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Family #862 Does Jews adopting someone make them part of a religious group?

This question is related to the user's family.


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Cousin married Jew who passed away. They have child together. While packing, he shared that late wife was adopted by Jews.
So idk if she was *really* Jewish and I feel conflicted about this issue, because of their babe. If wife was BORN Jewish, then she would've had the parasitic/destructive hardwiring that Jews have, which is good to have stayed away from. But if, IF she was born gentile & THEN adopted by the Jews...? Would that then mean their babe isn't part Jewish?

I go back & forth about this issue, e.g.:

Although she had Jewish stuff and books, she had stated she didn't actively practice.
she was rather nasty in her tempermeant at times, she was also dying and had the demands of medical issues & motherhood to a young child.

I spent time with the child and held her, was loving. Enjoyed my time with my cousin and come around now that his partner has moved on.

I feel like I am misinterpreting something somewhere, I feel conflicted and semi guilty, so I quickly conclude I am misreading something somewhere. I am upset with my self for not being able to have sorted this out. I don't want to damage my relationship with my God but enemy is enemy big or small.

When it comes to the child, I feel so sad that she now lacks a maternal figure and I instinctively want to reach out. My only hesitation is I worry what if she is genetically part Jewish, what could that spell for issues as far as my spirituality & connection to God and serving him?
Kindness out of a lack of knowledge could create problems or worse, and I want to be a good creature and Spiritual Satanist.

I dislike the uncertainty regarding the wife adoption issue. This is weighing on me. I love my cousin & his offspring. But I love my God more. God wants for healthy family bonds. That's where this is complicated for me to sort out .

Help from siblings in Satan, please.
Thank you for reading this post.
This is where the NPC phenomena is a good example; andropods have only "adopted" social norms and conventions and have "their own "unique" lives" yet they all still act the same. Continual exposure to a homogenous population makes you mirror them socially and genetically. iirc HPHC talked about how racemixing can happen even "just" by living in a society surrounded by people of another race. In the mother's case what's more important is the environment she grew up in and not the genetical part, even if genetically a gentile, if grown up with jews how could you say they don't hold jewish views and biases and don't think like jews? In the more esoteric side of things we could say that she was surrounded by the energy fields of jews. Now how does that impact her own field? We know that exposure to negative people makes you negative too and exponentially attract even more negative people. Pretty easy to guess what happened here.

In terms of the child, as long as she isn't actively exposed to jews or jewish thought/culture it probably should be fine. What should be looked out for is if the child attracts jews or any type of jewish thinking etc.

Totally understand your concern, take it easy though, don't stress yourself too much. The fact that you're worrying so much shows that you also need to take care of yourself too.
The Gods know, understand, and appreciate that you're a good person and that you're cautious about crossing any boundaries so please don't feel guilty.
All the best.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
