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Meme warfare



Pro-White memes organized into topical folders:

libtards; 3rd reich original cartoons; hard core pro-white memes; cartoons; jews; mudz; etc.
can someone make a meme out of this?

Let me know if things should be changed. The first panel is based on an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone. This meme is regarding the types of people who find the Jos. Hopefully it'll promote the Jos and at the same time show people the proper manner of coming into Spiritual Satanism.
Specter said:
Let me know if things should be changed. The first panel is based on an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone. This meme is regarding the types of people who find the Jos. Hopefully it'll promote the Jos and at the same time show people the proper manner of coming into Spiritual Satanism.
Lmao this is so accurate
Specter said:
an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone.
Pardon my curiosity, but do we know who that person was? Like did they come on the forum in the past? No need to answer if you don't want to share, I just thought I might as well ask. :)
Zammel said:
Hitler is like a father like Father Satan!
Wow! What comic is this image from??
Shael said:
Specter said:
an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone.
Pardon my curiosity, but do we know who that person was? Like did they come on the forum in the past? No need to answer if you don't want to share, I just thought I might as well ask. :)
There's actually quite a number of people like that.
Imagine if somebody did the chinese president being a skynet terminator, he hates being called Winxi the pooh so why not make him a cybernetic oppresso- ehem, killer?
Here's an awesome site to help create memes!
Shael said:
Specter said:
an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone.
Pardon my curiosity, but do we know who that person was? Like did they come on the forum in the past? No need to answer if you don't want to share, I just thought I might as well ask. :)

On another social media platform, he's was just giving his testimony on "how bad the Jos is" but it isn't fair since he claims he never dedicated or followed proper procedures.. basing everything on one bad incident with an enemy entity attack.
Yagami Light said:
Here's an awesome site to help create memes!

Wahoo thx bruva(brother)! :D
The enemy weaponize mainstream media to disarm and enslave humanity. We could disarm them by blaming them for mass shootings and terrorism.

Mass shooters and terrorists wants the world to know. What would they do without MSM..

Can you come up with some great meme for this?
Aquarius said:
Shael said:
Specter said:
an ex Jos member I came across, but he sounds like an edgelord now so I'm glad he's gone.
Pardon my curiosity, but do we know who that person was? Like did they come on the forum in the past? No need to answer if you don't want to share, I just thought I might as well ask. :)
There's actually quite a number of people like that.

I added another one in regards to what some "Critics" say about Jos members :lol:
Not saying I'm better than anyone else btw, I'm probably a blend of 2&3.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stop trying to make us all look retarded
I suppose you're right that just focusing on humor was in bad taste considering the serious purpose of this thread. I hoped to make some people here laugh, but in hindsight, that isn't what this thread was actually intended for. I thought it'd be okay, but it seems I judged wrong. I hoped people would just laugh it off and call it silly; I didn't mean to cause actual offense. I apologise for any unpleasant emotions I may have caused in my misguided efforts to make you and others laugh.

Although maybe you'd fail to see the humor altogether, even outside of this context? Is your point that I should be focusing more on making something that will actually appeal to those without, or do you just not find the joke funny?

Either way, I can't take my post back anymore now. I'm sorry for causing an unwanted distraction. It's just hard to make something that is both legitimately informative and funny. Maybe I'll try seriously sometime though.

If your response was sarcastic, then I must look like a fool right now, responding so seriously. But I think it's better to act on the assumption that you're sincere, just in case.
ChattingWithDemons said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Stop trying to make us all look retarded
I suppose you're right that just focusing on humor was in bad taste considering the serious purpose of this thread. I hoped to make some people here laugh, but in hindsight, that isn't what this thread was actually intended for. I thought it'd be okay, but it seems I judged wrong. I hoped people would just laugh it off and call it silly; I didn't mean to cause actual offense. I apologise for any unpleasant emotions I may have caused in my misguided efforts to make you and others laugh.

Although maybe you'd fail to see the humor altogether, even outside of this context? Is your point that I should be focusing more on making something that will actually appeal to those without, or do you just not find the joke funny?

Either way, I can't take my post back anymore now. I'm sorry for causing an unwanted distraction. It's just hard to make something that is both legitimately informative and funny. Maybe I'll try seriously sometime though.

If your response was sarcastic, then I must look like a fool right now, responding so seriously. But I think it's better to act on the assumption that you're sincere, just in case.
I'm not as harsh as I sometimes sound. I'm not trying to be as rude as it sometimes seems like I am. But I did mean what I said, and there is a reason why I said it. That post sounds insane, sounds like something someone would say who is locked up in the mental hospital. We are trying to bring as many people as possible to the truth so that hopefully we can save the world. And here you are promoting an idea and image about us that says we are totally insane. What do you think that will do? It would turn people away who may have otherwise given us a chance. It is working against everything we are about.

I'm not mad at you because I don't know your motivations. But I take it seriously when I see someone doing something harmful, and I try to stop it.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I'm not as harsh as I sometimes sound. I'm not trying to be as rude as it sometimes seems like I am. But I did mean what I said, and there is a reason why I said it. That post sounds insane, sounds like something someone would say who is locked up in the mental hospital. We are trying to bring as many people as possible to the truth so that hopefully we can save the world. And here you are promoting an idea and image about us that says we are totally insane. What do you think that will do? It would turn people away who may have otherwise given us a chance. It is working against everything we are about.

I'm not mad at you because I don't know your motivations. But I take it seriously when I see someone doing something harmful, and I try to stop it.
Your reaction is perfectly valid. I had a lapse in my judgement as I laughed too much at my own joke; the visual of Saturn's minor influence causing some kind of ridiculous apocalyptic scenario and reacting to it by shooting laser beams out of one's Third Eye just seemed absolutely hilarious to me.

I thought it'd be obvious that I was just having some fun with it, and to be honest I kind of forgot the purpose of this thread at the time of posting. But if someone is just blindly spreading memes from this thread in the hopes of bringing people closer to Satan, and doesn't realise how ridiculous my image is, then that could cause serious harm. I kind of wish I could delete that post now, this wasn't the right place to share it; I should've only shared it with friends who are already long time Satanists.

The only actually valid information in it is that Saturn hour is a good time to do RTRs and that you shouldn't just turn the other cheek and pretend the enemy isn't there when they're doing all kinds of horrible stuff again. But only someone who is already a Satanist would understand that; so it obviously doesn't make a good advertisement.
I apologise and I'll try to conduct myself more seriously and appropriately from now on. These are times of war, after all.
ChattingWithDemons said:
Ninja 666 said:
Drake is a Jew.
I didn't think I could feel like even more of an idiot than I already did.


Keep your head up buddy ; D
Made cover art + lyrics booklet for the EP:




Spent some time contemplating on how should I dress Miss Ballpointkills & Miss Climatekills and settled for what Miss Extortkills is wearing, as that is a very 'Crüe' look. Made minor changes to the previous revision, renamed Globalized to Pogromed (less ambiguous, more to the point) and swapped its position with Climatekills. Did the swap because wanted the EP to conclude with more lighthearted/upbeat mood.

Only missing the actual content...

Original lyrics: 1, 2, 3, 4

This time, the lyrics discuss my personal fears.
Don't know if able to invent more songs, so reserved the right side for metadata, there's still room for lineup/personnel info and the like.

Original lyrics

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
