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JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
A quick search on all JoS related Websites, proves that all the information about Satan/Satanism/These Forums has been now purged from online.

Constitution, United States, all these things, no longer matter. We will drift into the darkness before we rise towards the light. It is happening now, and it will continue.

These self sustaining Truths have only been violated, destroyed, and desecrated, all throughout history. The US is no longer a Nation of Free Speech.

In between deceitful arguments, the worms that have eaten all the past of human advancement and information, renewed their forces and they are waging another war against mankind, once again.

What was called for decades and even centuries to be a "conspiracy theory", is now exposing it's tentacles and strangulating humanity in front of everyone. It takes only those who are absolutely servile and willing supporters of this unveiled conspiracy, to deny it's existence.

The rest of humans have been exposed to it's fruit of human damnation.

The enemy destroyed the ability of people to inquire, assemble, speak their minds, and have an equal use and capacity to spread information, or question things.

JoS officially went into a full censor/removal from the Google search engine. There is nothing showing up. The same goes for all related sites. That is the case, globally.

Descriptions of pages have been completely removed, some pages no longer appear, at all. The things that appear are slander and other things.

This is no different than the Middle Ages a time during which all spiritual knowledge was forcibly removed from the populace entirely.

People were left rotting in illiteracy, unable to react in anyway, shape or form, and trapped within the confines of a cruel world that brutalized them 24/7, led by the church, it's superstitions, and it's hatred for mankind.

Daily life consisted of beating, brutal crimes done by superstitious pigs, and a lifestyle enough to make the worst radical Islamic shitholes in this world look like paradise compared to these.

99% of people was reduced to brutal and never ending slavery, and 1% was just merely looting and looting. The situation lasted for centuries. People who knew of the Truth went into hiding, and risked their lives daily in a never ending chain of death to even out the above crime against our world.

People who were enlightened, with newfound knowledge, decided to sacrifice, go against a seemingly omnipotent order, and give their life to protect the Truth.

These people, unlike the slaves of today, thought of the future. Certainly so the spirit of these brave people lives, again, this time. Despite of what they had in front of them, they thought of the future of better worlds. All they knew was pain and anguish.

Yet, they dreamed of a better, more open, and more fair world, in which the future generations of human beings had actually something to look up to, rather than a consistent whip and torture of the Hebrews and Christian Church.

Great setbacks happened for the enemy agenda, which is now largely collapsing. Enlightened human beings made this happen, against impossible odds. All hope during their time appeared to have been lost, virtually every form of semblance of meaningful existence, was gone.

The enemy does not want people to know of anything. A most massive purge of any information that is contrary to the technocratic hebrew overlords has taken place. An informed populace and a populace that thinks for itself has always been what they have hated. All conspiracies have only one fear: to be brought into the light.

There is no going back now, and this has happened. The enemy has went through full exposure. Even the most enslaved people were confronted and got to live the first and softest rounds of what it will mean when their freedoms are finally gone.

They are censoring everyone on this world, massively, in a final attempt to crush humanity to the ground. Last frontier of information remains the Internet, which was a gift from the Gods, created by people of great vision, as a new information dimension for mankind.

It took around 20 years for the enemy to take over the largest segments of the internet, and crush humanity's desires of learning and opposition in these segments. The Middle Ages empire of enslavement had become digital. Cities and places that were still "of the enemy" were wiped out of the maps...

Their existence said that it was a fairy-tale, the people attempted to be trapped and confined in place, and unable to any more assemble and exchange information. The reality of a Pandemic situation was used to further the kingdom of lies, and the last places that said anything are being tried to be erased from human memory.

Truth however also advanced and has advanced rapidly during this time. So rapidly indeed, that the enemy did a display of bullying and force that has had no previous in decades, or as one would easily argue, hundreds of years.

Our Ancient Past suffered under the same. This is why this forum was named "Ancient Forums". It related information that was humanity's birthright to possess, and was meant to serve the same purpose that Ancient Civilizations served in the maintenance of human inheritance of spiritual knowledge.

Make sure to save everything, do your best to inform others online, have everything locally in your systems [this is the only way this can happen now, the searching days are over]. The Truth can only survive on the hands of people here now.

No matter what, the Truth of the Gods lives within all of you. Never allow the forces of decay deter you from the light that you have inside, and the Truth of the Ancient Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
To think that we are some of those souls that had to suffer at the hands of the church just because they wouldn’t accept their shit Jew god and would never denounce Satan.

I will use this thread to ask is there any way to download the RTR on mobile? Who knows how much longer JoS is Will be up. We will carry the spiritual warfare offline.
these sons of bitches wont accomplish anything. Usually when this happens the algorithm ends up affecting many, many others and most of cases with no relationship whatsoever. Same thing happened in youtube when they went full gulag mode in march with the covid craze and they were killing channels that were all within "community guidelines" - the only solution was to let go.

This is just another crap attempt from them and it will not work in the long run, we can use duckduckgo or the wayback machine. In any case, if their idea is to censor this website then they failed miserable cause I can still find it on jewgle search.
I have been noticing increasingly over a long period of time, how using google search to quickly locate specific sections of the JoS has been a complete futile effort, making going to the JoS website and manually navigating to the page in need a necessity for a while.

This saddens me very much as the way I first found Joy of Satan was from a simple google search many years ago, searching sites for Satanic witchcraft or any magick that actually worked... Now the door to true Satanic salvation is being buried behind more and more foliage and debris, and the only way to show people to its location is by hand, on a person-to-person basis by sharing links... Which of course leads to the endless shadow bans nearly all of us have most certainly experienced.

But of course no matter what they throw our way, it will make Us only fight harder! Thank you for all of your work HP, the clergy as a whole, and my fellow Brothers and Sisters.

Hail Satan and the Gods!!
I am not surprised, it's not the first time when jewgle do something like that, I remember how they censored "creepy uncle Joe" giving no result in the search bar (you know when you write it), that's I recommend duckduckgo.
Well for now as of 5:30 PM Monday May 18, the JoS website and related ref. are still on Yahoo and Bing searches. I did not check any other Search Engines. Interesting to see if the censorship spreads beyond Google. If HP Cobra is correct I assume it will.
Henu the Great said:
I think it is time to invest in some joyofsatan.org stickers!!

Btw, duckduckgo found joy of satan just fine.. Sure, google is search engine of the masses though.

I can also confirm this with DuckDuckGo but ultimately the situation still remains the same, more people use Jewgle than anything else but no matter what the enemy tries, out of all their efforts throughout history, people will still find the truth.

Even in the dark ages with no internet, nothing and when the enemy had the most power over mankind people still discovered lost knowledge and power, our origins and our gods. Throughout all the centuries and ages of the enemy trying to shut everything out, Maxine and many others still found the truth.

No matter how bad shit gets people will still find us, spiritually advanced people in the shadows and those with history to our gods will still know our origins and they will share it, powers and abilities and the astral itself will forever hold the information to happenings of this entire planet and there are entire species and extra-terrestrial races that know of our story, origins, history and who we are as the children of Satan of whom has stated "There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence".

The enemy cannot stop this no matter how hard they try. They fight and fight against nature but of all their boasted intellect they are still too dumb to not realize that such is a losing war of which they will ultimately perish in the end.
Henu the Great said:
I think it is time to invest in some joyofsatan.org stickers!!

Btw, duckduckgo found joy of satan just fine.. Sure, google is search engine of the masses though.

Thanks for the link it was about time to give up google

What we can do in case the sites go down is to save everything, I suggest using a download manager that can download the full content of a site by crawling all the links spider mode. For this just search for "download manager/download accelerator/download full site". This was a way I used back in the days when internet was not this fast and it could take a long time to download some html files so in this way I would start the download over night and the next day I could browse the content offline.

I am right now giving it a go to HTTRACK: http://www.httrack.com/ It claims it can download the full site and make it available for browse offline.

I will start with https://www.satanslibrary.org/ and then continue with all the other JOS sites.

This way even if everything is taken down, we can spawn back new sites with all the content intact all over the god damn internet. Unless they take everything down, that is :evil:

No more middle ages this time!!!
Really, how much do people who have never heard of Joy of Satan search for "Joy of Satan", compared with seeing the links being posted in comment sections and visiting them?
Bing finds JOS just fine. As Henu the Great mentioned, DuckDuckGo works fine as well. Moving away from Google Search and Chrome, as well as pushing others to do the same, may benefit us in the short term.

If you have a VPN, for example, using Chrome with a logged-in Google account will still log searches. This is important now that the (((...))) doesn't need a warrant to access browser history. Transitioning to Firefox would probably be best, as well as using a VPN that does not keep logs. There are a bunch. Mullvad is one, and there are plenty others.
txg said:
google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

They are bound by morals. Freedom of Speech/Information is a moral right that became a legal right, not the other way around. They pretend to be virtuous by upholding other morals, but of course that is not true, as seen with their purposeful selection of what to display and what not. Remember, they are not hosting the domain for us, they are just linking it as a search option, which it costs them literally nothing to do.

I think you agree for the most part, but I just wanted to elaborate as to why that argument shouldn't hold. I used to see it in every single post on Reddit when something got removed. Yes, we get it, X company is privately-owned.
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

you can still find the JOS by typing joyofsatan.org its been this way for about a week and a half now

the enemy is spiritually about as weak as they have ever been imo, and they are sending many greys to screw with us.

the more they fight the more they indicate their loss of control. this is a good sign not a bad one

on another note, the website with all hitlers speeches with no background music and actually accurate subtitles has also been removed from the internet.
quite a loss

I didn't know about that site, fucking bullshit. If anyone saved anything from it would you post it here please?
Google is a corporation run by Jews that is why there is a Jew also running Google owned Utube and working with the Jewish ADL to censor the Goyim. Which is what Jewgoogle agenda has always been.

txg said:
google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.
I believe the world is heading towards a melting point really fast. Theres going to be worldwide riots and death before the world becomes free and a peaceful place.
I don't know if its just me personally, but you can literally feel the strain and stress in the air these days. People know about the jewish agenda, but most of them are afraid to say or do anything about it, because they'll be hunted down and killed or thrown into prison for no reason.
People are sick and tired of being down, broken, and restrained by the corruption and financial crimes did against them by the jews. I think we only have about 3-10 years before shit really starts to get real and the jews know this.
Everywhere I look on mainstream media theres nothing but Vaccine this and vaccine that. People are aware of 5G and the vaccines that cause cancer and diseases in people.
I just want this stupid shit to end already. I've had enough of these fucking hooknoses and their bullshit.
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

That's the usual fake argument.

Goy it doesn't matter if a rabbi sells dope, he does it as a corporation or a multinational, but it's centered in a country such as the USA, but let's ignore that goy. After all he has a corporation.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google to betray the United States that gave rise to it all the time and allow it's employees to fiddle with State Elections, it's OK for Google to shill for specific parties.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google, the only issue is goyim that it represents a measly 6 billion people that have internet, that is all goy. Remember, it's a corporation.

They are under moral, jurisdictional, and many other forms of major obligations. It's just that nobody has tried to enforce this on them as they are in control of too many things.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
To think that we are some of those souls that had to suffer at the hands of the church just because they wouldn’t accept their shit Jew god and would never denounce Satan.

I will use this thread to ask is there any way to download the RTR on mobile? Who knows how much longer JoS is Will be up. We will carry the spiritual warfare offline.

Print it out.
Even one printout would do in the worst case.
Read the invocation to the Gods and begin your RTR . Visualise them being destroyed in the simplest way.
Or I just got an Idea , print it out . Make only the creepy signs they have with a pen\pencil on a paper and read the RTR of the printed document.
And completely destroy with your pen the characters you made yourself. This way the printed one still remains if you are not that good at visualising.
HP can this be done.
I am saying this because I kind of have a habit for preparing for the worst situations.

Or you can screenshot them on your phone the RTR and when in paint just completely slash them out.( used to do this before), but their will be multiple screenshots and you will have to check the apps you have given permission to access your gallery.
Take Care
Google as per usual with jews started with giving fake claims to power for all people, and allowing it to move so while it was growing into a monopoly.

Then, when the line of monopoly was secured, the Rabbinical family that runs Google decided to just do the usual crackdown they always do on the deceived goyim and become the universal internet police.

If Google does not want to respect the Constitution or to conspire with Communists, maybe it should go get hosted in China. But of course not, the Jews love to enjoy all the legal and otherwise privilleges of the US, included neverending physical security. While all they do is just literally corrode the same rights that they live off from.

Then they move to Israel and let the Goyim deal with the aftermath. Oy gevalt...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Google as per usual with jews started with giving fake claims to power for all people, and allowing it to move so while it was growing into a monopoly.

Then, when the line of monopoly was secured, the Rabbinical family that runs Google decided to just do the usual crackdown they always do on the deceived goyim and become the universal internet police.

If Google does not want to respect the Constitution or to conspire with Communists, maybe it should go get hosted in China. But of course not, the Jews love to enjoy all the legal and otherwise privilleges of the US, included neverending physical security. While all they do is just literally corrode the same rights that they live off from.

Then they move to Israel and let the Goyim deal with the aftermath. Oy gevalt...

Also the Parent company of Google -Alphabet is acquiring stakes in large businesses, online platforms to gain more control.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Google as per usual with jews started with giving fake claims to power for all people, and allowing it to move so while it was growing into a monopoly.

Then, when the line of monopoly was secured, the Rabbinical family that runs Google decided to just do the usual crackdown they always do on the deceived goyim and become the universal internet police.

If Google does not want to respect the Constitution or to conspire with Communists, maybe it should go get hosted in China. But of course not, the Jews love to enjoy all the legal and otherwise privilleges of the US, included neverending physical security. While all they do is just literally corrode the same rights that they live off from.

Then they move to Israel and let the Goyim deal with the aftermath. Oy gevalt...


Many more links of mudslimes sacrificing their own daughters. ( ALL Recent).

Also is it just me or when I open up my senses I keep hearing the song I am bulletproof got nothing to lose( I dont know the name ) and Joker movie quotes.

People are losing their shit right now .
I think there is some algorithm they put up with this in certain areas or at certain times I don’t even know. If you search directly something like Joy of Satan sometimes it will come up and other times it won’t. You search Satanism or anything else related to it it never comes up. I don’t think it’s totally removed all the time but the point is they probably tried to.

You will get more stuff searching google images btw I noticed on any topic than the main search engine. It’s not just our website but anything that is negative of the Jews and not Xtian fundy site. They sometimes let a few “antisemetic” Xtian sites in there though. But never even the fake Nazi ones.
This level of censorship comes as no surprise. Most of us knew it wasn't a question of "if" only "when". But there's no stopping us.
Pathetic kikes trying to buy time, HA! Let's metaphorically stab their rotten hearts with the RTRS and twist the blade!
Well the best thing to do at this point is get creative. there are tons of places to make online pamphets, fliers, bumper magnets and stickers and book marks. i recently made
in to a bumper magnet that i put on my car...now the whole highway can see that their kike on a stick hates them :cool:.

i made this one in the months past when i was still residing in holland
. just some ideas. feel fry to copy/ print and do what ever with them. ive been thinking on a flier with this main message on it that i made: (also feel free to copy/paste/share)

JHWH be like:
Putting this mask on to decieve the nations
fooling them all for generations
all the while brainwashing them with degenerative drivel
telling them their real loving father was the "devil"

still believe him? then...
what kind of loving father would not allow his children to see his face?
what kind of loving father would forbid his children knowledge to grow up into independent individuals and curse the one who wanted to give them such?
what kind of loving father would tell his children to turn the other cheek in the face of abuse and that poverty was a virtue?
what kind of loving father would be appeased by blood sacrifce??
NONE. https://www.satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html

Divination is forbidden in all 3 books for the same reason they dont want north koreans using the internet: knowledge.

all abrahamic programs are communistic enslavement programs!!

ive been trolling yahoo with this one mercilessly....more ideas are still brainstorming..my 10 hour workdays limit me to little online warfare so i have to be creative. as for saving everything here..will get right to it.
They can't stop this wheel of information and enlightment of humankind. If they censore us here we will keep doing what we are doing, spreading TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE to the populace on the deep web or on any other places. How many times has the JOS been censored throughout almost 20 years and their members came back wiser and stronger??? Should they shut it down, I guess we will find brand new methods expose the deceitful and depicable kikes. The Constitution of the United States served as a an example to write the constitution of many other western countries of the world being freedom of speech the most valuable right defended. The United States and its marvellous Constitution written by advocated and deligent satanists who were inspired by Him are our only hope to defeat them.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
To think that we are some of those souls that had to suffer at the hands of the church just because they wouldn’t accept their shit Jew god and would never denounce Satan.

I will use this thread to ask is there any way to download the RTR on mobile? Who knows how much longer JoS is Will be up. We will carry the spiritual warfare offline.
Click this link, then click "open in browser" if you see that, then it's right there on the first page "Final_RTR_Page Only.pdf"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
txg said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

That's the usual fake argument.

Goy it doesn't matter if a rabbi sells dope, he does it as a corporation or a multinational, but it's centered in a country such as the USA, but let's ignore that goy. After all he has a corporation.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google to betray the United States that gave rise to it all the time and allow it's employees to fiddle with State Elections, it's OK for Google to shill for specific parties.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google, the only issue is goyim that it represents a measly 6 billion people that have internet, that is all goy. Remember, it's a corporation.

They are under moral, jurisdictional, and many other forms of major obligations. It's just that nobody has tried to enforce this on them as they are in control of too many things.
Google claims not to be a publisher so it should fall under Public Space use, like the Telephone companies. The Telephone companies aren't going to be like "Oh. I was hearing this goy speak to another goy about the Jews. No Telephone for you anymore goy." This is a retarded Libertarian argument that if people are illegally censoring your speech you have to make your own internet somehow.
Immortal said:
Henu the Great said:
I think it is time to invest in some joyofsatan.org stickers!!

Btw, duckduckgo found joy of satan just fine.. Sure, google is search engine of the masses though.

Thanks for the link it was about time to give up google

What we can do in case the sites go down is to save everything, I suggest using a download manager that can download the full content of a site by crawling all the links spider mode. For this just search for "download manager/download accelerator/download full site". This was a way I used back in the days when internet was not this fast and it could take a long time to download some html files so in this way I would start the download over night and the next day I could browse the content offline.

I am right now giving it a go to HTTRACK: http://www.httrack.com/ It claims it can download the full site and make it available for browse offline.

I will start with https://www.satanslibrary.org/ and then continue with all the other JOS sites.

This way even if everything is taken down, we can spawn back new sites with all the content intact all over the god damn internet. Unless they take everything down, that is :evil:

No more middle ages this time!!!
Thanks for the info, I didn't know something like that existed. I already have all the power meditations copy and pasted to my notepad because it's the only way I could make a copy at the time and it's the most important information IMO. Also have the final RTR paintable in screenshots on an old phone to do on paint app when internet isn't working or if it goes down. Gonna make a physical copy too just in case.

This site you shared will be great if it works though because I need all the other info from the JoS main site and also these forums because I'm always finding really helpful info from here too.

Big thanks to all the HPs on here and the others that put out all this free info. You guys are the real MVPs and I'm forever in your debt for helping me find the true path.
txg said:
you can still find the JOS by typing joyofsatan.org its been this way for about a week and a half now
...until jewgle sees your post here and then puts it through the system to block "joyofsatan.org".

HP Mageson666 said:
Google is a corporation run by Jews that is why there is a Jew also running Google owned Utube and working with the Jewish ADL to censor the Goyim. Which is what Jewgoogle agenda has always been.

txg said:
google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.
jewtube also censored a video from an epidaemiologist who denounced the lockdown orders.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Google as per usual with jews started with giving fake claims to power for all people, and allowing it to move so while it was growing into a monopoly.

Then, when the line of monopoly was secured, the Rabbinical family that runs Google decided to just do the usual crackdown they always do on the deceived goyim and become the universal internet police.

If Google does not want to respect the Constitution or to conspire with Communists, maybe it should go get hosted in China. But of course not, the Jews love to enjoy all the legal and otherwise privilleges of the US, included neverending physical security. While all they do is just literally corrode the same rights that they live off from.

Then they move to Israel and let the Goyim deal with the aftermath. Oy gevalt...
You know Anonymous won't do much about it!

slyscorpion said:
I think there is some algorithm they put up with this in certain areas or at certain times I don’t even know. If you search directly something like Joy of Satan sometimes it will come up and other times it won’t. You search Satanism or anything else related to it it never comes up. I don’t think it’s totally removed all the time but the point is they probably tried to.
It takes time to filter through.

Jack said:
This is a retarded Libertarian argument that if people are illegally censoring your speech you have to make your own internet somehow.
I wish TPB would have done that anyway by now.
Blitzkreig said:
Sun said:

As far as a timeline of events, HP Maxine said 2025 will spell doom for the Jews due to astrological reasons.

See here:


I look through that and notice that there was a talk about Anti-Christ? Is there a link to information about that person? I was not aware that we have one, I thought the whole thing with Christ was that he was a hoaxed by Jews, so I did not know we have one based on his "opposite" or "another Christ".
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
To think that we are some of those souls that had to suffer at the hands of the church just because they wouldn’t accept their shit Jew god and would never denounce Satan.

I will use this thread to ask is there any way to download the RTR on mobile? Who knows how much longer JoS is Will be up. We will carry the spiritual warfare offline.
Click this link, then click "open in browser" if you see that, then it's right there on the first page "Final_RTR_Page Only.pdf"

Thanks I downloaded the whole folder
Jewish google make hard to find Joy of Satan, when I last year become satanist, I found joyofsatan.org in first page, now is google put it on 5 page
HP Mageson666 said:
Google is a corporation run by Jews that is why there is a Jew also running Google owned Utube and working with the Jewish ADL to censor the Goyim. Which is what Jewgoogle agenda has always been.

txg said:
google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

Hello HP,
Not Found

The requested URL /Pdf_Library.html was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
This can up just now on the Jos pdf library.
Is this permanent or just temperoary?
Thank you
Shadowcat said:
Well the best thing to do at this point is get creative. there are tons of places to make online pamphets, fliers, bumper magnets and stickers and book marks. i recently made
in to a bumper magnet that i put on my car...now the whole highway can see that their kike on a stick hates them :cool:.

i made this one in the months past when i was still residing in holland
. just some ideas. feel fry to copy/ print and do what ever with them. ive been thinking on a flier with this main message on it that i made: (also feel free to copy/paste/share)

JHWH be like:
Putting this mask on to decieve the nations
fooling them all for generations
all the while brainwashing them with degenerative drivel
telling them their real loving father was the "devil"

still believe him? then...
what kind of loving father would not allow his children to see his face?
what kind of loving father would forbid his children knowledge to grow up into independent individuals and curse the one who wanted to give them such?
what kind of loving father would tell his children to turn the other cheek in the face of abuse and that poverty was a virtue?
what kind of loving father would be appeased by blood sacrifce??
NONE. https://www.satanslibrary.org/ExposingChristianity/EXPOSING_CHRISTIANITY_MAIN.html

Divination is forbidden in all 3 books for the same reason they dont want north koreans using the internet: knowledge.

all abrahamic programs are communistic enslavement programs!!

ive been trolling yahoo with this one mercilessly....more ideas are still brainstorming..my 10 hour workdays limit me to little online warfare so i have to be creative. as for saving everything here..will get right to it.

The pic in dutch has some grammar errors in it.
like hout -> houdt and uitklimmen (also spelled wrong) -> klim uit .
actually the word hout literally translated into english means wood..
Usthepeople666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Google as per usual with jews started with giving fake claims to power for all people, and allowing it to move so while it was growing into a monopoly.

Then, when the line of monopoly was secured, the Rabbinical family that runs Google decided to just do the usual crackdown they always do on the deceived goyim and become the universal internet police.

If Google does not want to respect the Constitution or to conspire with Communists, maybe it should go get hosted in China. But of course not, the Jews love to enjoy all the legal and otherwise privilleges of the US, included neverending physical security. While all they do is just literally corrode the same rights that they live off from.

Then they move to Israel and let the Goyim deal with the aftermath. Oy gevalt...


Many more links of mudslimes sacrificing their own daughters. ( ALL Recent).

Also is it just me or when I open up my senses I keep hearing the song I am bulletproof got nothing to lose( I dont know the name ) and Joker movie quotes.

People are losing their shit right now .

Try typing in Titanium on a music platform Im not sure who the artist is but it is not an old song. I am pretty sure you can find the lyrics youre looking for in this song.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
txg said:
google is a corporation, they arent under any obligation to use their search engine to help the joyofsatan, they arent bound by the constitution.

That's the usual fake argument.

Goy it doesn't matter if a rabbi sells dope, he does it as a corporation or a multinational, but it's centered in a country such as the USA, but let's ignore that goy. After all he has a corporation.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google to betray the United States that gave rise to it all the time and allow it's employees to fiddle with State Elections, it's OK for Google to shill for specific parties.

It's a corporation goy it's OK for Google, the only issue is goyim that it represents a measly 6 billion people that have internet, that is all goy. Remember, it's a corporation.

They are under moral, jurisdictional, and many other forms of major obligations. It's just that nobody has tried to enforce this on them as they are in control of too many things.
Google claims not to be a publisher so it should fall under Public Space use, like the Telephone companies. The Telephone companies aren't going to be like "Oh. I was hearing this goy speak to another goy about the Jews. No Telephone for you anymore goy." This is a retarded Libertarian argument that if people are illegally censoring your speech you have to make your own internet somehow.

The self intellectuals of our time are jaking off to such phenomenons. Yes the ones that make sounds like: "conspiracy theory, racism, i luv jewz". Idk if people are waking up ... I am begining to hate my countrymen and lost faith in them.
Blitzkreig said:
Bing finds JOS just fine. As Henu the Great mentioned, DuckDuckGo works fine as well. Moving away from Google Search and Chrome, as well as pushing others to do the same, may benefit us in the short term.

If you have a VPN, for example, using Chrome with a logged-in Google account will still log searches. This is important now that the (((...))) doesn't need a warrant to access browser history. Transitioning to Firefox would probably be best, as well as using a VPN that does not keep logs. There are a bunch. Mullvad is one, and there are plenty others.

There is no such thing. Think of it from admins perspective. How would they be able to do their job maintaining servers without information? Impossbile.

There are better and worse services. Better ones are located outside Five Eyes spying network for better security. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes#Other_international_cooperatives. I am using one from Romania. Of course servers are located all around the world, but in this way I see it the company is less likely sharing data with a spy network.
Immortal said:
Thanks for the link it was about time to give up google

What we can do in case the sites go down is to save everything, I suggest using a download manager that can download the full content of a site by crawling all the links spider mode. For this just search for "download manager/download accelerator/download full site". This was a way I used back in the days when internet was not this fast and it could take a long time to download some html files so in this way I would start the download over night and the next day I could browse the content offline.

I am right now giving it a go to HTTRACK: http://www.httrack.com/ It claims it can download the full site and make it available for browse offline.

I will start with https://www.satanslibrary.org/ and then continue with all the other JOS sites.

This way even if everything is taken down, we can spawn back new sites with all the content intact all over the god damn internet. Unless they take everything down, that is :evil:
No more middle ages this time!!!

Sure, np. I gave up on google years ago. They whole "muh monopoly" just did not sit right with me.

Thanks for linking that software. I am sure there are many more. For example I have webget in my android phone. It is time to download em all intsted of something here and there. :geek:
Speak of the devil,


Brace yourselves in the UK, Satan knows they’re up to no good.

Firefox, private window mode (akin to in cognito in Chrome), googled "joy of satan astrology"..second result, our page.

not sure what's going on, might just be the Chrome browser, might be Chromium as a whole, or just..certain people.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
