried summoning Marbas to see if we could come to some form of agreement for his help as he assists with healing, but so far in my two attempts he's been busy and hasn't seem to have been able to come around to me yet, not that I've noticed. I might try again soon but in the mean time I have all my workings and physical efforts put towards fixing this. I'll get by, Satan's well aware of my situation as he is for everyone's, it's been made very blatantly clear. So worse comes to worse I'll see what happens.
Nikois666 said:
sonnenkraft said:
our judaic government informed us that they are studying to FREEZE OUR MONEY THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THAT SINCE IT IS A POOR COUNTRY ,WOW NICE and later they will compensate us (still studying the idea)
i live in country which is next to pissrael, until now there is 44 people infected by corona virus, extreme panic
in the country , full Army is in the streets !! no one allowed to go out its a Hollywood movie and with islam Loud Prayer it make things to intensify it makes the people to feel sorrow
all countries that surrounds israel are infected except israel how funny :evil: :evil: .

fuck my existence in the land of Mordor
Israel is also infected, or are they lying? I think it is true, the cases are 250 right now and going up pretty fast. I guess it backfired on them, lol.

They have over 300 cases and no deaths which only means they know the virus that well
Aku said:
Man I can’t get my dumbass mother to stock up and I’m in no way of shape do it my self Cause I’m extremely poor plus I wish people would quit making a joke of it with these crappy memes FUCK

Double down on your efforts to convince her, try and use some official normie sources. Does she listen to you and is merely unconvinced, or does she just not want to hear it?

What resources do you have around you? We can place some hope that the military will supply food to quarantined populaces, but we cannot rely on it. If you live near nature, perhaps you could source food from fishing or foraging. If you have land around you, perhaps you could plant crops now to sustain you with enough time.

How much money do you have? Consider selling off non-essentials now, if that means you can secure a means of nourishment for yourself. Instead of thinking "I don't have the money for 6 months of cans" ask yourself if you have the money for farming or fishing equipment that may instead sustain you for that period.

Good luck, and I hope your situation improves.
Guns are being bought in record numbers here in the USA. The FICS background check is being overwhelmed and not accessible, indicating a lot of gun sales. Ammo is sold out entirely. Gun sites are waiting several days for new orders. Ammo sites are waiting over a week just to take new orders and are not shipping for 2 weeks after that. Things are looking bad...
Fuchs said:
Are the 6 MONTHS ONLY USA RELATED or eu and other parts of the world as well ?

Thanks High Priestess Maxine Dietrich for the warning and info.

Read carefully what HPS Maxine said. She said, in January, they told her to stock for 6 months minimum. This from today is until July.

People have ignored our warnings and believed what the TV said, and the shills, and some ended up fighting over jugs of water in wallmart with meth'd out freaks. There is still time to act now. By mid April the situation will be mostly chaotic, IMO, depending on where one lives. Do not risk it and prepare now.
Eric13 said:
Yeah it’s pretty bad. I remember when these announcements first happened, I was pissy cause I was on the brink of homelessness. Then it happened and I’m homeless. And where I live. No one is hiring. Places are shut down. I was at least getting a shower in the gym. But it’s closed now so can’t even shower. My job just closed down. And unfortunately I was an independent contractor there and had no benefits. So no work. No one hiring. No where to live. Can’t shower. Can’t stock up.

Do you have any family you can stay with or anything? Nobody wants to ask, but these are trying times. If you cannot find a private residence, I would avoid any public shelters. You will probably have a hard time doing all your spiritual work if it is open to others, plus you will likely end up sick or amidst a panic.

What are you currently doing, just waiting? Also, how do you access the internet? I assume you already sleep in your car and are acquainted to living in it. Like I have said to others who are lacking in supplies or the means to get them, perhaps invest in survivalist gear, such as fishing rods, foraging gear/bags, etc. Perhaps you could park near a river or park and just fish and chill out there, if there is no better option. For water, lifestraws are a cheap option to filter out bacteria/protozoas from a natural source.

As far as the stockpiling you can do, you should prioritize what you won't be able to get later. This involves water, medical supplies, pharmaceuticals. Food is important, but not as immediately dire. In addition, there are natural sources of food, but some medical supplies will be much harder to replicate. Before potentially leaving where you stay, it perhaps you could stockpile medical supplies and forgo the food.

Do you live in a city? I would perhaps move to someplace where you could still access public resources, such as the military passing out food, but you could also access natural sources of food. Being in a super dense area could become dangerous in a panic.
Artanis said:
My family lives on ´´countryside``, so we have a well, which supported about 12 years all 5 in my family. So no need for water, me and my siblings can move to my parents house. But on food, i *seriously* cant get them to realize, that we would NEED to stock up on few weeks, let alone for 6 *MONTHS*.

Anyone have any ideas on how i could convince them? Any finnish people who could link me some finnish articles about the world economy going to shit and what it means for a citizen?

I did a quick bit of googling, but couldn't find anything Finland specific. You are better off browsing local sources to see what they say about, or perhaps looking at Europe-scaled articles.

It is possible you may not be able to convince, not merely just in time for the virus, but also in the magnitude of their response. I would suggest using whatever wealth you have to stock, and when the times comes for them to use it, perhaps they will pay you back later for it.

Additionally, play into your strengths and consider setting up a giant garden. It won't be immediate, but it will be enough to sustain you, if you plant enough crops. It will also give you the long term food source that you may be unable to provide through stockpiling.
Angel68000 said:
What if I don't have any money? my family is practically bankrupt, so we cannot buy food for weeks and less for months and my family does not take this virus seriously, advices?

We need more details on your situation to figure out how to approach it. Regardless, you should attempt to make one big push to convince them, and make sure you are able to answer their questions and concerns. Everyone in the family will need to eat later down the line, so you should attempt to convince them to stockpile for themselves. If only you stockpile, it will likely end in you sharing regardless, but with much less food.

It should go without saying, but stockpile the cheapest foods possible. This usually means dried items, such as jerky or canned beans for protein, and dried rice for carbs. Don't get any snack foods or chips or whatever, nor any expensive canned items, just the most bang for buck.

What sort of resources lay around you? Can you access anything in nature for yourself? The military may distribute food, at least in the 1st half of the disaster, but it could become chaotic and unreliable, especially in a city or someplace.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
