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JoS Fully Censored - Online Middle Ages Starting... A War Against Humanity

Necrorifter said:
FancyMancy said:
Necrorifter said:
Yes, I read about that, he succeeds with magnum opus, and he is pharoh in his former lifes, the name start with R but the rest of it is missing from my memory. Thanks for stating that Antichrist is Hitler, altogether does he still go by that name? I thought he died in WW2 and reincarnated by Lucifer's side, so should not he have a new form and a possible new name?
Hitler is not dead; He did not die in/after World War 2; there were some released "classified" documents by the CIA which also say that he didn't die; and He was Pharaoh Ramesses/Rameses/Ramses the Second AKA Ramesses/Rameses/Ramses the Great previously.


Huh, so those rumors that I heard back in High School about Hitler never died in WW2 was not completely false. That is great news. Thanks for telling me and show me the sources.
its been said on this site that hitler escaped the planet during ww2 with ufo. He is with our gods and has reach godhead since then.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
To think that we are some of those souls that had to suffer at the hands of the church just because they wouldn’t accept their shit Jew god and would never denounce Satan.

I will use this thread to ask is there any way to download the RTR on mobile? Who knows how much longer JoS is Will be up. We will carry the spiritual warfare offline.
Click this link, then click "open in browser" if you see that, then it's right there on the first page "Final_RTR_Page Only.pdf"

This helped me out so much! Thank you very much!
eternal666light said:
Necrorifter said:
FancyMancy said:
Hitler is not dead; He did not die in/after World War 2; there were some released "classified" documents by the CIA which also say that he didn't die; and He was Pharaoh Ramesses/Rameses/Ramses the Second AKA Ramesses/Rameses/Ramses the Great previously.


Huh, so those rumors that I heard back in High School about Hitler never died in WW2 was not completely false. That is great news. Thanks for telling me and show me the sources.
its been said on this site that hitler escaped the planet during ww2 with ufo. He is with our gods and has reach godhead since then.

Well, that is only logical considering it has been said that Hitler is with our god and are on their way to our planet. But how can that be if Hitler is already on our planet? So on some point he must have left our planet. Altogether I wondering how Hitler manage to reach Satan that quickly? Either they meet halfway point while Satan and his fleet are on their way to this planet or some sort of astral teleportation.
https://www.joyofsatan.org/ . Just thought I would mention it. This link,, as well as The Satanic Temple link ( different site ), are both on the second page of the google search engine.
Joy of Satan link has always been on page number one, when I type in Joy of Satan on search engine.
Till Now.
Thanks for the response. It's interesting to learn what could have caused the retaliation.

Also I hadn't heard of info wars, but actually a Google search displayed the site in a heading result, so I could click the URL. I see what you mean: it's not listed like a normal result. The two articles I've read on there just now, namely, the clap for NHS and one about the rise 'Karens' getting all up in our business, made me chuckle. They resonated with me (and would with probably quite a few people who have never heard of the site).

It's a sad fact that the world is being pushed down a route of 'political correctness' and in general, society does not know where the source of these PC 'rules' are coming from.

What are we to do? This is a game of chess and they have been playing the long game for centuries...

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's probably why before 2-3 weeks, it was showing up basically everywhere in Google, especially so the forums, which were coming on the top results even for not connected matters. Well nope, that is not the case.

But the stupid goy stuff aside let me tell you how it went and why the results are no longer the case, despite of nothing really changing.

1. The Forums received an influx about 10 times the normal within the last 2-3 months, consistently.
2. Then the kvetching started about censoring the net more strongly as they saw where this was going, about numerous websites.
3. Everything that was problematic to the enemy was simply censored.

That's it. The websites are indexed in the search and everywhere else. The Forum in particular does not have any coding issues. It was already on the top for many different searches.

If one does not understand the above then maybe they have no clue of WTF is going on with this world at this point.

There have to be solutions for circumvention but with advanced systems that are being implemented on the enemy side, all NPC types of arguments will stop mattering. Info Wars and many other websites that say things Google dislikes have been purged.

To bring an example, when you google Alex Jones or Info Wars, who had like at least 5 million hits per day, all you get about him is inferior pages which hardly generated 10,000 clicks a day in the front page, ie, slander.

Just Google Alex Jones in Google and you will see what I mean. All you get is SPLC, propaganda, and generally Info Wars appearing in only hostile websites.

This is not a SEO matter it's all political. The full implementation of this was done by ADL in conjunction to Youtube and then Google followed suit.

HotCoil said:
Here's Google's help article about sites being removed from indexing:

If your site is blocked from our index because it violates our quality guidelines, we may alert you about this using Search Console. Simply sign in to our Search Console, add your site URL, and verify site ownership. The Overview page provides information about the indexing of your site.

I have visited articles about Google's page ranking algorithms in the past. If I remember correctly, to get the highest ranks in Google's indexing, websites must:
  • Contain unique content, updated frequently
  • Be mobile-friendly
  • Not contain broken links

JOS in my opinion was poorly indexed prior to the complete removal. I'd be tempted to consult a techie about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and put together a report on what might be causing the site to be poorly indexed in Google - pretty sure Google actually provide this as a service. I would expect to be able to type in 'Satanic Mediation' and the first few results to show JOS pages (like it did years ago). Why is that not the case?

Let's not go quietly :lol:
Necrorifter said:
eternal666light said:
Necrorifter said:
Huh, so those rumors that I heard back in High School about Hitler never died in WW2 was not completely false. That is great news. Thanks for telling me and show me the sources.
its been said on this site that hitler escaped the planet during ww2 with ufo. He is with our gods and has reach godhead since then.

Well, that is only logical considering it has been said that Hitler is with our god and are on their way to our planet. But how can that be if Hitler is already on our planet? So on some point he must have left our planet. Altogether I wondering how Hitler manage to reach Satan that quickly? Either they meet halfway point while Satan and his fleet are on their way to this planet or some sort of astral teleportation.
i dont know the exact details but i understand that it was a rescue mission for him and other ss ... and was brought to their planet.
For those of you worried about JoS being booted offline, which it won’t (with Satan’s blessing), there is an application called HTTrack.


This application allows you to download any website you wish, though it will not download any databases and if does, you will not be able to decrypt anyone’s keys since databases are almost always encrypted.

When downloading, select the option that goes along the lines of ‘Download all sites’ and select ‘Download HTML files first’.

Within an hour or less, you will potentially, based on your internet connection, will have an offline version of Joy Of Satan, alongside the Library downloads, which will make it easy to navigate through content.

I had compressed the website myself and was about to share a download link on the forums, but decided not to for security reasons.

Just make sure when downloading, you abort at the right time, otherwise you will start downloading Gigabytes on Gigabytes of the forums.

Hope this helps!

Hail Satan Lucifer and the Gods of Goetia!
Wayback machine keeps getting fucked with for archives like kaballah exposed

Any of the links don't work, can we add it back to satans library?
DezFranky said:
Wayback machine keeps getting fucked with for archives like kaballah exposed

Any of the links don't work, can we add it back to satans library?

That's Wayback Machine for you. Always deleting history, they state they wish to preserve the Internet and Archive it. But then go ahead and pull a fast one with some sort of AI/ML software algorithm. Same thing happened late '18/early '19 when I read Gottfried Feder's Manifesto, it existed and then pulled out from their archives.

Wayback is going full hymie hustle, they are going full communist.

*inserts Downey Jr. meme* They went full communist(hymie hustle). You never go full communist(hymie hustle).
Gear88 said:
DezFranky said:
Wayback machine keeps getting fucked with for archives like kaballah exposed

Any of the links don't work, can we add it back to satans library?

That's Wayback Machine for you. Always deleting history, they state they wish to preserve the Internet and Archive it. But then go ahead and pull a fast one with some sort of AI/ML software algorithm. Same thing happened late '18/early '19 when I read Gottfried Feder's Manifesto, it existed and then pulled out from their archives.

Wayback is going full hymie hustle, they are going full communist.

*inserts Downey Jr. meme* They went full communist(hymie hustle). You never go full communist(hymie hustle).

Yeah it's seriously bullhorn now and it's really time to get serious about local archives before they try to erase spiritual knowledge once more...
Traitors will get erased as well fear not!
It's an attack on freedom and on gentile races, especially the White Race. It makes me sick.

I've noticed the black races and asians are all taking over white america and other white nations. The natives weren't here first, white people were here in America before them. The grays made other races sacrificed white people and anyone who has white in them.

I'm so depressed all the time. I hate how ignorant my people have become. So many people believe in white guilt.

I cry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A quick search on all JoS related Websites, proves that all the information about Satan/Satanism/These Forums has been now purged from online.

Constitution, United States, all these things, no longer matter. We will drift into the darkness before we rise towards the light. It is happening now, and it will continue.

These self sustaining Truths have only been violated, destroyed, and desecrated, all throughout history. The US is no longer a Nation of Free Speech.

In between deceitful arguments, the worms that have eaten all the past of human advancement and information, renewed their forces and they are waging another war against mankind, once again.

What was called for decades and even centuries to be a "conspiracy theory", is now exposing it's tentacles and strangulating humanity in front of everyone. It takes only those who are absolutely servile and willing supporters of this unveiled conspiracy, to deny it's existence.

The rest of humans have been exposed to it's fruit of human damnation.

The enemy destroyed the ability of people to inquire, assemble, speak their minds, and have an equal use and capacity to spread information, or question things.

JoS officially went into a full censor/removal from the Google search engine. There is nothing showing up. The same goes for all related sites. That is the case, globally.

Descriptions of pages have been completely removed, some pages no longer appear, at all. The things that appear are slander and other things.

This is no different than the Middle Ages a time during which all spiritual knowledge was forcibly removed from the populace entirely.

People were left rotting in illiteracy, unable to react in anyway, shape or form, and trapped within the confines of a cruel world that brutalized them 24/7, led by the church, it's superstitions, and it's hatred for mankind.

Daily life consisted of beating, brutal crimes done by superstitious pigs, and a lifestyle enough to make the worst radical Islamic shitholes in this world look like paradise compared to these.

99% of people was reduced to brutal and never ending slavery, and 1% was just merely looting and looting. The situation lasted for centuries. People who knew of the Truth went into hiding, and risked their lives daily in a never ending chain of death to even out the above crime against our world.

People who were enlightened, with newfound knowledge, decided to sacrifice, go against a seemingly omnipotent order, and give their life to protect the Truth.

These people, unlike the slaves of today, thought of the future. Certainly so the spirit of these brave people lives, again, this time. Despite of what they had in front of them, they thought of the future of better worlds. All they knew was pain and anguish.

Yet, they dreamed of a better, more open, and more fair world, in which the future generations of human beings had actually something to look up to, rather than a consistent whip and torture of the Hebrews and Christian Church.

Great setbacks happened for the enemy agenda, which is now largely collapsing. Enlightened human beings made this happen, against impossible odds. All hope during their time appeared to have been lost, virtually every form of semblance of meaningful existence, was gone.

The enemy does not want people to know of anything. A most massive purge of any information that is contrary to the technocratic hebrew overlords has taken place. An informed populace and a populace that thinks for itself has always been what they have hated. All conspiracies have only one fear: to be brought into the light.

There is no going back now, and this has happened. The enemy has went through full exposure. Even the most enslaved people were confronted and got to live the first and softest rounds of what it will mean when their freedoms are finally gone.

They are censoring everyone on this world, massively, in a final attempt to crush humanity to the ground. Last frontier of information remains the Internet, which was a gift from the Gods, created by people of great vision, as a new information dimension for mankind.

It took around 20 years for the enemy to take over the largest segments of the internet, and crush humanity's desires of learning and opposition in these segments. The Middle Ages empire of enslavement had become digital. Cities and places that were still "of the enemy" were wiped out of the maps...

Their existence said that it was a fairy-tale, the people attempted to be trapped and confined in place, and unable to any more assemble and exchange information. The reality of a Pandemic situation was used to further the kingdom of lies, and the last places that said anything are being tried to be erased from human memory.

Truth however also advanced and has advanced rapidly during this time. So rapidly indeed, that the enemy did a display of bullying and force that has had no previous in decades, or as one would easily argue, hundreds of years.

Our Ancient Past suffered under the same. This is why this forum was named "Ancient Forums". It related information that was humanity's birthright to possess, and was meant to serve the same purpose that Ancient Civilizations served in the maintenance of human inheritance of spiritual knowledge.

Make sure to save everything, do your best to inform others online, have everything locally in your systems [this is the only way this can happen now, the searching days are over]. The Truth can only survive on the hands of people here now.

No matter what, the Truth of the Gods lives within all of you. Never allow the forces of decay deter you from the light that you have inside, and the Truth of the Ancient Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I would like to comment on something that I have been noticing recently, and also, the Gods have brought my attention to......

I must apologise if I messed up the reply chain of this message, as I barely use our Forums in posting, so I don’t really know how to use them, although I am very frequently on them.

This Internet censorship is getting to an extreme............

I have noticed that all the messages from our lost Yahoo Groups have, SEVERAL TIMES, been transported to my “Bin” folder......

It might sound reasonable to some, but I have not moved any of these emails at all. This has happened several times.

I have hundreds of messages from the yahoo groups, mostly messages and sermons of our Clergy. Brothers and Sisters who have an Apple device should know, that binned emails last only 30 days until they are deleted forever.


I am unwaveringly convinced that this is not a coincidence. Also, these emails that I speak of had links to not only the JoS and affiliated sites, but also other sites such as pet food protection, Yoga books and other valuable site etc......... All these links stopped working.

This is something that should and must infuriate us. The war is really, really heating up.

On a final note, one my favourite channels on this “youtube” is a channel called “China Uncensored”. I highly recommend listening to what the guy says, ESPECIALLY WITH REGARDS TO CENSORSHIP!!! The host of the show totally exposes the unimaginable life the Chinese people live under the brutal, tyrannical, JEW Bolshevism. His show has been demonetised (he can’t make money from views, although his viewership is in the millions), some of his videos have been REMOVED, and the most worrying, his subscribers were automatically removed from his list, WITHOUT THEIR PRIOR PERMISSION.

So what’s next?????? Are they shutting down the whole internet???? Are they going to hack our private info and screw with our lives?

One thing is for certain, the jew must be stopped, otherwise we are all going to perish.


HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HEIL HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black5 said:
Are they shutting down the whole internet????
The Internet makes the jew way too much money, so no.
Black5 said:
I have noticed that all the messages from our lost Yahoo Groups have, SEVERAL TIMES, been transported to my “Bin” folder......

It might sound reasonable to some, but I have not moved any of these emails at all. This has happened several times.

I have hundreds of messages from the yahoo groups, mostly messages and sermons of our Clergy. Brothers and Sisters who have an Apple device should know, that binned emails last only 30 days until they are deleted forever.


Can you not download the messages into your computer ?
Gabi1234 said:
What satan thinks about me please tell me ask him what he thinks on me I mean the person who write this messege plese tell me

Do not worry, and there are no mediators in Satanism. Keep on working on yourself and ask Him yourself. Focus on His sigil and ask him. Since you are not astrally advanced enough ask Him to reply to you in a way that you can comprehend.
Gabi1234 said:
What satan thinks about me please tell me ask him what he thinks on me I mean the person who write this messege plese tell me
Gabi1234 said:
Please people here help me if I want to know how to direct energy to points to be able to speak with demons do I need to do the energy Medetion or something else?
You should stop spamming other threads, and make your own thread.
Gabi1234 said:
So which medetion i need to know to be able to send energy to points to aweken my. Psycic hearing i mean what i need to know before?

Stop spamming these topics! CHECK THIS OUT: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=15534

Or make your own thread.
Gabi1234 said:
So which medetion i need to know to be able to send energy to points to aweken my. Psycic hearing i mean what i need to know before?

You need to read the Joy of Satan site. You need to study intensely and ask Satan and the Demons for help.

Also feel free to ask questions here. But the most important thing is to study for yourself.

Apprentice said:
BTW, I just needed to search for Munka on joogle and third result down was a topic from JoS Forum. It seems that there are different, region-dependent censoring rules.

Thanks for the heads up. I have been testing this, and this appears to be the case.

I have been working on it, so in some places it has re-appeared.

On others it is anything but gone, and there is nothing that can be done. I have done, I believe, everything possible, but nothing will show up. Some regions we are totally blacklisted in.

Regardless, the promotion model for our sites, I have worked it and I am working on it, so it no longer depends on Google. I have been turning everything away from any dependence to this service.

The enemy has been seeing that all of this will backfire at some point. They either have to reduce censorship policies, or the lawsuits will start getting overflowing. What they triggered with Trump recently also has a role in all of this. It's all still escalating.

Regardless, all the promotion model will be away from Google. It's unreliable, and jewish.

It cannot be putting every dumb fuck slander website above us when we have millions of clicks, while these worthless cunts have 100 clicks a month if even that.
Apprentice said:
BTW, I just needed to search for Munka on joogle and third result down was a topic from JoS Forum. It seems that there are different, region-dependent censoring rules.
It filters the main site/title, and each time we mention what remains on this forum, the dirty jew informs jewgle to add "Munka", etc., to the filter list. It also takes time for it to trickle through jewgle's systems.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Apprentice said:
BTW, I just needed to search for Munka on joogle and third result down was a topic from JoS Forum. It seems that there are different, region-dependent censoring rules.

Thanks for the heads up. I have been testing this, and this appears to be the case.

I have been working on it, so in some places it has re-appeared.

On others it is anything but gone, and there is nothing that can be done. I have done, I believe, everything possible, but nothing will show up. Some regions we are totally blacklisted in.

Regardless, the promotion model for our sites, I have worked it and I am working on it, so it no longer depends on Google. I have been turning everything away from any dependence to this service.

The enemy has been seeing that all of this will backfire at some point. They either have to reduce censorship policies, or the lawsuits will start getting overflowing. What they triggered with Trump recently also has a role in all of this. It's all still escalating.

Regardless, all the promotion model will be away from Google. It's unreliable, and jewish.

It cannot be putting every dumb fuck slander website above us when we have millions of clicks, while these worthless cunts have 100 clicks a month if even that.

This is partially good news and thanks for your service . Honestly. :)

I guess it will backfire as you said . There has been a lawsuit I guess of billions on Jewgle now for selling data at 70 dollars per year, or something to companies. Even in incognito mode on their browser.

So RTRs working good :)
Wondering if there was some kind of bug or glitch on the forums last night? it seemed like i didnt see anything new at all no new posts or anything. it would go from showing 90 ppl online and the next minute 2 ppl. every time i checked back it seems like less and less posts were available to see? Did anyone else notice anything
The links on Satan's library are not available anymore

Is there any other waybto access them?

For example
https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackS ... Reich.html
Are we working on a solution to get Satans Library back up?
Hello, I see the yahoo mailing group is no more.. Would you like me to set up your own mailing list? It should be fairly inexpensive too. You only need to rent a slice of a computer that go for 15-25 euro per year (or like $2 per month). Besides that I'll be happy to configure it all for you for free.
14345 said:
Hello, I see the yahoo mailing group is no more.. Would you like me to set up your own mailing list? It should be fairly inexpensive too. You only need to rent a slice of a computer that go for 15-25 euro per year (or like $2 per month). Besides that I'll be happy to configure it all for you for free.

Message me on my email if you can. I may take a few days to respond but I definitely will respond.

By the way, this was planned and we were looking into it, but no solution which is viable and not spam will cost low or reasonably.

The rest of the costs by some services become exponential for mailing lists that include let's say tens of thousands. And we were also turned down by some official services citing they did not want to support our material.

One tested solution instantly was accused of "spamming" and got terminated before se could launch it. Since then I have left the matter be, but maybe we can find a way around this.

Ill be waiting. Anyone reading this and having further input (not simple or mediu solutions but something more advanced) please mail me. Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
14345 said:
Hello, I see the yahoo mailing group is no more.. Would you like me to set up your own mailing list? It should be fairly inexpensive too. You only need to rent a slice of a computer that go for 15-25 euro per year (or like $2 per month). Besides that I'll be happy to configure it all for you for free.

Message me on my email if you can. I may take a few days to respond but I definitely will respond.
... Thank you.

By default, both the Trash and Spam folders empty automatically to keep your account tidy. You cannot change the Trash and Spam settings. Trash deletion frequency - Trash is deleted after 7 days. Spam deletion frequency - Spam is deleted after 30 days.

check your spam folder if you haven't
Was this about us there before? I just saw this on wikipedia regarding JoS and High Priestess Maxine. They are claiming that our beloved High Priestess's real name is Andrea Herrington. I am assuming it's all jew shit, but is her identity publicly known?

Joy of Satan, a website founded in the early 2000s by Maxine Dietrich (pseudonym of Andrea Herrington),[10][19][20] wife of the American National Socialist Movement's co-founder and former leader Clifford Herrington,[10][20][21][22] combines theistic Satanism with Neo-Nazism, racial anti-Semitism, anti-Judaic, anti-Christian sentiment and Gnostic Paganism, as well as UFO conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.[10][20][23] Joy of Satan advocates "spiritual Satanism" and believes Satan to be a sentient and powerful extraterrestrial being.[10][20] In 2004, following the exposure of Andrea Herrington among Joy of Satan's members as the wife of Neo-Nazi leader Clifford Herrington and her ties with the National Socialist Movement, many adherents abandoned Joy of Satan and formed their own autonomous Satanist or Pagan organizations.[10] In July 2006, after the exposure of Herrington's wife's Satanic website within the National Socialist Movement, Andrea and Clifford Herrington were both kicked out of the National Socialist Movement;[21] following the Herrington scandal, Bill White, the then National Socialist Movement's spokesman, also quit alongside many others.

SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Was this about us there before? I just saw this on wikipedia regarding JoS and High Priestess Maxine. They are claiming that our beloved High Priestess's real name is Andrea Herrington. I am assuming it's all jew shit, but is her identity publicly known?

That's old news.

High Priestess Maxine said:
My first name is Andrea. Friends and family have always called me by my middle name "Maxine."
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Was this about us there before? I just saw this on wikipedia regarding JoS and High Priestess Maxine. They are claiming that our beloved High Priestess's real name is Andrea Herrington. I am assuming it's all jew shit, but is her identity publicly known?

Joy of Satan, a website founded in the early 2000s by Maxine Dietrich (pseudonym of Andrea Herrington),[10][19][20] wife of the American National Socialist Movement's co-founder and former leader Clifford Herrington,[10][20][21][22] combines theistic Satanism with Neo-Nazism, racial anti-Semitism, anti-Judaic, anti-Christian sentiment and Gnostic Paganism, as well as UFO conspiracy theories and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.[10][20][23] Joy of Satan advocates "spiritual Satanism" and believes Satan to be a sentient and powerful extraterrestrial being.[10][20] In 2004, following the exposure of Andrea Herrington among Joy of Satan's members as the wife of Neo-Nazi leader Clifford Herrington and her ties with the National Socialist Movement, many adherents abandoned Joy of Satan and formed their own autonomous Satanist or Pagan organizations.[10] In July 2006, after the exposure of Herrington's wife's Satanic website within the National Socialist Movement, Andrea and Clifford Herrington were both kicked out of the National Socialist Movement;[21] following the Herrington scandal, Bill White, the then National Socialist Movement's spokesman, also quit alongside many others.


Yes i think its bullshit i also seen it before but it changes with time,they will lie until the end i think.
Damon said:
SeekerOfTruth666 said:
Was this about us there before? I just saw this on wikipedia regarding JoS and High Priestess Maxine. They are claiming that our beloved High Priestess's real name is Andrea Herrington. I am assuming it's all jew shit, but is her identity publicly known?

That's old news.

High Priestess Maxine said:
My first name is Andrea. Friends and family have always called me by my middle name "Maxine."

Thanks for directing me to this. Wow! I had no idea. I was quite shocked when i saw that wikipedia post cos i always thought that HPS Maxine's identity wasn't known publicly.
It's just sick and disgusting what those jew fucks are ranting about our HPS.
Shael said:
It would seem that this kind of info is completely omitted from the current version of the JoS sites. Based on your other posts so far I doubt you would spread disinfo, but I believe this should still be clarified/commented on by Cobra.


I hope Cobra will clarify on this.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I didn't think to doubt the post from the BlackSun666 website before. It seems legit but yeah, we never know. I also didn't think HPS Maxine's identity was known. This really does feel strange.

I too hope HP Cobra clears things up for us because i am quite confused

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
