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Joy of Satanas Final Response: About “Jews”, “Hitler”, “National Socialism” & Politics

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is the ultimate truth: as gentiles, our actions are not driven by baseless hatred. Rather, we are acting in self-defense and in the rightful pursuit of reclaiming what belongs to us.
Brilliantly said. I recommend all members (or soon-to-be members) to carefully read this, and not just skim it.
What a nail-in-the-coffin type of post. I'm glad these things are fully clarified, so the slander against us is seen as what it is.
When the Persian Empire, which had been infiltrated by jews, attempted to take over Hellas, the Hellenes defended their Satanic values. This is what the Joy of Satanas does too. We are neither conquerors nor conquered ones. We respect everyone, but we expect to be respected as well. We choose not to fall to the level of andrapods, and instead work to uplift Humanity. We do not worship death like our enemies do, but we would rather die proud than live as andrapods.
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I thank you infinitely, with all my heart, for having clarified the question definitively and so exhaustively. Without going into details, for a very long time I never donated to JoS (except once at the time of the first donor pdf) because I was afraid of the legal consequences in my country due to some personal events I have been in and that I have lived.

I talked to HPS Lydia about it too, and she was really very thoughtful and kind to listen to me and help me and I will never forget it. I've honestly been meaning to donate for a lot longer (if I remember correctly, did you accept credit cards as a donation method in the past or something? I know because I often went to the donation page to try to donate, but I was afraid of what I told you).

That you have clarified this once and for all is really very useful to me in terms of financial support for JoS. I really thank you, I apologize if for people like me you had to write such a long sermon that it wasted a lot of your time, but I thank you for doing it because it covers everything I needed. Thanks again!
We can be sure that despite this superior explanation, there will be "questions" asked and arguments presented even still. But at least now we have this clear and concise answer to relay instead of needing to scour multiple posts explaining the same things you brought up here (because you have already explained these). Thank you.
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest, much needed sermon and huge wisdom therein.

Thank you!
The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

The jewish "master race" in their own quotes and images:

Evidence the so called jewish "holocaust" is a hoax and from their own mouths: https://holocaustexposed.org/Holocaust

Jewish rabbis gorging on their prophetic wishes to destroy the civilized world:

Jewish rabbi affirm jews were sent by aliens to conquer the planet:
"We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development".

Thank you HPHC 666!
Hail Father Satanas forever!
Hail The Joy Of Satanas!
This clarifies my own path over the previous two years.
On finding myself too focused on the Warfare Aspect.
Constantly in resistance against the enemy.
Against the world around me.
It became my personality, I let myself be defined by my own Resistance against the Enemy.
This did have its purpose, but I pushed myself so far.
Along with other lessons I must have learned, This did cause serious Problems.

I had to stop and consider, was I becoming a Monster? Attempting to be some Primal Beast of pure Destruction!?
I know now this is not what HP Cobra meant when he said we must seek to be as much of a Man as we can be.
Not that we become the purest form of Destruction against our enemies.
Not that we necessitate rising as quickly as possible through the "ranks" of Humankind.

Further, In my belief that Spirituality is the only path. I forgot to be a Man..
Mens Sana in Corpore Sano. A sound mind in a Sound body.
Yes I did constantly go about my days seeking to be a better Man.
But i did not sit and enjoy a cup of tea as much as i should have.
My walks were always, A task to improve myself, instead of just.. being.

I had believed some day I would be able to commit 100% of my time to being a Spiritual Satanist.
But it is necessary, to enjoy your Sandwich... Stop and smell the roses.
Let the mind relax, let the body relax, and even so, we must let our Soul relax too.

This Sermon, for me, is a call to bring myself back to my own Traditional values.
That which I was born with, that did lead me here in the first place.
A seeking of Knowledge, Friendship, Natural Order, and Strength.

Here in this place, I dont seek War, I seek Peace.
But of course, Si vis pacem, Para Bellum.
I thank you infinitely, with all my heart, for having clarified the question definitively and so exhaustively. Without going into details, for a very long time I never donated to JoS (except once at the time of the first donor pdf) because I was afraid of the legal consequences in my country due to some personal events I have been in and that I have lived.

I talked to HPS Lydia about it too, and she was really very thoughtful and kind to listen to me and help me and I will never forget it. I've honestly been meaning to donate for a lot longer (if I remember correctly, did you accept credit cards as a donation method in the past or something? I know because I often went to the donation page to try to donate, but I was afraid of what I told you).

That you have clarified this once and for all is really very useful to me in terms of financial support for JoS. I really thank you, I apologize if for people like me you had to write such a long sermon that it wasted a lot of your time, but I thank you for doing it because it covers everything I needed. Thanks again!

I am glad I clarified these worries. Everyone had similar worries including myself (due to enemy propaganda) when I joined about 15+ years ago. This stemmed from a total lack of knowledge and basically having been corn-fed fears and wrong information by the enemy. When I was dedicated for the first year I was wondering if any of these statements held any water. I never found any actual proof of any of these statements nor in people in the JoS itself let alone HPS Maxine as it’s legendary leadership.

That’s what reassured me as I would never want to be in the wrong side. And then I understood I was fully on the right side. All I saw was pointless claims by idiots and then HPS Maxine telling me about her friend from Mexico or some other person that she helped the other day, or how proud she is of X member, never taking in consideration any of the slanderous claims that the enemy makes at all.

At first I was confused because I thought things I might have read, could be correct, and I tried to send a picture to ascertain which “race” I might be from; HPS Maxine simply said White and to treat it as an inconsequential situation and to move on and spiritually advance. Years passed and I realized it was all bogus and made up about her, firsthand.

HPS back in time were also from any Nationality ranging from Blacks, Brazilians, Whites, Mediterraneans, just to name a few out of my head. The only ones there was a solid red line against, were solely the Jews. Nobody else. Everyone else was treated on equal terms based on a meritocratic standard and what they did for the Gods, nothing else.

Jews notoriously lied as per usual that the JoS was about “White Supremacists” and “Totally Aryan Germans” and other insane things, and all I would find in it or in the ranks in it, was literally people from all over the world, Europeans, Australians, Natives, Aboriginals, Blacks, Asians and many others.

The same lie is told about Hitler, who for all intents, just told people globally to be aware of the Jews and to honor their own volks and cultures. They made up the “Supremacist” lies because the Jews primarily are the supremacists themselves, who project this outward to create hatred among the Gentiles on a consistent basis.

What Jews could never fathom is how all these people could become racially aware, have pride in themselves, and what made them mad with the slander is that further these people longed for the restoration of the Ancient Culture and actually worked together while also understanding the laws that encompass the universe around us.

Eventually the Jewish narratives about “What the JoS” is always died out under the weight of their own lies. I figured that out very early in my journey in the JoS and I became convinced on both the totally deceptive nature of the Jews, but also in all the claims of what they have in mind (to confuse everyone else and cause inferiority complexes in people - and keep them away from the Gods). Zero proof existed in the JoS for any of the claims of it’s enemies. I saw everything from top to bottom, firsthand for myself.

I found zero actual evidence of any hate or anything like this; just people decided to teach people certain things and that was it.

None of these things were true and the enemy just kept claiming nonsense that because of the political choices of her husband, she was somehow politically involved. Knowing her husband, he was never a hater of other people either, he wanted always all people to essentially come to their own terms and for us to stop existing in disorderly manners as the jews constantly indicate to us, which would result in our collective enslavement. So he is also another target that the jews have picked among all the targets, to keep making slander up to no end with the usual “he is a hateful bigot” theory while he also hasn’t harmed a butterfly in his life.

Regardless these have always been his personal views and the JoS was never involved in politics.

HPS Maxine was not politically involved in any material level. We just held the beliefs I express here back in those days and the same are the beliefs today.

The purpose was to teach people about these topics discussed here, which are of a biological and scientific nature, that have been penaltized to even be discussed or studied to this very day (a social problem made by the Jews who want to impede all others from developing awareness about their own species, and therefore, improve in this context also alongside as individual human beings).

Point being the situation with the Jews is that so long you glorify them and you accept them, or their genocides, or accept them as your Gods, you have cart blanc to hate anyone on earth (like they do) but if one even a little criticizes them, they instantly call them a bigoted evil person. That is irrational, but it how they shaped public opinion around these topics.

You can go openly out today and celebrate a live genocide and displacement of millions in Gaza, and the “world” has been brainwashed to defend the Jews who want 99% of humans enslaved and openly say it so, and the people who say that is wrong, to be perceived as the “evil people”. That is basically both immoral, evil and a result of brainwashing.

Fast forward all these years later in the JoS, I reassure that these claims never were the case nor they will ever be the case. Just slander by the enemy and nothing else.

The JoS was never that way as these slanderers describe; it was not when I joined and it is not today, let alone in the future. It’s all very sensible and solid.
I am glad I clarified these worries. Everyone had similar worries including myself (due to enemy propaganda) when I joined about 15+ years ago. This stemmed from a total lack of knowledge and basically having been corn-fed fears and wrong information by the enemy. When I was dedicated for the first year I was wondering if any of these statements held any water. I never found any actual proof of any of these statements nor in people in the JoS itself let alone HPS Maxine as it’s legendary leadership.

That’s what reassured me as I would never want to be in the wrong side. And then I understood I was fully on the right side. All I saw was pointless claims by idiots and then HPS Maxine telling me about her friend from Mexico or some other person that she helped the other day, or how proud she is of X member, never taking in consideration any of the slanderous claims that the enemy makes at all.

At first I was confused because I thought things I might have read, could be correct, and I tried to send a picture to ascertain which “race” I might be from; HPS Maxine simply said White and to treat it as an inconsequential situation and to move on and spiritually advance. Years passed and I realized it was all bogus and made up about her, firsthand.

HPS back in time were also from any Nationality ranging from Blacks, Brazilians, Whites, Mediterraneans, just to name a few out of my head. The only ones there was a solid red line against, were solely the Jews. Nobody else. Everyone else was treated on equal terms based on a meritocratic standard and what they did for the Gods, nothing else.

Jews notoriously lied as per usual that the JoS was about “White Supremacists” and “Totally Aryan Germans” and other insane things, and all I would find in it or in the ranks in it, was literally people from all over the world, Europeans, Australians, Natives, Aboriginals, Blacks, Asians and many others.

The same lie is told about Hitler, who for all intents, just told people globally to be aware of the Jews and to honor their own volks and cultures. They made up the “Supremacist” lies because the Jews primarily are the supremacists themselves, who project this outward to create hatred among the Gentiles on a consistent basis.

What Jews could never fathom is how all these people could become racially aware, have pride in themselves, and what made them mad with the slander is that further these people longed for the restoration of the Ancient Culture and actually worked together while also understanding the laws that encompass the universe around us.

Eventually the Jewish narratives about “What the JoS” is always died out under the weight of their own lies. I figured that out very early in my journey in the JoS and I became convinced on both the totally deceptive nature of the Jews, but also in all the claims of what they have in mind (to confuse everyone else and cause inferiority complexes in people - and keep them away from the Gods). Zero proof existed in the JoS for any of the claims of it’s enemies. I saw everything from top to bottom, firsthand for myself.

I found zero actual evidence of any hate or anything like this; just people decided to teach people certain things and that was it.

None of these things were true and the enemy just kept claiming nonsense that because of the political choices of her husband, she was somehow politically involved. Knowing her husband, he was never a hater of other people either, he wanted always all people to essentially come to their own terms and for us to stop existing in disorderly manners as the jews constantly indicate to us, which would result in our collective enslavement. So he is also another target that the jews have picked among all the targets, to keep making slander up to no end with the usual “he is a hateful bigot” theory while he also hasn’t harmed a butterfly in his life.

Regardless these have always been his personal views and the JoS was never involved in politics.

HPS Maxine was not politically involved in any material level. We just held the beliefs I express here back in those days and the same are the beliefs today.

The purpose was to teach people about these topics discussed here, which are of a biological and scientific nature, that have been penaltized to even be discussed or studied to this very day (a social problem made by the Jews who want to impede all others from developing awareness about their own species, and therefore, improve in this context also alongside as individual human beings).

Point being the situation with the Jews is that so long you glorify them and you accept them, or their genocides, or accept them as your Gods, you have cart blanc to hate anyone on earth (like they do) but if one even a little criticizes them, they instantly call them a bigoted evil person. That is irrational, but it how they shaped public opinion around these topics.

You can go openly out today and celebrate a live genocide and displacement of millions in Gaza, and the “world” has been brainwashed to defend the Jews who want 99% of humans enslaved and openly say it so, and the people who say that is wrong, to be perceived as the “evil people”. That is basically both immoral, evil and a result of brainwashing.

Fast forward all these years later in the JoS, I reassure that these never were the case nor they will ever be the case. Just slander by the enemy and nothing else.

The JoS was never that way as these slanderers describe; it was not when I joined and it is not today, let alone in the future. It’s all very sensible and solid.
What’s honestly convincing me more than anything( I still get my doubts even after dedication, not ashamed to say that) are the evidental benefits I’m getting from the rituals and meditations.

I notice how the rtrs, the meditations, the rituals affect me at an energetic/soul level and I honestly feel more positive than when i started out back in the summer this year.

It’s the practical, real effects on me that’s telling me this is all for real and for our benefit.
I am writing these elaborate responses here to permanently clarify these matters, as many people are still worried pointlessly about these topics and I think a permanent clarification is important, because a lot of people are unfortunately misguided from enemy narratives.

These hold no water basically, they are all made up and fake.
What’s honestly convincing me more than anything( I still get my doubts even after dedication, not ashamed to say that) are the evidental benefits I’m getting from the rituals and meditations.

I notice how the rtrs, the meditations, the rituals affect me at an energetic/soul level and I honestly feel more positive than when i started out back in the summer this year.

It’s the practical, real effects on me that’s telling me this is all for real and for our benefit.
Also a lot of my experiences have led me here, seeing certain things, learning certain things, getting JQ-pilled before i got into SS, it was a long, personal proces, and the journey’s only beginning…
What’s honestly convincing me more than anything( I still get my doubts even after dedication, not ashamed to say that) are the evidental benefits I’m getting from the rituals and meditations.

I notice how the rtrs, the meditations, the rituals affect me at an energetic/soul level and I honestly feel more positive than when i started out back in the summer this year.

It’s the practical, real effects on me that’s telling me this is all for real and for our benefit.

The Gods are real and everything in this place is real, all of it. So when one knows and observes the very evident reality, plus all they see, and they remove ghosts from their mind that were put there by the enemy, it all becomes crystal clear.

What you describe here is also what I found. I came around as an inquirer first before becoming a leader in the Joy of Satan. As I saw nothing but goodness in this place and good intentions, that’s what made me to devote my life to the JoS.

If I had seen as much as 10% of the so called “evil claims”, I would not be here as these never reflected my own intentions either. I literally saw 0% of evil in the JoS, just a very powerful awareness and then I understood it was to my vital and living interest to become aware of these topics, for myself and everyone else also.

Still the topic about “Jews” is only 2% of the reason the JoS exists. If the Jews were good people historically, the JoS would just say it and move on, but since all evidence points to the contrary, it cannot but say the Truth of the subject and defy the claims of the “Chosen elite” which constantly abuses everyone else. It took me about 2 whole years of studying to understand this and only then I became aware of these topics; it’s a large rabbit hole to start to see all of this, the hidden strings that move the world, and how the world has fallen victim to a Jewish supremacist cult that wants to enslave us all.

It sounded first like it was from science fiction, but then when one sees all the evidence and decides to actually take it for what it is, there is no going back. When I came back as a beginner I had no idea they were doing rituals where they chop penises off, or where they say blotted be the soul of the Egyptians and smitten be the Greeks, and curse this and curse that.

When one gets into the rabbit hole and they understand it, it simply all makes sense, from abusive financial institutions they have made, to what is going on today in the Gaza strip with the genocide, or numerous other historical offenses that simply make no sense prior, or why the world now has to be objectified to believe in a Jewish “God” who brags about genocides in the Bible at the behest of his self appointed “Chosen People”.

The Jews can only respond via threats, emotional coercion and censorship around this, because the evidence is simply off the roof about them. Now in 2024, they also admit it all openly so it’s no longer a situation like it was in 2012 for example.
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This, is amazing! 🔥 Truth be told. Thank you, for sharing this article. 🙏💕
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Infinite clarity. I often think about how much better the world would be if every person just dedicated themselves to cleansing their aura, at least once a day. Thanks for illuminating this topic HP!
Thank you for posting and clarifying this, High Priest.

I admit that in the months after my Dedication, I did feel a lot of hatred and anger inside me, up until recently. I suppose it was natural to feel this way, as a result of finding out the truth about what has been done to our world.

However, with time, I would say this has mostly subsided. While I still feel hatred and resentment at times, I am becoming better at not letting it consume me like a fire. I've had some really unpleasant times as a result of doing that, and it made me miserable and almost snap on occasion. I now try to focus on inner peace, meditation and Rituals, applying what I learn, and enjoying my life as much as possible. I have faith in the Gods, and I know that things will be resolved.

Also, I remember reading once, about what I think was said by Rudolf Hess. Something along the lines of "inflict no harm and suffering, endure no harm and suffering".
The problem with previous revolution movement started by Hitler was wrong side of beginning. You cannot win a war based on soul by wiping out enemy physical vessels/batteries, when YH & Angels were still alive. Sure, that slowed evil beings acting and cancel most of their plans, BUT without successfull final end. I'm not declining soul-work of Hitler and his highest by rank people, because it was at some uncommon levels, but most of private soldiers didn't have it. It was to fast to success at that scale and at addition by over-manifesting.

One most important thing must be spoken. Their prepared sort of safety ground for Gods, their Descendants and Believers. I explain it simply by concepts of electricity. They highly lowered current, but voltage stayed at same levels. We had more freedom to act, enough to make final step and win at deepest soul levels.
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
That was a good sermon
Hooded Cobra 666
nothing like a good
Enlightenment. Thanks
Hail Satanas! !!
Hail the Gods of Hell! !
One thing that would sometimes bother me here is the splitting of hairs some people engage in, when in regards to whites. Us whites in general, we have so many subraces within our own race that people get far too hung up on purity at times.

As long as one is not race mixing, and is with their own race and being racially responsible and respect their race, they are fine.

Splitting of hairs and debating what is pure, what is not, just past a point is madness. It is apparent when looking at a person and in the mirror for what race they are, it doesn't need neurotically obsessed over because one is not 101% white or nordic aryan or something.
If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Beautifully written, and with the resulting responses, it clarified perfectly. I am comforted by your open professing of your only belief system as being One with the Gods. You are such an advanced, and divinely inspired, soul that I have no hesitation in admitting that I Believe in the Gods, I Believe in the Jos, but I also Believe in You and Your Leadership! You have a purity of love for this Satanic Family and the Gentiles of the world that cannot be matched. I pray you live a very long life, as your leadership is already historically being acknowledged and I would like to see the whole world come to know the Gods under your shining example of the Light that leadership truly should be.

Hail Satanas!!!!
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
From the point of view of political science, Politics is the art of government.

If the state is ruled by an enemy (a Jew), nothing good will come of it, the state and the nation will be destroyed, but in order to prevent this, the enemy must be prevented from political power, from governing the state and governing each individual nation at the regional level.

There are practically no normal politicians now, may be for exclude Donald Trump but in my opinion that in the future in every country there may be politicians like Adolf Hitler who will put their nation in order.

In my opinion, various political movements that were not created by the enemy (Jews) can be adapted to the Ideals and Values of Spiritual Satanism and based on these values in order to reflect the interests of a single nation in each region of the Planet (at the regional level) and the interests of each Race (at the International Level), there have been such examples in History between Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, who jointly helped the Indian nation and even helped the Indian nationalists to recreate the real legitimate state of India on the territory of India not controlled by British Jews: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azad_Hind

It should also be remembered that Indian volunteers participated in World War II https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Legion as part of the Wehrmacht in the African Company and as Wehrmacht and Waffen SS in France, as well as Indian SS volunteers defended the Reichstag in 1945 together with other units of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS.

If we talk about democracies, it must be remembered that Donald Trump was once a member of the US Democratic Party and one of the US Presidents from the US Democratic Party was a member of the Ku Klux Klan when the US Democratic Party was not under the influence of outspoken and hidden Marxists and Jews as now, therefore, in my opinion, the US Democratic Party - requires a serious cleansing of all the crap that is present in it. The Conservative Party of the USA is also not sugar and requires purification from Christianity and politicians who preach this shit so that the US Political system becomes healthy, like other democratic political systems in Europe, as one of example among other: as George Washington saw them in the form of the United States of Europe: "George Washington said that some day, taking its cue from America, Europe would form a United States of Europe" as one of the scenarios for the development of democratic political systems.

There are many options for the development of the future, and I think it would not be bad if one, or some, or many of the Spiritual Satanists who adhere to political views in accordance with the Ethics of Spiritual Satanism could restore order in their country and maybe even lead.
HP Cobra,

I have great love and admiration for all that you've done and continue to do. JoS is a great force traveling at warp speed. The likes of it not seen for hundreds, possibly thousands of years. Words can not the describe the importance of your work.

Thank you for doing everything in your power to keep humanity aligned with the Gods.
Now let’s examine these hot topics which revolve mainly around misunderstandings and accusations. The Joy of Satanas is not a political organization.

As that is a topic of high interest, I am writing this post to explain to everyone how we perceive that topic.

One and for all, this topic will be clarified now and left be. We must move into the future and the future is changing. I do not have time to constantly go over enemy arguments and claims from a hundred years ago.

Past a point, the conversation about what happened a hundred years ago, is simply a time waste attempt by the enemy to slander, confuse and draw false parellels to confuse people who should be engaging their time in other topics: Learning about the occult, meeting the Gods, transforming their souls and seeking enlightenment.

Our time invested here must be for the spiritual and eternal topics of the Gods, and not regionalised politics. Albeit we always allow and welcome any interaction on these, we must all be focused on the higher sources of the Truth which are the Gods and the Eternal Culture.

Certain fundamental and underlying spiritual Truths have appeared in many political organisations in the past (and likely in the future). Politics however, revolve around the political and social realities of their time context. In other words, every political movement and every political belief, is related to the dynamics of the era in which it was presented.

True Teachings based on the Gods have not appeared only in one political party or one historical interval.

Personalities from the whole of the time continuum that have been consistent with the laws of the Gods, will be highlighted in our Satanic Personalities section that is upcoming in the Joy of Satan. These people were in the context of their time, but reverberated the Truths of the Gods in that given context of this time.

Voltaire by today’s standards might have been considered a “leftist” and others like Tesla were politically uninterested, while Hitler was the head of the National Socialist Party. Still, all of these people in their time and context, encapsulated certain spiritual truths that were meant to be brought forward for society and humanity to become aware of them.

Political organisations and politics are inferior and lower to Spiritual Truths of Eternal Ethics, and they do their best (or their worst) to actually encapsulate some of these higher ideals.

Putting these higher ideals that we represent into practice, has good consequential results for the society where the people are led. Sometimes this happens in political form, but oftentimes, it never does. If politics or any other area of life, can follow them, that is a good thing.

Now, the Joy of Satanas does promote certain eternal Truths that do not necessarily come “From” any political party, but which were well known Truths to all Ancient Civilisation, or many modern ones. We merely state that certain political viewpoints represent these Eternal Truths more, or less.

Due to lack of familiarity with these Eternal Laws, many people tend to conflate them constantly with political affiliations.

Politics and Politicians, bound by the necessities of their Nation, their regional unit of people they represent, or their own limitations, can adhere up to a certain extent to these Truths. That is why there are clashes all over the earth. They have to act in that context.

That does not mean we necessarily condone or believe into the actions of any political movement, which might promote or encapsulate these laws. You do not have to favor or follow any political leader because of the beliefs expressed in the Joy of Satanas.

We are not the NSDAP Party of 1930, we are not political. We are just covering specific segments of history and consider certain individuals (from this or any other party, or non political) to have been fair and noble in their undertaking of Eternal Laws of the Gods.

Yes, we consider that due to political realities and jewish slander, the NSDAP party and many others in history have went down very much misunderstood, misrepresented, and slandered to no end. We believe history will take a more objective view as time goes and as the jewish stranglehold of information will stop censoring both historical, spiritual and social understanding.

The Joy of Satanas is only the Joy of Satanas, is a Spiritual organization that welcomes all Gentiles to participate in with the Gods, understand their laws and statues and expand their lives, no matter who they are or where they are from.

We are above politics and we observe them, but we are not going to meddle in all the little details of politics that come and go with their time and context. Certain times and politics are in the past; in the future they will be replaced by other ideas, and these ideas by other ideas.

But the Truth that we share here, is eternal and unyielding, inside the core of existence itself. Past that point, everything will come and go.

The value of an individual is not linked “to their biology” solely, it’s linked to their actions, merits, ethics and content of their character.

Unironically also, many people do not observe reality. We are people here from literally every Nation on Earth, assembled under the Great Culture. We mean anywhere, from all corners of the earth. And still, we are told that somehow we people are “Nazis” in the traditional sense that is purported by the enemy of what “Nazism” was.

The key takeaway here, is that the enemy uses the word “Nazi” to meddle politics with understanding of pure understanding of reality; whomever understands reality fundamentally, is a “bigot”, a “Satanist”, a “Devil”, a “Heretic” and many other titles as the continuum of time has moved. Now, during this time, they just use the blanket term “Nazi” and that is a psychological manipulation tactic.

You can be from the left wing, or the right wing, or be a fascist, and still be enlightened to anything that has to do with the spiritual laws of the cosmos.

No matter where you are also, if you know certain things, you will always be a Nazi in 2024. So some of us have no problem being called in any name by the enemy anymore, since we understand that they cannot define anything anymore. They are just using emotional buzzwords.

Anyone of any color, political affiliation, no matter what they do or do not do, they are given a certain label to demonize them.

We take a distanced look and look upon all peoples and think of the following: People must have their cultures (we restore the central culture), people must have biological dignity, all Gentiles have potential to grow, and when this growth is done in accordance to natural laws, such as laws of one respecting their biological integrity (what we call “race”), things are always better for the people who follow these laws.

The above are not political laws written in papers, they are laws that are set forth by nature herself. Nature herself existed before the formation of any “political party” that came in later, to express these laws, in the context of their own time and political necessities of that time.

The implications of the politics around these topics, are part of political analysis and not necessarily our own task to engage into.

For example, the Republican Party right now in the United States, some people in it, stand for the general notion of Freedom of Speech. We know that based on supernal laws, to promote the values, is a very good thing. That does not mean we are the Republican Party or the Democratic Party.

We also do not follow and condone any political “beliefs” or actions that go against Satan’s Rules or the rules of the cosmos. Many of the present day politics highly violate the integrity of the people on both a biological and existential level.

Let us take a generalized topic: That it’s good for people to have babies. Some people will say that since I support this fully, I must be against “abortion rights”. These are two exclusive topics; a society has to be fruitful, and yes, we believe that women should have these rights on very negative situations.

Due to emotional manipulation, people are told that if you stand for big families and healthy humans, you must also somehow be against abortion rights. These are two mutually exclusive topics, they are not the same topic.

People are confused by these labels, which are emotionally abusive and non-logical.

What we refer to as “Racial Knowledge” is actually a part of the science of biology and physiognomy, but also related to behavioural science. Species in nature over the course of time and their differentiation in time in existence, do accumulate certain behavioural traits.

These traits can be compatible or incompatible with other species around them, and the worst case scenario is that wars and violent competitions can take place, when these species are put into the same habitat.

In the context of the Nations that we humans create, if we attempt this in cases such as the Western Civilization, we observe that there can be division, clashes, but also there is a case where people can build good things together so far they are kept in order. However, when this order is upset, all different people tend to look “after their own kind” and then violent clashes can occur between them.

To become “aware” of this is not a political topic necessarily, it’s an observation of the laws of nature and the world. When one becomes aware of the biological existence, of theirs and others, one is then able to articulate certain further understandings.

Many people tend to take things out of context because we teach the above “forbidden knowledge”, which facilitates self understanding and natural understanding. In that context, we are “the evil ones”.

Other people also dislike the fact that we share occult knowledge, which facilitates understanding where the invisible realms are concerned. In that context, we are “heretics”.

In the Middle Ages, knowledge of Mathematics would equally be forbidden and one would likely be called a “Heretic” for knowing Astronomy or any other occult science. In this context, “we are minions of the devil”.

Expressing an opinion on the topics of Astronomy in the Middle Ages, and calling it a fair science, would likely equate someone with being a “Dangerous Devilish Heretic” who “wants the souls of humans to burn for studying Astronomy”.

This is however part of a slanderous argument, and not the truth. The truth is that the person is simply someone who wanted to study or promote astronomy. And that there was nothing bad fundamentally with Astronomy.

Thankfully, we know this is the case today and society has evolved past that blackmail.

In a similar fashion, whomever dares to mention anything in regard to race now, is likely equated with other extremes such as “bigoted”, “hateful”, “Nazi”, or even a promoter of a purported and never occurred holocaust. That is however their own argument and not the reality.

The reality is that one becomes aware of certain laws that encompass us all, and whether or not one chooses to go into certain extremes, is their own choice.

Knowledge of biological or racial laws, is not going to create the anticipated “hate” in mankind. In the next 100 or 200 years, we will be looking back and understanding that it was necessary to analyze human beings and understand where we are from.

Lastly, I will be asked likely about our stance with about the Jews. The stance we have toward them as a biological, cultural, ethnic and religious unit, is not for the same exclusive reasons the National Socialists held these views (albeit, these also factor in with the larger context of history).

The National Socialists had their own regional context of ideas about this (What this unity of people did against “Germany”) and they only touched a bit on more generalised topics, such as how they are internationally threatening to other people.

Our stance against them which will never change, is because of their effects toward all the other members of humanity, their religious sacrilege, and their aeons long warfare against the Gods and their people, which have taken many forms from religious warfare, to infiltration, to constantly trying to take control of them, all actions stemming from their very ancient culture that was based in slavery and abuse as a given modus operandi for these people.

Many other people in particular in this world, be they Whites, Arabs, Chinese, or whomever else like Hindus, also recognise the same issue of their influence, and they do this from their own particular context. None of these people would want to have these unjustified attacks done against them; that does not mean they are necessarily politically affiliated or that they are part of the political realm.

We recognise the rights to biological existence, continuation and evolution of all human beings on earth, all races, and all people must have this ability. The fact we understand this reality does not mean anything negative.

Now on the personal level of lives of people, we do not enforce anything. We rather, emphasise that certain courses of action are better than others. Nobody is turned out from the Gentiles, nobody is ever mistreated, and everyone is seen as a potential image of the Gods on earth.

We love all the Gentiles and that is 99% of the human population. Other “religions” do hate against and discriminate against amounts of up to 60% of the rest of the human population. They are still allowed to “exist” and express that opinion.

Muslims openly preach about Jihad, and Jews openly preach they must enslave the whole planet. In the first case this involves 60% innocent human peoples on earth, and in the latter statement of the Jews, that involves hate about 99% of the rest of the human population.

The Joy of Satan being born as a religion of actual love and truly from the Gods, only seeks to defend itself and humanity from the dangerous advances of these dangerous programs of death, which historically all have jewish roots.

So we care for 99% of human beings on earth, and for the 1% I do not consider this a fitting answer for us to give all the time. If that 1% did choose to rectify itself we would go to 100%. But will this ever happen? Probably never.

When these “Religions” will answer about their hate to inordinately large amounts of the human population, then we will consider answering more about this topic ourselves also.

We also seek no violence, no attacks, and no material threats to any of them. Therefore, where is the problem, that we pray that they do not attack and besiege the 60% and 99% that they target for forced slavery or assimilation?

So if anyone in the Joy of Satanas is guilt tripped by the fact we dislike Jews, remember, your prior religious affiliation has taught you hatred toward everyone who is not a part of you. There is not a hate of this nature in the Joy of Satan, nor for any people of any creed or color.

Only a defensive stance is assumed against people who explicitly and for centuries state that they want to remove our species and our Gods from the face of the planet. Nothing else.

We reserve the right to dislike cultural enemies who are ancient and are abusive to all other people, who for all intents represent only a small minority.

The enemy hates and seeks to enslave and abuse 99% of mankind, the “Goyim” or Gentiles. They are vocal about it and very open.

We reserve the right to be defensive against this and bar the gates for this entitled 1% now and for all time, so 99% of people do not turn into Gazans and Palestinians, as the enemy explicitly admits they want to do.

We are the good side, something observable by both actions, statistical reality and the literal observation of it.

Anything else is emotional guilt tripping and gibberish by the Jews and the real people of violence and blood, who want to disable even a small unit of sane people who want to put a stop to the nonsensical plans of worldwide abuse they have in store.

Therefore one must shed any false sense guilt and other guilt tripping among themselves, because we never do this here and it’s just emotional confusion stemming from enemy manipulation. Our stance has always been clear on that topic.

If anyone also wonders about “me” as the leader of the Joy of Satanas, the Joy of Satanas is my only faith, affilation, religion, belief, substance and being. No, I am not part of any political movement or anything like this. I have moved past that context a long time ago; if anyone is given a good word, that does not mean necessarily I carry their banner. The only banner I know and have ever known is the banner of the Gods and the Joy of Satanas. Not any political flag.

Anything else, is part of an objective observation of what is more or less consistent with the Eternal Laws of the Gods. That is all.

We believe in Individuals who will walk the path of the Gods and express this fully; that will then reflect upon other people, and a better society will be created in due course. In this context, we are individualists.

We also believe that humanity as a collective, the more it adapts the advice of the Gods, is going to also improve as a whole. But nothing is going to happen without individuals changing first, that is the first stepping stone for any further development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I hope that I will have the honor of serving the gods by helping humanity through this temporary problem, and I hope that one day I will have done my part for the society that will be built in accordance with the laws of the gods and the universe, and we will proudly stand by the gods, I love our community and I am happy to be a part of it, I love the path of the gods and I am happy to try to walk it, hail satan!
I just reread this sermon again slowly this time and now I realise my mistake in what I said in my last post here, I would like one of the Clergy to please delete my other post because now I can see I have made a mistake in my understanding of the sermon, I truly got it all wrong I didn’t understand it well and I just assumed something that is not true, so yeah I feel bad and regretful for writing something as ridiculous as I did! So yeah please delete my other comment post here
Thank you
Hail Satanas
I just reread this sermon again slowly this time and now I realise my mistake in what I said in my last post here, I would like one of the Clergy to please delete my other post because now I can see I have made a mistake in my understanding of the sermon, I truly got it all wrong I didn’t understand it well and I just assumed something that is not true, so yeah I feel bad and regretful for writing something as ridiculous as I did! So yeah please delete my other comment post here
Thank you
Hail Satanas
When you want your post deleted do not make a post asking it but instead, report your post so that the moderator can delete it. Because I am pretty sure that moderators are not reading every post 100% and then complying with various asks when there are hundreds and hundreds to approve every day.
When you want your post deleted do not make a post asking it but instead, report your post so that the moderator can delete it. Because I am pretty sure that moderators are not reading every post 100% and then complying with various asks when there are hundreds and hundreds to approve every day.
Thank you Henu I will do that next time
The question may seem stupid, but... I adopted an ideology that was founded by a (secularized) Jew. Is this a problem in any way ? Is every word written by a Jew potentially a psyop ?
The question may seem stupid, but... I adopted an ideology that was founded by a (secularized) Jew. Is this a problem in any way ? Is every word written by a Jew potentially a psyop ?
At the end of the day, they can not be trusted as their existence is 100% antithetical to ours. So exact words matter little. But always remain discerning and critical about information you receive, it helps.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
