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June 21-24th 2020 - Group Rituals

Happy Summer Solstice everyone. Also, it is International Yoga Day, and a good time to begin a yoga practice for those who have not yet. New Moon eclipse on a power date.

Bigot Boy said:
Master Squares: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=171837

When there is some downtime, you may want to check which planets are in an optimal position for a square. Squares are a very effective way to advance yourself materially or spiritually. Hopefully this tool will be of help to you! :)

Dates for squares are in the SS Calendar (link in my sig). They are highlighted with the name of planet followed by a square.

I'm looking through your new project now, looks awesome so far :) I normally just save the image of the square to a paint program and blot out each day after completion, but your program is way better. It is awesome to see how the JoS is technologically advancing, with programs for the RTR's and now this :) Also, the design is simply gorgeous!

luis said:
Hopefully, this will wake up a lot of people! By the way HP, is tomorrow a powerful date because of the solstice? And if yes what spell/meditations would be powerful to start tomorrow?

Yes, Solstice. As for spells, love spells are usually powerful on this date but Venus is currently retrograde this time so not advised. Which is why on the Calendar I only listed psychic endeavours. Ven & Merc both being Rx limits things. Bu you can start a new meditation program, work on astral senses, etc. :)

Sunman666 said:
Hello i am in africa , and i check the yearly 2020 calender , which i found , 20th june to be summer solistice but at the sametime void of course moon .I wounder when to start a magical workings, 20th or 21st but 21st is not summer solistice here.HAIL SATAN

The Solstice lasts for nearly 24 hours, during the entire time Sun is in 0* Cancer. The Void Moon was only for a little over 9 hours, so there is time to schedule a magickal working in :)
Also, I want to share something helpful for new people, this is the correct way to pronounce Satanas,

S Breathe in, and then partially close your glottis making a hissing sound like a cat or a serpent, extending the exhale.

A Then breathe in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.

T Breathe in, then put your tongue on your hard palate right above your front teeth, and vibrate between a ZZZZ and THTHTH on the exhale.

A Then breathe in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.


A Then breathe in and vibrate AHHHHHHH on the exhale.

S Breathe in, and then partially close your glottis making a hissing sound like a cat or a serpent, extending the exhale.

I took the above info from the page listed below


There is a link to a mp3 on that page as well that has the proper way to vibrate it. :)
I did the ritual tonight and I felt really good doing it. I know it wasn't totally perfect yet because I am not as experienced in using and pronouncing the runes, but It will get better the more I do of it. I look forward to trying again tomorrow night. Hail Satan!!
Is it the Sun and Moon making a pass in 29' Gemini and 0' Cancer that this time is significant? Also Saturn inconjunct them in Aquarius and retrograde in 0'?

Theres gotta be more to it than that, I haven't understood fully the cycles yet but I know what you're talking about and have observed them in certain cases (more in natal charts though).
Thank you so much, HP.

One question. I used Othala, Sowilo and Ansuz. Do I strictly stick with these for the other days or can I switch over to the Icelandic pronunciations of Othal, Sol and Oss with no issue?

Hail Victory!
Thank. I was waiting for this signal. I planned to raise energy with yoga and at the peak of a solar eclipse to do a ritual, as my intuition said, and I am very glad that your message confirmed this. Let's make this crushing blow to the enemy!It is an honor!
Sieg Heil! Hail Satanas! Heil Lilith!
Jack said:
I think it would be good to have an automatic emailing list that sends the important messages because I've been getting extremely bad vibes about the future of the internet. One could sign up on these and these messages could be sent automatically if someone knows how to do this.

Mailing lists were a little problem before, spam wise. But we will be getting one. They tend to be reliable in general.
Ors666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The internet itself, and everything in it, remains under siege, a situation which started in an ever increasing fashion around 2 years ago. As it's to be expected, this will definitely escalate. The era of information has been so far the era of the exposure of the enemy.

Just an idea I'm sharing. There are several communities and people who managed to create their own ISP by building a tower in their own garden during the time Net Neutrality was being attacked and they managed to get an internet connection without relying on a third party provider.

Since the internet is under siege, an SS ISP could potentially be created that won't be able to be regulated by the enemy though I doubt something like this could be brought to life soon if at all. Or perhaps an alternative way of still receiving communications, else many of us could then be to our own and unorganised, which is exactly what the enemy wants. Definitely possible and not too expensive.

Everything that is necessary will be done and implemented. There will be no limits on how far we are willing to go.

There are alternatives that are going to be available.

Have faith, things like this can happen. As I see it in the future, ever extensive measures will be necessary and will be implemented.
Karnonnos said:
Thank you so much, HP.

One question. I used Othala, Sowilo and Ansuz. Do I strictly stick with these for the other days or can I switch over to the Icelandic pronunciations of Othal, Sol and Oss with no issue?

Hail Victory!

There is no problem which variations you use. Effects will be the same.

Sol and Oss, as a rule of thumb, are rather meditational focused Runes, bear this in mind. Sowilo and Ansuz are more projective. But this is just fine details of no major importance.

Do what you feel raises more energy for direction.
Necrorifter said:
I am of the white race, I will do focus on white awakening. but can I do black awakening as well or avoid it and leave it for black satanist... I imagine it does not matters considering there no awakening for Asian so they probably can do either one or both, so I do not see why I cant no do black as well.
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....
RavenSky666 said:
Shael said:
Yes, all correct. You just vibrate AUM once at the end in a drawn out exhale.

Thank you! :) I just have one more question, I did the ritual tonight and I was wondering, what do I do with the runes after I have written them? Do I keep and re-use them when I do the ritual tomorrow, or do I need to re-draw them every time that I do the ritual?
Generally you'd want to reuse them. Most people carved them into some material that is somewhat resilient, like a piece of wood or atleast some cardboard or smth, while vibrating the corresponding rune that is being carved, and then stained the runes in blood after (this is optional) to give them more power. Then that is reused every time the ritual is done, over the course of the years.
Today I felt the RTR pretty strong compared to other days, is it because of the eclipse?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Sorry if it's a stupid question but I've got to ask it. Is the White Race Awakening ritual only for White Gentiles to do, and the Black Race Awakening ritual only for Black Gentiles? Or we all do both? Just in case I did Final RTR, White and Black Race rituals all in one session but it got me wondering if I was right doing so.
And isn't there an Asian Race Awakening as well? I don't know a lot of things but from what I read and understand there's three Races: White, Black and Asian. Just wondering about the third one.
Shael said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
RavenSky666 said:

Aum after the second Satanas every time, doesn’t matter as much how long just feel the vibrations
That's incorrect. The Aum is only done at the end after all affirmations are completed.

I know.. dunno why I read it like that years ago oh well I suppose. Thanks though
Lydia said:
Happy Summer Solstice everyone. Also, it is International Yoga Day, and a good time to begin a yoga practice for those who have not yet. New Moon eclipse on a power date.

Bigot Boy said:
Master Squares: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=171837

When there is some downtime, you may want to check which planets are in an optimal position for a square. Squares are a very effective way to advance yourself materially or spiritually. Hopefully this tool will be of help to you! :)

Dates for squares are in the SS Calendar (link in my sig). They are highlighted with the name of planet followed by a square.

I'm looking through your new project now, looks awesome so far :) I normally just save the image of the square to a paint program and blot out each day after completion, but your program is way better. It is awesome to see how the JoS is technologically advancing, with programs for the RTR's and now this :) Also, the design is simply gorgeous!
I could have sworn I had seen such a calendar before - thank you for pointing that out! I'll add a link to the calendar on the Master Square's homepage too :)

Thank you for the kind words as well :D
Has anyone seen trailer for movie Cracka?


They're not even bother hiding anymore that they want race war. These rituals came just in time. :D
Shadowcat said:
ShadowTheRaven said:
Haha yeah, somebody gets it! Victory or Valhalla, brother!

*sister :lol: 'sok i think its the fire thats predominant in me

My bad....Victory or Valhalla, sister!
Legendary Creature said:
I work a job that involves me being on call. If I get called in, can I pause the ritual and finish it when I get back home? Or do I have to start over from the beginning?
From what I’ve been told you should avoid doing this. You can but it leaves a “gate” open for curses to pile up, if your talking about the race awakening ritual it’s not as big a deal, though I don’t really know if you would have to start over depending on the amount of time. Just focus on the previous energies raised every so often to empower them a bit, as long as it’s not longer than 2 hours you should be fine. You can always ask your GD if your unsure.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Sundara said:
For FAQ on the last race awakening rituals - see this post before asking.


Do we keep the same runic carving for the next rituals?
Yes. You can have them carved in a little block of wood, and keep that same one for every time you do it.

I accidentally had a perfect block of wood, lapis lazuli, diamond, and petrified wood all readily available and I don’t consider myself a big stone collector lmao. The petrified wood was something my kid grabbed at a rock shop without asking me, and it was upstairs next to the nazi newspapers from 1936 that I found underneath the carpet. Fucking lit. Hail Satan and happy Father’s Day!
I've just completed the race awaking ritual. I've never used runes before - they raised a tremendous amount of energy, I felt like a live wire until I directed it on the ending affirmations... Although still buzzing like a fat bumble bee...

You mention timings - how best to educate ourselves on astronomical influence?

Thank you for providing info on the ritual. I had been doing RTRs recently focusing a lot of Jewish exposure alongside White victory and spiritual advancement. It's nice to know my intentions are aligned. Unlike Christian crap where they have no spiritual unity and read from a book of nonsense.

Hail Satan and the Powers of Hell, the Original, and True Gods of the White Race!
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Sorry if it's a stupid question but I've got to ask it. Is the White Race Awakening ritual only for White Gentiles to do, and the Black Race Awakening ritual only for Black Gentiles? Or we all do both? Just in case I did Final RTR, White and Black Race rituals all in one session but it got me wondering if I was right doing so.
And isn't there an Asian Race Awakening as well? I don't know a lot of things but from what I read and understand there's three Races: White, Black and Asian. Just wondering about the third one.
You only do the one for you race. Asians don't have racial problems.
I am already seeing results of this ritual. For the first time since fuck knows when, I’ve seen hundreds of people on a couple different posts defend Nordic and white culture and beliefs. I’m personally feeling refreshed and strong in a way that I’ve missed.
It is very nice and very exciting to see our work manifest itself. Victory is ours. These enemies are more than likely the first for humanity, but they will certainly not be the last in the infinite universe and eternity.
Aquarius said:
Necrorifter said:
I am of the white race, I will do focus on white awakening. but can I do black awakening as well or avoid it and leave it for black satanist... I imagine it does not matters considering there no awakening for Asian so they probably can do either one or both, so I do not see why I cant no do black as well.
Just do the White one, leave the black one to the blacks....

Okay, I will focus on white awakening and leave black awakening to black satanists.
slyscorpion said:
CameronMatlock said:
There are these future cards from the enemy jews called the illuminati card game it was made in 1980 something
All cards are future cards i think it is infused with yhwh magic we must destroy the jewish spells infuses in the cards so
We satanist can stop the new world order!

Hail Father Satan
Hail Maxine Dietrich

I think whatever your talking about is complete bullshit lol.

You are letting the enemy yahweh/jews decive you into not looking into it do not be a dummy and ignorant to the enemies devices
The enemy wants you to think it is bullshit
But in reality it is real search up illuminati card game and look at the damn cards this game was made in 1980 something but all the cards tell you what is going to happen in the future!!! And all of them came to pass
slyscorpion said:
CameronMatlock said:
There are these future cards from the enemy jews called the illuminati card game it was made in 1980 something
All cards are future cards i think it is infused with yhwh magic we must destroy the jewish spells infuses in the cards so
We satanist can stop the new world order!

Hail Father Satan
Hail Maxine Dietrich

I think whatever your talking about is complete bullshit lol.

Type up Illuminati card games and look at some cards and you will see it is real they were made 1980 and all cards have come to pass! it is jewish future cards WAKE UP!
We need to cancel those future jewish spells on those cards so they won't come to pass anymore!
Strange after preforming 18 rituals I feel.. almost high it’s really strange my succubus said it’s because my energies are really low and new thresholds were reached. I feel like I’m drifting throughout my body
Shael said:
Generally you'd want to reuse them. Most people carved them into some material that is somewhat resilient, like a piece of wood or atleast some cardboard or smth, while vibrating the corresponding rune that is being carved, and then stained the runes in blood after (this is optional) to give them more power. Then that is reused every time the ritual is done, over the course of the years.

Thank you. I wrote them on a thick cardboard like paper. and stained them with my blood. in the future when I can get some wood and a decent carving knife, I will try to carve them. but for now this will have to do.
It is very beautiful to be a part of this group ritual.
The rioting and hatred is not necessarily bad, it's just misdirected. The whole population is building up pressure while stuck in quarantine. Once everyone realizes why they're in that situation and which group of people is responsible, the rest will be history. All we need to do is point the finger of accusation directly toward the jews, and the Race Awakening Ritual is doing exactly that.
Let's make sure that our grandchildren grow up in the Fourth Reich!
Onward to victory!
Hail Satan!
There's no negative side effect to doing this multiple times a day, right? Like, it won't drain me?

The energy from this feels like a powerful buzz, but then goes away after I direct the energy with the affirmations. :(
BlackJackal said:
Has anyone seen trailer for movie Cracka?


They're not even bother hiding anymore that they want race war. These rituals came just in time. :D

Yeah, I've seen Mr. Obvious's reaction to it.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade <---Completely forgetting to mention that black-on-white slavery already happened and they treated us much worse until the empires of Europe went to war with these bastards and won. Even the most oppressive slaveowner of the United States couldn't compare to the harsh treatment by the Barbary Pirates
I'm new here. I was wondering why the RTR's are using Hebrew language to launch attacks, if this is the enemy's language? Plus why not use ancestral deities since the name Satan is generic used by the cabal too? I thought this was about regaining our ancestral gods not playing out Abrahamic religion duality?
Big Dipper said:

wait, nani the hell! howd you get a diamond is it real?

Yes and white gold, it was a gift from a family member
Knotty-Ash said:
I'm new here. I was wondering why the RTR's are using Hebrew language to launch attacks, if this is the enemy's language? Plus why not use ancestral deities since the name Satan is generic used by the cabal too? I thought this was about regaining our ancestral gods not playing out Abrahamic religion duality?
The RTR reverses the hebrew letters, which are the foundation of all the enemy curses on this planet and our species. It's the single most effective method to destroy the enemy.

The enemy is using the name "Satan" also, but that name has been around thousands of years before the enemy set foot on this planet. It means "Eternal Truth" in sanskrit, and is His main name. It doesn't matter what it means in their vile, stolen corruption of a "language". Satan's name is far above any of that bullshit.
Knotty-Ash said:
I'm new here. I was wondering why the RTR's are using Hebrew language to launch attacks, if this is the enemy's language? Plus why not use ancestral deities since the name Satan is generic used by the cabal too? I thought this was about regaining our ancestral gods not playing out Abrahamic religion duality?

I am not certain if these are provocateurial questions with the underlying intent to shill, or just the reality of not having studied, but you need to study. Since it could also be the product of the low level of general Pagan understanding going, I'll answer you.

Reversing something, is a well founded method of destroying it in magick. Clearly you have no understanding of this. No hebrew is being "used", there is no use of anything taking place.

Imagine saying something like "Shoot [name of target] and someone says...Oy vey, why do you say the name of the target...In reverse...Well because you got to shoot it mate, there is no other way.

Satan extends all the way back to Sanskrit and Satyan means Truth.

It is of no concern what the jews did with it later, their whole religion is a counter culture of the Pagan on. The name Satan was villified because it was the most important name. Other Demons like Astarte, were are the obvious Sumerian Names. These were undiscovered until archelogists re-discovered them, in civilizations that extend thousands and thousands of years past the jews.

The lie that these have to do "with jews" is as stupid as saying that the Pagan Gods were nothing really but what the jews told us [after they killed everything Pagan] that Paganism was. Or that their definition is actually real. We do not believe this at all, and it can never constitute an opposing force in any "duality".

All the Demonic Names are names of Pagan deities. There is no "duality" at play here. The creation of a jewish reaction to Paganism is of no concern.

There is no "duality" in Satanism in the way that you think, only the unfortunate event that the jews have been harassing the Gods. But they are not the definition of anything they are merely in the place and harassing the Gods.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Strange after preforming 18 rituals I feel.. almost high it’s really strange my succubus said it’s because my energies are really low and new thresholds were reached. I feel like I’m drifting throughout my body

Hmm I did the rtr and race ritual almost constantly a little before during and a little after the solstice (of course sleeping for some time) as I noticed the more powerful effects starting about a few hours before and after it and being most powerful when sun and moon was at 0 cancer. I have to think that my energies got quite low too as I started to feel similar and tired. But I have Pluto 8th house Scorpio so I think I am able to do more than some people can naturally so I use this. I did do yoga and meditation to raise my energies quite a bit.

I am doing way less today for that reason and relaxing more to allow my energies to recuperate. I feel better today. Good Job in doing this.

You know what is funny the energy of this during the middle and I didn't even notice till I caught it made me want to listen to country music lol.
Sorry if I triggered you. I saw the language used on the RTR it looked like Hebrew was it Sanskrit? I'm not a shill. I know my pagan gods. Satan was mentioned in Zoroastrianism. Rudolf Steiner mentioned the evil deity Ahriman that was in Atlantis. I have an issue with the name Satan because evil cabal elite use this name too. I prefer my ancestral gods because of the cabal terms.
Thank you for your post, I'm learning but I need sources not someone telling me how it is. You share informative articles I appreciate your research. We are now at a crossroad and need to raise our consciousness higher. The feminine energy has been squashed by Abrahamic religions. They promote transgenders and feminists. Real women are silenced or dismissed. The ancient goddess Isis, Venus energy is rising and is being meditated upon. The feminine needs to balance with the masculine energy.
slyscorpion said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Strange after preforming 18 rituals I feel.. almost high it’s really strange my succubus said it’s because my energies are really low and new thresholds were reached. I feel like I’m drifting throughout my body

Hmm I did the rtr and race ritual almost constantly a little before during and a little after the solstice (of course sleeping for some time) as I noticed the more powerful effects starting about a few hours before and after it and being most powerful when sun and moon was at 0 cancer. I have to think that my energies got quite low too as I started to feel similar and tired. But I have Pluto 8th house Scorpio so I think I am able to do more than some people can naturally so I use this. I did do yoga and meditation to raise my energies quite a bit.

I am doing way less today for that reason and relaxing more to allow my energies to recuperate. I feel better today. Good Job in doing this.

You know what is funny the energy of this during the middle and I didn't even notice till I caught it made me want to listen to country music lol.

I find you have to increase your energies more than before to avoid being drained, I usually do chakra spinning then 20 satanas then increase it to 30 then 40 when doing 9 RTR’s or more yoga as well gives a ton of energy. Good to see everyone was pushing hard yesterday.

Ya I usually take moon day as rest day where I do less then push hard most of the week
Shael said:
Knotty-Ash said:
I'm new here. I was wondering why the RTR's are using Hebrew language to launch attacks, if this is the enemy's language? Plus why not use ancestral deities since the name Satan is generic used by the cabal too? I thought this was about regaining our ancestral gods not playing out Abrahamic religion duality?
The RTR reverses the hebrew letters, which are the foundation of all the enemy curses on this planet and our species. It's the single most effective method to destroy the enemy.

The enemy is using the name "Satan" also, but that name has been around thousands of years before the enemy set foot on this planet. It means "Eternal Truth" in sanskrit, and is His main name. It doesn't matter what it means in their vile, stolen corruption of a "language". Satan's name is far above any of that bullshit.

Thank you that helps clarify it for me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
