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Joo Insect Race's Gentile Food Poisoning Program

May 6, 2007
[/IMG]Table of Contents[/B]   <b style="">Chapter 1 - What Doctors Say         12[/B] [/IMG]Chapter 2 – Tox[/IMG]Chapter 3 – What Are Nutr[/IMG]Chapter 4 – The Zero Nutr[/IMG]Chapter 5 – Natural [/IMG]Chapter 6 – Po[/IMG]Chapter 7 – Understand[/IMG]Chapter 8 – Plant[/IMG]Chapter 9 – Synthet[/IMG]Chapter 10 – [/IMG]Chapter 11 – The Joke Called “Natural [/IMG]Chapter 12 – Che[/IMG]Chapter 13 – The Types of Zero-Nutr[/IMG]Chapter 14 - Factory Far[/IMG]Chapter 15 – Ref[/IMG]Chapter 16 – The Ve[/IMG]Chapter 17 – Powder & L[/IMG]Chapter 18 – Low-Fat and Fat-Free Products       101[/B]   <b style="">Chapter 19 – Fast Food        101[/B]   <b style="">Chapter 20 – “Re[/IMG]Chapter 21 – Food Labels & Legalese        106[/B] Food Labels    106 Serving Size    106 The List Of Nutrients 106 Daily Value     106 Calories From Fat       107
This is very impressive, Magnum Arcanum. Why would you expect any negative comments? 
I scrolled down the list and it seems you may have a lot on your plate. If you are going to follow through with this all, you have a lot to cover. Doing it by yourself may  take you sometime as we all have other things in our life like doing RTRs and meditation and other things. I am sure this is not time sensitive but I feel you may need help on this.
I do not mind collaborating on this project with you and I welcome anyone else who would like to. I am very passionate about health and education and so I do not mind taking time out to do this with you.
As you go on, you will come across additional information and things you might have missed and so I wouldn't worry much about whats missing now.
This can be a very important SS health guide and reference and I am proud and that you have expressed desire to put this together. There are very few of these honest guides out already out on the web and what makes this one different is that it exposes and connects it to the jews behind it.
Thank you.

High Priestess Shannon
Totally awesome magnum.

You've probably read a lot and have done a load of research :). (Personally I couldn't have done all that at this current day).

I wish you good luck with this, and if need be to ask questions you know you're always welcome to ask them here.

Perhaps one day you could turn it in a book and sell it ;) (If you need income).

Anyway I probably won't be able to help you seeing I am kind of messed up with what I still have to do for school (having trouble to figure out what exactly). So I'll go figure that out now.
Hi HP Shannon.  I know you’re busy as Hell or more appropriately, busy in Hell, whichever. 

When convenient or when you get some time and if you’re in on this Zero Nutrient Empty Calorie poisoning system I’m looking into, here is a trail that is too hard for most people to confront. 

I think you’re of the black race aren’t you?  If so, you’ll really appreciate these fuckers.  Their tied to the jews through money laundering, human trafficking, child slavery, racism, drug cartels and they will undoubtedly be involved in the acquisition of children for the jews upcoming rituals. 

Say hello to the mini-vatican called Casa de Campo, Costa Rico and the Alfonso, Jose, Alexander and Andres Funjal brothers. These parasites work directly with the jew FDA and so forth.  Fucking scumbags.    
@ johnson_akemi

Awesome. I'm not that far yet with pesticides. I just defined most of them. Single toxin poisoning is not how its being done obviously. I have a chapter devoted to what you are describing, and don't have any sources explaining it yet. Now I do - thanks! As far as Scientists and others being baffled. Nobody is being baffled - their being compliant. It's like the fucking xians hoping the end will come. No who you are friend and don't buy into that shit. There opinion is less valuable then one of your smallest pieces of shit in the toilet.

I'm going through the 70 or more processed sugars right now and defining how their processed and putting them into suitable groups. Nobodies done that yet that I've been able to find. Many are modifications of another. Which when organized and put into families makes them easier to understand. Much easier... Here's some good definitions of pesticides if interested. I don't think they'll all fit. It's a fairly complete list.


A herbicide is a chemical preparation designed to kill plants, especially weeds, or to inhibit their growth. Obviously if you’re trying to grow a specific plant and there are weeds growing up around it, and no one cultivates the unwanted plants around what you are growing, it would cause a lot of added work come harvest time. Human placental cells are very sensitive to herbicide at concentrations lower than the agricultural use, and it disrupts human sex hormones. It’s responsible for “inducing reproduction problems” in humans. It has also created several genetically modified types of super weeds, requiring greater and greater amounts of poison to kill. Monsanto is the company most funded in the United States by criminal lobbyist organizations intent on poisoning the gentile food supply. They serve as a government protected front group, so that other criminal companies can follow in their footsteps.


An insecticide is a chemical for killing insects, especially those that damage plants or crops. Insects are part and partial of the food chain and need to be treated in accordance with the ecosystem. Insecticides poison the soil and plants, and the insects build tolerances to these substances. DDT is a good example of an insecticide. The only reason DDT was banned in the United States in 1972 is because it was decimating the reproductive systems of fish, birds and other wildlife. And the only reason it was banned after a long debate i.e. legal battle, was because it was producing profound, physically visible, genetic mutations in many animals. Fish and birds were simply held up as examples, to keep it all from being swept under the carpet by the feces derived, parasite criminals and their lobbies.

Insect Growth Regulator

An insect growth regulator is a chemical substance that inhibits the life cycle of an insect. This does one of two things to an insect: It blocks the insect's ability to turn into an adult, causing it the inability to reproduce or it causes the insect to mature into an adult before its sex organs have developed. GMO’s or genetically modified organisms in most people’s minds, refer to food products. But, actually, GMO’s are living organisms whose genetic material have been artificially manipulated in a laboratory using genetic engineering. That’s what is being done to insects. This effectively alters the ecosystem and creates diseases. And that’s precisely what its intended to do. Bee’s considered by most to be one of the most important parts of the ecosystem have drastically declined as a result of poisoning. I’ll discuss GMO’s in a view minutes.


A nematicide kills plant-parasitic nematodes. Nemotodes are microscopic worms. They have gained the nickname “round worms”. There are about 25,000 known, its estimated about a million exist and they think about half are plant-parasitical. The toxin used is, I quote, “a broad-spectrum toxicant with high volatility or other properties”. Simply put – it’s a poisonous, biological agent designed to leach into the soil and alter it. Prior to 1985, Dow Chemical manufactured and sold a nemacide called DBCP (Dibromochloropropane) (dibro-machloro-propane). The were forced to pull-over and pay the equivalent of a speeding ticket for $600,000, when it was proven that it caused male sterility and class action lawsuits ensued. Their overall criminal direction was really unaltered until about 2014. All they did was sanitize their past deeds with a new “Government” / Monsanto protected poisoning program.


A termiticide kills living termites and other related organisms. Termiticides have variable chemical concentrations therefore differing degrees of toxicity. This is somewhat distinguishable by looking at the warning label system. In the United States, it will say either; “Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger/Poison”. If it says “Caution”, and you drink from 30 ml to 473 ml of it, you will die. If it says, “Warning”, and you drink from 2/10ths of 1 ml to 15 ml of it, you will die. If it says, “Danger/Poison” and you drink a couple drops of it, up to 2/10ths of 1 ml of it, you will die. If you investigate this carefully you will see that this is the way that many such poisons are classified. The important thing to realize is that practically any toxic substance can be absorbed into the nose, throat, lungs, eyes, and especially the skin. The most important type of poisoning therefore, is the result of saturation - through short and long term absorption. Instead of warning users of this, they instead chose to warn you only of what happens if you should happen to orally ingest the substance. And the best reason I’ve been able to come up with so for regarding the reason for doing that is, it was legally proven to effect test rats in that manner and therefore legally proven to do similar things to human beings. And of course they were prevented from saying anymore without being sued by the feces derived, criminal, parasite, lobbyists.

Molluscicide (mol-lesk-a-cide)

A molluscicide kills mollusks. Mollusks are considered marine animals and represent about one-quarter of all the named marine animals. Some eat plants, some eat meat and some eat both. Most are found in or close to fresh and salt water areas. Here we are talking about slugs and snails which damage crops or other valued plants by feeding on them. Slugs and snails are essentially the same thing: snails have coiled shells, slugs don’t. They can be extremely small to very large in size. Metaldehyde (ma-tel-da-hyde) is the most widely used molluscicide, but means caffeine-based molluscicides pose a greater environmental threat, and effects the central nervous system and cardiovascular system, they are coming into greater use today by those seeking to poison the gentile food supply.

Piscicide (pice-a-cide) or (piss-a-cide)

Plants are not the only things pesticide is used on. Piscicides are a type of pesticide used to kill fish. Piscicides were designed to manage or control fish; however, they are non-selective and are known to affect macro-invertebrates. A macroinvertebrate is the term used for animals without a vertebrae occupying a certain region or habitat. They can be captured by a 500 µm net or screen. This includes arthropods i.e. insects, mites, scuds and crayfish; molluscs i.e. snails, limpets, mussels and clams; annelids i.e. segmented worms, nematodes i.e. roundworms, and platyhelminthes (platey-helminthes) i.e. flatworms. Depending on the type, concentration, method and timing of application, and length of exposure to the piscicide used, it may be toxic to these other aquatic species as well. Originally, piscicides were mainly used to control out-of-balance or undesirable fish populations so that sport fish could be stocked for recreational purposes. Today however, antimycin (antea-myson A) and rotenone (wrote-ten-on) are used in fisheries management for a variety of purposes. Those are:

A.Eradication of nonnative fish.
B.Restoration of threatened and endangered fish.
C.Support of recreational fisheries. (Not sure what that means).
D.Controlling undesirable fish.
E.Eradication of fish to control disease.
F.Quantification of populations of aquatic organisms.
G.Eradication of competing fish in rearing facilities or ponds prior to restocking.

Piscicides can be used in a variety of aquatic environments including lakes and rivers. There are four chemical piscicides registered for use in the United States for example:

Antimycin A (antea-myson A) - Antimycin is the active ingredient in Fintrol, a commercial piscicide (pice-a-cide) or (piss-a-cide).

Rotenone (wrote-ten-on) - Formulations of rotenone are manufactured in powder and liquid form under the brand names, Pro-Noxfish. In addition to applicability as a piscicide, other formulations of rotenone are registered in the United States as an insecticide. This is used on our domesticated animals. All of our domesticated animals. It’s used on our ornamental house or garden plants, our trees, and grass. But, it’s also sprayed directly on our food in order to reduce foliage prior to harvest. This includes; vegetables, berries, tree fruit, nuts, forage crops, and sugar cane. The problems with rotenone, are, insufficient usage data, inconclusive studies, concern about unknown synergistic activity with other substances, and potential health hazards. Synergistic activity means; an effect arising between two or more agents, entities, factors, or substances that produces an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. This is the case with the vast majority of registered agrochemicals. Their true purpose is unknown to the vast majority of the scientific community. And that’s because what they are working on are secret, strategic, biological and chemical agents so that the gentile food supply can be more effectively poisoned.

Niclosamide (ni-close-a-mide) – In the United States, Niclosamide is used as (1) a lampricide to control sea lamprey larvae in tributaries to the Great Lakes, the Finger Lakes and Lake Champlain and (2) a molluscicide to control freshwater snails. Drugs are essentially toxins and all toxins are poisons. In other words all poisons act as a stimulant in some quantity and a depressant in some quantity. Niclosamide is used as a drug or toxin to specifically treat tapeworms, namely fish, beef or dwarf tapeworms. It’s not effective against other worms such as pinworms or roundworms. It is not usually considered the drug of choice for treating tapeworms, because of its side effects. But, it’s highly effective and inexpensive. It’s used as fish poison.

TFM (Trifluoromethylbenzene) – The chemical contains fluoride and benzene. Probably why I couldn’t find out much about it.


Bird poison. Avicides like Avitrol are acutely toxic and cause birds and other animals to suffer immensely. Avitrol attacks and impairs birds’ nervous systems, causing birds who ingest the poison to become disoriented, exhibit erratic flight and tremors, and suffer violent convulsions for hours before they finally succumb to the effects of the toxin. Furthermore, “non-target” species, such as protected songbirds, often perish from eating the tainted baits, and predators such as raptors, foxes, hawks, cats, and dogs die from secondary poisoning after feeding on the dead or dying birds. Wildlife pathologists have demonstrated again and again that protected and endangered birds, including red-tailed hawks and peregrine falcons, die as a result of ingesting the remains of pigeons and other birds poisoned with Avitrol.


Rodent poison. Rodents include not only rats and mice, but also squirrels, woodchucks, chipmunks, porcupines, beavers and nutria. Nutria are large, web-footed rodents that are more agile in the water than on land. They live in burrows, or nests, never far from the water. Nutria may inhabit a riverbank or lakeshore, or dwell in the midst of wetlands.


Predator poison. Predators in relationship to livestock. In the United States that would be namely mammalian carnivores, such as, wolves, and foxes, which are on the endangered species list.


Bactericide is a substance that kills bacteria. Bactericides include, disinfectants, antiseptics, or antibiotics. You will gradually understand bactericide more as we continue, because of the overlap between certain types of pesticide.

Insect Repellent

The purpose of insect repellent is to prevent being pricked by biting insects that may transmit disease, such as Lyme disease, malaria and encephalitis. The active ingredient in most insect repellents is DEET. DEET is a brand name for diethyltoluamide (die-ethel-tol-u-amide). DEET was developed and tested in the 1940s and 1950s by the U.S. Army for use in jungle warfare during World War II and is extremely efficient at repelling mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, chiggers and blood-feeding flies such as black flies and deer flies. In addition to popular forms such as aerosols and pump sprays, DEET is also found in towelettes, lotions, creams and gels. DEET has a fairly pungent smell to it. DEET performs its job, by blocking the insect’s enzyme cholinesterase (colon-ester-aze), which is essential for transmitting messages from the brain to the muscles in insects. Current studies on DEET suggest that it affects us on a cellular level in some way as well as effecting the nervous system. Europeans and Australians typically use Picaridin (pike-a-ridin), as insect repellent. Picaridin has been around for roughly 40-years; it’s derived from pepper, lasts for two to eight hours and is just as effective as DEET, but is less oily and completely odorless. Studies on this obviously haven’t received much attention to date, in the United States.

Animal Repellent

Animal repellents theoretically work by taking advantage of an animal's natural aversion to something. That is something that the animal has learned to avoid (or instinctively avoids) in its natural environment. For example, some animals will avoid anything that has the odor of the urine of certain predators. Tiger urine is thus very effective at keeping away animals. Coyote urine has gained currency as a deer repellent. Fox urine is used to repel rabbits, groundhogs, woodchucks, squirrels and chipmunks. Bobcat urine repels moles, mice, voles and other rodents. Wolf urine is used to repel moose. Chemical repellents mimic natural substances that repel or deter animals, or they are designed to be so irritating to a specific animal or type of animal that the targeted animal will avoid the protected object or area. Some chemical repellents combine both principles. There are many homemade deer repellent recipes on the web. In the United States, the lawn fertilizer called “Milorganite” is claimed to be an effective repellent due to its smell. Repellents fall into two main categories, odor and taste. Odor repellents work better in the warm seasons and taste repellents work better in the cold months. Taste repellents only work after the deer or other animal has taken a bite out of the plant. If you have a plant you don't want nibbled on at all, you use an odor repellent or a combination of both. Drone technology currently has the ability to eliminate all this by producing predatory animals that mimic actual predators. Its effectiveness with controlling certain birds has already been publically proven however is still being suppressed.


Pharmaceuticals and personal care products, which include all human and veterinary drugs, dietary supplements, and other consumer products, are emerging contaminants of concern; after of course, the damage has been largely done. Among these pharmaceuticals and personal care products are: antibacterial agents or antimicrobials or antibiotics. This is the most widely used group, not only for human and veterinary medication but also for livestock and aqua-culture growth promotion.

Aquaculture is the rearing of aquatic animals or the cultivation of aquatic plants for food. Growth promotion has to do with the addition of what are termed “beneficial microbes”. And simply put, these haven’t received the research needed to deem them safe for aquaculture. After normal application, 50 to 90% of these compounds and/or their metabolites are eliminated from the body, mainly through urine and feces, which then enter the environment indirectly through sewage treatment plants or directly through fertilizer application to agricultural land. Moreover, research has indicated that approximately 70 to 80% of drugs administered in fish farms end up in surface water or sediment. Antibacterial agents have frequently been detected in wastewater effluents, surface waters, and ground waters at low microgram to nanogram per liter concentrations. While antibacterial agents at such low concentrations are probably not pharmacologically active to humans, they might be potential micro-pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. Marine algae, including microalgae, are one of the most primitive photosynthesizing, autotrophic groups, of ecologically and economically important vegetation in the aquatic ecosystem. Each has unique life-cycles and physiology. This represents nearly 40% of global photosynthesis. Effects on sensitive organisms can occur due to chronic exposure to low concentrations of these chemicals, e.g., emergence of resistant bacteria. They may also have direct toxic effects on plants and animals through their bioaccumulation and/or transfer through food chains. As I said, photoautotrophic microalgae, as primary producers, play an important role in the structure and functioning of the whole aquatic ecosystem.

Limited toxicity data available in literature show that microalgae are more sensitive than crustaceans and fish to antibacterial agents such as triclosan (tri-closen) and ciprofloxacin (cip-pro-flox-a-sin). While suppressed or limited testing is done on individual chemical toxicities, nothing has been done regarding joint toxicity of antibacterial compounds especially those in aquatic ecosystems.

There is currently concern over microbial processes aka understanding the first thing about the aquatic ecosystem. Those selling antimicrobial products have been blocking this research. Antimicrobial pesticides are substances or mixtures of substances used to destroy or suppress the growth of harmful microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, or fungi on inanimate objects and surfaces.

Antimicrobial products contain about 275 different active ingredients and are marketed in many types of formulations including: sprays, liquids, concentrated powders, and gases. Today in the United States, at least a billion dollars a year is spent on a variety of different types of antimicrobial products. More than 4000 antimicrobial products are currently registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and sold in the marketplace.

Antimicrobial products are divided into two categories by the EPA, based on the type of microbial pest against which the product works. These fall into the categories of non-public or public health products.

Non-public health products “Are used to control growth of microorganisms of economic and aesthetic significance and are not considered to be human health related”.

Public Health products “Are intended to control microorganisms infectious to humans in any inanimate environment”. The more commonly used public health antimicrobial products include sterilants, sporicides, disinfectants, sanitizers and germacides.

Algae falls into to the category of non-public health products and is therefore not considered to be human health related. And this is stated, on the United States Environmental Protection Agency website. Odor causing bacteria can be treated with antimicrobials and is not considered an environmental threat to humans.

Treatments for textile and paper products, paint, jet fuel etc. are examples of things that can be treated with antimicrobials as well and do not constitute an environmental threat to humans. So, obviously the permitted dosages that are applied are not the same dosages that would be safe in relationship to direct human contact. It is whatever they feel the ecosystem in general can absorb without negative consequences in relationship to humans.


Fungicides are pesticides that kill or prevent the growth of fungi and their spores. Fungi is plural for fungus. A fungus is any one of a group of single-cell, multi-cell or syncytial (sin-sish-al) cells. Syncytial cells don’t have inner cell boundaries.


A fungus is a spore-producing organism feeding on organic matter. Spores are classified by their unique spore producing structure i.e. by their function, by life cycle origin and by their mobility. A spore usually has a small, single-celled asexual or sexual reproductive body that is highly resistant to the removal of moisture and therefore highly resistant to heat. It’s capable of growing into a new organism. Examples includes mold, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools. Spores are especially produced by certain types of bacteria, fungi, algae and non-flowering plants.

Fungi Plant Food Damage

Normally, fungicides are used to control plant damage. The damage that typically occurs with plants consists of rusts, mildews and blights.

Taxonomic Rank

Plant categorization consists of understanding “taxonomic rank”. The fungi domain is called Eukaryote (you-care-e-ote) and the fungi are referred to as eukaryotic organisms. The domain simply defines the fungi by using the cellular make ups I already described. The fungi kingdom is set apart from the domain by the fact that fungi are separate from the other eukaryotic life kingdoms. When it comes to understanding fungi, you need to roll up your sleeves and look into all the subkingdoms, phylum and subphylum and break all that down into classes, orders and families. Otherwise, understanding the unique characteristics of various types of fungi genus and species will seem more complicated than it actually is.

Again, the damage that typically occurs with plants consist of rusts, mildews and blights.

Plant Rusts

Plant rusts, actually look like rust. There are about 168 rust genera. Each type of rust can produce up to five different types of spores during its life cycle. Life-cycle steps or classifications have been clearly differentiated for the known spore genera.

Plant Mildew

Plant mildew is a fungus and is controlled using the pesticide called fungicide. Two common types are called “powdery mildew fungi” and “downy mildew fungi”. Powdery mildew is one of the easier plant diseases to identify, as its symptoms are quite distinctive. Infected plants display white powdery spots on the leaves and stems. The lower leaves are the most affected, but the mildew can appear on any above-ground part of the plant. As the disease progresses, the spots get larger and denser as large numbers of asexual spores are formed, and the mildew may spread up and down the length of the plant. Typically wooly aphids in sub temperate climates precede and are an indicator of various infections. Both chemical toxins and GMO’s are used to modify the plants and the insects.

Plant Blight

“Blight” is another fungus and is controlled using the pesticide called fungicide. Blight refers to a specific symptom affecting plants in response to infection by a pathogenic organism. A pathogenic organism is an organism capable of causing disease in its host. A human pathogen is capable of causing illness in humans. Common examples of human pathogenic organisms include specific strains of bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria (lis-tear-ia) and E. coli, and viruses such as Cryptosporidium. The plant pathogen called “blight” causes abnormal reduction or loss of the normal green coloration of the leaves of the plant, technically known as chlorosis (chlor-ohs-sis). The plant leaves continue to brown and the entire plant gradually dies. “Blights” are not understood and that is proven by the fact that any disease demonstrating an approximation to blight is called blight.

Fungicide can also be used to control mold and mildew in other settings. Fungicides work in a variety of ways, but most of them damage fungal cell membranes or interfere with energy production within fungal cells.

Antimicrobial Disinfectant

Antimicrobial disinfectants are considered to be pesticides. This has already been covered in our discussion of antimicrobials.


Sanitizers are used to reduce, but not necessarily eliminate, microorganisms from the inanimate environment. They reduce it or eliminate it in reference to levels considered safe as determined by public health codes or regulations. Sanitizers are divided into two types by the EPA: "food, contact products" and "non-food, contact products". Food contact products are important because they are used on sites where consumable food products are placed and stored. "Sanitizing rinses" are used on dishes and cooking utensils and their used on the surfaces of equipment and utensils found in dairies, food-processing plants, and eating and drinking establishments. Non-food contact surface sanitizers include, carpet sanitizer, air sanitizer, laundry additives, and in-tank toilet bowl sanitizers.
Hi HP Shannon.  Those assholes I told you about.  They have some seriously disgusting racist shit going on down there in Costa Rica.  And the victims are of the black race.  You are going to want to take a giant shit on their lives if you decide to pay them a psychic visit or investigate them or however that works for you HP's. 

Sorry about the constant shit talk.  Their is always an element of shit involved when it comes to jews - ever notice that?  Their essentially insects and insects eat shit and shit all over nice things, is the only thing I've been able to come up with regarding that phenomenon so far.  I'm not even joking...
Wow that is a HUGE list magnum. You really read a lot. Awesome.

K back to reading the second half after fish :p
"Non-public health products “Are used to control growth of microorganisms of economic and aesthetic significance and are not considered to be human health related”.

Public Health products “Are intended to control microorganisms infectious to humans in any inanimate environment”. The more commonly used public health antimicrobial products include sterilants, sporicides, disinfectants, sanitizers and germacides."

I remember reading something similar before and I thought then if a poison is meant to be killing something that absolutely has nothing to do with humans it is permitted to be used. However the other parts of the text contradict this, in that it IS tested.

Another hole in the law.

About mildews.. (since it was mentioned and I just read some of my notes earlier) feeding the plant with nettle gier (dutch word. It is supposed to mean watery substance that smells like cows poop sprayed over the fields) or gier made from Sympythum Officinale. I think there was another one listed in my notes as well though.

Snails.. Copper bands and various methods of killing them by hands. Some birds do eat snails but.. seems like songbirds don't.
Then this was mentioned by my teacher. Green soft soap. To put that kind of thick around the edges of the table (of which plants stand on or newly grown plants or such) so they don't climb over it. (they can't climb over it)
Now I do not know if this is going to be a problem environmentally but it sounds at least a bit more friendly than dumping all the things with the chemical killers.

Oh also I've decided to get a water filter. Now fluoride is not legally put in the water supply here, but I can't vouch for 'natural fluoride' ('Natural fluoride at optimized level' list of countries... I think that is something 'scientists' did the same as with the 'artificial fluoride') being healthy either. Seeing what I found in the past on those devices such a thing is quite expensive, so I think I should safe that for later (when I have a better income).
% johnson_akemi

You said, "One of the reasons farmers use chemical pesticides is that it is not economical to use less toxic alternatives".  Who controls the economy, us or the jews?  The jews.  So, my question to you is - economical to who?  What is meant by economical?  Is it improving the economy?  Is it even a farmer doing it, or is it a jew steered, communist business enterprise? 

What if communities were taught to take responsibility for their own communities using a form of true socialism, using individual gardening techniques in addition to proven, ethical, livestock caring and management?

You said, "Also, many farmers are in a no-win situation when it comes to pesticides".  Then you talked of their approach to quality control rejecting certain things.  Aesthetics defined by jew steered, communist business enterprises?  Not relevant. 

The current systems are communist, jew systems that need to be removed and ethical farming involving the personal responsibility of every individual needs to be put back into place as the norm.  Jews have no hold over food.  They just think they do. 

The only pesticide that is really needed is a pesticide that permanently eliminates the jews.  
*sigh* You know Johnson. Nowadays farmers are pushed for making bargains.
And honestly I have no idea why the pesticide pushing even started because I simply can not imagine weeds growing out of hand as they do like today.
Biologic AND ecologic farming is MEANT to restore the balance in the soil, WITHOUT using pesticides. That means that the 'bad' critters in the soil or insects or whatever will be maintained or kept in control by the NATURAL critters and insects. For those you do have to provide a habitat.

Another thing to think of. This world has a LOAD of people that just simply shouldn't be alive. They say the world can produce to give everyone enough to eat, but considering how fast they are killing the rainforest, the depletion of the soil etc, this seems to be not true at all.

As for the weeds.. only seedlings could use weeding. Once the plants are big enough other things can not overgrow them anymore and the crops would dominate that place.
As for the farmers.. I think its also a matter of motivation to work in the business. 
I am quite sure running a farm shouldn't be something that takes up one's whole day...

  Joo Insect Race’s, Gentile Food Poisoning Program  09/15/16
I've recently made my first significant breakthrough's on this and have exposed a couple fundamental datum's regarding the suppression of the Gentile races, through the feces derived, joo insect, genocide programs.  This was done by simply uncovering and gaining a clearer understanding of what poisons are as opposed to what they are represented to be in the joo run media and aspects of the medical profession and so-called government.

This version is a more professional and cleaned up version of the last with many things understood and added.  All sources are listed and acquired from highly knowledgeable professionals in their respected fields.  Many new sources of information have been found and recorded and I'm currently in the process of going through these "many" sources to extract the relevant information regarding these crimes against humanity.
When any fundamental underlying datum, is discovered - its identity and value is clearly represented by its inherent ability to explain things that seemed complicated.  This will be represented immediately in the future, with my next version when I completely reorder the categories of poisons to fit these new found data.
There is nothing complicated about the joo's and their insect shit related qualities.  I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the latest ritual.  I absolutely loved it.  The joo's need to be returned to the shit from which they were derived and then atomically sanitized.
If anyone wants to help me out with this, here's a list of things I could use some help with:
1.  Suppressed op[/IMG]Table of Contents[/B]<b style="">[/B] <b style="">Forward. 15[/B] <b style="">Chapter 1 - What Doctors Say. 17[/B] <b style=""><[/IMG][/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516113]What do doctors th[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516114]Doctor # 1. 17[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516116]Key Concepts. 18[/B] Fer[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516119]Ant[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516120]Enzy[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516121]Cell Receptors. 18[/B] <b style=""><[/IMG]Doctor # 2. 18[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516124]Doctor # 3. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516126]Doctor # 4. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516128]Doctor # 5. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516130]Doctor # 6. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516132]Doctor # 7. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516134]Doctor # 8. 20[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516136]Doctor # 9. 21[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516138]Doctor # 10. 21[/[/IMG]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516140]Food Consu[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516141]Chapter 2 - Processed Foods Contr[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516142]H[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516143]Atheroscleros[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516144]Hypertens[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516146]Artery Da[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516147]Aneurys[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516149]Coronary Artery D[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516150]Enlar[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516151]Heart Fa[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516153]Trans[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516154]Stroke. 23[/B] <b style="">De[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516156][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516158]K[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516159]K[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516160]K[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516162]Eye Blood Vessel Da[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516163]Flu[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516164]Nerve Da[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516166][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516167][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516169]Bone Loss. 24[/B] <b style="">Trouble Sleep[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516172][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516178][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516179]Osteoporos[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516180]Dental Cav[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516181]Result: Chron[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516182]Card[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516183]Cancer 27[/[/IMG]<[/IMG]D[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516185]Chapter 3 – Card[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516186]Chapter 4 - Cancer. 29[/B] <b style=""><[/IMG]Cancer Def[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516188]3 Pr[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516189]Che[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516190]Rad[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516193][/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516194]Cate[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516195]Carc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516197]Basal Cell Carc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516198]Squa[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516199]Renal Cell Carc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516200]Ductal Carc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516201][/IMG][url=#_Toc461516202]Adenocarc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516203]Carc[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516204]Sarco[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516205]Leuke[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516206]Ly[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516218]Ly[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516219]Chapter 5 - D[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516220]Chapter 6 – The [/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516221]What [/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516222]No Not That Crap - What [/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516223][/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516224]The Lost [/IMG][url=#_Toc461516225]Op[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516226]Food Labels & Le[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516227]Food Labels. 48[/B] <b style="">Serv[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516229]The L[/IMG]<[/IMG][url=#_Toc461516230]Daily Value.
(Message over 64 KB, truncated)[/I][/B]
HI! I might be able to help with self sufficiency, and raising animals/growing food, and healthy ways of running a garden without use of chemicals, and preserving for over winter and so on. also might be able to help with something on the ranching/farming industry.just need to know more specifically what you're looking for.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, September 15, 2016, 10:35 AM, magnum.arcanum@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  Joo Insect Race’s, Gentile Food Poisoning Program  09/15/16
I've recently made my first significant breakthrough's on this and have exposed a couple fundamental datum's regarding the suppression of the Gentile races, through the feces derived, joo insect, genocide programs.  This was done by simply uncovering and gaining a clearer understanding of what poisons are as opposed to what they are represented to be in the joo run media and aspects of the medical profession and so-called government.

This version is a more professional and cleaned up version of the last with many things understood and added.  All sources are listed and acquired from highly knowledgeable professionals in their respected fields.  Many new sources of information have been found and recorded and I'm currently in the process of going through these "many" sources to extract the relevant information regarding these crimes against humanity.
When any fundamental underlying datum, is discovered - its identity and value is clearly represented by its inherent ability to explain things that seemed complicated.  This will be represented immediately in the future, with my next version when I completely reorder the categories of poisons to fit these new found data.
There is nothing complicated about the joo's and their insect shit related qualities.  I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the latest ritual.  I absolutely loved it.  The joo's need to be returned to the shit from which they were derived and then atomically sanitized.
If anyone wants to help me out with this, here's a list of things I could use some help with:
1.  Suppressed opinions from doctors regarding the destructive qualities of processed food. 2.  Inside (first-hand) knowledge i.e. that obtained from doctors specializing in Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and provided to you. 3.  Vaccination poisoning done to babies and military personnel through injections and electronic microchip control. 4.  Human microchip agendas. 5.  Decrypted information on the “joo insect shit” agenda of their “Agenda 21” gentile genocide programs. 6.  A historical timeline of delays and buffering used by the U.S. EPA to support their masters (the joo insect race and their gentile food poisoning program). 7.  Information on the oceanic garbage patch. 8.  Inside information on Fast Food. 9.  Methods of self-sufficiency and checks that allow for us to rebuild the meat and vegetable food production industries. 10.  The complete guide, educational materials, and information for controlling and understanding contaminants at your local water department, preferably from somebody that works at one. Table of Contents Forward. 15 Chapter 1 - What Doctors Say. 17 I Can’t Tell You That – I Could Get Into Trouble. 17 What do doctors think of processed food?. 17 Doctor # 1. 17 Opinion # 1. 17 Key Concepts. 18 Fermentable Fiber 18 Polyphenols. 18 Antioxidant Properties. 18 Enzyme Function. 18 Cell Receptors. 18 Doctor # 2. 18 Opinion # 2. 20 Doctor # 3. 20 Opinion # 3. 20 Doctor # 4. 20 Opinion # 4. 20 Doctor # 5. 20 Opinion # 5. 20 Doctor # 6. 20 Opinion # 6. 20 Doctor # 7. 20 Opinion # 7. 20 Doctor # 8. 20 Opinion # 8. 20 Doctor # 9. 21 Opinion # 9. 21 Doctor # 10. 21 Opinion # 10. 21 Food Consumption Trends 21 Chapter 2 - Processed Foods Contribution to the World. 22 High Cholesterol 22 Atherosclerosis. 22 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 22 Damage to Your Arteries. 22 Artery Damage and Narrowing. 22 Aneurysm... 22 Damage to Your Heart 22 Coronary Artery Disease. 23 Enlarged Left Heart 23 Heart Failure. 23 Damage to Your Brain. 23 Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 23 Stroke. 23 Dementia. 23 Mild Cognitive Impairment 23 Damage to Your Kidneys. 23 Kidney Failure. 23 Kidney Scarring (Glomerulosclerosis) 23 Kidney Artery Aneurysm... 24 Damage to Your Eyes. 24 Eye Blood Vessel Damage (Retinopathy) 24 Fluid Buildup under the Retina (Choroidopathy) 24 Nerve Damage (Optic Neuropathy) 24 Sexual Dysfunction. 24 In Men. 24 In Women. 24 Possible Dangers. 24 Bone Loss. 24 Trouble Sleeping. 24 Typical Emergency Situations You Will Experience. 24 Gout 25 Symptoms. 25 Those Typically Effected. 25 How to Get It 25 What It Looks Like. 25 What to Expect At the Doctors Office. 25 Iron-Deficiency Anemia. 25 Osteoporosis. 26 Dental Cavities. 26 Result: Chronicity of the 3-Main Categories of Death. 26 Cardiovascular Disease. 26 Cancer 27 Diabetes 27 Chapter 3 – Cardiovascular Disease. 28 Chapter 4 - Cancer. 29 Cancer Defined. 29 3 Primary Means of Treatment for Cancer 29 Chemotherapy. 29 Radiation Therapy (Exposure) 30 Variable “Early” Side Effects from Radiation Exposure. 32 Variable “Late” Side Effects from Radiation Exposure. 32 Immunotherapy. 36 Categories of Cancer 38 Carcinomas. 38 Types of Carcinoma. 38 Basal Cell Carcinoma. 39 Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 39 Renal Cell Carcinoma. 39 Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) 39 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. 39 Adenocarcinoma. 39 Carcinoma Additional Sources. 39 Sarcomas. 39 Leukemia. 40 Lymphomas. 41 Blood Test 42 Bone Marrow Aspiration or Biopsy, Test 43 Chest X-Ray, Test 43 MRI Scan, Test 43 PET Scan, Test 43 Molecular Test 44 Immunohistochemistry Test 44 Flow Cytometry Test 44 Ultrasound Test 44 Gallium Scan Test 45 Bone Scan Test 45 Lymphoma Continued…... 45 Chapter 5 - Diabetes – Type 2, 1, Similarities & Differences. 46 Chapter 6 – The Meaning of Toxic and Poison. 47 What is Toxicology & Epidemiology?. 47 No Not That Crap - What Is It Really?. 47 Measuring “That Crap”. 47 The Lost Meaning Of “Quantity Calculus”. 47 Opinion. 48 Food Labels & Legalese. 48 Food Labels. 48 Serving Size. 48 The List Of Nutrients 48 Daily Value. 48 Calories From Fat 48 % Daily Value. 49 Calories Per Gram.. 49 Food Label Legalese. 49 Free. 49 Fresh. 49 Healthy. 49 High. 49 Lean. 49 Less. 49 Light or Lite. 49 Low.. 49 More. 49 Source Of or Good Source Of. 49 Punitive Punishments For Poisoners 49 Chapter 7 – Common Poisons Found In Nature. 51 Lead in Gasoline. 52 Occupational Exposures. 52 Biological Properties of Lead. 53 Health Effects of Lead. 54 Reducing Exposure to Lead.

(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
@ torin froning graycreek.4789
Do you actually have any Native American in you?  If so, that would be interesting to know.  I can't sense spiritual energy from afar quite yet, but Native Americans have a unique pure form of spiritual energy that I like. 

I knew in the late 70's that understanding self-sufficiency would be very important now.  Now that the feces derived joo's are about to be permanently enshrined in a space capsule of feces and shot into our sun.

[/IMG]fuck us over on[/B] these matters.

I don't have anything on "New World Self Sufficiency" yet.  I found some old 1970's, " New Shelter" magazines and haven't been able to find any articles of use from that group of spiritual renegades.  Occasionally they wrote some very good stuff, but its hard to get those.

As far as growing your own food goes.  Now that Monsanto controls all seeds in the U.S. and that terrorist, joo, piece of shit, mudslime Hussein Obama signed an executive order guaranteeing their future after the economic collapse (if that bullshit is even real), their will be genetic pollution far worse than any nuclear catastrophe that could come our way and we will be forced to utilize sanitized indoor hydroponics systems of food production.  Many will scoff at this statement, but many don't know that all seeds in the U.S. are Monsanto, GMO seeds and they control all of them.

So, right now its all about putting together an outline of everything relevant.  As you know more about it than I do, I suggest that "you" be the one to form the first outline.  From there we can decide on which topics are relevant and set limits on scope.

<b [/IMG]From:[/B] "torin froning graycreek.4789@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [SSHealth] Re: Joo Insect Race's Gentile Food Poisoning Program

  HI! I might be able to help with self sufficiency, and raising animals/growing food, and healthy ways of running a garden without use of chemicals, and preserving for over winter and so on. also might be able to help with something on the ranching/farming industry.just need to know more specifically what you're looking for.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, September 15, 2016, 10:35 AM, magnum.arcanum@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  Joo Insect Race’s, Gentile Food Poisoning Program  09/15/16
I've recently made my first significant breakthrough's on this and have exposed a couple fundamental datum's regarding the suppression of the Gentile races, through the feces derived, joo insect, genocide programs.  This was done by simply uncovering and gaining a clearer understanding of what poisons are as opposed to what they are represented to be in the joo run media and aspects of the medical profession and so-called government.

This version is a more professional and cleaned up version of the last with many things understood and added.  All sources are listed and acquired from highly knowledgeable professionals in their respected fields.  Many new sources of information have been found and recorded and I'm currently in the process of going through these "many" sources to extract the relevant information regarding these crimes against humanity.
When any fundamental underlying datum, is discovered - its identity and value is clearly represented by its inherent ability to explain things that seemed complicated.  This will be represented immediately in the future, with my next version when I completely reorder the categories of poisons to fit these new found data.
There is nothing complicated about the joo's and their insect shit related qualities.  I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the latest ritual.  I absolutely loved it.  The joo's need to be returned to the shit from which they were derived and then atomically sanitized.
If anyone wants to help me out with this, here's a list of things I could use some help with:
1.  Suppressed opinions from doctors regarding the destructive qualities of processed food. 2.  Inside (first-hand) knowledge i.e. that obtained from doctors specializing in Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and provided to you. 3.  Vaccination poisoning done to babies and military personnel through injections and electronic microchip control. 4.  Human microchip agendas. 5.  Decrypted information on the “joo insect shit” agenda of their “Agenda 21” gentile genocide programs. 6.  A historical timeline of delays and buffering used by the U.S. EPA to support their masters (the joo insect race and their gentile food poisoning program). 7.  Information on the oceanic garbage patch. 8.  Inside information on Fast Food. 9.  Methods of self-sufficiency and checks that allow for us to rebuild the meat and vegetable food production industries. 10.  The complete guide, educational materials, and information for controlling and understanding contaminants at your local water department, preferably from somebody that works at one. Table of Contents Forward. 15 Chapter 1 - What Doctors Say. 17 I Can’t Tell You That – I Could Get Into Trouble. 17 What do doctors think of processed food?. 17 Doctor # 1. 17 Opinion # 1. 17 Key Concepts. 18 Fermentable Fiber 18 Polyphenols. 18 Antioxidant Properties. 18 Enzyme Function. 18 Cell Receptors. 18 Doctor # 2. 18 Opinion # 2. 20 Doctor # 3. 20 Opinion # 3. 20 Doctor # 4. 20 Opinion # 4. 20 Doctor # 5. 20 Opinion # 5. 20 Doctor # 6. 20 Opinion # 6. 20 Doctor # 7. 20 Opinion # 7. 20 Doctor # 8. 20 Opinion # 8. 20 Doctor # 9. 21 Opinion # 9. 21 Doctor # 10. 21 Opinion # 10. 21 Food Consumption Trends 21 Chapter 2 - Processed Foods Contribution to the World. 22 High Cholesterol 22 Atherosclerosis. 22 Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) 22 Damage to Your Arteries. 22 Artery Damage and Narrowing. 22 Aneurysm... 22 Damage to Your Heart 22 Coronary Artery Disease. 23 Enlarged Left Heart 23 Heart Failure. 23 Damage to Your Brain. 23 Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 23 Stroke. 23 Dementia. 23 Mild Cognitive Impairment 23 Damage to Your Kidneys. 23 Kidney Failure. 23 Kidney Scarring (Glomerulosclerosis) 23 Kidney Artery Aneurysm... 24 Damage to Your Eyes. 24 Eye Blood Vessel Damage (Retinopathy) 24 Fluid Buildup under the Retina (Choroidopathy) 24 Nerve Damage (Optic Neuropathy) 24 Sexual Dysfunction. 24 In Men. 24 In Women. 24 Possible Dangers. 24 Bone Loss. 24 Trouble Sleeping. 24 Typical Emergency Situations You Will Experience. 24 Gout 25 Symptoms. 25 Those Typically Effected. 25 How to Get It 25 What It Looks Like. 25 What to Expect At the Doctors Office. 25 Iron-Deficiency Anemia. 25 Osteoporosis. 26 Dental Cavities. 26 Result: Chronicity of the 3-Main Categories of Death. 26 Cardiovascular Disease. 26 Cancer 27 Diabetes 27 Chapter 3 – Cardiovascular Disease. 28 Chapter 4 - Cancer. 29 Cancer Defined. 29 3 Primary Means of Treatment for Cancer 29 Chemotherapy. 29 Radiation Therapy (Exposure) 30 Variable “Early” Side Effects from Radiation Exposure. 32 Variable “Late” Side Effects from Radiation Exposure. 32 Immunotherapy. 36 Categories of Cancer 38 Carcinomas. 38 Types of Carcinoma. 38 Basal Cell Carcinoma. 39 Squamous Cell Carcinoma. 39 Renal Cell Carcinoma. 39 Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) 39 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. 39 Adenocarcinoma. 39 Carcinoma Additional Sources. 39 Sarcomas. 39 Leukemia. 40 Lymphomas. 41 Blood Test 42 Bone Marrow Aspiration or Biopsy, Test 43 Chest X-Ray, Test 43 MRI Scan, Test 43 PET Scan, Test 43 Molecular Test 44 Immunohistochemistry Test 44 Flow Cytometry Test 44 Ultrasound Test 44 Gallium Scan Test 45 Bone Scan Test 45 Lymphoma Continued…
(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
Here's a good starting point which involves home gardening essentials.  Most of this is going to have to be reference materials just to get someone up to the point where they can grow a simple food plant in or at their home. 
Understand[/IMG]Chapter 31 – Growing Your Own Food Kitchen Gardens – These can be as simple as a little box, to get started.  Start with a few herbs and some leafy greens.  This is how it starts.  Slowly.  Next, expand into other areas.  This can be hidden away practically anywhere.  Eating is an agricultural action.  This is an important life force.   Soil – Loam is prime garden soil.  It is a loose, crumbly, sweet-smelling, balanced mix of sand, silt, clay, organic matter, air, and water.   Sandy Soil – Is light and drains away quickly; it needs to be watered often and has a hard time retaining nutrients.    Clay Soil – Is heavy and compact; it drains slowly and retains nutrients but lacks good airflow.   Free Soil Testing – Take about 2 cups of soil and wet it thoroughly with water.  Take the wet soil into your hand and compact it into a ball.  Clay soil will be a sticky ball that holds together.  Sandy soil will resemble a ball that cannot hold its shape.  Loam soil will form into a ball and hold its shape, but will easily break apart.   Compost – Compost is the number one food for soil.  Compost is the perfect natural system in which nutrients taken by plants taken by plants form the soil, water, and air and are returned back to the soil.  Making compost diverts our food and garden waste from landfills and turns it into a valuable resource and powerful plant food.  Everyone can compost and it is important to do so. Mineral Soil Foods – Rock dust, oyster-shell meal or ground limestone, charcoal, greensand (glauconite), soft rock (colloidal) phosphate, wood ash Leguminous cover crop.   Soil pH – The ideal scene for most edible plants is a range of slightly acidic to neutral – somewhere between 6-7.  Well maintained soil with a good quantity of organic matter and a healthy living ecosystem will buffer pH in soil, making it viable even when its pH is outside the prescribed bounds.  Adding compost is the best place to begin with in any type of corrective action you do. Preparing the Beds Garden Planning Soil Beds Extending the Seasons Containers Seeds, Seedlings, & Healthy Plants Sowing Seeds Seedlings Planting Water Plant Foods Cultivation Harvesting Flavor   Fruit in the Garden

From: "torin froning graycreek.4789@... [SSHealth]" <[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2016 4:48 PM
Subject: Re: [SSHealth] Re: Joo Insect Race's Gentile Food Poisoning Program

  HI! I might be able to help with self sufficiency, and raising animals/growing food, and healthy ways of running a garden without use of chemicals, and preserving for over winter and so on. also might be able to help with something on the ranching/farming industry.just need to know more specifically what you're looking for.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, September 15, 2016, 10:35 AM, magnum.arcanum@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  Joo Insect Race’s, Gentile Food Poisoning Program  09/15/16
I've recently made my first significant breakthrough's on this and have exposed a couple fundamental datum's regarding the suppression of the Gentile races, through the feces derived, joo insect, genocide programs.  This was done by simply uncovering and gaining a clearer understanding of what poisons are as opposed to what they are represented to be in the joo run media and aspects of the medical profession and so-called government.

This version is a more professional and cleaned up version of the last with many things understood and added.  All sources are listed and acquired from highly knowledgeable professionals in their respected fields.  Many new sources of information have been found and recorded and I'm currently in the process of going through these "many" sources to extract the relevant information regarding these crimes against humanity.
When any fundamental underlying datum, is discovered - its identity and value is clearly represented by its inherent ability to explain things that seemed complicated.  This will be represented immediately in the future, with my next version when I completely reorder the categories of poisons to fit these new found data.
There is nothing complicated about the joo's and their insect shit related qualities.  I hope everyone thoroughly enjoyed the latest ritual.  I absolutely loved it.  The joo's need to be returned to the shit from which they were derived and then atomically sanitized.
If anyone wants to help me out with this, here's a list of things I could use some help with:
1.  Suppressed opinions from doctors regarding the destructive qualities of processed food. 2.  Inside (first-hand) knowledge i.e. that obtained from doctors specializing in Type 1 and 2 Diabetes and provided to you. 3.  Vaccination poisoning done to babies and military personnel through injections and electronic microchip control. 4.  Human microchip agendas. 5.  Decrypted information on the “joo insect shit” agenda of their “Agenda 21” gentile genocide programs. 6.  A historical timeline of delays and buffering used by the U.S. EPA to support their masters (the joo insect race and their gentile food poisoning program). 7.  Information on the oceanic garbage patch. 8.  Inside information on Fast Food. 9.  Methods of self-sufficiency and checks that allow for us to rebuild the meat and vegetable food production industries. 10.  The complete guide, educational materials, and information for controlling and understanding contaminants at your local water department, preferably from somebody that works at one. Table of Contents Forward. 15 Chapter 1 - What Doctors Say. 17 I Can’t Tell You That – I Could Get Into Trouble. 17 What do doctors think of processed food?. 17 Doctor # 1. 17 Opinion # 1. 17 Key Concepts. 18 Fermentable Fiber 18 Polyphenols. 18 Antioxidant Properties. 18 Enzyme Function. 18 Cell Receptors. 18 Doctor # 2. 18 Opinion # 2. 20 Doctor # 3. 20 Opinion # 3. 20 Doctor # 4. 20 Opinion # 4. 20 Doctor # 5
(Message over 64 KB, truncated)
As to if i have Native American in me, really not sure. some family says i have quite a bit, and other family says it's a sweden/norway mix. not too sure.I have white skin, but always been pulled toward the native culture. my pets and everything else all are named in sekani. not sure.but left home at12 and grew up with different family in the hills and had to learn quickly about being self sufficient. that was like you said "just normal life " but learned everything from ranching, farming crop, hunting, trapping, preserving, running any kind of equipment, welding and separating seed's and so on.I've seen very well what the industry has become, and what is required to be a " profitable " rancher and it's just sickening. for a example you go to auction to grab some feeders ( usually) yearling steers. soon as you get them home, the feeder association requires you vacation them with over priced meds, just because they was sick to begin with when they left the lot.there is pretty well the same idea with growing crops. i was fortunate enough to have no christianity in my family. but point being, besides the industry preaching you, and, Churches, and mindless church going farmers, that you got to buy seed and fertilizer to put more phosphorus in the soil is fucking bull shit. i think, im not sure, but it could have something to do with people are lazy, and the price of diesel keeps going up. so instead of doing what's right, and more natural, ( you break the land yearly, so soil doesn't go stagnant, there's often no problem with soil or crop), it also kills most pest larva in the soil, so no need to pesticide everything,people seem to be taking the easy route because the price or diesel is nuts here. so instead of putting in extra hours, and breaking land. they go do a quick lap around with the seeder, then rent a fertilizer and do some quick laps around, and they have little to no idea where the seed came from, but they don't care, because they can sit back and go to church and drink for 3-4 months while they watch their crops grow. but. that's where you get into spraying your crop with potent weed spray. and the md's and id's ( county's or other government run sections of land )patroll/watch your crops, so soon as they see weeds, and if you can't afford to or just don't want to, they come in and spray for you. it's right now i think $125-180 per acre. and thats where your chemical contaminated crop starts.my opinions are what they are i guess. would like to get into it more but kinda busy for a bit here. just some quick notes. get bees! they make a world of difference for any land in about a 3mi radius and their really fun to have around. and took very quick glance at your most recent message. growing vegetables and herbs indoors in the winter or summer is great. might not be worth much cus i have great soil, but still, i put about 4 inches of straw under my pots or boxes. it holds moisture and kinda acts like a filter or sponge for most the bad stuff. i go dumpster diving or find old fish thanks and they work awsome for planting in, kinda like a mini green house.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Attachments :
<ol>091516 Roster of Topics.pdf</ol>% Graycreek

Joo Insect Race's Gentile Food Poisoning Program
Magnum Arcanum's Roster of Topics

See Attachment for complete Table of Contents I have so far.

Write down every topic under the Sun you know about anything resembling this and put it into an outline of topics that are even remotely relevant or not even relevant.  Then you'll be able to address them yourself, with me, or whatever you choose.  This project isn't about me, its about Satan and the fact that the Joo program is over. 

You've obviously got a huge Native American spirit.  If I can sense that, and I can't sense shit yet, I'd be willing to bet a buck or two that you've probably been a pretty powerful person in the past and are now.  I'm a German / Norway mix myself.  I used to be a formidable warrior, but today, "Le pussy".   But working on it, and improving.  A couple hundred years ago, the shit that's going on wouldn't be going on - because everyone of those mother fuckers would have met a slow and excruciatingly painful death at the hand of me.  Now I have to fuck around using magick.  Fucking annoying - but beneficial for me and its something Satan wants.

I'm focused on poisoning and how its done, but you can't explain soil contamination to someone unless they know something about soil.  Most of what I've done so for is define what is meant by all this stuff.  You might think about putting together an encyclopedic dictionary yourself.  Works wonders for finding out what you don't know that much about.  It helps you find little things you've overlooked regarding topics as well. 

---In [email protected], <graycreek.4789@... wrote :

As to if i have Native American in me, really not sure. some family says i have quite a bit, and other family says it's a sweden/norway mix. not too sure.I have white skin, but always been pulled toward the native culture. my pets and everything else all are named in sekani. not sure.but left home at12 and grew up with different family in the hills and had to learn quickly about being self sufficient. that was like you said "just normal life " but learned everything from ranching, farming crop, hunting, trapping, preserving, running any kind of equipment, welding and separating seed's and so on.I've seen very well what the industry has become, and what is required to be a " profitable " rancher and it's just sickening. for a example you go to auction to grab some feeders ( usually) yearling steers. soon as you get them home, the feeder association requires you vacation them with over priced meds, just because they was sick to begin with when they left the lot.there is pretty well the same idea with growing crops. i was fortunate enough to have no christianity in my family. but point being, besides the industry preaching you, and, Churches, and mindless church going farmers, that you got to buy seed and fertilizer to put more phosphorus in the soil is fucking bull shit. i think, im not sure, but it could have something to do with people are lazy, and the price of diesel keeps going up. so instead of doing what's right, and more natural, ( you break the land yearly, so soil doesn't go stagnant, there's often no problem with soil or crop), it also kills most pest larva in the soil, so no need to pesticide everything,people seem to be taking the easy route because the price or diesel is nuts here. so instead of putting in extra hours, and breaking land. they go do a quick lap around with the seeder, then rent a fertilizer and do some quick laps around, and they have little to no idea where the seed came from, but they don't care, because they can sit back and go to church and drink for 3-4 months while they watch their crops grow. but. that's where you get into spraying your crop with potent weed spray. and the md's and id's ( county's or other government run sections of land )patroll/watch your crops, so soon as they see weeds, and if you can't afford to or just don't want to, they come in and spray for you. it's right now i think $125-180 per acre. and thats where your chemical contaminated crop starts.my opinions are what they are i guess. would like to get into it more but kinda busy for a bit here. just some quick notes. get bees! they make a world of difference for any land in about a 3mi radius and their really fun to have around. and took very quick glance at your most recent message. growing vegetables and herbs indoors in the winter or summer is great. might not be worth much cus i have great soil, but still, i put about 4 inches of straw under my pots or boxes. it holds moisture and kinda acts like a filter or sponge for most the bad stuff. i go dumpster diving or find old fish thanks and they work awsome for planting in, kinda like a mini green house.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

sounds like a great project! got some rest in and it's going to be raining and snowing the next bit, so can go to town on this for the next bit. I am however just learning a computer and trying to understand the internet. so it will be a great learning experience all around.
Won't tell them why, but I'll grab some folks from the community that i know are solid, a straight shot, are tired of the bull shit, that I know have a great background in different industries, just for different points of view on topics.
have everything from rcmp officers, dr's, waterworks officials, farmers, conservation officers, and biologists, and so on. I'll just be careful of how I approach it.
it's going to take a little bit, more so on learning computer,
but I'll do the best i can with what i got. between friends and family I really hope I can help you out!
% Greycreek

This project is just something to keep me from tangenting off into something stupid. And I like to write. I'm in the Southern United States right now it's about 94 degrees Fahrenheit. I'll be working outside all day. I haven't seen snow since living in Minnesota 5 years ago now. I don't miss it.

I can help you with learning the computer. I can build pretty much any kind I want means I have and electronics technicians degree therefore can build very specific types using logic diagrams logic gates and apply carrier signals. Here in the United States the 60 hertz signal is very precise. You can use that for practically any AC carrier signal you need to apply a digital signal to. I took quite a few classes on computers however I took it in the United States. Which is equivalent to getting jerked off while you read the back of a cereal box. If you're going to interview people sometimes that helps to bring a voice recorder. And my suggestion is to keep questions separate from one another while letting the information flow freely from the person you interview. I'm sure you can help me out. But it sounds like you should help yourself out first. What do you think of JOS so far? Have you done any medications yet or are you dedicated yet in reference to the dedication ritual we have?
sounds good. I'm going to see if i cant pick up a computer so i have something other than this cellphone to work with, but I'll probably just write everything down to begin with, and use a voice recorder because my memory is really bad. I'm going to start working on this right away and try to cover everything i can with what I have.
and ya I have dedicated, it's probably been 2 years or so ago now but didn't start meditations until late last year or this spring, and still don't do them nearly enough sadly, but im getting there.
and as for the jos site I absolutely love it, first time i came across it, it looked and felt great and within the next day or two i did the dedication.
% GrayCreek

I'm a computer crack addick.  I don't want to lead you down my retarded path, but Word and Excel.  I honestly don't know how I could get by without those.  And not being able to store shit on a computer.  It saves a lot of work.  Of course I'm a wanna bee writer, so that contributes.  You can get computers now for a few hundred bucks. 

They have those language to text programs, but typing is probably just as fast and better once you learn how.  Once you learn to type you don't make mistakes, unless you fall asleep and your hands move and you usually catch that right away.  I actually type better than those programs, even after 10 or more years of those fuckheads trying to develop obsolete technology, given them by the jooz, to accurately type by voice.

Typing programs are free online.  I'm so glad I learned that shit in 9th grade.  It was all women in the typing class and we we're skipping our other classes checking out the women in there and my friend made a bet with me and if I lost I had to take that girl class.  I lost, and had to take the class.  I'm so fucking glad I took that class.  Man!

I haven't been meditating as I should either.  If you want to get in the habit of meditating better, just do the rituals - if your not fucking protecting yourself and building your aura everyday, the enemy will fuck you every way they can.  I just found that out "again" recently.  I'll learn eventually. 

As far as meditations go, I'm trying to do  it more often during the day rather than trying to do long periods.  Something will eventually give if I do that I think and I'll be able to do the longer periods that are needed for proper chakra cleaning and stuff.  It is accumulative throughout the day.  Just do 5 minutes, wait awhile, do 5 more.  Something will give and it will become easier I think.

I've been doing exactly what you've been doing.  The time in JOS is exactly the same too.

Anyway, right now I'm going through my sources and deciphering their bullshit from the underlying facts and writing all that down.  Then I'll go back and put it all together into something that makes sense and provide all the necessary references to everything. 

Don't forget about getting references and all the different kinds of those.  If you need help with that, a head librarian would probably help you with figuring that out.  Word has references built in to it - where you can enter the reference and then it automatically places a note in your document and at the end in the sources section.  I've just been using that.
What I really dislike about the translation programs is that when I translate ANYTHING from English to my own language it is something totally retarded that does not make any sense at all.

Perhaps I should try a different translator but that really puts me off. (Plus I spend all these years on compulsory subject English so might as well use my head).
People that have problems with English and it's translation typically have problems with the manner in which they proceed to try to learn it. The mechanics and parts of speech in English are fairly easy to learn. However that does not mean the language is easy to learn. The problem lies in the fact that English is a combination of many languages put together. And the problem with that is every language has a different set of rules that it follows in the way that the word is pronounced and used and associated with other things. And that is because each language has its own parts of speech that relate to it. So the only way to learn English is to use a dictionary and look up every word that you read and never read past words that you don't have a completely clear conceptual understanding of. This is something that is taught to students in grades 9 through 12 and to those people that are adults and have long since graduated from school yet have resided in the United States or other English-speaking countries their entire lives and have learned English as their primary language. That is of course an example of the dumbing-down of English speakers by the Jews. The manner in which words are learned is extremely important. There is a specific way in which one has to learn words in English and any other language in order to really learn the language. That is when one is reading something they can never go past a word that they do not have a completely clear conceptual understanding of or everything after that point will be meaningless regardless of how hard they try to understand it. This is proven and is extremely important when it comes to helping people understand subjects they're having trouble with and in learning in general. The first thing one would do when one encounters a word that they do not completely understand is to stop reading and look up the word in the dictionary and find the context in which it is used. Also they would check the part of speech that is being used and make sure that they are using it correctly. The next thing they would do is to use the word and lots of sentences of their own choosing until they have a clearer conceptual understanding of what is meant. And then even more important is to go back and do the same thing with all the rest of the definitions for the word. If one does this over the course of a year their IQ will go up significantly and they will experience a greater degree of literacy and understanding about the language. It does seem to be extremely difficult but it is really the only way to do it. Translators cannot translate from English to any language we're back again. There is hidden and suppressed technology that does exist that can do this but we do not have access to it.
Nice description magnum.

I would like to add here.. I never got past a 6 out of 10 on my school tests UNTIL I actually started to use the language. By then I've had about 4-5 years of just putting sentences together, learning the rules, learning words, etc.

Ehm.. As for English (and French) to me, (and germans too and perhaps some others as well) it seems the English language is like speaking as a child would.
Having all the words like 'have been' in the start of a sentence, instead of having those spread out. (it really sounds childish if you talk that way in german).

Ehm.. and.. those translation programs first of all don't know anything about a non spacious and a spacious sentence. Most of the time those programs are interpretators, not that they are entirely wrong. But a dictionary really does help clear the fuzz up in this case, even if it is one from the 70's.

But really those translators have to 'interpretate' a sentence and instead of giving an actual literal translation you end up with some nonsense you can laugh your ass off about (its that bad).

---In [email protected], <magnum.arcanum@... wrote :

People that have problems with English and it's translation typically have problems with the manner in which they proceed to try to learn it. The mechanics and parts of speech in English are fairly easy to learn. However that does not mean the language is easy to learn. The problem lies in the fact that English is a combination of many languages put together. And the problem with that is every language has a different set of rules that it follows in the way that the word is pronounced and used and associated with other things. And that is because each language has its own parts of speech that relate to it. So the only way to learn English is to use a dictionary and look up every word that you read and never read past words that you don't have a completely clear conceptual understanding of. This is something that is taught to students in grades 9 through 12 and to those people that are adults and have long since graduated from school yet have resided in the United States or other English-speaking countries their entire lives and have learned English as their primary language. That is of course an example of the dumbing-down of English speakers by the Jews. The manner in which words are learned is extremely important. There is a specific way in which one has to learn words in English and any other language in order to really learn the language. That is when one is reading something they can never go past a word that they do not have a completely clear conceptual understanding of or everything after that point will be meaningless regardless of how hard they try to understand it. This is proven and is extremely important when it comes to helping people understand subjects they're having trouble with and in learning in general. The first thing one would do when one encounters a word that they do not completely understand is to stop reading and look up the word in the dictionary and find the context in which it is used. Also they would check the part of speech that is being used and make sure that they are using it correctly. The next thing they would do is to use the word and lots of sentences of their own choosing until they have a clearer conceptual understanding of what is meant. And then even more important is to go back and do the same thing with all the rest of the definitions for the word. If one does this over the course of a year their IQ will go up significantly and they will experience a greater degree of literacy and understanding about the language. It does seem to be extremely difficult but it is really the only way to do it. Translators cannot translate from English to any language we're back again. There is hidden and suppressed technology that does exist that can do this but we do not have access to it.
hi! just wondering if anyone else has seen the story about mcdonalds and their "food unfit for human consumption" story on the computer. it might be some good info for the project, as fast food and health goes. forget who the guy was, but he was giving facts and health statements, ill try to see if i can find the site again if you haven't seen it yet.
McDonald's is a jew curse. In order to lift it we need to gather multiple stories from multiple sources and combine them into a new comprehensive story, based on facts from credible people. Companies that run the food industry are run by the jews. Bashing on McDonald's is really pointless. We need to expose the jews but people need to know what's going on before they can be told who is behind it. I have about 4 direct sources on specifically McDonalds. But everything else ties into that as well. I need more information on McDonald's however I need the source information on it. Where it's from and who did it. Currently I have 30 sources which when broken down will result in many more. I have 40 other sources on hold that will do the same. I've been very busy with work lately but I should have some time this week to work on it. I also need to work on categorizing the methods of classification of toxic substances.
<b style="">The Jew Insect Races, Gentile Food Poisoning Program 10/01/16[/B] This is going really well now.  It's all starting to come together.  I learned how to organize my sources of information on things.  I know how to put it all together from the sources I've gotten on various topics and it’s all progressing nicely.  I am looking at several topics that have to do directly with the purposeful poisoning of the gentile races.  It's a lot of data.
I made some personal breakthroughs by recognizing some enemy tactics that were being used against me since I started in JOS Spiritual Satanism and several more advanced tactics since starting on this project which involve both the Greys and Reptilians.  These things have been preventing me from moving forward and advancing and that's perhaps the most exciting thing yet for me anyway.  It is no accident that I’m doing this, as it was specifically set in motion for my benefit.

Everything is starting to unravel in a good way.  I appreciate everyone’s patience with me, as the truth is uncovered and you can expect that I will know a lot more about JOS Spiritual Satanism as a result of what I have done and am doing.  It totally ties into learning JOS Spiritual Satanism and will effectively end any enemy suppression of this knowledge from me as I have been receiving visits from different kinds of enemy entities that I have not been equipped to understand, identify and handle until very recently.
Just because I have a load of credible sources on how the Gentile races are being poisoned by the Jews and am busy going through them, doesn't mean that I can't use your help.  I am actively looking at the groups to see what has and is being published in this regard, I can assure you of that.
  If you find any articles or sources that you think will be a benefit to uncovering this genocidal psychopathy against the Gentile races, let me know.  Remember that I’m busy and that videos require a narrative be written i.e. a word-for-word copy of what is being said on the entire video.  And normally videos on You Tube don’t have sources.  So, by any literary standard they are simply regarded as somebodies opinion rather than somebodies opinion that has been “backed up” by proper sources.  Make sure you write down the "source" and make sure it’s a credible source whenever you research and write anything.  You will be very glad you did. Here's a list of things that you will need to take into consideration when citing examples.  Even if it’s not your intention to help me, I feel that this could benefit the group.
<b style="">Common Types of Sources[/B]
Why do you need to write citations?
"Academic writing differs from everyday writing in the fact that it carefully documents its sources through the use of citations, which enables the reader to see what has inspired the writer and to check the validity of their work."
Once you have found sources for your research, you will need to document them giving writers credit for their work and their writings.
Any source of intellectual property that contributes to, informs, or inspires your own work needs to be acknowledged. For example, when you paraphrase or summarize someone's ideas, or use someone's exact words by quoting them, you must acknowledge, by documentation, those works and the author. Taking or using another person's ideas, language, words, etc., as your own is plagiarism.
A "citation" is a short note that documents your source(s) of information. It provides the reader with identifying information so that they are able to access the original source.
Citation styles (MLA, APA, SBL, etc.) vary according to the discipline. For example, an English paper requires MLA style while a psychology paper requires APA style. The content and order of information varies with each style.
<b style="">Co[/IMG]
[/B] 1.      Books 2.      Sect[/IMG]A journal [/IMG]These are very s[/IMG]A conference [/IMG]To report so[/IMG]Th[/IMG]  The sources that are publ[/IMG]A legal citation is a "reference to a legal precedent or authority, such as a case, statute, or treatise that either substantiates or contradicts a given position".  Where cases are published on paper, the citation usually contains the information required and shown below.  Case citation is a system used by legal professionals to identify past court case decisions, either in series of books called reporters or law reports, or in a neutral style that identifies a decision regardless of where it is reported. Case citations are formatted differently in different jurisdictions, but generally contain the same key information.[/I] 
I ran out of time today but tomorrow will specify specifically what you need to find and write down whenever you cite one of these sources I mentioned.

Good Luck To You Exposing The Jews.

I've been looking into the "Joo Insect Races' Gentile Food Poisoning Program" (see SS Health) and that has been going very well.  Just thought I'd share this.  It should help you to keep track of your sources better and enable you to cite them when necessary.

Anyone interested in helping me will need to use this information.


<b style="">Proving What You Say[/B] Writing in an academic style is usually done in an impersonal and dispassionate tone.  This is not a requirement and in fact is completely pointless and unnecessary, provided that you have the facts to back up what you’re saying.  The reason for academic writings’ snobbish, solemnity, and exclusionary cults is due to jew suck-ass, retards that don’t have the facts to back up what they are saying and want to hide behind their educational certificates, and other bullshit exclusionary rules unique to their delusionary social status and vested professions.
Once this is realized the true Gentile (up and coming “artist”) and Satanist (true leader) is than free of their suppressive retardation.  This allows you to move out of your unknowingly, “assigned” peasant role or worker role, in the direction of a more academic (realistic) style of conveying your everyday communications which can and will be accepted by others readily, as the truth - because of the proof you provide.
  This does not mean that you have to take a class on academic writing in order to prove through certification that you have accepted the solemnity of the retarded.  You might try simply understanding how to cite what you’re talking about in Microsoft Word and see which aspects best fit your unique style and then move more in the direction of a specific formal style when you feel comfortable and ready to do so.  JewTube has several videos on how to go about accomplishing this task.
  What is most important to understand with all of this is that you can employ any aspect of it you wish and exclude any aspect you wish until which time you feel that what you write fits the existing cults view of how it should all be relayed.  One important aspect of academic writing is the use of “sources”.  This is especially important, when a feces derived, insect race, of criminal, genocidal, murderous, kidnapping, child molesters controls the global media.  What is great when moving toward an academic approach to describing what you want to say is that it most likely would work well for setting and hitting your target when relaying information of a critical nature to any fellow Satanist.  It also works exceptionally well when you are forced to include the illiterate, enslaved and retarded public.  Academic writing in the formal sense, is like the English language.  A hodge-podge of disjointed, retarded and purposefully confusing rules, regarding the conveyance of simple truths.

The data I’m presenting is a vastly simplified portion of what true professional academic writing entails. Academic writing or academically styled writing differs from everyday writing in the fact that it carefully documents its sources through the use of citations, which enables the reader to see what has inspired the writer and to check the validity of their work.
Once you have found sources for your research, you will need to document them giving writers credit for their work and their writings.
Any source of intellectual property that contributes to, informs, or inspires your own work needs to be acknowledged. For example, when you paraphrase or summarize someone's ideas, or use someone's exact words by quoting them, you must acknowledge, by documentation, those works and the author. Taking or using another person's ideas, language, words, etc., as your own is plagiarism.
A "c[/IMG][/B]<b style=""> [/B] <b style="">Common Sources That Need To Be Cited[/B]
1.      <b style="">Books[/B]   2.      <b style="">Sect[/IMG]Journal Art[/IMG]A journal [/IMG] [/[/IMG]Art[/IMG]These are very s[/IMG]Conference Proceed[/IMG]A conference [/IMG] [/[/IMG]Reports[/B].   <[/IMG]To report so[/IMG]Webs[/IMG]Th[/IMG]Electron[/IMG]  The sources that are publ[/IMG]Works of Art, Photo[/IMG]Sound Record[/IMG]Perfor[/IMG]F[/IMG][/IMG]Patents[/B]   15.  <b style="">Cases[/B].  <[/IMG]A le[/IMG][/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Wr[/IMG]Note[/B]: [/IMG]
[/B]<b style="">Source Type: Book[/B] 1.      * Author (Or Corporate Author) 2.      * T[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type:  Sect[/IMG][/B]<b style="">
[/B] <b style="">Source Type:  Journal Art[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type:  Article In A Periodical[/B] 1.      * Author (Or Corporate Author) 2.      * Title 3.      * Periodical Title 4.      City 5.      * Year 6.      * Month 7.      * Day 8.      * Pages 9.      Editor 10.  Publisher 11.  Edition 12.  Volume 13.  Issue 14.  Short Title 15.  Standard Number 16.  Comments 17.  Medium 18.  Year Accessed 19.  Month Accessed 20.  Day Accessed 21.  URL 22.  DOI (Number)
<b style="">Source Type: Conference Proceedings[/B] 1.      * Author (Or Corporate Author) 2.      * Title 3.      Editor 4.      * Pages 5.      * Year 6.      Conference Publication Name 7.      * City 8.      * Publisher 9.      Volume 10.  Short Title 11.  * City 12.  * Publisher 13.  Volume 14.  Short Title 15.  Standard Number 16.  Comments 17.  Medium 18.  Year Accessed 19.  Month Accessed 20.  Day Accessed 21.  URL 22.  DOI (Number)
<b style="">Source Type: Report[/B] 1.      * Author (Or Corporate Author) 2.      * Title 3.      * Year 4.      Department 5.      Institution 6.      * Publisher 7.      * City 8.      Pages 9.      Report Type 10.  Short Title 11.  City 12.  Pages 13.  Report Type 14.  Short Title 15.  Standard Number 16.  Comments 17.  Medium 18.  Year Accessed 19.  Month Accessed 20.  Day Accessed 21.  URL 22.  DOI (Number)
<b style="">Source Type: Webs[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type: Electronic Source[/B] 1.      * Author (Or Corporate Author) 2.      * Title 3.      Publication Title 4.      * City 5.      * State / Province 6.      * Country / Region 7.      Editor 8.      Producer Name 9.      Production Company 10.  Compiler 11.  Volume 12.  * Year 13.  * Month 14.  * Day 15.  Short Title 16.  Standard Number 17.  Comments 18.  * Year Accessed 19.  * Month Accessed 20.  * Day Accessed 21.  URL 22.  DOI (Number)
<b style="">Source Type: Art (Works of Art, Photo[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type: Sound Record[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type: Perfor[/IMG]
[/B] <b style="">Source Type: Film[/B] 1.      * Title 2.      Performer
 Websites.  This refers to sources that are “published” on the website itself and “not” to sources that are published elsewhere and then made available to you on the website.  Microsoft Word makes a distinction between “Website”, “Documents Obtained From Website” and “Electronic Source” in its available types of sources.  This is purposely done to confuse students.  Many college students are indeed confused by this as they struggle to cite 3 examples, not ever having been taught how to properly do even this.  Any form of media obtained from a website can be cited, provided it is a proven source and fits into one of the numbered categories described, provided you also include the URL from which you obtained it from.  In addition, all documents published and then made available on a website are considered to be electronic sources.  See electronic sources.  

This is something that has never been specified in my class.. however we did had to make a page with 'sources' I am not quite sure if I ordered em to books websites etc though..
Attachments :
<ol>Source Types - What To Include.pdf</ol><ol>Source Types - What To Include.docx</ol>% Taol

Just go to Microsoft Word and click on the "reference tab" and then in "style" select "APA style" and then go over to the "insert citation" button, click on it and then click on "new source" button.  It will bring up the same list I provided.  I wanted to upload a PDF of it but the website wouldn't let me upload anything. 

It takes a little practice.  I'm convinced that most students aren't taught this.  I'm talking about college level students, seeking 4 year degrees.  So, you're not the only one.  I had the same problem too. 

Personally, I think it is programmed into us by the jews using the mandate of the divine right of kings, if that makes any sense. 

Start simple and build on it.

There I got it to upload...
Well I didn't go to college and this education isn't 'regular' at all so no wonder haha.

I guess you meant since the jew is on top of it all they make laws and rules just as they see fit. ( ? did I get that right?)
Oh no wait.. I think I misread it at first after all haha.

Divine right of kings ... I had to think about the topic. To take the right upon you to just use the words of another without giving any credit for them whatsoever.

Although it seems more like a concept so it'd be apply-able in multiple ways.

Thanks anyway :)
Exposing the jews in your writing: 

In my last post on citing references I suggested the use of APA style, which lists out names in the document your writing.  This is fine if you're writing something that contains under say, 5 sources. (Not really). 

But, when you get into 100's of sources, you need to use the numbering method.  The numbering method is the most commonly used method of citing such references and I plan to use it for everything from now on. 

It contains a number in the document you are writing that refers to your list of Sources below.  But, don't worry, Microsoft Word lets you switch between these styles.  If you have very many sources than you make the switch, it may take 30 seconds to a minute to process.  You are not notified of this, so go to where your sources are located, make the change and wait to see the change reflected in your sources.  They will be in numerical order in which you placed them in your document, starting from the beginning of the document, regardless of what pages or paragraphs you add later to it.  You just have to click on update, when you do so. 

If you use the same reference, the number will be the same regardless of where its placed in the text.  In other words, a new number is not generated for each citing if you refer to the same source multiple times.  These numbers can be selected and changed to subscript to keep them from polluting the landscape. 

The correct Style is called, "ISO 690 - Numerical Style".  Their is more than one ISO 690, so make sure you choose the right one. 

Hope this helps you out, as it helped me immensely in researching and writing my booklet on "The Jew Insect Races - Gentile Food Poisoning Program". 

That is going great, but I am also working on Astrology now, so I'm temporarily spending less time on it. 

Currently I'm going through my sources and setting it up to where I know where everything is located according to topic.  This will take a long time means there are many sources.  (Over one-hundred and less than 200). 

Once that is done I can write about each topic from many sources and perspectives.  That is the goal of the booklet.  It won't contain my opinions, but rather the combined facts of professionals. 

The ISO 690 Style for those that don't know is built into Microsoft Word 2013 and is located under the References tab, and listed in the Style drop down box.
% HP Shannon

I got stalled on this project due to being overwhelmed and expect to be done with the first version before the end of the year.
Hello! I am still trying to help with what i can, or think i can. im just trying to find information on everything, that can back up everything that i say or can't quite prove. the problem im having is little things like soil samples, and the results are impressive, but its hard to prove fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides  and all that nasty stuff hasn't been sprayed on the ground or crops for many years. and a guy try's to go have a coffee with a neighbor to talk about it, and find out who has old soil/seed/crop test results and charts from before we could get fertilizers and other chemicals out here, but sadly most have thrown all their old documents away, and get pretty sore about the subject so nothing is really gained. but I'll keep working on it. and try to help the best i can before the new year.
% Gray Creek

I don't have any time until Monday morning.  I'll contact you then.  Then their will be a slight posting delay as usual.  I need to tell you what I'm working on and we need focus on what you're doing by itself.  Monsanto will do all the work for us.  Don't get bummed out about the bullshit and dead-ends you've experienced.
ok, sounds good. iv been quite busy to, but im supposed to go for dinner with a couple of the old timers this weekend. their the broke, non christian farmers ( which sadly are few around here ) and they pretty much built this land to be what it is, or used to be at a better time. so that being said, they're interested in me wanting to learn from them, and want to give a helping hand in any way they can.
I might get some good information on farming, and self sufficiency in general, because most these folks never had power or tractors till the mid 90's.
so I'll get what i can in the meantime anyways.

Have a nice weekend!
I'm working right now. But I had an idea on your subject matter. Maybe instead of focusing merely on soil depletion and diseases caused by chemicals and so forth relating to sustainable  agriculture  in its true sense you could focus on self sufficiency in general in order to find out what topic they know the most about with regard to self sufficiency. As you know self-sufficiency has become a thing of the past in the United States and in other areas of the world. This has turned the majority of Americans into literal poisoned vegetables themselves.
Wow you've been doing a lot magnum and graycreek ! 
  % Graycreek, Taol_van_sherwood and Everybody   Joo Insect Race’s Gentile Food Poisoning Program Completion   This project was an excellent experience for me and got me to seriously look into the issues faced in this arena.   However one look at the table of contents and I think most people would clearly see that I tried to take on too much stuff at once.    I was overwhelmed by the disgusting shit going on.  That is true.  But, not because I couldn’t confront the truth about the disgusting shit going on.  It’s because there is such a mountain of data to sift through, that it’s overwhelming in that regard.    I would need a team of perhaps 100 to effectively write about this the way it should be written about.  I am a single writer, so I am going to have to put this project together the best I can and then focus on individual, “specific” topics.  I will finish summarizing what I did by New Year’s Eve.    The research I did is not in vain, and every source and document I have saved on my computer.  And it will be utilized at a later date and perhaps later I may try to bring it all together in one place again.  My biggest project asset is the huge number of sources and articles I’ve collected, probably only 3% of which will make it into the first publication of this.    But, for right now, I need to focus on those things that a single writer has any hope in hell of accomplishing.  That is, smaller, more specific things.   % Gray Creek   I realize that this is extremely important to you and you are very serious about it.    You need to decide on the area of self-sufficiency and truly sustainable agriculture you wish to pass on to people.  Then you need to put together an outline of everything.  After you make an outline of everything you are considering, you then need to expand the outline into more and more specific topics.  You can try to do this on the same outline or you can make separate outlines for each main topic in your first outline.  That tends to make the outline process a little more manageable.    That is your only effective guide in my opinion.  There is little to nothing I can do to help you, until you do that.  I would be happy to help you create an outline if you are having trouble, but that is where it all starts I think.  When you are finished doing that, let me know and we can start working on the different parts of writing about it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
