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Making clothes at home - For Meteor

Jack said:
jrvan said:
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.

Then expect others to do the same, Jack. This isn't a highway with a blocked off bike lane. If you're going to strike first without cause, derail a thread with unrelated comments that apparently isn't even for "a female audience", and throw insults without making the effort to listen to the other people who you are belittling - expect anger and insults in return without complaint.

SS do not take abuse or mistreatment, and that is what has become of this thread. You have how many individuals now telling you the same thing over and over about your behaviour, and you choose it to mean we are attacking you. I don't understand how you can expect your future woman to be able to tell you when something is wrong if you make no effort to practice listening to SS females when they are doing the same thing with you right now. It's not a woman you seem to want, Jack, but a controlled robot who does everything in accordance to your programming. You are really manipulative and toxic, and try to twist things so that when you hurt someone you take no responsibility, and turn the blame on them and say it's their problem not yours. That is what I meant when I said a woman will never get to be a healthy woman under you. You don't treat people as if you want them to be healthy.

You complain about emotional people, but you got red faced right from your first few comments about birth rates and women's independence, and have been venting your points at "not your targeted audience", which makes all of this incredibly pointless on your part. You could have made your own thread talking about birth rates to the apparent men all this was for, but you chose not to and ruined a perfectly decent thread. You go back over and rewrite things you've said to mean other things, as if that was the meaning all along despite having never said that in the first place. Keep it consistent or admit that you changed your mind about a statement otherwise this is just one confusing mess that looks like you're trying to cover up your tracks, then get mad when we don't get what your argument is and say that it's inaccurate.

Can you really not see how upsetting all this is?

You have neither been reasonable or helpful under this thread. We have been trying to - quote unquote "confront" you - the whole time regarding things you've said that are incorrect or inaccurate, but you would not listen and have been very demeaning towards the women here. We are defending ourselves against your toxic comments, but that seems to indicate in your mind as justification to put down an SS who has gone through some real shit in life, and had bad things happen to her. You have no idea what it's like to be a woman, so don't speak on behalf and change what we say to mean things it does not.

To reference something you said previously, no, a woman who has any shred of self-respect does not want a sexist man. We've had to deal with that shit all through the xtian eras. It's disgusting to live under. No healthy person wants to be under the thumb of abusive people who do not care about you, don't care about your emotions or emotions in general, and what you have to say - just because of your sex. Imagine if the tables had been different, and it was men who had been as heavily cursed and oppressed as women have been under xtianity and jewish rulership? There is a big difference between acknowledging the differences of the sexes and accommodating those differences in a healthy manner, compared to putting one sex down over the other.

I think it would be more accurate to say that women want men who are actually men, not the emotionless assholes that xtianity turned many of them into, and can properly fulfill the roles of a man. And men want women who are actually women with a decent level of self-respect, not the radical crazy whores groveling at the feet of jewesses, and can properly fulfill the roles of a woman.

You make no differentiation between SS and radical feminists, and take neither spirituality or healthy individuals into account of your statements. Instead you preach, insult, and claim you are being attacked when someone is simply trying to tell you how you have made them feel with past comments about women. No one "attacked" you or insulted you until you threw the first punch directed at an SS girl and derailed a thread that was meant to help people.

I will say this again because I am just getting fed up with this. If you have nothing to contribute to the OP and women are not your target audience for the side topics you created, move on and make your own topic. jrvan made one for you but it seems it's not to your favour.

I am proud of the OP I made. For the first time I got to share something I'm passionate about to help others uplift themselves with an ancient skill, and I'd hoped that I could have some time to recover after the situation with Aldrick, regain my rhythm, and talk about sewing advice and knowledge with other SS. Can you not ruin a good thing?
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.

Nobody is allowed to their own opinion of you then, even if justified. That's what you're saying? You're changing your story. First it's a personal attack, and now you say that people can't discuss about you with each other publicly. And you call her the victim...

First you say that feelings don't matter, and you don't give a shit what people think of you. Now you're making a big fuss over people discussing you. Which is it? Do you care what people think of you, or not? Because if it matters to you so much then you shouldn't be surprised about people thinking this way of you based on your callous behavior around the forums. What did you expect? Did you think people were going to have a favorable view of you when you regularly spit on them? And then fold your arms like "pfft feelings don't matter, feelings are for pussies."

This is too stupid. You're getting a taste of the fruits of your labor, and seeing for the first time what your brothers and sisters think of you and how they feel about you. You can't handle it. If you don't like it then make a change for the better because these people aren't going to change their minds about you with the way you are now. No one has done you injustice, and you're not the victim here. No one has defamed you, nor offered an untrue analysis of your character. Everything here is a product of your own doing, and what you are seeing is everyone's reaction.

Your lack of self awareness will be your undoing.
When I'm painted in a bad light I have to present my view of the issue so that everyone reading gets a balanced view.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't talk about me. Feel free to do so. But I'm going to present my side of the argument so that everyone is aware of the statistics and facts and can see how outliers are taken out of context.

When I presented the facts, everyone here started personally attacking me and moving into specific outliers and instances that don't disprove anything I've said.

It only makes me look terrific that the groupthink of being unable to think critically drives people's behavior like you all have done. And that I still haven't fallen unto pressure because of Shaming tactics and I never will.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

Bringing the generalized rules of random women you met somewhere and repeating them like a robot, as if they are "universal patterns" that also affect women here, is rather stupid. Basically just incompatible with the current environment here.

I doubt any woman of the caliber you speak and always pre-occupy your time over [because to have constructed such a perception of the world, you focus on the majority of them]. Also, stop reading the rants of Happa Anglin that had to go all the way to Thailand to find the weakest woman on earth to get some sex, because these are have seriously damaged your judgement.

You think most of the West is a hellhole of whores, because of some pictures you saw online. This is not the average median behavior, if anything, but in New York and in some other specific places. Original systems of women and many of them being sane still, is actually the fact, not the reverse. As about leftist loonies you have in mind, these are not a majority.

However, the more women are deterred from this stupid behavior that many "awake" males represent [rife with autism and virginity], women will be dissuaded from being in any place where correct thinking takes place. You following Happa Anglin methodology and Christian Conservatism "values" thinking these are attractive, you are only asking for a repetitive failure.

External symptoms of the same behavior, can have different motivations in people here. Not everyone is evoking mercy or trying to whine. If a person relies their problems here, is not your pity attention festival 99% of the time, but to get help and to improve.

You are not acting on a fundamnetal level differently at this point than any feminist who spends all her time trying to reason out that most men are weak phallocratic pigs, and provides data evidence for it. The common denominator here is complete lack of awareness of the individual cases, where one is, and how this relates to the whole. The bridge is always missing here.

This worthless idiocy of this repetitive pattern, you think is manly or masculine, but consistent whinning on the behavior of women, accompanied with incapacity to change this behavior how a man should, screams deficiency of the right wing, which constantly whines 24/7 about what is happening with "Women". They have no solution other than crying about it, but crying in big muslces and tears, and hoping for Jesus to return to make things "right" again.

The covering of this deficiency is the illusion that people who think like you are "Masters of Women" or the "Masters of the Feminine" or something, while most of them can hardly get any girl to do anything with them, revealing all the bullshit about "Attraction to Sexists" and all this nonsense, bullshit.

Women in their mind "Might" be thinking these things, but in reality, they follow other routes of action in contrast to these perceived attractions, and more things. The whole "Alt-right" and much of the general right suffers from this, and they don't want to accept this illness.

The same spirit of whimping is behind these patterns, and the same spirit of how most men on the right are quite autistic. This is also why many of the "Pencil neck leftists" that you think are inferior, do sometimes end up with some really beautiful women.

Some are breeding their wives like rabbits, and so on, while many on the "Alt Right" sit with their cock in their hands doing nothing, but saying theories about what women will find them attractive for just lifting weights or something. They also attract the utterly submissive type which is only one singular type of woman [if even this] and does not serve the whole palette of a balanced society. n

Regardless, limit the kvetching and toxicity of the landmass of average women, where it belongs. In fact that's not even the average woman out there. It's not really in here.
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs

Shadowcat said:
put that with baked potato

Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p
them menfolk and that fatassery tho :lol:
you are sweet :) haha *hug*
tabby said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.

Then expect others to do the same, Jack. This isn't a highway with a blocked off bike lane. If you're going to strike first without cause, derail a thread with unrelated comments that apparently isn't even for "a female audience", and throw insults without making the effort to listen to the other people who you are belittling - expect anger and insults in return without complaint.

SS do not take abuse or mistreatment, and that is what has become of this thread. You have how many individuals now telling you the same thing over and over about your behaviour, and you choose it to mean we are attacking you. I don't understand how you can expect your future woman to be able to tell you when something is wrong if you make no effort to practice listening to SS females when they are doing the same thing with you right now. It's not a woman you seem to want, Jack, but a controlled robot who does everything in accordance to your programming. You are really manipulative and toxic, and try to twist things so that when you hurt someone you take no responsibility, and turn the blame on them and say it's their problem not yours. That is what I meant when I said a woman will never get to be a healthy woman under you. You don't treat people as if you want them to be healthy.

You complain about emotional people, but you got red faced right from your first few comments about birth rates and women's independence, and have been venting your points at "not your targeted audience", which makes all of this incredibly pointless on your part. You could have made your own thread talking about birth rates to the apparent men all this was for, but you chose not to and ruined a perfectly decent thread. You go back over and rewrite things you've said to mean other things, as if that was the meaning all along despite having never said that in the first place. Keep it consistent or admit that you changed your mind about a statement otherwise this is just one confusing mess that looks like you're trying to cover up your tracks, then get mad when we don't get what your argument is and say that it's inaccurate.

Can you really not see how upsetting all this is?

You have neither been reasonable or helpful under this thread. We have been trying to - quote unquote "confront" you - the whole time regarding things you've said that are incorrect or inaccurate, but you would not listen and have been very demeaning towards the women here. We are defending ourselves against your toxic comments, but that seems to indicate in your mind as justification to put down an SS who has gone through some real shit in life, and had bad things happen to her. You have no idea what it's like to be a woman, so don't speak on behalf and change what we say to mean things it does not.

To reference something you said previously, no, a woman who has any shred of self-respect does not want a sexist man. We've had to deal with that shit all through the xtian eras. It's disgusting to live under. No healthy person wants to be under the thumb of abusive people who do not care about you, don't care about your emotions or emotions in general, and what you have to say - just because of your sex. Imagine if the tables had been different, and it was men who had been as heavily cursed and oppressed as women have been under xtianity and jewish rulership? There is a big difference between acknowledging the differences of the sexes and accommodating those differences in a healthy manner, compared to putting one sex down over the other.

I think it would be more accurate to say that women want men who are actually men, not the emotionless assholes that xtianity turned many of them into, and can properly fulfill the roles of a man. And men want women who are actually women with a decent level of self-respect, not the radical crazy whores groveling at the feet of jewesses, and can properly fulfill the roles of a woman.

You make no differentiation between SS and radical feminists, and take neither spirituality or healthy individuals into account of your statements. Instead you preach, insult, and claim you are being attacked when someone is simply trying to tell you how you have made them feel with past comments about women. No one "attacked" you or insulted you until you threw the first punch directed at an SS girl and derailed a thread that was meant to help people.

I will say this again because I am just getting fed up with this. If you have nothing to contribute to the OP and women are not your target audience for the side topics you created, move on and make your own topic. jrvan made one for you but it seems it's not to your favour.

I am proud of the OP I made. For the first time I got to share something I'm passionate about to help others uplift themselves with an ancient skill, and I'd hoped that I could have some time to recover after the situation with Aldrick, regain my rhythm, and talk about sewing advice and knowledge with other SS. Can you not ruin a good thing?
Nothing that I've said can be disproven in any way whatsoever. All you've done is bring up specific instances of hypothetical scenarios and situations ,trying to make a moral case of what I'm saying is right or wrong. While I've specifically said from the beginning that I don't believe in "Right or Wrong" and that I'm just saying how the situation is and on a emotionless utilitarian and pragmatic approach.

I didn't derail this thread. Lunardance was the one who first tried to attack me, trying to paint me as a villain. I had to respond by presenting my point of view that everything I was saying was correct .And after I presented the facts everyone got pissed due to experiencing cognitive dissonance of being unable to accept reality (facts and statistics.)

I have not once gotten emotional. I've written everything from a purely rational, pragmatic perspective. I haven't once demeaned, insulted or personally attracted anyone. If anything the opposite is the case.

Everyone here has personally attacked me, wishing me I'll will in my personal life and wishing me romantic failure and called me all sorts of names. This is regardless of me already saying that I'm not personally talking about anyone and that I'm talking in generalities.

All you've shown is the inability to listen and agree with reality and immature behavior of personal attacks and insults and victim blaming.

Every single one of my points is based on facts and logic and reality. No matter what you personally have to say about reality, doesn't change reality.

Truth is Objective. Your appreciation of the Truth is Subjective. This is the delusional behavior of saying "my truth." There is no "my truth." Social behavior is judged based on Generalities and statistics of what the majority of people do, not what you personally believe is right and wrong.

And this doesn't have anything to do with Christianity . The entirety of Ancient history agrees with my view with hundreds of thousands of Philosophers and Statesmen making the exact same points that I have made. Just read the work of Plato and Socrates on the Topic of Women in Society. Read the views of Adolf Hitler and other prominent Nazis on the same. You are historically unaware of civilization . Female Independence and Promiscuity is a predictor of Civilizational collapse. Not just in Christian times. Every single Pagan civilization follows the same route where Female Independence and Promiscuity immediately follows civilizational collapse. Ancient Philosophers works would be considered borderline misogynistic and incendiary by you if you read them.

Not a single one of my points is inaccurate or wrong and your debating methods prove my point that women are more emotional than men and are on a balance of probabilities incapable of critical thinking.

All you've proven is that everything I've said is correct and your refusal to accept that reality. Your Contrarian revolt against pertinent facts and evidence is another reason why women can't be leaders and politicians. There were no Nazi party leaders who were involved in policy as women because Adolf Hitler knew that women can't accept logic and reason, and they only listen to emotion and peer pressure from the culture.

There is no biological difference between women in western society and those in Nazi Germany. They employed the same mass communication, propaganda and emotional persuasion albeit in different directions. Just like a society can manufacture worthless sluts ,a society can manufacture dutiful wives and mothers. The only difference is that the people in control must be willing to do the things that are required of them.

You're fighting me on every single point of fact that I'm presenting and making yourself look stupid because this is incontrovertible evidence. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal opinion is. The reality is the reality. Regardless of whether one is a SS "woman " or not ,you're still having the same points of contention across the board of all races who have been brought up by Feminism.

Women inherently desire Sexist men who feel that they have to protect women from themselves, take care of them and lead them in a relationship.

Your appreciation of whether or not you like this or not is of no consequence as is your opinion that no self respecting woman should be like this. The fact of the matter is that your subjective interpretation of things are in direct conflict with actual reality. You are living in a delusional world of your own making. Women overwhelming desire men who treat them like a being that needs taking care of, that cannot be a leader or independent. They wanted to be taken care of. They want to leave responsibility over to the man to make tough decisions in life and life changing choices. You fighting me on this is simply you refusing to accept reality.

In the real world women who are high earners and independent are the unhappiest demographic of women in the United States.




So everyone here who is arguing against me is in direct conflict with lived in reality and is arguing just to make a point. Its like me arguing the Suns gaze shouldn't be Hot. I feel like the Suns Gaze should be cool .

It doesn't matter what I think is correct or wrong. Reality is reality, human biology is human biology.

There's nothing wrong with women wanting to be taken care of, not wanting to work and be dependent upon a man and give responsibility unto him. This is how the world worked since hundreds of thousands of years of human existence till the last century when Feminism and this idea of female financial and sexual independence was created out of the Marxist Frankfurt school.

When I say women, I am talking about the majority of women. And that constitutes reality. If you're fighting me on any of my points you're making a contrarian outlier argument that isn't based on reality.

Also ,I don't take responsibility for anything that I've said makes you feel any type of way. According to my Free Speech rights I can make any kind of incendiary and inflammatory speech that I like that doesn't involve specifics.
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court interpreting the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[1] The Court held that the government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action".[2][3]:702 Specifically, the Court struck down Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence

If that woman feels sad ,that's her problem. I'm not going to change my tone in anyway whatever just to appease someone else.

I never bring my personal opinion about topics related to Gender and Social issues because what I personally think don't matter.

For example I personally don't think that Jews should be in any kind of powerful position in any country and that they shouldn't be inside of any countries period. My personal view is that they should be shipped to Islands where they can't interact with other humans as we start thinking about methods of the Final Solution.

But regardless of my view, the fact is that jews are entrenched in any single political organization, company of lobbying groups ,scientific establishment, banking, media etc.

I personally like women who are submissive, hold the same positions ideologically that I do and are not combative ,gives me peace and isn't naggy and complaint, is fit like I am. Regardless of what you think about this woman I'm destined to meet this woman and she's destined to be my wife because that's what I'm attracted to and my RAS is pulling towards me. Your opinion here doesn't change the fact that I was meant to be the husband of a woman who was naturally born as submissive like I was born Dominant. Your judgment about what is good or bad has no bearing on the outcome. I have never coerced any woman to love me through any kind of manipulation. They know what I believe in and what I stand for.

This is similar to you saying that you do not like women who feel attracted to men who want to take care of them and don't want them to be independent or responsible in any significant way. Or that you don't like my view that women can't and don't want to be leaders, or work or be independent.

Regardless of how you feel about these women ,the fact of reality is that they exist in the majority. That the majority of attractive men with good genes are Sexist and majority of humanity who haven't taken the vaccines and are going to inherit the earth after the defeat of the jews hold similar positions like I do on these topics.

Also I feel like I'm beating the skeleton of a dead horse that has decomposed and has since caught fire.

Pictured : Arguing with women is like beating the decomposed dead horse

I'm just doing this because I want to present to men the image that they should never be ashamed or bullied for wanting to speak facts, just because women will say "How Dare you. "

No matter what anyone says a man must always defend himself and not bend before social pressure. We must offend, we must make incendiary and extremist statements. We must push the overtone window because we must always put our ideals before our emotions. I never argue with women in relationships because I know women can't be argued with. The only way to change her mind is to change her emotions and then get her to agree using compliance ladders with what your saying. Arguing logically against a woman for something you want from her is like digging a grave for yourself to jump inside.

Also there is no need for me to tailor my message to women because they aren't going to take any action either way. It is the men who take action, who will lead the women in their personal lives and it is they who will impart value to a woman and the women will follow. The only demographic that needs to be convinced of what I'm saying is men across all cultures. And they will listen to ideological instructions and statistics and logic,not confusing emotional drivel.

I've laid all the facts and logic which aren't up for debate across the table and I implore everyone reading to come to a conclusion from the lens of critical thinking. Emotion is reserved for actions you take in your personal lives while dealing with another person. Ideological positions must always be based on reality, not your personal view of the world. That is my final message on this topic ,on this thread. Peace out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:

Bringing the generalized rules of random women you met somewhere and repeating them like a robot, as if they are "universal patterns" that also affect women here, is rather stupid. Basically just incompatible with the current environment here.

I doubt any woman of the caliber you speak and always pre-occupy your time over [because to have constructed such a perception of the world, you focus on the majority of them]. Also, stop reading the rants of Happa Anglin that had to go all the way to Thailand to find the weakest woman on earth to get some sex, because these are have seriously damaged your judgement.


Anglin has never linked any of the studies or brought up any of the facts that I've brought up and as I've said from the beginning I'm talking in generalities and statistics, not about individual cases. Its just miscommunication because the statistics and actual reality on the ground are incontrovertible.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You come parading on every woman's topic, spouting this CRAP.


I was only defending myself against your Provocation. This is all your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself.

It takes two to tango. She didn't force you to reply to her and keep the nonsense arguments going, and she wasn't talking to you so it wasn't provoking. You're responsible for your actions here, she didn't make you do anything. But again you want to blame others for your shit.

Shadowcat mentioned that Lunar Dance had beef with you from the past. That's true, and I simply can't imagine why... can you? It's just a great big mystery why anyone on this forum would have any personal issue with you whatsoever. It's not like you treat people like garbage or anything. It's not like you blame rape victims. My goodness, how could ANYONE hate you? I just don't get it. Oh it surely must be their fault.

^ HEAVY fucking sarcasm, for anyone who thinks it isn't.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
I looked back at your first comment about Jack. You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat (not even talking to the guy directly), then continued to mention the connections between the sewing industry and women's independence (which was still very relevant to the OP. Gaining back the skill of sewing would actually be very good to empower women with and help to raise them out of the slave state in society that the jews have put them in).

Behavior to shadowcat? i dont believe that was me o_O

I didn’t mean his behaviour to you as in how he treated you, I said “You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat” - the “to” here meaning talking to you about his past behaviour and her feelings about the guy.

Does that make sense?
Shadowcat said:
his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

Ohh lol i actually found my and jacks replys quite benign at that start, i was telling him about sewing metal with fire (welding) to which i was told is a handy skill to have when the world goes to shit...which it is lol. Lunar got upset at him, as shes had beef with him before i believe, and then he replied to her and it went from there. the rest i had given my two cents on objectively and detached as possible and left :?

i actually hoped it would help things calm down trying to give imput to the big picture and remain impartial but helass. i must say i never like it when SS bicker here but no one can be forced to like anyone nor is it realistic to agree with everythying someone says.

I’ll try explain my thinking here. There are a few things he said early on that became the cores of the rest of his comments which can be picked up on.

The first one “Making Women Great again, one at a time. Hurrah!!!”

Originally I had wanted to let him know that sewing is not a female only skill. Men can (and imo should) not be deterred from learning this skill simply because sewing in the mass mind is paired with being a feminine skill.

Men a long time ago were once the weavers of looms, until that role was transferred to women. Men also sewed things like corsets in the industry because it was incredibly labor intensive on the hands before they had machines to do it.

Sewing is valuable to anyone who has clothes on their back. At the very least, one should know how to mend and repair their own clothes. Fast fashion is really bad for the environment, and the moment a lot of people get a rip or hole in their clothes they throw it out.

Maybe I should have talked about darning too (I think I linked a video about it somewhere here in the thread).

But I left it alone since I felt I wasn’t understanding Jack’s comment. The wording and vibe seemed to mean something else other than what I wanted this thread to be about, so I avoided it hoping that things wouldn’t turn out the way I felt it was going to.

The next one referring to the apocalypse regarding your welding skills. All I could think was, why specifically the apocalypse? That kind of skill is really handy for the current society we live in now because of the increase in technology, cities, and what-have-you. What do you do if you don’t have access to the tools you need for metal working in an apocalyptic situation?

Side note: for survival sewing you can strip dry grass into threads and break a bone or use a stiff/sharp part of a plant or splinter to make a needle. You can make hand spindles to spin hair, fur, or grass into thread and make looms in the wild to weave “fabrics” for clothes. Leather and fur from animal hides are a quicker and less tedious way to stay warm and clothed (leather lasts a long time too and can act as an armour of sorts if the leather is thick enough. May not stop a bullet but it’s certainly better than being naked) - of course this is like really bare bones survival but you get the idea.


I know none of his earlier responses to you were edgy or negative, and I can see that Lunar has a feud with the guy - I don’t blame her. Many things that Jack has said just in the time I’ve been here have made me do double-takes and feel uncomfortable.

But the key words on his part “apocalypse” and “Making Women Great again,one at a time” - followed by his reaction to Lunar and his first comment to Przebiśnieg (which really does look very manipulative and switching how she feels to mean something it doesn’t) set the stage for the rest of his comments which focused on the apparent apocalypse, degenerate women, women’s independence, and insults.

I don’t agree with a lot of his points, and most of that comes from the fact that 1) I am a female with a large hatred of weakness (in whatever form that may be), and 2) I grew up with a family full of female leaders of the home, and most of my skills were taught to me by the women.

My mother worked a full time job, but she had good and well established connections with other people and family members. So on the days where she couldn’t be there to pick us up from school for another hour or so, she had help from family members and trusted friends who’s kids we were buddies with to help her out. And when she’d come home, we almost never went without a home cooked meal, and helped us with anything we needed physically. We lived rurally, and my mother always emphasised that family came first, family is always there even if you lose all of your friends or fall into a bad relationship, and no matter where we go or what we do we can come home if we need to.

Her only negative thing was being a narcissist, and focusing too much on our physical needs and not being able to be there emotionally. Everything else, she was a good mum and she got shit done for her family.

When I was just a toddler, she actually told my grandma (dad’s side) to get out of our house when she was babysitting me and my sibling. We were playing outside and my grandmother yelled at and hit my sibling just because she slid down the slide when it was wet. If memory serves me right my grandmother didn’t babysit us again until we were in our teen years. (For context, my grandma is xtian and still goes to church).

Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
Making Women Great again,one at a time. Hurrah!!!

I can not only sow fabric but also metal with fire
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.

Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

Indeed it is. I always tell people the ones who work with their hands will be the ones who thrive and help rebuild society If everything goes to shit..people who sit behind comps and desks won't know their asses from a hold in the ground :p

I laugh at the decadent tards who look down on or who think they are too good for blue collar work.

Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

*quotes on stats with birth rates and “she-economy”*
*stats image*

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

*image of trump*

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)
If my overall message is making you feel bad and making you question your self worth as a woman ,then it is probable that you are infact of low self worth and everything I say is just confirmation. Its not me making you feel bad, its you yourself because you know what I'm saying is true but you don't want to accept it and in order to shift blame ,you're changing guilt into hatred unconsciously.

If you accepted it and let go of your feelings, then all your judgments about your self worth would go away. Because now you've accepted your faults ,and only after you've accepted that you were wrong can you change and heal yourself. Otherwise the perpetual suffering from lack of psychological strength will persist indefinitely.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:

I love to bake! I picked up my moms recipies of holiday cookies, taffy, and brownies, fudge and other things...all fatassery but yea :lol:

I can also cook if i have a mind to, ive made steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs...made it up myself..tasted delicious :3. can put that with baked potato, or corn, salad ect. i can also make saurkraut with sausage from my great grandma and some lebanese dishes from my dads mom. the one with cabbage is awesome

haha I’ve never heard someone use the word “fatassery” before :lol:

WHAT?! Dude! Oh man, you’re making me hungry. Ok proposal, one day after all this crazy shit - cook out, I’ll make the desserts and you make the main meal - what do ya say? ;)

jrvan mentioned getting together for Oktoberfest lol.
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs

Shadowcat said:
put that with baked potato

Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p

Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Actually tabby I was thinking that I am kind of sorry for causing this mess because I opened my mouth.

But thats all. I wouldn't have liked to see the person that thinks this way to keep replying on here for his own self validation or something like that.

You have no reason to be sorry, you didn't actually cause this. I looked back at your first comment about Jack. You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat (not even talking to the guy directly), then continued to mention the connections between the sewing industry and women's independence (which was still very relevant to the OP. Gaining back the skill of sewing would actually be very good to empower women with and help to raise them out of the slave state in society that the jews have put them in).

Jack didn't make any statement or complaint about your feelings towards him until much later when it was convenient to do so as an excuse for his treatment towards others who did nothing wrong. Instead he commented with statistics about how women's so-called "independence" under the jews has caused the downfall of the society and lowered birth rates, and made a snide remark about women. From there it was a giant rant about women's (false) independence in society being the reason the world is going to shit and why the white race will die off in the next whatever years.

jrvan tried to have Jack understand that you weren't talking about the radical feminism version of "independence", to which Jack only continued to push his views completely unrelated to sewing and SS women. A few of us tried to reason with the guy to have him understand that a number of his points were not accurate, but apparently not agreeing with him means we're "guilty", and pointing out his toxicity, uncalled-for insults, and behaviour makes us "feminists".

Przebiśnieg expressed her feelings about how Jack has caused her to feel from his words and past actions towards women, to which instead of taking responsibility for himself and how he has hurt people, tried to claim that it was because she "probably" has low self worth instead and telling her the reason she feels hurt is because of guilt and not accepting what he says or some bullshit. He put her down and then tried to say that she's the problem. That's manipulative behaviour usually found in extreme narcissists to drive the person they hurt to think that everything the other person is doing to them is because it's their fault, while the bully never takes the responsibility themselves. That kind of shit can drive a person insane to the point they'll attack themselves out of conditioned patterns if it gets bad enough. It's not ok.

The excuse that words can't hurt because it's a digital forum is also just a bullshit excuse for him to continue to belittle people (women especially it seems) whenever he wants and then turn around and say "if you don't like what I say you can just block me". No responsibility taken, no change in behaviour and actions. Same thing continues over and over again.

The entire thread derailed after just those two comments of his. I tried to keep things on track by prioritising the comments related to the actual OP, but it began to really piss me off especially when he outright insulted you and Przebiśnieg for no reason with only the excuse that you insulted him first (which didn't happen in the first place).

Now he claims women are not even his audience yet he preaches all this bullshit under a post only talking about sewing with mostly female SS engaging and just blows up the thread, insulting SS females, while never contributing anything to the OP.

All you said was "independence" paired with "women" in a paragraph talking about sewing, and he got triggered and derailed the thread to talk about low birth rates, belittle women and and preach his prophesies of the fate of the world. So no, you didn't create this mess. Only catalysed something that was bound to happen at some point under a thread relating to mostly women whether we tried to avoid it or not. From what I've seen, Jack is drawn like a moth to a flame whenever a thread gets a bit too feminine in energy for his taste.

Thank you for breaking it down like that, the order the events have happened.

I was wondering about narcissism (in relation to Jack) before fyi ...

I am not looking for fights, and when I tried to talk to Shadow about it in the first place, I was careful in expressing myself. If he takes it as an issue, its his problem.

Anyway, I hope we can leave this all behind soon, and I also want to say, good job in trying to get this topic back to what its supposed to be about :)
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Bringing the generalized rules of random women you met somewhere and repeating them like a robot, as if they are "universal patterns" that also affect women here, is rather stupid. Basically just incompatible with the current environment here.

I doubt any woman of the caliber you speak and always pre-occupy your time over [because to have constructed such a perception of the world, you focus on the majority of them]. Also, stop reading the rants of Happa Anglin that had to go all the way to Thailand to find the weakest woman on earth to get some sex, because these are have seriously damaged your judgement.


I decided to change my reply and make it even less smarter.

Stop chasing women around in the forum and trying to find a single line where they say something where you want to guilt trip them over whatever happens in the world collectively. They aren't really trying to contribute to this.

Also, if a feminist was running rampant in the forums trying to find a single line from men to blame them for what they consider "PROVEN AND BEYOND REFUTATION" such as the payment gap, or the glass ceiling, they would have been booted for cucking men and destroying men. According to her, that would be "Improving men!" here.

In the same way, if you repeat the same corrosive blame shifting towards women as specific individuals here, for things they didn't explicitly really do, this makes no difference other than a bad atmosphere.

If you cannot explain a point while isolating a single line and blaming another person for all the world's sins, then leave this to others to explain who can.

This thread was about sewing and somehow it went over to birthrates based on a single line by Lunar that wasn't even anything that bad in what she said.

While the sense of urgency is understood, do consider how this goes, and don't really pretend this is a very logical thing to do.

It's also making the solutions to these problems seem and look even more repulsive, and kikes have been doing the very same thing consistently, with promoting dogshit christian "Traditionalism" that is hated on every level by most people, and then promoting rampant Marxism and postmodernism to cause a clash into their head, disabling them. Which end of the line one is, is equally shit.
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
In my opinion, unless there is financial tension, one should either be a mother, or a worker, not both.

I think it's fine if you can work from home, especially if it's something you enjoy such as painting, writing or making clothes.
Either way, taking time off during and after pregnancy makes sense.

That for me would be fucking awesome as i like all of those things. i do drawings though not paintings. if it would make a good size stable income and let me work from home i would change my daytime job in a heartbeat, despite the fact that i do like being physically active and enjoy creating and doing what i do at work...but not the hazards that come with it. *looks at the burn on my wrist from the other day* :x :p. Flashburn is a bitch too and the worst. feels like a sunburn in the eyes. ive had metal slivers taken out of my eyes with a small knife...twice x.x. alot of accidents have been my own stupid fault though. i can be impulsive, too daring and accident prone. ty mars and sun lmao.
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

Ohh lol i actually found my and jacks replys quite benign at that start, i was telling him about sewing metal with fire (welding) to which i was told is a handy skill to have when the world goes to shit...which it is lol. Lunar got upset at him, as shes had beef with him before i believe, and then he replied to her and it went from there. the rest i had given my two cents on objectively and detached as possible and left :?

i actually hoped it would help things calm down trying to give imput to the big picture and remain impartial but helass. i must say i never like it when SS bicker here but no one can be forced to like anyone nor is it realistic to agree with everythying someone says.

I’ll try explain my thinking here. There are a few things he said early on that became the cores of the rest of his comments which can be picked up on.

The first one “Making Women Great again, one at a time. Hurrah!!!”

Originally I had wanted to let him know that sewing is not a female only skill. Men can (and imo should) not be deterred from learning this skill simply because sewing in the mass mind is paired with being a feminine skill.

Men a long time ago were once the weavers of looms, until that role was transferred to women. Men also sewed things like corsets in the industry because it was incredibly labor intensive on the hands before they had machines to do it.

Sewing is valuable to anyone who has clothes on their back. At the very least, one should know how to mend and repair their own clothes. Fast fashion is really bad for the environment, and the moment a lot of people get a rip or hole in their clothes they throw it out.

Maybe I should have talked about darning too (I think I linked a video about it somewhere here in the thread).

But I left it alone since I felt I wasn’t understanding Jack’s comment. The wording and vibe seemed to mean something else other than what I wanted this thread to be about, so I avoided it hoping that things wouldn’t turn out the way I felt it was going to.

The next one referring to the apocalypse regarding your welding skills. All I could think was, why specifically the apocalypse? That kind of skill is really handy for the current society we live in now because of the increase in technology, cities, and what-have-you. What do you do if you don’t have access to the tools you need for metal working in an apocalyptic situation?

Side note: for survival sewing you can strip dry grass into threads and break a bone or use a stiff/sharp part of a plant or splinter to make a needle. You can make hand spindles to spin hair, fur, or grass into thread and make looms in the wild to weave “fabrics” for clothes. Leather and fur from animal hides are a quicker and less tedious way to stay warm and clothed (leather lasts a long time too and can act as an armour of sorts if the leather is thick enough. May not stop a bullet but it’s certainly better than being naked) - of course this is like really bare bones survival but you get the idea.


I know none of his earlier responses to you were edgy or negative, and I can see that Lunar has a feud with the guy - I don’t blame her. Many things that Jack has said just in the time I’ve been here have made me do double-takes and feel uncomfortable.

But the key words on his part “apocalypse” and “Making Women Great again,one at a time” - followed by his reaction to Lunar and his first comment to Przebiśnieg (which really does look very manipulative and switching how she feels to mean something it doesn’t) set the stage for the rest of his comments which focused on the apparent apocalypse, degenerate women, women’s independence, and insults.

I don’t agree with a lot of his points, and most of that comes from the fact that 1) I am a female with a large hatred of weakness (in whatever form that may be), and 2) I grew up with a family full of female leaders of the home, and most of my skills were taught to me by the women.

My mother worked a full time job, but she had good and well established connections with other people and family members. So on the days where she couldn’t be there to pick us up from school for another hour or so, she had help from family members and trusted friends who’s kids we were buddies with to help her out. And when she’d come home, we almost never went without a home cooked meal, and helped us with anything we needed physically. We lived rurally, and my mother always emphasised that family came first, family is always there even if you lose all of your friends or fall into a bad relationship, and no matter where we go or what we do we can come home if we need to.

Her only negative thing was being a narcissist, and focusing too much on our physical needs and not being able to be there emotionally. Everything else, she was a good mum and she got shit done for her family.

When I was just a toddler, she actually told my grandma (dad’s side) to get out of our house when she was babysitting me and my sibling. We were playing outside and my grandmother yelled at and hit my sibling just because she slid down the slide when it was wet. If memory serves me right my grandmother didn’t babysit us again until we were in our teen years. (For context, my grandma is xtian and still goes to church).

Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
I can not only sow fabric but also metal with fire
That's a very handy skill during the Apocalypse.

Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Don't talk back to the person that thinks he can tell his wife what to do and order her around. The person who takes personal achievement, and working out as a woman as 'feminism'. Or even just having a job in a male dominated field. Like even politics or warfare, technical jobs.

When something is done by a woman usually, it doesn't have to mean its a woman 'only' business. Heck they even tried to get rid of our way of making money and being able to be independent, which was often in the sewing industry.

There's not much of a sewing industry anymore nowadays though. At least not within the country.

*quotes on stats with birth rates and “she-economy”*
*stats image*

Thank you jews for giving women independence. Hurrah!!!

*image of trump*

Enjoy the Independence.

Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)
If my overall message is making you feel bad and making you question your self worth as a woman ,then it is probable that you are infact of low self worth and everything I say is just confirmation. Its not me making you feel bad, its you yourself because you know what I'm saying is true but you don't want to accept it and in order to shift blame ,you're changing guilt into hatred unconsciously.

If you accepted it and let go of your feelings, then all your judgments about your self worth would go away. Because now you've accepted your faults ,and only after you've accepted that you were wrong can you change and heal yourself. Otherwise the perpetual suffering from lack of psychological strength will persist indefinitely.

Ohh i see! I guess you learn something new everyday. i never knew about that with men and sewing in the past. Ofcouse, this is a very handy skill to have for anyone.

I grew up with similar family values, and my mother was always there for us as well. she and my father both taught us important things from a very early age which im grateful for. Dad however had a hard time being there emotionally but in other ways he was always there.

as for the rest of whats going on here i dont really have anything else to say, Other than that yes, it went off topic in a way it shouldn't have. It is what it is.

and I can see that Lunar has a feud with the guy - I don’t blame her. Many things that Jack has said just in the time I’ve been here have made me do double-takes and feel uncomfortable.

i am well aware that this counts for many people including some dudes here on the forum.
tabby said:
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs

Shadowcat said:
put that with baked potato

Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p

Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:

:D :lol: :lol: :lol:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:

I love to bake! I picked up my moms recipies of holiday cookies, taffy, and brownies, fudge and other things...all fatassery but yea :lol:

I can also cook if i have a mind to, ive made steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs...made it up myself..tasted delicious :3. can put that with baked potato, or corn, salad ect. i can also make saurkraut with sausage from my great grandma and some lebanese dishes from my dads mom. the one with cabbage is awesome

haha I’ve never heard someone use the word “fatassery” before :lol:

WHAT?! Dude! Oh man, you’re making me hungry. Ok proposal, one day after all this crazy shit - cook out, I’ll make the desserts and you make the main meal - what do ya say? ;)

jrvan mentioned getting together for Oktoberfest lol.

Aww man yall are making me hungry now! lmao I would love that haha. Heres to the day the enemy is gone where we can all drink and celebrate to standing on their ashes! Sooonnnn. :twisted:

Be prepared though for itisfood! >:)
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
I looked back at your first comment about Jack. You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat (not even talking to the guy directly), then continued to mention the connections between the sewing industry and women's independence (which was still very relevant to the OP. Gaining back the skill of sewing would actually be very good to empower women with and help to raise them out of the slave state in society that the jews have put them in).

Behavior to shadowcat? i dont believe that was me o_O

I didn’t mean his behaviour to you as in how he treated you, I said “You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat” - the “to” here meaning talking to you about his past behaviour and her feelings about the guy.

Does that make sense?

ohh i see. must have read that one wrong :?
Jack said:
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic.

I totally disagree and I already told you a couple days ago that this goes too far.
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Jack said:
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

What you wrote now was immature.
Besides, I didn't intented to attack you, only commented about my feelings towards some of yours post. I don't know, if you're feeling attacked by me or others here, but you need to understand, it's not only me who is thinking this way. Lots of people have criticized you here, and rightly so. They even tried to make you aware of what you are doing right now. They presented you their point of view, etc. but you seem to be blind or simply ingoring it. Maybe you think, that your ''truth'' is right, but it's not true. If you're making others people feel bad, maybe you should consider your behaviour and...I don't agree with a lot of things you said before. Like I said, sometimes you are making a good point and I agree with you, but sometimes you are writing weirds things.
And why are you talking about hating you all the time?
Yes, I disliked you before. It's truth, I don't intend to hide this.
Now I don't have this feeling anymore. I am not even sure, why your post had an effect on me. After reading from you today, I feel nothing, but pity. I still wish you the best, but you need to learn more about being a human.

And by the way...they seem to care about my feelings. You should learn more empathy from them. :) Good luck.
Speaking of pity,
I hate being a women.

Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women?

Sed lyf

I always thought you were a Chad, but then you would not resort to this kind of tactics like this.

You know that has hurt her very deeply and that there are lasting scars because of that shit?

And you dare bringing this up, just to make you feel „stronger“ and „superior“. You purposely brought that up to hurt her, to make her feel like trash, just so you are above her in this situation.

Wow, fuck you Jack, fuck you.
Weak, weak, weak.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Nothing that I've said can be disproven in any way whatsoever. All you've done is bring up specific instances of hypothetical scenarios and situations ,trying to make a moral case of what I'm saying is right or wrong. While I've specifically said from the beginning that I don't believe in "Right or Wrong" and that I'm just saying how the situation is and on a emotionless utilitarian and pragmatic approach.

I didn't derail this thread. Lunardance was the one who first tried to attack me, trying to paint me as a villain. I had to respond by presenting my point of view that everything I was saying was correct .And after I presented the facts everyone got pissed due to experiencing cognitive dissonance of being unable to accept reality (facts and statistics.)

I have not once gotten emotional. I've written everything from a purely rational, pragmatic perspective. I haven't once demeaned, insulted or personally attracted anyone. If anything the opposite is the case.

Everyone here has personally attacked me, wishing me I'll will in my personal life and wishing me romantic failure and called me all sorts of names. This is regardless of me already saying that I'm not personally talking about anyone and that I'm talking in generalities.

All you've shown is the inability to listen and agree with reality and immature behavior of personal attacks and insults and victim blaming.

Every single one of my points is based on facts and logic and reality. No matter what you personally have to say about reality, doesn't change reality.

Truth is Objective. Your appreciation of the Truth is Subjective. This is the delusional behavior of saying "my truth." There is no "my truth." Social behavior is judged based on Generalities and statistics of what the majority of people do, not what you personally believe is right and wrong.

And this doesn't have anything to do with Christianity . The entirety of Ancient history agrees with my view with hundreds of thousands of Philosophers and Statesmen making the exact same points that I have made. Just read the work of Plato and Socrates on the Topic of Women in Society. Read the views of Adolf Hitler and other prominent Nazis on the same. You are historically unaware of civilization . Female Independence and Promiscuity is a predictor of Civilizational collapse. Not just in Christian times. Every single Pagan civilization follows the same route where Female Independence and Promiscuity immediately follows civilizational collapse. Ancient Philosophers works would be considered borderline misogynistic and incendiary by you if you read them.

Not a single one of my points is inaccurate or wrong and your debating methods prove my point that women are more emotional than men and are on a balance of probabilities incapable of critical thinking.

All you've proven is that everything I've said is correct and your refusal to accept that reality. Your Contrarian revolt against pertinent facts and evidence is another reason why women can't be leaders and politicians. There were no Nazi party leaders who were involved in policy as women because Adolf Hitler knew that women can't accept logic and reason, and they only listen to emotion and peer pressure from the culture.

There is no biological difference between women in western society and those in Nazi Germany. They employed the same mass communication, propaganda and emotional persuasion albeit in different directions. Just like a society can manufacture worthless sluts ,a society can manufacture dutiful wives and mothers. The only difference is that the people in control must be willing to do the things that are required of them.

You're fighting me on every single point of fact that I'm presenting and making yourself look stupid because this is incontrovertible evidence. It doesn't matter what anyone's personal opinion is. The reality is the reality. Regardless of whether one is a SS "woman " or not ,you're still having the same points of contention across the board of all races who have been brought up by Feminism.

Women inherently desire Sexist men who feel that they have to protect women from themselves, take care of them and lead them in a relationship.

Your appreciation of whether or not you like this or not is of no consequence as is your opinion that no self respecting woman should be like this. The fact of the matter is that your subjective interpretation of things are in direct conflict with actual reality. You are living in a delusional world of your own making. Women overwhelming desire men who treat them like a being that needs taking care of, that cannot be a leader or independent. They wanted to be taken care of. They want to leave responsibility over to the man to make tough decisions in life and life changing choices. You fighting me on this is simply you refusing to accept reality.

In the real world women who are high earners and independent are the unhappiest demographic of women in the United States.




So everyone here who is arguing against me is in direct conflict with lived in reality and is arguing just to make a point. Its like me arguing the Suns gaze shouldn't be Hot. I feel like the Suns Gaze should be cool .

It doesn't matter what I think is correct or wrong. Reality is reality, human biology is human biology.

There's nothing wrong with women wanting to be taken care of, not wanting to work and be dependent upon a man and give responsibility unto him. This is how the world worked since hundreds of thousands of years of human existence till the last century when Feminism and this idea of female financial and sexual independence was created out of the Marxist Frankfurt school.

When I say women, I am talking about the majority of women. And that constitutes reality. If you're fighting me on any of my points you're making a contrarian outlier argument that isn't based on reality.

Also ,I don't take responsibility for anything that I've said makes you feel any type of way. According to my Free Speech rights I can make any kind of incendiary and inflammatory speech that I like that doesn't involve specifics.
Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969), was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court interpreting the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.[1] The Court held that the government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action".[2][3]:702 Specifically, the Court struck down Ohio's criminal syndicalism statute, because that statute broadly prohibited the mere advocacy of violence

If that woman feels sad ,that's her problem. I'm not going to change my tone in anyway whatever just to appease someone else.

I never bring my personal opinion about topics related to Gender and Social issues because what I personally think don't matter.

For example I personally don't think that Jews should be in any kind of powerful position in any country and that they shouldn't be inside of any countries period. My personal view is that they should be shipped to Islands where they can't interact with other humans as we start thinking about methods of the Final Solution.

But regardless of my view, the fact is that jews are entrenched in any single political organization, company of lobbying groups ,scientific establishment, banking, media etc.

I personally like women who are submissive, hold the same positions ideologically that I do and are not combative ,gives me peace and isn't naggy and complaint, is fit like I am. Regardless of what you think about this woman I'm destined to meet this woman and she's destined to be my wife because that's what I'm attracted to and my RAS is pulling towards me. Your opinion here doesn't change the fact that I was meant to be the husband of a woman who was naturally born as submissive like I was born Dominant. Your judgment about what is good or bad has no bearing on the outcome. I have never coerced any woman to love me through any kind of manipulation. They know what I believe in and what I stand for.

This is similar to you saying that you do not like women who feel attracted to men who want to take care of them and don't want them to be independent or responsible in any significant way. Or that you don't like my view that women can't and don't want to be leaders, or work or be independent.

Regardless of how you feel about these women ,the fact of reality is that they exist in the majority. That the majority of attractive men with good genes are Sexist and majority of humanity who haven't taken the vaccines and are going to inherit the earth after the defeat of the jews hold similar positions like I do on these topics.

Also I feel like I'm beating the skeleton of a dead horse that has decomposed and has since caught fire.

Pictured : Arguing with women is like beating the decomposed dead horse

I'm just doing this because I want to present to men the image that they should never be ashamed or bullied for wanting to speak facts, just because women will say "How Dare you. "

No matter what anyone says a man must always defend himself and not bend before social pressure. We must offend, we must make incendiary and extremist statements. We must push the overtone window because we must always put our ideals before our emotions. I never argue with women in relationships because I know women can't be argued with. The only way to change her mind is to change her emotions and then get her to agree using compliance ladders with what your saying. Arguing logically against a woman for something you want from her is like digging a grave for yourself to jump inside.

Also there is no need for me to tailor my message to women because they aren't going to take any action either way. It is the men who take action, who will lead the women in their personal lives and it is they who will impart value to a woman and the women will follow. The only demographic that needs to be convinced of what I'm saying is men across all cultures. And they will listen to ideological instructions and statistics and logic,not confusing emotional drivel.

I've laid all the facts and logic which aren't up for debate across the table and I implore everyone reading to come to a conclusion from the lens of critical thinking. Emotion is reserved for actions you take in your personal lives while dealing with another person. Ideological positions must always be based on reality, not your personal view of the world. That is my final message on this topic ,on this thread. Peace out.

I pity you, and the level of stupidity and self-projection within your comment here. Everything you've said can be applied directly to yourself and your behaviour under this thread. A thread that was never about you and your statistics and irrational view of the majority of the female sex. I have first hand experience of what it's like to be under sexist men. I also have first hand experience of real women, who were mothers, leaders, worked, and loved their men. And men who were fathers, kind, strong, loyal, and did not treat their women or children as something to dominate but something to nurture. I speak for my whole family, and that is a very large family. We weren't perfect as people, but the structure of my family and their values is something I am proud of.

You provide second hand statistics written by someone else. I provide knowledge gained personally. Tell me if that is illogical, nonfactual, and overly emotional? In statistics, everyone is just a number, everyone's the same. You call what we talk about irrelevant cases, when your own don't even make up enough numbers in the population to generalise the way you have about women. Life is more complicated than you make it appear to be. People are more complicated than you make them appear to be. Statistics don't reveal everything and they can be manipulated.

If you are oh so irrefutably right, logical and totally didn't derail this thread, and all of us including the High Priest according to your words are wrong, emotional, illogical and are at fault here, then what a strange reality you must live in, Jack.

For a guy that claims he is being rational, your actions don't say so. Something interesting I have come to find, those who turn their emotions to stone, shove them down, or cast them aside as unimportant, become more emotional, irrational, and uncaring than those who regularly express them.

Talk about sewing or make your own thread.
Przebiśnieg said:
I decided to stay away from this site. I don't know for how long, or I'll just act alone. It might sound funny to you, but it stressed me a lot, as if I couldn't even sleep. ^^"
Stressing won't fix my health, so it'll be better this way. It's not anyone's fault, that I made this decision, I'm just sensitive like I said before, that's all. And IT could be my fault to cause trouble here, which I am sorry.
Jack, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was not my intention. I would feel bad if you did.

Thanks for chatting with me, you were kind to me and I aprecciate it. Good luck to everyone!

Don’t say sorry to Jack.
Say something like „Fuck you Jack“
He was a Dick not you, nothing what happened was your fault at all. Life doesn’t always goes very smooth, it is not your fault. Nothing is your fault.

Good luck on path, friend.

Jack said:
Fuck you Jack.
First you tell someone how to suicide using chemicals now this crap.
And yes, I never forget what you write, as I respected you. Emphasis on past tense.
This whole crap pisses me off.
Jack said:
I didn't derail this thread. Lunardance was the one who first tried to attack me, trying to paint me as a villain. I had to respond by presenting my point of view that everything I was saying was correct .And after I presented the facts everyone got pissed due to experiencing cognitive dissonance of being unable to accept reality (facts and statistics.)
Did you even read your own reply?

I have not once gotten emotional. I've written everything from a purely rational, pragmatic perspective. I haven't once demeaned, insulted or personally attracted anyone. If anything the opposite is the case.

Everyone here has personally attacked me, wishing me I'll will in my personal life and wishing me romantic failure and called me all sorts of names. This is regardless of me already saying that I'm not personally talking about anyone and that I'm talking in generalities.

All you've shown is the inability to listen and agree with reality and immature behavior of personal attacks and insults and victim blaming.
Again, why do you think? Are you willing to make the lifelong decision of having children and caring for them with the first complete random stranger that you meet in the street? Because that's practically what you've been saying.

And you seem like the kind of guy that'd just leave after she got pregnant having the women doing all the work of raising the kid with an absent father. You're being irresponsible.

And this doesn't have anything to do with Christianity . The entirety of Ancient history agrees with my view with hundreds of thousands of Philosophers and Statesmen making the exact same points that I have made. Just read the work of Plato and Socrates on the Topic of Women in Society. Read the views of Adolf Hitler and other prominent Nazis on the same. You are historically unaware of civilization . Female Independence and Promiscuity is a predictor of Civilizational collapse. Not just in Christian times. Every single Pagan civilization follows the same route where Female Independence and Promiscuity immediately follows civilizational collapse. Ancient Philosophers works would be considered borderline misogynistic and incendiary by you if you read them.
You're historically unaware of Jews changing philosphers and Hitlers words.

Not a single one of my points is inaccurate or wrong and your debating methods prove my point that women are more emotional than men and are on a balance of probabilities incapable of critical thinking.
Tabby, you called it, you're right.

All you've proven is that everything I've said is correct and your refusal to accept that reality. Your Contrarian revolt against pertinent facts and evidence is another reason why women can't be leaders and politicians. There were no Nazi party leaders who were involved in policy as women because Adolf Hitler knew that women can't accept logic and reason, and they only listen to emotion and peer pressure from the culture.
There were no female leaders when Hitler was around due to Christianity. It would have caused even more revolts and lack of support if they were immediately praised to be on equal level with men. If you're that oblivious to not even think of this..
However, I bet that they were given the same chance regardless, just that no one felt the need to take on that role.

"and they only listen to emotion and peer pressure from the culture." Gee thanks Jack you've known nothing about me and all you do is throw shit around about 'how women suck' 'women shouldnt have any rights' 'women can't be leaders' 'women are irrational'.

Explain to me, if I was irrational, how could I come up with the thought that Xianity was the problem there were no female leaders back then?

Women inherently desire Sexist men who feel that they have to protect women from themselves, take care of them and lead them in a relationship.
Google is Jewed. Psychology is Jewed. Your sources are Jewed. If they're not Jewed then they're having the wrong views anyway.

Also ,I don't take responsibility for anything that I've said makes you feel any type of way. According to my Free Speech rights I can make any kind of incendiary and inflammatory speech that I like that doesn't involve specifics.
If you were truly in the US as you claim, you'd have known people would have shot you in the face for your views on women. Putting them down like this.
Clearly you're not from the states.

Regardless of how you feel about these women ,the fact of reality is that they exist in the majority.
(Perspective: He's saying most women are submissive.) Because thats what Xianity preaches. To be submissive. That we're sinners. That we're made from Adams rib and thus lesser than a man.

I never argue with women in relationships because I know women can't be argued with. The only way to change her mind is to change her emotions and then get her to agree using compliance ladders with what your saying.
This is called manipulation.

I've laid all the facts and logic which aren't up for debate across the table and I implore everyone reading to come to a conclusion from the lens of critical thinking. Emotion is reserved for actions you take in your personal lives while dealing with another person. Ideological positions must always be based on reality, not your personal view of the world. That is my final message on this topic ,on this thread. Peace out.

In my work I've heard people say that if there were issues they'd talk it out.

You're not even open for debate and listening to someone elses point of view. Instead you think you have it all correct and you should be praised for it.

You say you throw your arguments rationally but it has been proven otherwise many times.

Also as a reminder, to discern truth from lies is the left hand path, is intuition, is the female mind. The same thing you've been bashing over and over. Do I need to say more?

If you truly had been working on yourself, ridding yourself of hang ups and stuff, you'd have never been saying this nonsense. Instead you've just been looking for validation of your own views. Now that you know this is not the place and you've been met with resistance, what are you going to do? Sit on your arse and do nothing but whine about women all over again?
Or are you going to genuinely think it all over?
tabby said:
Aquarius said:
Shadowcat said:
steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs

Shadowcat said:
put that with baked potato

Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p

Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
That also works for feral kittens :)
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Aquarius said:
Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p

Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
That also works for feral kittens :)

*Said Aquarius while taming ShadowCat*

DarkSwan said:
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
That also works for feral kittens :)

*Said Aquarius while taming ShadowCat*


nothing tames this cat. :lol:
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Aquarius said:
Wanna marry me? I'll promise I'll be the breadwinner :p

Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
That also works for feral kittens :)

Give me the fluffballs! i will hug them and kiss them and squeeze them!

At my previous job there were feral cats and kittens that we fed. there was a pack of mangy stray dogs that came along and killed the 4 kittens..for fun. they didnt even eat them they killed just to kill. i was so upset. one of our guys wanted to give one of them a home too. I remembered the time then when 2 pits tore up one of my cats. i woke up to screaming and barking. my ar 15 was under the bed. people were coming out with bats and shit thinking it was a child. my brother jumped out the window and kicked them in the face and they ran off. we had to put the cat down...sigh.

when that happend with the feral kittens i was so ticked. i actyally wanted to kill the dogs out of revenge. they killed them just because for fuck sake...and i love cats and kittens. ive never been partial to dogs and this is why. funnily enough shortly after that happened it turned out that i had to leave from there to start my apprenticeship. looks like not only cats have 9 lives so the mangy mutts got lucky.
DarkSwan said:
Aquarius said:
tabby said:
Smooth haha

I guess there’s some truth to what they say, the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach :lol:
That also works for feral kittens :)

*Said Aquarius while taming ShadowCat*

:oops: :lol:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:

Thank you for breaking it down like that, the order the events have happened.

I was wondering about narcissism (in relation to Jack) before fyi ...

I am not looking for fights, and when I tried to talk to Shadow about it in the first place, I was careful in expressing myself. If he takes it as an issue, its his problem.

Anyway, I hope we can leave this all behind soon, and I also want to say, good job in trying to get this topic back to what its supposed to be about :)

No worries.

Well some humour at least is being brought into the fold of this thread, so that's good. Maybe things will get back on track now a bit better.

Thank you, I tried.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:

Ohh i see! I guess you learn something new everyday. i never knew about that with men and sewing in the past. Ofcouse, this is a very handy skill to have for anyone.

I grew up with similar family values, and my mother was always there for us as well. she and my father both taught us important things from a very early age which im grateful for. Dad however had a hard time being there emotionally but in other ways he was always there.

as for the rest of whats going on here i dont really have anything else to say, Other than that yes, it went off topic in a way it shouldn't have. It is what it is.

and I can see that Lunar has a feud with the guy - I don’t blame her. Many things that Jack has said just in the time I’ve been here have made me do double-takes and feel uncomfortable.

i am well aware that this counts for many people including some dudes here on the forum.

Fascinating, isn't it? Man, I'm getting inspired just to keep researching as much as possible about sewing. There's just so much we don't know about just one industry and skill. I love it.

My father wasn't great with emotions either. I've never seen him cry personally, except for the time when he ate a really really spicy dish but I think that was just because his eyes were sweating from the heat of the food :lol: .

After everything that's happened with this thread, I'm not surprised. I saw some guys trying to reason with him not that long ago on the same topic of women again, but clearly nothing's changed.

Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:

haha I’ve never heard someone use the word “fatassery” before :lol:

WHAT?! Dude! Oh man, you’re making me hungry. Ok proposal, one day after all this crazy shit - cook out, I’ll make the desserts and you make the main meal - what do ya say? ;)

jrvan mentioned getting together for Oktoberfest lol.

Aww man yall are making me hungry now! lmao I would love that haha. Heres to the day the enemy is gone where we can all drink and celebrate to standing on their ashes! Sooonnnn. :twisted:

Be prepared though for itisfood! >:)

Cheers to a bright future and good food! haha

Shadowcat said:
ohh i see. must have read that one wrong :?

All good.

“It’s a mismatch between what progressive women say they want and what they actually respond to,” Miller told me. “Women’s instinctive mate preferences have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years for guys who are competent, strong, good providers, good protectors and happy with a sexual division of labor,” he added. Women want “decisive men who are also compassionate and thoughtful.”

A 2018 study from Iowa State University backs this up, reporting that progressive women prefer men who demonstrate more traditional dating behaviors. The women found these men to be “more attractive” because they signal a willingness “to invest by being protective, committed, and by providing resources.”


Kari’s next boyfriend was a conservative who works in finance. “Without fail, he would pick the place, set the time, and then ask if his plan worked for me,” she said. “It felt great to know he was taking care of it all.

“I appreciate a man who opens the door for me and picks up the check. This makes me feel safe, like I can count on him for other things,” Kari said, adding, “I’m grateful when a man steps up and acts like a man; it makes me feel more feminine.”

While Kari and her boyfriend broke up (for reasons outside of political views), she remains a feminist who will only date conservative men, although she draws the line at “far-right conspiracy theorists.” While she met her most recent ex on a plane, she’s now using dating apps to find her next love and said she’s more likely to swipe right on profiles of men who say they prefer more traditional dating behaviors. “It’s a good indicator that there’s a shared mindset,” Kari said.

Kari’s preference for conservative men comes as no surprise to professor Miller. “This is a time-tested set of behaviors, strategies and cultural norms that have lasted for centuries because they help find and keep good mates,” he said. “And everybody knows this. Women in their hearts know this. And men don’t take them at their word.”

People really need to stop throwing all of this valuable and truthful information away and calling it junk just because they hate the messenger. If it was HC or someone else of high respect saying this everyone would be in agreement about this. I understand he’s like a robot spitting information at you but throwing a hissy fit about it won’t change anything. It’s pretty obvious he’s not going to change. People like him and with his approach are needed in this as much is anyone else. If he annoys you so much disengage and ignore. Then he will be stuck talking to the wall. I know how it goes.
DarkSwan said:
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
What you wrote now was immature.
Besides, I didn't intented to attack you, only commented about my feelings towards some of yours post. I don't know, if you're feeling attacked by me or others here, but you need to understand, it's not only me who is thinking this way. Lots of people have criticized you here, and rightly so. They even tried to make you aware of what you are doing right now. They presented you their point of view, etc. but you seem to be blind or simply ingoring it. Maybe you think, that your ''truth'' is right, but it's not true. If you're making others people feel bad, maybe you should consider your behaviour and...I don't agree with a lot of things you said before. Like I said, sometimes you are making a good point and I agree with you, but sometimes you are writing weirds things.
And why are you talking about hating you all the time?
Yes, I disliked you before. It's truth, I don't intend to hide this.
Now I don't have this feeling anymore. I am not even sure, why your post had an effect on me. After reading from you today, I feel nothing, but pity. I still wish you the best, but you need to learn more about being a human.

And by the way...they seem to care about my feelings. You should learn more empathy from them. :) Good luck.
Speaking of pity,
I hate being a women.

Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women?

Sed lyf

I always thought you were a Chad, but then you would not resort to this kind of tactics like this.

You know that has hurt her very deeply and that there are lasting scars because of that shit?

And you dare bringing this up, just to make you feel „stronger“ and „superior“. You purposely brought that up to hurt her, to make her feel like trash, just so you are above her in this situation.

Wow, fuck you Jack, fuck you.
Weak, weak, weak.
He is acting like an insensitive piece of shit. This is bullying and I fucking hate bullying.

Its like he has zero empathy for what other people feel. He gives zero shits if he hurt you or not. Although this poor girl has apologized multiple times, it is Jack who needs to apologize.

This is not his first time either. Jack, you really need to lay off the "Red pilled" men community or whatever the fuck they call themselves. You are like a fucking feminist but for men. Both feminists and you are on the opposite side but both are extremely unbalanced and have fucked up views for either genders.

Also, you claiming you desire to own women and they will be submissive to you 100% of the time or whatever jewish bullshit you spew is NOT OKAY!

You don't have a healthy mindset about this at all. You also seem to have an ego blown out of proportion and thinking you are some kind of ultra giga chad alpha male and that all women are your slaves, property and should bow down to you is not healthy.

You seem to consume a lot of shit an example for this is recommending High Priest Hooded Cobra to learn marketing from kike Jordan Belfort. This alone is laughable and shows where you learn from and what type of person you consume media and learn from. Another example is the dating stuff you read and watch it has almost brainwashed you or something.

I know where you are coming from because I used to follow those jewish so called "pick up artists" when I was young but I am 100% deprogrammed from the filth they were promoting. It seems you are still affected by them even if you claim you've outgrown them and stopped following those.

It's getting tiring to see the shit you post about women and no, not all men believe what you do. Only damaged narcissists do. A healthy, balanced and spiritual person won't share your views.

Hail Satan!!
A short motivational video. The over all message can apply to anything be it meditation, RTR's, magick for yourself, or personal skills and goals, etc.

"How to Make Time for Yourself and Your Sewing || How to Find Time For Hobbies":
SouthernWhiteGentile said:

“It’s a mismatch between what progressive women say they want and what they actually respond to,” Miller told me. “Women’s instinctive mate preferences have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years for guys who are competent, strong, good providers, good protectors and happy with a sexual division of labor,” he added. Women want “decisive men who are also compassionate and thoughtful.”

A 2018 study from Iowa State University backs this up, reporting that progressive women prefer men who demonstrate more traditional dating behaviors. The women found these men to be “more attractive” because they signal a willingness “to invest by being protective, committed, and by providing resources.”


Kari’s next boyfriend was a conservative who works in finance. “Without fail, he would pick the place, set the time, and then ask if his plan worked for me,” she said. “It felt great to know he was taking care of it all.

“I appreciate a man who opens the door for me and picks up the check. This makes me feel safe, like I can count on him for other things,” Kari said, adding, “I’m grateful when a man steps up and acts like a man; it makes me feel more feminine.”

While Kari and her boyfriend broke up (for reasons outside of political views), she remains a feminist who will only date conservative men, although she draws the line at “far-right conspiracy theorists.” While she met her most recent ex on a plane, she’s now using dating apps to find her next love and said she’s more likely to swipe right on profiles of men who say they prefer more traditional dating behaviors. “It’s a good indicator that there’s a shared mindset,” Kari said.

Kari’s preference for conservative men comes as no surprise to professor Miller. “This is a time-tested set of behaviors, strategies and cultural norms that have lasted for centuries because they help find and keep good mates,” he said. “And everybody knows this. Women in their hearts know this. And men don’t take them at their word.”

People really need to stop throwing all of this valuable and truthful information away and calling it junk just because they hate the messenger. If it was HC or someone else of high respect saying this everyone would be in agreement about this. I understand he’s like a robot spitting information at you but throwing a hissy fit about it won’t change anything. It’s pretty obvious he’s not going to change. People like him and with his approach are needed in this as much is anyone else. If he annoys you so much disengage and ignore. Then he will be stuck talking to the wall. I know how it goes.

I don't think anyone is arguing against that though. Jack is saying something totally different. I believe part of the mess here is due to misunderstandings over the word "independence" in regards to women, and I tried to clear up that misunderstanding early on. Jack persisted though and only became more adamant. There's the feminist view of female independence which no one really wants here, and then there is the basic level of human independence which separates adults from children. Jack's view of things is just insane. It's like he wants the woman to sit pretty in a highchair and have no individual existence, no friends, no life outside of the male, no money of her own, and only actually does anything at all when it's time to spread her legs and make babies. That's pretty much what Jack has been saying by arguing so hard against everyone here. Of course most women like men to be confident leaders, that's pretty natural, and I never once thought anyone was in disagreement with it.

Jack just doesn't like women period as is obvious from the way he has acted here. He blames rape victims, he hates female independence of any kind, he doesn't want women to have a will or mind of their own, and worst of all is that he blames women for the state of society more than he blames jews. He's a misogynist in the most literal nonjewish book definition of the word.

It's easy to say disengage, but there's some deep layers to everything that occurred here in this thread that won't be easily seen by everyone. This has been brewing for a while now energetically from what I can perceive, and clearly the moment was now for it to explode. That's what seems apparent to me. Also, if you have time to look through, you'll see that most of us were giving Jack a chance, acknowledging his achievements and contributions, bestowing the benefit of the doubt, trying to be civil and defuse the situation, redirect to a different thread in my case (because the topic was wildly inappropriate for this thread), etc... that is, until he bullied an innocent SS who is new here. I don't think that's having a hissy fit by reacting to that and condemning it, I just think it's being a normal human being and standing up for what's right. No one should condone such a thing. What he said to her was hideous. I never expected that sort of thing from Jack because I didn't think he was that bad. He proved me terribly wrong.

One more thing I would like to add for thought is that the average dainty, feminine females in society are of course going to be more drawn to their opposite in the masculine male types. That's perfectly natural and makes sense. However, that's only one type of woman. Most of the hyper masculine males are going for those types of females while pretending the rest of the female sex aren't real females. It's just an extension of high school really where everybody like that wants to be the football MVP they never got to be who gets the trophy wife and puts her on a leash because they are insecure and afraid of her cheating or dumping him for someone better. Probably in these types of males' minds, one is a loser unless they succeed in this impossible dream pursuit.
There's plenty of women who aren't on the extreme end of their femininity, and want different things because they have a different balance of their energies. Some women want a submissive male. Not all men are on the far end of the spectrum of masculinity. Not all humans are the same. Generalizing the entire human race is always a big mistake to make, and that's exactly what Jack was doing. He was also writing off the insignificant outliers as he calls them who don't conform to traditional norms, and basically dooming them to die because he thinks we're going to live in one of his cool nuclear fallout simulator video games, or the walking dead, or some weird shit. He's just edgy like always, and wants to look down on everyone who isn't some level 50 doomsday prepper and self proclaimed "badass" like he is. He thinks he's Duke Nukem, and we're all pansies.

Jack's world inside his mind is black and white, and he hates that other people live in color. He also cares more about being right than he cares about what the actual Truth is. I really think more than anything else he just wants to be right. And after what happened here as a result of his own actions, I would imagine he feels like he needs to be right. Even if he was though, that still doesn't excuse his behavior towards Prez. What's done is done. I've lost my respect for the guy, others have lost respect for him, and I just hope Prez comes back because she's a good person who deserves better than that. She was trying hard to help herself. How many people who experience what she experienced, actually manage to find the strength to help themselves recover from the trauma and move on, and even find the JoS? Jack called her weak, but I saw tremendous strength in her, and kindness too. Rape trauma is one of the hardest things to deal with.
tabby said:
A short motivational video. The over all message can apply to anything be it meditation, RTR's, magick for yourself, or personal skills and goals, etc.

"How to Make Time for Yourself and Your Sewing || How to Find Time For Hobbies":

Heh good to see that video again. Actually its good advice that I could use rn. ty :)

Oh also the bedsheet thing, it was in one of Rachel Maksy's videos. She wants to do like one dress or one project in a week and it ends up being glued together and stuff. Its actually quite entertaining haha.
She's not so much into historical sewing but more like vintage and cosplay.
I am ignoring your very rude and unnecessary first paragraph.

Incels and femcels are never going to date each other anyway. They just blame the opposite sex for the fact they can't find a "perfect" partner or two for themselves, not realising it's their own twisted personality that chases everyone away. You're listening to a minority that doesn't understand a thing about what the majority of men or women are naturally like, and project their own problems onto others to make it sound like they're a majority.
I agree but incels/femcels are a bit different. I’ll include this.


A portmanteau of involuntary spinster. It refers to a woman who doesn’t have the necessary qualities to get a man to voluntarily commit to her.

It's argued that inspins and incels are two sides of the same sad coin: An incel is a man who can’t generate enough female attraction to get sex and an inspin is a woman who can’t generate enough male attraction to get commitment.

It's unfortunate to say it but Bella has become an inspin: she goes on dating apps looking for a boyfriend but guys simply use her for sex since she's got nothing else to offer.

All relationship problems are invented and completely irrelevant to Spiritual Satanists as they can easily be circumvented once you reach a deeper level of understanding.
You can be as enlightened as you want but there is still that animalistic brain and instincts that tell us what to do.

There are so many members who are incredibly stimulating to talk to, who give valuable insights, help me learn how to sew, or ask questions that inspire me to think more deeply about many interesting topics. That's the kind of place this really is.
I try to contribute positively in this way but sometimes it doesn’t always work out.

I only resent him for derailing the thread tabby took the time to make for me and others who might be interested in sewing.
I agree. Instead of having threads always be filled with irrelevant things and arguments it should be moved to a dedicated debate/gladiator thread.

And for the shit he said to Przebiśnieg.
I thought the same as him about this person coming here with a poor twisted me attitude, she did seem very pathetic. It’s hard to tell sometimes if a person is being genuine or doing it for manipulative purposes.

Have fun with all that "valuable and truthful information". I don't see what value you're talking about, but that's not my problem. It's utterly disastrous if you consider it relationship advice,
Understanding human nature is very valuable. I also don’t know why you think this is relationship advice. It’s just an observation on how the different genders interact.

jrvan said:
Jack just doesn't like women period as is obvious from the way he has acted here. He blames rape victims, he hates female independence of any kind, he doesn't want women to have a will or mind of their own, and worst of all is that he blames women for the state of society more than he blames jews. He's a misogynist in the most literal nonjewish book definition of the word.
That’s his own problem. I can’t look inside his mind and see what he actually believes so I’m not here to talk about his on views and interpretations of these biological facts. .

Some women want a submissive male.
I think we are talking about strictly physical attraction and characteristics. Yes a woman may want a submissive man as a provider but the same probably can’t be said sexually.

He also cares more about being right than he cares about what the actual Truth is. I really think more than anything else he just wants to be right.
Ain’t that the truth. No one wants to be wrong about anything which is the main cause of big ego. Ego is important but needs to be kept in check.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Some women want a submissive male.
I think we are talking about strictly physical attraction and characteristics. Yes a woman may want a submissive man as a provider but the same probably can’t be said sexually.

Actually it's true. Sexual dynamics can include many different variations, and there's many women who prefer to be dominant in bed. I think a lot of it has to do with a person's unique balance of energies, personality, and maybe other factors (nature vs nurture argument as always, but maybe both in some cases). Likewise some men prefer being submissive sexually, and there's nothing wrong with that nor does it render them "not a man" or anything else toxic that traditional minded males would suggest. Sexuality at the end of the day is very personal, private, and unique to each person. In my opinion, endless research studies on what men or women prefer sexually is kind of degrading and pointless because overarching generalizations are impossible to make with any bit of intellectual honesty. I also see no need for it, and it just seems like more crazy over the top jewish soviet spying on peoples' private lives that are none of their business. Like why the fuck do we need to know what men and women prefer in terms of pleasuring their diddly parts? Why can't we just teach basic health and sex ed for the basics of sex anatomy, pleasure mechanics, and reproduction? Why go further? Why do we need stats on what the general trend and percentage of people who prefer dildos, or lingerie, or this or that sex position, dom/sub, etc..? There's absolutely no need for that data. Why do people need to know it or study it? It's such a personalized thing that it doesn't matter at all in the big picture of society. All these weird studies are so stupid. Since we're already wasting so much time and money on such studies in society, maybe we should focus those strange studies instead on the researchers performing fellatio on their jewish funders, and which ways they like to give it to them, and how it makes them feel/if they are submissive enough to their kike lord, and if they yell "PRAISE JEWSUS" when they're taking it from behind. The damned freaks shouldn't be getting any funding. It's such a waste of time, and it's divisive just like the jews want which is probably why they pay for it to be produced.

Whether dominant or submissive or whatever, finding people who are compatible sexually and energetically is a huge benefit because sex and sexual bonding is such a huge part of a relationship. People definitely should talk more about what they like and what their preferences, turn ons, turn offs, hangups, and whatever else while still in the dating phase. The dating phase is when the people get to know each other. I think people would be a lot happier and successful in relationships if they made actual use of the dating phase, and really got to know each other instead of trying to put on a disguise to present themselves in a way that they think people will like them for and be attracted to. If they put that much work into not being themselves in order to get someone who is incompatible with them but just looks pretty or something, then they could just as easily put effort into being themselves and seeking someone who likes them for the way they are without any pretense. If they ditch the disguise then the right people will be attracted to who they are because who they are is on display. And then the partners once matched can help each other to improve their lives and build something together. In the case of a male seeking a female, they find someone great on the inside and they love the person inside the skin, but maybe they aren't totally happy with the shell. So they work together to exercise and become healthier together, and build themselves up. Then later on both have an awesome desirable appearance, and both partners are pleased to know that they belong with each other and they helped each other sculpt into something better. They become each others work of art that no one else can have. Doesn't that sound much better than trying to pretend to be something you're not in order to go after something that you feel you can't have (and therefore need to have in order to prove something) because everyone is after it? Everyone is after the pretty girls with the trim figures and the nice hair. Be a sculptor and make your own pretty girl from someone who isn't initially as attractive, and then be proud knowing she's chosen to be all yours because you put the work into your relationship with her, and she loves you and wants you for who you are and what you bring to her life. Or if you land a girl who is attractive from the get go, but her personality and substance is lacking, sculpt her on the inside. Teach her things, guide her, show her the beautiful side of life and spirituality.

This can also be done by women, but the sad thing is that a lot of men in society don't care about learning anything from women. I think most men as a result of culture feel like they have to have all the answers themselves, do everything themselves, and be an unmovable stone. I find that I can usually learn something from most people regardless of their gender. I prefer to be the eternal learner, and I try not to discriminate on the source unless it's from jews or their minions.

And I remember your argument about this on the other thread which was a good point, but I also would like to suggest as something to consider that regardless of a person's sex, a human can either be low quality or high quality. What you said about not listening to a woman telling the rest of the family to get vaccinated is totally valid, and the same can be said for any example of low quality people. We should resist anyone who is low level, crazy, or just plain wrong. But we should also consider that we might also be wrong when speaking to people of high quality, and that perhaps we don't see everything in the full spectrum of color, not enough data, or we just aren't considering a particular angle for looking at something perhaps. We can find useful information in so many different places and in different ways that it's limiting to totally exclude certain sources of learning, like for example writing off the entire female sex as crazy, overly emotional, illogical, etc... So much can be learned from women, and they have certain qualities that men don't have. It's unfair to dismiss them entirely when they are high quality.

I cringe and feel the pain of it a bit when I imagine what it has been like for female scientists and females in many historically "male" fields in society past and present, but getting ignored just because of their biological differences (or in some cases killed or burned alive a few centuries ago). Good ideas can come from almost anyone (except jews). It must have really sucked getting written off just because of popular perceptions of their sex as a whole mostly due to the bible, and also getting compared to average women of society. The same sort of perceptions could have been applied to average men of society, the laymen who weren't scientists, intellectual pioneers, philosophers, leaders, etc... but it wasn't. Because of jews and the bible, the collective male sex got the glory stick of popular perception, and thus all men were seen as great even if they were trash. Whereas by contrast, all women were seen as trash even if they were great. Many great women have existed, but they got ignored. And so many men who were totally trash reaped the benefits of popular perception due to all the great men of society who gained the spotlight, and because of the bible.

It's my belief that humans should be judged by their individual achievement rather than clinging to the glory of their peers and using it to their benefit. It's kind of like if humans started thinking of themselves as Gods just because they were created by Gods, and even though they never did anything with spirituality. The same is with men reaping the glory of being the same sex as great men in society past and present even when they haven't done anything glorious themselves. We shouldn't judge the collective sex by the current average in a spiritually degenerated society, nor should we judge the collective sex by its highest achievers. It's just the collective sex, nothing more - it's neutral in this regard. Society right now seems to base perceptions largely on patterns, but these patterns are artificially created by jews infecting society and programming it their way. We see the same patterns in peoples' psychology across the board a lot of the time, the same mindsets, and the very same thoughtforms. This is because people were all collectively brainwashed for hundreds of years through multiple lifetimes in churches, and after that it was marxist schooling made uniform by federal education plans overruling state's rights, and then it was everyone being programmed by the same picture presentations and memes sold to them on the ubiquitous black box televisions showing everyone the same things which they then go and talk to each other about in coffee shops or whatever as if the TV show is an actual facet of their culture. That's how lost, how bored, and how systematically brainwashed people are. It's madness. This is why large groups of people can be predicted by observable patterns, statistics, weird theories and what have you. I don't believe it is reflective at all of humanity and true human nature - instead I think it's all incredibly artificial. In an organic society without jews, there is much more individuality and unique expression, and hardly anyone would be able to be lumped into statistical studies and behavioral analysis. It's a key part of the jewish agenda to turn everyone into artificial clones like the greys without individuality. People aren't supposed to be able to be analyzed collectively like this, and this will come to an end eventually. I think the only basis for analysis of a group of people in the future will be their particular culture, like how different groups of Aryans used to have different cultures in different lands. They were the same race, but their behavior, values, and a lot more were all so individualized. Not even the people of the different Greek city states were the same despite all making up larger Greece. Mapping a whole race, or a whole sex, would have been impossible back then because you would go to one part of the land and find people who are so much different from other parts of the land. It's the same root Pagan culture, but different expressions, and that affects a lot. The culture is the analysis point, not the "human behavior" as if all of humanity could be bar coded and wrapped into the same candy package with the same label.

I see attempts to generalize human behavior as being on the same level as trying to make generalized statements about all arachnids even though spiders are completely different from scorpions in many ways. People are different, and they exist on different levels.

A long rant I suppose, but I hope this reply is helpful and insightful. I've spent quite some time on it today, and now I need to get started with the RTR's and other things.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
And for the shit he said to Przebiśnieg.
I thought the same as him about this person coming here with a poor twisted me attitude, she did seem very pathetic. It’s hard to tell sometimes if a person is being genuine or doing it for manipulative purposes.

I understand that it's sometimes hard to tell, but it's probably best in most cases to wait until they expose themselves completely. The risk for harm to potential SS is too great. What's the point of trying to attract people to the forums in the first place if we are only going to immediately chase them away when they get here? She just needed help. The way I see it, her strength lies in the fact that she was even seeking help from a Satanic community in the first place. She expressed the problems, hangups, and pain within her psyche, and then she listened to the friendly advice from the High Priest and many others who replied to her. She was making use of the advice. Not all victims are like this, and a lot of them would never get this far. That's why she's strong. She is separated from all of the people who remain stuck as victims. And then Jack smashed her back into the dirt in the most toxic, abusive fashion. You don't make fun of someone for being raped, and call them an attention whore for expressing the pain from that and seeking help. As HPHC said, many come to the forums and make threads asking for support and advice, and there's nothing abnormal about this or wrong with it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
