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Meme warfare

SATchives said:
xlnt said:









and you reupload these ? thanks brother, good work with the memes

I found these on http://www.nordfront.se (picked out the best ones) just like the others I linked, but unfortunately those particular ones were taken down from the site :/

a accurate depiciton of Controlled opposition like Qtards


(I also wish more people should know that the entire anti-vaccination movement
is controlled opposition
considering it's constantly promoted by
raceblind cuckservatives
infowars,david icke,Qtards,jews, and even the GOP establishment (See Marjorie Taylor greene),
few example of jewish anti vaxxers:
Owen Benjamin
William Cooper
Leonard Horowitz
Frank Lipman
Bruce Lipton
Laura Loomer
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Bill Maher
Jennifer Margulis
Melanie Phillips
Dennis Prager
Jill Stein
Joel D. Wallach
Bret Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
Marianne Williamson
and many many more…

and who started the modern anti-vaccination movement? a jew named William "bill" Cooper.)

made this for my article thumbnails on minds
starsofnightsky said:
(I also wish more people should know that the entire anti-vaccination movement
is controlled opposition
considering it's constantly promoted by
raceblind cuckservatives
infowars,david icke,Qtards,jews, and even the GOP establishment (See Marjorie Taylor greene),
few example of jewish anti vaxxers:
Owen Benjamin
William Cooper
Leonard Horowitz
Frank Lipman
Bruce Lipton
Laura Loomer
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Bill Maher
Jennifer Margulis
Melanie Phillips
Dennis Prager
Jill Stein
Joel D. Wallach
Bret Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
Marianne Williamson
and many many more…

and who started the modern anti-vaccination movement? a jew named William "bill" Cooper.)

Umm, there's more jewish representation in the vax pushers (including the jewish CEO of (((Pfizer)))) and those who cover up its deaths than in those who oppose it. Also, hello Mr. Mike Enoch (((Peinovich))) (he is a jew and controlled opposition who claims to be pro-White and yet pushes the jewish death vax).


starsofnightsky said:
I also wish more people should know that the entire anti-vaccination movement
is controlled opposition

Hello, FBI-controlled (((TRS)))/(((NJP))). I know you are one of (((them))), since you use their arguing tactics. Literally every other pro-White person is against the jew vax, only the (((TRS))) call vaccine skeptics insane and claim that being skeptical of it takes the attention away from the jews (it doesn't, since the Covid vax is jewish).




i already know these pictures but they control BOTH pro and anti vax sides
the vaccine deaths thing is PURE well-poisoning controlled opposition as explained here:
basically,the main purpose of the vax (and by extension,the covid lockdown) is not mainly to poison people(like the Christard infowars type controlled oppositions says) but to install a total control technocracy with passports,
You can reject mainstream normie political narratives and also reject the Qtard/Christard disinfo narratives as well. Why do you think everyone on the internet, especially "alternative" sites like 4chan, BitChute, Odyssey, etc. have been flooded with non-stop posts about a mass die off? That all anyone seems to be talking about. A supposed "mass die off" that still hasn't happened. And look at Zionist controlled opposition gatekeepers like Brett Weinstein. He's been pushing the same narrative for the last two years. This is all an attempt to smear the opposition and make people who have questions about vaccine mandates and passports look crazy. This is designed to make people who have questions about the lab leak look crazy. This is designed to distract people from the real issues, and to make "anti-vaxxers" and "anti-maskers" and anti-mandators look bad.

The goal of COVID and/or vaccines was not a massive depopulation event. The goal was to normalize authoritarianism, to normalize modern biotech like mRNA, to normalize vaccine passports, and to normalize mandatory vaccines and medical procedures. As long as you are more focused on some schizo narrative about a "mass die off", globohomo will keep winning. the Christards and all the schizos talking about a "mass die off" that is never going to happen creates a perfect strawman for MSM to attack.
Nimrod33 said:
Does anyone know a good alternative to Postimage? Tor can't load it.
To me it works perfectly fine on tor, but you can try imgbox.
Link here.

Meanwhile,the christard jew (((nick fuentes))) wanted us to side with unvaxxed non-whites over vaxxed whites
(i forgot the source but i will post it if i find it again)
Also why does anti-vax content DOES NOT get censored on the Qoomer honeypots known as "rumble" and "bitchute"
but NS and racialist content get censored on both websites?
Thanks to SATchives it seems that I can upload memes again.

This is again YHVH from SMT but soyjaked.

I know this is old news, but wanted to post it anyway.

This is taken from Frank Herbert's Dune second book.

Unfotunately it will take a while before I make new memes, as I'm still learning how to use GIMP.
xlnt said:
"Scumbag Jesus" memes I found:

@XLNT just letting you and everyone else know the one with "Apocalypse" is incorrect.

In Catholicism(Progressive-Liberal Xtianity): "Apocalypse" = Oracle Divination for the past, present, and or future.

Remember Catholicism took A LOT of shit from Romans and Greeks and transmogrified it. Hell if I'm not mistaken even Apocalypse is a Greek and Latin defined word.

It would be "Armageddon" or "End is Nigh" or "Doom and Gloom" or "End of the World" or "Brings Armageddon" etc.etc.

The middle one is used a lot in the Koran. "Doom and Gloom".

Just letting you know people like Tim Pool if you ever heard his casts or pay attention he often says "Apocalypse is coming" or "It might be the Apocalypse."

(I know he isn't exactly the best person and does says or posts dumb shit, at least from a current perspective plus he needs to shill and cuck around to keep his channel on youtube. If the World was in better hands he'd probably flip to National Socialist as he would be informed he is one as he lives his life in a very NS way only with Capitalism, Guns, and certain Republicuck technologies in his current time. But at least from time to time he makes good videos and ROFLStomps MSM information).

Again he is being incorrect an Apocalypse is basically Pagan Divinitory technologies acclimated towards Xtianity. Just proving that judeo-bolshevism hijacked many Pagan concepts and appropriated them for itself to promote a hoax.

Sorta like Hp.Cobra's Andras sermon recently as of February 2023. Whereby Xtianty stole the Good Shepard from the Pagan Gods to promote a counter-Pagan organization to hijack the masses into being sheep. Pagans already had this technology and spoke about it in a proper way. Not like xtians who kinda use it to troll around and meme around their own congregation to hijack them and get shekels and treat them and others like shit.
One of the members here pointed that we need to take back the meaning of words like liberal and woke. Well, I've made a picture just on the word liberal. Not the best, not the most artistic, but it's to the point.

DisillusionedCitizen said:
One of the members here pointed that we need to take back the meaning of words like liberal and woke. Well, I've made a picture just on the word liberal. Not the best, not the most artistic, but it's to the point.

Yes that was me. I'm not trying to dememe or unmeme or rememe or trying to subvert through positivity.

No genuinely speaking. If pre-Jacobin/Frankist Liberals like the French or our Founding Fathers such as George Washington hated xtianty and even the leader of the church ate lunch with him and went GW isn't a religious nor xtian man but against us.

Then we need to take back the words like what happened with Salty Crackers in June of last year 2022. The right cuckservatives took a word from the leftoids so they said avoid it it's righty word.

If we Red Pill people and no I don't mean a subversive red pill as glowniggers/feds/federalis/ and other lefties especially large big baller lefties are trying to subvert red pilling into bottling up the genie at this point i.e. damage control. They red pilled people so we will red pill them into a controlled chaos where we can batter them and pop them back into the bottle.

For example WOKE the state of being conscious(ignoring dreaming phenomena of reality i.e. 5-10% brain usage) but if your in real life. The World doesn't shift around it's why you have to perform in waking life reality checks for lucid dreaming. You flip the switch light comes on. You flip the switch in a dream and the light comes out as purple or nothing happens and it's not like real life were you flip a switch and nothing happens and it feels right no. In dreams weird shit happen.

So if I'm asleep and I WAKE or WOKE up I WAS DREAMING now I'm CONSCIOUS or more CONSCIOUS even if our CONSCIOUS is limited.

Thus Woke, Awake, and Awakened. If the Germans put up Erwacht or awaken. Thus woke is the beginning word for Neonization. Neo takes the redpill activates the mirror the polymimetic liquid metal and then screams out and finds himself completely despondent wondering where the hell he is in his battery pod from the machines. As the movie continues Neo goes from woke to the beginnings of awake. In Matrix 2 Neo awakes his inner power producing siddhis such as stopping bullets or being very calm, centered, and grounded and realizing the architect is a bad guy in a neutral manner and his neutral arbitration and his message of multiple matrix reconstructions shows Neo he is dealing with a foolish person.

It's not unlike the terminal videos from Halo: CEAR(Combat Evolved Anniversary Edition). The Monitor or Oracle as the Covenant call him. 343 Guilty Sparks is a genius he is utterly bored out of his mind and does stuff just to pass the time and process more data. He states the Forerunners are fools for not leaving a partner all Oracles should be two partners per halo system. Even Red Monitor starts sending bizarre messages which cease so 343 states, red monitor has gone mad and insane.

Neo believes in the same thing. He realizes the architect has gone mad or allows madness to pass through. He realizes there's neutral or hostile entities in the matrix that are like mini-Agent Smiths without being a matrix-wide threat. For example the guy that controls the twins. The twins are Neo's who have powers and whatnot and even Agent Smith would curry their favor and try and bargain them to work for him. Maybe Neo or the crew realized the twins and the guy are a small threat but posses enough of a threat that if Agent Smith gains their control he'd be even more unstoppable. It's probably why Neo and Morpheus especially fight them. Even the cheating part of the bathroom scene is a moment where even the woke people are actually asleep and woke in their part.

It's kinda like the show Lost, many want to leave the island. But a number of survivors realize the Island is their home like the lady with cancer weeks pass by and she is supposed to die. But doesn't die but if she does leave the island she dies.

Neo is like "Why are there people who are woke but act like a bunch of cockknockers and don't want to save everyone nor return to reality and the Earth or at least bring peace and prosperity to the matrix and work with the machines to help mankind from this torture".

In other words Neo is thinking the 300IQ statement like Dr.Stone; Senku wants the Human race to survive to build a modern World because he realizes he can't do it alone and everyone is needed. It sounds a bit hippy dippy xtiany but if the Gods think the same way having a few billion Humans who can turn into Gods is going to really stomp the enemy and make them backoff and realize messing with the Gods in this sector with a few billion Human Gods and a the Orion civilization might make them think twice at the potential loss of spiritual warfare.

The other guy in Dr.Stone wants a stone world communist society. Senku wants the NS society or a society that is promoting advancement of improvement of life.

As Tim Pool said, Humans are entities that harness the free energies of their surroundings and use it to improve their or others lives even animal lives and the environment can be improved.

The same can be said for negative forces we can harness negative forces for good or ill.

Just like Hp.Cobra stated, forces of Nature or God or Gods the forces of the Universe have no consciousness. They can either destroy or construct or remain neutral. We conscious can harness them and use them positively, negatively, or neutrally. Or a combination or anything for that matter.

It's the same with the words Liberal a person who is against the church and wants progressive and proactive changes. For example closing churches like Bismark did to reduce and or eliminate negative outlooks in life. Or for example limiting Sunday school and teachings of the church by Hitler's Government to reduce and or eliminate NPC factories.

National Socialism is a counter-conglomerate of the same enemy. Just as my NPC xtian father states "Nazism is communism that is nice with some money".

Okay then Chriscuck keep saying that if people need to believe that so be it. It's communism that is nice and bothers the chosen and is racialist okay sure go ahead some people are gonna like that or need that and then when they realize what NS is they study it and go "Okay this is way different beast".

For example Gottfried Feder is an example of a person who is called a Capitalist dupe by communists. Who can't see the forest nor the trees and they can't smell their own shit on their knees like Marylin Manson states in Beautiful people.

They see it as dupism of capital. But as Feder points out Capitalism and Communism are the same thing. They are both sacrosanctly bound by duty and honor to pay millions, billions, and trillions to big loan capital.

Feder is speaking form outside the box. A new revolutionary, evolutionary, progressive, and proactive system.

National Socialism has everything the enemy projects combined together and sublimated i.e. negatives transmuted into neutral or positive.

For example Hitler isn't against private property but Marx sure as hell is. Hitler is against private property illegally or improperly acquired knowing full well if the process continues illegitimate people will have a property whereby it belongs to someone else a better person or a property where they can rent or sell off and make a quick buck.

For example you acquire a home but did it through some illegal process the Government appropriates it and you probably are going to go to jail through a trial.

In Marx's reality the Government takes it says we are gonna house a few Mexican slaves in your home, K? If not we'll kill you for not being a friendly God fearing christ cuck.

Meanwhile all the commisars, jews, and shabbos are armed to the teeth and with private property.

National Socialism employs all methods it is an X/Y/Zed 3-Dimensional political spectrum. The enemies only see the X/Y grid of reality look at the Cuckservatives still trying to make the Republicucks work. Why not just make the America First Party and roflstomp the Republicans.

For example Marjory Taylor Greene and others in her Maga circle want to eliminate the IRS and tax collection on citizens. This country the U.S. was for nearly 150 years a taxless Republic as the Founding Fathers and their education showed Government = state-sponsored robbery of finances to it's citizens by paying taxes. We used excise taxes and business taxes to build up.

That doesn't even go far enough. We need total financial sovereignty like Hitler and Feder planned out. As Feder puts it - the Ultimate Aim of the Programme is a Taxless Society.

That goes far and beyond even MAGA people. Everything is paid by face value. Though it requires usurping the honor of Rothschild the all-mighty mammonistic poison of the judeo-bolshevik enclave that exists in our World.

Sheer fact is National Socialism is a revolutionary system that is evolutionary, conservative to our Pagan/Satanic Ancient World values and is progressive and proactive in it's discourse to improve mankind.

Like Matthew Heimback goes "It's all bullshit" yes exactly it's all bullshit we get shat on by retards who can't think outside the box.

Just because we are socialist doesn't make us a marxist socialist. Just because we do XYZ doesn't make us a conservative or liberal.

National Socialism came to balance and harmonize and break out of the box the retarded "spiritual jew goyim" who literally eat the shit coming out of the jews and become worse than the jews. At least with the jews they stop doing stuff when it affects their own people. These spiritual jews want everyone to literally become a genetic jew and larp around as christcucks.

So we need to take the words back. I wouldn't be surprised if many liberal, lefty, leftoid concepts are actually Empire of Orion and other civilization concepts that have been devolved through enfeeblement of mankind.

Kinda like how virgin means clean and purified soul and virginity is the hallmark of cleanliness is next to Godliness like immaculate or virgin birth giver of the Gods who is purely clean and purified of all dross and negatives and is so clean his or her soul or the souls of the two couples produces a very advanced child with highly advanced genetics. If the metagenetic and epigenetic principles are seeded to the kin child the parents genetic manner produce a very powerful soul.

Again social marxism at it's finest re-write history so it doesn't give a boo-boo to people's feels. Hitler sure made people feel, awake, and wanting to roflstomp this garbage.

Now we got marxised people rewriting history like good guy retro-progressive socialist saying Hitler's socialism is evil and devil.

How can Hitler's Socialism be Evil and Devil if you aren't even a National Socialist nor is Hitler/Feder's socialism anything to do with anything in your capitalistic and communstic dupeish mentality.

Hitler and National Socialism = completely and utterly misunderstood philosophies that are lightyears ahead due to being past, present, and future of civilizations or civilization such as Orion. You've got to think Satanistically and Extraterrestrially you got to see the forest and the trees. You got to think the 300IQ statement.

Simply put we need to return back to our 300IQ societies and fix the World. So take back words study history.

For example Woke one definition means a person who is politically and culturally literate and exercises their rights.

How the fuck is woke a degenerate?

It's entire history is anything but degenerate.

This is nothing more than communism by the backdoor by entities who wish to bottle up the genie. Don't let them.

It's like 2A they get the guns the U.S. collapses.

Don't let them take your rights away. Don't let them cuck your words so you speak like a slack-jawed retard like people now a day do with all the degenerate garbage stuck in the same hamster wheel.
From member: Mannayodur666, Avatar: An excellent Memetic Philosophy i.e. Memetic Literacy is high with this version of Nazi Captain America.

Meme I made today Incoming:

starsofnightsky said:
a accurate depiciton of Controlled opposition like Qtards


(I also wish more people should know that the entire anti-vaccination movement
is controlled opposition
considering it's constantly promoted by
raceblind cuckservatives
infowars,david icke,Qtards,jews, and even the GOP establishment (See Marjorie Taylor greene),
few example of jewish anti vaxxers:
Owen Benjamin
William Cooper
Leonard Horowitz
Frank Lipman
Bruce Lipton
Laura Loomer
Ludwig von Mises Institute
Bill Maher
Jennifer Margulis
Melanie Phillips
Dennis Prager
Jill Stein
Joel D. Wallach
Bret Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
Marianne Williamson
and many many more…

and who started the modern anti-vaccination movement? a jew named William "bill" Cooper.)

Just because some shills are against vaccines, doesn't mean anti vaccination is controlled opposition. In fact most of those people are only against covid vaccines or just vaccine mandates - the truth is ALL vaccines are poisonous.
bsod said:
the truth is ALL vaccines are poisonous.

According to Who? Christards? Infowarriors? Muh "Mark of the beast"?

Not even the nazis thought that all vaccines are bad, in their own words

"In the field of public health there is no need whatsoever to extend to the subject races the benefits of our own knowledge. This would result only in an enormous increase in local populations, and I absolutely forbid the organisation of any sort of hygiene or cleanliness crusades in these territories. Compulsory vaccination will be confined to Germans alone" - Hitler's table talks.
starsofnightsky said:
bsod said:
the truth is ALL vaccines are poisonous.
Not even the nazis thought that all vaccines are bad, in their own words

I don't care what Hitler said, he knows nothing about virology, biology, or health in general.
You are likely coping because you yourself were vaccinated against your will and now your health is irreversibly damaged. Science and all data shows that vaccines are poisonous. Not a single disease was ever wiped out or made to decline after the introduction of a vaccine, there are hundreds of charts which show this. You can see what ingredients are used in vaccines, heavy metals and neurotoxins which are foreign to the human body, and those are only the ingredients they are willing to share. Germ theory is a hoax, which the entire principle of vaccination rests upon - there are no benefits to vaccines, only detriments. Germs and viruses are not the cause of disease.

If you want to inject yourself more, go ahead. But for the love of Satan do not abuse children by vaccinating them, they can't give consent.
I wish Cosmicskeptic would join our side. He is Cambridge educated, and from what I understand at the top of his class mates.

I don't know how someone could be so smart, but not have the click to thinking of genetics as a force of nature humanity must contend with. On par with Gravity, eating, sleeping etc.

Regardless he just did a video with a guest that suggests of banning "fascist" speech. It's so sad that this Cambridge educated "genius" didn't have the guest define fascism.

Set the record straight in the comments.


Here is what I added, short quick and basically unbeatable.

"Either God(s) or Evolution gave differences between people. It is humanity's duty to respect those differences and KEEP those differences.

When the individual can't fathom the above fact, it is easier for the individual to ban that speech.

And before you say "Crispr Technology" is humanity's evolution. Does that not reinforce race realism?"

Obviously we're talking to a more atheistic audience here, so you must meet them on their terms. If you want to copy and paste the response go ahead.

Another angle to take, would be when did "fascism" begin? Is the industrial revolution key? Is a strong central government needed? Was America pre civil war "fascist"? How about pre civil rights? What separates fascism from "tribalism"? You then use their answer to prove fascism can produce societies that move on and prosper.
Well, not exactly meme, but good one...

Here's my latest catch on plebbit, QueerSatanic the atheistic false ''satanist'' who is actually a kike, and who spends his days making anti-white comments. He also hates spiritual satanism with a fashion.


I hate them with a burning passion.
Shadowmage said:
Look deeper into the life of a bdsm slave, especially if the misstress is jewish.

It is almost the same level of disgust.

It is not a game, it is a form of slavery.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
