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Health and beauty tips ( Johnson akemi 2017)


New member
Sep 26, 2017
You will want to check your natal chart to see if modeling is the best career for you. Your natal chart is a map of your soul and shows your natural talents and where you will excel. For example, I have some planetary placements that indicate an irregular income. That is not a bad thing. That just means my money will not necessarily come in a weekly check from a 9-5 job. Right now, most of my income has come from grants, so I will get a big pile of money a few times a year. You will want to look at your 2nd house (how you make money), 6th house (daily work), and 10th house (career). Astrology is very complex and takes time to master.

Modeling is about aesthetics, which means it is purely based on what someone else thinks of you. There are literally thousands of people who all fit the required body dimensions to be a model but there is the extra spark that makes the judge point at someone and say “I want you!” You can get that extra spark by empowering your aura and solar chakra. A clean, radiant aura naturally makes you charismatic and you literally brighten a room just by walking in. With a powerful solar chakra, that in general makes you more powerful spiritually and your magickal workings and ability to influence other people will be more effective. People will decide if they like another person or decide if they want to hire someone within 5 seconds of meeting the person. This is because they can subconsciously sense the energy of the other person. You can program your aura to make a good impression on anyone you meet and while you are in an interview, you can use your aura to influence the other person to do what you want. You should use positive affirmations that you are absolutely beautiful and are a highly successful model coupled with visualization of your beauty and success. I used to have extremely bad acne. This was because I had some hangups about my personal worth and did not want other people to pay attention to me. My mental image of myself was a tiny, deformed thing with an obscured face. My mind worked to make that into reality by obscuring my face with acne. The acne cleared up when I began visualizing myself as tall and radiant with a glowingly clear face.

Venus rules beauty and you can do Venus squares to improve your general beauty. You can do a Venus square even if Venus is not in Libra, Pisces, or Taurus. You can do a Venus square as long as Venus is not weak in Virgo, Scorpio, or Aries.
Health and beauty is extremely individual and varies immensely depending on your racial composition, local climate, and other influences in your environment (e.g. air pollution). There is not a set of rules where I can say to use a specific product once a week or wash your ears three times a week. What you need to do depends on your individual circumstances. Take for example, I live in an extremely hot climate. It is 110 degrees Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsius) outside during the day. This extreme heat requires me to have a very high water consumption so I don’t die of heatstroke. If someone in a cooler climate drank the same amount of water, they would be peeing every hour. Also, the extreme heat causes my face to become much greasier than it is during cooler months. This requires me to wash my face in quantities that would irritate the face of someone with dry skin living in a cooler climate.

The recommendation of “unrefined” was referring to coconut oil. Refined coconut oil has been bleached and deodorized and is made from copra, dried coconut flesh. The copra is often stored in unsanitary conditions prior to being shipped to a factory, so the bleaching step is necessary to produce a product that is not contaminated and discolored. Unrefined coconut oil is made from fresh coconut flesh that is pressed shortly after picking and is not bleached or deodorized. Unrefined is better in general when it comes to natural products as each step of refining and processing strips the product of nutrients and healing properties.

You can use a lip balm if you want to. There are many high-quality lip balms out there such as Burt’s Bees. Burt’s Bees can get pricey at $3 a tube, so I make my own for the equivalent of 10 cents a tube. The recipe I use is linked below. I made a single batch of this recipe and the jar full of lip balm is going to last me several years.

Burt’s Bees Lip Balm Recipe


Note, beeswax is often adulterated with paraffin (made from petroleum) and other kinds of waxes. Beeswax should have a sweet, honey-like aroma to it. If the beeswax smells smoky, foul, or has no smell then it is adulterated. Also, there is no such thing as white beeswax. Any product claiming to be white beeswax is not actually beeswax. Beeswax pellets are the worst for adulteration and Amazon is rife with sellers of adulterated beeswax. Wherever you get your beeswax from, it should not be Amazon. I ordered my beeswax from here: http://www.honeypacifica.com/beeswax/ . You live in Europe, so shipping to Europe from Honey Pacifica will be outrageous. There are lots of suppliers in Europe who sell pure beeswax blocks that you can find by doing an internet search.

You should be drinking an adequate amount of fluoride-free water daily. A lot people neglect to drink enough water and dehydration keeps the body from being able to flush out toxins. This toxic buildup triggers acne and a lot of other health problems. Your pee should be pale yellow in color (unless you are taking B vitamin supplements). Anything darker than that indicates dehydration (or you are taking B vitamin supplements. B vitamin supplementation can make your pee bright yellow or orange). Distilled water is the only method of purification that removes all fluoride. You can add a pinch of salt to a jug of distilled water for flavor.

Coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturizer and is very healing. I have found coconut oil to be better than sunscreen for sun exposure. As a child, my parents would cover me in sunscreen and I would still get sunburnt to the point my skin was peeling. Now, I liberally apply coconut oil over my body several times a day if I am getting a lot of sun exposure. The coconut oil makes sunburns rapidly heal. Coconut oil has a myriad of health and beauty uses and I will be mentioning it a lot. I also use coconut oil as a general skin moisturizer as needed. I shower daily, so I apply moisturizer after I shower.

I make my own lotion and the recipe I use moisturizes better than coconut oil alone. The recipe can be found here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SSHealth/conversations/messages/1718 The post calls for 4 ounces of beeswax, but the version I make now uses only 1-2 ounces of beeswax.
When it comes to acne, do NOT pick at it, rub it, or even touch it. Constantly picking at acne aggravates the skin and induces more acne. If it has a distinct white head on it, you can gently prick the white head with a sterilized pin and GENTLY apply pressure once to remove the pus. If you have to apply pressure more than once, it is not ready to rupture and further squeezing will cause tissue injury and possibly scarring. There are comedone removal tools that are specifically designed to remove the pus from acne while minimizing tissue trauma as well as keeping bacteria from being introduced to the skin by your fingers. If you have a pimple, do not worry about it or even think about it. Focus on that part of your face being completely smooth and blemish-free. Whatever you focus on, you mind puts energy towards making into reality. If you are constantly thinking about a pimple on your nose, you will be putting a lot of energy towards making pimples appear on your nose.

Comedeone Removal Kit


I have found kojic acid soap used in conjunction with manual exfoliation (kessa mitt or loofa) helps with acne. I live in one of the dirtiest air basins in the world and that does not help my skin. I use kojic acid soap daily, but you mentioned you have sensitive skin, so you should limit your use of kojic acid soap to 1-2 times per week and gradually increase from there. Do not push yourself and use the kojic acid soap so often that it cause your skin irritation. That is counter-productive. Long-term use of kojic acid fades acne scars and dark spots while also evening skin tone. There are a lot of lame brands of kojic acid soap out there that contain very little kojic acid. Marie France brand is the best and was recommended by High Priestess Shannon Outlaw here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SSHealth/conversations/messages/2081

Regarding the spray containing cyclopentasiloxane and tocopheryl acetate, tocopheryl acetate is a name for vitamin E. Cyclopentasiloxane is an ingredient commonly found in hair conditioners because it forms a thin layer over skin and hair and imparts a silky feel. This silky feel is misleading because the cyclopentasiloxane is coating the hair/skin and the hair itself is not actually silky. The coating prevents healthful oils and other materials from penetrating the skin/hair, drying out the skin/hair over time. Lydia wrote extensively on silicones (like cyclopentasiloxane) here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic17842.html You can get vitamin E oil from any health food store and apply that as an ointment. There is also the option of using honey for beauty and healing wounds. The cheap honey you see on the store shelves is not real honey. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of research on basically everything to find real food and medicine. Cheap honey is thinned with corn syrup and contains illegal honey from China. Chinese honey is banned because China is a hotbed of adulteration and has nonexistent quality standards for anything, not just honey. Rat meat is passed off as lamb, expired buns are sent back to the factory to be ground into new buns, fake rice is made from plastic, and whole eggs are fabricated that look and crack like real eggs, but contain no actual egg. Chinese honey is contaminated with lead and there is systematic fabrication of toxic honey from sweeteners, flavoring agents, and colorants. High Priestess Maxine Dietrich was warned by Satan and Lilith to NEVER eat at Chinese restaurants here: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoSNewsletter/conversations/messages/397 Raw honey from a reputable supplier has healing properties and also local raw honey, when taken internally, reduces the severity of allergies.

My recommendation of bentonite clay masks was for oily skin. Kaolinite is less drying than bentonite clay. Someone with a dry, sensitive skin (like yourself) should avoid clay masks completely. The clay is mixed with water, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar and applied to your face. Do not let the clay dry completely to the point you have to chip it off your face. Allowing the clay to get that dry causes it to extract moisture from your skin. The clay mask should be washed off when it begins to dry, but is not completely dry yet.


Dark circles can be caused by numerous factors. Once again, adequate water consumption is important. In addition to acne, dark circles and inelastic skin are also triggered by dehydration. Also, you should be getting adequate sleep. You know you are getting adequate sleep when you get up naturally without having to set an alarm. Also, dark circles and a LOT of other problems are caused by nutritional deficiencies and a toxic diet. More information about diet and nutrition is in the “Food and Drink” section of this guide.


Baking soda is excellent for whitening teeth. I alternate between baking soda and Theodent toothpaste and my front teeth are distinctly whiter than the rest of my teeth as I brush my front teeth more thoroughly. Theodent remineralizes tooth enamel, but one member said he had a bad reaction to Theodent and developed tooth sensitivity, so it is up to you if you want to use it. You should brush your teeth about 10-20 minutes after every meal. The delay is to give your saliva a chance to neutralize the acids produced by bacteria feasting on the foods you ate and acids in the foods themselves. The acids weaken tooth enamel and brushing immediately after a meal wears down enamel over time. Oil pulling with coconut oil is another effective method of cleaning your teeth. Place a small amount of coconut oil into your mouth and swish the coconut oil around your mouth for 5-10 minutes. When you are done, spit the coconut oil out.

Invisalign covers your teeth with a layer of plastic to apply pressure that straightens your teeth. Straight teeth have major implications besides aesthetics, so braces/Invisalign are beneficial. Misalignment in the jaw causes imbalanced energy circulation. There is a thread about this here: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic12053.html Since you are using Invisalign, you have to pay extra attention to your oral health because the Invisalign mouthpieces cover your teeth and prevent saliva from reaching the teeth. Saliva neutralizes acids produced by bacteria in the mouth and also remineralizes tooth enamel. You should not put your Invisalign mouthpieces on after eating a meal without brushing your teeth first. Neglecting to do so allows bacteria to feast on bits of food stuck to your teeth and the acids they produce are free to eat into the enamel of your teeth behind the protective layer of the Invisalign mouthpiece. This will weaken your tooth enamel, contribute to staining, and cause decay.


I personally do not specifically clean my ears. I am not prone to earwax compaction, so that is a reason why. There are some people out there who are prone to nasty chunks of earwax hanging out of their ears, so you may need to clean out your ears. Whatever you do, do not use a Q-tip (a thin swab with a ball of cotton on the tip). Q-tips push earwax further down the ear canal and there are people who have ruptured their eardrum trying to clean their ear out with a Q-tip. You can use a standard bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide to dissolve excess earwax from your ear. Law on your side and pour some hydrogen peroxide into your ear. You will feel it begin to bubble. After 5 minute tip out the hydrogen peroxide and repeat the process on your other ear. How often you need to clean out your ears is highly individual like most other beauty practices.

If you enjoy gardening (like me) the dirt is very drying for the skin. You should always wear gloves and heavily moisturize after you are done in the garden. I also cook a lot and my hands are frequently exposed to harsh soap as a part of the cooking/cleanup process so I apply moisturizer to my hands throughout the day to compensate. Cracked fingertips, warped fingernails, and cracked heels are due to nutritional deficiencies. Making sure you are getting adequate nutrition makes a lot of health and beauty complaints go away.


Conventional shampoos are very harmful to the hair as they contain harsh detergents that strip protective oils from the hair. Conventional conditioners cause hair to temporarily feel smooth and silky, but actually dry the hair out over time because the chemicals in the conditioner coat the hair follicles and prevent any oils from penetrating. You mentioned you use a natural shampoo, so that is a good course of action. Dilute apple cider vinegar makes a good hair rinse. Coconut oil moisturizes your hair and imparts shine. You can work a small quantity of coconut oil through your hair, leave it in for an hour, and then wash your hair normally.

Body Hair

You can put coconut oil on the waxed areas to reduce irritation. You can also direct golden-white energy to the area to heal irritation. A week after waxing, start exfoliating the waxed areas a few times per week to prevent ingrown hairs.

Food and Drinks

If you are trying to lose weight, 1 liter of pineapple juice a day has a lot of calories in it and not a lot of nutrition. 1 liter of pineapple juice contains 533 calories. There are 3500 calories in a pound of fat. By reducing your pineapple juice intake, that is a pound of fat a week. You don’t need to completely remove pineapple juice, chocolate, puffed rice, and other things you like from your diet. You can still eat those things in moderation. Instead of eating 3 bars of chocolate a day, cut a bar into 8 pieces and eat a piece or two with each meal. You can dilute your pineapple juice into water and drink that so you still get the taste of the pineapple juice without consuming a liter of pineapple juice a day.

You should omit fast food, highly processed pseudo-food, and other toxic foods from your diet. Your diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, grains, meats, eggs, potatoes, and other good foods. You do not need to freak out about everything you put in your mouth. You are free to choose your own diet and eat foods you enjoy. There is a thread regarding what a good diet consists of.

Foods We should Eat


Most fruits and vegetables in your diet should be cooked. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, raw foods are difficult for your body to digest and this taxes your digestive system over time. Taxing your digestive system is detrimental because this leads to a myriad of health problems if continued for an extended period of time. This does not mean a raw salad is going to kill you. This means that eating excessive quantities of raw fruits and vegetables over a long period of time will weaken your digestive system and should be avoided.

Also, you should take a high-quality multivitamin. Agricultural soils have been depleted by years of intensive farming without replenishment and our food is not as nutritious as it used to be. Some high quality brands are Garden of Life and Dr. Ron’s. You mentioned your Dr. Ron’s got stuck in customs, so you may want to look for an alternative brand that is also high-quality. You intuition will let you know if a brand is of good quality or not. Cod liver oil and extra magnesium are also supplements to consider.

Cooking your own food saves a lot of money in comparison to buying premade food. Here is a thread containing recipes and cooking tips: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SSHealth/conversations/topics/2433


You should stop taking the herbal weight loss formula. Taking powerful herbs when you do not have a medical condition is a fast way to induce health problems. Powerful herbs can correct a disease-causing imbalance in the body, but can also cause an imbalance if you do not have any health problems and insist on taking the herbs. The secret to weight loss is to put down the fork and exercise. The people who can roll faster than they can run are always looking for a magic pill they can take so they do not have to get up off the couch or put down their Giga Gulp sized soda. Weight loss does not come overnight. A healthy pace of weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week.


Garments should be washed when they are smelly, dirty, or otherwise obviously soiled. I will wash a shirt I have worn all day, exercised in, or been outside in (I live in a very hot climate and a shirt will become sweaty after a short period of time outside). In cooler months, I will wear a pair of jeans for a few days before washing it.

Commercial detergents are laced with toxic chemicals and are will irritate sensitive skin. You can make your own laundry detergent from washing soda, borax, and plain soap.

Laundry Detergent Recipe



A good level for exercise is 30 minutes a day 5 days a week. You can adjust this based on your individual needs. If you are going for the “shredded” bodybuilder-type look, that takes a whole different level of dedication. It takes hours of exercise to build up and maintain the shredded look. The bodybuilders you see in the protein powder ads are anything but healthy. It is industry-standard for bodybuilders to be stabbing themselves in the butt with steroids and injecting oil into their muscles to maintain their unnatural proportions. Bodybuilders will dehydrate themselves prior to a photo shoot to get the “shrink-wrapped” look their skin has over their muscles. Eating 10 chicken breasts and 3 pounds of red meat a day with no carbs is not healthy and bodybuilders die at age 30 from heart attacks. It is rare to find a bodybuilder who lived past age 50.

For exercise, find what you like. Dragging yourself to the gym and bashing yourself into lifting heavy objects gets you nowhere and emotional blockages will impede your spiritual progress. You have to want to exercise because you enjoy it and the benefits it brings. For example, High Priest Mageson likes to use a rebounder. For weight training, a small number of high-weight repetitions gives more results than a thousand repetitions at low weight. For cardio, extended moderate-intensity cardio workouts raise cortisol levels over time and this causes health problems. Marathoners have more arterial plaque (plaque clogging the heart) than overweight, sedentary people who never exercise. On the other hand, high intensity sprints followed by walking reduce cortisol levels.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
