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JoS Websites Editorial Check Thread


"We are working on revising these, but most of the information is self-explanitory."

-Should be "self-explanatory"


"Many brothers and sisters in Satan in the groups are knowledgable in these matters."

-Should be "knowledgeable"


"To commmunicate with Satan and his Demons, we do this telepathically."

-Should be "communicate"


"Through learning and empowering oursleves, anxieties and fears are banished and we become strong in wisdom and knowledge. "

-Should be "ourselves"


On the Astrology page about Jupiter it says that "Hasmael" is the Demon of Jupiter.
Hasmael is an Angel and is Hebrew, shoudn't Baal-Zebul be the Demon of Jupiter?
actually I believe all noted Demons on the Planetary Rulerships pages are wrong.

"Ok, every single thing in this person's life goes beautifully, They have total control over thier life and destiny and are blissfully happy at all times because of their belief system."

-Should be "their", also im not sure why "They" is capitalized.


"Everyone has a saturn. Everyone experiences saturn tranists and hard times. "

-Should be "transits", also planetary names should be capitalized i.e. "Saturn".


"Look to the old testamant for PROOF. "

-Should be "testament".


"They insessantly state that 'the Devil hates humanity.'"

-Should be "incessantly".


"Also, their 'Devil' is supposed to be artifical."

-Should be "artificial".

"Ring the bell, turning counterclockwise; invoke the Four Crowned Princes of Hell. You can do this with your athame [if you have one] OR just point your left index finger and visualize a stream of electric blue light entering the tip of your index finger and filling your entire being. With each turn, the blue[energy/light?] becomes more and more intense, filling and charging your entire being. Begin with Satan/Lucifer, facing east and then turn to the north for Beelzebub, west for Astaroth, and south for Azazel, keep charging yourself with the blue energy at each turn:"

-This is more of a suggestion, but it struck me as weird and off where it says "With each turn, the blue becomes more and more intense", later on its explained that it's a blue energy, but reading it for the first time it sounds weird. I've added a suggestion in the text of how I would write it.


"For kids and teens who are unable to obtain any ritual items and for those who are financially underprivilaged, the ritual can be performed in Your own private Astral Temple"

-Should be "underprivileged".


"Telepathic communication between ourself and Satan and/or his Demons[.]"

-"Ourself" is not a correct English word, because SELF is singular while OUR is plural. So you can not say, we .... ourself. You can say oneself or ourselves. Also missing period at the end.


"Vibration is essential to working spells and such, empowering our souls and advancing oursleves spiritually."

-Should be "ourselves".
Powerofjustice said:

"Ring the bell, turning counterclockwise; invoke the Four Crowned Princes of Hell. You can do this with your athame [if you have one] OR just point your left index finger and visualize a stream of electric blue light entering the tip of your index finger and filling your entire being. With each turn, the blue[energy/light?] becomes more and more intense, filling and charging your entire being. Begin with Satan/Lucifer, facing east and then turn to the north for Beelzebub, west for Astaroth, and south for Azazel, keep charging yourself with the blue energy at each turn:"

-This is more of a suggestion, but it struck me as weird and off where it says "With each turn, the blue becomes more and more intense", later on its explained that it's a blue energy, but reading it for the first time it sounds weird. I've added a suggestion in the text of how I would write it.


"Telepathic communication between ourself and Satan and/or his Demons[.]"

-"Ourself" is not a correct English word, because SELF is singular while OUR is plural. So you can not say, we .... ourself. You can say oneself or ourselves. Also missing period at the end.

The blue is explained in the sentence before it. Visualize the blue light entering your body.

Ourself is a good word. It is used to talk generally about each person's self.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Powerofjustice said:
"Telepathic communication between ourself and Satan and/or his Demons[.]"

-"Ourself" is not a correct English word, because SELF is singular while OUR is plural. So you can not say, we .... ourself. You can say oneself or ourselves. Also missing period at the end.

The blue is explained in the sentence before it. Visualize the blue light entering your body.

Ourself is a good word. It is used to talk generally about each person's self.
Yes, but in this context "ourselves" is grammatically correct.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The blue is explained in the sentence before it. Visualize the blue light entering your body.

I know it is, but here I really felt like its missing something. Especially since its clarified in the sentence before and after. IDK at that moment it just really struck me a weird way "Focus on the blue", again it was only a suggestion.

"The Mudras [hand postions] for opening the chakras are NOT necessary for any of the exercises."

-Should be "positions".


"Like everythign else, the ability to get yourself into a trance will come with patience, persistence and time."

-Should be "everything".


Lastly, this is just something that ticked me off, and probably not even worth mentioning, but the url for the page says 1_18_15 as in January 18th, 2015, but the page states the message is from the first of January.

“If you have already opened your theird eye, then go here.”

-Should be "third".


“When you are finished with the neditation, look up with your eyes closed at your third eye in the middle of your forehead and concentrate on it for several minutes.”

-Should be "meditation".


“Days 30 and 31 - Full [?] Meditation”

-This is just a suggestion and not really an error. Now, on this page, this sentence is a link to the Complete Chakra Meditation(also known as the "Full Chakra Meditation"), but i feel like just “Full Meditation” is kinda misleading and confusing to a newcomer, this is just a suggestion, but maybe it would be better if its “Full Chakra Meditation”

Ectoplams has many different astral uses.”

-Should be "Ectoplasm".


“After proficiency is achieved in producing this substance, one can will it to manifest in specific colors that are harmonius with the objective of the working.”

-Should be "harmonious".


"This is best if you can visulize yourself walking on soil in a farm field as this is very close to the element of earth."

-Should be "visualize".


"Visualize yourself walking throuigh the desert."

-Should be "through".

"1. You can breathe the air back out into the ether after each inhaliation and even breath it out some more when you are finished with the seven breaths" x4

-The above sentence is repeated exactly as shown 4 times throughout the page. "inhaliation" should be changed to the correct : "inhalation".

Lastly, "breath" is incorrectly used here. It's used in its noun form, when it should be a verb i.e. "breathe". If this change is accepted, it should also be changed in the following pages, as it is used in the exact same sentence erroneously :





"Anti-Xian tracts can be left in libraries, churches (place them in their hymnals or other prayer books), book stores- especially in xian materials, in restrooms, on newspaper dispensors, school campuses and libraries, laundromats, xian library books and bibles, outside xian revivials, hospitals, hospital waiting rooms, newspaper racks, and other functions and anywhere else you can come up with."

-Should be "dispensers" and "revivals".

"the will is of the fire element, the intellect and memory are of air, all aspects of feeling are of the water element, and all aspects of consciousnessthat connect the three elements is of the earth element."

-Should be "consciousness that".


“Day Six

1. Go int a light trance.”

-Should be "into".


"Day Ten

1.Go into a medium trance and breathe akasha/ether as in yesterday's exercise and fill your entire being with it.

2.Do this for ten breaths and then meditate on the feeling this energy gives you for 10-15 minutes.

4. The key to this meditation is self-confidence."

-I dont think there is a step missing, probably just change the "4" to a "3".


"Reference: Inititation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon"

-Initiation into Hermetics is mentioned a couple of times in the page, everywhere else its correct but here, it should be "initiation".


"Lie still for several minutes and get up alowly and then try to do something physical like eat some food."

-Should be "slowly".


"The more you do this exercise, you will soon be able to feel each color as distinct and seperate."

-Should be "separate".

"Do you ____________ desire of your own free will to take __________ as your lawfully wedded husband to love, honor and respect; to become as one in the eyes of Satan and before the powers of Hell?"

"High Priest/ess: Do you __________ desire of your own free will to take __________ as your lawfully wedded wife to love, honor and respect; to become as one in the eyes of Satan and before the powers of Hell?"

-Powers of Hell is always capitalized, so in both places it should be "before the Powers of Hell"

“ For more information and research, type in Jehovah�s Witnesses into any internet search engine such as google.com and add 'Pagan holidays.'”

-I don't know what happened here but searching for “Jehovah�s Witnesses” will give you some very specific results matching the special characters, but I'm not certain if this is intentional or not and whether it should be fixed.

"Fire Meditation: Sit before a fire or lit candle and focus on your goals for the {next?} six months. What do you intend to accomplish? What do you feel strongly about? You can write them down in your black book, so that on Lammas [festival of the harvest], you can see {and?} evaluate your accomplishments."

-These are just suggestions but I thought they were worth mentioning. In the first sentence where it says “your goals for the six months” implies that previously in the text, a period of six months has been discussed(it hasn't been), so reading it for the first time throws people off, I suggest we add “next” so it becomes “your goals for the next six months”.
The last sentence, “you can see evaluate your accomplishments.” really feels like its missing something, i believe adding “and'' or something similar to that will complete the the sentence so it looks something like this : “you can see and evaluate your accomplishments.”

"Because the holiday focused on rebirth, the original creation epic known as the Enuma Elish, was recited on the fourth day of the festival which lasted 12 days."

-I believe this sentence is incomplete and it's supposed to be "known as the", otherwise it doesn't make sense.


"This is an excellent time to communicate with Demons."

-Missing period at the end.


"Another name for the April 30th celebrations is The Feast of Valbörg.""

-I believe there's a set of quotations missing here.

Ok this one is gonna look like a jumble of information, but please bear with me, theres a lot of stuff and I dont know how else to put it. This is taken from the page above, the bullet points near the end.

"Workings that deal with solar magick are greatly enhanced at this time."
"Workings on both the solar plexus chakra are greatly enhanced at this time."

-It says workings on “both” but only goes to list one thing(the solar plexus chakra). I theorize that at one time maybe it was one sentence that went something like “ Workings that deal both with solar magick and the solar plexus chakra are greatly enhanced at this time” but it was split to make the page easier to understand, but an error was carried over into the page that we see today. Unless HPS Maxine means the solar plexus front extension, but i feel like that would be a given that it would be enhanced as well if the solar chakra is. I dunno, hard to tell. Also missing period at the end.

"Communications with astral entities such as elementals: fairies, gnomes, etc., are also facilitated at this time."

-Missing period at the end.

"As with Halloween, the astral is very thin making telepathic communication much easier."

-Missing period at the end.

"Fire magick is greatly facilitated."

-Missing period at the end.

"The Eve of the Summer Solstice has a very long tradition for being a night where divination is much easier and more accurate."
"Love magick spells are also greatly enhanced on the Eve of the Summer Solstice."
"This is also an excellent and powerful time for infusing herbs, crystals and other items with solar energy."

-Missing period at the end.

"This date is also favored for beginning healing work, as the solar chakra is the esoteric healer."
"Workings that deal with infusing water with solar and/or healing energy are also traditional here."

-Missing period at the end.

"Creating and blessing of wands [fire], and the blessing and empowering of Tarot cards."

-Missing period at the end.

"Rune spells and Rune work are also favored at this time as Runes are staves and of the element of fire."

-Missing period at the end.

"Gathering of herbs for magick, especially those used for solar/fire magick and/or healing."

-Missing period at the end.

"As with the Tarot, the rods/wands represent the fiery serpent within the spine, the cups are the chakras from which we “drink’ the energy; the pentagram represents the earthly manifestation of our desires and the invocation of all five elements of that comprise the human soul and enhance its power and the swords- as I already mentioned in the above represent air- the vibration and reverberation that effects change."

-"Effect" is a noun whereas "affect" is a verb, i think it should be "affect" here. Also I think here the "of" should be removed "the invocation of all five elements of that comprise the human soul".


"Educate people to the truth, but do this safely and safely is effectively."

-I think the second "safely is" should be removed, so its only "safely and effectively". If this change is accepted, the exact same sentence can be found and changed in this page :https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Thanksgiving.html

"powers of Hell" x3

-"Powers of Hell" is used 3 times throughout the page, the “P” should be capitalized.


"Pass it through the incense smoke".

-Missing period at the end.


-Names of elements throughout the page are sometimes capitalized and other times not, seemingly without reason, shouldn’t they be all capitalized?

1. Here is a close up of the script to carve into the pole.

-Missing period at the end.


5. The finished nazarene with the crucifix should be attached to the end of the pole by pounding a nail through the heart and the crucifix should be upsidedown.

-Should be "upside down".

  • God the strong one/God the hero: "El Ha-Gibbor"
  • Yaweh, the god of armies (in English- the lord of hosts):"Yahveh Elohai Zebaot"
  • Holy one of Israel: "Tsur Yisrael"
  • The place (omnipresent): "Ha-Makom"

All of these are missing parts of all of their quotations.


"*The Hebrew version of the tetragrammaton translates into the "holy ineffible name of [the Judeo/Christian] "God," YHVH/JHVH also Yaweh, Jehova."

-Should be "ineffable".


On every page on the JoS, whenever books are listed at the end there is a "References" section above them, before they are listed. It's missing here.

“When enough energy is rasied, the dancing should then form a circle to begin the working.”

-Should be “raised”.


  • "Knowing how to direct and channel desire."
  • "Knowing how to direct and channel emotions."
  • "Have the necessary strength of will and self-confidence in workings."

-Missing periods at the end.

“Those who are without go (at?) it alone and their lives usually end in disaster.”

-I feel like this sentence is incomplete, I suggest adding “at” in there to make it better. Or its supposed to be "do it alone" but the distance between the "d" and "g" keys is far enough for me to think something was just missed, instead of a spelling error.


“Secret, Don't Tell; The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism, by Carla Emery, 1997

-Anyone really can find the book, regardless of this, but it was published in 1998 not 97. I don't know if there is any legal nonsense that can be brought up if the JoS doesn't provide the correct reference, just in case I guess.
Powerofjustice said:

“Those who are without go (at?) it alone and their lives usually end in disaster.”

-I feel like this sentence is incomplete, I suggest adding “at” in there to make it better. Or its supposed to be "do it alone" but the distance between the "d" and "g" keys is far enough for me to think something was just missed, instead of a spelling error.


“Secret, Don't Tell; The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism, by Carla Emery, 1997

-Anyone really can find the book, regardless of this, but it was published in 1998 not 97. I don't know if there is any legal nonsense that can be brought up if the JoS doesn't provide the correct reference, just in case I guess.

Go it alone is colloquial, its an expression.

Karnonnos said:
Powerofjustice said:

“Those who are without go (at?) it alone and their lives usually end in disaster.”

-I feel like this sentence is incomplete, I suggest adding “at” in there to make it better. Or its supposed to be "do it alone" but the distance between the "d" and "g" keys is far enough for me to think something was just missed, instead of a spelling error.


“Secret, Don't Tell; The Encyclopedia of Hypnotism, by Carla Emery, 1997

-Anyone really can find the book, regardless of this, but it was published in 1998 not 97. I don't know if there is any legal nonsense that can be brought up if the JoS doesn't provide the correct reference, just in case I guess.

Go it alone is colloquial, its an expression.


Oh wow, that's embarrassing :lol: , I had never heard of it and it sounded so weird to me. Thank you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
