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(Part 2 will be released December 12, starting the 12 days of OUR Yuletide since it regards OUR Yuletide)
This post contains some redundant info (as well as memes - something I haven't done before), the redundant info is for non-Satanist whistleblower lurkers.
Well, with RTRs kicking ass, Paypal's "let's steal $2,500 from your acc't" failing, Kanye West exposing the Kike celebrity industry, Putin announcing a halt to his troop mobilization, and anti-Islamic/reverse Jihad rituals coming up, I felt moved to make this post.
Okay, so both of our groups, SS and Xian whistleblower alike, know what we know, and have known almost forever, namely that the world is ruled by pedophiles who worship hostile E.T.s,, child sacrificing evil Jewish elitists who wanna chip implant everyone and destroy everybody's Nations and Cultures. From the most top elite positions in gov't and religion, to the owners of capitalist superpowers like Walmart, McDonalds all the way down into your local school boards.
Blah blah blah....old news.
The world is also inhabited by a majority-moronic population that wasn't wanna do jack sh*t about it.
The first clear-fine difference is the way we and they [Xians] go about it.
There's the obvious difference firslty lies in who is to blame, the Christians wanna blame Satan and the Gods for all of this, with all their stupid "Synagogue of Satan BS", Jewish predictive programming "Bible prophecy" when they simply can't pick up their Bible and see their "god" is behind all of it.
Admittingly JoS didn't lead me to Satan, the BibLIE itself and the horrid religion led me to back to JoS and ultimately to Satan himself. Out of a pure avid hated for Christianity, that's the literal first thing that popped into my thoughts, "You already have seen the Truth before, go back to.....Joy of Satan......they're waiting".
2 Corinthians 4:4 already admits that Satan is the True God of this world, and is the bringer of Knowledge, Culture, Art, Technology, Banking, Sciences, name it. All the cultures of the Gentile world have had common themes originating back to Satanism, and unlike the "we are all one" BORG culture of Xianity, they all differed in a beautiful diverse world.
Many of these Xian whistleblowers and militant Xians will outright admit to you that Jew-hova is the opposite of all of those since well, according to Isaiah 55:8 "his ways aren't man's ways" (huge red flag right there)...and whenever I'd listen to these Christian whistleblower radioshow hosts, one of the biggest red flags is how right after they expose "evil Satan" (fake Jewish Satanists that is), the next minute brag and boast about how Jew-hovah and the OT prophets obsessively wants to kill rich people (rich Gentiles that is), destroy people's treasures (Gentile treasures), murder all the Pagan gentiles, and then how his stinkin' angels will go around and murder anyone who doesn't follow the horrid Torah and how the chip-implanting agenda is actually part of "Yah's will" because it's crucial for the return of Rabbi Jebu so they can either murder or enslave whoever is left alive on Earth under 144,000 Greys or 144,000 jews or whatever.
Their solution to all the madness?
One that is very defeatist and hypocritical in nature and no better than the majority idiotic population, that is to complain endlessley on their keyboard, pack up and run to the mountains, assume there's no hope except to pray and beg Rabi Jebo (the guy who admits he and his smelly ass reptilian daddy are the cause of all this), and continue to work as slaves for these parasites. Bitch and whine about the parasites in gov't, religion and business - yet continue to allow these leeches to run the world and YOUR LIFE. Yeah Rabbi Jebo will handle it......
The world is gone, fuck the world, there's no hope for the world, our only hope is with Rabbi Jebo. Gentiles/Non-Xians who are rich and successful are evil....but then when faced with the threat of homelesseness, turn around and beg same evil Gentile/Heathen for money and housing, to continue feeding whatever useless ministry you run.
Then, when the world returns to normal, come out of the mountains, and continue to bitch and whine about the Pagans who literally FIXED the economy, complain profusely some more, and wish for MORE destruction and chaos.
Well.....we can clearly see where the energies of 3-billion some people worshiping Rabbi Jebu got us, I don't give a shit what section - the fringe ones and the Xian conspiracy groups are all part of it as well, no matter how much they try to dissociate themselves from the very "elitists" they claim to hate, that are trying to bring in the Greys and Reptilians for a total onslaught of the Earth.
Is it "predicated" in the BibLIE? Yes, however not because the BibLIE is right, it's because the Kikes, Greys and Reptilians who wrote this monstrosity of a "holy book" had it "all planned" from the beginning, it is even admitted in Revelation 6:2, and Revelation 13 where Jew-hovah sends "horsemen" or "beasts" (Reptilians/Greys) onto the Earth to wreak havoc and murder all the good people standing in theire way, which is quite funny.....'cuz in those verses, you'll read about he sacrifices his own people [xians].
How the fuck can these "beasts" be of Satan when the BibLIE clearly admits "Power was given unto them...", not by Satan because in Revelation 19:4, it says it is given unto them BY NONE OTHER THAN JEW-HOVAH.
"...............and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia."
Christian whistleblowers claim that the abusive abrahamists in power "are not real Xians/jewss", or "Synagogue of Satan BS".
No - not only have we done our research, and read the BibLIE front and back even more importantly, have outright "witnessed" the abuses of Jew-hovah via our experiences with this foul program. Can you say....the REAL "Jehovah's Witnesses"? We were there, we witnessed the atrocity of Jew-hovah, and we left towards true Salvation via Satan. Therei s nothing un-Biblical between in what the Jews are doing.
For example, the FEMA plans for martial law and forced-separation of family, as well the mask vs. anti-mask/vaccine vs. anti-vaccine and Democratic/Republican rift that tore families apart - this aligns perfectly with Matthew 10:35 where Jew-hovah tears families apart, for his own pathetic pleasure.
The ISIS destruction of Damascus? Isaiah 17:1-3.
The Spread of Islam? Taken from the "Prophecy Against Arabia" BS, where Jewhovah sends ghouls like Mohammad to destroy the "pagan idols and cities" of Arabia - Isaiah 21:13-17
The "Stay at Home" culture aligns perfectly with the Christian practice of monasticism BS (the practice of isolating yourself from the world to "be with god"), the smartphone/Tiktok addiction too is part of this, the "liberal" prescription drug
The gun confiscation? Taken from John 12:25 - you'll go to Hell for loving your life enough to defend it. some "pro-life God" we got there...
The abominable polluting and dumping of red chemicals into rivers? Revelation 16:3, Revelation 11:6, Psalm 78:44
All this bullshit about "blessed is he who is poor" aligns perfect with the jewish rituals against Gentile wealth and promotion of communism.
But as SS on the other hand, this is how we regard the war against Mankind's enemies: one of our mantras is in that song "
".......we're not gonna take it".
We fight to conquer the world from the enemies of the Gods and of Mankind, and we fight to take back our Nations, our Races, our Communities and to make this world a better place, we are few but more effective and when the jews carry out their massive pogroms, we will be left alive, as Satan had told HP Maxine, "many will want to join our side, but it'll be too late" and as HP Cobra warned, the Xians should be worried, since the Xians will be first on the chopping block, not because Satan is evil, or that Xianity is right, it's because they're "usefulness" towards their kike overlords will have been very well-spent.
Satan gives us Knowledge, and the Tools to spiritually arm ourselves to do so, it won't be overnight obviously, anything "but" overnight, but it will still happen.
There's a reason why the jews quite frankly dont give a shit about "most" whistleblowers, 'cuz they know the pathetic cycle will just rinse and repeat. Prop up a Hegalian puppet like Alex Jones, get the Xian whistleblowers all amped up with all the conspiracy exposing - energy that will spent towards nothing, then go back watch Jewish football (NFL), play some Jewish video games (GTA, Call of Duty), eat some human garbage meat [McDonalds], go mudding/destroy your pickup truck, rev your excessively-loud motorcycle profusely and annoy the living hell out of everyone (ESPECIALLY those trying to meditate), and go drink yourself to oblivion, and then go back to work for your Jewish employer the next day. Act like a wannabe loud-mouthed rebel and then cower in front of the Men in Blue when getting arrested for threatening someone b'cuz "....dey wer talkin' sheet 'bout maah Rebbah Jebu, this is 'Murica". That forms sadly a majority of the "whistleblower" population.
Recall my first post about the human meat industry which predominates the likes of Walmart and McDonalds, this'll be an example, or the exposure of garbage food/poisoned products from China in our DoC articles, the issue of jews constantly running all the companies that we work for a wage.
A defeatist Christian solution would just be to avoid all meat together, avoid all grocery stores, go vegetarian, rant off about how much you hate Gentile Chinese people and then continue to worship your very enemy. Or claim that being a successful businessman is evil 'cuz the Jews wanna taint the image of monetary success, and preach that Gentiles and Truthers can't ever be successful (well can thank your program of death for that).
That's what the kike wants...and Xians literally give it to them.
A Spiritual Satanic solution? Is to encourage Gentiles to stand up, set up their own businesses, be in a position of power and enforce pro-Gentile policies. In the case of issues like the meat issue, encourage Gentiles to set up their own butcheries and only deal with farmers or trustable meat purveyors!
In the case of China, I know may not be possible with the communist rule in Beijing, but that's what rituals and RTRs are for, and contact with the Gods are for, they will help you overthrow the communists as they did in Mongolia. This is why China is so heavily-censored, seemingly even more-so than Russia or Belarus.
Many may just say to not eat out and to make food at home, that's great for a rainy day, or those on tight budgets and a good skill for house birthday parties and house gatherings, but humans naturally are just not to be "staying at home 24/7" eating out is a part of social interaction as well, which is an essential need for mankind.
The "Stay At Home" BS that is of jewish doings - something that Xians have already been practicing due to their senseless hatred for everybody (it often made me even question why Xians are bitching about Stay At Home orders, they hate social interactions and then bitch that the gov't wants to ban it - what don't Xians bitch about?).
If the Jew wants to buy your business, give it the middle finger and do not ever sell it to the Jew. Remember, McDonald's was once a mom n pop burger and fries stand selling actual real burgers, until the "chosen race" came in and bought it, turning it into the atrocity and horror slaughterhouse that it is today, this also applies for most fast food chains. Chinese products too, were once the literal ENVY of the world up until the Jewish communists took control of all China's manufacturing means and market, as a revenge for the Boxer Rebellion which threatened Jesuit hegemony.
There's also the countless horror stories of business owners selling their business to the Jews, often-not, their employers have to beg the new Kosher management to let their employees off on Christmas.
To the Christians, a "rapture" is coming to save them and the the tumultuous signs is a sign of their rapture, a word originating from Old French meaning to "kidnap" (yeah....there's a "rapture all right", a "kidnapping" of human hosts by Greys).
To the SS, we know there is no "rapture" coming to save anyone, we are here with a mission and a responsibility and we are here to face it.
Another key differences our vision for society.
Christian whistleblowers care about "nothing more" than to turn people Christian. and turn us back into the Dark Ages. If you notice how in many movies, whenever an "angry rebellion" tears down some tyrant-ruled empire, the "post-rebellion" societies are all broken down, rife with crime, rape, looting and lawlessness and anarchy - basically resulting in a world as equally bad as the one before it.
So to the Christian, it matters not how society becomes toxic and depraved. Once again, you'll come to notice how Christians outright ignore how toxic their societies are, and endlessly attack people "just for not being Christian", no matter whether non-Christian is a sane or depraved.
If Christians were take over the coming "post-Jewish" world, this is what awaits us, and it will eventually cycle back into Christians begging for the Jews to come back and "restore order", with future SS being again, forced to form secretive groups out of safety. This is Hegalian solution.
Even with the Jewish Illuminati gone, Christians will continue to take to their laptops and keyboards, bitch, whine and curse Gentile gov't officials for not being Christian or passing some Law that doesn't cater to kosher standards.
"Oh.....waaah......the government just declared our BAAAAH-BULL as being a non-valid source of historical info, oy's the end of this country, the end has come, god please judge and destroy this evil nation!"
They'd be the type of people you see in that movie The Maze Runners, I believe it was the second movie, where instead of targeting the villianous company Wickd (very likely an allusion to the Jews) - the rioteers and so-called "resistance" just goes around and wrecklessly destroys the city, turning it into a hellish den of lawlessness and anarchy. If you watch to the end (as well as the books) you'll quickly find out that the resistance was equally stupid, and achieved absolutely nothing, there was no "cure" to the disease.
As SS, we encourage the Gentile people to take their resources back, CONTROL those resources, and not by rioting or murdering or illegal activity, but via our RTRs, rituals, self-empowerment tools.
We don't tell people "it's the end go run to the mountains" or "the rapture is coming, surrender your lives". Running and bugging out to the wilderness should be a last resort, it's how the White Pagans of the past ended up when the Greys would end up overpowering their civilizations (by-way of inserting themselves among the Gods, and then stealing identities of the Gods), But they survived via the care of the [real] Gods. But the Christians can go run to the mountains and rot in a cave for all I care. I hope the cave collapses in on them and rids the world of their stupidity.
Eventually the works of SS will all spiral up into putting Gentile SS and Pagans into positions of power, and I mean REAL Pagans not the phony jewish paganism child-sacrificing behind closed doors Illuminati movement...aka what the HPs referred to "Fake/Safe Satanism".
The past Pagans weren't perfect, they did lot of stupid things, at times they went to war against fellow Gentile Pagans (the Gods hate this avidly), and often-not, also fell for Jewish Pagans (Achaemenid dynasty and etc.) or Reptilians/Greys posing as Gods or were sorely lacking in developing "war energies" (against Jewish/Reptilian invaders).
I always feel Joy of Satan was created where we can fix the errors of where the past Pagans went.
So contrary to "popular whistleblower belief".....the Jews don't practice the occult because it's "evil"........them stamping pedophilia and cannibalism to occultism and Satanism is simply their desperate attempt to keep the entire Gentile world enslaved and dumbed down, so people will never wake up to their true potentials.
As always.......
Hail Satan! Satane Vindice. In Satan We Trust. Satan Bless America and the Gentile World!
I Stand For the Flag! But Not the Cross!
This post contains some redundant info (as well as memes - something I haven't done before), the redundant info is for non-Satanist whistleblower lurkers.
Well, with RTRs kicking ass, Paypal's "let's steal $2,500 from your acc't" failing, Kanye West exposing the Kike celebrity industry, Putin announcing a halt to his troop mobilization, and anti-Islamic/reverse Jihad rituals coming up, I felt moved to make this post.
Okay, so both of our groups, SS and Xian whistleblower alike, know what we know, and have known almost forever, namely that the world is ruled by pedophiles who worship hostile E.T.s,, child sacrificing evil Jewish elitists who wanna chip implant everyone and destroy everybody's Nations and Cultures. From the most top elite positions in gov't and religion, to the owners of capitalist superpowers like Walmart, McDonalds all the way down into your local school boards.
Blah blah blah....old news.
The world is also inhabited by a majority-moronic population that wasn't wanna do jack sh*t about it.
The first clear-fine difference is the way we and they [Xians] go about it.
There's the obvious difference firslty lies in who is to blame, the Christians wanna blame Satan and the Gods for all of this, with all their stupid "Synagogue of Satan BS", Jewish predictive programming "Bible prophecy" when they simply can't pick up their Bible and see their "god" is behind all of it.
Admittingly JoS didn't lead me to Satan, the BibLIE itself and the horrid religion led me to back to JoS and ultimately to Satan himself. Out of a pure avid hated for Christianity, that's the literal first thing that popped into my thoughts, "You already have seen the Truth before, go back to.....Joy of Satan......they're waiting".
2 Corinthians 4:4 already admits that Satan is the True God of this world, and is the bringer of Knowledge, Culture, Art, Technology, Banking, Sciences, name it. All the cultures of the Gentile world have had common themes originating back to Satanism, and unlike the "we are all one" BORG culture of Xianity, they all differed in a beautiful diverse world.
Many of these Xian whistleblowers and militant Xians will outright admit to you that Jew-hova is the opposite of all of those since well, according to Isaiah 55:8 "his ways aren't man's ways" (huge red flag right there)...and whenever I'd listen to these Christian whistleblower radioshow hosts, one of the biggest red flags is how right after they expose "evil Satan" (fake Jewish Satanists that is), the next minute brag and boast about how Jew-hovah and the OT prophets obsessively wants to kill rich people (rich Gentiles that is), destroy people's treasures (Gentile treasures), murder all the Pagan gentiles, and then how his stinkin' angels will go around and murder anyone who doesn't follow the horrid Torah and how the chip-implanting agenda is actually part of "Yah's will" because it's crucial for the return of Rabbi Jebu so they can either murder or enslave whoever is left alive on Earth under 144,000 Greys or 144,000 jews or whatever.
Their solution to all the madness?

One that is very defeatist and hypocritical in nature and no better than the majority idiotic population, that is to complain endlessley on their keyboard, pack up and run to the mountains, assume there's no hope except to pray and beg Rabi Jebo (the guy who admits he and his smelly ass reptilian daddy are the cause of all this), and continue to work as slaves for these parasites. Bitch and whine about the parasites in gov't, religion and business - yet continue to allow these leeches to run the world and YOUR LIFE. Yeah Rabbi Jebo will handle it......
The world is gone, fuck the world, there's no hope for the world, our only hope is with Rabbi Jebo. Gentiles/Non-Xians who are rich and successful are evil....but then when faced with the threat of homelesseness, turn around and beg same evil Gentile/Heathen for money and housing, to continue feeding whatever useless ministry you run.
Then, when the world returns to normal, come out of the mountains, and continue to bitch and whine about the Pagans who literally FIXED the economy, complain profusely some more, and wish for MORE destruction and chaos.
Well.....we can clearly see where the energies of 3-billion some people worshiping Rabbi Jebu got us, I don't give a shit what section - the fringe ones and the Xian conspiracy groups are all part of it as well, no matter how much they try to dissociate themselves from the very "elitists" they claim to hate, that are trying to bring in the Greys and Reptilians for a total onslaught of the Earth.
Is it "predicated" in the BibLIE? Yes, however not because the BibLIE is right, it's because the Kikes, Greys and Reptilians who wrote this monstrosity of a "holy book" had it "all planned" from the beginning, it is even admitted in Revelation 6:2, and Revelation 13 where Jew-hovah sends "horsemen" or "beasts" (Reptilians/Greys) onto the Earth to wreak havoc and murder all the good people standing in theire way, which is quite funny.....'cuz in those verses, you'll read about he sacrifices his own people [xians].
How the fuck can these "beasts" be of Satan when the BibLIE clearly admits "Power was given unto them...", not by Satan because in Revelation 19:4, it says it is given unto them BY NONE OTHER THAN JEW-HOVAH.
"...............and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia."
Christian whistleblowers claim that the abusive abrahamists in power "are not real Xians/jewss", or "Synagogue of Satan BS".
No - not only have we done our research, and read the BibLIE front and back even more importantly, have outright "witnessed" the abuses of Jew-hovah via our experiences with this foul program. Can you say....the REAL "Jehovah's Witnesses"? We were there, we witnessed the atrocity of Jew-hovah, and we left towards true Salvation via Satan. Therei s nothing un-Biblical between in what the Jews are doing.
For example, the FEMA plans for martial law and forced-separation of family, as well the mask vs. anti-mask/vaccine vs. anti-vaccine and Democratic/Republican rift that tore families apart - this aligns perfectly with Matthew 10:35 where Jew-hovah tears families apart, for his own pathetic pleasure.
The ISIS destruction of Damascus? Isaiah 17:1-3.
The Spread of Islam? Taken from the "Prophecy Against Arabia" BS, where Jewhovah sends ghouls like Mohammad to destroy the "pagan idols and cities" of Arabia - Isaiah 21:13-17
The "Stay at Home" culture aligns perfectly with the Christian practice of monasticism BS (the practice of isolating yourself from the world to "be with god"), the smartphone/Tiktok addiction too is part of this, the "liberal" prescription drug
The gun confiscation? Taken from John 12:25 - you'll go to Hell for loving your life enough to defend it. some "pro-life God" we got there...
The abominable polluting and dumping of red chemicals into rivers? Revelation 16:3, Revelation 11:6, Psalm 78:44
All this bullshit about "blessed is he who is poor" aligns perfect with the jewish rituals against Gentile wealth and promotion of communism.
But as SS on the other hand, this is how we regard the war against Mankind's enemies: one of our mantras is in that song "
".......we're not gonna take it".

We fight to conquer the world from the enemies of the Gods and of Mankind, and we fight to take back our Nations, our Races, our Communities and to make this world a better place, we are few but more effective and when the jews carry out their massive pogroms, we will be left alive, as Satan had told HP Maxine, "many will want to join our side, but it'll be too late" and as HP Cobra warned, the Xians should be worried, since the Xians will be first on the chopping block, not because Satan is evil, or that Xianity is right, it's because they're "usefulness" towards their kike overlords will have been very well-spent.
Satan gives us Knowledge, and the Tools to spiritually arm ourselves to do so, it won't be overnight obviously, anything "but" overnight, but it will still happen.
There's a reason why the jews quite frankly dont give a shit about "most" whistleblowers, 'cuz they know the pathetic cycle will just rinse and repeat. Prop up a Hegalian puppet like Alex Jones, get the Xian whistleblowers all amped up with all the conspiracy exposing - energy that will spent towards nothing, then go back watch Jewish football (NFL), play some Jewish video games (GTA, Call of Duty), eat some human garbage meat [McDonalds], go mudding/destroy your pickup truck, rev your excessively-loud motorcycle profusely and annoy the living hell out of everyone (ESPECIALLY those trying to meditate), and go drink yourself to oblivion, and then go back to work for your Jewish employer the next day. Act like a wannabe loud-mouthed rebel and then cower in front of the Men in Blue when getting arrested for threatening someone b'cuz "....dey wer talkin' sheet 'bout maah Rebbah Jebu, this is 'Murica". That forms sadly a majority of the "whistleblower" population.
Recall my first post about the human meat industry which predominates the likes of Walmart and McDonalds, this'll be an example, or the exposure of garbage food/poisoned products from China in our DoC articles, the issue of jews constantly running all the companies that we work for a wage.
A defeatist Christian solution would just be to avoid all meat together, avoid all grocery stores, go vegetarian, rant off about how much you hate Gentile Chinese people and then continue to worship your very enemy. Or claim that being a successful businessman is evil 'cuz the Jews wanna taint the image of monetary success, and preach that Gentiles and Truthers can't ever be successful (well can thank your program of death for that).
That's what the kike wants...and Xians literally give it to them.
A Spiritual Satanic solution? Is to encourage Gentiles to stand up, set up their own businesses, be in a position of power and enforce pro-Gentile policies. In the case of issues like the meat issue, encourage Gentiles to set up their own butcheries and only deal with farmers or trustable meat purveyors!
In the case of China, I know may not be possible with the communist rule in Beijing, but that's what rituals and RTRs are for, and contact with the Gods are for, they will help you overthrow the communists as they did in Mongolia. This is why China is so heavily-censored, seemingly even more-so than Russia or Belarus.
Many may just say to not eat out and to make food at home, that's great for a rainy day, or those on tight budgets and a good skill for house birthday parties and house gatherings, but humans naturally are just not to be "staying at home 24/7" eating out is a part of social interaction as well, which is an essential need for mankind.
The "Stay At Home" BS that is of jewish doings - something that Xians have already been practicing due to their senseless hatred for everybody (it often made me even question why Xians are bitching about Stay At Home orders, they hate social interactions and then bitch that the gov't wants to ban it - what don't Xians bitch about?).
If the Jew wants to buy your business, give it the middle finger and do not ever sell it to the Jew. Remember, McDonald's was once a mom n pop burger and fries stand selling actual real burgers, until the "chosen race" came in and bought it, turning it into the atrocity and horror slaughterhouse that it is today, this also applies for most fast food chains. Chinese products too, were once the literal ENVY of the world up until the Jewish communists took control of all China's manufacturing means and market, as a revenge for the Boxer Rebellion which threatened Jesuit hegemony.
There's also the countless horror stories of business owners selling their business to the Jews, often-not, their employers have to beg the new Kosher management to let their employees off on Christmas.
To the Christians, a "rapture" is coming to save them and the the tumultuous signs is a sign of their rapture, a word originating from Old French meaning to "kidnap" (yeah....there's a "rapture all right", a "kidnapping" of human hosts by Greys).
To the SS, we know there is no "rapture" coming to save anyone, we are here with a mission and a responsibility and we are here to face it.
Another key differences our vision for society.

Christian whistleblowers care about "nothing more" than to turn people Christian. and turn us back into the Dark Ages. If you notice how in many movies, whenever an "angry rebellion" tears down some tyrant-ruled empire, the "post-rebellion" societies are all broken down, rife with crime, rape, looting and lawlessness and anarchy - basically resulting in a world as equally bad as the one before it.
So to the Christian, it matters not how society becomes toxic and depraved. Once again, you'll come to notice how Christians outright ignore how toxic their societies are, and endlessly attack people "just for not being Christian", no matter whether non-Christian is a sane or depraved.
If Christians were take over the coming "post-Jewish" world, this is what awaits us, and it will eventually cycle back into Christians begging for the Jews to come back and "restore order", with future SS being again, forced to form secretive groups out of safety. This is Hegalian solution.
Even with the Jewish Illuminati gone, Christians will continue to take to their laptops and keyboards, bitch, whine and curse Gentile gov't officials for not being Christian or passing some Law that doesn't cater to kosher standards.
"Oh.....waaah......the government just declared our BAAAAH-BULL as being a non-valid source of historical info, oy's the end of this country, the end has come, god please judge and destroy this evil nation!"
They'd be the type of people you see in that movie The Maze Runners, I believe it was the second movie, where instead of targeting the villianous company Wickd (very likely an allusion to the Jews) - the rioteers and so-called "resistance" just goes around and wrecklessly destroys the city, turning it into a hellish den of lawlessness and anarchy. If you watch to the end (as well as the books) you'll quickly find out that the resistance was equally stupid, and achieved absolutely nothing, there was no "cure" to the disease.

As SS, we encourage the Gentile people to take their resources back, CONTROL those resources, and not by rioting or murdering or illegal activity, but via our RTRs, rituals, self-empowerment tools.
We don't tell people "it's the end go run to the mountains" or "the rapture is coming, surrender your lives". Running and bugging out to the wilderness should be a last resort, it's how the White Pagans of the past ended up when the Greys would end up overpowering their civilizations (by-way of inserting themselves among the Gods, and then stealing identities of the Gods), But they survived via the care of the [real] Gods. But the Christians can go run to the mountains and rot in a cave for all I care. I hope the cave collapses in on them and rids the world of their stupidity.
Eventually the works of SS will all spiral up into putting Gentile SS and Pagans into positions of power, and I mean REAL Pagans not the phony jewish paganism child-sacrificing behind closed doors Illuminati movement...aka what the HPs referred to "Fake/Safe Satanism".
The past Pagans weren't perfect, they did lot of stupid things, at times they went to war against fellow Gentile Pagans (the Gods hate this avidly), and often-not, also fell for Jewish Pagans (Achaemenid dynasty and etc.) or Reptilians/Greys posing as Gods or were sorely lacking in developing "war energies" (against Jewish/Reptilian invaders).
I always feel Joy of Satan was created where we can fix the errors of where the past Pagans went.
So contrary to "popular whistleblower belief".....the Jews don't practice the occult because it's "evil"........them stamping pedophilia and cannibalism to occultism and Satanism is simply their desperate attempt to keep the entire Gentile world enslaved and dumbed down, so people will never wake up to their true potentials.
As always.......
Hail Satan! Satane Vindice. In Satan We Trust. Satan Bless America and the Gentile World!
I Stand For the Flag! But Not the Cross!