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June 21-24th 2020 - Group Rituals

Knotty-Ash said:
Sorry if I triggered you. I saw the language used on the RTR it looked like Hebrew was it Sanskrit? I'm not a shill. I know my pagan gods. Satan was mentioned in Zoroastrianism. Rudolf Steiner mentioned the evil deity Ahriman that was in Atlantis. I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.
Thank you for your post, I'm learning but I need sources not someone telling me how it is. You share informative articles I appreciate your research. We are now at a crossroad and need to raise our consciousness higher. The feminine energy has been squashed by Abrahamic religions. They promote transgenders and feminists. Real women are silenced or dismissed. The ancient goddess Isis, Venus energy is rising and is being meditated upon. The feminine needs to balance with the masculine energy.

The Hebrew letters are blotted out and destroyed in the RTR, the is why they are even there, to be deleted.

No worries, legitimate questions always are fine. Ask as many as you wish. There is plenty of information here, hard research, and endless hours of work put in for the sake of Truth.

Start your studying here http://www.satanisgod.org

As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods. We just keep a line because of the immense knowledge, material and spiritual practice we do.

We are not triggered at all, it is just there are endless trolls every single day. So long we are respected we will show the very same behavior to any inquiring person.

Have a nice stay. Other SS will also help answer your questions.
ChaosBringer666 said:
slyscorpion said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Strange after preforming 18 rituals I feel.. almost high it’s really strange my succubus said it’s because my energies are really low and new thresholds were reached. I feel like I’m drifting throughout my body

Hmm I did the rtr and race ritual almost constantly a little before during and a little after the solstice (of course sleeping for some time) as I noticed the more powerful effects starting about a few hours before and after it and being most powerful when sun and moon was at 0 cancer. I have to think that my energies got quite low too as I started to feel similar and tired. But I have Pluto 8th house Scorpio so I think I am able to do more than some people can naturally so I use this. I did do yoga and meditation to raise my energies quite a bit.

I am doing way less today for that reason and relaxing more to allow my energies to recuperate. I feel better today. Good Job in doing this.

You know what is funny the energy of this during the middle and I didn't even notice till I caught it made me want to listen to country music lol.

I find you have to increase your energies more than before to avoid being drained, I usually do chakra spinning then 20 satanas then increase it to 30 then 40 when doing 9 RTR’s or more yoga as well gives a ton of energy. Good to see everyone was pushing hard yesterday.

Ya I usually take moon day as rest day where I do less then push hard most of the week

Hmm that reminds me the other thing i wanted to comment on sometime Sunday definitely should not be a day of rest either in Not working or doing chores or doing less if people choose that. Cause day of sun would mean most people would be more successful in all of that.
The enemy did that for a reason if anything the day of Saturn would probably be the best day to do less but no one should do nothing on any day.
Good evening.

I also did the group ritual the day before and for the first time in my life the white breed awakening ritual, which I belong to.
I felt extremely energized, so much so that it gave me an impression of flying, of being taller, in short it was really good.
But when I woke up today, Monday in the case, something interesting occurred to me at the very least, because the name of Beelzebub came to me all day long, with great intensity and every time I pronounced his name I got the energy up there ... it will be what can be some later ritualistic effect? What is the brothers' opinion about this? And that I am new to Satanism and I still don't understand much.
Knotty-Ash said:
Sorry if I triggered you. I saw the language used on the RTR it looked like Hebrew was it Sanskrit? I'm not a shill. I know my pagan gods. Satan was mentioned in Zoroastrianism. Rudolf Steiner mentioned the evil deity Ahriman that was in Atlantis. I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.

If you want some additional clarification, speaking as someone who was once in the same boat. The RTR as undoing a curse, a curse against us, the pagan gods, and everything we are. The name Satan is the name and title of our enemy's adversary, and as such, the adversary of this very same curse. The entire curse upon us and the world, Satan is its undoer and adversary, even within the context of the curse. This is why all three Abrahamic religions are so staunchly opposed to Satan as a name and idea. It also goes without saying, as others have stated, what Satan means in Sanskrit. The name also reappears in other Pagan pantheons, like the Native American Sotun, and the Japanese-Shinto Soten, as well as the Roman Saturn. Just remember, the foundation of the false religions that have done so much harm and wrong to our Pagan faiths are all "anti-Satanic". That alone should be proof enough. Jews rant and rave all the time about how they're descendants of "YHVH" and the gentile races are descendants of Satan.

Reports that "the cabal" or any sort of organization uses this name in such a negative way have no proof anyway, and even if they did, it wouldn't matter, as the Masonic/Illuminati organizations that exist globally are all staunchly Abrahamic in nature. Any reports of "Satanic" anything in this sense are simply conjured up rumors from hysterical Christian conspiracy theorists who are deeply brainwashed and worship the YHVH thoughtform anyway.

To go into it further, Zoroastrianism is also an enemy religion. The original Pagan Polytheistic religions of Iran were oppressed and destroyed by the advent of Zoroastrian Monotheism. Rudolph Steiner was also a Mason, and deeply involved with numerous Jewish individuals in the occult, and was not liked at all by contemporary SS Pagans, quite the contrary. There's some information here about Rudolph Steiner being an enemy shill here, if you go looking. Furthermore there's also information on the true meaning of the name Ahriman if you look for that too. As you could imagine, the name, much like Satan, does not have negative Pagan connotations. Once again, the reality is the opposite.

Don't fret being a newbie though. As I've said in the past, many people arrive here one of two ways. Through "mainstream" corrupted "Satanism", and through "Neo-Paganism". I was in the latter camp, and never much cared for anything "Satanic" until I learned the true meaning of the name, and the fact it's spiritually Pagan name and word of great import.
Knotty-Ash said:
I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.

Luckily for you, you didn't fall to the trap that happens to Xtians.

JNWO: We worship lucifer.
Xtians: You heard them back to praying the devil away. The debil is everywhere.

Lucifer-Satan and Lucifer-Christos. Our High Priest Jake Carlson goes into details on this.

An example I can give is last years jewish spiritual warfare against current SCOTUS Judge Kavenaugh.

The senate mentioned "Mr. Kavenaugh what do you think the U.S. should do about traitors". Kavenaugh replied "The law is clear we do what the law says". In other words the law states prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law and execute them.

So eventually the JNWO said Wiccans were performing a ritual against Kavenaugh. So this was like a week into his career maybe two weeks. People prayed en mass especially considering xtians believe everything(wiccan) = debil stuff. Which is funny cause Wicca is mostly christianized mysticism kinda like HP.Blatvaski's stuff, it's basically kosher british paganism wrapped in a Gentile package for Gentile consumption.

Well funny enough we were told just keep on the F-RTR and he will be safe. They launched their attack about a week later jew bitch Ginsburg trips cracks three rips, two weeks almost three weeks later jew bitch Ginsburg gets readmitted to a hospital for possible remittance with lung cancer.

After that the media immediately stopped wasting time on Kavenaugh and everyone forgot about the spiritual warfare on Capital Hill.

(If your wondering and haven't caught on to what I'm saying i.e. lacking kabalistic understanding. I'll show you, the fact that xtians prayed to Kavenaugh was a means of performing magick on him and the possible Wiccans did the same. Despite the fact xtians pray to protect Kavenaugh they don't realize they are actually performing spiritual warfare on him because other entities that know about magick already manipulated the field. The enemy was just trying to get the energy banks filled to perform a kinda "Pulsa d'nura" type ritual on him some sort of mass hate, mass negativity rituals. Think like Michael Jackson once he was labelled a molester of children and this and that they just hate pumped him to death. So in reality MJ may have been killed by the very enemy for various reasons and for being woke to the enemy. So aside from physical manipulation there was a spiritual effort done to basically hate magick him to death. So much for "good people of the book".)
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
I am of the white race, I will do focus on white awakening. but can I do black awakening as well or avoid it and leave it for black satanist... I imagine it does not matters considering there no awakening for Asian so they probably can do either one or both, so I do not see why I cant no do black as well.
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Knotty-Ash said:
Sorry if I triggered you. I saw the language used on the RTR it looked like Hebrew was it Sanskrit? I'm not a shill. I know my pagan gods. Satan was mentioned in Zoroastrianism. Rudolf Steiner mentioned the evil deity Ahriman that was in Atlantis. I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.
Thank you for your post, I'm learning but I need sources not someone telling me how it is. You share informative articles I appreciate your research. We are now at a crossroad and need to raise our consciousness higher. The feminine energy has been squashed by Abrahamic religions. They promote transgenders and feminists. Real women are silenced or dismissed. The ancient goddess Isis, Venus energy is rising and is being meditated upon. The feminine needs to balance with the masculine energy.

The Hebrew letters are blotted out and destroyed in the RTR, the is why they are even there, to be deleted.

No worries, legitimate questions always are fine. Ask as many as you wish. There is plenty of information here, hard research, and endless hours of work put in for the sake of Truth.

Start your studying here http://www.satanisgod.org

As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods. We just keep a line because of the immense knowledge, material and spiritual practice we do.

We are not triggered at all, it is just there are endless trolls every single day. So long we are respected we will show the very same behavior to any inquiring person.

Have a nice stay. Other SS will also help answer your questions.

You said "As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods."

I am not so sure this is accurate. In my experience a lot of these people that call themselves pagans these days have drug problems and/or alchohol problems. Many of them do nothing much to advance except maybe some meditations every once in awhile. Many of them are still very xtian in thinking or mix xtianity with paganism and openly admit they are "Christian Pagans". Many dont know how magick works and if they do get results it's only from the vibration or energy of certain herbs and oils or Crystals they use (which in some cases can be somewhat powerful on its own but weak compared to what we do). Many are very weak in energy and damaged.

Now I would agree with you in some cases there are serious pagans who want the truth and are good people. However many are not.

Also many of these people believe in feminism or marxism and that race mixing and all sorts of weird stuff is ok that goes contrary to what we teach.

I happen to know this cause I have met some of these people myself in the past. I dont see them as a lot better than straight up xtians. Also some of them even practice angel and Jewish/enemy magick of various kinds and hold blasphemous ideas about Demons and Satan or Mix Demons and Satanic stuff with enemy Angel's and enemy stuff which is far worse than anything else anyone could do.

I did not stay friends with any of these people to be honest and would not want to be friends with them. I think the Gods would agree and I dont think people like this are under them.
FluffyMott said:

Hi all
Please looking for a coven could someone assist me and my wife we stay in jhb Kempton side moved away from our coven please assist me.

thank you all


[email protected]

Hey Howsit Vaalie,

Jaco my Boetie, you've just found your Coven my Bru.

The world has changed and we've gone into the digital age now.

There are different sects of Satanism. This is Spiritual Satanism which is the best in my opinion because it deals with meditation, Magick and advancing the soul.

This group is online and on this Forum only. But there are lots of websites that we own having tons of learning for you.

You must not converse with anyone or meet anyone who contacts you with those details you've posted.

This is an open forum and anyone can view it. Heck even Internet spiders could scan the pages and pick up your email to send their spam to.

Now we are careful about our anonymity for our safety. The world is not as it seems on the surface. And we are actively doing spiritual warfare to help this world. And thus we are a threat to the enemy

I remember Joe Slovo marching with Mandela and holding hands with Nelson Mandela. And I was like what on earth is wrong with that white man that hates his fellow whites so much.

Well after you learn a bit you will see what it really is.

I'm originally from South Africa and know how everything was twisted and corrupted. It wasn't supposed to go the way it did but it was the enemies plan. And mate we are right at the end of the race awakening rituals.

Jaco quickly go read the instructions and write the runes on a piece of paper and do this ritual before the last day on the 24th.
Am i supposed to feel anything white vibrating these runes? because i dont, even if i raise my energy before hand it will go away after a while. though i do feel alot of energy when reciting the prayer and during the affirmation.

i just wonder if the ritual is less effective if i dont feel energy while doing most of it.
slyscorpion said:
Hmm that reminds me the other thing i wanted to comment on sometime Sunday definitely should not be a day of rest either in Not working or doing chores or doing less if people choose that. Cause day of sun would mean most people would be more successful in all of that.
The enemy did that for a reason if anything the day of Saturn would probably be the best day to do less but no one should do nothing on any day.
I like Monday because that’s Satan’s day and he told me I need to rest on occasion.

Plus that’s the enemy’s day of rest as well, so I don’t feel bad for doing less. the moon is thought/emotion invoking, you do bring up a valid point on Sunday for pure relaxation. though Saturn day I like to push the hardest, because Saturn is Azazel’s Planet.
Remember the Third Reich used rune magic to awaken the White Germans and tied all their magic into runes and they created the Third Reich. Each rune is related to a Aryan God or Goddess and the racial soul of Aryans.
Taurus said:
Am i supposed to feel anything white vibrating these runes? because i dont, even if i raise my energy before hand it will go away after a while. though i do feel alot of energy when reciting the prayer and during the affirmation.

i just wonder if the ritual is less effective if i dont feel energy while doing most of it.

If your just starting out you may not feel energy that is ok. Doesnt mean it's not effective at all. I assume you have the same problem with final rtr and other things. Just means you need more practice and meditation. Not everyone feels anything at first. When I started out I didn't sense much in the astral but I did feel energy somewhat when vibrating runes. Its individual dont worry.

I however maybe would wait till you feel energy to do an personal working for stuff. It is helpful in this.
Any actual Pagan who does not worship kike angels is under the Gods. Satan has control over them.

LARPers is a mediocre category that still is influenced by Satan in ranging extents.

Due to this dabbling they are however lesser than's for obvious reasons and not taken seriously by the Gods. So their best bet if they want to follow the Gods is to join us.

HPS Maxine has stated our side has power over them.

They are better than xians and other garbage anyday.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Knotty-Ash said:
Sorry if I triggered you. I saw the language used on the RTR it looked like Hebrew was it Sanskrit? I'm not a shill. I know my pagan gods. Satan was mentioned in Zoroastrianism. Rudolf Steiner mentioned the evil deity Ahriman that was in Atlantis. I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.
Thank you for your post, I'm learning but I need sources not someone telling me how it is. You share informative articles I appreciate your research. We are now at a crossroad and need to raise our consciousness higher. The feminine energy has been squashed by Abrahamic religions. They promote transgenders and feminists. Real women are silenced or dismissed. The ancient goddess Isis, Venus energy is rising and is being meditated upon. The feminine needs to balance with the masculine energy.

The Hebrew letters are blotted out and destroyed in the RTR, the is why they are even there, to be deleted.

No worries, legitimate questions always are fine. Ask as many as you wish. There is plenty of information here, hard research, and endless hours of work put in for the sake of Truth.

Start your studying here http://www.satanisgod.org

As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods. We just keep a line because of the immense knowledge, material and spiritual practice we do.

We are not triggered at all, it is just there are endless trolls every single day. So long we are respected we will show the very same behavior to any inquiring person.

Have a nice stay. Other SS will also help answer your questions.

You said "As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods."

I am not so sure this is accurate. In my experience a lot of these people that call themselves pagans these days have drug problems and/or alchohol problems. Many of them do nothing much to advance except maybe some meditations every once in awhile. Many of them are still very xtian in thinking or mix xtianity with paganism and openly admit they are "Christian Pagans". Many dont know how magick works and if they do get results it's only from the vibration or energy of certain herbs and oils or Crystals they use (which in some cases can be somewhat powerful on its own but weak compared to what we do). Many are very weak in energy and damaged.

Now I would agree with you in some cases there are serious pagans who want the truth and are good people. However many are not.

Also many of these people believe in feminism or marxism and that race mixing and all sorts of weird stuff is ok that goes contrary to what we teach.

I happen to know this cause I have met some of these people myself in the past. I dont see them as a lot better than straight up xtians. Also some of them even practice angel and Jewish/enemy magick of various kinds and hold blasphemous ideas about Demons and Satan or Mix Demons and Satanic stuff with enemy Angel's and enemy stuff which is far worse than anything else anyone could do.

I did not stay friends with any of these people to be honest and would not want to be friends with them. I think the Gods would agree and I dont think people like this are under them.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
I am of the white race, I will do focus on white awakening. but can I do black awakening as well or avoid it and leave it for black satanist... I imagine it does not matters considering there no awakening for Asian so they probably can do either one or both, so I do not see why I cant no do black as well.
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Any actual Pagan who does not worship kike angels is under the Gods. Satan has control over them.

LARPers is a mediocre category that still is influenced by Satan in ranging extents.

Due to this dabbling they are however lesser than's for obvious reasons and not taken seriously by the Gods. So their best bet if they want to follow the Gods is to join us.

HPS Maxine has stated our side has power over them.

They are better than xians and other garbage anyday.

slyscorpion said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Hebrew letters are blotted out and destroyed in the RTR, the is why they are even there, to be deleted.

No worries, legitimate questions always are fine. Ask as many as you wish. There is plenty of information here, hard research, and endless hours of work put in for the sake of Truth.

Start your studying here http://www.satanisgod.org

As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods. We just keep a line because of the immense knowledge, material and spiritual practice we do.

We are not triggered at all, it is just there are endless trolls every single day. So long we are respected we will show the very same behavior to any inquiring person.

Have a nice stay. Other SS will also help answer your questions.

You said "As far as we are concerned, every Pagan is under our Gods."

I am not so sure this is accurate. In my experience a lot of these people that call themselves pagans these days have drug problems and/or alchohol problems. Many of them do nothing much to advance except maybe some meditations every once in awhile. Many of them are still very xtian in thinking or mix xtianity with paganism and openly admit they are "Christian Pagans". Many dont know how magick works and if they do get results it's only from the vibration or energy of certain herbs and oils or Crystals they use (which in some cases can be somewhat powerful on its own but weak compared to what we do). Many are very weak in energy and damaged.

Now I would agree with you in some cases there are serious pagans who want the truth and are good people. However many are not.

Also many of these people believe in feminism or marxism and that race mixing and all sorts of weird stuff is ok that goes contrary to what we teach.

I happen to know this cause I have met some of these people myself in the past. I dont see them as a lot better than straight up xtians. Also some of them even practice angel and Jewish/enemy magick of various kinds and hold blasphemous ideas about Demons and Satan or Mix Demons and Satanic stuff with enemy Angel's and enemy stuff which is far worse than anything else anyone could do.

I did not stay friends with any of these people to be honest and would not want to be friends with them. I think the Gods would agree and I dont think people like this are under them.

I always thought this about some atheistic Satanists and theistic Satanists from other places that are good hearted and were not too deep in enemy stuff. I was thinking they would be bought here eventually when the time was right and the Gods may be trying to lead them to the truth or guide them. Others are straight up Jews or the enemy but some are on the right path. So I guess I will concede this. However I am leery a little of enemy stuff. However I do think they probably will be bought more to the truth as time goes by. So I guess this means they are under the Gods ( same with some other Satanists who are not fully into enemy stuff but just confused).

However I cringe at this person I met who labeled herself as a Christian pagan this literally was her label. She spent an hour or two in conversation trying to convince me xtianity wasnt bad and had very bad energy. Dont know if she went to church. I stopped being friends with her awhile back when she started trying to control me and my beliefs. I of course didn't bring up Satanism or Nazism but I did try to call her out on this.
HP Mageson666 said:
Remember the Third Reich used rune magic to awaken the White Germans and tied all their magic into runes and they created the Third Reich. Each rune is related to a Aryan God or Goddess and the racial soul of Aryans.
That is nice.
I kind of made a vision of all whites throwing stones on a house that was of the Jews and then like all held hands after that . Gentiles was in my mind that time.
I started crying after that :p
Sra Paimon said:
You are connecting more into the Satanic energy vortex, which makes you feel good.

It's possible Beelzebub is your Guardian Demon, but since you are still new I wouldn't obsess too much about this right now. Most people dont find out who their GD is until later on in their advancement (once they can actually get something meaningful out of any signs/help). Just keep advancing and doing the rituals for now, and things will get clearer over time.
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

I dont think anyone caught this. Satan does not accept anyone that is Jewish in any way. However if you wanted to help the cause Final RTR is helpful or destroy yourself. We really dont care or have time for this.
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

No you are not allowed here. No jews are. No full jews, no half jews and no partial jews. Even 1% jews aren’t allowed lol. So don’t come back. You stinky jew :lol:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
I am of the white race, I will do focus on white awakening. but can I do black awakening as well or avoid it and leave it for black satanist... I imagine it does not matters considering there no awakening for Asian so they probably can do either one or both, so I do not see why I cant no do black as well.
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.

Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.
HP Mageson666 said:
Remember the Third Reich used rune magic to awaken the White Germans and tied all their magic into runes and they created the Third Reich. Each rune is related to a Aryan God or Goddess and the racial soul of Aryans.
Interesting, I wonder if that might have something to do with why I've had the Ride of the Valkyries music repeating in my head for a whole day after doing the ritual.
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them
Yet you send countless posts wasting other members time? Most of us already knew.
I suggest you leave, your penitence means next to nothing, Now run along.
Taurus said:
Am i supposed to feel anything white vibrating these runes? because i dont, even if i raise my energy before hand it will go away after a while. though i do feel alot of energy when reciting the prayer and during the affirmation.

i just wonder if the ritual is less effective if i dont feel energy while doing most of it.

It helps to imagine yourself covered in white gold.
Light is power.
And then vibrating them gives like a lot of power.
There was a time when I didnt know this and would just vibrate 216 or even 512 times to no real gain. But as soon as I imagined light all over even a couple of reps feel like a shock to the system.
Necrorifter said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.

Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.

I did the black ritual a couple times for this reason only. I personally have witnessed how far this race has fallen and I think they need all the power they can get. I focus mainly on the white ritual though but I had the extra time.

Hopefully that wasnt bad or messing with my own race in some way energy wise if it is I will never do it again.
Ors666 said:
I wouldn't judge, I used to use herbs and crystals until someone pissed me off. That person couldn't walk properly the following day.

I also used someone else's technique on these forums and vibrated an RTR to a white sage and filled my whole house with the smoke. I live with enemies because fate is such, it gave me the most pleasant feeling seeing them try their Jewish witchcraft that has been reversed.

I used to have a Christian Pagan book, it's recycling now and the magick you're referring to is Angel and Demon Magick, you invoke 3 Angels through their Sigils then 1 Demon through theirs. 3 Angels are needed because that's the only way they can get a Demon to work with them. Spirit Abuse speaking of course, though I'm sure the Gods can separate between the Jew and the unknowing person and will direct their wrath accordingly. The Gods will not punish those who lack knowledge, but most certainly those who know what they're doing.

Depends on who one invoked. if say one invoked Andras like this.. he would most certainly kill them, unless they were a child because that goes Against his morals.
Kind of a novice question but when it says focus on the runes; does it mean in vision it and it’s power or focus on vibration or both for maximum effectiveness?
Necrorifter said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Aquarius said:
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Even on the forum whites have to be leftist saviors to the poor blacks, as if they don’t can’t do anything for themselves. I imagine this as insulting for black SS.

Is that an insult or something? I am merely curious if I can or not. Nothing I say that black SS can't do white awakening ritual anyway. But if we are to do our race awakening ritual and not get involved with other race awakening ritual then that is fine with me.

and if black SS get insulted by this then they are a fool and prideful and that will be their downfall, we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind. We should thrive to support each other as family and purge the world of jews and its filth, not reject each other help because of our race and pride, otherwise, we will be no better than those rioters and people fight each other and scream whitie bad! negro bad! while hand rubbing jews laughing at both races for their stupidness behind the scene. Do not forget that jews also intend to get satanism to fight each other so we will fail to stop jews from their goal of enslaving humanity. We must work together and need each other more than ever if one race was to fall then so do all of humanity. Unless you don't think we need all races of White, Black, and Asian in order for humanity to stand?

But if ritual are designed to work better if it related to your race, then I will do white ritual and stay out of black ritual as its design meant that I would not get much results with it anyway.

It was not an insult. Yes races need to unified but doing black rituals as a non black is stupid. Africans have Zero chance of being gone by 2100 so why wouldn’t you do your own?

But you can paint your skin dark and put product in your hair if you hate your race so much and want to be a white Uncle Tom. Or perhaps even join black lives matter. You can be our resident Rachel Dolezal or Shaun king.


Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew.

Get the fuck off this forum. NOW.

Please ban this guy.
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

Do the RTR 10 times and after vibrated Satanama 108 times in your aura and soul.
Ors666 said:
I did the empowerment for both races. I'll keep it saved so I can repeat this hopefully daily alongside the RTR even if it isn't necessary. I found that doing RTR's while playing the frequency of the planet during it's planetary hour boosts the energy with the planets properties. Good stuff.

It doesn't really make sense to perform both race rituals. If you're white, perform the white race ritual. If you're black, perform the black race ritual. I understand you're doing that to benefit both races, but it doesn't quite make sense to me.

Unrelated but what's with your signature? "Only show 0.1%" of what exactly?
HP Mageson666 said:
Each rune is related to a Aryan God or Goddess and the racial soul of Aryans.
By studying JOS, I have learned that Gebo is rune of Astaroth and Ingwaz is rune of Azazel.
Please, tell me which runes is related to Aryan god or goddess?
Necrorifter said:
we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind
Yeah, I heard this too from some hook nosed jew who calls himself somekind of messiah or something.
If you really are willing to do the black awakening then I have a rude truth to tell you, you're still plagued by xianity. No sane SS would do the race awakening for another race, it's like an insult to your own Race.
Necrorifter said:
we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind
It's like you care equally for other Races as your own. What kind of bullshit is that?
Gabi1234 said:
Plese im begnig you listen till the end and dont be angry okay plese. Im half jew. But i see that satan is a good god becuase he can teach people how to fight back and i hate the mafia i dont have any problem to kill all of them

A half-JEW... You DO realize, that we are a ANTI-jew(Anti-communism, anti-death, Anti-Everything-that-is-bad) here? Fuck off Troll! :lol: :lol:
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind
It's like you care equally for other Races as your own. What kind of bullshit is that?

Do you love all of your brother and sister equally? That the kind of bullshit you are trying to go for. We always have a favorite brother and sister. Of course, I am inclined to the white race than I am for Asian and black race, but they are still brother and sister to me whatever they are favorite or not for me. Brother and sister always squabble with each other but in the end, they stand side by side as a family. Now, please stop act like a fool and taking my words out of context...
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
we are all brothers and sisters of humanity in this war for mankind
Yeah, I heard this too from some hook nosed jew who calls himself somekind of messiah or something.
If you really are willing to do the black awakening then I have a rude truth to tell you, you're still plagued by xianity. No sane SS would do the race awakening for another race, it's like an insult to your own Race.

Of course, I am plagued by xianity, only a moron and a fool will claim that they are not plagued by xianity. We are all plagued by xianity and Jewish filth. If you think you are free from that, just tell the world that you are satanism and you will get plague by xianity and die. As long as xianity and jews are around we will never be freed from the plague. Again, just like I told other one, only a fool will see that as an insult, I am merely asking if I can or not, if race awakening only works with your race, then I will do so for white and stay out of black.
Hi, what I understand from this post is that one should do the race ritual according to one's race. Does that mean I can't do any of them if I'm Asian?? Pls help I'm confused.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
