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Making clothes at home - For Meteor

Meteor said:
tabby said:
Meteor said:

It’s freaky to me that one of the types of topics that sets my teeth on edge just happens to over take my OP... *sighs*.
Reading things like that sometimes makes me wonder if I should be a feminist, but then I remember that I hate modern "feminists" even more. They're just a bunch of misandristic marxists and anarchists these days, as devoid of morality and true understanding as those I wish to oppose. What I really want is for the entire world population to accurately understand the nuances of every situation without jumping to conclusions or misunderstanding anything, and act in a fair manner based on that understanding. So when I see any kind of delusional extremist, left or right, it saddens me quite a bit as I realise I'm asking for a lot.

Even so, I've always believed that I should put my ideals first when determining what's right or wrong. And I know that despite what he says, no more than a small minority will ever be moved by his emotionless ideals. The problems he describes aren't even things that I've ever seen in real life where I live, which could be because I'm surrounded by good and reasonable people, but still. If more people are like those around me, ideological poison of any blend will never be able to take hold. Many people, even I, tend to stay stuck in their own stubborn ways to an extent because that is simply their nature; but even then there's enlightenment to be had. Through the personal growth of millions of men and women, if not billion in time, this world will surely become a better place.

Since this discussion unfortunately took place in this thread, I'll have to rely on the foe system for the time being to avoid getting distracted. I'm sorry for rambling so much, it's just that these things were on my mind and I wanted to get them off my chest.

Now to get back on topic,

My only experience with polycotton is some old shirts that have that fabric blend (usually 60% cotton, 40% polyester). I’ve never worked with it before so I don’t know what it’s like to sew with. I much prefer natural fabrics.

Once in school, we made pyjama pants and I think it was a synthetic fabric (most likely straight up polyester), but I barely remember what it was like to work with. I had some trouble with the sewing machine but I think that was more an issue of my then-lacking skills with sewing machines rather than the fabric itself.

This is me personally, but I find that I sweat more and get too hot in a polycotton blend shirt than just 100% cotton. Polyester is made from plastic so imagine wrapping yourself in plastic wrap and then pin-pricking a bunch of holes to try make it semi “breathable”. You could probably find cotton sheets for cheap and repurpose them into clothes. I’ve seen videos of people using things like that from thrift stores to make their clothes. It’s a good money saver.

I read the same thing after looking into it more, that it's not breathable enough when it's hot. I also had the same idea of trying to use sheets as well if it's too hard to find anything. For now I'll keep looking though.

When looking for fabrics, I also saw modal and viscose fabrics and saw that they're recommended for things like pyjamas, so I might just pay a bit extra and use those instead. It'll be my first project so I'm going with a simple design and I doubt it'll look oustanding, but I want to make sure it's comfortable to wear at least. As I thought, something like polycotton won't do for that purpose.

jrvan said:
I made a new thread to continue the side discussion about birth rates and other related topics which are not relevant to sewing.

It's right here: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=60814
I just saw this, thank you so much. I thought of making a new thread as well but decided against it because I don't want to get involved.

Welcome to clown world. I long for the day all of humanity can be human and grow to reach Godhood again, instead of brainwashed cult followers and slaves under reptillian freaks. There are many good people out there, we just need to crack through the mass consciousness prison and provide a path for them to get stronger. Without reason or justice, magick and knowledge is vital.

No worries. I've not heard of modal and viscose fabrics before. I'll check those out for some personal study.

We all start somewhere, right? If it takes you a hundred goes to get it right, as long as you keep trying and improving your skills, you'll get it on the 101th time ;) . I wish you the best of luck!
tabby said:

Hey tabby, I was wondering if you had any books or recommendations on drawing your own patterns. I did get a book as a present once and I tried to follow its instructions but the formula for one of the measurements were off, and I got stuck there. And I haven't done anything with it since.

Meteor said:
tabby said:

I wanted to add here, that I bought a nice top for in the heat of summer (speaking 30 C humid weather) which turned out to be polyester. It felt a little scratchy and didn't feel nearly as breatheable as any cotton I'd wear. Even a tshirt of some kind of viscose elasthan blend or something feels like it's more breathable than that thing.

At first I was thinking I'll take the pattern off of it and donate it but I think I might just replace the poly part of it with some cotton fabric. It does have lace on top and straps. Not sure if the lace part is polyester though. I think I'd like to try and remove the color of the lace though. And make the shirt part a different color too.

Oh ye I saw someone on youtube going to the thrift store, buying second hand bedsheets and turning those into clothes. Also great for mock-ups. Why hadn't I thought of it, lol? Learned many things from just watching people sew on youtube. Makes me want to sew again :) (I haven't really sewn much so far though).
jrvan said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

I understand how you feel. The guy has said some really edgy and shocking things in the past. He says things sometimes which even shock me. This was one notable example that I remember:
Jack said:
question said:
Let's say that this girl progressively comes to realize that you two may not be the right match, but every time she tries to bring up the issue you just brush it away, because by then you have committed "fanatically" to her and so if she has such thoughts she is wrong and you have to get these wrong thoughts out of her. Do you see how that might put the two of you on a dangerous slope? Especially considering your comment that you would cause her intense suffering for life if she ever cheated on you, and presumably to the other man as well who may not even know about you. That fanaticism might end up destroying 3 lives.

The girl should understand how important commitment is to you, but you shouldn't let that trump everything else. It is important to remain open to what's going on around you, to how the other person feels, and not decide for them how they should feel, otherwise she might become your unwilling slave afraid to leave for fear of intense torture.

What you describe seems to stem from the fear of abandonment, and I think you would get more fruitful and lasting results by working on overcoming that fear, rather than by subjecting your future partner to its spell. Otherwise you might end up in the mindset that she is your property, that you can do whatever you please with her, including ignoring how she feels. Don't forget to care about her and to listen.

If you tell her how important loyalty is to you and she still cheats on you then she wasn't the right one, no need for the "cause intense suffering for life" part. But if you are in a healthy relationship this shouldn't happen. And if she tried to explain to you for a while how she feels but you wouldn't listen, then you are partly responsible too.

(first post here hello everyone, I made a thread but it hasn't been approved yet)
By committing to life, I mean marriage. And if she won't agree to the terms I state, I'll simply not marry her. I'll have our astrological compatibility checked ,and it's highly unlikely that a strong astrologically compatible couple will break apart based on whimsical feelings.

Most people are confused and uncertain about everything in life. And they listen to what i have to say because I give them purpose and hope. If I ever start contemplating of dedicating my life to one woman, I'll make sure to turn her into the ideological soldier she's meant to be. Once she becomes like me, she won't ever be very focused or driven by feelings but by her commitment to me and to our religion. I'm not just a counterpart, I'm a teacher and leader authority figure in the same way. The Sanskrit word for teacher is "Swami" and it can be alternatively used in many regional languages to mean "Husband." I won't marry or commit to anyone who is having strong unwavering opinions contrary to me because that's idiotic to do.

Most women or men in general do not have strong opinions about anything in life. So I don't think itll be a very hard job to find someone compatible without strong opinions and condition her into getting my opinions and hold on to them unconditionally. And one of those conditioning processes would be to Trump commitment to everything else.

This is a boomeresque thing where they put importance to their transient feelings instead of their behavior and ideology. They doomed this world by their whimsical feelings.

And if it's someone who is just in a relationship with me and I haven't committed to her, but she betrays me knowing about my conditions which is improbable , she will get what she deserves. Actions have consequences and punishment must be handed down. The guy will suffer as well as the girl. If she wanted to opt out ,she could just say so. But an implicit betrayal is an attack on me which I have to retaliate. And there's absolutely no way that anyone I've vetted and moulded into an ideological soldier of mine will ever betray me and so its just can't happen in a marriage type situation.

If all of this is sounding strange, then its because I don't feel the same love that you do and so your version of love doesn't exist for me. I feel love in the Dominance and Submission way and so I can only feel it in this way. I can't forgive or forget and I can't love unconditionally another person.

^ I don't know how any sane individual could read that as well as sensing the energy vibe, and not think it's psychopathic.

Anyway, he seems oblivious to me. I don't know how to penetrate that level of unawareness and self assurance that he's right. I don't think anyone can reach him. But now he has had a few women let it be known what they think of him, and that he makes people uncomfortable. If it were me, and many wise people from various walks of life were all reacting to me the same way and giving the same general feedback, then I wouldn't cling to the assumption that I'm right and every single one of them is wrong. I would consider the idea that maybe I'm wrong, and meditate on what is being told to me.

But I'm not Jack. I can't do Jack's thinking for him. If he believes that he is right then he's not going to change his mind, but he is going to have to simply accept that his actions cause people to dislike him. I think the biggest irony here would be if he feels the same way, that we are the fools who won't consider his side nor listen to what he is saying even though we proved otherwise. If he truly feels unheard then I'm going to laugh. It's not at all the case that people haven't considered his side and point of view. Especially since you kind of have to understand someone's argument as best as you can in order to make an effective counterargument.

Shadowcat, Tabby, and others have shown through their recounted experiences and wisdom of the world that numbers don't explain everything. There are many factors which are unaccounted for by the numbers and stats.

Yes, I remember having read this as well. This was weird to read.
But what can you do about this? Right now he won't change his view no matter how many people would try to talk to him. You see for yourself how things turned out.
Yeah, I'm like this too. When I think I'm right on something, but many people are telling me otherwise, I spend time to thinking about, if what I said was right. Always trying to consider others perspective, experience and wisdow. I learned a lot from people. Trying to understand others arguments. Just like you said above. After all, I'm young and still learning.
Exactly, your actions have consequences. I thinks he knows that as well, but it seems it doesn't bother him. I admire your and tabby patience. You tried, but it turned out as it came out. Actually, I felt bad that I made this first comment on him. I thought it was unecessery, but now I see it that it was needed, because from what I see, I am not the only one, who agree with his behaviour.
Meteor said:
Przebiśnieg said:
I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves.

If you go onto his profile, you can click the option "add foe". It will automatically hide all of his posts while you're logged in.
When I was younger I used to think that things like blocking or ignoring someone are signs of weakness, but I realised over time that some things just really aren't worth reading, no matter how you look at it. It's pleasant not to be distracted by such things.

Good to know that here is an option to do it, thank you for letting me know. I will consider whether I will block him later. When I was a child, I never really had that thought. When someone annoyed me, I just ignored or didn't respond. I only reacted when someone tried to attack me physically. Back then, I was more physically fit than I am now. Now I have a trouble to open car door or bottle, lol.
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Yes, I know there is a lot of kind and wise people here. I don't comment too much, but I was observing this forum from a really long time. Thank you for this topic, someone already shared this with me, so I had read this already. I know you're right. Sometimes I am just being sensitive, so don't worry about it. And you know what, I actually love to doing stuff like cooking, baking, cleaning. I even want to have a lot of children, because I got a soft spot for them. And if I would have a husband, I would like to take care of him and make him smile every day, I really would. But I know too, if I would meet a man like Jack, I would escape from him really quickly, seriously.

Sorry this thread turn out like this, it should be only about sewing. This is my mistake too, I should have bite my tongue and just comment about your post, not him. This is the last time, just wanted to reply to your kind words.

And back to the sewing. I'm not sure if anyone has asked you about it before (if someone did, then maybe I forgotten), but you seem to know a lot about sewing. Is the sewing machine difficult? As I wrote before, I have always used my hand. I am thinking of buying one, but want to know if it is easy to use.
I want to teach my sister too, she is eleven years old and she seems to gotten interested in this, but I am not sure where should I start with her. Any advice?

I guess it doesn't hurt to have the link here given how this thread has gone, either way.

I know what you mean. Cooking is a major stress relief for me, and it's a joy whenever someone says "this is so good!" and asks for seconds haha. When something I create makes others happy, I'm happy. Once for a school project we had to design and sew book bags for kids at the preschool nearby. My class was assigned to one kid each, and had to make a bag based on things that they liked (fav. colours, animals, toys, interests, etc). I still remember the little boy who I was assigned to make one for, and the way his face lit up when I gave him his book bag. That was a project that made me really proud as a budding seamstress. It's things like that that fill my heart and desire to have kids even more myself one day.

Yeah, I agree. If I was single and looking for a guy to settle down with, Jack would not even be on my list of considerations.

*shrugs* what can you do? If it didn't happen here, it's likely it would have happened somewhere else on another thread.
I think it's a good thing that you did. How can anyone be made aware of how they make others feel if no one speaks up about it? Even if he doesn't listen to anything we say, it's better to speak up and try to bring awareness to the fact that he is making others feel uncomfortable and unwelcome as women. For me personally, down right angry. Otherwise he's just going to keep going on and on in the echo chamber he's created for himself.

I haven't used a sewing machine since high school, and I struggled with them a bit. It took some time getting comfortable with one since I started with hand sewing for years before hand but I did manage to make some cool projects (such as aforementioned book bag project) with the school ones despite some issues at times. I was pre-teens when I first learnt how to use a sewing machine, and I always fell back on hand stitching whenever I'd chicken out trying to use the machine for trickier projects haha. The peddle speed use to freak me out sometimes. It took some practice and patience but once I learned how to thread the machine, and pair it with some good ol' practice to build up my confidence, it became pretty easy. There are tutorials online for different sewing methods with hand stitching so I don't think it's far fetched to say there are probably just as many tutorials for how to use a sewing machine, and the methods to use with different projects. (When I buy myself a sewing machine I'll probably be looking up these things up as well :lol: ).

Sewing machines come in a lot of different brands and models, so find one that best suits what you want to make and your skill level. Before I made this thread I had no idea the kinds of things you should look for with a sewing machine so I'll refer you to an earlier comment by Lunar Dance 666 that helped me out:

Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:
Yikes, I’ll keep that noted then. Does the Singer models allow for smaller stitches that are close together? If the stitches themselves are smaller and tight together, then that’ll make for a much stronger stitch. Much neater too if you had good control with keeping stitching straight.

It makes me wonder what brand the sewing machines were that we used back in school. They were quite big and bulky but we were able to do a lot of different sewing projects on them without too many issues. The speed control was terrible, you had to be pretty gentle on the peddle to keep your stitching from being really wonky. The thread also broke constantly if you went just a bit too fast.

This is the model that I used to have. I figured it'd be easier to show you and tell you whats what, than to explain it.
Here's a link for a user manual for its previous model:

I bet you can find one for the model 258 online, but back when I had it, I could not.

Basicly, on the top left, above the needle, is a wheel that you use to adjust the pressure of the foot on your fabric.
(In my toyota thats an 'automatic' thing or in other words: Only one setting)
Then on the top right you have the place where your thread goes, and also right next to it the place where you can let the machine wind the thread on the spool for the underneath part.
I forgot exactly where the light switch was (is also the power button) its either on the right bottom next to the pug with the pedal attached to it, or on the back.
Then on the blue part, in which it Says Singer, from left to right:
Adjust stich width, Adjust where the needle goes, I think the last one might be the option for patchworking. or making embroidery. I've never used it tbh.
Then you have the small turning knob on the left. This is for adjusting the top pressure on the thread. If your thread breaks or snaps, you need to lessen the tension. Also do a presew on the fabric that you want to sew together. If the thread lays almost like a straight line on top, you need to lessen the tension, if the thread lays like a straight line on the bottom or has loops (which has happened a couple times to me, I've also ended up with knots a couple of times) you might need to adjust the tension on top and rewire the bottom.
Then on the big knob on the right is how to adjust the stitch length. (This is also non adjustable on Toyota, pretty much, it has a couple preset settings and you can't do anything else with it :/)

The handle to pull the foot up and down is at the back of the needle. You can't see it in this picture.

There's also an option up top, to put a pattern disk in. Then the machine would adjust the needle according to the pattern disk you put in, and you'd be able to sew said pattern.
I don't think I can show you an example of that though. :/ sorry.

But like I said, once this toyota is worn out (or perhaps I might sell it as a second hand) I'll go back to a Singer.

Honestly for a long time, I thought all sewing machines were the same haha.

So basically find the right sewing machine that suits your needs and skill, practice on spare fabrics, go slow and you'll be just fine.

Hmm, 11 yrs old... Depending on her hand-eye-coordination skills and finger dexterity, I would recommend to start with hand sewing personally. This would help to develop and build up a really good foundation for her skills so that if she wants to start a project but doesn't have access to a machine, then she has a good back up. Especially for the tight spots in a project that are safer to do by hand than machine. There are sewing machines for beginners, and I've seen people talk about how they bought sewing machines for their kids, so she can definitely learn on a machine at her age if you're both comfortable with that.

Start with simple projects that will help develop her skills (machine or hand sewing), and can be completed in a day or two. For anyone starting something new, certainly for young kids, keeping up their motivation through quicker projects that are fun and engaging will keep them interested and continue to develop their skills for bigger projects. Simple stitch embroidery, plushies, circle skirts (very easy as a clothing option to make, and fun to twirl in - though it will require you to do a little math to make the right measurements), custom pillows/pillow cases, blankets, simple tote bag or book bag, finger puppets, etc, if she's interested in things like that.

As a kid, I found the most fun projects were making my own toys and the best part is you get to play with them afterwards. Even if it's not perfect but she still feels proud and happy after finishing a project and has the sparked desire to make more things, then you know you've done something right.

Ask your sister what she would like to make, let her design it if she wants, and you can go from there.

Here's an example of a circle skirt - info about it starts at around 6:40 min in:

Exactly, I understand you! The joy on other people face, when you making something nice to them, priceless. For example, I like to bake for my brother and sister-in-law sometimes. They really enjoying this, so me as well. Recently, I sewed his favorite cartoon character for him for Christmas. His face was everything. But I like to doing this small things for him. He helped me a lot and is always protective towards me, the best brother I could imagine to have.
This is so cute, you maded this child happy. :)

I believe, like every sane women.

So practice and patience. I hope I can manage, I am used to using hand sewing. This would be something totally new for me, but I like to try new things. Besides it would be faster this way. I will search for some tutorials, thank you.
I think I will start with her with making stitch embroidery and then we could do some plushies. This is what she would like to do it anyway from what I had observe. After all she always comes to me, when I am sewing mascots.When she will come back from vacation, I will ask her to make sure. Thank you all of yours advice!
Haha yeah, I remember my first bunny that I sew. Now I think he looks hillarious and insane, but back then I was really proud of this. This motivated me to practice more and more. That's why I want to start with sewing clothes.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

*hugs prez*
There is a list where you can add friend or foe to in settings.

A lot of things used to affect me when I was younger. But I am mentally much stronger now than I was back then. I am not wrong and I should stop questioning myself and comparing myself to the "normal" people that are around. If you want to be extraordinary, then look for the people and things that uplift you. The extraordinary people that came before you, and those that are increasingly working on improving themselves, to be the best they can be.

Also you're welcome on joining in the chat about sewing, if it interests you.

Good to know this, thank you.

I should learn more from you. Actually, there was a time, when I had a strong mentality. Even my friends back then were considering me to be ''strong'', but someday people has broke me. Several years have passed and I am still recovering from some things, which happened to me. Maybe this is a reason, why I become more sensitive now, but it will be fine. I got people in my life, who always trying to lift me up, when I am down, as you say. I got their back too. I learned that I shouldn't shut up my emotion, but to talk about them. I has crossed with people, who where closing their emotion and not talking about them, just empty shells. This always had a bad ending, unfortunately.

Thank you. Sewing is an interesting topic for me. As I said before to tabby, I only were sewing plushies (only once a clothes for my old porcenail doll). I want to learning something new. This thread, which she made is excellent and really helpful.
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

What you wrote now was immature.
Besides, I didn't intented to attack you, only commented about my feelings towards some of yours post. I don't know, if you're feeling attacked by me or others here, but you need to understand, it's not only me who is thinking this way. Lots of people have criticized you here, and rightly so. They even tried to make you aware of what you are doing right now. They presented you their point of view, etc. but you seem to be blind or simply ingoring it. Maybe you think, that your ''truth'' is right, but it's not true. If you're making others people feel bad, maybe you should consider your behaviour and...I don't agree with a lot of things you said before. Like I said, sometimes you are making a good point and I agree with you, but sometimes you are writing weirds things.
And why are you talking about hating you all the time?
Yes, I disliked you before. It's truth, I don't intend to hide this.
Now I don't have this feeling anymore. I am not even sure, why your post had an effect on me. After reading from you today, I feel nothing, but pity. I still wish you the best, but you need to learn more about being a human.

And by the way...they seem to care about my feelings. You should learn more empathy from them. :) Good luck.
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

You seriously need to get your head out of your own arse, Jack.

I hope you don’t find a woman to settle with, because she will never get to be a healthy woman under the likes of you. Look at how you treat those who are not even your partner.

Words hurt no matter if it’s through a digital forum or face-to-face. But you wouldn’t know what it’s like to be bullied and put down just for being a specific sex by someone who is suppose to be your brother. Is this how you would talk to her face-to-face as your sister? Because if no, why do it here?

Since you believe so strongly that women can’t be leaders, then you should never let a woman raise your kids. A mother is a leader to her children, to guide them and nurture them, to teach them and raise them to be healthy strong adults. You should never let a female teacher school your child, you should never let a female doctor touch your kid, you should never let a female Guardian Demon guide your child in magick and spiritual advancement, and you should never use the meditations and information provided so generously by our female leader, High Priestess Maxine - because according to you "women can't be leaders".

If all you’re going to do here is be a dick to SS females, doom this and doom that, and contribute nothing to the OP, then go over to the thread jrvan made for the side topic you created and leave us the fuck alone.
jrvan said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

I understand how you feel. The guy has said some really edgy and shocking things in the past. He says things sometimes which even shock me. This was one notable example that I remember:
Jack said:
question said:
Let's say that this girl progressively comes to realize that you two may not be the right match, but every time she tries to bring up the issue you just brush it away, because by then you have committed "fanatically" to her and so if she has such thoughts she is wrong and you have to get these wrong thoughts out of her. Do you see how that might put the two of you on a dangerous slope? Especially considering your comment that you would cause her intense suffering for life if she ever cheated on you, and presumably to the other man as well who may not even know about you. That fanaticism might end up destroying 3 lives.

The girl should understand how important commitment is to you, but you shouldn't let that trump everything else. It is important to remain open to what's going on around you, to how the other person feels, and not decide for them how they should feel, otherwise she might become your unwilling slave afraid to leave for fear of intense torture.

What you describe seems to stem from the fear of abandonment, and I think you would get more fruitful and lasting results by working on overcoming that fear, rather than by subjecting your future partner to its spell. Otherwise you might end up in the mindset that she is your property, that you can do whatever you please with her, including ignoring how she feels. Don't forget to care about her and to listen.

If you tell her how important loyalty is to you and she still cheats on you then she wasn't the right one, no need for the "cause intense suffering for life" part. But if you are in a healthy relationship this shouldn't happen. And if she tried to explain to you for a while how she feels but you wouldn't listen, then you are partly responsible too.

(first post here hello everyone, I made a thread but it hasn't been approved yet)
By committing to life, I mean marriage. And if she won't agree to the terms I state, I'll simply not marry her. I'll have our astrological compatibility checked ,and it's highly unlikely that a strong astrologically compatible couple will break apart based on whimsical feelings.

Most people are confused and uncertain about everything in life. And they listen to what i have to say because I give them purpose and hope. If I ever start contemplating of dedicating my life to one woman, I'll make sure to turn her into the ideological soldier she's meant to be. Once she becomes like me, she won't ever be very focused or driven by feelings but by her commitment to me and to our religion. I'm not just a counterpart, I'm a teacher and leader authority figure in the same way. The Sanskrit word for teacher is "Swami" and it can be alternatively used in many regional languages to mean "Husband." I won't marry or commit to anyone who is having strong unwavering opinions contrary to me because that's idiotic to do.

Most women or men in general do not have strong opinions about anything in life. So I don't think itll be a very hard job to find someone compatible without strong opinions and condition her into getting my opinions and hold on to them unconditionally. And one of those conditioning processes would be to Trump commitment to everything else.

This is a boomeresque thing where they put importance to their transient feelings instead of their behavior and ideology. They doomed this world by their whimsical feelings.

And if it's someone who is just in a relationship with me and I haven't committed to her, but she betrays me knowing about my conditions which is improbable , she will get what she deserves. Actions have consequences and punishment must be handed down. The guy will suffer as well as the girl. If she wanted to opt out ,she could just say so. But an implicit betrayal is an attack on me which I have to retaliate. And there's absolutely no way that anyone I've vetted and moulded into an ideological soldier of mine will ever betray me and so its just can't happen in a marriage type situation.

If all of this is sounding strange, then its because I don't feel the same love that you do and so your version of love doesn't exist for me. I feel love in the Dominance and Submission way and so I can only feel it in this way. I can't forgive or forget and I can't love unconditionally another person.

^ I don't know how any sane individual could read that as well as sensing the energy vibe, and not think it's psychopathic.

Anyway, he seems oblivious to me. I don't know how to penetrate that level of unawareness and self assurance that he's right. I don't think anyone can reach him. But now he has had a few women let it be known what they think of him, and that he makes people uncomfortable. If it were me, and many wise people from various walks of life were all reacting to me the same way and giving the same general feedback, then I wouldn't cling to the assumption that I'm right and every single one of them is wrong. I would consider the idea that maybe I'm wrong, and meditate on what is being told to me.

But I'm not Jack. I can't do Jack's thinking for him. If he believes that he is right then he's not going to change his mind, but he is going to have to simply accept that his actions cause people to dislike him. I think the biggest irony here would be if he feels the same way, that we are the fools who won't consider his side nor listen to what he is saying even though we proved otherwise. If he truly feels unheard then I'm going to laugh. It's not at all the case that people haven't considered his side and point of view. Especially since you kind of have to understand someone's argument as best as you can in order to make an effective counterargument.

Shadowcat, Tabby, and others have shown through their recounted experiences and wisdom of the world that numbers don't explain everything. There are many factors which are unaccounted for by the numbers and stats.
I forgot to add. Another crucial requirement is that she perpetually keep her hair short. Anything beyond Shoulder length is completely unacceptable.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
tabby said:

Hey tabby, I was wondering if you had any books or recommendations on drawing your own patterns. I did get a book as a present once and I tried to follow its instructions but the formula for one of the measurements were off, and I got stuck there. And I haven't done anything with it since.

Meteor said:
tabby said:

I wanted to add here, that I bought a nice top for in the heat of summer (speaking 30 C humid weather) which turned out to be polyester. It felt a little scratchy and didn't feel nearly as breatheable as any cotton I'd wear. Even a tshirt of some kind of viscose elasthan blend or something feels like it's more breathable than that thing.

At first I was thinking I'll take the pattern off of it and donate it but I think I might just replace the poly part of it with some cotton fabric. It does have lace on top and straps. Not sure if the lace part is polyester though. I think I'd like to try and remove the color of the lace though. And make the shirt part a different color too.

Oh ye I saw someone on youtube going to the thrift store, buying second hand bedsheets and turning those into clothes. Also great for mock-ups. Why hadn't I thought of it, lol? Learned many things from just watching people sew on youtube. Makes me want to sew again :) (I haven't really sewn much so far though).
It's been a long time since I've been able to sew again, so I need to search around and start collecting up pattern books myself. For the past roughly two years, I've been nonstop researching to prepare my knowledge for tackling historical clothing.

I can recommend two books, and they're available online luckily. The only thing is these books are very old but they do work. For the Keystone one I'd recommend reading through the whole thing start to finish because the format is as I've explained in the OP how some pattern books can be.

Needle Work and Cutting Out by Agnes Walker:

Recently one of the youtubers we both seem to watch also used this book for darning. (Darning for anyone who didn't know already is what you do when you get a whole in your clothes in order to fix it):

The Keystone Jacket and Dress Cutter:

You spoke about a pattern drafting book earlier in this thread. Is this the one you were referring to? I found a copy on Amazon for anyone who wants to check it out.

Turn of the Century Fashion Patterns and Tailoring Techniques by SS Gordon, with introduction - by Kristina Harris:

If anyone or yourself is also looking for pre-existing patterns that you don't have to draw up (just adjust to your size), I'd recommend ones from Simplicity sewing patterns. There's one I've been wanting to get from them for making cloaks/capes (because cloaks are just cool) and I know it works so I trust that brand to make good patterns. They have everything from new to old style stuff, and even costumes.


I don't know if that last part is quoted wrong but yeah, polyester - no go for summer. Btw great idea about second hand bed sheets for mockups! I'll probably use that idea in practice myself haha.

If anyone has pattern books or magazines that they've worked with before and know works, please feel free to link them here.
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first. The Fuhrer made it a priority to disempower the churches and arrest the ministers and all. That needed to happen otherwise a significant portion of the youth would fall into their hands for indoctrination.

How do you plan to raise NS youth when we don't even have the law on our side? When the schools are completely taken over, and there is only a tiny portion of people who have the time, money, knowledge and skills needed to home school successfully. When the law mandates public school indoctrination. How are you going to remove that obstacle? Parents don't have enough power and freedom even in the US. Options are limited. Right now, the best thing we can do is resist the enemy tyranny until Saturn exits Aquarius. After freedoms are no longer astrologically restricted, the jews will still be in the spotlight with everyone knowing what they did. And people will be more pissed than ever.

I'm telling you this is our moment in history. There is no future unless we win. The youth of tomorrow are not going to save us nor themselves. If we don't win it for them right now then there is no future for the youth. The race will be doomed. So if we don't win right now then we are doomed either way because like you said, we're doomed if we don't replace ourselves with births. And those birthed babies are doomed if we don't win. So it's better to focus on this final battle right here right now.

That's the way I see it. I think it's pointless to whine about birth rates at this point in time.

Jack, another important point I feel I should add is that if you get the birth rates up before doing anything about xianity, marxism, and the jews - then you're going to be, by default, creating more soldiers for the enemy than you will for your own army. Something needs to be done about the indoctrination camps first.

although this was something i could understand from a certain point i definately do not believe this to be the best idea. This is a point i just tried to make as well. I believe we all have a common hope for a common end however the methods and ways or ideas for reaching there are not always best expressed or are at odds.
quality over quantity

I think it's more than hope. I think all the psychic folk are sensing the changing times. The jews don't have much longer for their collective existence. The Golden Age of Aquarius is right around the corner. They can't stop it. They might have been able to stop it if not for our spiritual warfare efforts, but now it's too late. It's impossible for them to defeat us.

Jack thinks that the cycles observed in the last 1000+ years are eternal natural cycles of society and whatnot, but he's wrong. He's absolutely wrong. It was never supposed to be like this. New patterns will emerge. He's going to see so many female leaders that his head is going to implode from rage while he foams at the mouth. And there were more examples of female leadership than just in Egypt. Even today there's plenty of female leaders, just not many in positions of national leadership. And we can't count Merkel because she's not human. Or any other jewess for that matter. But there are many female leaders in the more micro scale. Women make excellent leaders in Pagan societies. They've done it before, and they will do it again. Jack doesn't realize the power of an actualized, self-realized woman. I don't even think he takes enough stock of spirituality for that matter, of which the females are the stronger of the sexes in that regard. Men may have the physical mass and muscle, but females are stronger in the spiritual side of things. In a spiritual society there's no reason why women wouldn't become leaders.

Athena is the Goddess of, essentially, spiritual warfare as far as I understand. Astarte governs her own star system from what I've read on the forums. And he's telling me that females can't be good leaders. That's insanity, and more importantly it's denial of observable reality. Which puts him out of alignment with Truth.

Jack just sounds more and more like a doomsayer by the day. If he's so sure that the world is going to end and that the jews are going to have another round of victory then he should go build himself a bomb shelter and leave everyone else alone. He's being unproductive after a certain point with the things he's saying, and also disruptive. He links to his two posts in his signature where he explains everything he's said. I read it already, others have surely read it already. If not they can find it easily - it's in his signature. Tabby makes a productive post, and then he comes in and derails it entirely. This is the sort of post that could ACTUALLY lead to more births because it has a chance of teaching people valuable skills that can help with these financially tough times. Making our own clothes allows another tool of survival if society really does crash, and nobody has to waste money on fast fashion and other industrial stuff like that. It translates to: if you don't have the money, but you have the skills, then no money = no problem.

That's actually being productive and solution oriented. What is Jack's main contribution? Alarmism and repeating the same tired old message over and over again to anyone and everyone everywhere, and getting mad at them for not listening. Basically just "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, IT'S HAPPENING IT'S HAPPENING!!" Like seriously. Is that even an exaggeration of what he's saying everywhere? If it wasn't for this then he has no other contribution to make. He doesn't know anything else. Posts like these which actually have a chance of solving problems would take away his job security. He wouldn't have anything to contribute if the problems actually got solved because then there would be no problems to bitch about, write elaborate messages about it detailing the in's and out's and working so hard to make himself sound like the smartest person in the room by throwing statistics and facts that everyone knows in their faces. Without that, he's got nothing. All he knows of the world is PUA crap. He has a one-dimensional view of the world, gender relations, companionship, and maybe just life in general. Honestly, would he even know what to do with his life when we do get back to a spiritual Pagan society? Would he know how to live? I wonder. All he knows is what he's seen and read online. He's more adapted to this sick society than anyone else here because he knows it so well, and he wouldn't know what to do without it if he couldn't complain about it anymore.

He thinks he's so wise and understands everything so perfectly, but you have proven that you know so much more about life and relationships than he does, as well as the way society works and functions. But he's going to cling to his numbers and pretend he didn't hear a thing you said. It's his loss. Everything you said was beautiful and spot on, and I couldn't have said it better myself or agreed more. He's dogmatically clinging to his worldview because it's all he knows, and he doesn't want to admit that maybe others know better than him and have more experience and better insights.

There were indeed many women in ancient times that held important positions, and held great insight. I cited Hypatia in one of my last posts, who was one of these. She was killed for this infact because the abrahamic filth deemed this to be a "sin". We have a number of Goddesses who deal in war and politics and so on who are great inspirations.

I have seen the arguements from both sides of the same jewish coin of feminism and MGTOW/PUA people and it does nothing but gear the sexes towards pushing one another away and harboring deep seated resentment. Hate however happens for a reason and does not come out of nothing. After all the one thing these groups all have in common is being severely hurt or affected in someway very negitavely by the opposite sex and often repeatedly. In this case however jews have placated to this to the max to get the effects that we thus have now with what i just named and we ofcourse all understand why. The mother and father are the very first man and woman in a persons life also and thus also the very first impression of the opposite sex to us and how they behave or are "supposed" to behave. Which makes healthy family life in all aspects all the more crucial, to give this as only one example of why, out of many.

I don't think Jack is a bad berson and have not always personally agreed to some things he has said or the way some things have been brought in the past, but there are also other insightful things i have seen that he has given in the past as well. I do although suspect that he could, but do not accuse, that he himself does have a sort of resentment or contempt towards women in general even if this is not conscious. And this is not because of his claims to align with traditional roles in general, and certianly not the points that i myself agree on, but because of some specific things i have seen him say and how he has said it. This though is not an attack but speculation out of trying to see into the thinking patterns of another, so if he wishes to add something to this then he is free to. It does no one any good however to get emotional and will change no ones views by reacting this way. In fact, reacting that way can confirm even further what one already believes.

Thank you again to Tabby btw for here awesome tips on sewing. any skill to have for the hands can become a hobby for me. I actually tried to get into knitting but i never had the time...i even bought some material but never got around to messing with it.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.
Przebiśnieg said:
Jack said:
Przebiśnieg said:
You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

What you wrote now was immature.
Besides, I didn't intented to attack you, only commented about my feelings towards some of yours post. I don't know, if you're feeling attacked by me or others here, but you need to understand, it's not only me who is thinking this way. Lots of people have criticized you here, and rightly so. They even tried to make you aware of what you are doing right now. They presented you their point of view, etc. but you seem to be blind or simply ingoring it. Maybe you think, that your ''truth'' is right, but it's not true. If you're making others people feel bad, maybe you should consider your behaviour and...I don't agree with a lot of things you said before. Like I said, sometimes you are making a good point and I agree with you, but sometimes you are writing weirds things.
And why are you talking about hating you all the time?
Yes, I disliked you before. It's truth, I don't intend to hide this.
Now I don't have this feeling anymore. I am not even sure, why your post had an effect on me. After reading from you today, I feel nothing, but pity. I still wish you the best, but you need to learn more about being a human.

And by the way...they seem to care about my feelings. You should learn more empathy from them. :) Good luck.
Speaking of pity,
I hate being a women.

Honestly, sometimes I think that being a women is the worst thing that happened to me. What is so good at being women?

Sed lyf
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
although this was something i could understand from a certain point i definately do not believe this to be the best idea. This is a point i just tried to make as well. I believe we all have a common hope for a common end however the methods and ways or ideas for reaching there are not always best expressed or are at odds.
quality over quantity

I think it's more than hope. I think all the psychic folk are sensing the changing times. The jews don't have much longer for their collective existence. The Golden Age of Aquarius is right around the corner. They can't stop it. They might have been able to stop it if not for our spiritual warfare efforts, but now it's too late. It's impossible for them to defeat us.

Jack thinks that the cycles observed in the last 1000+ years are eternal natural cycles of society and whatnot, but he's wrong. He's absolutely wrong. It was never supposed to be like this. New patterns will emerge. He's going to see so many female leaders that his head is going to implode from rage while he foams at the mouth. And there were more examples of female leadership than just in Egypt. Even today there's plenty of female leaders, just not many in positions of national leadership. And we can't count Merkel because she's not human. Or any other jewess for that matter. But there are many female leaders in the more micro scale. Women make excellent leaders in Pagan societies. They've done it before, and they will do it again. Jack doesn't realize the power of an actualized, self-realized woman. I don't even think he takes enough stock of spirituality for that matter, of which the females are the stronger of the sexes in that regard. Men may have the physical mass and muscle, but females are stronger in the spiritual side of things. In a spiritual society there's no reason why women wouldn't become leaders.

Athena is the Goddess of, essentially, spiritual warfare as far as I understand. Astarte governs her own star system from what I've read on the forums. And he's telling me that females can't be good leaders. That's insanity, and more importantly it's denial of observable reality. Which puts him out of alignment with Truth.

Jack just sounds more and more like a doomsayer by the day. If he's so sure that the world is going to end and that the jews are going to have another round of victory then he should go build himself a bomb shelter and leave everyone else alone. He's being unproductive after a certain point with the things he's saying, and also disruptive. He links to his two posts in his signature where he explains everything he's said. I read it already, others have surely read it already. If not they can find it easily - it's in his signature. Tabby makes a productive post, and then he comes in and derails it entirely. This is the sort of post that could ACTUALLY lead to more births because it has a chance of teaching people valuable skills that can help with these financially tough times. Making our own clothes allows another tool of survival if society really does crash, and nobody has to waste money on fast fashion and other industrial stuff like that. It translates to: if you don't have the money, but you have the skills, then no money = no problem.

That's actually being productive and solution oriented. What is Jack's main contribution? Alarmism and repeating the same tired old message over and over again to anyone and everyone everywhere, and getting mad at them for not listening. Basically just "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, IT'S HAPPENING IT'S HAPPENING!!" Like seriously. Is that even an exaggeration of what he's saying everywhere? If it wasn't for this then he has no other contribution to make. He doesn't know anything else. Posts like these which actually have a chance of solving problems would take away his job security. He wouldn't have anything to contribute if the problems actually got solved because then there would be no problems to bitch about, write elaborate messages about it detailing the in's and out's and working so hard to make himself sound like the smartest person in the room by throwing statistics and facts that everyone knows in their faces. Without that, he's got nothing. All he knows of the world is PUA crap. He has a one-dimensional view of the world, gender relations, companionship, and maybe just life in general. Honestly, would he even know what to do with his life when we do get back to a spiritual Pagan society? Would he know how to live? I wonder. All he knows is what he's seen and read online. He's more adapted to this sick society than anyone else here because he knows it so well, and he wouldn't know what to do without it if he couldn't complain about it anymore.

He thinks he's so wise and understands everything so perfectly, but you have proven that you know so much more about life and relationships than he does, as well as the way society works and functions. But he's going to cling to his numbers and pretend he didn't hear a thing you said. It's his loss. Everything you said was beautiful and spot on, and I couldn't have said it better myself or agreed more. He's dogmatically clinging to his worldview because it's all he knows, and he doesn't want to admit that maybe others know better than him and have more experience and better insights.

There were indeed many women in ancient times that held important positions, and held great insight. I cited Hypatia in one of my last posts, who was one of these. She was killed for this infact because the abrahamic filth deemed this to be a "sin". We have a number of Goddesses who deal in war and politics and so on who are great inspirations.

I have seen the arguements from both sides of the same jewish coin of feminism and MGTOW/PUA people and it does nothing but gear the sexes towards pushing one another away and harboring deep seated resentment. Hate however happens for a reason and does not come out of nothing. After all the one thing these groups all have in common is being severely hurt or affected in someway very negitavely by the opposite sex and often repeatedly. In this case however jews have placated to this to the max to get the effects that we thus have now with what i just named and we ofcourse all understand why. The mother and father are the very first man and woman in a persons life also and thus also the very first impression of the opposite sex to us and how they behave or are "supposed" to behave. Which makes healthy family life in all aspects all the more crucial, to give this as only one example of why, out of many.

I don't think Jack is a bad berson and have not always personally agreed to some things he has said or the way some things have been brought in the past, but there are also other insightful things i have seen that he has given in the past as well. I do although suspect that he could, but do not accuse, that he himself does have a sort of resentment or contempt towards women in general even if this is not conscious. And this is not because of his claims to align with traditional roles in general, and certianly not the points that i myself agree on, but because of some specific things i have seen him say and how he has said it. This though is not an attack but speculation out of trying to see into the thinking patterns of another, so if he wishes to add something to this then he is free to. It does no one any good however to get emotional and will change no ones views by reacting this way. In fact, reacting that way can confirm even further what one already believes.

Thank you again to Tabby btw for here awesome tips on sewing. any skill to have for the hands can become a hobby for me. I actually tried to get into knitting but i never had the time...i even bought some material but never got around to messing with it.

You're right, Jack has certainly made many good contributions, and I shouldn't have diminished that. It sometimes seems to me like he potentially does more harm than good in certain places, but I can't erase his accomplishments and I don't want to take away from that. I suppose I got a little fed up here with some of the nonsense and misunderstandings, and reacted too harshly. That's my bad.
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

Well, as much as he thinks he didn't start this, his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

If he was only looking down on the bimbos on the streets that the jews created, I'd have less of an issue. But I will not tolerate other SS women being dismissed and undermined like this. Not by one of our own brothers. Certainly not under a post meant to help people develop a lost life skill.

It made me very happy to see many other females engage here to talk about something I'm quite passionate about, and help each other with advice. Until the party pooper of misogynistic asses came to crash the door down.

I'm not angry at you, Lunar, btw. Sorry if you feel that.

Before Jack gets mad at my use of the word "misogynistic" :
definition - adjective, strongly prejudiced against women.
Describes him pretty well under here, I'd say.

Just for good measure...
"Prejudice can be an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership."
noun - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
- dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior deriving from unfounded opinions.

Actually tabby I was thinking that I am kind of sorry for causing this mess because I opened my mouth.

But thats all. I wouldn't have liked to see the person that thinks this way to keep replying on here for his own self validation or something like that.
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Przebiśnieg said:
You are right. After reading some of his stuff, I believe it just broke me, but now I see it's not really worth my nerves. I was observing this forum for a very long time, maybe two years. Still remember some things he was writing, so I know what you're saying. It's not the first time, when he is saying stuff like this and I think you made the right call to finally address this matter. I tried to understand him, I agree with some of his view, but sometimes he is babbling bullshit. When I posted first post on this topic, I was thinking about others SS women, who are here or would want to join here. Imagine now reading his post. Wouldn't you be discouraged to be here? Because I was. I don't know, if there is an option here to block him, but it would save me the nerves. I admire Tabby and jrvan for patience in talking with Jack, because I don't see even a point. I thought it was a good thing that someone finally tried to talk with him, but now I see it's pointless. He stick to his view no matter what, he seems to not be open to others perspective, not even trying to understand others feelings at all, so it seems pointless.
And by the way if you ever would feel bad about yourself or something (like you wrote how you also have these days of lack of confidence) feel free to write to me. I will try to make you feel better and support you, after all, we should be supportive to each other. I got a lot to do by building my own confidence, but when it comes to others people, I am being very protective. I just hope he didn't affect you like he affected me before.

*hugs prez*
There is a list where you can add friend or foe to in settings.

A lot of things used to affect me when I was younger. But I am mentally much stronger now than I was back then. I am not wrong and I should stop questioning myself and comparing myself to the "normal" people that are around. If you want to be extraordinary, then look for the people and things that uplift you. The extraordinary people that came before you, and those that are increasingly working on improving themselves, to be the best they can be.

Also you're welcome on joining in the chat about sewing, if it interests you.

Good to know this, thank you.

I should learn more from you. Actually, there was a time, when I had a strong mentality. Even my friends back then were considering me to be ''strong'', but someday people has broke me. Several years have passed and I am still recovering from some things, which happened to me. Maybe this is a reason, why I become more sensitive now, but it will be fine. I got people in my life, who always trying to lift me up, when I am down, as you say. I got their back too. I learned that I shouldn't shut up my emotion, but to talk about them. I has crossed with people, who where closing their emotion and not talking about them, just empty shells. This always had a bad ending, unfortunately.

Thank you. Sewing is an interesting topic for me. As I said before to tabby, I only were sewing plushies (only once a clothes for my old porcenail doll). I want to learning something new. This thread, which she made is excellent and really helpful.

Look, I didn't have the greatest self esteem for a very very very long time. I am still very timid in real life and I still have trouble with that and don't like to ask things to strangers.
It was very bad.
I was unable to ask anyone anything. I thought I had to do it all myself, because I had been put up for doing things all by myself for so very long from such a very young age.

I had to learn that it was okay to ask things. I had to learn that it was okay to speak what I thought. To stand up against bullies, and to be a little more kind to myself. To enjoy life.
There have been times where I have been pushed far into the corner and that pretty much the part of myself ... that has a 'do or die attitude' ... has kept me from plunging off into the depts.

After I left high school, that damned place with a lot of people that behaved like total idiots (that seemed to me like empty shells too or at least very superficial) but whatever, I came to a place, and when I first started there I needed to arrange something when I was 19 years old and one of my classmates (note: I didn't follow a regular college. I was the youngest in my class, the eldest of the course being near retirement) said that I was (I am trying to express the meaning of the actual word by choosing different words that give off more or less the same feeling because idk the actual translation lol) 'hanging about doing nothing talking shit that everyone already knows like Im a crybaby that deserves attention' ... In the end I had to go to my mother and had to arrange it with her. It was about a place to stay over, I was told by my teacher that it'd be possible to stay over at her place or near it, but real close to the date it happened I was told 'theres no space' so I had to arrange something in the matter of days and I was asking my other classmates what they did. And well this was the comment of one of them.

After that I left the course. Didn't finish it there but looked for a different place to start it again. Then I got into a class that was heartwarming. It was also within a month after I dedicated here. Things got better, I had trouble opening up at first, but by the end of the year my teacher complimented me on how much I had grown.

I haven't had any friends in the meantime. Just my class, this place (despite it being shit with all the newbs and jews making a lot of lies and bs), and daily meditation. I still don't just open up to everyone. It really depends on how one approaches me, and what setting it is.

The right people can really make someone grow.

Let this be a place of growth.

I want to fight for that.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You're a toxic piece of trash and a bully. That woman is stronger and smarter than you will ever be. She's honest with herself and others unlike you, and she's not the only one who has a problem with you. All she and others expect is to be treated like a human being with dignity, and you won't allow it. You diminish people based on their gender as if every member of that gender is the exact same clone. I'm glad that's not actually the case because if I had to be like you for even a day then I would want to blow my brains out. It's males like you who bring embarrassment to the rest of the male sex.

Oh so everyone who disagrees with you is a feminist. Good to know. You know what? You are crying more about these so called "insults" from people who simply pointed out your toxic behavior and small-minded perceptions than anyone did about you and your words. It's no wonder you are so concerned with babies because you are one. You can dish it out, but you can't even take it. The truth hurts, Jack, and these people have been nothing but honest. And they weren't even talking to you anyway so it's not personally attacking you in the first place. You say bear, I say bully.

"Is Most Published Research Wrong?"

Fuck your research studies. They're meaningless. No healthy person could ever truly love you. You'll be the bane of some poor, naive woman who isn't strong in herself. Hopefully instead you reel in some garbage ho who is as empty as you are because that's the kind of person you belong with. I never want to see you with a SS woman, ever. You would only drag her down. You're scum, and I refuse to defend you anymore or highlight your good sides. To think, I was just doing so earlier today with Tabby. What a shame.

You have proven to be a mental midget incapable of growth. I no longer respect you.
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
jrvan said:
I think it's more than hope. I think all the psychic folk are sensing the changing times. The jews don't have much longer for their collective existence. The Golden Age of Aquarius is right around the corner. They can't stop it. They might have been able to stop it if not for our spiritual warfare efforts, but now it's too late. It's impossible for them to defeat us.

Jack thinks that the cycles observed in the last 1000+ years are eternal natural cycles of society and whatnot, but he's wrong. He's absolutely wrong. It was never supposed to be like this. New patterns will emerge. He's going to see so many female leaders that his head is going to implode from rage while he foams at the mouth. And there were more examples of female leadership than just in Egypt. Even today there's plenty of female leaders, just not many in positions of national leadership. And we can't count Merkel because she's not human. Or any other jewess for that matter. But there are many female leaders in the more micro scale. Women make excellent leaders in Pagan societies. They've done it before, and they will do it again. Jack doesn't realize the power of an actualized, self-realized woman. I don't even think he takes enough stock of spirituality for that matter, of which the females are the stronger of the sexes in that regard. Men may have the physical mass and muscle, but females are stronger in the spiritual side of things. In a spiritual society there's no reason why women wouldn't become leaders.

Athena is the Goddess of, essentially, spiritual warfare as far as I understand. Astarte governs her own star system from what I've read on the forums. And he's telling me that females can't be good leaders. That's insanity, and more importantly it's denial of observable reality. Which puts him out of alignment with Truth.

Jack just sounds more and more like a doomsayer by the day. If he's so sure that the world is going to end and that the jews are going to have another round of victory then he should go build himself a bomb shelter and leave everyone else alone. He's being unproductive after a certain point with the things he's saying, and also disruptive. He links to his two posts in his signature where he explains everything he's said. I read it already, others have surely read it already. If not they can find it easily - it's in his signature. Tabby makes a productive post, and then he comes in and derails it entirely. This is the sort of post that could ACTUALLY lead to more births because it has a chance of teaching people valuable skills that can help with these financially tough times. Making our own clothes allows another tool of survival if society really does crash, and nobody has to waste money on fast fashion and other industrial stuff like that. It translates to: if you don't have the money, but you have the skills, then no money = no problem.

That's actually being productive and solution oriented. What is Jack's main contribution? Alarmism and repeating the same tired old message over and over again to anyone and everyone everywhere, and getting mad at them for not listening. Basically just "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES, IT'S HAPPENING IT'S HAPPENING!!" Like seriously. Is that even an exaggeration of what he's saying everywhere? If it wasn't for this then he has no other contribution to make. He doesn't know anything else. Posts like these which actually have a chance of solving problems would take away his job security. He wouldn't have anything to contribute if the problems actually got solved because then there would be no problems to bitch about, write elaborate messages about it detailing the in's and out's and working so hard to make himself sound like the smartest person in the room by throwing statistics and facts that everyone knows in their faces. Without that, he's got nothing. All he knows of the world is PUA crap. He has a one-dimensional view of the world, gender relations, companionship, and maybe just life in general. Honestly, would he even know what to do with his life when we do get back to a spiritual Pagan society? Would he know how to live? I wonder. All he knows is what he's seen and read online. He's more adapted to this sick society than anyone else here because he knows it so well, and he wouldn't know what to do without it if he couldn't complain about it anymore.

He thinks he's so wise and understands everything so perfectly, but you have proven that you know so much more about life and relationships than he does, as well as the way society works and functions. But he's going to cling to his numbers and pretend he didn't hear a thing you said. It's his loss. Everything you said was beautiful and spot on, and I couldn't have said it better myself or agreed more. He's dogmatically clinging to his worldview because it's all he knows, and he doesn't want to admit that maybe others know better than him and have more experience and better insights.

There were indeed many women in ancient times that held important positions, and held great insight. I cited Hypatia in one of my last posts, who was one of these. She was killed for this infact because the abrahamic filth deemed this to be a "sin". We have a number of Goddesses who deal in war and politics and so on who are great inspirations.

I have seen the arguements from both sides of the same jewish coin of feminism and MGTOW/PUA people and it does nothing but gear the sexes towards pushing one another away and harboring deep seated resentment. Hate however happens for a reason and does not come out of nothing. After all the one thing these groups all have in common is being severely hurt or affected in someway very negitavely by the opposite sex and often repeatedly. In this case however jews have placated to this to the max to get the effects that we thus have now with what i just named and we ofcourse all understand why. The mother and father are the very first man and woman in a persons life also and thus also the very first impression of the opposite sex to us and how they behave or are "supposed" to behave. Which makes healthy family life in all aspects all the more crucial, to give this as only one example of why, out of many.

I don't think Jack is a bad berson and have not always personally agreed to some things he has said or the way some things have been brought in the past, but there are also other insightful things i have seen that he has given in the past as well. I do although suspect that he could, but do not accuse, that he himself does have a sort of resentment or contempt towards women in general even if this is not conscious. And this is not because of his claims to align with traditional roles in general, and certianly not the points that i myself agree on, but because of some specific things i have seen him say and how he has said it. This though is not an attack but speculation out of trying to see into the thinking patterns of another, so if he wishes to add something to this then he is free to. It does no one any good however to get emotional and will change no ones views by reacting this way. In fact, reacting that way can confirm even further what one already believes.

Thank you again to Tabby btw for here awesome tips on sewing. any skill to have for the hands can become a hobby for me. I actually tried to get into knitting but i never had the time...i even bought some material but never got around to messing with it.

You're right, Jack has certainly made many good contributions, and I shouldn't have diminished that. It sometimes seems to me like he potentially does more harm than good in certain places, but I can't erase his accomplishments and I don't want to take away from that. I suppose I got a little fed up here with some of the nonsense and misunderstandings, and reacted too harshly. That's my bad.

I don't think he is a bad person either. This comment which he mades towards me, it could be my fault too. Maybe I provoked him, or he helt attacked by my words, but it wasn't my intention. It's looks like he is making fun of my feelings, but I don't believe he did that without proper reason. What I intented to say is he should realize, that sometimes his words about women can be misinterpreted and make other women feel worse. I won't say he is mysoginist, I don't know this and I won't say things, which I am not sure, but sometimes I get the feelings that he is hostile towards them and it's hard to take it otherwise. I only wanted him to try understand that there is a reason others see it that way. I don't hate him. I want to look at this from another perspective and I don't have ill intention towards him too, but his actions can push people away from him and he can therefore be left alone. Loneliness is not fun, everyone deserves love. That's what I meant, when I said I felt pity for him. After all, he is one of us and we should help each other, not put ourselve down. It would only be nice, if he tried to understand at least a little what other women want to convey to him.
Anyway, thanks tabby and jrvan for standing up for me, Lunar and others womens. Maybe he will consider, why he is disliked here by womens, maybe not. It's up to him, but everything has a reason. I don't intend to comment on this thread about him anymore. I wanted to clarify some things, but that's sewing topic. So from now I will comment only about it.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Przebiśnieg said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
*hugs prez*
There is a list where you can add friend or foe to in settings.

A lot of things used to affect me when I was younger. But I am mentally much stronger now than I was back then. I am not wrong and I should stop questioning myself and comparing myself to the "normal" people that are around. If you want to be extraordinary, then look for the people and things that uplift you. The extraordinary people that came before you, and those that are increasingly working on improving themselves, to be the best they can be.

Also you're welcome on joining in the chat about sewing, if it interests you.

Good to know this, thank you.

I should learn more from you. Actually, there was a time, when I had a strong mentality. Even my friends back then were considering me to be ''strong'', but someday people has broke me. Several years have passed and I am still recovering from some things, which happened to me. Maybe this is a reason, why I become more sensitive now, but it will be fine. I got people in my life, who always trying to lift me up, when I am down, as you say. I got their back too. I learned that I shouldn't shut up my emotion, but to talk about them. I has crossed with people, who where closing their emotion and not talking about them, just empty shells. This always had a bad ending, unfortunately.

Thank you. Sewing is an interesting topic for me. As I said before to tabby, I only were sewing plushies (only once a clothes for my old porcenail doll). I want to learning something new. This thread, which she made is excellent and really helpful.

Look, I didn't have the greatest self esteem for a very very very long time. I am still very timid in real life and I still have trouble with that and don't like to ask things to strangers.
It was very bad.
I was unable to ask anyone anything. I thought I had to do it all myself, because I had been put up for doing things all by myself for so very long from such a very young age.

I had to learn that it was okay to ask things. I had to learn that it was okay to speak what I thought. To stand up against bullies, and to be a little more kind to myself. To enjoy life.
There have been times where I have been pushed far into the corner and that pretty much the part of myself ... that has a 'do or die attitude' ... has kept me from plunging off into the depts.

After I left high school, that damned place with a lot of people that behaved like total idiots (that seemed to me like empty shells too or at least very superficial) but whatever, I came to a place, and when I first started there I needed to arrange something when I was 19 years old and one of my classmates (note: I didn't follow a regular college. I was the youngest in my class, the eldest of the course being near retirement) said that I was (I am trying to express the meaning of the actual word by choosing different words that give off more or less the same feeling because idk the actual translation lol) 'hanging about doing nothing talking shit that everyone already knows like Im a crybaby that deserves attention' ... In the end I had to go to my mother and had to arrange it with her. It was about a place to stay over, I was told by my teacher that it'd be possible to stay over at her place or near it, but real close to the date it happened I was told 'theres no space' so I had to arrange something in the matter of days and I was asking my other classmates what they did. And well this was the comment of one of them.

After that I left the course. Didn't finish it there but looked for a different place to start it again. Then I got into a class that was heartwarming. It was also within a month after I dedicated here. Things got better, I had trouble opening up at first, but by the end of the year my teacher complimented me on how much I had grown.

I haven't had any friends in the meantime. Just my class, this place (despite it being shit with all the newbs and jews making a lot of lies and bs), and daily meditation. I still don't just open up to everyone. It really depends on how one approaches me, and what setting it is.

The right people can really make someone grow.

Let this be a place of growth.

I want to fight for that.

I see, it was like this. It's better now for you, so it's a good thing. Now it can only get better. Besides, you don't have to be open to all people either. If someone has a negative attitude towards you, it is not worth worrying about it. Unless such a person is starting to attack you, then it is worth reacting. I've had a few such cases where a girl in my class used to tease me. And just as I ignored her at the beginning, then when it was worse, I had to defend myself. And from that moment on, she stopped teasing me. It is good to know when to let go and ignore, and when to defend yourself. It can be hard to open up to people with such experiences. I am sure with your attitude you can got a lot of friends, if you want to. You are really kind. But also need to know who you can trust and open up. Not everyone has a good intention. Just make sure to find good people. There are a lot of them around us.
And besides, your classmate was an asshole.

I got a lot of problems about myself, I know it. I got very sensitive over little, unimportant things, I am easily being hurted by everything and often gets so stressed out with just anything. I wasn't like this before. When I was a child, I always were saying to myself: It's ok, you are strong. You are strong, you will survive everything. And so I coded it in my head that when bad things happened to me, these words popped into my head. I was very emotionless, I rarely cried. I am surprised that I had friends back then with my attitude. Sometimes they laughed at my lack of "emotion". It was fine until my uncle did what he did. At that time, I thought of him as a father, so when he did it, then it all burst. And I think all those bad memories from earlier years came back as well. I was no longer able to say to myself: you are strong. I felt weak and it stayed this way to today. When I remember that, it was a really dark period in my life. My grandfather said it was my fault he tried to do this to me. My friends didn't want to help me and turned away from me. My brother brought me to court for a restraining order. They dropped my case, though I had evidence and he confessed himself. It was unfair, but life is not fair. I was dealing with depression and PTSD. It was like that for two years and still recovering.

But...these events also taught me to be more compassionate towards others. Even to people, who are rude to me. This people, they were just broken like me. I forgiven my father. He was beaten as a child too. In therapy, I met people with huge problems. I will not forget the woman whom husband abused. Even after completing therapy, he tried to pour acid on her and smashed the glass from the windows.
And I found satanism too. When I wrote the first my thread here (I was very unwell then, so it was very emotional, even posted this in wrong place) I got a lot of help from others. It's a good place, there is a lot of kind people here. I believe we can make this home even better. We are already helping each other and this is how it should be.
I decided to stay away from this site. I don't know for how long, or I'll just act alone. It might sound funny to you, but it stressed me a lot, as if I couldn't even sleep. ^^"
Stressing won't fix my health, so it'll be better this way. It's not anyone's fault, that I made this decision, I'm just sensitive like I said before, that's all. And IT could be my fault to cause trouble here, which I am sorry.
Jack, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was not my intention. I would feel bad if you did.

Thanks for chatting with me, you were kind to me and I aprecciate it. Good luck to everyone!
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
No one cares how you feel. If you're such effected by my words that just means that you agree with me and that you feel guilty about agreeing with me ,which Is why you have this irrational hate towards me.

If you didn't agree with me, that would make my message irrelevant to you. The only reason its hitting home is because its personal.

Also *womp* *womp*

Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You come parading on every woman's topic, spouting this CRAP.


Lunar Dance 666 said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You come parading on every woman's topic, spouting this CRAP.


I was only defending myself against your Provocation. This is all your fault and you should be ashamed of yourself.
Przebiśnieg said:
I decided to stay away from this site. I don't know for how long, or I'll just act alone. It might sound funny to you, but it stressed me a lot, as if I couldn't even sleep. ^^"
Stressing won't fix my health, so it'll be better this way. It's not anyone's fault, that I made this decision, I'm just sensitive like I said before, that's all. And IT could be my fault to cause trouble here, which I am sorry.
Jack, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was not my intention. I would feel bad if you did.

Thanks for chatting with me, you were kind to me and I aprecciate it. Good luck to everyone!

Please do not stray from or be driven away from forums because of feeling hurt. Thuis is a very good resource for you and can help you grow. Please know the people you don't vibe well with can be put on an ignore list so that you will not longer see their posts. Don't allow yourself to be driven away.
jrvan said:
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Plenty care how she feels as observed. You're the only one talking here who doesn't care how she feels so that's another lie and another example of your detachment from observed reality and Truth.

That's not how it works. She and others care about your words because you are blood bonded to all of us, you heartless prick. That level of arrogance, toxicity, and and condescension towards your own family is just shameful. How can you even look in the mirror or sleep at night when you treat your family so horribly? You're being abusive, this message of yours just now was abusive. You think this is the normal, edgy, wild west space of the internet where nobody gives a shit, but this is not like the rest of the internet. This place is a House of Satan. This is where his people are. Despite my promptings, you still refuse to make any distinction at all between SS here on the forums, and the rest of society. When are you going to realize that we are different here? You are being toxic towards highly spiritual people with great psychic gifts and abilities and knowledge. We're on a different level compared to the rest of society. You're looking at a whole host of natural empaths, people who care about their world, their people, and who want to create change for the better. How can you even compare us all to the rest of society who don't give a shit about their own home planet? Like I keep telling you, your doomsday message is more tailored to them. Your audience should be a White nationalist forum which has nothing to do with Spiritual Satanism. Stop confusing us for common folk.

And for fucks sake, stop worrying about my race. Take care of your own race, and let me and other members of my race take care of our own. White births have nothing to do with you, and if your future partner dislikes Aryans for whatever reason that's fine because nobody ever said that the different races have to like each other.
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You're a toxic piece of trash and a bully. That woman is stronger and smarter than you will ever be. She's honest with herself and others unlike you, and she's not the only one who has a problem with you. All she and others expect is to be treated like a human being with dignity, and you won't allow it. You diminish people based on their gender as if every member of that gender is the exact same clone. I'm glad that's not actually the case because if I had to be like you for even a day then I would want to blow my brains out. It's males like you who bring embarrassment to the rest of the male sex.

Oh so everyone who disagrees with you is a feminist. Good to know. You know what? You are crying more about these so called "insults" from people who simply pointed out your toxic behavior and small-minded perceptions than anyone did about you and your words. It's no wonder you are so concerned with babies because you are one. You can dish it out, but you can't even take it. The truth hurts, Jack, and these people have been nothing but honest. And they weren't even talking to you anyway so it's not personally attacking you in the first place. You say bear, I say bully.

"Is Most Published Research Wrong?"

Fuck your research studies. They're meaningless. No healthy person could ever truly love you. You'll be the bane of some poor, naive woman who isn't strong in herself. Hopefully instead you reel in some garbage ho who is as empty as you are because that's the kind of person you belong with. I never want to see you with a SS woman, ever. You would only drag her down. You're scum, and I refuse to defend you anymore or highlight your good sides. To think, I was just doing so earlier today with Tabby. What a shame.

You have proven to be a mental midget incapable of growth. I no longer respect you.
Friend ,you're taking this way too seriously. Why would you wish me I'll will just because some of my views don't match yours ? You and these women have just attacked me personally and wished me I'll will which I haven't done to them. I find it pretty funny but also weird that you'd be willing to go to such lengths just for a basic disagreement.

Secondly, I can only see what is being presented to me. The woman you're defending made her first post on this forum bitching about how unfair life is for her and how she hates herself and wants sympathy. Which is what she's doing on this thread. She doesn't care about making friends or any of that. What she wants is to play victim and get validation from people who reinforce that bad behavior. Funny also that the other woman who came to her aid also claims to have no friends, has self esteem issues .The common theme is that all these people are here not for Constructive discussion but for atrocity whoring and gaining sympathy and attacking me as being bad. They are neither smart,nor powerful, nor special. Infact they seem to be rejects of this society and display the opposite of every trait a special person has. They are alone, Socially isolated and alone. And they're blaming either society or a mythical man who just isn't there for her.

I don't know what you do with your day to day life but you need to socialize more so that you can see warning red flags from far away. Also if I have to say one thing to you personally in this thread ,it would be to lose weight and get your testosterone levels checked because it feels as if you're too feminine to your detriment that your getting caught up in the feelings of the moment. Just look at what you're doing.

There is a kind of woman who is like this ,who isn't pretty or is average and has horrible social skills and doesn't fit it. She wants a man to love her and take care of her emotionally but she's sad that she can't get him. Which is why they adopt this identity of a victim to feel special.

The truth is that this woman as I correctly pointed out from her own words is just playing a character to gain sympathy and company. I find it amusing because its happening online. I've saved a lot of women from these kinds of toxic females who just give negative energy and manipulate others spreading destruction all around. A similar case to this (or is this the same ) was Azorm who was constantly acting like a victim trying to trap people in her net of manipulation.

Whenever they are held accountable for their actions or feel like they're being held accountable for their actions, they will attack you personally. But it's okay because in the end these kinds of rejects disappoint everyone they come across and eventually you're vindicated for your assertions.

You can't tell them that they are not special in any way whatsoever and whatever is happening to them in their personal lives is not society's or anyone else's fault.

This woman is broken Inside and your adding propane to the fire by reinforcing her victim complex. She needs to be held accountable for her actions and understand that just because she feels bad isn't anyone else's fault. You should be telling her to stop being a victim and take accountability for her actions.
Przebiśnieg said:
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
There were indeed many women in ancient times that held important positions, and held great insight. I cited Hypatia in one of my last posts, who was one of these. She was killed for this infact because the abrahamic filth deemed this to be a "sin". We have a number of Goddesses who deal in war and politics and so on who are great inspirations.

I have seen the arguements from both sides of the same jewish coin of feminism and MGTOW/PUA people and it does nothing but gear the sexes towards pushing one another away and harboring deep seated resentment. Hate however happens for a reason and does not come out of nothing. After all the one thing these groups all have in common is being severely hurt or affected in someway very negitavely by the opposite sex and often repeatedly. In this case however jews have placated to this to the max to get the effects that we thus have now with what i just named and we ofcourse all understand why. The mother and father are the very first man and woman in a persons life also and thus also the very first impression of the opposite sex to us and how they behave or are "supposed" to behave. Which makes healthy family life in all aspects all the more crucial, to give this as only one example of why, out of many.

I don't think Jack is a bad berson and have not always personally agreed to some things he has said or the way some things have been brought in the past, but there are also other insightful things i have seen that he has given in the past as well. I do although suspect that he could, but do not accuse, that he himself does have a sort of resentment or contempt towards women in general even if this is not conscious. And this is not because of his claims to align with traditional roles in general, and certianly not the points that i myself agree on, but because of some specific things i have seen him say and how he has said it. This though is not an attack but speculation out of trying to see into the thinking patterns of another, so if he wishes to add something to this then he is free to. It does no one any good however to get emotional and will change no ones views by reacting this way. In fact, reacting that way can confirm even further what one already believes.

Thank you again to Tabby btw for here awesome tips on sewing. any skill to have for the hands can become a hobby for me. I actually tried to get into knitting but i never had the time...i even bought some material but never got around to messing with it.

You're right, Jack has certainly made many good contributions, and I shouldn't have diminished that. It sometimes seems to me like he potentially does more harm than good in certain places, but I can't erase his accomplishments and I don't want to take away from that. I suppose I got a little fed up here with some of the nonsense and misunderstandings, and reacted too harshly. That's my bad.

I don't think he is a bad person either. This comment which he mades towards me, it could be my fault too. Maybe I provoked him, or he helt attacked by my words, but it wasn't my intention. It's looks like he is making fun of my feelings, but I don't believe he did that without proper reason. What I intented to say is he should realize, that sometimes his words about women can be misinterpreted and make other women feel worse. I won't say he is mysoginist, I don't know this and I won't say things, which I am not sure, but sometimes I get the feelings that he is hostile towards them and it's hard to take it otherwise. I only wanted him to try understand that there is a reason others see it that way. I don't hate him. I want to look at this from another perspective and I don't have ill intention towards him too, but his actions can push people away from him and he can therefore be left alone. Loneliness is not fun, everyone deserves love. That's what I meant, when I said I felt pity for him. After all, he is one of us and we should help each other, not put ourselve down. It would only be nice, if he tried to understand at least a little what other women want to convey to him.
Anyway, thanks tabby and jrvan for standing up for me, Lunar and others womens. Maybe he will consider, why he is disliked here by womens, maybe not. It's up to him, but everything has a reason. I don't intend to comment on this thread about him anymore. I wanted to clarify some things, but that's sewing topic. So from now I will comment only about it.

Don't apologize you did nothing wrong. All you did was express how something made you feel. One can simply react to this by trying to understand why instead of taking it personal. And coming from someone who looks at both sides one can understand your reaction and by what is here below honestly so should Jack. If he chooses not to which he doesn't that is his choice.

Jack even admitted and also has a point with his message being geared towards men, and in their language essentially.. Men and women in a sense do speak a different language.

Men are rougher and Cuder in general and will only smooth out these facets around a woman out of kindness or when they want something.

A dating book once said men have steel doors in front of their heart that they open and close at will and that men often will bang on those steel doors of one another ie ripping on insulting ect but this is often in a "good natured playful way" out of "manly effection" but there's alot of women who would get butthurt by that manner of communication as they in general do not have those doors unless something hardens them from an early age or constantly being around men. This can also be in the chart.

Jack can mean thus that things he says can come off to women the wrong way because of how they are said however one would think that if his message is so important with his views on gender relations and family life and society that he would then "tailor his messages" for typical women to understand as well as they are part of the equation of the family unit and gender relations that must be repaired.

Because it seems he disreguards this as unimportant, it counts as an example of what I gave on my speculation of having a contempt for women as a whole. Again if I am wrong that is fine.

But one must realize to get a message or propaganda to work they must speak the language of or appeal to the other and I don't mean to completely sugarcoat to distort the truth either. But you have to show then what's in it for THEM and the positives of this. This is a basic method of persuasion. Like I said to him women are emotional as he knows. So he would need to indeed speak a different language. This still however does not say that everything he says must be agreed apon.

Again please do not consider leaving.
jrvan said:
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.
Przebiśnieg said:
jrvan said:
Shadowcat said:
There were indeed many women in ancient times that held important positions, and held great insight. I cited Hypatia in one of my last posts, who was one of these. She was killed for this infact because the abrahamic filth deemed this to be a "sin". We have a number of Goddesses who deal in war and politics and so on who are great inspirations.

I have seen the arguements from both sides of the same jewish coin of feminism and MGTOW/PUA people and it does nothing but gear the sexes towards pushing one another away and harboring deep seated resentment. Hate however happens for a reason and does not come out of nothing. After all the one thing these groups all have in common is being severely hurt or affected in someway very negitavely by the opposite sex and often repeatedly. In this case however jews have placated to this to the max to get the effects that we thus have now with what i just named and we ofcourse all understand why. The mother and father are the very first man and woman in a persons life also and thus also the very first impression of the opposite sex to us and how they behave or are "supposed" to behave. Which makes healthy family life in all aspects all the more crucial, to give this as only one example of why, out of many.

I don't think Jack is a bad berson and have not always personally agreed to some things he has said or the way some things have been brought in the past, but there are also other insightful things i have seen that he has given in the past as well. I do although suspect that he could, but do not accuse, that he himself does have a sort of resentment or contempt towards women in general even if this is not conscious. And this is not because of his claims to align with traditional roles in general, and certianly not the points that i myself agree on, but because of some specific things i have seen him say and how he has said it. This though is not an attack but speculation out of trying to see into the thinking patterns of another, so if he wishes to add something to this then he is free to. It does no one any good however to get emotional and will change no ones views by reacting this way. In fact, reacting that way can confirm even further what one already believes.

Thank you again to Tabby btw for here awesome tips on sewing. any skill to have for the hands can become a hobby for me. I actually tried to get into knitting but i never had the time...i even bought some material but never got around to messing with it.

You're right, Jack has certainly made many good contributions, and I shouldn't have diminished that. It sometimes seems to me like he potentially does more harm than good in certain places, but I can't erase his accomplishments and I don't want to take away from that. I suppose I got a little fed up here with some of the nonsense and misunderstandings, and reacted too harshly. That's my bad.

I don't think he is a bad person either. This comment which he mades towards me, it could be my fault too. Maybe I provoked him, or he helt attacked by my words, but it wasn't my intention. It's looks like he is making fun of my feelings, but I don't believe he did that without proper reason. What I intented to say is he should realize, that sometimes his words about women can be misinterpreted and make other women feel worse. I won't say he is mysoginist, I don't know this and I won't say things, which I am not sure, but sometimes I get the feelings that he is hostile towards them and it's hard to take it otherwise. I only wanted him to try understand that there is a reason others see it that way. I don't hate him. I want to look at this from another perspective and I don't have ill intention towards him too, but his actions can push people away from him and he can therefore be left alone. Loneliness is not fun, everyone deserves love. That's what I meant, when I said I felt pity for him. After all, he is one of us and we should help each other, not put ourselve down. It would only be nice, if he tried to understand at least a little what other women want to convey to him.
Anyway, thanks tabby and jrvan for standing up for me, Lunar and others womens. Maybe he will consider, why he is disliked here by womens, maybe not. It's up to him, but everything has a reason. I don't intend to comment on this thread about him anymore. I wanted to clarify some things, but that's sewing topic. So from now I will comment only about it.

No, he's in the wrong. He went way too far, and he's a monster for it. Making fun of your post and your experiences is one of the cruelest things I've seen from him, and I'm absolutely disgusted by him. He's not a man at all. You are a rape survivor, and he had no right to attack that. I will never condone a man bullying his family like this. It's unacceptable.

You don't need to leave over someone like Jack. He's not worth it. He thinks he needs research studies to tell everyone that healthy humans prefer healthy humans even though that's just common sense. He's a fool.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Actually tabby I was thinking that I am kind of sorry for causing this mess because I opened my mouth.

But thats all. I wouldn't have liked to see the person that thinks this way to keep replying on here for his own self validation or something like that.

You have no reason to be sorry, you didn't actually cause this. I looked back at your first comment about Jack. You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat (not even talking to the guy directly), then continued to mention the connections between the sewing industry and women's independence (which was still very relevant to the OP. Gaining back the skill of sewing would actually be very good to empower women with and help to raise them out of the slave state in society that the jews have put them in).

Jack didn't make any statement or complaint about your feelings towards him until much later when it was convenient to do so as an excuse for his treatment towards others who did nothing wrong. Instead he commented with statistics about how women's so-called "independence" under the jews has caused the downfall of the society and lowered birth rates, and made a snide remark about women. From there it was a giant rant about women's (false) independence in society being the reason the world is going to shit and why the white race will die off in the next whatever years.

jrvan tried to have Jack understand that you weren't talking about the radical feminism version of "independence", to which Jack only continued to push his views completely unrelated to sewing and SS women. A few of us tried to reason with the guy to have him understand that a number of his points were not accurate, but apparently not agreeing with him means we're "guilty", and pointing out his toxicity, uncalled-for insults, and behaviour makes us "feminists".

Przebiśnieg expressed her feelings about how Jack has caused her to feel from his words and past actions towards women, to which instead of taking responsibility for himself and how he has hurt people, tried to claim that it was because she "probably" has low self worth instead and telling her the reason she feels hurt is because of guilt and not accepting what he says or some bullshit. He put her down and then tried to say that she's the problem. That's manipulative behaviour usually found in extreme narcissists to drive the person they hurt to think that everything the other person is doing to them is because it's their fault, while the bully never takes the responsibility themselves. That kind of shit can drive a person insane to the point they'll attack themselves out of conditioned patterns if it gets bad enough. It's not ok.

The excuse that words can't hurt because it's a digital forum is also just a bullshit excuse for him to continue to belittle people (women especially it seems) whenever he wants and then turn around and say "if you don't like what I say you can just block me". No responsibility taken, no change in behaviour and actions. Same thing continues over and over again.

The entire thread derailed after just those two comments of his. I tried to keep things on track by prioritising the comments related to the actual OP, but it began to really piss me off especially when he outright insulted you and Przebiśnieg for no reason with only the excuse that you insulted him first (which didn't happen in the first place).

Now he claims women are not even his audience yet he preaches all this bullshit under a post only talking about sewing with mostly female SS engaging and just blows up the thread, insulting SS females, while never contributing anything to the OP.

All you said was "independence" paired with "women" in a paragraph talking about sewing, and he got triggered and derailed the thread to talk about low birth rates, belittle women and and preach his prophesies of the fate of the world. So no, you didn't create this mess. Only catalysed something that was bound to happen at some point under a thread relating to mostly women whether we tried to avoid it or not. From what I've seen, Jack is drawn like a moth to a flame whenever a thread gets a bit too feminine in energy for his taste.
Przebiśnieg said:
I decided to stay away from this site. I don't know for how long, or I'll just act alone. It might sound funny to you, but it stressed me a lot, as if I couldn't even sleep. ^^"
Stressing won't fix my health, so it'll be better this way. It's not anyone's fault, that I made this decision, I'm just sensitive like I said before, that's all. And IT could be my fault to cause trouble here, which I am sorry.
Jack, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It was not my intention. I would feel bad if you did.

Thanks for chatting with me, you were kind to me and I aprecciate it. Good luck to everyone!

You're not alone, conflicts often make me feel like the equivalent of a stressed out hognose snake.

And it's not your fault. Jack had already started to derail the topic before you spoke up about your feelings, which is a good thing that you did. He is being manipulative, rude, and a jerk out of his own choice, not because you somehow hurt him. All you've done is try to express how Jack has made you feel from his words, and he returned it with insults and dismissive remarks. Do not accept behaviour like that from others, and do not apologise to them for the hurt they have put on you. That will only have you accept the negative energy from them onto yourself, which is not something you deserve. You have done nothing wrong.

"Feeling Sorry?" by HPS Maxine:

Feelings and emotions are meant to be expressed, not shut down out of worry or fear that we may hurt another or seem weak and crazy. Emotions and feelings do not make a person weak. (They can make someone very strong when they are in balance and healthily expressed, instead of being shoved down and turned to stone). If we went our whole lives trying to avoid that, we would only hurt ourselves and become isolated, and problems will get worse until something snaps.

As I've said before somewhere in this thread, if things are not expressed a person won't know or be aware of how they make others feel and they will continue to be stuck in their ways and behaviour towards other people. If that person continues to dismiss your emotions and hurt you, they need to be cut out from your life for the sake of your own health (for online things - block or mute buttons).

If you hadn't spoke up, would you have gotten the chance to find out that there are others who feel the same way as you do, and that this issue is not isolated? My motto for life is that "things happen for a reason" (regardless of who is causing that reason, and whether it's positive or negative). This is a good chance for you to gain some growth as a person.

Take a break, use the prayer mudra (I find it always helps to meditate with that mudra when I'm stressed or can't fall asleep), and come back with a fresh mind. You came here for a reason, and you don't have to act alone. Take this as an opportunity to gain more confidence and stability within yourself, and learn how to handle negative people in a healthy way, otherwise people will continue to walk on you throughout your life. I know what that's like, and all it leads to is an energetic cage that just draws more negative people to yourself. If you make yourself feel small on the inside, many people can pick up on that subconsciously and attack you in greater or subtler ways even if they are good people.

Remember one key thing, how strong do you want to be? Because only you can decide that and work for it. There are always going to be awful people, and stressful situations that make you want to run away and get it out of your life. So take this time now to learn and figure out how to better deal with stress and negativity without it being a detriment to your advancement.
To get things back on topic...
If anyone is interested, here are some really cool books to check out that I've seen other historical style seamstresses use. You can buy them online as well (might need to search around different websites though).

1) Patterns of Fashion by Janet Arnold
2) The 17th Century Dress Patterns collection from the V&A
3) Draping for Fashion Design by Hilde Jaffe and Nurie Relis

Patterns of Fashion by Janet Arnold - comes in 5 volumes.
Volume 1 - Englishwomen’s dress and their construction, 1660 - 1860
Volume 2 - Englishwomen’s dress and their construction, 1860 - 1940
Volume 3 - The cut and construction of clothes for men and women, 1540 - 1620
Volume 4 - The cut and construction of linen shirts, smocks, neckwear, headwear and accessories for men and women, 1540 - 1660
Volume 5 - The content, cut, construction and context of bodies, stays, hoops and rumps, 1595 - 1795
Volume 6 - Coming soon

http://quitespecificmedia.com/ - has Volumes 1 - 4

The 17th Century Dress Patterns collection from the V&A - comes in 3 volumes.
Volume 1 - 17th Century Women’s Dress Patterns Book One
Volume 2 - 17th Century Women’s Dress Patterns Book Two
Volume 3 - 17th Century Men’s Dress Patterns

Volume 1-3 be found here: https://www.vam.ac.uk/shop/books.htmll

The pattern used in one of the videos I linked in the OP (modern walking skirt) came from this store:
Przebiśnieg said:
tabby said:

Exactly, I understand you! The joy on other people face, when you making something nice to them, priceless. For example, I like to bake for my brother and sister-in-law sometimes. They really enjoying this, so me as well. Recently, I sewed his favorite cartoon character for him for Christmas. His face was everything. But I like to doing this small things for him. He helped me a lot and is always protective towards me, the best brother I could imagine to have.
This is so cute, you maded this child happy. :)

I believe, like every sane women.

So practice and patience. I hope I can manage, I am used to using hand sewing. This would be something totally new for me, but I like to try new things. Besides it would be faster this way. I will search for some tutorials, thank you.
I think I will start with her with making stitch embroidery and then we could do some plushies. This is what she would like to do it anyway from what I had observe. After all she always comes to me, when I am sewing mascots.When she will come back from vacation, I will ask her to make sure. Thank you all of yours advice!
Haha yeah, I remember my first bunny that I sew. Now I think he looks hillarious and insane, but back then I was really proud of this. This motivated me to practice more and more. That's why I want to start with sewing clothes.

Nice, what sort of things do you like to bake? I love making apple and raisin turnovers. My mother use to make jam roly-poly's with us as kids, except we used pastry instead of the pudding/cake stuff and had it with vanilla ice cream.

Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your brother :)

haha that reminds me of a plushie I made for a school project (hand sewn), it was a little octopus with a top hat :lol: . I can't remember if you mentioned this already but how long have you been hand sewing for?

No worries, I wish you and your sister the best of luck!
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Actually tabby I was thinking that I am kind of sorry for causing this mess because I opened my mouth.

But thats all. I wouldn't have liked to see the person that thinks this way to keep replying on here for his own self validation or something like that.

You have no reason to be sorry, you didn't actually cause this. I looked back at your first comment about Jack. You expressed your feelings about the guy and his behaviour to ShadowCat (not even talking to the guy directly), then continued to mention the connections between the sewing industry and women's independence (which was still very relevant to the OP. Gaining back the skill of sewing would actually be very good to empower women with and help to raise them out of the slave state in society that the jews have put them in).

Jack didn't make any statement or complaint about your feelings towards him until much later when it was convenient to do so as an excuse for his treatment towards others who did nothing wrong. Instead he commented with statistics about how women's so-called "independence" under the jews has caused the downfall of the society and lowered birth rates, and made a snide remark about women. From there it was a giant rant about women's (false) independence in society being the reason the world is going to shit and why the white race will die off in the next whatever years.

jrvan tried to have Jack understand that you weren't talking about the radical feminism version of "independence", to which Jack only continued to push his views completely unrelated to sewing and SS women. A few of us tried to reason with the guy to have him understand that a number of his points were not accurate, but apparently not agreeing with him means we're "guilty", and pointing out his toxicity, uncalled-for insults, and behaviour makes us "feminists".

Przebiśnieg expressed her feelings about how Jack has caused her to feel from his words and past actions towards women, to which instead of taking responsibility for himself and how he has hurt people, tried to claim that it was because she "probably" has low self worth instead and telling her the reason she feels hurt is because of guilt and not accepting what he says or some bullshit. He put her down and then tried to say that she's the problem. That's manipulative behaviour usually found in extreme narcissists to drive the person they hurt to think that everything the other person is doing to them is because it's their fault, while the bully never takes the responsibility themselves. That kind of shit can drive a person insane to the point they'll attack themselves out of conditioned patterns if it gets bad enough. It's not ok.

The excuse that words can't hurt because it's a digital forum is also just a bullshit excuse for him to continue to belittle people (women especially it seems) whenever he wants and then turn around and say "if you don't like what I say you can just block me". No responsibility taken, no change in behaviour and actions. Same thing continues over and over again.

The entire thread derailed after just those two comments of his. I tried to keep things on track by prioritising the comments related to the actual OP, but it began to really piss me off especially when he outright insulted you and Przebiśnieg for no reason with only the excuse that you insulted him first (which didn't happen in the first place).

Now he claims women are not even his audience yet he preaches all this bullshit under a post only talking about sewing with mostly female SS engaging and just blows up the thread, insulting SS females, while never contributing anything to the OP.

All you said was "independence" paired with "women" in a paragraph talking about sewing, and he got triggered and derailed the thread to talk about low birth rates, belittle women and and preach his prophesies of the fate of the world. So no, you didn't create this mess. Only catalysed something that was bound to happen at some point under a thread relating to mostly women whether we tried to avoid it or not. From what I've seen, Jack is drawn like a moth to a flame whenever a thread gets a bit too feminine in energy for his taste.

Behavior to shadowcat? i dont believe that was me o_O
tabby said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
jrvan said:

tabby said:
Not everyone here is like him so don't let it get under your skin. Women have one very special power that men don't possess and will never be able to possess, and it's the ability to carry another life within themselves, a whole other soul, and birth it into this world. But that applies to gender specific. As a human, you choose what your value is as a person, and how you regard yourself. You decide your worth. Don't let anyone tell you or make you feel lesser just because of someone else's poor views and opinions.

Here's something jrvan found for me when I was struggling on a similar subject:

"On Women and Goddesses"

And thank you, all the best!

Thank you both (Tabby and jrvan) for your comments and sticking with me on this side. Jack has been posting stuff like this over the past 2+ years. I tried to find the motivation, or his reasons for saying the same 'dumb' stuff over and over.
It's no use. He won't listen to any mortal, no matter what. Thats how stuck he is in his views.

Also Przebiśnieg ; I understand, having had more or less the same issue for a very long time, it is hard to regain confidence. And even I have days where my confidence just plummets again. Then its just very important to do what you like. And make sure you enjoy yourself and treat yourself well.

If this even drags on more, his comments on this topic, ya bet I will report them. This has gone on long enough. If you feel like you've said enough, feel free to quit replying.
We'll build our own positive understanding, together with people, that actually want to do the right thing.

Not some kind of person who doesn't even know what it is to be a woman (let alone show any understanding of being a HUMAN), and then judges us over it just because we are something he's not (or whatever the reason may be).

Well, as much as he thinks he didn't start this, his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

If he was only looking down on the bimbos on the streets that the jews created, I'd have less of an issue. But I will not tolerate other SS women being dismissed and undermined like this. Not by one of our own brothers. Certainly not under a post meant to help people develop a lost life skill.

It made me very happy to see many other females engage here to talk about something I'm quite passionate about, and help each other with advice. Until the party pooper of misogynistic asses came to crash the door down.

I'm not angry at you, Lunar, btw. Sorry if you feel that.

Before Jack gets mad at my use of the word "misogynistic" :
definition - adjective, strongly prejudiced against women.
Describes him pretty well under here, I'd say.

Just for good measure...
"Prejudice can be an affective feeling towards a person based on their perceived group membership."
noun - Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
- dislike, hostility, or unjust behavior deriving from unfounded opinions.

his first comment under this thread and his conversation to ShadowCat gave me the vibe this was going to happen whether I tried to avoid it or not.

Ohh lol i actually found my and jacks replys quite benign at that start, i was telling him about sewing metal with fire (welding) to which i was told is a handy skill to have when the world goes to shit...which it is lol. Lunar got upset at him, as shes had beef with him before i believe, and then he replied to her and it went from there. the rest i had given my two cents on objectively and detached as possible and left :?

i actually hoped it would help things calm down trying to give imput to the big picture and remain impartial but helass. i must say i never like it when SS bicker here but no one can be forced to like anyone nor is it realistic to agree with everythying someone says.
Jack said:
jrvan said:
Jack said:
All I see is a weak woman who hates herself and can't take on the world and attacked me even though I've never said anything to her before. And I personally don't dislike weak people in general, unless they personally attack me. Like the two women who did even though I didn't provoke them beforehand. Don't go poking the bear thinking about not getting bit back. I have a policy of fighting fire with fire. Also you and your wife are constantly referring to the idea of a future partner mot liking me ,like it affects me in some way. I would never change anything I said if it hurt anyone's feelings or anything like that. My message is specifically designed to appeal to the male population and not to women .That's why its offensive and cutthroat because I know that men have a higher tolerance limit of offense than women do and they can take on the bitter truth head on and they are deductive problem solvers. If I was to appeal to women, I would use stories, metaphors and isolated instances to get a rise out of their emotions and then make my point.

Firstly the only reason why I'm not in a relationship right now is out of choice ,because of the entire money situation where I have to make enough money to buy solar panels and hydroponics systems for the eventual doomsday and I can't focus on women rn. Secondly, I have multiple women who are waiting in line to get with me and one who I've decided to marry in two years. Thirdly ,I say all the things that I've said here to multiple women in their faces and they agree with me majority of the time, unless she's a feminist.

One common theme that I've noticed with men who are like me is that men who are 1)successful in life. 2)Are good looking. 3) Have a lot of experience with women. 4) Are tall and/or ripped. 5)Are confident ,stubborn ,charismatic and/or certain about their words and actions. Have the same way of thinking that I have. And this is beyond ethnicities of whites ,Asians, or whatever race. They all seem to believe either publicly or behind close door in Traditional family values and that female leadership is preposterous.

Conversely anyone who is unsuccessful, fat ,has average looks and sucks with women has this belief (or is lying as a tactic to get laid) of the ethics of female sexual and financial liberation and other related issues.

This ties into research that shows majority of Feminist women prefer Sexist men (you read that right.) They also prefer Dominant, aggressive,often insensitive men with High Testosterone. Research also shows that men with High Testosterone and upper body strength tend to hold Traditional beliefs like not caring about Female independence and instead believing in Traditional Gender roles. This segways into male beauty of which a good indicator is High Testosterone which helps in the formation of a strong jawline.

So in reality what you and these women are saying out of ideological differences are the complete opposite of the truth. That's why I laugh when anyone says that women won't find you attractive if you believe in the ideals that I do. This shaming tactic would work with a sexless virgin who can't get laid because he doesn't have lived experience to know any better. Anyone with real life experience which coincides with all available Data shows women overwhelmingly like Sexist men more than fat Feminist soyboys.

The only thing that women don't like is the way I'm saying things which is okay because my message is not directed at them. Everything that comes out of my mind is directed for male consumption.

The majority of women don't want to work or be independent as shown by the decrease in female happiness over the years. They are only forced to do so because of peer pressure and the culture where they feel like they have to fit in.

Women constantly take offense of what I say because they think I'm referring personally to them. When I say women I think it is assumed that I'm talking about on a balance of probabilities, the majority of women. I talk in probabilities, majoritarianism ,utilitarianism and of the bigger picture. I'm not talking about specific instances or personal lives of people.

I can't make anyone like or dislike me. If you do that's fine. I'll keep repeating the message I've always done to the overwhelming majority of the Right Wingers who agree with me and will inherit the world as they haven't taken the vaccine.

You're a toxic piece of trash and a bully. That woman is stronger and smarter than you will ever be. She's honest with herself and others unlike you, and she's not the only one who has a problem with you. All she and others expect is to be treated like a human being with dignity, and you won't allow it. You diminish people based on their gender as if every member of that gender is the exact same clone. I'm glad that's not actually the case because if I had to be like you for even a day then I would want to blow my brains out. It's males like you who bring embarrassment to the rest of the male sex.

Oh so everyone who disagrees with you is a feminist. Good to know. You know what? You are crying more about these so called "insults" from people who simply pointed out your toxic behavior and small-minded perceptions than anyone did about you and your words. It's no wonder you are so concerned with babies because you are one. You can dish it out, but you can't even take it. The truth hurts, Jack, and these people have been nothing but honest. And they weren't even talking to you anyway so it's not personally attacking you in the first place. You say bear, I say bully.

"Is Most Published Research Wrong?"

Fuck your research studies. They're meaningless. No healthy person could ever truly love you. You'll be the bane of some poor, naive woman who isn't strong in herself. Hopefully instead you reel in some garbage ho who is as empty as you are because that's the kind of person you belong with. I never want to see you with a SS woman, ever. You would only drag her down. You're scum, and I refuse to defend you anymore or highlight your good sides. To think, I was just doing so earlier today with Tabby. What a shame.

You have proven to be a mental midget incapable of growth. I no longer respect you.
Friend ,you're taking this way too seriously. Why would you wish me I'll will just because some of my views don't match yours ? You and these women have just attacked me personally and wished me I'll will which I haven't done to them. I find it pretty funny but also weird that you'd be willing to go to such lengths just for a basic disagreement.

Secondly, I can only see what is being presented to me. The woman you're defending made her first post on this forum bitching about how unfair life is for her and how she hates herself and wants sympathy. Which is what she's doing on this thread. She doesn't care about making friends or any of that. What she wants is to play victim and get validation from people who reinforce that bad behavior. Funny also that the other woman who came to her aid also claims to have no friends, has self esteem issues .The common theme is that all these people are here not for Constructive discussion but for atrocity whoring and gaining sympathy and attacking me as being bad. They are neither smart,nor powerful, nor special. Infact they seem to be rejects of this society and display the opposite of every trait a special person has. They are alone, Socially isolated and alone. And they're blaming either society or a mythical man who just isn't there for her.

I don't know what you do with your day to day life but you need to socialize more so that you can see warning red flags from far away. Also if I have to say one thing to you personally in this thread ,it would be to lose weight and get your testosterone levels checked because it feels as if you're too feminine to your detriment that your getting caught up in the feelings of the moment. Just look at what you're doing.

There is a kind of woman who is like this ,who isn't pretty or is average and has horrible social skills and doesn't fit it. She wants a man to love her and take care of her emotionally but she's sad that she can't get him. Which is why they adopt this identity of a victim to feel special.

The truth is that this woman as I correctly pointed out from her own words is just playing a character to gain sympathy and company. I find it amusing because its happening online. I've saved a lot of women from these kinds of toxic females who just give negative energy and manipulate others spreading destruction all around. A similar case to this (or is this the same ) was Azorm who was constantly acting like a victim trying to trap people in her net of manipulation.

Whenever they are held accountable for their actions or feel like they're being held accountable for their actions, they will attack you personally. But it's okay because in the end these kinds of rejects disappoint everyone they come across and eventually you're vindicated for your assertions.

You can't tell them that they are not special in any way whatsoever and whatever is happening to them in their personal lives is not society's or anyone else's fault.

This woman is broken Inside and your adding propane to the fire by reinforcing her victim complex. She needs to be held accountable for her actions and understand that just because she feels bad isn't anyone else's fault. You should be telling her to stop being a victim and take accountability for her actions.

Don't talk to me, trash. She was a victim of sexual assault by her caretakers as a child, and she asked for help and support on the forums here which is something many people do. And she received it, and she's been putting it to use. She has been meditating and utilizing all of the advice given to her to help herself. How would you like to be a child, and the only people who you can depend on for your safety and survival - the people you are supposed to be able to trust more than anyone in the world - physically harm you and sexually assault you? How would you feel? Of course she was a fucking victim. She's not playing at it. And she didn't ask for any of that to happen to her so it has nothing to do with her actions.

And now you bring my weight into it. I'm very muscular for my weight and height, and I've worked hard for the body I have. I may not have show muscles because it's hidden under a layer of flabby skin right now which I'm working hard on toning, but I'm very healthy. My testosterone levels are just fine. I had my sacral chakra damaged years ago by enemy mages before I knew anything about all of this, and ever since then natural arousal has been impossible for me. Erections have no feeling. Yet I kept going, and I'm still going. And despite what happened I can still, with a lot of effort, manage to get pleasure from my body and manage orgasms. It's fucking hard compared to before, and it feels nothing like what it used to when I was younger, but I'm doing the best with what I've got. I've made great strides in my spiritual recovery, and my astral body is getting stronger all the time. I've still got so much testosterone that I grow a beard faster than I can keep up with shaving it which annoys me, but the point is my testosterone levels are very healthy. Any other personal features of mine that you can think to attack, that I myself have revealed rather than you picking up through your own psychic insight? You're low balling me here, it's pathetic. Why not attack my Moon in Pisces placement? It would work real well with your whole dumb theory that emotions make people weak. At least that would be a little more clever and fun to tear apart in front of you. This is child's play. My testosterone is the best you can do? I laugh. Mental midgetry indeed.

You're the one playing the victim. Like I said, you can dish it out... but you can't take it.
We are all for sympathy and support between SS. It's just when this is exploited and used for other nefarious purposes [as done by jews almost everytime] one should be wary against that.

Anyone can find and seek support in these boards, it's one of the reasons they exist.
tabby said:
Przebiśnieg said:
tabby said:

Exactly, I understand you! The joy on other people face, when you making something nice to them, priceless. For example, I like to bake for my brother and sister-in-law sometimes. They really enjoying this, so me as well. Recently, I sewed his favorite cartoon character for him for Christmas. His face was everything. But I like to doing this small things for him. He helped me a lot and is always protective towards me, the best brother I could imagine to have.
This is so cute, you maded this child happy. :)

I believe, like every sane women.

So practice and patience. I hope I can manage, I am used to using hand sewing. This would be something totally new for me, but I like to try new things. Besides it would be faster this way. I will search for some tutorials, thank you.
I think I will start with her with making stitch embroidery and then we could do some plushies. This is what she would like to do it anyway from what I had observe. After all she always comes to me, when I am sewing mascots.When she will come back from vacation, I will ask her to make sure. Thank you all of yours advice!
Haha yeah, I remember my first bunny that I sew. Now I think he looks hillarious and insane, but back then I was really proud of this. This motivated me to practice more and more. That's why I want to start with sewing clothes.

Nice, what sort of things do you like to bake? I love making apple and raisin turnovers. My mother use to make jam roly-poly's with us as kids, except we used pastry instead of the pudding/cake stuff and had it with vanilla ice cream.

Sounds like you have a wonderful relationship with your brother :)

haha that reminds me of a plushie I made for a school project (hand sewn), it was a little octopus with a top hat :lol: . I can't remember if you mentioned this already but how long have you been hand sewing for?

No worries, I wish you and your sister the best of luck!

I love to bake! I picked up my moms recipies of holiday cookies, taffy, and brownies, fudge and other things...all fatassery but yea :lol:

I can also cook if i have a mind to, ive made steak merinated in red wine with green onions and herbs...made it up myself..tasted delicious :3. can put that with baked potato, or corn, salad ect. i can also make saurkraut with sausage from my great grandma and some lebanese dishes from my dads mom. the one with cabbage is awesome
Jack said:
jrvan said:
According to Jack, it's not okay to talk about him and he has to unleash his pent up bear fury upon anyone who dares. What kind of tyranny is that, Jack? Huh? Who is the one who can't cope with mean things being said about them on the internet? It looks like it's YOU.

Never say anything bad about Jack in side discussion, everyone. Apparently that's illegal according to our overlord with the bear fangs. Yeah, never say anything even if many people are feeling the same way about him and even if it's true. Even if he's being a dick. Just don't say it.

And to anyone who calls me a hypocrite for this after my past freak out with SouthernWhiteGentile, I want to say that I've grown since then, and also to point out that at least what these women are saying about Jack is more constructive and truthful than calling someone a cuck.
If I'm mischaracterizes in a public space I'll have to defend myself. I don't believe in turning the other cheek. If you say something that is false or a mischaracterization of what I've said I'll have to confront you.

Nobody is allowed to their own opinion of you then, even if justified. That's what you're saying? You're changing your story. First it's a personal attack, and now you say that people can't discuss about you with each other publicly. And you call her the victim...

First you say that feelings don't matter, and you don't give a shit what people think of you. Now you're making a big fuss over people discussing you. Which is it? Do you care what people think of you, or not? Because if it matters to you so much then you shouldn't be surprised about people thinking this way of you based on your callous behavior around the forums. What did you expect? Did you think people were going to have a favorable view of you when you regularly spit on them? And then fold your arms like "pfft feelings don't matter, feelings are for pussies."

This is too stupid. You're getting a taste of the fruits of your labor, and seeing for the first time what your brothers and sisters think of you and how they feel about you. You can't handle it. If you don't like it then make a change for the better because these people aren't going to change their minds about you with the way you are now. No one has done you injustice, and you're not the victim here. No one has defamed you, nor offered an untrue analysis of your character. Everything here is a product of your own doing, and what you are seeing is everyone's reaction.

Your lack of self awareness will be your undoing.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We are all for sympathy and support between SS. It's just when this is exploited and used for other nefarious purposes [as done by jews almost everytime] one should be wary against that.

Anyone can find and seek support in these boards, it's one of the reasons they exist.

I reviewed her posts. I don't see any indication that she is being manipulative or trying to extract sympathy for gain. She has shown a willingness to work on her problems using the advice given.

She was getting along great until today. Her progress was showing. I think it would be a shame if she left because of Jack going too far. That's a waste of another member the Gods guided to us.

Am I correct in my thinking with this? I don't want to overstep my bounds. I just felt very strongly on this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
