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Making clothes at home - For Meteor

Jack said:
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

What exactly is your issue with women being independent and working towards goals for herself outside of motherhood? No one bats an eye when men focus on their independence and only later consider fatherhood. In today's jewish ridden society, men have become just as degenerate as the women. MGTOW, xtianity, rap culture, etc. It's disturbing how these people think of their counter part.

What we have right now is xtianity 2.0, turning what should be beautiful and powerful into mud and shit. Neither women or men have been healthy since the collapse of Rome and the rise of xtianity. Americans fled Europe to get away from that corruption.

1950's was a xtian ruled era. Women weren't allowed to be anything more than a carer for children. She wasn't even allowed to have a say in how her own kids were raised. Women were beaten, children were beaten, men were emotional suppressed beyond recognition of human. I don't get how you can think that was a better time for anyone just because families appeared to have been "flourishing" back then. Protected sex was spat on by xtianity. So what you're seeing is not better family life because women didn't have independence. You're seeing xtianity causing people to have large families which they brainwashed in church and schools, creating unhealthy children to drive out the stronger healthier families. The results of which is what you see today with women hating men for the horrible treatment that has lasted under the jews.

What we need are healthy people and a healthy society. Not a lack of independence for women. Healthy parents create and raise healthy children. It's only natural for a woman to want the best partner (looks, financial, health, and emotional wise) and be treated with respect, because that will follow her children. A healthy partner means healthy children. Financial support means being able to provide enough and more than enough to give everything those children will need to prosper and make it through life, so that one day they will also have healthy children.

If a woman settled down for "yeah whatever, he's not good but gotta save my race", you will continue the cycle of damaged children. I've seen women who were not ready to have kids and men who were just never home to be with their family because they're always working... those kids don't grow up healthy and well developed. Men need to start pulling their weight in society just as much as women. Unify and heal both sexes, not push one down over the other. What can one hope to achieve if even here women are regarded as something that should be controlled instead of nurtured and respected?

Satanic healthy women and men are not the same as the things the jews have created. So this degeneracy and loss of birth rates has nothing to do with women's independence, but the result of a total lack of it and the loss of connection between men and women for far too long. There were once female Pharaohs in Egypt and the country prospered just as well as when it was under a male leadership. Selecting statistics that only support your biased view towards females don't show the whole picture accurately enough to explain what is really going on in society.

Don't you think that this whole mentality is what jews want men to have towards their women? "Oh look how horribly these independent and free women behave! Look how disgusting they are! Women were better when they had no freedom and were nothing more than a baby-maker on legs!"

Like I said. Xtianity 2.0. "Let's take the freedoms of women away so we can have a better society." I wonder how well pitched that idea would be in a SS or NS nation. An independent healthy and well developed woman will not be swayed by the distant cries of ugly jewish women complaining how their own race suppresses them and ranting how all men are oppressive to women. No. They would look to their brothers, fathers, uncles, friends, coworkers, cousins, and sons, and know that it's all bullshit. A woman who has no independence will be made to follow the choices of others good or bad without thoughts of her own to know if it's right or not.

Honestly, I feel women should have high standards for their men. At least it would encourage them not to be slobs and actually do well for themselves in order to attract a healthy woman. It all comes back to jews degenerating both sexes and ruining gentile's chances to survive and be better. A lot of men don't have enough money to attract women because of jews not letting us have any wealth. You need wealth to raise healthy children.

Both of my parents had to work full time jobs just to make ends meet and live a bit above survival mode, to give me good education and allow for my skills to develop. I wouldn't have been able to make this post if not for how hard my parents worked for me to learn things like this. Most kids are not so lucky. Just so I could live well, my parents had to forsake being there for me on an emotional level. My dad couldn't be home until well after all of us had gone to bed. The older we got the less family time was possible unless it was the holidays. That's neither of my parents fault. The jews make it nearly impossible for anyone to have remotely healthy families. It's a sad irony that my family have spent more time together in the last year only because of lock downs than they ever have since I was a child just learning how to ride a bike or catch fish.

If you want to continue this kind of topic, let's make a separate post please. This was just meant to be about sewing and advice for anyone interested, male or female.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:
Jack, I believe Lunar Dance was speaking of independence in the sense that sewing (and other skills for that matter) allowed women to make a living through hard work which allows them to have their own money and financial power. The alternative is that they are dependent upon either society (their friends and/or the state) or a man for their very survival, and not every woman has the ability to find a man so easily. Having the option of making your own money to keep yourself alive is very important, and that is the definition of independence - not relying on someone else for your survival and needs. Women would be forced into the child state of being dependent on others to take care of them if they couldn't make their own money, and if they can't find a caretaker for whatever reason then they will die (unless they achieve independence and secure their survival).

I don't think she was speaking about women's independence in the radical feminist sense where they are encouraged to never have kids, never settle down and start families, and just focus on career career career. That doesn't sound even close to what Lunar Dance was saying.

Women making money also allows them to contribute to their family and household. Especially when the kids are old enough to self manage.

It's like I often say to Tabby: a woman shouldn't NEED a man, she should want him.

In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

By the way, speaking of cognitive dissonance, the Black people have far higher birth rates despite having the largest percentage of single mothers and absent fathers. Would it not be a better argument to suggest that White people should act more like ghetto thug Blacks, pumping and dumping, and never sticking around for the kids? Just impregnate anything that moves, and make the woman jump on welfare.

You could say that if we really want our birth rates up in order to reach replacement levels, then a better survival strategy would be for White people to act more like the majority of American Blacks. We should have MORE absent fathers and MORE single mothers if we want higher birth rates.

I just typed a long ass reply replying to everything that you guys said and lost it as I typed reply.

I'm going to just drop it because it's like beating a dead horse's skeleton after its been decomposed. I give you impassioned statistics and you start making morality arguments for a real time situation.

Eventually every single right Winger(who will inherit this world) will adopt my way of thinking and that's guaranteed as society starts to devolve more and more and revert back to our natural state of life. Hold me upon my word because its going to happen.
Jack said:
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

In this universe, numbers don't lie. That's why people tend to trust numbers. However, people can use numbers to lie. People can paint whatever kind of story they want using numbers, and plenty of people do. So while I generally trust numbers, I usually do not trust the people who use numbers to try to convince me of things.

50 percent huh?

Children in single-parent families by race in the United States:


Maybe this website is lying to me too. How am I to know? I usually don't listen to statistics that are randomly thrown in my face as evidence of talking points. You can throw all the numbers in the world at me, and use them all to try to tell me anything you want. It's pointless.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
In this current world, people don't know how to interact properly with each other. Everyone is walking around with some kind of mental insanity.

People don't have to stay with someone they hate, with someone that belittles them or otherwise wrongs them just to stay alive.
This is a GOOD thing.

We need people that stay together, raise children together, but to get that, we must heal and restore society and societies relationships FIRST.
These mental issues have to be gone also. And people must learn mutual respect.

I don't think it is selfishness of break-ups. But also a matter of not knowing one another through and through before committing to something serious.

And yes perhaps we have a generation that is more freeminded and more freespirited and that doesn't feel the need as much as previous generations to settle down with one person for the rest of their lives.
These things happen. And its fine.

You can rant on all about 'muh statistics' but in the end, you'll have to deal with the person right in front of you.

I genuinely feel sorry for the person who would ever fall in love with Jack, the way he is now.

Also, this is just me, but why must husband and wife sleep in the same bed together every single night? It is rare but some relationships have his and her bedroom separated, and back in the rich houses there were 'mens' and 'womens' quarters or chambers.

I also do not understand, why Jack is flying off about this. And to be fair, I don't intend to derail this topic any further, and as thus I consider myself having said plenty about this. I would suggest others to refrain from replying to anything that might follow, if it is of the nature above.
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

By the way, speaking of cognitive dissonance, the Black people have far higher birth rates despite having the largest percentage of single mothers and absent fathers. Would it not be a better argument to suggest that White people should act more like ghetto thug Blacks, pumping and dumping, and never sticking around for the kids? Just impregnate anything that moves, and make the woman jump on welfare.

You could say that if we really want our birth rates up in order to reach replacement levels, then a better survival strategy would be for White people to act more like the majority of American Blacks. We should have MORE absent fathers and MORE single mothers if we want higher birth rates.

And btw ,yes this is a viable option but only in the case of a hot war. In a situation where the fathers are available they need to directly train their sons. That creates better soldiers ,dutiful members of society and men who can control their emotions. In a protracted war of demographics where every city is an enclave as the enemy is already within your borders ,the father teaching sons is a better option than going on the impregnation spree because no one is actually leaving the battlefield. The Battlefield is your country itself.

That was recommended by Himmler when the German men were going to war and it was certain a lot of them would die. The SS men were directed to impregnate as many women as possible illegitimately and these boys would be cared for by the state.

Berlin, October 28, 1939
The Reichsführer SS and
Chief of the German Police
in the Reich Ministry of the Interior

SS-Decree for the Entire SS and Police

[ . . . ]

The old proverb that only he can die in peace who has sons and children must again hold good in this war, particularly for the SS. He can die in peace who knows that his clan and everything that his ancestors and he himself have wanted and striven for will be continued in his children. The greatest gift for the widow of a man killed in battle is always the child of the man she has loved.

Beyond the limits of bourgeois laws and conventions, which are perhaps necessary in other circumstances, it can be a noble task for German women and girls of good blood to become even outside marriage, not light-heartedly but out of a deep moral seriousness, mothers of the children of soldiers going to war of whom fate alone knows whether they will return or die for Germany.

[ . . . ]

During the last war, many a soldier decided from a sense of responsibility to have no more children during the war so that his wife would not be left in need and distress after his death. You SS men need not have these anxieties; they are removed by the following regulations:

1. Special delegates, chosen by me personally, will take over in the name of the Reichsführer SS, the guardianship of all legitimate and illegitimate children of good blood whose fathers were killed in the war. We will support these mothers and take over the education and material care of these children until they come of age, so that no mother and widow need suffer want.

2. During the war, the SS will take care of all legitimate and illegitimate children born during the war and of expectant mothers in cases of need. After the war, when the fathers return, the SS will in addition grant generous material help to well-founded applications by individuals.

SS-Men and you mothers of these children which Germany has hoped for show that you are ready, through your faith in the Führer and for the sake of the life of our blood and people, to regenerate life for Germany just as bravely as you know how to fight and die for Germany.

The Reichsführer SS
H. Himmler

Source of English translation: Jeremy Noakes, ed., Nazism, 1919-1939, Vol. 4: The German Home Front in World War II. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998, pp. 368-69.

Source of original German text: "Geheimerlass des Reichsführer-SS für die gesamte SS und Polizei" (28. Oktober 1939); reprinted in Norbert Westenrieder, Deutsche Frauen und Mädchen! Düsseldorf, 1984, p. 42

You need to understand very clearly where I'm coming from. I look at everything from the lens of the "greater good" in reference to the situation. I'm not burdened by feelings of morality or "right and wrong ". I believe in the philosophy of "Might is Right" and any solution is correct as long as its viable and solves the problem in the immediate sense.

Definitely women should be empowered to the greatest extent and be whatever they want to be and the male- female problems and economic situation must be solved. But that will take decades more and counting which we do not have.

The situation is this - As the third world collapses due to lockdowns ,millions of starving third worlders will pour in (and are pouring in currently) into the first world.

All of these people are a permanent underclass soldiers for the UN who will reproduce and replace the whites.

Unless you make enough babies to fight the coming protracted Holy Racial War (Rahowa) ,then its already over before its began.

And so in the immediate few decades ,a lot of this ideology about economics, and independence and things will have to take the back seat as each city becomes a battleground between racial communities fighting for supremacy over each other. For the greater good of survival, this needs to happen.

And only after you've won the Holy Racial war in the outer cities, flushed out the Jews in the major scientific cities that they will set up after the collapse of modern society (the United Nations Smart Cities Initiative) and completed "The Final Solution " can you get back to civilization building and starting to liberate women and have all this choice about waiting for the opportune moments and better quality of life and better guys etc.

This demographic situation is currently going to turn deadly real fast as the starving Africans and moslems rush into Europe after the Cyberattacks and Economic collapse. You need to understand, this isn't forever because this war will be finalized in a couple of decades but this is the reality now. Your in a world war and so far their blitzkrieg is going according to plan. We don't have much time. As soon as they collapse the economy, the borders are going to be wide open and Rahowa will begin in earnest. So I'm sorry to say but unless these women provide the necessary manpower to fight the war ,the foreigners will win the war.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

By the way, speaking of cognitive dissonance, the Black people have far higher birth rates despite having the largest percentage of single mothers and absent fathers. Would it not be a better argument to suggest that White people should act more like ghetto thug Blacks, pumping and dumping, and never sticking around for the kids? Just impregnate anything that moves, and make the woman jump on welfare.

You could say that if we really want our birth rates up in order to reach replacement levels, then a better survival strategy would be for White people to act more like the majority of American Blacks. We should have MORE absent fathers and MORE single mothers if we want higher birth rates.

And btw ,yes this is a viable option but only in the case of a hot war. In a situation where the fathers are available they need to directly train their sons. That creates better soldiers ,dutiful members of society and men who can control their emotions. In a protracted war of demographics where every city is an enclave as the enemy is already within your borders ,the father teaching sons is a better option than going on the impregnation spree because no one is actually leaving the battlefield. The Battlefield is your country itself.

That was recommended by Himmler when the German men were going to war and it was certain a lot of them would die. The SS men were directed to impregnate as many women as possible illegitimately and these boys would be cared for by the state.

Berlin, October 28, 1939
The Reichsführer SS and
Chief of the German Police
in the Reich Ministry of the Interior

SS-Decree for the Entire SS and Police

[ . . . ]

The old proverb that only he can die in peace who has sons and children must again hold good in this war, particularly for the SS. He can die in peace who knows that his clan and everything that his ancestors and he himself have wanted and striven for will be continued in his children. The greatest gift for the widow of a man killed in battle is always the child of the man she has loved.

Beyond the limits of bourgeois laws and conventions, which are perhaps necessary in other circumstances, it can be a noble task for German women and girls of good blood to become even outside marriage, not light-heartedly but out of a deep moral seriousness, mothers of the children of soldiers going to war of whom fate alone knows whether they will return or die for Germany.

[ . . . ]

During the last war, many a soldier decided from a sense of responsibility to have no more children during the war so that his wife would not be left in need and distress after his death. You SS men need not have these anxieties; they are removed by the following regulations:

1. Special delegates, chosen by me personally, will take over in the name of the Reichsführer SS, the guardianship of all legitimate and illegitimate children of good blood whose fathers were killed in the war. We will support these mothers and take over the education and material care of these children until they come of age, so that no mother and widow need suffer want.

2. During the war, the SS will take care of all legitimate and illegitimate children born during the war and of expectant mothers in cases of need. After the war, when the fathers return, the SS will in addition grant generous material help to well-founded applications by individuals.

SS-Men and you mothers of these children which Germany has hoped for show that you are ready, through your faith in the Führer and for the sake of the life of our blood and people, to regenerate life for Germany just as bravely as you know how to fight and die for Germany.

The Reichsführer SS
H. Himmler

Source of English translation: Jeremy Noakes, ed., Nazism, 1919-1939, Vol. 4: The German Home Front in World War II. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998, pp. 368-69.

Source of original German text: "Geheimerlass des Reichsführer-SS für die gesamte SS und Polizei" (28. Oktober 1939); reprinted in Norbert Westenrieder, Deutsche Frauen und Mädchen! Düsseldorf, 1984, p. 42

You need to understand very clearly where I'm coming from. I look at everything from the lens of the "greater good" in reference to the situation. I'm not burdened by feelings of morality or "right and wrong ". I believe in the philosophy of "Might is Right" and any solution is correct as long as its viable and solves the problem in the immediate sense.

Definitely women should be empowered to the greatest extent and be whatever they want to be and the male- female problems and economic situation must be solved. But that will take decades more and counting which we do not have.

The situation is this - As the third world collapses due to lockdowns ,millions of starving third worlders will pour in (and are pouring in currently) into the first world.

All of these people are a permanent underclass soldiers for the UN who will reproduce and replace the whites.

Unless you make enough babies to fight the coming protracted Holy Racial War (Rahowa) ,then its already over before its began.

And so in the immediate few decades ,a lot of this ideology about economics, and independence and things will have to take the back seat as each city becomes a battleground between racial communities fighting for supremacy over each other. For the greater good of survival, this needs to happen.

And only after you've won the Holy Racial war in the outer cities, flushed out the Jews in the major scientific cities that they will set up after the collapse of modern society (the United Nations Smart Cities Initiative) and completed "The Final Solution " can you get back to civilization building and starting to liberate women and have all this choice about waiting for the opportune moments and better quality of life and better guys etc.

This demographic situation is currently going to turn deadly real fast as the starving Africans and moslems rush into Europe after the Cyberattacks and Economic collapse. You need to understand, this isn't forever because this war will be finalized in a couple of decades but this is the reality now. Your in a world war and so far their blitzkrieg is going according to plan. We don't have much time. As soon as they collapse the economy, the borders are going to be wide open and Rahowa will begin in earnest. So I'm sorry to say but unless these women provide the necessary manpower to fight the war ,the foreigners will win the war.

It's actually not a viable solution because unlike then, if this strategy was employed now then the kids would be put in the care of marxists and ZOG. White men having many children illegitimately and leaving them and the mothers in the care of the state and public education just leads to us being right back where we started with this whole mess. I'm telling you, the primary reason that things have gotten this bad in America right now (I can't speak for Europe, I don't know much of anything about their politics) is because of marxist doctrine in the education system.

We need responsible politicians to uproot marxism from the education programs. Education reform, new bills, new boards of education. And we need some good ol' fashioned McCarthyism!

As for the rest of what you said - I have only one part I want to touch on. Why would you encourage Spiritual Satanists to breed with losers and people who are not "better guys?" Why should anyone here settle? SS blood is the most precious blood in the world. Do you realize how valuable even one spiritually empowered bloodline is? It's imperative that Spiritual Satanists breed with the best they can find. We need more spiritual bloodlines. And if you tell me that you are saying this in regards to society at large then I must ask why you are not bringing your message to them? What purpose does it serve to preach these things to SS on the forums here? And why berate Lunar Dance over it? If this message of yours applies to the average folk of society then it doesn't need to be stated here because we are different. It's far more important in our cases to create powerful spiritual bloodlines, and not just any random loser will do for that purpose. And absolutely under no circumstances should SS women settle for abusive toxic males who won't treat them with dignity and respect, or even anyone far enough below them that they are significantly settling or tolerating the man for the sake of reproduction. If we were going to go that far then there's plenty of sperm banks as an alternative.
Jack said:
I just typed a long ass reply replying to everything that you guys said and lost it as I typed reply.

I'm going to just drop it because it's like beating a dead horse's skeleton after its been decomposed. I give you impassioned statistics and you start making morality arguments for a real time situation.

Eventually every single right Winger(who will inherit this world) will adopt my way of thinking and that's guaranteed as society starts to devolve more and more and revert back to our natural state of life. Hold me upon my word because its going to happen.

Aside from the machine error or whatever it was, this sounds like a cop out to me. I've been arguing your points with logic, and I assume that was the reason why you bothered to engage with me. It's not morality arguments on my part, it's just a different perception and way of looking at things. Or do you want me to think the exact same way that you do and never contribute anything novel to a discussion? I hope you can appreciate the value of different perspectives because I certainly do. Don't think I haven't taken anything at all away from what you have shared. The quote from Himmler was enlightening for me, and I have now added another angle to what you said about it with which to think about.

I don't think right wingers will inherit the world. They tend to be conservative minded, and conservatism isn't the answer, you know that. We've gotten nowhere by following the conservatives. It's just defend defend defend, conserve conserve conserve. And all the while we are conserving, they take more and more ground from us politically. We don't need to conserve, we need to attack. Conservatives are just eunuchs, and if they're not eunuchs then they're shills. My opinion.
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
You can do metal working?! That’s so cool!

I love blue collar work.

It started with clubhouses when i was a kid. I was always dragging wood back and forth and collecting it from the junk sections of construction sites nearby. My mom made us ask if we could take it first lol. I had one other girl help me but she didnt care for it much and eventually stopped hanging out with me, but i got the neighborhood kids to help out who we were all friends with. i actually wanted to make a whole fucking ewok village in the backyard and my parents wouldnt have it :lol:. Well, at 18 wood turned into metal and the National Guard sent me to APG for AIT and i learned to be a machinist.

Lol i remember being in the recuruiters office when i enlisted and he asked me "what do you want your MOS to be?" then i said "i wanna make weapons" sigh my naive self

so machinist was the closest thing to that. thats how i got in the metal industry. later on i started welding :3. they make pretty good money as long as they do the job right and are good. fabshop sucks, fieldwork and refineries is where its at. always something different.

Dude, you're really freaking cool haha.
Thanks lol

I just emailed those pics of my messed up blanket to see the stitches..along with pics of my welding work :). Let me know what you think!
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Do you need any more explanation ?

  • The replacement of White Populations by Immigrants driven by Female choice is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • 50% of households of damaged children that are growing up without fathers because their mother didn't feel like she was being treated like a utopian princess and that her husband wasn't making enough money is "GOOD " and "FINE ".

  • Essentially the Death of your Nation is "GOOD " and "FINE " as you get replaced by Blacks, Moslems and South Americans in real time.

This is just so disturbing. There's no point in arguing anything any further. The level of cognitive dissonance is so bad that it's making my head turn.

In this universe, numbers don't lie. That's why people tend to trust numbers. However, people can use numbers to lie. People can paint whatever kind of story they want using numbers, and plenty of people do. So while I generally trust numbers, I usually do not trust the people who use numbers to try to convince me of things.

50 percent huh?

Children in single-parent families by race in the United States:


Maybe this website is lying to me too. How am I to know? I usually don't listen to statistics that are randomly thrown in my face as evidence of talking points. You can throw all the numbers in the world at me, and use them all to try to tell me anything you want. It's pointless.
I never said that Whites were having a 50% divorce rate. The situation is actually worse. What I specifically said was 50% of all marriages end in Divorce and 80% of all Divorces are initiated by Women. Your chart doesn't take into account whether or not the couple is cohabiting or not which significantly skews the data. Also this Chart compares Whites with other racial populations which gives the perception that whites are having more families. The truth is that Whites are not getting married and creating families in the first place ,which is why as an overall percentage comparison with other races ,it looks like the white race is faring better. Here are the real statistics -

Overall, there are significant differences in the racial and ethnic profiles of solo and cohabiting parents. Among solo parents, 42% are white and 28% are black, compared with 55% of cohabiting parents who are white and 13% who are black.

These gaps are driven largely by racial differences among the large share of solo parents who are mothers. Solo moms are more than twice as likely to be black as cohabiting moms (30% vs. 12%), and roughly four times as likely as married moms (7% of whom are black). Four-in-ten solo mothers are white, compared with 58% of cohabiting moms and 61% of married moms.

While using statistics you have to first look at inside statistics of the group itself. The pew research proves whites aren't faring any better than the other races, and worse they aren't even having children as the other races are. This is understood by looking at overall Demographic trends and fertility rates.
Race and Hispanic Origin Number of births per 1,000 women
Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander 58
Some other race 56
Hispanic or Latino origin (of any race) 54
Black or African American 52
Two or more races 50
American Indian and Alaska Native 50
White 50
White alone, not Hispanic or Latino 49
Asian 4
Whites have one of the lowest fertility rates.
Characteristic Births per thousand women
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander 2,178
Hispanic 1,940
Black (non-Hispanic) 1,775.5
All 1,706
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,611.5
White (non-Hispanic) 1,610.5
Asian 1,51

You also have to take into account that compared to other races, White women are more economically sound and are refusing to get married period. This means that not only are they not getting married, they aren't having children out of wedlock like the other races are. Every single illegitimate child even if uncared for is acting as a fighter in this war.

Currently according to trends (which are fake because millions of Immigrants will soon pour into every city of America after the economic collapse. ) , Whites will become a minority in their own nations by 2050.

Taking into consideration the timetable of various Globalist documents and current events I'd say you have 15 years before the White are completely replaced in their own countries due to the millions of immigrants (~600million) being brought in by the United Nations.
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
In my opinion, unless there is financial tension, one should either be a mother, or a worker, not both.

I think it's fine if you can work from home, especially if it's something you enjoy such as painting, writing or making clothes.
Either way, taking time off during and after pregnancy makes sense.
Things like that, sure thing, it's also a good thing. But when a mother literally wants to abbandon her kids in a kindergarden just to pursue her corporate job and feel like a "strong and independent" woman that's just retarded and selfish.
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.

This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
By the way, speaking of cognitive dissonance, the Black people have far higher birth rates despite having the largest percentage of single mothers and absent fathers. Would it not be a better argument to suggest that White people should act more like ghetto thug Blacks, pumping and dumping, and never sticking around for the kids? Just impregnate anything that moves, and make the woman jump on welfare.

You could say that if we really want our birth rates up in order to reach replacement levels, then a better survival strategy would be for White people to act more like the majority of American Blacks. We should have MORE absent fathers and MORE single mothers if we want higher birth rates.

And btw ,yes this is a viable option but only in the case of a hot war. In a situation where the fathers are available they need to directly train their sons. That creates better soldiers ,dutiful members of society and men who can control their emotions. In a protracted war of demographics where every city is an enclave as the enemy is already within your borders ,the father teaching sons is a better option than going on the impregnation spree because no one is actually leaving the battlefield. The Battlefield is your country itself.

That was recommended by Himmler when the German men were going to war and it was certain a lot of them would die. The SS men were directed to impregnate as many women as possible illegitimately and these boys would be cared for by the state.

Berlin, October 28, 1939
The Reichsführer SS and
Chief of the German Police
in the Reich Ministry of the Interior

SS-Decree for the Entire SS and Police

[ . . . ]

The old proverb that only he can die in peace who has sons and children must again hold good in this war, particularly for the SS. He can die in peace who knows that his clan and everything that his ancestors and he himself have wanted and striven for will be continued in his children. The greatest gift for the widow of a man killed in battle is always the child of the man she has loved.

Beyond the limits of bourgeois laws and conventions, which are perhaps necessary in other circumstances, it can be a noble task for German women and girls of good blood to become even outside marriage, not light-heartedly but out of a deep moral seriousness, mothers of the children of soldiers going to war of whom fate alone knows whether they will return or die for Germany.

[ . . . ]

During the last war, many a soldier decided from a sense of responsibility to have no more children during the war so that his wife would not be left in need and distress after his death. You SS men need not have these anxieties; they are removed by the following regulations:

1. Special delegates, chosen by me personally, will take over in the name of the Reichsführer SS, the guardianship of all legitimate and illegitimate children of good blood whose fathers were killed in the war. We will support these mothers and take over the education and material care of these children until they come of age, so that no mother and widow need suffer want.

2. During the war, the SS will take care of all legitimate and illegitimate children born during the war and of expectant mothers in cases of need. After the war, when the fathers return, the SS will in addition grant generous material help to well-founded applications by individuals.

SS-Men and you mothers of these children which Germany has hoped for show that you are ready, through your faith in the Führer and for the sake of the life of our blood and people, to regenerate life for Germany just as bravely as you know how to fight and die for Germany.

The Reichsführer SS
H. Himmler

Source of English translation: Jeremy Noakes, ed., Nazism, 1919-1939, Vol. 4: The German Home Front in World War II. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998, pp. 368-69.

Source of original German text: "Geheimerlass des Reichsführer-SS für die gesamte SS und Polizei" (28. Oktober 1939); reprinted in Norbert Westenrieder, Deutsche Frauen und Mädchen! Düsseldorf, 1984, p. 42

You need to understand very clearly where I'm coming from. I look at everything from the lens of the "greater good" in reference to the situation. I'm not burdened by feelings of morality or "right and wrong ". I believe in the philosophy of "Might is Right" and any solution is correct as long as its viable and solves the problem in the immediate sense.

Definitely women should be empowered to the greatest extent and be whatever they want to be and the male- female problems and economic situation must be solved. But that will take decades more and counting which we do not have.

The situation is this - As the third world collapses due to lockdowns ,millions of starving third worlders will pour in (and are pouring in currently) into the first world.

All of these people are a permanent underclass soldiers for the UN who will reproduce and replace the whites.

Unless you make enough babies to fight the coming protracted Holy Racial War (Rahowa) ,then its already over before its began.

And so in the immediate few decades ,a lot of this ideology about economics, and independence and things will have to take the back seat as each city becomes a battleground between racial communities fighting for supremacy over each other. For the greater good of survival, this needs to happen.

And only after you've won the Holy Racial war in the outer cities, flushed out the Jews in the major scientific cities that they will set up after the collapse of modern society (the United Nations Smart Cities Initiative) and completed "The Final Solution " can you get back to civilization building and starting to liberate women and have all this choice about waiting for the opportune moments and better quality of life and better guys etc.

This demographic situation is currently going to turn deadly real fast as the starving Africans and moslems rush into Europe after the Cyberattacks and Economic collapse. You need to understand, this isn't forever because this war will be finalized in a couple of decades but this is the reality now. Your in a world war and so far their blitzkrieg is going according to plan. We don't have much time. As soon as they collapse the economy, the borders are going to be wide open and Rahowa will begin in earnest. So I'm sorry to say but unless these women provide the necessary manpower to fight the war ,the foreigners will win the war.

It's actually not a viable solution because unlike then, if this strategy was employed now then the kids would be put in the care of marxists and ZOG. White men having many children illegitimately and leaving them and the mothers in the care of the state and public education just leads to us being right back where we started with this whole mess. I'm telling you, the primary reason that things have gotten this bad in America right now (I can't speak for Europe, I don't know much of anything about their politics) is because of marxist doctrine in the education system.

We need responsible politicians to uproot marxism from the education programs. Education reform, new bills, new boards of education. And we need some good ol' fashioned McCarthyism!

As for the rest of what you said - I have only one part I want to touch on. Why would you encourage Spiritual Satanists to breed with losers and people who are not "better guys?" Why should anyone here settle? SS blood is the most precious blood in the world. Do you realize how valuable even one spiritually empowered bloodline is? It's imperative that Spiritual Satanists breed with the best they can find. We need more spiritual bloodlines. And if you tell me that you are saying this in regards to society at large then I must ask why you are not bringing your message to them? What purpose does it serve to preach these things to SS on the forums here? And why berate Lunar Dance over it? If this message of yours applies to the average folk of society then it doesn't need to be stated here because we are different. It's far more important in our cases to create powerful spiritual bloodlines, and not just any random loser will do for that purpose. And absolutely under no circumstances should SS women settle for abusive toxic males who won't treat them with dignity and respect, or even anyone far enough below them that they are significantly settling or tolerating the man for the sake of reproduction. If we were going to go that far then there's plenty of sperm banks as an alternative.
I'm not the one who brought this up ,remember. It was you who brought up the issue about breeding like blacks and I gave you the answer that that's a strategy for a hot war. I'm not preaching anything. I just wanted to show you that a lot of conventional morality about what men and women should or should not do is of irrelevance to me or to the National Socialists of the last age. They didn't care if those illegitimate kids had a father or not. They believed in utilitarianism, the same way that I do.

It was LunarDance who attacked me out of nowhere on the forum and after I challenged her ,she couldn't come up with any other cop out other than trying to claim the holy high ground and not counter anything I said.

The leftists and the liberals have all taken the vaccine. And soon they will be sterilized or probably dead. But other than that ,the right wingers won't be allowed to buy and sell at the large companies or get employed without a Covid Passport. The same will be for the kids.

No one Is going to school anymore. And there will be no organized civilization outside of the major cities.

Your inside of a normalcy bias here. Politics is over, period.

We're currently inside of a world war now. Within a decade ,the world population will have been reduced massively due to climate change and after the Cyberattacks the economy will have been crashed. The Government is going to start a civil war with the Whites who aren't vaccinated and the country will be divided after they fail to put everyone in the Covid camps.

The civilization will be based around massive Israel style smart cities with high tech technology. Outside of the cities it will be like Fallout New Vegas. I'm not kidding.

After the collapse, the border will be completely dissolved with the UN. The millions of migrants will be in each city and they're going to fight inside every city for racial supremacy. The Government will be dissolved and the United Nations will be given total control.

In that situation, some serious measures must be taken to keep the babies coming so that they will fight this protracted war. The biggest obstacle will be to breach the smart cities once the outer wastelands have been cleared out.

There is no debate. Everything I'm saying is happening now in live Time. And everything I'm saying is going to happen in the future.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
I just typed a long ass reply replying to everything that you guys said and lost it as I typed reply.

I'm going to just drop it because it's like beating a dead horse's skeleton after its been decomposed. I give you impassioned statistics and you start making morality arguments for a real time situation.

Eventually every single right Winger(who will inherit this world) will adopt my way of thinking and that's guaranteed as society starts to devolve more and more and revert back to our natural state of life. Hold me upon my word because its going to happen.

Aside from the machine error or whatever it was, this sounds like a cop out to me. I've been arguing your points with logic, and I assume that was the reason why you bothered to engage with me. It's not morality arguments on my part, it's just a different perception and way of looking at things. Or do you want me to think the exact same way that you do and never contribute anything novel to a discussion? I hope you can appreciate the value of different perspectives because I certainly do. Don't think I haven't taken anything at all away from what you have shared. The quote from Himmler was enlightening for me, and I have now added another angle to what you said about it with which to think about.

I don't think right wingers will inherit the world. They tend to be conservative minded, and conservatism isn't the answer, you know that. We've gotten nowhere by following the conservatives. It's just defend defend defend, conserve conserve conserve. And all the while we are conserving, they take more and more ground from us politically. We don't need to conserve, we need to attack. Conservatives are just eunuchs, and if they're not eunuchs then they're shills. My opinion.
You haven't responded to any of the claims and you can't because its happening in real time. By right Wingers, I mean traditional values who don't believe in the importance of Female Financial Independence over the Survival of the Race.

Here are the points in bullet form
  • The whites have a below replacement level fertility rate.
  • There is a positive correlation between Female Financial independence and decrease in marriage and birth rates. This is universal across all cultures and ethnicities (example - Japan which doesn't have jews or Immigrants but have a very good wealthy economy. )
  • There would be no problem with Female choices, unless it threatens the survival of the race.
    For example, I wouldn't recommend doing anything in Japan because they don't have an immigrant problem and the United Nations doesn't want to invade that country.
  • The immigrants inside US and Europe don't have the same culture as westerners and have a lot of children and their women aren't brought up in a feminist society. They are taught in UN refugee camps that whites are evil and they have to replace the whites by having a lot of children.
  • According to the United Nations, Replacement Migration plan around 600 million immigrants (Africans, Moslems, South Americans etc) will be transported to the US and Europe in recurring refugee flows after a global economic collapse.
  • The Unvaccinated will be thrown out of society because they won't be able to buy and sell essential life services. The United States government (deep state) will start a war with the southerners and fail ,after which they will be mostly situated in Massive smart cities they will have built which will be closed off to the outside.

  • The outside world will collapse into total chaos as the government's dissolve and enter into a partnership with the United nations to manage the crisis.

  • And thus the people outside of the Beast system will need to have enough babies to fight a protracted racial war (a.k.a Rahowa) to reclaim their cities from the Foreign invaders.

Your arguing about specifics of right and wrong and I'm telling you that in this situation there is no right and wrong. All those Single men are potential fighters who will fight this war. All the babies that will be created will be there to take the place of their Fathers as they fall.

The society your living in is gone. Everything and Everyone you see will be gone within 10 years. And in 20 years the entire outer cities will have fallen to Fallout new Vegas type apocalypse situation.

I don't know what to say or if you're ready to get this ,but this is happening. Right now. Millions of immigrants are being shipped in currently through the southern border. Its going to get really really deadly. All of this choice of whether or not to have children is just a convenience of the First world. When everything becomes like South Africa, there will be no choice.
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).
Aquarius said:
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
In my opinion, unless there is financial tension, one should either be a mother, or a worker, not both.

I think it's fine if you can work from home, especially if it's something you enjoy such as painting, writing or making clothes.
Either way, taking time off during and after pregnancy makes sense.
Things like that, sure thing, it's also a good thing. But when a mother literally wants to abbandon her kids in a kindergarden just to pursue her corporate job and feel like a "strong and independent" woman that's just retarded and selfish.

I completely agree with you on this.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
And btw ,yes this is a viable option but only in the case of a hot war. In a situation where the fathers are available they need to directly train their sons. That creates better soldiers ,dutiful members of society and men who can control their emotions. In a protracted war of demographics where every city is an enclave as the enemy is already within your borders ,the father teaching sons is a better option than going on the impregnation spree because no one is actually leaving the battlefield. The Battlefield is your country itself.

That was recommended by Himmler when the German men were going to war and it was certain a lot of them would die. The SS men were directed to impregnate as many women as possible illegitimately and these boys would be cared for by the state.

You need to understand very clearly where I'm coming from. I look at everything from the lens of the "greater good" in reference to the situation. I'm not burdened by feelings of morality or "right and wrong ". I believe in the philosophy of "Might is Right" and any solution is correct as long as its viable and solves the problem in the immediate sense.

Definitely women should be empowered to the greatest extent and be whatever they want to be and the male- female problems and economic situation must be solved. But that will take decades more and counting which we do not have.

The situation is this - As the third world collapses due to lockdowns ,millions of starving third worlders will pour in (and are pouring in currently) into the first world.

All of these people are a permanent underclass soldiers for the UN who will reproduce and replace the whites.

Unless you make enough babies to fight the coming protracted Holy Racial War (Rahowa) ,then its already over before its began.

And so in the immediate few decades ,a lot of this ideology about economics, and independence and things will have to take the back seat as each city becomes a battleground between racial communities fighting for supremacy over each other. For the greater good of survival, this needs to happen.

And only after you've won the Holy Racial war in the outer cities, flushed out the Jews in the major scientific cities that they will set up after the collapse of modern society (the United Nations Smart Cities Initiative) and completed "The Final Solution " can you get back to civilization building and starting to liberate women and have all this choice about waiting for the opportune moments and better quality of life and better guys etc.

This demographic situation is currently going to turn deadly real fast as the starving Africans and moslems rush into Europe after the Cyberattacks and Economic collapse. You need to understand, this isn't forever because this war will be finalized in a couple of decades but this is the reality now. Your in a world war and so far their blitzkrieg is going according to plan. We don't have much time. As soon as they collapse the economy, the borders are going to be wide open and Rahowa will begin in earnest. So I'm sorry to say but unless these women provide the necessary manpower to fight the war ,the foreigners will win the war.

It's actually not a viable solution because unlike then, if this strategy was employed now then the kids would be put in the care of marxists and ZOG. White men having many children illegitimately and leaving them and the mothers in the care of the state and public education just leads to us being right back where we started with this whole mess. I'm telling you, the primary reason that things have gotten this bad in America right now (I can't speak for Europe, I don't know much of anything about their politics) is because of marxist doctrine in the education system.

We need responsible politicians to uproot marxism from the education programs. Education reform, new bills, new boards of education. And we need some good ol' fashioned McCarthyism!

As for the rest of what you said - I have only one part I want to touch on. Why would you encourage Spiritual Satanists to breed with losers and people who are not "better guys?" Why should anyone here settle? SS blood is the most precious blood in the world. Do you realize how valuable even one spiritually empowered bloodline is? It's imperative that Spiritual Satanists breed with the best they can find. We need more spiritual bloodlines. And if you tell me that you are saying this in regards to society at large then I must ask why you are not bringing your message to them? What purpose does it serve to preach these things to SS on the forums here? And why berate Lunar Dance over it? If this message of yours applies to the average folk of society then it doesn't need to be stated here because we are different. It's far more important in our cases to create powerful spiritual bloodlines, and not just any random loser will do for that purpose. And absolutely under no circumstances should SS women settle for abusive toxic males who won't treat them with dignity and respect, or even anyone far enough below them that they are significantly settling or tolerating the man for the sake of reproduction. If we were going to go that far then there's plenty of sperm banks as an alternative.
I'm not the one who brought this up ,remember. It was you who brought up the issue about breeding like blacks and I gave you the answer that that's a strategy for a hot war. I'm not preaching anything. I just wanted to show you that a lot of conventional morality about what men and women should or should not do is of irrelevance to me or to the National Socialists of the last age. They didn't care if those illegitimate kids had a father or not. They believed in utilitarianism, the same way that I do.

It was LunarDance who attacked me out of nowhere on the forum and after I challenged her ,she couldn't come up with any other cop out other than trying to claim the holy high ground and not counter anything I said.

The leftists and the liberals have all taken the vaccine. And soon they will be sterilized or probably dead. But other than that ,the right wingers won't be allowed to buy and sell at the large companies or get employed without a Covid Passport. The same will be for the kids.

No one Is going to school anymore. And there will be no organized civilization outside of the major cities.

Your inside of a normalcy bias here. Politics is over, period.

We're currently inside of a world war now. Within a decade ,the world population will have been reduced massively due to climate change and after the Cyberattacks the economy will have been crashed. The Government is going to start a civil war with the Whites who aren't vaccinated and the country will be divided after they fail to put everyone in the Covid camps.

The civilization will be based around massive Israel style smart cities with high tech technology. Outside of the cities it will be like Fallout New Vegas. I'm not kidding.

After the collapse, the border will be completely dissolved with the UN. The millions of migrants will be in each city and they're going to fight inside every city for racial supremacy. The Government will be dissolved and the United Nations will be given total control.

In that situation, some serious measures must be taken to keep the babies coming so that they will fight this protracted war. The biggest obstacle will be to breach the smart cities once the outer wastelands have been cleared out.

There is no debate. Everything I'm saying is happening now in live Time. And everything I'm saying is going to happen in the future.

Okay, fair enough. But sometimes it seems like to me that you don't realize how you come across to people. And what I said is still a fact that this is the wrong crowd to be telling this to. SS men and women have different roles compared to others in society.

The way you present things just appears very edgy to me a lot of the time, and it doesn't help to get your point across successfully. All this does is confuse people especially on a post about sewing. It's out of place.

As for the debate which you say there is none (which to me just sounds dogmatic if you're not willing to even try to see things another way), like I said I see things very differently. Maybe in the past this would have all manifested exactly the way you say it's going to, but I'm taking into account the magick factor. The only reason jews have been able to pull off their manifestations ever is because of magick, and making sure no one else was doing magick. The RTR's saved us from nuclear war - there was literally an RTR just for that specifically. Their vaccine plan has epicly failed compared to what they wanted to come from it (they timed this for Saturn in Aquarius, and look how it turned out for them. Do you think this is all they were hoping for?) Another difference in how I look at all of this is that in my mind it's all-or-nothing right now. I don't see an opportunity to pass the torch to the next generation. This is the final battle where everyone has to stand their ground, and we either win or we lose it all. Babies make no difference to me, and that will just occupy everyone even more with raising them. I'm banking it all on the current generations because I see the imminent downfall of the jews. I don't think they even have 20 years, personally. After we win the war, we can rebuild. We can gift new bodies to all the souls waiting. I see having a baby boom right now as equally problematic because those kids will just be new targets for the marxists, and if this current generation couldn't defeat them now in this grand moment in history, then the next generation is absolutely screwed and WILL be slaves. I don't know about you, but I don't want to hand over the next generation of humanity to freaking microchips and greyification. I want to the defeat the jews NOW while we still can. A baby boom is not the answer. Not right now anyway.

I hope you have faith in our efforts here with the JoS. I want you to have faith in our family like I do, Jack. I believe in every single one of us. I'm seeing the way we are changing the world, in real time as you said. I'm seeing jewish plot after jewish plot fail. I'm seeing israel have more problems than they ever have, and things just seem to refuse to go their way. The more they push, the more they fall. I think even they might be beginning to notice that. But then again maybe they don't because their minds and souls must be pretty fried from the RTR's.

Here's a tip. You believe so strongly that you're right, and if you are then obviously you're right to try to bring awareness. However, you're not going to reach anyone with your methods. Shouting at people to accept the numbers, and getting mad at them for being irrational to your perspective and thinking them unreasonable, rather than trying to find common ground is just a recipe for disaster. You're definitely not going to convince Spiritual Satanists like this because they have self respect and have been training to not take abuse. You really ought to consider a gentler approach because shoving numbers at people and saying "it's not a morality argument, you're wrong and I'm right because the numbers say so" is just ineffective. You're thinking in lines of who is correct and who is wrong, and I'm thinking of what works. I'm not trying so hard to get my diagnosis of a situation accepted as fact, I'm just looking at what people are receptive to and how I can appropriately cause change and reach people. What I can do in the moment. Because I can't do anything to immediately cause Whites to have more children, that's beyond my control. But what I can do is try to bring better methods of communication and mutual understanding and mutual appreciation between men and women which is something that actually might lead to union and kids again. It definitely seems more likely than what you are trying. I'm not shouting from the rooftops that people are going to lose everything up to and including their lives because the numbers told me so. I'm just trying to positively fill in the rift that jews have created between the sexes, and to reverse the blame shifting that jews have done where they blame White men for xianity. This is something that I can do, and it's where I have control even if only a little. If I seem like I have normalcy bias to you then it's not because I have inaccurately observed and/or assessed the situation because I'm seeing the same things that you are, and at one time it was very concerning to me. No, it's because I feel in control. I feel calm because I trust in my brothers and sisters to win this spiritual war, and I know they as well as the Gods have my back. I know things are going to work out in a way where the jews lose, and humanity is safe. I trust in this. You need to learn that logic isn't everything - it's only one side. Sometimes chaos and intuition is more effective. Learn to dance through the flames, Jack. Learn to dance off the edge of a cliff (not literally) and trust the Gods to catch you. Letting go is powerful. It gives you even more strength, and to the rational left brain that seems outrageous and insane. But it works. The left brain needs to learn to trust the right brain because that's when magick happens. It's called the left hand path for a reason.

Another thing is that using words like liberty and independence in that way is going to cause the reaction you've gotten. You mean it one way, right? That's the radical feminist version of "female independence." Everyone here knows that's bad, and nothing but bad for the women. But you're playing into the enemy's hands when you use trigger words like that because words like liberty are sacred, and independence to most in a general sense means having your own will, and not being a slave or something. You have to convey to your audience that you don't mean it like that. You're expecting everyone to tap into your brain and the way you see things and just automatically know that it's not actually the way you make it sound. It's off putting when you present things the way you do. Do you know what I mean? Am I making sense with this? I'm hoping this will be helpful to you.

Also I don't understand why you are so concerned with my race. We might be in trouble right now, but me and others of the spiritual class are doing the White Race Awakening rituals when we need to. We are taking care of it. I'm not going to let the White race go extinct, and neither are the Gods. Just trust us to take care of our own people and to do our jobs.
Meteor said:
It's unfortunate that this thread went so off-topic with all that irrelevant political nonsense. It's as jrvan said, some people use numbers to paint whatever picture they want, regardless of the actual reality of a situation. They care more about the reality they made up in their mind anyway, so I doubt that bothers them. But it's still frustrating to see such confidence paired with severe misunderstandings.

That aside, thank you again, tabby. I got some deadlines dealt with, so I have a bit more time and am now buying the stuff I need.
On that note,
When looking for cheap fabrics, I found polycotton (cotton mixed with polyester). Have you tried it before? If so, what's your thoughts on it? I read online that it has the benefits of both fabrics (durable but still soft and breathable) and it's cheaper than pure cotton, but I'm wondering if it would be suitable for clothes that make direct contact with the skin, such as pyjamas. What do you think?

I should probably just buy some to see for myself how it feels, but I was wondering if you have any experience with it.

It’s freaky to me that one of the types of topics that sets my teeth on edge just happens to over take my OP... *sighs*.


My only experience with polycotton is some old shirts that have that fabric blend (usually 60% cotton, 40% polyester). I’ve never worked with it before so I don’t know what it’s like to sew with. I much prefer natural fabrics.

Once in school, we made pyjama pants and I think it was a synthetic fabric (most likely straight up polyester), but I barely remember what it was like to work with. I had some trouble with the sewing machine but I think that was more an issue of my then-lacking skills with sewing machines rather than the fabric itself.

This is me personally, but I find that I sweat more and get too hot in a polycotton blend shirt than just 100% cotton. Polyester is made from plastic so imagine wrapping yourself in plastic wrap and then pin-pricking a bunch of holes to try make it semi “breathable”. You could probably find cotton sheets for cheap and repurpose them into clothes. I’ve seen videos of people using things like that from thrift stores to make their clothes. It’s a good money saver.

But yeah, probably a good idea to get a sample fabric and experiment a bit. Your body might react differently to a blend like that than mine does.

[I’d always recommend getting a sample of the fabrics you’re thinking of working with.]

Sorry I can’t help you further with that.

I've noticed this thread a little bit ago read it was impressed by Tabby's proclivity in clothing. Very interesting as I myself am not a clothes shopper person. I usually wear the same thing all the time and small selection of clothing.

But I've noticed this thread gets bumped various times and notice @Member: Jack's posting.

Anyways @Jack.

I agree with certain things as I'm cancer and a traditionalist funny you mention the Japan thing as Japan actually has a horrible economy. It might be grand and people view it and fawn over it but it's taxing and other financial aspects are pure shekelberging and shekelsteining bullshit. For example Miyasaki still works Studio Ghibli creator and purveyor and yet he is like 70ish-80ish years old. Still has to work and still has to get paid to survive his retirement. Japan might be a sore on the enemy but the enemy has done good machinations to berg and stein shekels as much as possible. It's certainly isn't the NS-like economy Hitler was impressed by when speaking to the Japanese dignitaries. Oh and BTW Japan does offer immigration but their laws and regulations are so vicious only something like less than 300 people are allowed to even so much as be reviewed in some cases. So in reality Japan only lets in like 200ish or so people a year.

But I digress. I have an interesting theory as to your statements. Perhaps this is a bit lunatic but let me just put it forward.

About 12,000-15,000 years ago we know the enemy created their black magic civilization assault. And then 10,000 years ago attacked. According to people like HP.Cobra we were around 1700s era technologically wise. Had the enemy not attacked probably within the next few decades we'd be propagating in technology. For example a Jacqard loom a type of automated wooden style machine semi-pre-industrial probably works with some electrical system or fully analog. It's considered one of the first computer monitors to exist. Because the weaving pattern could be translated as the first pixel device. In other words it's not a computer nor it's a monitor but the way it works could be abstracted as a monitor system.

So basically we stopped at 1700s were nuked and destroyed back to the stone age. And then we reconstructed everything from the ground up. Until the kosher species and then various attacks for example the so-called Sea people invasion were every civilization was attacked and the only ones who could stop it were Egypt. And so it's been battlefield Earth since 10,000 years ago spiritually, physically, and mentally.

But that's the point. We STOPPED at 1700s and recreated the 1700s nearly 10,000 years later.

So if we are a 1700s civilization and the mass physical, mental, and spiritual progression stopped at 1700s. Then by all means no wonder people are still fighting like it's the 1700s. Like one member stated We are a civilization with 1830s Victorian era energy, with 1940s-1950s civil society, and 1960s-1970s space era technology. For example a few years ago when smartphones were getting popular and this techno boom this mini-techno singularity was just starting to exist. Most experts agreed that smartphones were 2005-2007 area technology and that they still had some more to go to make them be as compatible for desktops. For example a while back I watched Linus Sebastian from Linustechtips. Put together an SR-2 EVGA Mobo with twin Q9550 from 2007 and run a 4K video. Was sucking up like 240 watts of power to watch. He turns to the camera with his smartphone pulled out and he goes my phones does the same thing 4K video but uses less than 7 watts of power. In other words his smartphone is over 30 times more efficient.

So after reading all the information I put up. Wouldn't it be fair to state that since we are reduxing the 1700s-1800s-1900s-and 2000s without the Gods and doing a whole host of non-sense because we got a hymie hustle going on.

Don't you think it's normal to expect all this judeo-bolshevistic action to actually work. If we were more technologically advanced and had some form of mass communication and the enemy came in. Successful in attacking and causing issues but not in damning mankind with communism. IF anything if we recreated a mass communication system right under the enemy. They'd probably think twice about subverting the planet with a trick kosher species.

So isn't it fair to state that the only reason why all these books and internet and all these kosher non-sensical anti-human, anti-existence, anti-life programs work. Is because WE stopped progressing at the 1700s when we got attacked and were forced to exist for nearly 10,000 years over 9,600 years as goyim slaves and then when freedoms and other things came the enemy put everything out on the table because they knew if they do exactly the same thing as they planned back in the 1700s like for example manifestation of Soviet states like the plan for Soviet France in the Jacobin/Frankist times.

That this is the reason why the enemy is so successful and damns humanity at every turn?

I mean we literally have fed bombers, shabbos, and JIDF, and other judeo-bolsheviks using OUR technology to subvert. And it's funny the Government and people going after us. It's hilarious to think "OY VEY SATANISTS" the evilist of them all. I mean we can literally be considered crackheaded lunatics out in the boonies of the internet. I understand that isn't the case now a days as each day that passes we are like the Hitler memes. You should have listened to us.

But again if this is planned and a regurgitation of our civilizations historicity. Then isn't it surprising that it works?

For example I'm told humans are innocent, the so-called Eli Ravage situation. And yet where are the humans that aren't innocent were are the badasses and the hardcore motherfucking vengeance revenge human spirits. It seems indeed humanity is innocent but not in a good way in a stupid retarded way.

No wonder I read stories of special snowflakes and all this judeo-bolshevistic retardation.

So again to reiterate isn't it fair to state that since we are re-doing the 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, and 2000s. That the enemy is successful?

I read things you've mentioned the World ending and all these things. And there is only one thing to state. How the fuck can humans be so fucking stupid and proud of doing these things. These people have no concept as above. They have no spirituality nor anything. IF they knew about aliens and civilizations and other things out there. It's funny they believe somehow successful. For example they tell muzzie or negro women have like a billion children and out breed the white race. The question becomes if your white and state this. WTF is wrong with you. How can you not be proud of your race.

Perhaps we are the few and the proud. But it stands to reason that it seems like everyone is under a spell it makes no sense to subvert your own racial-nation. No wonder things like the deep state exist and things like for example the dissolution of the U.S. and the formation of various confederacies like a redux of the civil war.

It seems people aren't smart nor is humanity smart. It just seems like most people shouldn't be allowed to exist.

I apologize if some of my murderous instincts pop up. But it seems like most people don't believe in what it is to be human nor know how to be human. No wonder they are called goyim.
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Yes, I know there is a lot of kind and wise people here. I don't comment too much, but I was observing this forum from a really long time. Thank you for this topic, someone already shared this with me, so I had read this already. I know you're right. Sometimes I am just being sensitive, so don't worry about it. And you know what, I actually love to doing stuff like cooking, baking, cleaning. I even want to have a lot of children, because I got a soft spot for them. And if I would have a husband, I would like to take care of him and make him smile every day, I really would. But I know too, if I would meet a man like Jack, I would escape from him really quickly, seriously.

Sorry this thread turn out like this, it should be only about sewing. This is my mistake too, I should have bite my tongue and just comment about your post, not him. This is the last time, just wanted to reply to your kind words.

And back to the sewing. I'm not sure if anyone has asked you about it before (if someone did, then maybe I forgotten), but you seem to know a lot about sewing. Is the sewing machine difficult? As I wrote before, I have always used my hand. I am thinking of buying one, but want to know if it is easy to use.
I want to teach my sister too, she is eleven years old and she seems to gotten interested in this, but I am not sure where should I start with her. Any advice?
Jack said:
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.
This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.

What is considered “wives with traditional values”? Are you looking at the last hundred years that were ruled with xtianity or Ancient Satanic society?

You’re looking too far extreme into the feminist movement in which the jews twist female independence into meaning whore slaves. What those women have is not liberation or freedom, they have been turned into the shoe lickers of the jews. That is not an independent or liberated woman. I’m surprised that some men are more angry at their own brainwashed women than they are at the ones who stole their women from them in the first place and turned them into this. If men spent less time hating their own women and put that energy towards fighting the real enemy we might actually be further along in this war. Same for degenerate women who have been brainwashed to hate their men.

Men should care about a woman’s finances because how can she look after their children if she has no resources to do so? Not every man can earn enough to feed that many mouths and keep a roof over his family’s head on his own, especially with the jews stealing our wealth. Do you have any clue how expensive it is to raise children until adulthood where they finally can have jobs of their own to help out their parents and save up for themselves? I don’t know when you think women are going to get married so they don’t have to work, but by necessity they will be required to earn a living for at least part of their life in order to survive.

Your comparison with male CEO’s to female CEO’s is kinda flawed. A female school teacher is not the same as a broke man. Of course a woman who has done well for herself will not settle for someone who is that far below her in status and wealth. What can a broke man do for her and her future children? A school teacher at least can contribute experience, knowledge, and some financial support for her kids if something were to ever happen to her man. A broke man would be a burden upon the woman who works as a CEO, that would be like having another child to look after.

This all comes back to jews stealing our wealth and forcing men to work overtime to make enough for themselves and survive. A woman can’t afford to rely on the financial stability of a man anymore. If this was a healthy society where everyone had enough, then she would be able to have the choice to be an at-home-mum. But right now it’s “stay at home with my kids” or “get them food and clothes on the table and keep a roof over their head”. The woman will in most cases choose on instinct to help provide for her children than let them starve.

Once there was a time when the families of both the mother and father would come in to help the mother raise her kids, and being able to rely on a man was less risky to her and her children. But family ties are destroyed and women don’t have the help that they should. This is not because women got “liberated” but because the jews cursed families and pitted men and women against each other. Too many parents don’t care to help their children raise their grandchildren. Some can’t even afford to because again, jews taking our wealth.

Yes, we need more kids. But what we don’t need is more broken ill-health children who will only feed into the slave system for jews. You need a minimum of 2 decades to get a kid ready for the world, and we just don’t have the resources, time, and proper dedication to make that happen until the jews are out of the equation. You can’t fight a war if you’re trying to protect children who can’t fend for themselves. If men go to war and the women have no finances or resources, everyone will be dead before the men come home. In today’s society so many just don’t have the skills necessary for survival, which is one of the reasons I made the OP in the first place, not just as a response to Meteor. Women are a nation’s last defence. If they have no empowerment, no ability to defend their family… it won’t matter how many kids you make with her, they won’t be there to cheer for you when you come back. Men may traditionally fight on the frontlines, but you forget you have jews on the home front ready to poison the wells when you’re away. And not just the physical wells. If women can’t have their mens backs, you’re screwed as a race. Children or no children.

Why do you think the jews have gone so far out of their way to destroy the ties of family and degenerate women to such an extent? If a woman is dumb, resourcesless, and weak, how can you expect her to look after your children and raise them right?

Men aren’t the only ones who dedicate their lives to a higher purpose or sacrifice themselves for family. I’m not sure why you think that’s a man thing. It’s a human thing to strive for a higher purpose and do everything possible for the ones they care for.

Please stop confusing women’s freedom, independence, liberation etc, with the destruction of society. No one right now is free, no one has enough except those in the highest power, and more than half the population is brainwashed to hate each other. Women are not to be blamed for how shitty things have gotten. Women were liberated and had family values until xtianity took over. I would dare say it’s the degeneration of women that has destroyed society under jewish rule, not the liberation of women. A degenerate woman is not a liberated woman.

In addition to what jrvan said, if you want people to understand your view better, your track record doesn’t help here. You have said comments involving how women can’t be good leaders for example, which is quite offensive given our Goddesses and Ancient history before jews twisted things. Other female SS have mentioned that you make them feel uncomfortable. It’s a little hard to think that you want to lessen female independence for the sake of survival as something positive coming from you after your past comments. It’s not the first thing that people think of. It sounds a lot closer to xtianity wanting to put “women in their place”.

You glorify the 1950’s as a time when family was at its best. I said this before but now I’m going to emphasise it. Women were beaten. Children were beaten. The classical sayings “spare the rod, spoil the child” and “children should be seen and not heard” come from that time. I still remember how my grandfather told me he would get the cane in school or the board wiper thing thrown at his head by his teacher. This wasn’t an isolated thing, it was considered the social norm to beat children. I don’t know about you, but that is the last thing I would want to go back to. You can understand why women are afraid of such a thing, yes?

1950’s was a time when people wanted white picket fences, apple pie, beating their wives and children and then saying hallelujah on Sunday. There’s nothing glamorous or noble about it. People used to smoke around their kids back then for crying out loud and didn’t think twice about it. The only thing I can appreciate about the 1950’s was the fact they had better made clothes than what we do now and people still dressed smartly.

Japan still has a lot of hold on their ancient traditions. Their culture and way of life right now is not something you can compare to the western world. Xtinaity has barely gotten a foot in the door in Japan. They still have Shinto religion and their traditional shrines to their Gods.
Shadowcat said:
tabby said:
Shadowcat said:
It started with clubhouses when i was a kid. I was always dragging wood back and forth and collecting it from the junk sections of construction sites nearby. My mom made us ask if we could take it first lol. I had one other girl help me but she didnt care for it much and eventually stopped hanging out with me, but i got the neighborhood kids to help out who we were all friends with. i actually wanted to make a whole fucking ewok village in the backyard and my parents wouldnt have it :lol:. Well, at 18 wood turned into metal and the National Guard sent me to APG for AIT and i learned to be a machinist.

Lol i remember being in the recuruiters office when i enlisted and he asked me "what do you want your MOS to be?" then i said "i wanna make weapons" sigh my naive self

so machinist was the closest thing to that. thats how i got in the metal industry. later on i started welding :3. they make pretty good money as long as they do the job right and are good. fabshop sucks, fieldwork and refineries is where its at. always something different.

Dude, you're really freaking cool haha.
Thanks lol

I just emailed those pics of my messed up blanket to see the stitches..along with pics of my welding work :). Let me know what you think!

I saw them before bed yesterday, don't worry. I think I know what's going on with the stitches but I will go over them today again just to be sure. The main issue I feel could be that the blanket is quite weighty (since it looks to be double layered) for the stitching you've used. You'll need a stronger stitch.

Home life has been a little unorganised, so hoping to respond back to you with more details tonight via email.
Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first. The Fuhrer made it a priority to disempower the churches and arrest the ministers and all. That needed to happen otherwise a significant portion of the youth would fall into their hands for indoctrination.

How do you plan to raise NS youth when we don't even have the law on our side? When the schools are completely taken over, and there is only a tiny portion of people who have the time, money, knowledge and skills needed to home school successfully. When the law mandates public school indoctrination. How are you going to remove that obstacle? Parents don't have enough power and freedom even in the US. Options are limited. Right now, the best thing we can do is resist the enemy tyranny until Saturn exits Aquarius. After freedoms are no longer astrologically restricted, the jews will still be in the spotlight with everyone knowing what they did. And people will be more pissed than ever.

I'm telling you this is our moment in history. There is no future unless we win. The youth of tomorrow are not going to save us nor themselves. If we don't win it for them right now then there is no future for the youth. The race will be doomed. So if we don't win right now then we are doomed either way because like you said, we're doomed if we don't replace ourselves with births. And those birthed babies are doomed if we don't win. So it's better to focus on this final battle right here right now.

That's the way I see it. I think it's pointless to whine about birth rates at this point in time.
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thanks for reposting! i really enjoyed this as well :)
Aquarius said:
Meteor said:
Aquarius said:
In my opinion, unless there is financial tension, one should either be a mother, or a worker, not both.

I think it's fine if you can work from home, especially if it's something you enjoy such as painting, writing or making clothes.
Either way, taking time off during and after pregnancy makes sense.
Things like that, sure thing, it's also a good thing. But when a mother literally wants to abbandon her kids in a kindergarden just to pursue her corporate job and feel like a "strong and independent" woman that's just retarded and selfish.

I agree with you Aquarius. Working at the detriment of your children rather than the benefit is pretty stupid. You have responsibility for that child.

Sewing would definitely be a great job to have at home for a woman. If she has kids she would be able to teach them how to sew as she works, and they can learn from and watch her as she does. Then suddenly you have a new generation of kids that get to learn an ancient skill. Having a digital marketplace also really helps with working from home, and the woman can sell things she sews from home without having to leave her kids alone by themselves.

So that's actually a good example of how working from home even if the woman has kids to look after can benefit the children in turn without them being neglected.

Come to think of it, if more women learnt such skills that they can do at home and use for work at home, this would be really good for a home schooling program for any children she has as well. The kids would even be able to learn marketing skills and customer skills if she makes things to sell online. The woman gets to be realistically independent while still being there to help out her family by providing knowledge through skills they'll need in life.

Lock downs funny enough have made people realise just how many jobs can be done from home.
Jack said:
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.

This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.

I must be a strange anomaly then because i do hear guys often complain that women only care about their wallets. Alot of women really are used to being treated like princesses sadly but i know alot of guys also have their own heads up their asses as well and are far from husband material, which are the majority sadly. I also know the dynamic of the relationship depends on the charts of the two.

I met my ex boyfriend of almost 9 years when i was 21. I took initiative with everything. I was the one immigrating to Europe and had to do everything on my end for the paperwork. I saved up money to start up a life to move over there as i wanted to invest in a life together. I meant more to him and his mother financially than anyone else had in their entire lives. And in the end it was only bitched about that i didnt do more. especially from his mother, who in the end clearly showed i was taken for granted which royally pissed me off. I would give my ex grocery money every week, literally 200 euros a week which he would buy food for...but also went luxury shopping with it partially which i was very displeased with and told him this. He was on welfare the whole time we were together, and in the end actyally went back to school and aimed to finish his studies. i was the bread winner and was fine with this,(this is also something in my chart) as i had someone i thought i fit really well with, who had a very kind and nurturing side which i am attracted to in men, and despite the bad times we tried to get through...till we couldnt anymore, as i began to see through things, totally unrelated to finances about how this wasnt going to last. he started going on about having kids and i went uh uh.

number one im not going to work and have kids at the same time...that is insanity and literally working two jobs especially with small and young children up to the age of 12 who i would never leave home alone.

number two europe is a commie shithole where 2000 to 3000 euros a month if one is lucky is literally the best income after taxes for most people...and in many cases is barely enough for even 1 person to live on let alone two or a family with kids. He refused to move to the states with me. however the US is worse off to be fair in many aspects as well.

number three based on my observation of many many people over the years in my 20s and up till now first and second hand, i am almost certain if i was to marry someone and attempt to have a family with him i would most likely be on the street with in the decade if not 5 years. because believe it or not...no the women do not always get their way in court. ive seen it. AND on top of that me being left for whatever reason (probably for someone more attractive or younger, or other)
would leave me with nothing to fall back on materially because i put my trust in someone i wanted to have a family with.
all the men i have been approached by after my ex were either closet polys or complete manipulators who only cared for themselves, or ones who already had wives! and the last two fall under the very latter...it had me shaking my head.

Like any decent white i want an aryan reich with the family unit back..but i want a man i can trust and be enough for that will be just as attracted to me as i am to him who isnt going to up and leave me or be a selfish manchild or mistreat me. show me those men jack because i would really love one just like any sane woman would, but what i have to offer and would want to give to a family unit no longer has the hospitality of society, and from my end this is not a product of feminism. I just dont want to get hurt or betrayed.

I grew up thinking everything entailing the "patriarchy" or women following men basically only entailed abuse oppression , and cold misuse of human beings as property. because growing up xtian this was literally the only example i was shown. obey husband or get hit. It actyally gave me an unconsious deep seeded hatred for men for a long time...i looked back at those years, and especially realising how i dont give a shit about the kind of attention most women do and how i literally find almost no men attractive even physically, i told myself that i was suprised that i wasnt a lesbian. And all the while deep down i still always wanted a normal relationship with someone.

Feminists often take the male nature as wanting to influence a woman, or to solve her problems or not letting her do something as an insult...when in many cases rejecting this it can actually come accross to the man as saying "stop i dont want you to care about me" because that is literally all he is doing. (and this is minus the bachanded compliments, or condescending types who ARE abusive) i have had guys do this on the job alot too. i dont get mad. but i let them know i recongise benevolent intent, and depending on the case will explain a practical reason why i have to insist to do something they are scared i will get hurt by ect. Oftentimes if guys do the above all the time or at least alot it means he loves you. and i dont mean in taking orders like a dog, but also letting someone influence you tells them you trust them and want them to care. for guys this is a big deal especially with their families. and this is what i learned what the aryan race values are with men and women and family...which is much better than the abrahamic version of "you will do what i tell you or get slapped"

Especially after unlearning alot of xtian bullshit about men and women and the Nazi ideology of women i am seeing still a system where women do follow and are under men but it is one out of love and care and just basically nature. i am probably going to piss some people off in this debate which could be either side and please guys dont take it personally i am just giving my take.

ofcourse women should still be given freedom of choice ie, choice to choose the best possible mate to make the best possible family with, making the choices that will make her happy as long as they dont hurt others, and yes finantial independance but not to the point of hurting the family.

Right now we are in a system where jews have totaled the family unit. so weather any woman or man likes it or not everyone has to work. Now this is bad in the sense that in countries like the US for example, most people work 50 to 60 hour weeks maybe more 6 to 7 days a week just to make ends meet, and in the worse case scenario both mom AND dad have to do that. that is not ok for the kids. This is just my personal opinion. but i dont think a woman should want to work and have kids at the same time if she can help it...it just isnt natural for young kids to go without their mom, AND it isnt healthy for the mom mentally or physically. i would go insane. but you know what? things are set up like that on purpose nowadays so people who have kids often have no choice unless the dad is very successful. and ofcourse you have women who just want this or make it a point to go for muh career cus muh feminism which is ofcourse retarded. i mean theres alot of other meaningful things id rather do than working 6 10s or 7 12s just to be dirty all day, (like focusing purely on warfare, spirituality and advancement, being close to the Gods, and maybe hopefully a partner i could be madly inlove with) but it was either that or be in 1000s of dollars in debt for a degree i got no job for so ended up in a grocery store, but no that happend to my bro before the military.

financial independace for women in this day and age however is also a good thing in the sense that, well, what if a woman cannot find a husband? what if men think she is too ugly or dull ect and wont marry her? And yes there are many people out there who are not endowed with good looks, or who have other issues which im sorry to say, yes DO matter, because beauty signals health and vitality meaning strong children, and this goes for both men and women. This is not being shallow but our biologial imparative. Another mistake alot of people make is thinking women dont care about looks. WE DO. and guess what. if we bitch about wanting a guy to look good for us we better be ready to put the effort for the same in return as best as possible. Its sad how most people simple just dont give a shit. they only preen to attact a mate and when they attract they drop the act...sigh. well damn youd think if it attracted someone you should keep it up right? :roll:

Also, there are many women with husbands who end up being abusive or who cheat and leave. my moms dad up and left for example and MANY guys have tried to cheat with me on their wives and i mercilessly turned them down, disgusted thinking how i would be in the wifes position with kids.

if above said women cannot find a husband, or find themselves in the second situation but is not allowed financial independance what is she to do? I fundimentally and strongly disagree with women residing with a spouse who is abusive especially physically, and certainly am against this being forced for any reason. an abusive husband to me would be dead.
despite looks also mattering, yes WHO the person is still makes or breaks. i met one person i was physically attracted to in the past and could feel absolutely nothing for him because of who he was despite the stupid grugette response.

I have seen the statistics you post jack about mostly women initiating the divorces, however in my personal experience i have seen enough personally to know the majority of men i would run into would not last for whatever reason. the only reason i did infact leave, despite staying for so long, was because i was cheated on and lied to about it...twice. i am glad i did not have kids with him..after almost 9 years, and sacrificing everything for someone i thought was the one over 5k kilometers away. I maintain my finantial independance not out of feministic ideology but becase i can trust no man to take that role over so that we can form a family unit without him turning. And yes, if it satisfies you to know, it does make me feel very empty. But i know how people are and the way the world works, and that my neptunian approach to a partner would be, (and has been and mostly only) abused by the wrong person. selecting the wrong mate can literally land you homeless on the street. I was just talking to one of my boilermaker instructors the other day and he was telling us about his second wife. she was dumped by her previous husband. he literally told her to take her shit and leave. boom. homeless and single just like that. no thanks. its not only the women who do this to the men, and i have heard of and been told many cases such as this. the guy was also a nutjob and they had 2 murders on him that they couldnt prove.

I am also not advocating that getting married for women should be forced, in order to be able to keep a roof, but i do believe that if things are advertised right and jewish propaganda reversed, men and woman in general will all, at least the majority will strive for a partner and family and will WANT this and will be happy with this especially if this is approached with the right mindsets and values. We are social creatures and no one wants to die alone when old. nothing has to be forced and this has nothing to do with oppression, but many women, excluding ones who actually have been battered and abused or deprived, have been given the illusion of oppression. Especially since there were women in ancient times like Hypatia, which is also something that is very fine for women.

I also understand some of your and others points about certain drastic measures to preserve our race and family, however when i say i understand, i undersand where and why that sentiment comes....as it has the same endhopes and intents as i. A world ruled by the aryan race with aryan values without jews.

But i do not believe producing tons of illigitimate children will help solve this problem. look how all the illigitimate children end up. degenerates, druggies, and bums. hardly ones you can call warriors. sure, alot end up in gangs and see action. but i dont see them developing the mentality to the cause of a greater good such as this being in such an environment, infact, it would be in their nature of rebellion and not giving a shit to say fuck the greater good. having nothing but people such as these as offspring and to propagate with will infact only degenerate the white race to a shadow of its former ancestors, doing the white race a disservice..many of those illigitimates will also be impressionable and even perhaps be brainwashed by the wrong side, especially with an absent father. i believe in quality over quantity and that if drastic measures are to be taken...well. i dont think most of those ideas of mine would be allowed to be typed here let alone be safe.

Besides, who will provide the finacial means to care for them, in the case they somehow would grow up looking to the right cause and not in criminality? if the father isnt around and the mother may not work then who? And even if the father is, if half of his taxes go to israel and he can barely provide for one child, how will he for many others? we definately don't want the jewish state doing that either, especially because if they do ie in a foster home or orphanage, they grow up fucked for sure...and with all the jewish feminist books now adays in the daycare edition to boot.

We women are emotional and nurturing. Jewish propaganda ruined many women that used emotions and manipulation. we need propaganda that will reverse this that uses emotions and womans primal wants and needs and we need mens help with this, as well as they also need to be deprogrammed from the dross of jewish society and reprogramed with meaninful values that will give them incentives to engage in proper families again. and all this done the right way will make the sexes as a whole trust one another again and NEED each other.

Lastly the ZOG must come down. this is a must for ANY hope of normal family life, especially a families financial stability. as long as everyones wages go to pissreal instead of their familes and kids, no matter how many women wake up from feminist propaganda and want to stay home for kids, and have families they aint gunna have money from the dads to FEED the kids...if any then barely for the majority.

it is in my hope ofcourse that in the new reich our men and women will be taught real values about family and how to treat each other. They will take care of their minds and bodies to advance their souls, be close to the Gods and remain attracted to and close to each other.

especially in the new era, finding the right partner and family should be something that happens organically if it is meant to be so for someone, which again i am sure many would then want.
tabby said:
Jack said:
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.
This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.

What is considered “wives with traditional values”? Are you looking at the last hundred years that were ruled with xtianity or Ancient Satanic society?

You’re looking too far extreme into the feminist movement in which the jews twist female independence into meaning whore slaves. What those women have is not liberation or freedom, they have been turned into the shoe lickers of the jews. That is not an independent or liberated woman. I’m surprised that some men are more angry at their own brainwashed women than they are at the ones who stole their women from them in the first place and turned them into this. If men spent less time hating their own women and put that energy towards fighting the real enemy we might actually be further along in this war. Same for degenerate women who have been brainwashed to hate their men.

Men should care about a woman’s finances because how can she look after their children if she has no resources to do so? Not every man can earn enough to feed that many mouths and keep a roof over his family’s head on his own, especially with the jews stealing our wealth. Do you have any clue how expensive it is to raise children until adulthood where they finally can have jobs of their own to help out their parents and save up for themselves? I don’t know when you think women are going to get married so they don’t have to work, but by necessity they will be required to earn a living for at least part of their life in order to survive.

Your comparison with male CEO’s to female CEO’s is kinda flawed. A female school teacher is not the same as a broke man. Of course a woman who has done well for herself will not settle for someone who is that far below her in status and wealth. What can a broke man do for her and her future children? A school teacher at least can contribute experience, knowledge, and some financial support for her kids if something were to ever happen to her man. A broke man would be a burden upon the woman who works as a CEO, that would be like having another child to look after.

This all comes back to jews stealing our wealth and forcing men to work overtime to make enough for themselves and survive. A woman can’t afford to rely on the financial stability of a man anymore. If this was a healthy society where everyone had enough, then she would be able to have the choice to be an at-home-mum. But right now it’s “stay at home with my kids” or “get them food and clothes on the table and keep a roof over their head”. The woman will in most cases choose on instinct to help provide for her children than let them starve.

Once there was a time when the families of both the mother and father would come in to help the mother raise her kids, and being able to rely on a man was less risky to her and her children. But family ties are destroyed and women don’t have the help that they should. This is not because women got “liberated” but because the jews cursed families and pitted men and women against each other. Too many parents don’t care to help their children raise their grandchildren. Some can’t even afford to because again, jews taking our wealth.

Yes, we need more kids. But what we don’t need is more broken ill-health children who will only feed into the slave system for jews. You need a minimum of 2 decades to get a kid ready for the world, and we just don’t have the resources, time, and proper dedication to make that happen until the jews are out of the equation. You can’t fight a war if you’re trying to protect children who can’t fend for themselves. If men go to war and the women have no finances or resources, everyone will be dead before the men come home. In today’s society so many just don’t have the skills necessary for survival, which is one of the reasons I made the OP in the first place, not just as a response to Meteor. Women are a nation’s last defence. If they have no empowerment, no ability to defend their family… it won’t matter how many kids you make with her, they won’t be there to cheer for you when you come back. Men may traditionally fight on the frontlines, but you forget you have jews on the home front ready to poison the wells when you’re away. And not just the physical wells. If women can’t have their mens backs, you’re screwed as a race. Children or no children.

Why do you think the jews have gone so far out of their way to destroy the ties of family and degenerate women to such an extent? If a woman is dumb, resourcesless, and weak, how can you expect her to look after your children and raise them right?

Men aren’t the only ones who dedicate their lives to a higher purpose or sacrifice themselves for family. I’m not sure why you think that’s a man thing. It’s a human thing to strive for a higher purpose and do everything possible for the ones they care for.

Please stop confusing women’s freedom, independence, liberation etc, with the destruction of society. No one right now is free, no one has enough except those in the highest power, and more than half the population is brainwashed to hate each other. Women are not to be blamed for how shitty things have gotten. Women were liberated and had family values until xtianity took over. I would dare say it’s the degeneration of women that has destroyed society under jewish rule, not the liberation of women. A degenerate woman is not a liberated woman.

In addition to what jrvan said, if you want people to understand your view better, your track record doesn’t help here. You have said comments involving how women can’t be good leaders for example, which is quite offensive given our Goddesses and Ancient history before jews twisted things. Other female SS have mentioned that you make them feel uncomfortable. It’s a little hard to think that you want to lessen female independence for the sake of survival as something positive coming from you after your past comments. It’s not the first thing that people think of. It sounds a lot closer to xtianity wanting to put “women in their place”.

You glorify the 1950’s as a time when family was at its best. I said this before but now I’m going to emphasise it. Women were beaten. Children were beaten. The classical sayings “spare the rod, spoil the child” and “children should be seen and not heard” come from that time. I still remember how my grandfather told me he would get the cane in school or the board wiper thing thrown at his head by his teacher. This wasn’t an isolated thing, it was considered the social norm to beat children. I don’t know about you, but that is the last thing I would want to go back to. You can understand why women are afraid of such a thing, yes?

1950’s was a time when people wanted white picket fences, apple pie, beating their wives and children and then saying hallelujah on Sunday. There’s nothing glamorous or noble about it. People used to smoke around their kids back then for crying out loud and didn’t think twice about it. The only thing I can appreciate about the 1950’s was the fact they had better made clothes than what we do now and people still dressed smartly.

Japan still has a lot of hold on their ancient traditions. Their culture and way of life right now is not something you can compare to the western world. Xtinaity has barely gotten a foot in the door in Japan. They still have Shinto religion and their traditional shrines to their Gods.
We're going around in circles here. As I said to your husband, let me reiterate again. There is no economy, no chance of a good upbringing, no chance of going to school, no chances of getting your finances in order (period.) due to the Great Reset. They are going to destroy the dollar and bring in a Digital World Currency and to be included in the new system ,you will have to take the vaccine and take a chip under your arm so that it can be scanned at regular intervals. And since, Right Wingers overwhelming have not taken the vaccine, that means they won't be included in that system.

In order to make the Right Wingers take the Vaccine, the deep state will manufacture some kind of false flag framing all Right Wingers as terrorists and kill the internet (blaming it on the Chinese) to shut down all communications as they try to tear the country apart. They will fail because a lot of their own people will be averse to fighting their own countrymen. They will then get back to their major cities which will have an artificial dome type structure to keep the outsiders out. This is called the United Nations Smart Cities Initiative, the 2030 Agenda (meaning all of this will be completed within 10 years.)

The outer cities will be cut off from Electricity, Running water ,food etc while millions of migrants brought inside the country as as footsoldiers for racial replacement. This will go on as anarchy grips the civil war torn United States and the United Nations will come in as the Savior to manage the crisis.

There is no Frontline. The war is coming to your cities. In order to fight a protracted war after Civilization ends somewhere around 2035 ,you need to have enough babies so that every city can be retaken back and the Border can be sealed. You will need manpower, children who will be trained from a young age as Paramilitary soldiers and a lot of organizational effort to manufacture bullets, guns, manage enough farms and produce to continue fighting the war as the other side will be supported by UN peacekeeper troops.

Also I stand behind my comments that women can't be leaders. Nazi Germany didn't have Women leaders (in policy) as well as every great civilization, except allegedly Egypt for some reason. This is because women are on average more emotional than logical due to having 10 times more white matter than men which rules social and interpersonal tasks. And men are more logical than women, having 4 times more gray Matter than women which rules Logic, Reasoning etc. This is why Women scientists are Philosophers have been few and far in between and women overwhelming don't choose STEM careers even though in extreme egalitarian Nordic countries they are taught to do so since youth. This is also why you're fighting me on this issue with specifics and how it "shouldn't be" or "couldn't be". That is irrelevant to the overall situation.

Also when I brought up Japan ,your missing the point of what I'm saying. I was giving you an analogy that even in societies that there isn't Jewish Infiltration in the culture and there aren't any major numbers of Immigrants, Female Financial Independence will lead to a decrease in birth rates. In japan there are more old people than young people and they will go extinct in a century or so as their ability to manufacture is destroyed due to lack of manpower.

The reason why I brought up the example of the CEO and a schoolteacher is to show you how men and women are different and why giving Female Financial Independence created an artificial disparity which hasn't existed before for Thousands of years.

The fact was that a man will gladly take care of a woman who is very very less economically sound than him while the opposite isn't true. You then countered with saying that this "shouldn't be". And the other argument of the price of raising a child which is a void argument because the economy is over.

What shouldn't or should be is of no consequence to me. I'm making an assertion based on consequentialism and telling you "what is." One of the core tenets of Feminist theory is that women should be Financially independent of their husbands and should not be dependent upon them. The direct consequence as opined by many Jewish sociologists and what was proven true in reality was that Women stopped having children and marrying or trying to find a partner, while being focused on their careers. I'm just showing you what the consequences of these actions are not if they're wrong or right. We wouldn't even be having this conversation if every White country was like Japan. I would actually not care about the situation then and be like meh ,"let these women choose not to settle or have children . Its their choice. And the men allowed it ,so its fine. "

Because the Japanese aren't going head to head with millions of migrants inside of their cities who have been taught in UN refugee camps that they are fighting a war to conquer the Evil Whites.
jrvan said:
Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first. The Fuhrer made it a priority to disempower the churches and arrest the ministers and all. That needed to happen otherwise a significant portion of the youth would fall into their hands for indoctrination.

How do you plan to raise NS youth when we don't even have the law on our side? When the schools are completely taken over, and there is only a tiny portion of people who have the time, money, knowledge and skills needed to home school successfully. When the law mandates public school indoctrination. How are you going to remove that obstacle? Parents don't have enough power and freedom even in the US. Options are limited. Right now, the best thing we can do is resist the enemy tyranny until Saturn exits Aquarius. After freedoms are no longer astrologically restricted, the jews will still be in the spotlight with everyone knowing what they did. And people will be more pissed than ever.

I'm telling you this is our moment in history. There is no future unless we win. The youth of tomorrow are not going to save us nor themselves. If we don't win it for them right now then there is no future for the youth. The race will be doomed. So if we don't win right now then we are doomed either way because like you said, we're doomed if we don't replace ourselves with births. And those birthed babies are doomed if we don't win. So it's better to focus on this final battle right here right now.

That's the way I see it. I think it's pointless to whine about birth rates at this point in time.

Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first.

although this was something i could understand from a certain point i definately do not believe this to be the best idea. This is a point i just tried to make as well. I believe we all have a common hope for a common end however the methods and ways or ideas for reaching there are not always best expressed or are at odds.
quality over quantity
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.

This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.

I must be a strange anomaly then because i do hear guys often complain that women only care about their wallets. Alot of women really are used to being treated like princesses sadly but i know alot of guys also have their own heads up their asses as well and are far from husband material, which are the majority sadly. I also know the dynamic of the relationship depends on the charts of the two.

I met my ex boyfriend of almost 9 years when i was 21. I took initiative with everything. I was the one immigrating to Europe and had to do everything on my end for the paperwork. I saved up money to start up a life to move over there as i wanted to invest in a life together. I meant more to him and his mother financially than anyone else had in their entire lives. And in the end it was only bitched about that i didnt do more. especially from his mother, who in the end clearly showed i was taken for granted which royally pissed me off. I would give my ex grocery money every week, literally 200 euros a week which he would buy food for...but also went luxury shopping with it partially which i was very displeased with and told him this. He was on welfare the whole time we were together, and in the end actyally went back to school and aimed to finish his studies. i was the bread winner and was fine with this,(this is also something in my chart) as i had someone i thought i fit really well with, who had a very kind and nurturing side which i am attracted to in men, and despite the bad times we tried to get through...till we couldnt anymore, as i began to see through things, totally unrelated to finances about how this wasnt going to last. he started going on about having kids and i went uh uh.

number one im not going to work and have kids at the same time...that is insanity and literally working two jobs especially with small and young children up to the age of 12 who i would never leave home alone.

number two europe is a commie shithole where 2000 to 3000 euros a month if one is lucky is literally the best income after taxes for most people...and in many cases is barely enough for even 1 person to live on let alone two or a family with kids. He refused to move to the states with me. however the US is worse off to be fair in many aspects as well.

number three based on my observation of many many people over the years in my 20s and up till now first and second hand, i am almost certain if i was to marry someone and attempt to have a family with him i would most likely be on the street with in the decade if not 5 years. because believe it or not...no the women do not always get their way in court. ive seen it. AND on top of that me being left for whatever reason (probably for someone more attractive or younger, or other)
would leave me with nothing to fall back on materially because i put my trust in someone i wanted to have a family with.
all the men i have been approached by after my ex were either closet polys or complete manipulators who only cared for themselves, or ones who already had wives! and the last two fall under the very latter...it had me shaking my head.

Like any decent white i want an aryan reich with the family unit back..but i want a man i can trust and be enough for that will be just as attracted to me as i am to him who isnt going to up and leave me or be a selfish manchild or mistreat me. show me those men jack because i would really love one just like any sane woman would, but what i have to offer and would want to give to a family unit no longer has the hospitality of society, and from my end this is not a product of feminism. I just dont want to get hurt or betrayed.

I grew up thinking everything entailing the "patriarchy" or women following men basically only entailed abuse oppression , and cold misuse of human beings as property. because growing up xtian this was literally the only example i was shown. obey husband or get hit. It actyally gave me an unconsious deep seeded hatred for men for a long time...i looked back at those years, and especially realising how i dont give a shit about the kind of attention most women do and how i literally find almost no men attractive even physically, i told myself that i was suprised that i wasnt a lesbian. And all the while deep down i still always wanted a normal relationship with someone.

Feminists often take the male nature as wanting to influence a woman, or to solve her problems or not letting her do something as an insult...when in many cases rejecting this it can actually come accross to the man as saying "stop i dont want you to care about me" because that is literally all he is doing. (and this is minus the bachanded compliments, or condescending types who ARE abusive) i have had guys do this on the job alot too. i dont get mad. but i let them know i recongise benevolent intent, and depending on the case will explain a practical reason why i have to insist to do something they are scared i will get hurt by ect. Oftentimes if guys do the above all the time or at least alot it means he loves you. and i dont mean in taking orders like a dog, but also letting someone influence you tells them you trust them and want them to care. for guys this is a big deal especially with their families. and this is what i learned what the aryan race values are with men and women and family...which is much better than the abrahamic version of "you will do what i tell you or get slapped"

Especially after unlearning alot of xtian bullshit about men and women and the Nazi ideology of women i am seeing still a system where women do follow and are under men but it is one out of love and care and just basically nature. i am probably going to piss some people off in this debate which could be either side and please guys dont take it personally i am just giving my take.

ofcourse women should still be given freedom of choice ie, choice to choose the best possible mate to make the best possible family with, making the choices that will make her happy as long as they dont hurt others, and yes finantial independance but not to the point of hurting the family.

Right now we are in a system where jews have totaled the family unit. so weather any woman or man likes it or not everyone has to work. Now this is bad in the sense that in countries like the US for example, most people work 50 to 60 hour weeks maybe more 6 to 7 days a week just to make ends meet, and in the worse case scenario both mom AND dad have to do that. that is not ok for the kids. This is just my personal opinion. but i dont think a woman should want to work and have kids at the same time if she can help it...it just isnt natural for young kids to go without their mom, AND it isnt healthy for the mom mentally or physically. i would go insane. but you know what? things are set up like that on purpose nowadays so people who have kids often have no choice unless the dad is very successful. and ofcourse you have women who just want this or make it a point to go for muh career cus muh feminism which is ofcourse retarded. i mean theres alot of other meaningful things id rather do than working 6 10s or 7 12s just to be dirty all day, (like focusing purely on warfare, spirituality and advancement, being close to the Gods, and maybe hopefully a partner i could be madly inlove with) but it was either that or be in 1000s of dollars in debt for a degree i got no job for so ended up in a grocery store, but no that happend to my bro before the military.

financial independace for women in this day and age however is also a good thing in the sense that, well, what if a woman cannot find a husband? what if men think she is too ugly or dull ect and wont marry her? And yes there are many people out there who are not endowed with good looks, or who have other issues which im sorry to say, yes DO matter, because beauty signals health and vitality meaning strong children, and this goes for both men and women. This is not being shallow but our biologial imparative. Another mistake alot of people make is thinking women dont care about looks. WE DO. and guess what. if we bitch about wanting a guy to look good for us we better be ready to put the effort for the same in return as best as possible. Its sad how most people simple just dont give a shit. they only preen to attact a mate and when they attract they drop the act...sigh. well damn youd think if it attracted someone you should keep it up right? :roll:

Also, there are many women with husbands who end up being abusive or who cheat and leave. my moms dad up and left for example and MANY guys have tried to cheat with me on their wives and i mercilessly turned them down, disgusted thinking how i would be in the wifes position with kids.

if above said women cannot find a husband, or find themselves in the second situation but is not allowed financial independance what is she to do? I fundimentally and strongly disagree with women residing with a spouse who is abusive especially physically, and certainly am against this being forced for any reason. an abusive husband to me would be dead.
despite looks also mattering, yes WHO the person is still makes or breaks. i met one person i was physically attracted to in the past and could feel absolutely nothing for him because of who he was despite the stupid grugette response.

I have seen the statistics you post jack about mostly women initiating the divorces, however in my personal experience i have seen enough personally to know the majority of men i would run into would not last for whatever reason. the only reason i did infact leave, despite staying for so long, was because i was cheated on and lied to about it...twice. i am glad i did not have kids with him..after almost 9 years, and sacrificing everything for someone i thought was the one over 5k kilometers away. I maintain my finantial independance not out of feministic ideology but becase i can trust no man to take that role over so that we can form a family unit without him turning. And yes, if it satisfies you to know, it does make me feel very empty. But i know how people are and the way the world works, and that my neptunian approach to a partner would be, (and has been and mostly only) abused by the wrong person. selecting the wrong mate can literally land you homeless on the street. I was just talking to one of my boilermaker instructors the other day and he was telling us about his second wife. she was dumped by her previous husband. he literally told her to take her shit and leave. boom. homeless and single just like that. no thanks. its not only the women who do this to the men, and i have heard of and been told many cases such as this. the guy was also a nutjob and they had 2 murders on him that they couldnt prove.

I am also not advocating that getting married for women should be forced, in order to be able to keep a roof, but i do believe that if things are advertised right and jewish propaganda reversed, men and woman in general will all, at least the majority will strive for a partner and family and will WANT this and will be happy with this especially if this is approached with the right mindsets and values. We are social creatures and no one wants to die alone when old. nothing has to be forced and this has nothing to do with oppression, but many women, excluding ones who actually have been battered and abused or deprived, have been given the illusion of oppression. Especially since there were women in ancient times like Hypatia, which is also something that is very fine for women.

I also understand some of your and others points about certain drastic measures to preserve our race and family, however when i say i understand, i undersand where and why that sentiment comes....as it has the same endhopes and intents as i. A world ruled by the aryan race with aryan values without jews.

But i do not believe producing tons of illigitimate children will help solve this problem. look how all the illigitimate children end up. degenerates, druggies, and bums. hardly ones you can call warriors. sure, alot end up in gangs and see action. but i dont see them developing the mentality to the cause of a greater good such as this being in such an environment, infact, it would be in their nature of rebellion and not giving a shit to say fuck the greater good. having nothing but people such as these as offspring and to propagate with will infact only degenerate the white race to a shadow of its former ancestors, doing the white race a disservice..many of those illigitimates will also be impressionable and even perhaps be brainwashed by the wrong side, especially with an absent father. i believe in quality over quantity and that if drastic measures are to be taken...well. i dont think most of those ideas of mine would be allowed to be typed here let alone be safe.

Besides, who will provide the finacial means to care for them, in the case they somehow would grow up looking to the right cause and not in criminality? if the father isnt around and the mother may not work then who? And even if the father is, if half of his taxes go to israel and he can barely provide for one child, how will he for many others? we definately don't want the jewish state doing that either, especially because if they do ie in a foster home or orphanage, they grow up fucked for sure...and with all the jewish feminist books now adays in the daycare edition to boot.

We women are emotional and nurturing. Jewish propaganda ruined many women that used emotions and manipulation. we need propaganda that will reverse this that uses emotions and womans primal wants and needs and we need mens help with this, as well as they also need to be deprogrammed from the dross of jewish society and reprogramed with meaninful values that will give them incentives to engage in proper families again. and all this done the right way will make the sexes as a whole trust one another again and NEED each other.

Lastly the ZOG must come down. this is a must for ANY hope of normal family life, especially a families financial stability. as long as everyones wages go to pissreal instead of their familes and kids, no matter how many women wake up from feminist propaganda and want to stay home for kids, and have families they aint gunna have money from the dads to FEED the kids...if any then barely for the majority.

it is in my hope ofcourse that in the new reich our men and women will be taught real values about family and how to treat each other. They will take care of their minds and bodies to advance their souls, be close to the Gods and remain attracted to and close to each other.

especially in the new era, finding the right partner and family should be something that happens organically if it is meant to be so for someone, which again i am sure many would then want.
You should do a Freeing the Soul working to free yourself from all of the Negative karma and a Love working to attract a suitable candidate for a long term relationship.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

I understand how you feel. The guy has said some really edgy and shocking things in the past. He says things sometimes which even shock me. This was one notable example that I remember:
Jack said:
question said:
Jack said:
Here are some values that I found out to be my personal composition of love -

  • She needs to have a connection with me and must be intelligent like me so that I can share with her the complexity of the world and not just have her sit there and nod. I would want an above average intelligence, and rational person. I want her to 'get' me.

  • I need to feel like I can trust her so that I won't worry about other men. Because if I'm ever cheated upon I'm going to severely punish them in a way that would cause intense suffering for life.

  • She shouldn't be a feminist/marxist/anti Aryan in any way.

  • She should have my matching libido and Sexually compatible with me.

  • She shouldn't be a drama queen which I hate above all.

If all the ones are present i would probably like her. And if I feel that she has the capacity to commit to me in the same capacity that I can , then I would start loving her. And when I commit to something, I commit to it fanatically. So we're going to be together for life and I'll stick with her through thick and thin all the way.

Let's say that this girl progressively comes to realize that you two may not be the right match, but every time she tries to bring up the issue you just brush it away, because by then you have committed "fanatically" to her and so if she has such thoughts she is wrong and you have to get these wrong thoughts out of her. Do you see how that might put the two of you on a dangerous slope? Especially considering your comment that you would cause her intense suffering for life if she ever cheated on you, and presumably to the other man as well who may not even know about you. That fanaticism might end up destroying 3 lives.

The girl should understand how important commitment is to you, but you shouldn't let that trump everything else. It is important to remain open to what's going on around you, to how the other person feels, and not decide for them how they should feel, otherwise she might become your unwilling slave afraid to leave for fear of intense torture.

What you describe seems to stem from the fear of abandonment, and I think you would get more fruitful and lasting results by working on overcoming that fear, rather than by subjecting your future partner to its spell. Otherwise you might end up in the mindset that she is your property, that you can do whatever you please with her, including ignoring how she feels. Don't forget to care about her and to listen.

If you tell her how important loyalty is to you and she still cheats on you then she wasn't the right one, no need for the "cause intense suffering for life" part. But if you are in a healthy relationship this shouldn't happen. And if she tried to explain to you for a while how she feels but you wouldn't listen, then you are partly responsible too.

(first post here hello everyone, I made a thread but it hasn't been approved yet)
By committing to life, I mean marriage. And if she won't agree to the terms I state, I'll simply not marry her. I'll have our astrological compatibility checked ,and it's highly unlikely that a strong astrologically compatible couple will break apart based on whimsical feelings.

Most people are confused and uncertain about everything in life. And they listen to what i have to say because I give them purpose and hope. If I ever start contemplating of dedicating my life to one woman, I'll make sure to turn her into the ideological soldier she's meant to be. Once she becomes like me, she won't ever be very focused or driven by feelings but by her commitment to me and to our religion. I'm not just a counterpart, I'm a teacher and leader authority figure in the same way. The Sanskrit word for teacher is "Swami" and it can be alternatively used in many regional languages to mean "Husband." I won't marry or commit to anyone who is having strong unwavering opinions contrary to me because that's idiotic to do.

Most women or men in general do not have strong opinions about anything in life. So I don't think itll be a very hard job to find someone compatible without strong opinions and condition her into getting my opinions and hold on to them unconditionally. And one of those conditioning processes would be to Trump commitment to everything else.

This is a boomeresque thing where they put importance to their transient feelings instead of their behavior and ideology. They doomed this world by their whimsical feelings.

And if it's someone who is just in a relationship with me and I haven't committed to her, but she betrays me knowing about my conditions which is improbable , she will get what she deserves. Actions have consequences and punishment must be handed down. The guy will suffer as well as the girl. If she wanted to opt out ,she could just say so. But an implicit betrayal is an attack on me which I have to retaliate. And there's absolutely no way that anyone I've vetted and moulded into an ideological soldier of mine will ever betray me and so its just can't happen in a marriage type situation.

If all of this is sounding strange, then its because I don't feel the same love that you do and so your version of love doesn't exist for me. I feel love in the Dominance and Submission way and so I can only feel it in this way. I can't forgive or forget and I can't love unconditionally another person.

^ I don't know how any sane individual could read that as well as sensing the energy vibe, and not think it's psychopathic.

Anyway, he seems oblivious to me. I don't know how to penetrate that level of unawareness and self assurance that he's right. I don't think anyone can reach him. But now he has had a few women let it be known what they think of him, and that he makes people uncomfortable. If it were me, and many wise people from various walks of life were all reacting to me the same way and giving the same general feedback, then I wouldn't cling to the assumption that I'm right and every single one of them is wrong. I would consider the idea that maybe I'm wrong, and meditate on what is being told to me.

But I'm not Jack. I can't do Jack's thinking for him. If he believes that he is right then he's not going to change his mind, but he is going to have to simply accept that his actions cause people to dislike him. I think the biggest irony here would be if he feels the same way, that we are the fools who won't consider his side nor listen to what he is saying even though we proved otherwise. If he truly feels unheard then I'm going to laugh. It's not at all the case that people haven't considered his side and point of view. Especially since you kind of have to understand someone's argument as best as you can in order to make an effective counterargument.

Shadowcat, Tabby, and others have shown through their recounted experiences and wisdom of the world that numbers don't explain everything. There are many factors which are unaccounted for by the numbers and stats.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

Well, as much as he thinks he didn't start this, his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

If he was only looking down on the bimbos on the streets that the jews created, I'd have less of an issue. But I will not tolerate other SS women being dismissed and undermined like this. Not by one of our own brothers. Certainly not under a post meant to help people develop a lost life skill.

It made me very happy to see many other females engage here to talk about something I'm quite passionate about, and help each other with advice. Until the party pooper of misogynistic asses came to crash the door down.

I'm not angry at you, Lunar, btw. Sorry if you feel that.

Before Jack gets mad at my use of the word "misogynistic" :
definition - adjective, strongly prejudiced against women.
Describes him pretty well under here, I'd say.

Just for good measure...
"Prejudice can be an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership."
noun - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
- dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior deriving from unfounded opinions.
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*
Meteor said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:

It’s freaky to me that one of the types of topics that sets my teeth on edge just happens to over take my OP... *sighs*.
Reading things like that sometimes makes me wonder if I should be a feminist, but then I remember that I hate modern "feminists" even more. They're just a bunch of misandristic marxists and anarchists these days, as devoid of morality and true understanding as those I wish to oppose. What I really want is for the entire world population to accurately understand the nuances of every situation without jumping to conclusions or misunderstanding anything, and act in a fair manner based on that understanding. So when I see any kind of delusional extremist, left or right, it saddens me quite a bit as I realise I'm asking for a lot.

Even so, I've always believed that I should put my ideals first when determining what's right or wrong. And I know that despite what he says, no more than a small minority will ever be moved by his emotionless ideals. The problems he describes aren't even things that I've ever seen in real life where I live, which could be because I'm surrounded by good and reasonable people, but still. If more people are like those around me, ideological poison of any blend will never be able to take hold. Many people, even I, tend to stay stuck in their own stubborn ways to an extent because that is simply their nature; but even then there's enlightenment to be had. Through the personal growth of millions of men and women, if not billion in time, this world will surely become a better place.

Since this discussion unfortunately took place in this thread, I'll have to rely on the foe system for the time being to avoid getting distracted. I'm sorry for rambling so much, it's just that these things were on my mind and I wanted to get them off my chest.

Now to get back on topic,

My only experience with polycotton is some old shirts that have that fabric blend (usually 60% cotton, 40% polyester). I’ve never worked with it before so I don’t know what it’s like to sew with. I much prefer natural fabrics.

Once in school, we made pyjama pants and I think it was a synthetic fabric (most likely straight up polyester), but I barely remember what it was like to work with. I had some trouble with the sewing machine but I think that was more an issue of my then-lacking skills with sewing machines rather than the fabric itself.

This is me personally, but I find that I sweat more and get too hot in a polycotton blend shirt than just 100% cotton. Polyester is made from plastic so imagine wrapping yourself in plastic wrap and then pin-pricking a bunch of holes to try make it semi “breathable”. You could probably find cotton sheets for cheap and repurpose them into clothes. I’ve seen videos of people using things like that from thrift stores to make their clothes. It’s a good money saver.

I read the same thing after looking into it more, that it's not breathable enough when it's hot. I also had the same idea of trying to use sheets as well if it's too hard to find anything. For now I'll keep looking though.

When looking for fabrics, I also saw modal and viscose fabrics and saw that they're recommended for things like pyjamas, so I might just pay a bit extra and use those instead. It'll be my first project so I'm going with a simple design and I doubt it'll look oustanding, but I want to make sure it's comfortable to wear at least. As I thought, something like polycotton won't do for that purpose.

jrvan said:
I made a new thread to continue the side discussion about birth rates and other related topics which are not relevant to sewing.

It's right here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=60814
I just saw this, thank you so much. I thought of making a new thread as well but decided against it because I don't want to get involved.
The majority of people who are right wingers (anyone who is against the Globalists) believe in what I'm saying and they are already mentally dedicated to some from of self preservation. And even if a minority of men might not have the mental affinity, they will all have to let go of their emotions and dedicate their lives for the greater good and agree with what I'm saying and what the majority of Anti Globalists (and haven't taken the vaccine, will inherit the earth) believe to be true when the push comes to shove.
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first. The Fuhrer made it a priority to disempower the churches and arrest the ministers and all. That needed to happen otherwise a significant portion of the youth would fall into their hands for indoctrination.

How do you plan to raise NS youth when we don't even have the law on our side? When the schools are completely taken over, and there is only a tiny portion of people who have the time, money, knowledge and skills needed to home school successfully. When the law mandates public school indoctrination. How are you going to remove that obstacle? Parents don't have enough power and freedom even in the US. Options are limited. Right now, the best thing we can do is resist the enemy tyranny until Saturn exits Aquarius. After freedoms are no longer astrologically restricted, the jews will still be in the spotlight with everyone knowing what they did. And people will be more pissed than ever.

I'm telling you this is our moment in history. There is no future unless we win. The youth of tomorrow are not going to save us nor themselves. If we don't win it for them right now then there is no future for the youth. The race will be doomed. So if we don't win right now then we are doomed either way because like you said, we're doomed if we don't replace ourselves with births. And those birthed babies are doomed if we don't win. So it's better to focus on this final battle right here right now.

That's the way I see it. I think it's pointless to whine about birth rates at this point in time.

Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first.

although this was something i could understand from a certain point i definately do not believe this to be the best idea. This is a point i just tried to make as well. I believe we all have a common hope for a common end however the methods and ways or ideas for reaching there are not always best expressed or are at odds.
quality over quantity

I think it's more than hope. I think all the psychic folk are sensing the changing times. The jews don't have much longer for their collective existence. The Golden Age of Aquarius is right around the corner. They can't stop it. They might have been able to stop it if not for our spiritual warfare efforts, but now it's too late. It's impossible for them to defeat us.

Jack thinks that the cycles observed in the last 1000+ years are eternal natural cycles of society and whatnot, but he's wrong. He's absolutely wrong. It was never supposed to be like this. New patterns will emerge. He's going to see so many female leaders that his head is going to implode from rage while he foams at the mouth. And there were more examples of female leadership than just in Egypt. Even today there's plenty of female leaders, just not many in positions of national leadership. And we can't count Merkel because she's not human. Or any other jewess for that matter. But there are many female leaders in the more micro scale. Women make excellent leaders in Pagan societies. They've done it before, and they will do it again. Jack doesn't realize the power of an actualized, self-realized woman. I don't even think he takes enough stock of spirituality for that matter, of which the females are the stronger of the sexes in that regard. Men may have the physical mass and muscle, but females are stronger in the spiritual side of things. In a spiritual society there's no reason why women wouldn't become leaders.

Athena is the Goddess of, essentially, spiritual warfare as far as I understand. Astarte governs her own star system from what I've read on the forums. And he's telling me that females can't be good leaders. That's insanity, and more importantly it's denial of observable reality. Which puts him out of alignment with Truth.

Jack just sounds more and more like a doomsayer by the day. If he's so sure that the world is going to end and that the jews are going to have another round of victory then he should go build himself a bomb shelter and leave everyone else alone. He's being unproductive after a certain point with the things he's saying, and also disruptive. He links to his two posts in his signature where he explains everything he's said. I read it already, others have surely read it already. If not they can find it easily - it's in his signature. Tabby makes a productive post, and then he comes in and derails it entirely. This is the sort of post that could ACTUALLY lead to more births because it has a chance of teaching people valuable skills that can help with these financially tough times. Making our own clothes allows another tool of survival if society really does crash, and nobody has to waste money on fast fashion and other industrial stuff like that. It translates to: if you don't have the money, but you have the skills, then no money = no problem.

That's actually being productive and solution oriented. What is Jack's main contribution? Alarmism and repeating the same tired old message over and over again to anyone and everyone everywhere, and getting mad at them for not listening. Basically just "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, IT'S HAPPENING IT'S HAPPENING!!" Like seriously. Is that even an exaggeration of what he's saying everywhere? If it wasn't for this then he has no other contribution to make. He doesn't know anything else. Posts like these which actually have a chance of solving problems would take away his job security. He wouldn't have anything to contribute if the problems actually got solved because then there would be no problems to bitch about, write elaborate messages about it detailing the in's and out's and working so hard to make himself sound like the smartest person in the room by throwing statistics and facts that everyone knows in their faces. Without that, he's got nothing. All he knows of the world is PUA crap. He has a one-dimensional view of the world, gender relations, companionship, and maybe just life in general. Honestly, would he even know what to do with his life when we do get back to a spiritual Pagan society? Would he know how to live? I wonder. All he knows is what he's seen and read online. He's more adapted to this sick society than anyone else here because he knows it so well, and he wouldn't know what to do without it if he couldn't complain about it anymore.

He thinks he's so wise and understands everything so perfectly, but you have proven that you know so much more about life and relationships than he does, as well as the way society works and functions. But he's going to cling to his numbers and pretend he didn't hear a thing you said. It's his loss. Everything you said was beautiful and spot on, and I couldn't have said it better myself or agreed more. He's dogmatically clinging to his worldview because it's all he knows, and he doesn't want to admit that maybe others know better than him and have more experience and better insights.
Jack said:
Shadowcat said:
Jack said:
The majority of men think this way ,they're just afraid to say it due to the fear of being labeled misogynistic. This view is especially prevalent among Right Wing men who are either Pagans or otherwise. Especially if they've studied National Socialism, they have the same aversion to Feminist ideals as I do. All of them (who will inherit the earth) have the idea of wives with traditional values. 90% of them do. It's also the prevalent belief on this forum. If we were to conduct a poll, no man cares about a womans finances or anything related to being independent or liberated to the point where women aren't dating men for being Economically Unattractive. The only thing a man cares about is that a woman cares for his children. Finances and a job are separate icings on the cake.

A man who is a CEO will gladly marry a woman who is a schoolteacher while on a balance of probabilities, a Woman who is a CEO will not even look at a broke mans way.

All of this disparity is created to artificially tinkle with the womans value approval circuitry to make it harder for them to reproduce.

Men dedicate their lives to a higher purpose. Their lives are lives of sacrifice for their families.

Liberating women and breaking down the Patriarchy was a tactic specifically used by Jews to tank the white birth rate. The Jewish Sociologist, Theodore Adorno explained this in the Authoritarian Personality. He devised that if women were liberated, they would destroy the families and as a result they could replace the below replacement level populations by Foreigners.

This wouldn't be an issue if you were living in Japan ,but this is an issue of your living in the US or Europe.

I must be a strange anomaly then because i do hear guys often complain that women only care about their wallets. Alot of women really are used to being treated like princesses sadly but i know alot of guys also have their own heads up their asses as well and are far from husband material, which are the majority sadly. I also know the dynamic of the relationship depends on the charts of the two.

I met my ex boyfriend of almost 9 years when i was 21. I took initiative with everything. I was the one immigrating to Europe and had to do everything on my end for the paperwork. I saved up money to start up a life to move over there as i wanted to invest in a life together. I meant more to him and his mother financially than anyone else had in their entire lives. And in the end it was only bitched about that i didnt do more. especially from his mother, who in the end clearly showed i was taken for granted which royally pissed me off. I would give my ex grocery money every week, literally 200 euros a week which he would buy food for...but also went luxury shopping with it partially which i was very displeased with and told him this. He was on welfare the whole time we were together, and in the end actyally went back to school and aimed to finish his studies. i was the bread winner and was fine with this,(this is also something in my chart) as i had someone i thought i fit really well with, who had a very kind and nurturing side which i am attracted to in men, and despite the bad times we tried to get through...till we couldnt anymore, as i began to see through things, totally unrelated to finances about how this wasnt going to last. he started going on about having kids and i went uh uh.

number one im not going to work and have kids at the same time...that is insanity and literally working two jobs especially with small and young children up to the age of 12 who i would never leave home alone.

number two europe is a commie shithole where 2000 to 3000 euros a month if one is lucky is literally the best income after taxes for most people...and in many cases is barely enough for even 1 person to live on let alone two or a family with kids. He refused to move to the states with me. however the US is worse off to be fair in many aspects as well.

number three based on my observation of many many people over the years in my 20s and up till now first and second hand, i am almost certain if i was to marry someone and attempt to have a family with him i would most likely be on the street with in the decade if not 5 years. because believe it or not...no the women do not always get their way in court. ive seen it. AND on top of that me being left for whatever reason (probably for someone more attractive or younger, or other)
would leave me with nothing to fall back on materially because i put my trust in someone i wanted to have a family with.
all the men i have been approached by after my ex were either closet polys or complete manipulators who only cared for themselves, or ones who already had wives! and the last two fall under the very latter...it had me shaking my head.

Like any decent white i want an aryan reich with the family unit back..but i want a man i can trust and be enough for that will be just as attracted to me as i am to him who isnt going to up and leave me or be a selfish manchild or mistreat me. show me those men jack because i would really love one just like any sane woman would, but what i have to offer and would want to give to a family unit no longer has the hospitality of society, and from my end this is not a product of feminism. I just dont want to get hurt or betrayed.

I grew up thinking everything entailing the "patriarchy" or women following men basically only entailed abuse oppression , and cold misuse of human beings as property. because growing up xtian this was literally the only example i was shown. obey husband or get hit. It actyally gave me an unconsious deep seeded hatred for men for a long time...i looked back at those years, and especially realising how i dont give a shit about the kind of attention most women do and how i literally find almost no men attractive even physically, i told myself that i was suprised that i wasnt a lesbian. And all the while deep down i still always wanted a normal relationship with someone.

Feminists often take the male nature as wanting to influence a woman, or to solve her problems or not letting her do something as an insult...when in many cases rejecting this it can actually come accross to the man as saying "stop i dont want you to care about me" because that is literally all he is doing. (and this is minus the bachanded compliments, or condescending types who ARE abusive) i have had guys do this on the job alot too. i dont get mad. but i let them know i recongise benevolent intent, and depending on the case will explain a practical reason why i have to insist to do something they are scared i will get hurt by ect. Oftentimes if guys do the above all the time or at least alot it means he loves you. and i dont mean in taking orders like a dog, but also letting someone influence you tells them you trust them and want them to care. for guys this is a big deal especially with their families. and this is what i learned what the aryan race values are with men and women and family...which is much better than the abrahamic version of "you will do what i tell you or get slapped"

Especially after unlearning alot of xtian bullshit about men and women and the Nazi ideology of women i am seeing still a system where women do follow and are under men but it is one out of love and care and just basically nature. i am probably going to piss some people off in this debate which could be either side and please guys dont take it personally i am just giving my take.

ofcourse women should still be given freedom of choice ie, choice to choose the best possible mate to make the best possible family with, making the choices that will make her happy as long as they dont hurt others, and yes finantial independance but not to the point of hurting the family.

Right now we are in a system where jews have totaled the family unit. so weather any woman or man likes it or not everyone has to work. Now this is bad in the sense that in countries like the US for example, most people work 50 to 60 hour weeks maybe more 6 to 7 days a week just to make ends meet, and in the worse case scenario both mom AND dad have to do that. that is not ok for the kids. This is just my personal opinion. but i dont think a woman should want to work and have kids at the same time if she can help it...it just isnt natural for young kids to go without their mom, AND it isnt healthy for the mom mentally or physically. i would go insane. but you know what? things are set up like that on purpose nowadays so people who have kids often have no choice unless the dad is very successful. and ofcourse you have women who just want this or make it a point to go for muh career cus muh feminism which is ofcourse retarded. i mean theres alot of other meaningful things id rather do than working 6 10s or 7 12s just to be dirty all day, (like focusing purely on warfare, spirituality and advancement, being close to the Gods, and maybe hopefully a partner i could be madly inlove with) but it was either that or be in 1000s of dollars in debt for a degree i got no job for so ended up in a grocery store, but no that happend to my bro before the military.

financial independace for women in this day and age however is also a good thing in the sense that, well, what if a woman cannot find a husband? what if men think she is too ugly or dull ect and wont marry her? And yes there are many people out there who are not endowed with good looks, or who have other issues which im sorry to say, yes DO matter, because beauty signals health and vitality meaning strong children, and this goes for both men and women. This is not being shallow but our biologial imparative. Another mistake alot of people make is thinking women dont care about looks. WE DO. and guess what. if we bitch about wanting a guy to look good for us we better be ready to put the effort for the same in return as best as possible. Its sad how most people simple just dont give a shit. they only preen to attact a mate and when they attract they drop the act...sigh. well damn youd think if it attracted someone you should keep it up right? :roll:

Also, there are many women with husbands who end up being abusive or who cheat and leave. my moms dad up and left for example and MANY guys have tried to cheat with me on their wives and i mercilessly turned them down, disgusted thinking how i would be in the wifes position with kids.

if above said women cannot find a husband, or find themselves in the second situation but is not allowed financial independance what is she to do? I fundimentally and strongly disagree with women residing with a spouse who is abusive especially physically, and certainly am against this being forced for any reason. an abusive husband to me would be dead.
despite looks also mattering, yes WHO the person is still makes or breaks. i met one person i was physically attracted to in the past and could feel absolutely nothing for him because of who he was despite the stupid grugette response.

I have seen the statistics you post jack about mostly women initiating the divorces, however in my personal experience i have seen enough personally to know the majority of men i would run into would not last for whatever reason. the only reason i did infact leave, despite staying for so long, was because i was cheated on and lied to about it...twice. i am glad i did not have kids with him..after almost 9 years, and sacrificing everything for someone i thought was the one over 5k kilometers away. I maintain my finantial independance not out of feministic ideology but becase i can trust no man to take that role over so that we can form a family unit without him turning. And yes, if it satisfies you to know, it does make me feel very empty. But i know how people are and the way the world works, and that my neptunian approach to a partner would be, (and has been and mostly only) abused by the wrong person. selecting the wrong mate can literally land you homeless on the street. I was just talking to one of my boilermaker instructors the other day and he was telling us about his second wife. she was dumped by her previous husband. he literally told her to take her shit and leave. boom. homeless and single just like that. no thanks. its not only the women who do this to the men, and i have heard of and been told many cases such as this. the guy was also a nutjob and they had 2 murders on him that they couldnt prove.

I am also not advocating that getting married for women should be forced, in order to be able to keep a roof, but i do believe that if things are advertised right and jewish propaganda reversed, men and woman in general will all, at least the majority will strive for a partner and family and will WANT this and will be happy with this especially if this is approached with the right mindsets and values. We are social creatures and no one wants to die alone when old. nothing has to be forced and this has nothing to do with oppression, but many women, excluding ones who actually have been battered and abused or deprived, have been given the illusion of oppression. Especially since there were women in ancient times like Hypatia, which is also something that is very fine for women.

I also understand some of your and others points about certain drastic measures to preserve our race and family, however when i say i understand, i undersand where and why that sentiment comes....as it has the same endhopes and intents as i. A world ruled by the aryan race with aryan values without jews.

But i do not believe producing tons of illigitimate children will help solve this problem. look how all the illigitimate children end up. degenerates, druggies, and bums. hardly ones you can call warriors. sure, alot end up in gangs and see action. but i dont see them developing the mentality to the cause of a greater good such as this being in such an environment, infact, it would be in their nature of rebellion and not giving a shit to say fuck the greater good. having nothing but people such as these as offspring and to propagate with will infact only degenerate the white race to a shadow of its former ancestors, doing the white race a disservice..many of those illigitimates will also be impressionable and even perhaps be brainwashed by the wrong side, especially with an absent father. i believe in quality over quantity and that if drastic measures are to be taken...well. i dont think most of those ideas of mine would be allowed to be typed here let alone be safe.

Besides, who will provide the finacial means to care for them, in the case they somehow would grow up looking to the right cause and not in criminality? if the father isnt around and the mother may not work then who? And even if the father is, if half of his taxes go to israel and he can barely provide for one child, how will he for many others? we definately don't want the jewish state doing that either, especially because if they do ie in a foster home or orphanage, they grow up fucked for sure...and with all the jewish feminist books now adays in the daycare edition to boot.

We women are emotional and nurturing. Jewish propaganda ruined many women that used emotions and manipulation. we need propaganda that will reverse this that uses emotions and womans primal wants and needs and we need mens help with this, as well as they also need to be deprogrammed from the dross of jewish society and reprogramed with meaninful values that will give them incentives to engage in proper families again. and all this done the right way will make the sexes as a whole trust one another again and NEED each other.

Lastly the ZOG must come down. this is a must for ANY hope of normal family life, especially a families financial stability. as long as everyones wages go to pissreal instead of their familes and kids, no matter how many women wake up from feminist propaganda and want to stay home for kids, and have families they aint gunna have money from the dads to FEED the kids...if any then barely for the majority.

it is in my hope ofcourse that in the new reich our men and women will be taught real values about family and how to treat each other. They will take care of their minds and bodies to advance their souls, be close to the Gods and remain attracted to and close to each other.

especially in the new era, finding the right partner and family should be something that happens organically if it is meant to be so for someone, which again i am sure many would then want.
You should do a Freeing the Soul working to free yourself from all of the Negative karma and a Love working to attract a suitable candidate for a long term relationship.

I am working on that as we speak. I have done 2 obliterate saturn workings in the last 2 years which have helped in the in the other areas my saturn affects.

What I was experimenting with, with certain runes didn't feel too great so I am starting over again this Sunday. I think I'll go with munka again, however I think this will need much longer than 90 days. I supplemented munka with sol last Time and I liked how that worked out so I think I will stick with that for longer this time.

I will say from my exp esp if other planets or aspects support and amplify a bad saturn it won't be just obliterating saturn..but other planets if need be as well.
Przebiśnieg said:
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Maybe it's off-topic, which I am sorry, but nobody makes me feel worse as a woman in this forum than him, I swear. I try to avoid him here, since he makes me feel bad and there is a lot of helpful information here too, but it is hard to do. I feel like he is really questioning my worth and my worth is something I have had a problem with for a very long time. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but his comments can be discouraged to be here. (It doesn't mean, that I will leave this forum just because he annoys me, but I am thinking about new womens wanting to join here.)

As for the post, excellent job. I have never tried to sew clothes (well, except for my old porcelain doll), only mascots for friends, my little sister and brother, but it would be nice to try something new. I don't have sewing machine, always using hand sewing. Maybe I should afford it, cause it would be faster this way. My sister wants to learn sewing too, so thanks for the tips. :)

Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Yes, I know there is a lot of kind and wise people here. I don't comment too much, but I was observing this forum from a really long time. Thank you for this topic, someone already shared this with me, so I had read this already. I know you're right. Sometimes I am just being sensitive, so don't worry about it. And you know what, I actually love to doing stuff like cooking, baking, cleaning. I even want to have a lot of children, because I got a soft spot for them. And if I would have a husband, I would like to take care of him and make him smile every day, I really would. But I know too, if I would meet a man like Jack, I would escape from him really quickly, seriously.

Sorry this thread turn out like this, it should be only about sewing. This is my mistake too, I should have bite my tongue and just comment about your post, not him. This is the last time, just wanted to reply to your kind words.

And back to the sewing. I'm not sure if anyone has asked you about it before (if someone did, then maybe I forgotten), but you seem to know a lot about sewing. Is the sewing machine difficult? As I wrote before, I have always used my hand. I am thinking of buying one, but want to know if it is easy to use.
I want to teach my sister too, she is eleven years old and she seems to gotten interested in this, but I am not sure where should I start with her. Any advice?

I guess it doesn't hurt to have the link here given how this thread has gone, either way.

I know what you mean. Cooking is a major stress relief for me, and it's a joy whenever someone says "this is so good!" and asks for seconds haha. When something I create makes others happy, I'm happy. Once for a school project we had to design and sew book bags for kids at the preschool nearby. My class was assigned to one kid each, and had to make a bag based on things that they liked (fav. colours, animals, toys, interests, etc). I still remember the little boy who I was assigned to make one for, and the way his face lit up when I gave him his book bag. That was a project that made me really proud as a budding seamstress. It's things like that that fill my heart and desire to have kids even more myself one day.

Yeah, I agree. If I was single and looking for a guy to settle down with, Jack would not even be on my list of considerations.

*shrugs* what can you do? If it didn't happen here, it's likely it would have happened somewhere else on another thread.
I think it's a good thing that you did. How can anyone be made aware of how they make others feel if no one speaks up about it? Even if he doesn't listen to anything we say, it's better to speak up and try to bring awareness to the fact that he is making others feel uncomfortable and unwelcome as women. For me personally, down right angry. Otherwise he's just going to keep going on and on in the echo chamber he's created for himself.

I haven't used a sewing machine since high school, and I struggled with them a bit. It took some time getting comfortable with one since I started with hand sewing for years before hand but I did manage to make some cool projects (such as aforementioned book bag project) with the school ones despite some issues at times. I was pre-teens when I first learnt how to use a sewing machine, and I always fell back on hand stitching whenever I'd chicken out trying to use the machine for trickier projects haha. The peddle speed use to freak me out sometimes. It took some practice and patience but once I learned how to thread the machine, and pair it with some good ol' practice to build up my confidence, it became pretty easy. There are tutorials online for different sewing methods with hand stitching so I don't think it's far fetched to say there are probably just as many tutorials for how to use a sewing machine, and the methods to use with different projects. (When I buy myself a sewing machine I'll probably be looking up these things up as well :lol: ).

Sewing machines come in a lot of different brands and models, so find one that best suits what you want to make and your skill level. Before I made this thread I had no idea the kinds of things you should look for with a sewing machine so I'll refer you to an earlier comment by Lunar Dance 666 that helped me out:

Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
:eek: I got one from Toyota right now. Do not recommend. I cannot adjust the stich length in between stitches. Whilst it does come with some 'decorative' options, because of the above thing, there's just too much space in between the points making them look rather ugly if you ask me. I don't use them.
I can sew with a bit of a 'wider' stitch and a bit of a 'smaller' stitch but thats all just preset. Once this thing breaks down Im going to get a Singer again. I had a kinda old, quite heavy industrial one, but that one was worn down a bit too much. Also the electric pedal was having issues with the connections, you'd easily press too far on it and it'd go too fast.
Also an issue that I have with my current one so I either turn the thing around so I can dose better or move de heel of my foot up a bit more. It stars on an angle, and just like a leverage beam, the further out you go, the bigger the impact. Yet you're pressing on the smallest part.

Yikes, I’ll keep that noted then. Does the Singer models allow for smaller stitches that are close together? If the stitches themselves are smaller and tight together, then that’ll make for a much stronger stitch. Much neater too if you had good control with keeping stitching straight.

It makes me wonder what brand the sewing machines were that we used back in school. They were quite big and bulky but we were able to do a lot of different sewing projects on them without too many issues. The speed control was terrible, you had to be pretty gentle on the peddle to keep your stitching from being really wonky. The thread also broke constantly if you went just a bit too fast.

This is the model that I used to have. I figured it'd be easier to show you and tell you whats what, than to explain it.
Here's a link for a user manual for its previous model:

I bet you can find one for the model 258 online, but back when I had it, I could not.

Basicly, on the top left, above the needle, is a wheel that you use to adjust the pressure of the foot on your fabric.
(In my toyota thats an 'automatic' thing or in other words: Only one setting)
Then on the top right you have the place where your thread goes, and also right next to it the place where you can let the machine wind the thread on the spool for the underneath part.
I forgot exactly where the light switch was (is also the power button) its either on the right bottom next to the pug with the pedal attached to it, or on the back.
Then on the blue part, in which it Says Singer, from left to right:
Adjust stich width, Adjust where the needle goes, I think the last one might be the option for patchworking. or making embroidery. I've never used it tbh.
Then you have the small turning knob on the left. This is for adjusting the top pressure on the thread. If your thread breaks or snaps, you need to lessen the tension. Also do a presew on the fabric that you want to sew together. If the thread lays almost like a straight line on top, you need to lessen the tension, if the thread lays like a straight line on the bottom or has loops (which has happened a couple times to me, I've also ended up with knots a couple of times) you might need to adjust the tension on top and rewire the bottom.
Then on the big knob on the right is how to adjust the stitch length. (This is also non adjustable on Toyota, pretty much, it has a couple preset settings and you can't do anything else with it :/)

The handle to pull the foot up and down is at the back of the needle. You can't see it in this picture.

There's also an option up top, to put a pattern disk in. Then the machine would adjust the needle according to the pattern disk you put in, and you'd be able to sew said pattern.
I don't think I can show you an example of that though. :/ sorry.

But like I said, once this toyota is worn out (or perhaps I might sell it as a second hand) I'll go back to a Singer.

Honestly for a long time, I thought all sewing machines were the same haha.

So basically find the right sewing machine that suits your needs and skill, practice on spare fabrics, go slow and you'll be just fine.

Hmm, 11 yrs old... Depending on her hand-eye-coordination skills and finger dexterity, I would recommend to start with hand sewing personally. This would help to develop and build up a really good foundation for her skills so that if she wants to start a project but doesn't have access to a machine, then she has a good back up. Especially for the tight spots in a project that are safer to do by hand than machine. There are sewing machines for beginners, and I've seen people talk about how they bought sewing machines for their kids, so she can definitely learn on a machine at her age if you're both comfortable with that.

Start with simple projects that will help develop her skills (machine or hand sewing), and can be completed in a day or two. For anyone starting something new, certainly for young kids, keeping up their motivation through quicker projects that are fun and engaging will keep them interested and continue to develop their skills for bigger projects. Simple stitch embroidery, plushies, circle skirts (very easy as a clothing option to make, and fun to twirl in - though it will require you to do a little math to make the right measurements), custom pillows/pillow cases, blankets, simple tote bag or book bag, finger puppets, etc, if she's interested in things like that.

As a kid, I found the most fun projects were making my own toys and the best part is you get to play with them afterwards. Even if it's not perfect but she still feels proud and happy after finishing a project and has the sparked desire to make more things, then you know you've done something right.

Ask your sister what she would like to make, let her design it if she wants, and you can go from there.

Here's an example of a circle skirt - info about it starts at around 6:40 min in:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

*hugs prez*
There is a list where you can add friend or foe to in settings.

A lot of things used to affect me when I was younger. But I am mentally much stronger now than I was back then. I am not wrong and I should stop questioning myself and comparing myself to the "normal" people that are around. If you want to be extraordinary, then look for the people and things that uplift you. The extraordinary people that came before you, and those that are increasingly working on improving themselves, to be the best they can be.

Also you're welcome on joining in the chat about sewing, if it interests you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
