"The symbolism of the Temple of Solomon was stolen and made into an actual character, as with the
fictitous nazarene and nearly everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible."
-Should be "fictitious"
"Along with the "Shroud of Turin lie (the Nazarene is fictitious and was stolen from an alchemical concept of a working which had its origin in some 18+ PAGAN Gods, such as Odin, who hung from a tree and Set who was crucified on a Furka, Osiris who died and was resurrected, etc.), many PAGAN Gods have been passed off as the Nazarene such as Apollo
.(period missing) Images by the hundreds of Pagan Gods are now labeled as the Nazarene."
-Missing period
"Levi combined the images of the Tarot Devil card and
the he-goat worshipped in the city of Mendes in Ancient Egypt."
-I don't know what happened here, but I believe its supposed to be “the goat”
"The Levi Baphomet is very similar to the Egyptian Akhenaton, which is both male and female (note the male and female features of the body and the serpentine facial features which symbolize the serpent kundalini) portraying the hermaphrodite which is symbolic of merging the male and female aspects of the soul, the
ida and the
pingala and achieving the godhead. "
-Ida and Pingala should be capitalized
"Leviathan" also known as "Cthulu" is a name for the kundalini serpent
.(period missing)
-Missing period