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Joy Of Satan - Ritual Schedule March 6 to March 17 [SECOND RITUAL UP]

This is so awesome!!

Right after meditating, yesterday, I felt the need to check the forums and this schedule popped up. It's pretty interesting!! :)

One thing to note from my side is that while doing Baalzebul ritual I felt immense power and at the end I even became lightheaded from such immense power, but regardless I persisted and finished. I only did 10 of each of the runes. I hope the lightheaded part is not something to worry about too much?
Glad that the rituals came up, let's do them and appreciate the work of the Gods continuously.

Hail Satan
Thank you Commander, I'm very excited for the new rituals.

I'm really enjoying this schedule, I particularly love Lord Baalzebul's Ritual and find Him to be a great source of inspiration as well as a helpful guide in my personal endeavors. I am truly thankful for His presence in my life.

The Wealth & Prosperity ritual is one of my personal favorites, I believe that each and everyone of us should have the opportunity to achieve great wealth and freedom from the constraints of a system that perpetuates slavery and deprives us of our precious time.
HelterSkelter said:
Hi. I am new here.

What is this may I ask?

I don't mean to seem rude, I came here for more knowledge. I am already a satanist- I just am confused as heck with what you all do here is all.

Why would Andras need your help? Why does any of them, the demons, need your help when they are capable of fighting a spiritual war without any of you?

Also, the Antichrist has not revealed himself yet. He is supposed to live amongst as as one of us and he is supposed to be the son of Azazel. Are you saying Adolf Hitler is Pan? If so, then he is Mephistopheles who is the son of Azazel, Azazel being the true Lucifer and not this Enki individual you speak of here.

Please clarify. I am confused... 😕 😕 😕

Honey. You must read Joy of Satan's website urgently.

We don't exactly help them. We need them.

Why Demons should fight for this world? This is our fight! We let jews to do this to us. Can't you see? Demons warned us. When they left Earth, they didn't left us unprepared and ignorant. We were capable of everything but we fell down. We didn't do what they say to us. This is our responsibility. We should fight our own wars.

How come you are a SS? Did you even read the website? What do you mean Antichrist hasn't revealed himself? We don't believe in christian shit. Our Antichrist is Adolf Hitler himself by the way. Let me introduce you. We are also Nazis here. I am not sure ıf you knew that.

Azazel is not Lucifer. Lucifer is Father Satan. Azazel is son of Satan. Azazel's sister Astarte is also Satan's daughter. She is also Aphrodite. Azazel is also Apollo. Don't be lazy. Go read the website.

tandt said:
Its amazing how most of us are reporting the same thing. I just felt it that something was coming a day before😃

Hail Satan

I actually had a dream almost a week ago that HP HoodedCobra was going to post a new schedule, so I've been checking and waiting for one ever since :)
Thanks for new schedule HP HC.
I have a little question about ritual Serpent is Free. We vibrate paragraph like work with runes? Because in audio only pronunciation.
Hooray, something to vent out lots of rage after some panic attacks of losing my chance of high honors in my academics, from 90 to 85 in next sem's first grading(YES, I was absolutely mad at myself but got myself to commit to working his ass off in the next gradings with a "not a step back" option this time). If I can't do anything criminal to a retarded school in any way then I'd do it to synagogues with RTRs. :twisted:

Yes, I've pressed the big red button now, and it's just the kike maggots who'll only get hit.
Is it okay to substitute the wealth ritual for the terminating jewish financial control rtr? I’m not really a rune kind of guy.
Few Questions:

a. You need to bathe before these rituals right? What about the final RTR?

b. Do you need to clean your Aura after every RTR or in between RTRs?

c. For a beginner doing all the RTRs should you just vibrate a little longer than it would take to say the word/rune instead of maxing out your breath? (Only do long vibrations for words that are spelled out long like [AAA-UUU-MMM] and for raising energy pre-RTR?)

d. It roughly takes me 3 hours to complete all the RTRs for the day. (including the final RTR) It took me a lot longer yesterday so I sped my vibrations up a little bit today. Is this a good time or does it just depend on your pace?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanic Family,

The FRTR is a given as per usual.

https://evilgoy.com/ - Here all the Rituals can be found.

Ritual List and Dates:

I have done RTR'S with and without FRTR? and was wondering is it a must they must be done together because when they're all are done in full it might take 3hrs
verses <1:59 hour without FRTR? what are the differences

-do you get blessed, more or less
-do you destroy Jews more or less?

Help me understand
Is_that_so said:
Few Questions:

a. You need to bathe before these rituals right? What about the final RTR?

b. Do you need to clean your Aura after every RTR or in between RTRs?

c. For a beginner doing all the RTRs should you just vibrate a little longer than it would take to say the word/rune instead of maxing out your breath? (Only do long vibrations for words that are spelled out long like [AAA-UUU-MMM] and for raising energy pre-RTR?)

d. It roughly takes me 3 hours to complete all the RTRs for the day. (including the final RTR) It took me a lot longer yesterday so I sped my vibrations up a little bit today. Is this a good time or does it just depend on your pace?

A. No not for RTR. Optional for the other rituals. (you don't summon the god here)

B. Yes after an RTR you need to do Returning curses 1 (& 2). They losen up a lot of dirt which need to be returned.
Cleaning in between RTRs is optional if you do em back to back.

C. Do it as indicated in the mp3. You can just say the word.
And yes AUM is a longer vibration. Satanas x 10 is 1 Satanas per breath, not one letter per breath as one would do with raising energy.

D. Are you doing the entire RTR list or just really drawing out the breath? If you are new don't overexert yourself. If you spend 30min for the 9rep FRTR (excluding tetragrammaton and shattering), thats good. Should be about 15 min max for the Serpent is Free one.

Lasollor said:
I have done RTR'S with and without FRTR? and was wondering is it a must they must be done together because when they're all are done in full it might take 3hrs
verses <1:59 hour without FRTR? what are the differences

-do you get blessed, more or less
-do you destroy Jews more or less?

Help me understand

Welcome back?

RTR (Reverse Torah Rituals) reverse the curses from the torah send to us. Its not that you get blessed, its more that you are removing the blocks that prevent you from having accesss to your innate power.
The focus given to the RTR as well as the cleaning after is what allows the negative energy to go back to the sender, destroying them.

The FRTR is the only RTR that we are doing currently outside of any ongoing schedule. If you want to repeat an older one thats fine but not necessary.
The Runes are constructive work (in this case) to build and attract those things stated, and the RTRs are just undoing existing curses or following along as the jews cast new curses, and undoing their holidays. So no what you state is a waste of time and effort unless we are collectively targeting one of these curses because the dates demand. It is like one would only remove rubble and weeds from a terrain, you should actualy carry on to build the house.

Legendary Creature said:
Is it okay to substitute the wealth ritual for the terminating jewish financial control rtr? I’m not really a rune kind of guy.

None of these points a-d are necessary, also you don't need to make the rituals extremely long, it takes me 1 hour, if that, to do all these. As an active Satanist you can and you should do aura cleaning and protection always as usual, but none of these rituals attract negative energy by default.

Is_that_so said:
Few Questions:

a. You need to bathe before these rituals right? What about the final RTR?

b. Do you need to clean your Aura after every RTR or in between RTRs?

c. For a beginner doing all the RTRs should you just vibrate a little longer than it would take to say the word/rune instead of maxing out your breath? (Only do long vibrations for words that are spelled out long like [AAA-UUU-MMM] and for raising energy pre-RTR?)

d. It roughly takes me 3 hours to complete all the RTRs for the day. (including the final RTR) It took me a lot longer yesterday so I sped my vibrations up a little bit today. Is this a good time or does it just depend on your pace?
Is_that_so said:
a. You need to bathe before these rituals right? What about the final RTR?

No only for the dedication. Though showering every day or multiple times a week is a very healthy activity. And in fact can be done every day if you condense your showering time to sub <10 minutes. For example wet yourself completely(hair, body) use shampoo mix it in real well into your hair then rinse it off. Turn off shower apply conditioner allow it 3-5 minutes as most conditioners then while waiting use a good healthy bar of soup or some showering liquid/gel to cleanse over your entire body in other words apply the soap/gel/liquid.

This should take 2-5 minutes then shower off the conditioner and soap. And your good, can be a good idea for people who

A) Like to shower everyday or wish to shower quicker and want to organize themselves.


B) They exercise a lot or are wanting to exercise bodybuild, run, etc.etc. and simply want to spend as little as possible in the shower.

Either way whether daily or multi-weekly showering it's a good habit to ingrain.

Is_that_so said:
b. Do you need to clean your Aura after every RTR or in between RTRs?

You should IDEALLY clean beginning of day, after RTR, and before bed.

The same few minutes it takes to clean should be applied to FATSJD.

Perform FATSJD -> Summon Returning Curses pt.1 Demon/Entity -> Perform RCpt.1 programmed energy sloughing dirt remover -> perform unprogrammed FATSJD energy sloughing cleansing light like Maxine states -> Clean with either visual or vibration if your a beginner try considering 9 to 18 vibrations of Surya or Raum -> Auras of protection either basic AoP Solar or Runic AoP -> Close cleaning.

Your performing passive spiritual warfare by not just FATSJD but also cleaning off your soul and sending negativity back to the senders.

This also promotes virgnity i.e. Soul Cleanliness so your doing a one-two punch. Pumping the FATSJD rituals out of your soul AND on top of that cleaning all that gunk off and speeding up the process by which you achieve higher levels of virginity or purification of the soul.

Virgin = A person who cleanses their soul(soul/aura) and has cleansed off as much negativity and negative karma as possible. As the future continues a Absolute Virgin would be a person fully free from negative karma and negativity and is hermetically sealed from negativity plus protected heavily by AoPs Runic, Basic, or otherwise.

Yeah I know Virgin can mean a person who's not performed intercourse but you gotta think Spiritual not literal.

Is_that_so said:
c. For a beginner doing all the RTRs should you just vibrate a little longer than it would take to say the word/rune instead of maxing out your breath? (Only do long vibrations for words that are spelled out long like [AAA-UUU-MMM] and for raising energy pre-RTR?)

FATSJD rituals are said not vibrated. You CAN vibrate but that takes too long. Just say it like Maxine in the audios and certain you vibrate such as KH, Rolling the Rs, S Hiss, and the -igh vibration with a which produces like a shredded guttural sound.

Is_that_so said:
d. It roughly takes me 3 hours to complete all the RTRs for the day. (including the final RTR) It took me a lot longer yesterday so I sped my vibrations up a little bit today. Is this a good time or does it just depend on your pace?

Too long for a beginner we recommend 1, 3, 9, or 18 reps of Final, AT and SJD are kept to their ranges cause they are very strong.

Final is the main bulwark of the enemy sorta like 72, 42, and Shema in the past.

As HP.HoodedCobra stated a few years ago around just before Coof. Everyone should perform the recommended x3 or x5 reps. In other words 9 x 3 -to- 9 x 5 or 27-to-45 repetitions.

You only need max recommended 27 to 45 repetitions. A single rep is about 2 minutes or so, 3 reps about 3-4 minutes, and 9 repetitions is about 8-10 minutes.

So 27 to 45 would take anywhere from 17 to 25 minutes. As you gain confidence and repetition and actuate better and better and from time to time listening to the audios to improve the statement, doesn't have to be perfect or right, but we are Grammer Nazis and grammatical reproduction is important.

You'll begin to shave off a few minutes here and there maybe 14-24 minutes or so.

Final = 1, 3, 9, or 18 beginners, intermediate to advanced 27-45 reps. Don't blow your brains out this isn't a race we still got a long time of doing FATSJD I mean hell pretty soon we are gonna have the RKR/RIR Reverse Islamic, Reverse Koran rituals.

So learn to just say it. 90% of the World reads words of powers and their books and their prayers in regular words.

Yes vibrating sacred power words = very good using 70-to-80% of your lungs while keeping a small amount of air in your lungs.

But Reverse Rituals work with spoken word. Have you ever heard a priest or rabbi or someone go vibrate the word as long as possible and do that a number of times with the passages and you'll generate more power.

No obviously they just tell you pray and speak it or say it in your mind your desire.

Again just state it. If you wish to mini-vibrate or recite it in chant that is also okay. But vibrating like a long mantra is unnecessary.

It's better to raise your energy first and foremost and generate more power against the enemy. Save your breath for meditations and mantras on your chakras or soul or aura.

In the future HP.Cobra might state we do the minimum or 18 or 27 and that is good. But for now that hasn't happened so the recommended is 27 to 45 less for beginners at 1, 3, 9, or 18.

As for high-repetitions you might be doing more harm than good. You might burn yourself out or your not doing very well. We've had people do 54-99-108 reps and it's not worth it if anything it might even make the energy weaker by not raising enough.

This is an endurance run not a full sprint. Save your time and energy and focus on your life and your adventure through it.

So next time spend sub-30 minutes and as time goes on you shave off time and notice it might be nearly 20 minutes.

Everything above the ultimate sacrifice is your time. So spare your time and focus on improving the habit your ingraining.

Satan's decree to people is time is the ultimate sacrifice so don't squander it.

Excuse me if I sound negative I'm not just 3 hours is a HELL of a lot of time for FATSJD or any ritual for that matter.
Legendary Creature said:
Is it okay to substitute the wealth ritual for the terminating jewish financial control rtr? I’m not really a rune kind of guy.

Well, the runes are detailed along with their vibrations in order to do it.

Also, focus first on the terminating Jewish financial control and then on the ritual for gentile wealth as first we need to spiritually make sure that the work of the Jews to keep our finances in their control is terminated.
Lasollor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings to everyone in our Spiritual Satanic Family,

The FRTR is a given as per usual.

https://evilgoy.com/ - Here all the Rituals can be found.

Ritual List and Dates:

I have done RTR'S with and without FRTR? and was wondering is it a must they must be done together because when they're all are done in full it might take 3hrs
verses <1:59 hour without FRTR? what are the differences

-do you get blessed, more or less
-do you destroy Jews more or less?

Help me understand

The FRTR stands for the ultimate paintable RTR which involves destroying the Tetragrammaton, the Jewish soul protection and also the fortification of the soul the Jews have.

If you just did the RTR do not worry as it doesn't impact your destruction of the Jews in a negative way, like, you are destroying them spiritually.

Still, a suggestion would be to use the FRTR to bring even more damage to the Jews, spiritually and also terminate a lot of their spiritual influences in this world.

The Jews recite their curses daily, we must fight daily.
Yay, no yucky purim energy!
BlackOnyx8 said:
Thank you Commander, I'm very excited for the new rituals.

I'm really enjoying this schedule, I particularly love Lord Baalzebul's Ritual and find Him to be a great source of inspiration as well as a helpful guide in my personal endeavors. I am truly thankful for His presence in my life.

The Wealth & Prosperity ritual is one of my personal favorites, I believe that each and everyone of us should have the opportunity to achieve great wealth and freedom from the constraints of a system that perpetuates slavery and deprives us of our precious time.

Thank you for the kind words. Yes, we are doing these, so the Gods manage the so called "Purim" and all that other nonsense, while kikes break themselves while kvetching about this.

Lightning-Wings said:
This is so awesome!!

Right after meditating, yesterday, I felt the need to check the forums and this schedule popped up. It's pretty interesting!! :)

One thing to note from my side is that while doing Baalzebul ritual I felt immense power and at the end I even became lightheaded from such immense power, but regardless I persisted and finished. I only did 10 of each of the runes. I hope the lightheaded part is not something to worry about too much?

That's because the Gods indicate this should be done. Very glad you enjoyed the Rituals.

Apprentice said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Due to the favors of the planets we will be doing certain Rituals.
Thank you!
Felt that one coming for over a week :twisted:
Just in time for their skanky mirup :twisted:

Oy vey, the Gentiles are again behind Beelzebul, Astarte, Azazel and Satan. The mirup is failing, oy gevalt. Annuda Shoah!
Why are rituals scheduled so suddenly? I don't always check the forum every day, and I always seem to miss the beginning. Is it by design?
Shiva666 said:
Will we get Anti-Islam Ritual in this year?

I can't say anything for sure as I do not want to give fake news, it is not my style.

Maybe we will have the Anti Islam ritual this year or maybe not, maybe in the next year or the next two years, who knows.

Certain thing is that the more it takes for a ritual to be published, the more our spiritual leader, his Highness HP. Hooded Cobra works on those rituals from the knowledge he got from the Gods.

It is a true thing though, that once he finishes compiling all the information, it will be the best Napalm like spiritual bomb that will be delivered to the Allah of the Islamists, or, as I like to call them, the extremists with a fake religion that made them act like animals.

So, brother Shiva666, don't worry as the ritual will come, but on an undisclosed date currently
With the WoP ritual, am I allowed to substitute SOWILO for SAULO? or should I stick with SOWILO the entirety of the schedule?
During today's Beelzebul ritual, I felt such a powerful spiritual sensation that I felt like crying (in a good way) throughout the ritual. I can't describe what kind of emotion it was, I just know that it felt in my throat like when you're about to cry, but without tears, it was just very pleasant. Are these experiences normal?
I was going to ask when are you going to publish the new rituals because today was the day that they were supposed to be done for the first time and suddenly I saw that they are now programed to be started at 13th of March instead of 10th that they were originally meant to be started.
How come that the program changed?
Legendary Creature said:
Is it okay to substitute the wealth ritual for the terminating jewish financial control rtr? I’m not really a rune kind of guy.

These are not the same thing, so it would not be a great substitution. The runes are a useful tool which should be available to you. I think it is best if you at least try the ritual and get acquainted with it. It will be good practice for yourself, plus directly help a lot of SS.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=428821 time=1678170494 user_id=57]
tandt said:
Its amazing how most of us are reporting the same thing. I just felt it that something was coming a day before😃

Hail Satan

I actually had a dream almost a week ago that HP HoodedCobra was going to post a new schedule, so I've been checking and waiting for one ever since :)

Wow that's amazing, :)
No new Rituals yet?
Νίκος said:
I was going to ask when are you going to publish the new rituals because today was the day that they were supposed to be done for the first time and suddenly I saw that they are now programed to be started at 13th of March instead of 10th that they were originally meant to be started.
How come that the program changed?

I am looking at current developments in the news and it appears we will have to do another one than the initially planned one. It was a total of three.

The reasons are because Azazel warned me of something and I am making changes.

It was changed to give the Rituals a better release as they build upon what we did in the previous days.
Need help!

I am a paranoid schizophrenic and I know the gods can hear my thoughts and it said we’re supposed to be revered in regards to the gods and be polite and everything but it’s just a little bit to intense for me. I see my guardian demon sometimes but knowing god can read all my thought like it’s a just a bit to much for me to always be polite and to know Satan can read my thoughts it’s just I want some privacy!

I love the gods but it can be a little bit to much they have given me knowledge which I am thankful for but how do you respect the gods and not have to worry about it.

As a side note I understand more and more how the devil has been reversed because for a being to be constantly reading your mind is torture and judging it to.. so there’s the silver linings I know it’s reversed but I’m so tired of always having to control my thoughts.

Please someone help.

Hail Satan and thank you for all you do!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am looking at current developments in the news and it appears we will have to do another one than the initially planned one. It was a total of three.

The reasons are because Azazel warned me of something and I am making changes.

It was changed to give the Rituals a better release as they build upon what we did in the previous days.

I love how the Gods directly guide you on these matters. Outsiders don't know how blessed we are :)
Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Our Gods know our livelihood problems. I am very grateful to Father Satan and our Gods of Satan. The new ritual has inspired me for awaking up again . If we had to perform this ritual today, I would not perform this ritual today. Truly our Gods are taking care of all our time and life.

How will we vibrate the new words "SAVA PRATA SA....." ?
Hail Father Satan 🌹
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10, Sowilo x10, Odthal x10, Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666





Did add rune pictures + Ritual closing sentence. Thanks for the ritual HPHC.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Blessings For Employment, Financial Safety & Protection RITUAL For Spiritual Satanists

Fehu x10

Sowilo x10

Odthal x10

Ansuz x10

Chant AUM 3 times, then vibrate the following words 4 times:





Chant AUM one time after this, and affirm ONCE:

Lord Beelzebul, Lord Amon Ra, Lord Raum, take care of our lots. Lord Gods under Satan and Beelzebul, help hear our prayer. We pray to you in homage and respect, hear us Great Lords.

Then AUM again, and then affirm 3 times:

“All Spiritual Satanists, dedicated to Father Satan by blood, are always, financially safe, have their needs accommodated for, are prosperous and safeguarded from any and all threats to their livelihood and income.

All Spiritual Satanists dedicated to Father Satan by blood, always find easily and effortlessly matching employment and resources for their life, well-being and progress.

The Gods who are our supporters, may our Gods bless us all with safety, well-being, prosperity and abundance. I pray that all my brothers and sisters, dedicated to Father Satan by their blood like myself, are now and permanently blessed.”

Chant AUM once more after you are done with the affirmation for 3 times.

Then close the ritual with HAIL SATAN!

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
A quick question to make sure i've been pronouncing the words right:

AYATE is pronounced as AYA-TEY or AYA-TEH or AYA-TEE?

ETAM is pronounced as EY-TAM or EH-TAM?


This Ritual Schedule is one of the most powerful I have participated in thus far. It couldn't have arrived at a better date. Thank you so much for this HP Hooded Cobra! The new ritual you just gave out was truly heartfelt, it touched me to tears! I really envisioned all of my brothers and sisters prosperous, safe and thriving!

And to think that a few days ago, before the ritual schedule was posted, I was thinking of starting a money working...

Well, this is even better if it blesses our Brothers and Sisters!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
