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Lol, to the JoS, I tried

Sep 2, 2003
I created this thoughform by my own drug use and foolishness and now I blame Satan for it.
I am very weak and a disgusting person, and i have been doing meth. meth caused me psychosis and now after 7 years of being supposedly dedicated, i blame Satan for supposedly sticking a thoughform on me. Been spamming the group for months. I always blame shift to Satan and the gods and I have attacked the JoS without reasons in the past but blaming them for my own weakness and inferiority. I also think I am jewish. What to do?

Two Possibilities:
One: you are a jew in which case.....nothing to say.
Two: a jew knows its a jew. It isn't tortured wondering and worrying if its a Jew. Get a DNA test and lay it to rest. If it proves you Gentile then the enemy cannot ever torture you again in this fashion and the next step is to realize that jews have been working to cut gentiles off spiritually for generations and to install guilt for even breathing the air. You have taken this poison on and it is in you, hence the self medicating and self hate. So the next thing is to get clean. There are steps you can take, things you can do. You dug yourself this hole and you can extract yourself from it. You are not a victim and not without a choice.
If you choose to wallow in self hate and pity and blame Satan and everything/everyone else well then....Satanism is a hard road and only for the strong. Time to find out what you are made of. 
And if you prove to be Gentile (I think you will prove to be so) then the question is: will you choose the hard road, but the only one worth following? This is your personal choice. You can't blame Satan or anyone else.
A blade becomes a weapon by being tempered in the fire. To refuse to go through the fire is the steel refusing to be transformed into a sword. That is; to deny its very reason to exist, to be transformed into its highest form.
You choice and yours alone: will you choose to be a sword? A weapon of Satan? A scourge to the enemy? If you are Aryan, there is only ONE choice to be made and deep down you know it. To be Aryan means to be of the blood of Satan, which makes you related to Royalty. HARDLY weak and inferior! That is the programming of the enemy. The choice is in your hands.
Good Luck

Hail Satan!14-88!!!
(Everyone Must Do) Aura Cleaning and Aura of Protection
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/170961

Dealing With Enemy Atacks/Spiritual Entities
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ics/170964  

---In [email protected], <richardlesterhailsatan11@... wrote :

I created this thoughform by my own drug use and foolishness and now I blame Satan for it.
I am very weak and a disgusting person, and i have been doing meth. meth caused me psychosis and now after 7 years of being supposedly dedicated, i blame Satan for supposedly sticking a thoughform on me. Been spamming the group for months. I always blame shift to Satan and the gods and I have attacked the JoS without reasons in the past but blaming them for my own weakness and inferiority. I also think I am jewish. What to do?

If you were a real jew you wouldn't think yourself as inferior and weak. I bet you're a gentile troll pretending to be a jew!
On Nov 9, 2016 3:21 PM, "richardlesterhailsatan11@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I created this thoughform by my own drug use and foolishness and now I blame Satan for it.
I am very weak and a disgusting person, and i have been doing meth. meth caused me psychosis and now after 7 years of being supposedly dedicated, i blame Satan for supposedly sticking a thoughform on me. Been spamming the group for months. I always blame shift to Satan and the gods and I have attacked the JoS without reasons in the past but blaming them for my own weakness and inferiority. I also think I am jewish. What to do?
I want to ask a question about HP Jake Carlson, and just why he thinks he killed the arch angel michael, in a middle of a battle field... and earned the title Hell's Assassin, don't you guys at the JoS think that's a little far fetched? When I read that sermon, it sounds like there was part of himself that doesn't even believe it... It's like the Gods and Goddesses took him to a place on the astral, created a giant ILLUSION, and there for gave him a giant delusion. :)
Second question, is string theory, quantum physics pointing to the possible fact that there is an infinite amount of universes parallel to our own, and not to mention the age of this universe, which according to the JoS has no age, but eternal... So, if this is the case then there would also be a large possibility that there is Gods and Goddesses out there that are much older and much stronger than Satan and his Demons right? And if there is universes parallel to this one, then there would also be evil versions of these beings as well, including ourselves, right?
One night, during my psychosis, a couple years back... I want to say three years, I was put in a very tricky situation... of having to choose. My psychic energy was scattering, and since I had a very hard time controlling my mind due to this thought form, energy was going to the one I loved most, and you, HP HoodedCobra, long story short, I thought I was going to make someone's heart explode, with my own mind... literally kill them telepathically, which at the time, I doubt it would of been, in your case anyways, since I knew of your power, and how strong you are spiritually, and even if you weren't, I still would of chose my loved one. which I did anyways... The Gods and Goddesses put me (or it could of been the Greys, but either way now, it looks like to me that your Gods work with such) in a situation where I was 99% convinced that I had to choose which one lived, I chose to kill the one I loved most in this world, telepathically, in order for you to live HoodedCobra, in order for you to continue doing what's right, for humanity. My choice was righteous, and long story short, nothing happened to neither of you... It wasn't the first situation I was put into, like that one, but it was the first with you... I just thought you should know that HP, and if the Gods you serve are truthful, which at this point I'm convinced they're not, judging on the comment you wrote above (using my own account, lol), they will tell you the truth, and that my words, my story, is legit... Not that you would care anyways... because I'm a disgusting person and all... Just wanted you to know that.
Anyways, if you can answer my two questions up above, mainly the second one, and you don't even need to answer the first, all I want is an answer to the second... then I will consider the point you just made, and you don't need to answer any for all I care, but if you truly care about this gentile soul, I think you would find it in your heart to do so... And if you guys at the JoS can do that. I will acknowledge the point you just made, you know, the one you made by using my account... Lol... Give me a chance... I'll do my best to take responsibility, I will.
If you did the dedication ritual and didn't die, then you're not a jew.

In which case, if you're not a jew. Then just stay strong, gather what's left of your energy and just start meditating, clean your aura and create an aura of protection.
Try opening your 3rd eye then your crown chakra, then meditate on your pineal gland, as it's so strong and satisfying it can help get over your drug addiction.

I'm pretty sure if you do things right, and just get on the right direction - Satan will forgive you, if that's what you're seeking.

Try to do a casual ritual, and just talk to Satan and tell him what you feel. Tell him if you're mad at him, just talk to him and tell him how you honestly feel. Believe me, Satan will appreciate your effort trying to do things right. As long as you're a Gentile, this means you are his child and he loves you for that.

If you're a Gentile, which i'm 90% sure you are. Then from the bottom of my heart, i wish you the best of luck.

Okay, your thoughform, you created yourself. You are an admitted heavy drug user, which is also your own choice. What is anyone supposed to do. Pay your bills for you? Why should the Gods pay the bills of anyone, if they didn't really do anything, let alone you are attacking their house and scorning them for years on end?  What do they gain from paying your bills from you? There is no reason why they should. Anyone does their crap and they pay for it. Its a universal law that is real, unlike string theory, which is just talmudic crap portraying as science.

You have reaped what you have sown. Haven't we for years advocated AGAINST drug use, told people to focus on void meditation, and deprogram themselves from xianity and its 'savior saved' complex and paranoia? We did. What should anyone else do. Be your nanny? Every individual lifeform has responsibility for itself.

As for the other 'incident', you admitted on your own it was psychosis. How could it ever be 'real'. Maybe you perceived it as such. Seriously now, stop this joke, as it has been going for a while. The amount of shilling has broke the ceiling at this point.

If you are interested, work on destroying this thoughform or whatever, yourself. You always blame others, everyone else, and this is a general mess. If it wasn't people here it would be someone else.

Do some banishing, if you are not a shill you have serious repenting and apologies to do, as this has been ongoing for years. Stop blaming anyone else in the universe but yourself, and lastly, 'string theory' is just that, A THEORY. Its not reality, just another crap parading as science. There are many 'possible' things in the universe, but possible and real may never meet.

In POSSIBLE you can get better, but are you going to follow up?

As for the "Dream", this wasn't HP Jake Carlson, this was another HP, and everyone's to their own. He said in his book it was a dream. Are we going to blame someone for saying they had a dream that was an omen? It can happen, and nothing bad with it. He said that the dream felt real, not that it *WAS* real.
Go and commit yourself into a mental institution - that way you will only be their problem - not ours!

How much longer do we have to put up with these wretched people Father Satan?!
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone has said in the group what you have in your opening paragraph!

There is no evidence to suggest a jew will die if he/ she does the dedication ritual! It is a "nonsense"! Satan simply ignores it!

I respect your honesty and willingness to stretch out a "helping hand", which you expressed in the rest of your post - but please don't make statements that aren't based on fact!

@blutkrieger666 i'm so sorry for my honest mistake! i saw many people saying so in this group and one of those people was a familiar name so i thought it's probably true, then i though about it and convinced myself so because you "dedicate" your soul to Satan, which made me think Satan will basically kill your soul if were a jew.

Yes, it sounds stupid and i shouldn't have stated that, maybe if i said; "i THINK if you're a jew and dedicated your soul to Satan you'll die" you get the idea.

That's probably not how "dedication" work either, as i have little information about dedicating one's soul.

Thanks for correcting me.

To the OP listen bro if you truly want to pursue Satanism and you truly honor and respect Satan and the Gods/Godesses you gotta put down the meth. I've never used it personally but I've seen friends go down the shitter. I myself am a week away from breaking the chains of opiates. Drugs are bad bad bad for you spiritually. They put holes in your aura leaving you open for enemy attacks. This is not the fault of the Gods but your own. Buck up buttercup. Nobody said this was easy. 
Your post does seem suspiciously trollish. This could be bc you are a troll or your mind is severely fucked from drug use. Get rid of that and get to meditating. It's literally so easy if you think about it. You literally sit or lie there and just use your mind to preform the meditations. Study the witchcraft and runes so you can make up some workings to keep you safe from drug use and enemy attack. If you are a gentile and are serious we are here for you. I think you are but are just kind of having your mind fucked with by drugs and the enemy. Jews know they're Jews. They're proud of it just like we are to be Gentiles. They don't dread being jews they just are. They definitely don't want to be gentile because within their hive mind they are the chosen of "god" Albiet a false impotent wannabe "god". But to them that disgrace is "god" in their eyes. 
You seem to have a draw here but your mind and spirit are so fucked from drugs you're just thinking and acting unhealthily and clouded. Trust me get off the drugs. It's a battle, see a gentile doctor for help if need be. Look online for herbal (not weed) remedies that will help with withdrawal symptoms. You have to want it. And I'm not trying to scare you or anything, only offer truth. If you continue with constant drug abuse you only have two destinations (incarceration or death). Quitting and starting to empower yourself and lead a TRUE Satanic life your destination will be IMMORTALITY (LIFE)!! The choice is yours and the power is in your hands. Only you can make this choice. Satan and the Gods will help you when you start to help yourself, but freeing yourself from drugs is YOUR responsibility not THEIRS!! Good luck!!
PS: if you are a jew just go fuckin die and keep doing your poisons cuz I could give a fuck ONLY IF YOU ARE A JEW/TROLL!! Otherwise I hope this helps.

Meditations pagehttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html
Witchcraft pagehttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... agick.html
Runes pagehttp://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... balah.html
Hail Satan!!!Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
To be fair if you did the deciacation ritual and were a jew you would be inviting Satanic energy into yourself which would harm you. It is really just common sense that if you 'pray' to the big old nasty jew in the 'sky' and you get their energy into your being as a gentile the reverse would be true. It is cause you are linking yourself to a polar opposite energy to your state of being.
That's OK, don't worry. Most of us in the group are well intentioned, as I'm sure you are.

We are all on a journey to discover the truth. I was an "ignoramous" at first! Just keep reading the JoS website and you will progress.

We are all brothers/ sisters in Satan!

HP Hooded Cobra has given his opinion of you!
The only reason why you haven't been banned is because we feel sorry for you!
Get off the meth and get into a rehab program - you poor joo manipulated fool!!
Wow! Heil Cobra! Thank you High Commander Cobra, I didn't know that about (((string theory))) just more jewish filth like (((Relativity))) posing as real science, so that goyim don't discover about the link between Science and Magick!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
