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JoS Position On Jews - We are Good, and You Are Evil

Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Personal Growth said:
I know what you're saying brother.

I first got that information about Maurice from the impartialtruth website which now seems to no longer exist.

So I did another search since I opened myself up this.

Wikipedia is like the mainstream media pretty much. But the info about Maurice was the same as the videos that were on impartialtruth were. It's from the 'Greatest Story Never Told' video series.

He does not look like a jew, nor he behaved towards Hitler or anyone in a traitorous manner or like a jew in any big way. So I think they probably considered evidence inconclusive. Also, chances are, because Hitler favored him so much, maybe some people made up lies about him. But that would be a small chance, yet not impossible. Hitler knowing this probably called it off. The fact they stopped associating is in itself revealing that maybe the evidence pointed to some bad things anyway.

Maurice was disliked because he got so far of a high position simply because of his early loyalty to the NS and Hitler. I am not sure of the "He was a jew" dialectic. The same nonsense is said of every prominent NS Person. But he wasn't in any serious decision making choices.

The only story that I think was real, was about Hitler's family doctor, who helped his mother when she was dying. They were financially destitute at the time, and Hitler gave him mercy, giving him help in the future. Then again however, the "Holocau$t" narrative is a lie, no jews were gassed in chambers with wooden doors. I think this doctor was also very old, and he was given promoted access to move outside of Germany with the Havara Agreement.

Hitler wasn't a monster. He behaved in a very noble manner. Jews did not return the favor. With the things they have done, they actually deserved what they claimed "happened" to them falsely after the war. That's the nature of the jews anyway.

Jews also whine the Egyptians and everyone else slaughtered them etc, but it's all lies. They were not really genocided in this manner. They made these fraud hoax stories up, to build a victim status of themselves and be able to attack everyone with it, and later on plan the genocide of all Gentiles instead based on this false pretext.

Even the Romans did not go that far, and they only crushed their revolutionary factions. But the Romans almost crushed them completely because they were at war with the Roman empire. Even them, they spared those who didn't participate in active destruction. But it was too late after a point. Generally Gentiles do not kill and do atrocities to people for no strong reasons.

Jews on the other hand explain succintly they want to genocide everyone simply because they aren't jews. And enslave a portion or whatever, just because they are "Goyim" destined to be animals.

This level of insanity did not exist even in the Ancient world.

History is beginning to show this humane mercy was for nothing, as in the end of the day, everyone got the full blame as if having genocided them, even if they never did. Let alone now they want to microchip people's brains and worse things. On the other hand they are constantly trying to genocide others on a consistent basis, such as racemixing them or causing wars to kill them all, such as was the case with WW2 that was caused by them.

The FRTR will proceed with the evening of accounts as it's deserved, because this is going simply too far with them. They want to literally enslave the planet into a borg state.

Is it fair to state that these "genocides" are in as much people who got so fed up with jews and studied anti-jewish properties. I'm sure the Ancients aren't the retards many associated hell modern human logic is "Oy vey Ancients be all 'tarded 'n' sheit".

But is it possible there were Gentiles that learned from the jews studied jewish material and went if this isn't a wake up call to all Gentiles and our inept Governments this stuff we should do it to them?

It reminds me of reading Dr.Dalton's Mein Kampf Hitler was no idiot he attended both Communist(Red) and bourgeoisie party meetings just around 1920 when the NS was prominent in his molding but Hitler as of yet was not the head honcho who everyone came to knew. So Hitler still had some sneaking potential and exploited it to see how they were and basically it was like Hitler was no wonder I dismantle these groups and gain followers like crazy.

I think many of these genocide contra- sheeb kike, tob sheeb kike harog basically reverse maimonides from Gentiles that were deep into anti-semitism. My personal opinion is the Governments and upper ranking Gentiles ignorantly learned from the Ancients. As much respect as I have to history hell even jewish and communist history I like reading especially re-writes of history cause it makes me go "How did they jew this up let's counter-attack"(ex: 1999/2000 History channel Hitler hated the MKB44(STG44). Funny but Army of Mankind website shows a different light INFACT much like the meme joke Hitler Melon in American Dad and Hitler Icecream in India as well as Hitler stores in S.E.A.-Nations. Hitler was so IMPRESSED with his soldiers stories and they gushed to Hitler how this thing kicks ass he literally called it the Assault Rifle another Hitlerian positive to mankind like the World's first Blackbox for airplanes. Hell I would not be surprised if Hitler goes crazy for the seatbelt and demands that in every car. Assault Rifle = Hitler rifle plain and simple IF anti-2A people hate Assault Rifles they hate Hitler simple as that).

I think jewish people concocted so much fake history from Gentiles that were so abused by jews and saw their Governments increasingly becoming inept that it was a ground perspective taken to the high heavens. While the higher heavens i.e. the Government was kinda like our current Governments "Oh no don't massacre bebe juden they be freedom of religion and sheit stop lying fellow Roman/Greek/Egyptian goyim."

Now a days it's the opposite the slightest hint of anti-jewishness is a pure goyshokopfation process that affects us severely and helps the jews many folds over.

It went from a fairer system to a system of pure Gentile annihilation. Much like capitalism, you are poor and lost money and your job die motherfucker die in your piece of shit street you worthless fucking goyim. But for NS it's like a bounce house, we are gonna bring you back on your feet but you must complete certain activities and certain properties before reaching full independence non-the less as a volk of the Reich you deserve to be brought back to your feet.

Am I wrong? Is it possible the feeble kosher brain of the jews saw a anti-jewish genocide the kikes from a local perspective and believed stupidly as to assume the Anciently drawn almost liberalisque Government to be a purveyor of anti-semitism due to being too drawn into the Ancient World?

In other words the people were being changed but the leaders and intellectuals of the Government stayed too much in the past and underestimated the enemy especially when the kikes were performing their communist uprising which should have been crushed. Not unlike Mein Kampf the Government had all the tools and backing to crush the red revolution and the industrial revolutions of protest and strikes done by red or redder or agreeing unions. But the ineptness of the Government and lack of tactics and working for the enemy in the international space concocted this great slap in the face of the people and it's Nation of Germany.

I can't help but re-read your post HP.Cobra and remind me of the sermon up on top about how the jews hate everyone and want a 1%er and want xtian 1%er groups but for us Gentiles and our so-called Ebil, debil ways we support 99% as long as the scourge of communism and stupidity is gone.

I don't know jews are funny they support themselves and only themselves and only the jews. If your Human as you say you would be shehameforashic(god) and help everyone.

I guess the entire genocide of the jewish species and race is all brought on them.

Anyways like I said the jew is gonna doom himself and any innocence found in whatever aspect of the jew is gonna drown in blood. If supposedly in the coming 2024-2025 time period there are several forces of nature which exact a revenge of genocide. Aquarian beginnings and Neptunian/Uranian issue of 2025. Then I can easily see many jews kvetching about why these old pogroms in their obscure language occur. Again I'm reminded of the rabbi that asks why does the World hate jews, why did the pogrom at Chelmeniski occur(New Russ/Pre-Ukraine). The question rabbi is Why do YOUR Species and Race wish to pogrom us.

Unfortunately with what I said it is too easy to taken into semitic-apologist. I don't want to sound like a Viennese or Munichen apologists in Hitlers time even Hitler got pist off at semitic apologists from time to time and said You fucking retard your previous article was a gold mine of crushing force. It was feasting and beasting on the pathetic jewish fucks who could not write anything but a pathetic excuse of literary garbage.

But is the so-called "genocide" of jewish people are more volkish mentality? Is it that the upper ranks and Government saw a more equality based understanding. While the ground level saw a vicious visage of murder unto Gentilekind?

Is it a the people saw the truth before the Government did and even in the past the Government didn't go far enough like Alexander's decree.

Either way the jew is the cosmic enemy of Satan and the Empire of Orion as well as our lesser existing Human Empire even if not the Space-Fairing Spiritually Technologically advanced society we'd probably be several thousand years ago barring enemy intrusion.

In the end I view Humanity as too weak and feeble to prevent the jew and it's machinations granted many machinations are thinktanks of Gentiles being paid to destroy. In essence it's the jew-shabbos conundrum when you've sold out your Species and Race for a temporary gushing rather than an eternal evolution.

It's not just jews but "some" Gentiles as well if they can't put the jewish cock down then "off with their head".

Either way the Gods of the jew some 15,000-12,000 years ago in regard to Spiritual warfare and 10,000 years ago in physical and the type of genetic engineering they perform shows a different alien World view that cannot be mistaken.

Even the whole jews act, look, and do differently is proof enough. When your civilization produces Soviet era block buildings in their 3,000 year manifestation of a home nation and even in host nations produces said buildings. That's troubling even for us Gentiles we mix and match but there is cultural domination of another area. Such as Greek symbols with Aztec some 1-5% Greek but 95% Aztec.

Either way the jew, jew'd humanity good. I'll readily admit the jew is very jewy. But it's time to end this kosher bullshit and return to Gentile supervision.

The jew had it's fun it's time to crush face and return back to actual civilization and evolution.....just a matter of When.

Is genocide of jews a volkish, people's attribute which they've taken to such levels that their feeble minds believe the knives of justice are waiting at every corner?

Sometimes I wonder whether Gentiles should act more like them or more like Gentiles, you got them scared now threaten them at every opportunity mess with them psyops their ass, social engineer them.

It's kinda crazy just considering just how evil Jews are. My mind still doesn't comprehend just how evil they are like why? What did we do? How far back does this go? And it's just a rabbit hole that only shows just how perverted, jealous and disgusting they are. So I just don't even bother. One thing I do know for sure, the Jews are over, and their end is now. It reminds me the story of the Jade Emperor (Enlil), where him with the power of meditation, and the goodness of his heart, was able to conquer a powerful evil spirit. Or Durga (Astaroth) fighting Mahishasura for 10 days and defeated him. And if they can do it without having to stoop to their wicked levels, so can we. That's what I love about certain stories of the gods, that they inspire us to learn to do it like they did to defeat our obstacle, and in this case, Jews.

Mahishasura kicked the gods out of heaven and started a wave of terror before being stopped by Durga, and it's a similar situation here, with the constant blasphemy against Satan and his Demons, destruction of knowledge and seals they have done to prevent humans and gods from being with one another. But then came us and this generation, the RTRs, knowledge and the gods being free, people waking up and taking part of making change for the better, the snowball effect of Satanism destroying everything the Jews have done.

And to think Jews think that Satan is a "hating accuser", when Satan has been the most accepting of the various Gentile races, from various cultural backgrounds, the races of Demons and various extraterrestrial origins, and still worshipped him and was a centerpiece in all of their cultures. He is loved everywhere, and will continue to stay this way for all eternity, because he deserves the love and praise he and the Demons get on a daily basis.

The Gentiles are making their triumphant return to power and glory. That I do know for sure.
Apparently Jews control the media, banking, medical and education systems. Legal, political, etc. And,...

There is no democracy in so called democratic societies.

Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock announces Government plan to Fluoridate all tap water in England and Wales. And they're leaving local authorities out of the discussion.

This fluoride comes from industrial hazardous waste from the Negev dessert in Israel.

And is brought over to the UK by 'Israel Chemicals Ltd.'

And distributed around England by 'Industrial Chemicals Group Ltd.'

Above info from 'Fluoride Free Alliance UK.'

I don't know and am not making any unsubstantiated claim here. But I think a person can assume Jews are involved in this planned forced fluoridation of all tap water considering of all sources it's coming from Israel.

Sounds like a Jewish thing to me to sell hazardous industrial waste and make money by selling it. Technically once sold its no longer waste. But it's still toxic.

Jews are greedy and have no ethics to make money.
This video can help for the visualisation of Destruction : (frenchy video)


~ Hail SATAN ~
Hail Lerajie ! Hail Haures !
Are all jews inherently evil? Even ones who were not religious like Jewish poles in ww2, were all enemies?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
