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Leviticus 26:29 - In your grocery shelves, fast food restaurants and meat supply chain........

Jun 2, 2022
A grave warning to underage, or perhaps new Satanists reading this: this is extremely graphic, but the Truth is indeed many times, a graphic subject. But for those who are easily-triggered by graphic content and don't wanna read/watch, I'll save you the trouble: it best you buy your beef products from a farmer or local butcher.

Anyways, it is imperative for all Satanists, and Gentiles to know where Leviticus 26:29 is all going: in your grocery stores, restaurants and fast food. No need for the dark web, no need for those Sunday meals where attendants pretend to eat Yeezus and drink his blood.

I would avoid buying meat coming from these brands:




As Father's Day approaches, and then July 4th are the next major holidays in the United States, July 1st in Canada, I would like Americans, and people of the ENTIRE world to enjoy their cookouts with REAL cow meat.

Most people know McDonald's is garbage, and every wise and mature warrior of Satan probably has already avoided eating there at all costs by this point, for those that haven't (maybe the new ones) - I urge you to do so. Yet, the masses continue to line up these places of horror slaughterhouses for their sustenance.

Let's think back to the pre-scamdemic pre-assault on mankind days. You wonder around that 24/7 grocery store like Meijer or Walmart or Kroger, or hanging out with your friends at that 24/7 Steak N Shake or McDonalds, and you wonder how is it even possible, that so many cows, can be produced to feed these grocery or restaurant chains, on a never ending 24/7 basis and in the case of super chains like Walmart or McDonald's, for such dirt cheap price. Not to mention having the beef supplies to replenish the wasted products that don't end up getting bought.

Now, fast-forward, we are in the midst of the jews' war against mankind, supply chain crisis caused by the gas sanctions against Russia, food costs skyrocketing. no more 24/7 businesses........and that "ground beef" you buy for your Memorial Day burgers is all of a sudden dirt cheap, heck....maybe even on sale! What a miracle from "God"!

The same answer is for both: the vicious Truth is there is NO humanely possible way to produce that many cattle or livestock, to feed a bajillion 24/7 operating grocery and restaurant chains in a country with 300,000,000 people or any. Not possible, by "natural means".

Many people claim restaurants and chains may buy "low-grade" beef from Latin America, while that does happen, it still isn't possible to feed the ultra-demanding supply chain in a country like America, especially the 24/7 supply chain. Taco Bell even got sued, and even though they "won the lawsuit", of course they did.........their kikes got each other covered.

I came across this YouTube channel, someone named Tory Smith, who judging by his content, became an extremely unfortunate victim of the Jesuit Empire and was murdered by the Jesuits.


Watch with a Satanic eye, he's a New Age whistleblower who makes some outlandish claims like Satan and the Gods being "arrested" in 2013, calls the jews "Nazis" (typical for mainline/misled whistleblowers), his vids are from 2016-2017, but this is to give people some FRTR ammo. It also proves why the New Age movement is NOT a good place to turn to, since they offer no protection against these scums.

Why am I sharing things from 2016-2017? Because this is still rampant, and I feel this should be pinged at the top, and truly up until the day that the kike is totally vanquished off of the face of the Earth, it will never stop. An economic fallout won't stop these parasites from doing what they do. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they coughed off mysterious "meat packages" as aid for people displaced in the economic disaster.

Now, in the case that jewtube takes his video down, I'm gonna break down his findings.

Claims he was raped by the orders of the Jesuits. Specifically, he claims he got raped by Jesuit Mike Pence, who is a bloodline Jesuit and not a Gentile Baptist as people think.

What caught my attention was his exposure of Cargill, the largest meat supplier in America, and possibly the world and well as the numbers of children of being sacrificed in a Milab.

I highly advise Spiritual Satanists to boycott and not eat anything coming from Cargill or businesses that get their meat from Cargill. They are the true definition of horror-style slaughterhouse that makes the likes of Texas Chainsaw Massacre look like nothing. According to Smith, sacrificed children are put into meat trucks, and shipped off to Cargill to be processed, who then sends it to your restaurants and grocery stores.

In 2018, Cargill recalled 66 tons of its products (that number again, not our 666 but the Talmudic version). Apparently "E-coli".


Unfortunately, there's no law requiring restaurants to reveal their meat purveyors (gee....I wonder why :roll: ). I truly believe that ALL restaurants need to upfront state where they are getting their meat from. Beyond Cargill, what other purveyors are in on it as well?

I tried to go on a mission to try to see where restaurants get their meat from, not only was/is over-exhaustive, but no one-man is going to have the time to call every restaurant to get their meat purveyor information. Even mom-n-pop restaurant owners would be probably get really annoyed.

That-being said, one will wanna check the package label on your meat (especially ground beef), after you buy it from the grocery store that it's not coming from Cargill. They also own the "Honeysuckle" and the famous "Certified Angus Beef" brand. It's also been brought to my attention by another whistleblower that Walmart is also in on it. Therefore, I don't buy any of the "Great Value" ground beef either.

As for other grocery store-chain brands like Meijer or Publix, is an answer beyond me, it's best to take up Satan or one of your Demons on the matter. Again, beyond Cargill, whose to say that all the other major meat packing plants are in on it?

About that "flavoring" in your sodas, juices and cheetos
Tory Smith then goes on to expose the soda companies and their use of aborted baby fetus and other bodily chemical leftovers. He mentioned Pepsi and "3 others", don't know why he didn't mention the "3 others". Pepsi already got exposed some time ago, back in 2005, but by 2016, despite telling customers that they won't use fetuses, they STILL got exposed. Coca-Cola, cut contracts with Synomyx, the company responsible for doing so, but signed with some new company named "Chromocell". I don't have intel on them.

The real true reason behind the anti-abortion Republicans and the pro-abortion Democrats is that the former wants children alive, so they can be (EXPLICIT TRIGGER WARNING) kidnapped, raped, murdered and shipped off to meat trucks.

The latter wants them aborted so their remains can be sent to soda and other flavoring-processing companies, including coffee creamers, to which Nestle and its international variant, Maggi, was caught in the act. While Nestle claims they cut their contracts with Synomyx, I still have strong reservations, since liars run all the big corporation, but that's just me. The fact of the matter is, if you're a sicko or a jew, I'll repeat, no need to go the dark web, because this shit is going on your store shelves, and people are unknowingly stocking up their carts to consume this shit on July 4th, Memorial Day, Parents' Days, birthday parties and etc. You name it.

If people want soda, they should just make it naturally, or buy it from a brand that isn't Pepsi. Again, those "3 Others" could be anyone, not sure why Mr. Smith didn't mention exactly who they were.

And this......despite and no matter how much Christian or New Age whistleblowers point their fingers at Satan, is all Blblical, as stated in Leviticus 26:29.

"You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters."

This is supposedly yahweh's "revenge" against the Gentile for not following jew traditions and jew law. Yet....xian whistleblowers can't simply wake up see that their own thoughtform god is behind it all.

Would like fries with that human burger? From the rabbis' own mouth..........
Then there's the McDonald's controversy and even many non-whistleblowers by this point have caught on that mcdonalds is garbage. Now, the masses obviously will be quick to dismiss ANY conspiracy theorist, doesn't matter whether they're one us, or one of those mainliner Christian or New Age whistleblowers.

Okay then.....how from the kike's own mouth?

I believe it was, around 2013 when McDonalds got exposed for using human meat, with human DNA being found in their burgers and Oklahoma factories. Obviously, most of it is now gone from the internet, at the request of jews, and the only remains are through "fact checks" and Snopes articles. Maybe on BitChute, but you won't find 'em on jewtube anymore.

Then there's a video called "Interview With Rabbi Abe Finkelstein" is a gold mine, but it must be watched with a strong Satanic eye, since the whistleblower doing the exposing is one of those Messianic Jewish pastors, yet self-proclaimed "white nationalist", and just like Mr. Smith, accuses "Satan".....so we have a Gentile Wannabe Jew exposing a Jew, a Pastor vs. Rabbi. Both the interviewer and interviewee are infuriating, one (the Jew rabbi) PROUDLY admits the atrocities they perform, the other (the Gentile Wannabe Jew pastor) simply can't see that HIS OWN "god" is behind all of this, and he is just a controlled opposition tool.

Not a surprise that this vid is no longer on KikeTube, but still on DailyMotion, which has horrible UI, but it's better than nothing.

But from the interview, the gentile Pastor points out that Europe's Jewish population was only around 3.5 million, mind-you this is a Christian admitting to this!

Interview with Rabbi Abe Finkelstein: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2ppigw

Rabbi admitted that McDonald's puts human meat in those $1 burgers......and those sausage sandwhiches and burritos peope eat for breakfast. They are made from humans, specifically children, sacrificed on the horrid holiday of Passover.

States quotes from the Rabbi

In 3:30, the Rabbi states, ".....even when we lie we tell the truth".

Starting in 39:00 is when the rabbi admits and exposes that the jews kidap children and sacrifice them on Passover and shove them into meat trucks, to be hauled off to your fast food restaurants and groecery stores.

"...well we've done a great brainwashing job on them [the masses] over the centuries, and especially the last few hundred years, we've just brainwashed them completely, they believe everything we tell them, And uh, you know, we have a lot of fun around Passover where we steal their children, and you know uh...we still hundreds and 300,000 chldrean a year, just in thise country, of and we drain their blood and mix it with their Passover bread, and then we throw the bodies in the slaughterhouses that we own, and then we grind up the bodies into the sausages and humburgers, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets, and the people, they eat 'em for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and you know, uhhh and as Jews we goot do what we gotta do......."

And after that chunk, the entire conversion is just more typical slander against Satan. Jew admits that they hate and control the goyim, while the Wannabe Jew (the pastor) "rebukes" the Jew in Yahweh's putrid name and accuses Satan.

It is for reasons like this as to why I don't consume any type of "beef-based" fast food such as burgers or anything, coming from McDonald's (I don't eat there at all as a matter of fact), but even Burger King, Wendy's, or Taco Bell. While I haven't heard word on these chains, especially Taco Bell, I get very shit vibes. While I have heard of Wendy's using horse meat, not sure if they're in on it.

What boggles my mind though, is how the Hebrew Christians, even those who have watched the video, still finds excuses to celebrate those horrible Leviticus feasts, from what I've seen, their claims is that the Jew World Order is "fake Jews", but a Jew is a Jew, period. Judaism is Judaism, period. Case closed.

AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.

Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.
Me too... It's horrible.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.

Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.

Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I posted this a couple years ago and I know I wasn't the first one to either. Gross aint it...fucking lizards.

When I see people eating from any fast food chain I want to gag. It's probly burgerking, wataburger, wendy's and others too..ugh.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.

Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

Huh......you can that old post by typing "Rabbi Finkelstein" or just "Finkelstein" in the search box. Either I made a typo, or the kikes got angry and did something to it.
Shadowcat said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I posted this a couple years ago and I know I wasn't the first one to either. Gross aint it...fucking lizards.

When I see people eating from any fast food chain I want to gag. It's probly burgerking, wataburger, wendy's and others too..ugh.

You did good my friend. You planted the seeds! Normally I like to search the forums just to make sure my posts don't become redundant, plus with the number of new Satanists, and under-age people (who are mostly the prime targets for fast food), it's important they know!

Gladly, there's a lot of burger restaurants in my area that use beef from CONFIRMED purveyors using real beef/pork or what-have-you.

May Satan bless Dixie!
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
You turned my stomach upside down but it's better to know the Truth.

Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I see what I did, it was indeed a typo.

It should be: Digging Your Grave Goyim With Diet

Thanks for bringing it up!
Shadowcat said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I posted this a couple years ago and I know I wasn't the first one to either. Gross aint it...fucking lizards.

When I see people eating from any fast food chain I want to gag. It's probly burgerking, wataburger, wendy's and others too..ugh.

It's messed up hey. Years ago when I did eat that stuff it always gave me stomach aches. Never knew why that was. maybe it was my body trying to tell me to stop eating your own kind..gross. Surely this will be become mainstream at some point in the years to come when the jews are more exposed.
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
Help spread it around man! There's only one other forum post on here that mentions Rabbi Finkelstein:

Not only must as many people know - this for the children, to avenge their Souls, but I'm also fed up with Christians taking the "Truther" spotlight and Satan and the Gods and Goddesses getting the blame for all the atrocities.

If the Christians continue to dominate the "Truther" movement, the jews will continue to laugh in their synagogues and commit these atrocities, it's no different "complaining" about something but being forced to continue following/serving it.

"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I see what I did, it was indeed a typo.

It should be: Digging Your Grave Goyim With Diet

Thanks for bringing it up!

Adding them to my Internet Warfare links !
Shining Force said:
Shadowcat said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
"The requested page can't be found" it says but I will take the link of the interview with that Rabbi and paste it everywhere I can!

I posted this a couple years ago and I know I wasn't the first one to either. Gross aint it...fucking lizards.

When I see people eating from any fast food chain I want to gag. It's probly burgerking, wataburger, wendy's and others too..ugh.

It's messed up hey. Years ago when I did eat that stuff it always gave me stomach aches. Never knew why that was. maybe it was my body trying to tell me to stop eating your own kind..gross. Surely this will be become mainstream at some point in the years to come when the jews are more exposed.

I have had family members telling me this very same experience, after abstaining from eating McDonald's for a long time, the first bite they took when they started eating it again gave 'em all sorts of stomach problems. They're obviously not aware of that "meat" that they're using.

It's no surprise that back in college, the majority of clientele that the nearby Mcdonalds wud get are drunk and idiotic college students. It's exactly as Yuri Bezmenov stated. Give the people "what they want" but with extreme costs, and in this case, a false impression of it (namely "cheap and affordable burgers after a drunk night").

The McDonalds in my area hasn't been open for some reason, good - I hope it NEVER re-opens, and I pray ALL of them shut down! Support local businesses or grill/patty your own burger meat from a trusted vendor! I'm actually really blessed to have many places around me that serve burgers made with REAL beef from trusted local purveyors.

I just wish the college students would come and try 'em out, and appreciate them and explore what town has to offer, instead of getting toxically drunk every god-damned weekend and stuffing their stomachs with kikedonalds......college students just have this wierd "bubble mentality" of keeping themselves barricaded within the campus community.

I always feel that this garbage fast food culture contributes heavily as to why society is toxic.
How is it possible to feed 70 million people a day using human flesh?
It does not seem possible, I would like to understand more. If cows are not enough, how can humans be?

So if I were to spy on a mcdonalds factory would I see trucks carrying minced human flesh or dead bodies?

It seems strange that so many children would be kidnapped and then truckloads of human flesh would drive from synagogues to mcdonalds factories. And they have never stopped anyone with a load full of human flesh.
They already grind it in the synagogue, otherwise I doubt they could transport lorries full of corpses.

Looking at the 'food' that mcdonalds serves, it is evident that there is something strange, plastic and unnatural about it. To think that there is human flesh in those sandwiches seems a fair idea, but the practical and productive side seems very unrealistic.

I can imagine trucks full of corpses, but given the proportions of mcdonalds, this should mean that in every town, every family has lost a child. Or the result would be mass disappearances.
Veritá_666 said:
How is it possible to feed 70 million people a day using human flesh?
It does not seem possible, I would like to understand more. If cows are not enough, how can humans be?

So if I were to spy on a mcdonalds factory would I see trucks carrying minced human flesh or dead bodies?

It seems strange that so many children would be kidnapped and then truckloads of human flesh would drive from synagogues to mcdonalds factories. And they have never stopped anyone with a load full of human flesh.
They already grind it in the synagogue, otherwise I doubt they could transport lorries full of corpses.

Looking at the 'food' that mcdonalds serves, it is evident that there is something strange, plastic and unnatural about it. To think that there is human flesh in those sandwiches seems a fair idea, but the practical and productive side seems very unrealistic.

I can imagine trucks full of corpses, but given the proportions of mcdonalds, this should mean that in every town, every family has lost a child. Or the result would be mass disappearances.
Yeah it seems weird to me too. I think it's half of the truth. I do think they may use some of the sacrifices but it's not because we can't have enough meat to feed everyone, it's just because they hate us and want to eat these things...
Veritá_666 said:
How is it possible to feed 70 million people a day using human flesh?
It does not seem possible, I would like to understand more. If cows are not enough, how can humans be?

So if I were to spy on a mcdonalds factory would I see trucks carrying minced human flesh or dead bodies?

It seems strange that so many children would be kidnapped and then truckloads of human flesh would drive from synagogues to mcdonalds factories. And they have never stopped anyone with a load full of human flesh.
They already grind it in the synagogue, otherwise I doubt they could transport lorries full of corpses.

Looking at the 'food' that mcdonalds serves, it is evident that there is something strange, plastic and unnatural about it. To think that there is human flesh in those sandwiches seems a fair idea, but the practical and productive side seems very unrealistic.

I can imagine trucks full of corpses, but given the proportions of mcdonalds, this should mean that in every town, every family has lost a child. Or the result would be mass disappearances.

I suppose that since cows aren't enough, they use humans and cows. The kidnapped children are the same that are used in their blood drinking rituals.
I wrote somewhere about parents giving their children to be raped by priests so they get money. Maybe they sell them for food.
Hello! So I’ve done some research into what big companies own what brands and this is what I’ve found so far. I’m disgusted to find out that my favourite snacks and treats are created by a company that uses… you know. The links below show brands owned by Nestle, PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola.




I hope this helps someone.
The day will come when Jews will have to pay for every crime in their history, 10 times back.
And especially in the case of crimes against our children,
they will have to pay with their own children 10 times back and more cruel, by their own hands!
Maeve666 said:
Hello! So I’ve done some research into what big companies own what brands and this is what I’ve found so far. I’m disgusted to find out that my favourite snacks and treats are created by a company that uses… you know. The links below show brands owned by Nestle, PepsiCo, and Coca-Cola.




I hope this helps someone.

Indeed, it seems that many of most of the world's food companies are now owned by these brands, even those not ever thought of as even being owned by these companies, such as the Quaker brands, that was a shocker to me.

While more-than I'm glad this post is awakening many, I want people to understand that this post isn't meant to be "over-exhaustive" or an "end-all" to what brands are using what or to make people freak out everytime they see their fav. snack/powdered coffee bearing that Nestle or Kraft logo. Quite frankly, anything posted online is to be taken with careful discernment.

For example, some of these companies, such as Nestle, were only caught using HEK-293 in their "refrigerated products", such as the coffee creamers or have cut ties with Senomyx. Same with Pepsi, only their sodas were caught having HEK-293, as to why I included "cheetos" in my OG post, or why people claim that ALL FritoLay chip products (Pepsi subsidiary) also contain HEK-293, is something I will admit, is mostly speculative. It is ultimately up to the reader and whatever spiritual discernment you have at your disposal to make a decision as to whether you continue to consume these products or not.

It's not to say there aren't lacing with other garbage though, and neither should you be consuming that stuff in large quantities (if at all). At the end of the day, it's STILL mass-producing corporations, and is bound is be laced with other garbage.

Now given as to how many companies, both known and unknown are being owned/bought out by these companies, it's going to become "overkill" to just up and avoid anything as it may lead to a point where we'll end up avoiding everything on our grocery store shelves, not everyone has the skill to grow their own stuff. Don't even get me started with the costs of buying all the machinery and equipment needed to MAKE some of those products on your own.

Now am I saying that it's okay to drink aborted fetuses? ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you know FOR SURE, that something is laced, don't fucking drink/eat it! Also it's what our RTRs and FRTRs are there for, if ever in case that every food item on our grocery store shelves becomes laced with HEK-293 hopefully a nationwide boycott of some sort can manifest, as had back in around 2005 when these companies were exposed. I'm saying, other than what's been exposed online - everything else is speculative. (Ex. once gain, fetus sodas may not always equal fetus cheetos).

Again, the point of me making this post is to awaken many - mostly related on the "meat" and fast food industry, as the exposes of companies use aborted fetuses has been exposed before.

That being said, there is a Demon by the name of "Zagan" or "Dagon" who according to his properties on JoS, can turn blood into water, transforming liquids.

Read more about Zagan on this list

If people are that concerned, I feel they should call on Zagan, but this is pertaining to LIQUID products, NOT the SOLIDS, so that'd be the fast food garbage, for that is something I personally choose to be ultra-strict on.

So no, you can't eat a McDonald's burger (human meat or other garbage meat laced with human meat) and just call on Zagan to turn it into "real cow beef", not how it works. But it may be possible to call on Zagan to purify all of your drinks.

Perhaps I should make a list for "alternatives" to those ultra-concerned.

Hope this helps!
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Veritá_666 said:
How is it possible to feed 70 million people a day using human flesh?
It does not seem possible, I would like to understand more. If cows are not enough, how can humans be?

So if I were to spy on a mcdonalds factory would I see trucks carrying minced human flesh or dead bodies?

It seems strange that so many children would be kidnapped and then truckloads of human flesh would drive from synagogues to mcdonalds factories. And they have never stopped anyone with a load full of human flesh.
They already grind it in the synagogue, otherwise I doubt they could transport lorries full of corpses.

Looking at the 'food' that mcdonalds serves, it is evident that there is something strange, plastic and unnatural about it. To think that there is human flesh in those sandwiches seems a fair idea, but the practical and productive side seems very unrealistic.

I can imagine trucks full of corpses, but given the proportions of mcdonalds, this should mean that in every town, every family has lost a child. Or the result would be mass disappearances.

I suppose that since cows aren't enough, they use humans and cows. The kidnapped children are the same that are used in their blood drinking rituals.
I wrote somewhere about parents giving their children to be raped by priests so they get money. Maybe they sell them for food.

You all make up great points.

My personal theory is they also use kidnapped children from Africa, China and India, via their pogrom of mass-breeding with little/no proper care or parenting training/counseling in those nations (especially civil war-torn Africa) and we can thank moron Christian missionaries as well for promoting the entire "reproduce wrecklessly" bullshit. I truly believe that IS the real reason why the Judeo-Xian agenda wants people massively breeding so bad, and why rich and oppressive Xians always babble on about how people should reproduce non-stop.

Then there's all the dead people from all the wars they they caused, starting with the slaughtered Palestinians, all the way to the other war-torn Middle Eastern nations, and eventually spreads out.

Come to think about it - McDonald's and Cargill are both global chains, in places like Africa, India and Mexico, police are ultra-corrupt or non-existent, and can be paid off and since it's ultra-over-populated, or civil war-torn, nobody will give two shits if people go missing. In cartel-run Mexico, they even admit kidnapping/selling children - so long as drugs and narco is being offered. In the case of illegal immigrants, well they're undocumented. In China, police can't be "paid off" per say, but it's still a Jewish Communist hellhole, and a lot of the cannibal food industry, as pointed out on Death of Communism - originated in Red China. It's almost a perfect hunting ground for Kikes.

I also found it a really "eery coincidence" how Russia opened up its "own version" of McDonald's, around the same time "Russian forces" were caught putting dead bodies in a Ukrainian meat-packing plant.

So Verita_666 made a good point, if it this were to become too rampant in developed White nations, and ESPECIALLY in a nation like America where blessed with the 2nd Amendment, vigilant neighborhood watch programs and sufficient police forces, it's not gonna go unnoticed and one can bet, towns and cities are surely gonna rise up in anger. So they "settle" for their "lesser quality" and "much-easier game/catch" in Africa, India or the Middle East where it's poor, over-populated, civil war-torn and police won't give a shit, and even if they did, they'd be ultra-low on manpower to be able to do anything about it. In the case of missing Palestinians in Israel, do I even need to go there?

Plus, there's a whole slew of other shit they be putting - things like rat flesh (from China), horse meat (okay....the "least worst" of all), worms, plentiful supplies of it - who knows?

Hope this sheds more light.
I found a book recommended by a member, named "The Spartan Health Regime". https://www.docdroid.net/q4QONnL/spartan-health-regime-pdf
What do you think about it? If these methods work, then we need not worry about burgers and fetuses ever again.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
The day will come when Jews will have to pay for every crime in their history, 10 times back.
And especially in the case of crimes against our children,
they will have to pay with their own children 10 times back and more cruel, by their own hands!

10 times?

How about the Jews pay for their crimes a trillion times back?
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Veritá_666 said:
How is it possible to feed 70 million people a day using human flesh?
It does not seem possible, I would like to understand more. If cows are not enough, how can humans be?

So if I were to spy on a mcdonalds factory would I see trucks carrying minced human flesh or dead bodies?

It seems strange that so many children would be kidnapped and then truckloads of human flesh would drive from synagogues to mcdonalds factories. And they have never stopped anyone with a load full of human flesh.
They already grind it in the synagogue, otherwise I doubt they could transport lorries full of corpses.

Looking at the 'food' that mcdonalds serves, it is evident that there is something strange, plastic and unnatural about it. To think that there is human flesh in those sandwiches seems a fair idea, but the practical and productive side seems very unrealistic.

I can imagine trucks full of corpses, but given the proportions of mcdonalds, this should mean that in every town, every family has lost a child. Or the result would be mass disappearances.

I suppose that since cows aren't enough, they use humans and cows. The kidnapped children are the same that are used in their blood drinking rituals.
I wrote somewhere about parents giving their children to be raped by priests so they get money. Maybe they sell them for food.

You all make up great points.

My personal theory is they also use kidnapped children from Africa, China and India, via their pogrom of mass-breeding with little/no proper care or parenting training/counseling in those nations (especially civil war-torn Africa) and we can thank moron Christian missionaries as well for promoting the entire "reproduce wrecklessly" bullshit. I truly believe that IS the real reason why the Judeo-Xian agenda wants people massively breeding so bad, and why rich and oppressive Xians always babble on about how people should reproduce non-stop.

Then there's all the dead people from all the wars they they caused, starting with the slaughtered Palestinians, all the way to the other war-torn Middle Eastern nations, and eventually spreads out.

Come to think about it - McDonald's and Cargill are both global chains, in places like Africa, India and Mexico, police are ultra-corrupt or non-existent, and can be paid off and since it's ultra-over-populated, or civil war-torn, nobody will give two shits if people go missing. In cartel-run Mexico, they even admit kidnapping/selling children - so long as drugs and narco is being offered. In the case of illegal immigrants, well they're undocumented. In China, police can't be "paid off" per say, but it's still a Jewish Communist hellhole, and a lot of the cannibal food industry, as pointed out on Death of Communism - originated in Red China. It's almost a perfect hunting ground for Kikes.

I also found it a really "eery coincidence" how Russia opened up its "own version" of McDonald's, around the same time "Russian forces" were caught putting dead bodies in a Ukrainian meat-packing plant.

So Verita_666 made a good point, if it this were to become too rampant in developed White nations, and ESPECIALLY in a nation like America where blessed with the 2nd Amendment, vigilant neighborhood watch programs and sufficient police forces, it's not gonna go unnoticed and one can bet, towns and cities are surely gonna rise up in anger. So they "settle" for their "lesser quality" and "much-easier game/catch" in Africa, India or the Middle East where it's poor, over-populated, civil war-torn and police won't give a shit, and even if they did, they'd be ultra-low on manpower to be able to do anything about it. In the case of missing Palestinians in Israel, do I even need to go there?

Plus, there's a whole slew of other shit they be putting - things like rat flesh (from China), horse meat (okay....the "least worst" of all), worms, plentiful supplies of it - who knows?

Hope this sheds more light.

There's so much forced prostitution in China and in some rural areas newborn girls are killed. I think that the police might even not care about it in some areas.
idiocy smasher said:
patrioticgentile_666 said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
I suppose that since cows aren't enough, they use humans and cows. The kidnapped children are the same that are used in their blood drinking rituals.
I wrote somewhere about parents giving their children to be raped by priests so they get money. Maybe they sell them for food.

You all make up great points.

My personal theory is they also use kidnapped children from Africa, China and India, via their pogrom of mass-breeding with little/no proper care or parenting training/counseling in those nations (especially civil war-torn Africa) and we can thank moron Christian missionaries as well for promoting the entire "reproduce wrecklessly" bullshit. I truly believe that IS the real reason why the Judeo-Xian agenda wants people massively breeding so bad, and why rich and oppressive Xians always babble on about how people should reproduce non-stop.

Then there's all the dead people from all the wars they they caused, starting with the slaughtered Palestinians, all the way to the other war-torn Middle Eastern nations, and eventually spreads out.

Come to think about it - McDonald's and Cargill are both global chains, in places like Africa, India and Mexico, police are ultra-corrupt or non-existent, and can be paid off and since it's ultra-over-populated, or civil war-torn, nobody will give two shits if people go missing. In cartel-run Mexico, they even admit kidnapping/selling children - so long as drugs and narco is being offered. In the case of illegal immigrants, well they're undocumented. In China, police can't be "paid off" per say, but it's still a Jewish Communist hellhole, and a lot of the cannibal food industry, as pointed out on Death of Communism - originated in Red China. It's almost a perfect hunting ground for Kikes.

I also found it a really "eery coincidence" how Russia opened up its "own version" of McDonald's, around the same time "Russian forces" were caught putting dead bodies in a Ukrainian meat-packing plant.

So Verita_666 made a good point, if it this were to become too rampant in developed White nations, and ESPECIALLY in a nation like America where blessed with the 2nd Amendment, vigilant neighborhood watch programs and sufficient police forces, it's not gonna go unnoticed and one can bet, towns and cities are surely gonna rise up in anger. So they "settle" for their "lesser quality" and "much-easier game/catch" in Africa, India or the Middle East where it's poor, over-populated, civil war-torn and police won't give a shit, and even if they did, they'd be ultra-low on manpower to be able to do anything about it. In the case of missing Palestinians in Israel, do I even need to go there?

Plus, there's a whole slew of other shit they be putting - things like rat flesh (from China), horse meat (okay....the "least worst" of all), worms, plentiful supplies of it - who knows?

Hope this sheds more light.

There's so much forced prostitution in China and in some rural areas newborn girls are killed. I think that the police might even not care about it in some areas.

As the Israeli communist agenda is yearning to use Gentiles as slaves, it is no wonder there are a lot of prostitution cartels in China that are untouched by the police forces.

Just rember that besides communism and the Israelite influences it has, Israel is the second country that is frequented by sex traffickers worldwide.

Russia is not sweet and heavens either, ad I saw that many of their "models" are forced by the living situations to engage in pornographic acts.

It is like in the medieval era where there a lot of Jewish run sex cartles and women were very bad treated out there.

Or, just imagine that in the Judeo Chatolicization of the Romans, a female who was washing her intimate parts was considered a h :!: ore.

Only sex slaves back then were washing their privates with water and still, the same conception was applied.

Nowadays, it is even more sweetend for the public eye and the criminality that arises in the circles of the youth in China is very alarming.

It is no wonder since the jews in China allow the young people out there to see 18 mangas and the youth have already started performing so-called "networks" of manga comics dealership in order to deliver the mangad to some of their friends who don't have the necessary intimity to buy and read mangas on their own.

I sincerely hope that one day all the traces of the rotten CCP will be revealed and then all related to the CCP to fall continuously until there is no trace of communism in China.

Just imagine to go to a shop and you need to ass kiss the President in order to get the social credit higher.

Totally digusting *sick*.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
