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Jews "From The Mother " Explained Post by HP. Hoodedcobra666[/B] » Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:19 am This situation needs to be cleared, and as with HP Jake's latest reply on the groups put succintly, jews can never be part of our own, no matter what, where, when, circumstantially, or not.
I have to clear some other fallacy that has arose in particular to racially "aware" circles who lack knowledge in discerning jews or in understanding what and when someone is actually jewish, as wrongs here (probably created by jews or lack of understanding them) has poisoned a lot of people through sentimental feelings which they believe superimpose above natural laws.
A meme is going around created by jews that "Only jews from their mothers side are accepted in Israel". Many people erroneously believe as a result that the jews do not consider 'jewish', all these jewish who are jews from their father, or their grandparents. But of course, these people are jewish and part of the racial group of the jewish people all over the earth.
The jews in contrast to Gentiles who are totally blind in regards to racial and natural laws, have far more knowledge in regards to breeding, hybridization, and keeping one's racial line clean. An irony if jews are considered since they are racially mixed with all the races of the earth, but that aside, they have maintained the connective alien factor that unites them all which is their jewishness and their descendant jewish genetics.
While all of this was cloaked under religious rules and regulations, it is nothing else than already known to all Pagans, primitive psychology. This is how we bred horses, dogs, and many other species and sub-species since the ancient times, and there were many people who were breeders and as such this knowledge was widespread in ancient civilizations.
Jews from the side of the father, as with all hybridized species, are not considered jews to live and exist in Israel, or in the very least important and fruitful citizens of Israel. This is simple and anyone who has any knowledge in regards to hybridizing species, knows that only the resulting offspring that is female from a hybridized species can again be hybridized 'back' into the fold.
The jews by this very policy are also admitting that they are different species from others in mankind, something which was racially common knowledge to the ancient world.
Male offspring that results from hybridization through birth and undergoes this process are far more likely to infertility, and therefore, are to work abroad to cause mayhem to Gentile nations, infiltrate them, and hijack Gentile families, rather than to stay in Israel. Them being a majority in Israel threatens Israel with extinction, as it's a rule that hybridized males may have infertility and be unable to procreate properly. This is religiously explained as being unable to pass down 'jewishness'. They are still perfectly jewish, genetically and otherwise, but they are just a liability to a race that tries to maintain fruitful births and also, racial hygiene.
Females on the other hand, or the descendants of females (even after hybridization) are far more likable to have the ability to procreate, without the plethora of issues.
Jews would rather nobody of theirs race mixed, but since they are on a mission of global infiltration of all races and nations on earth, they have to find a way around bridging both of these situations with the eventual hopes of staying "Jews" and also hijacking and racially infiltrating all their enemies. So the male jews are sent to one missions and the female jews are returning to another.
To make this simple, if one is demented enough to cross a lion and a tiger, the result will be a liger. If the liger is male, the chances are extremely high the liger will be infertile. However, if the liger is female, hypothetically speaking, the event of infertility is less likely. Also, if we were to later bond this liger with back with a lion, or a species that we want to bring it back to, it's far more likely that our hybridization will be successful and more willing as the female here plays a bigger role than the male.
When people hybridize, the chances for higher fertility are on the female offspring of hybridization, and not the male offspring. In cases of hybridized species of wildcats with cats, only the female offspring can typically procreate, while the males can be largely sterile. Then, the breeder has to take a male normal cat, or a male wildcat, and continue on top of this to create to move the being to another state. This is one of the reason jews have put this criteria in regards to "jews from the mothers side" applying to be jews.
Another reason is that the mother on children is what gestates and nurtures the internal aspects of a person's being, and for that reason, a jewish mother makes one closer to the jews, than just typically a jewish father. Biologically speaking they are the same thing, and they are both jews, however, the most long term profit of acceptance is from the "Jews from the mother", while the hybrids with Gentile mothers are to be kept at a hands distance due to instability or future infertility caused on the lines of Israel down the line.
They also have, as stated, another mission to serve "Israel", and that is hopefully not domestically. There are millions abroad that they can join to corrupt freely as it is, and endless goyim gene lines they can contaminate. They are not all needed in Israel.
Jews are always jews, and it doesn't matter if quarter, male, female, donkey, or whatever else will be invented around this fact. Likewise, all jews are forever an abomination to the Pagan Gods, and so they will remain, despite of the lies of the jewish mouths, of jewish claims, or jews trying to tie the Gods by the feet and attempting to become "Pagan" or "Satanists".
Alien is the nature of the jews, and alien it will forever be.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 -
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I have to clear some other fallacy that has arose in particular to racially "aware" circles who lack knowledge in discerning jews or in understanding what and when someone is actually jewish, as wrongs here (probably created by jews or lack of understanding them) has poisoned a lot of people through sentimental feelings which they believe superimpose above natural laws.
A meme is going around created by jews that "Only jews from their mothers side are accepted in Israel". Many people erroneously believe as a result that the jews do not consider 'jewish', all these jewish who are jews from their father, or their grandparents. But of course, these people are jewish and part of the racial group of the jewish people all over the earth.
The jews in contrast to Gentiles who are totally blind in regards to racial and natural laws, have far more knowledge in regards to breeding, hybridization, and keeping one's racial line clean. An irony if jews are considered since they are racially mixed with all the races of the earth, but that aside, they have maintained the connective alien factor that unites them all which is their jewishness and their descendant jewish genetics.
While all of this was cloaked under religious rules and regulations, it is nothing else than already known to all Pagans, primitive psychology. This is how we bred horses, dogs, and many other species and sub-species since the ancient times, and there were many people who were breeders and as such this knowledge was widespread in ancient civilizations.
Jews from the side of the father, as with all hybridized species, are not considered jews to live and exist in Israel, or in the very least important and fruitful citizens of Israel. This is simple and anyone who has any knowledge in regards to hybridizing species, knows that only the resulting offspring that is female from a hybridized species can again be hybridized 'back' into the fold.
The jews by this very policy are also admitting that they are different species from others in mankind, something which was racially common knowledge to the ancient world.
Male offspring that results from hybridization through birth and undergoes this process are far more likely to infertility, and therefore, are to work abroad to cause mayhem to Gentile nations, infiltrate them, and hijack Gentile families, rather than to stay in Israel. Them being a majority in Israel threatens Israel with extinction, as it's a rule that hybridized males may have infertility and be unable to procreate properly. This is religiously explained as being unable to pass down 'jewishness'. They are still perfectly jewish, genetically and otherwise, but they are just a liability to a race that tries to maintain fruitful births and also, racial hygiene.
Females on the other hand, or the descendants of females (even after hybridization) are far more likable to have the ability to procreate, without the plethora of issues.
Jews would rather nobody of theirs race mixed, but since they are on a mission of global infiltration of all races and nations on earth, they have to find a way around bridging both of these situations with the eventual hopes of staying "Jews" and also hijacking and racially infiltrating all their enemies. So the male jews are sent to one missions and the female jews are returning to another.
To make this simple, if one is demented enough to cross a lion and a tiger, the result will be a liger. If the liger is male, the chances are extremely high the liger will be infertile. However, if the liger is female, hypothetically speaking, the event of infertility is less likely. Also, if we were to later bond this liger with back with a lion, or a species that we want to bring it back to, it's far more likely that our hybridization will be successful and more willing as the female here plays a bigger role than the male.
When people hybridize, the chances for higher fertility are on the female offspring of hybridization, and not the male offspring. In cases of hybridized species of wildcats with cats, only the female offspring can typically procreate, while the males can be largely sterile. Then, the breeder has to take a male normal cat, or a male wildcat, and continue on top of this to create to move the being to another state. This is one of the reason jews have put this criteria in regards to "jews from the mothers side" applying to be jews.
Another reason is that the mother on children is what gestates and nurtures the internal aspects of a person's being, and for that reason, a jewish mother makes one closer to the jews, than just typically a jewish father. Biologically speaking they are the same thing, and they are both jews, however, the most long term profit of acceptance is from the "Jews from the mother", while the hybrids with Gentile mothers are to be kept at a hands distance due to instability or future infertility caused on the lines of Israel down the line.
They also have, as stated, another mission to serve "Israel", and that is hopefully not domestically. There are millions abroad that they can join to corrupt freely as it is, and endless goyim gene lines they can contaminate. They are not all needed in Israel.
Jews are always jews, and it doesn't matter if quarter, male, female, donkey, or whatever else will be invented around this fact. Likewise, all jews are forever an abomination to the Pagan Gods, and so they will remain, despite of the lies of the jewish mouths, of jewish claims, or jews trying to tie the Gods by the feet and attempting to become "Pagan" or "Satanists".
Alien is the nature of the jews, and alien it will forever be.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 -
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