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It Is Not "Mandated" To "Accept" Hitler

Years ago, I had a psychic dream. I was standing in a line, and Himmler was walking in front. He looked at me, I could feel him looking into my soul, and he smiled. From then on, I have felt close to him, and I have seen or felt him during many of the race awakening rituals.

A lot of people here feel close to Hitler. Me, it's Himmler I feel close to, like I have known him, if not in his last incarnation as Himmler then perhaps in a previous one. I should probably look into this further.
beltaimadal said:
Will Satan punish me if I marry a woman not of my race?like I am mixed race,majority caucasian,yet I am only successful with asian women from southeastasia,and I like their look alot.

many southeastasians are mixed race,though majority asian?

I want a woman like sandra dewi,and I am not compatible with mixed race latinas(they are beautiful,just not my type) on a moral or cultural or personality level,most of them are christians anyway.

I like indian women though.

Race mixing is a great punishment you do to yourself, the other person (you are harming their Soul, which you wouldn't do to someone you love, an indicator it is not love what draws you to them ), and to your children who will be born lesser than they could be and will have a mismatching Soul. Go with a woman who is of the Race you mostly are of. If you're a mix between Asian and White let's say, but the White genes are dominant and you're more White than Asian, go with a White partner, as far as I know.
Very old "occultt" connections David Myatt, he penned a few classic books worth a read. Lot of national socialst/satanists.

Hail Hitler
Hail Satan
Hail JOS
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BabySatan said:
Before joining JOS.I had a neutral opinion on Hitler.I always thought his advent was necessary for the world at that time.If not for Nazi Germany,British colonies like India,Burma would not have achieved independence.

Yes, most certainly.

BabySatan said:
Now I have a positive opinion of him.Nazi Germany governance was very similar to "Rama Rajya" (Ideal Kingdom Ruled by Lord Rama) concept present in Hinduism.


The problem is that in the West we are told nonsense that he wanted to kill everyone and we would all be speaking German and other bullshit, which is not even verified by any of his actions. That's because he beefed with the jews and they kept writing lies about him.

In India and other places people in general have a more neutral or friendly opinion, as the TV is not busy all day pumping people's heads with how evil anything that has to do with self determination is.

Sadly,that is not true.News channels,Film industries and the previous governments in India are very leftist and anti Hindu.Hitler is considered evil due to excessive brainwashing done the Communist parties in India.There are many people in India who equate Hitler with Stalin and Mao.Netaji(Subhas Chandra Bose) atleast is not maligned as much as Hitler.
BabySatan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
BabySatan said:
Before joining JOS.I had a neutral opinion on Hitler.I always thought his advent was necessary for the world at that time.If not for Nazi Germany,British colonies like India,Burma would not have achieved independence.

Yes, most certainly.

BabySatan said:
Now I have a positive opinion of him.Nazi Germany governance was very similar to "Rama Rajya" (Ideal Kingdom Ruled by Lord Rama) concept present in Hinduism.


The problem is that in the West we are told nonsense that he wanted to kill everyone and we would all be speaking German and other bullshit, which is not even verified by any of his actions. That's because he beefed with the jews and they kept writing lies about him.

In India and other places people in general have a more neutral or friendly opinion, as the TV is not busy all day pumping people's heads with how evil anything that has to do with self determination is.

Sadly,that is not true.News channels,Film industries and the previous governments in India are very leftist and anti Hindu.Hitler is considered evil due to excessive brainwashing done the Communist parties in India.There are many people in India who equate Hitler with Stalin and Mao.Netaji(Subhas Chandra Bose) atleast is not maligned as much as Hitler.

In older India [around Hitler's time and decades later] little negative propaganda existed about this.

Thank you for this information, yes, I watch news from India on a daily basis, and much of it seems to have the regular leftist jewish bent. They are controlling the press over here too, but from a distance. India is trying to do this because the "West" [ie jews in the media] are doing this.

They would never dare to mention Hitler in a positive light, but only due to certain knowledge in Hinduism, it appears one can make more connections in their mind about Hitler.

Historically, India has had a lukewarm or open opinion about this, but it seems now it's prohibited there too to have an opinion, even if you guys were completely unaffected by any of the bogus events that were claimed to have been done and were never done. It's crazy.
I confess, Turkish history is not my strongest point, especially more modern history. However, one thing I'd probably consider, is that many of the claims against Ataturk may stem from what has become of Turkey today. Under Erdogan and other recent leaders, Turkey has become increasingly Muslim dominated, in the cultural and moral sense. Ataturk's Turkey, from the dissolution of the Ottomons, to basic women's rights, and the general idea of a progressive Turkey more on par with the Western nations, isn't exactly something Erdogan and his lackeys find very favourable. Many despotic leaders have people on payroll to besmirch figures of the past, as rebellious local groups often band around historical leaders as symbols of their movement. Besmirching these figures, claiming they're Jewish, tying them to genocides, and creating false historical narratives, is an easy way to destroy someone and the ideas they stood for.

Again, I am not the expert on Ataturk, nor Turkish history on the whole, so I mean no offense to our Turkish brothers. At the same time, counter-intel is so commonplace nowadays. Look at how many people try to ruin Hitler's image with spurious claims as to his associations, ethnicity, and goals. People can construe any conspiracy theory, to tarnish not just a person, but anyone who'd stand by their beliefs in the here and now.
I would like to share my personal experience.
Many years ago. When I was about 14 years old first coming across JOS I began to study everyday.
I remember being very emotional learning of atrocities made against our gods and the whole process of taking this information in for the first time was a lot for me .
When the subject of Hitler and the Jews came up it threw me off completely. It could have been a mix of many things. Be it enemy programming, use of drugs at the time , having those around me who were Jewish (unbeknownst to me at the time ) but whatever the reason or mix of reasons this was the first time I felt somewhat lost and confused in the path .Now I could have used that opportunity to study more as to why and how and if I did so with an open mind I’m sure I would have found my comfort that way. But this is not what I did.
Taken aback by not just the mentions of the Jews on Jos but also things I’ve seen said by “satanic” groups online which have no authority to represent JOS, I found myself turning to Satan . I admit I almost never tried to pray or speak to Satan .. I often would seek out help and guidance from Demons I felt close to or drawn too.
I was very misguided a lot and I’m very fortunate the Gods have helped me get through much error and delusion as I’m sure they continue to do today . Anyways. I sat in my room and I prayed to Satan and I simply asked. “Are these things true about the Jew? Do you hate Jews? Are you against them? Ect. And now I was far from having the skill and power to get as clear messages as one would hope from telepathy or things like that. But I got an answer and the answer was clear. It came to me in the form of “my own thoughts” and it wasn’t the answer I expected. The answer was closer to
“Do you trust me”? “Are you dedicated to me?” “Would a yes or no answer change that?” I was so worried my world was crashing apart .. but then after receiving a message like that I thought differently.. I reflected a bit and I decided for myself that if Satan indeed Hated Jews or was against them. Then surly there must be a damned good reason. And I put more my confidence into his judgment and understood myself that my allegiance to him would not be broken or shaken or questioned over such things because of the very reason I was sworn to him in the first place . If it was somthing that bothers me it was because it was beyond my understanding at the time, rather from lack of knowledge or any factor.
So instead of an answer like “yes I’m against the Jews” I got an answer closer to “it should be irrelevant in your choice to be here” and I took comfort in that. I remembered that there are no mediators in Satanism and I remembered reading things that if certain things don’t align to you than look to Satan yourself. And it wasn’t that being against what I now recognize as the enemies of the Gods and our people wasn’t somthing I align with. It was just somthing I wasn’t ready to understand .
So I took focus off of that for a while. I continued to study and open my mind in other ways. And later down the line when the topic of Jews resurfaced and I was able to tackle it with an open mind I found the truth I was looking for. And it was hard for me to understand how it wasn’t as clear to me prior to that. But I think these things come with time . Since that time I’ve come to learn many wonderful things about Hitler. And a man who I at one point felt an aversion too or someone who I couldn’t identify with or see the good in. Became someone who I seek inspiration from. Someone who I hold in high respect. In fact one of his speeches i watched translated to English and it brought me to tears.
My point being that
I think for many new people here that take on a lot of information here. Rather it’s from the Jos directly or other sources . And they are still learning to sift thru the dross aswell as come to terms with their own internal programming and previous issues. That paired with things That are hard for us to understand in their current state of growth or even a piece of misinformation they received somewhere along the line . I think for new people that deal with this there can be many things to “shake our faith “ for lack of a better expression. And I encourage those who experience this to meditate and look to Satan. And even if you don’t get your answers right away. Try not to let it get in the way of your goals to grow and learn in this path . The enemy feeds off our fear and our doubt . If one aspect or piece of information dosnt sit right with you at the moment. If you’re unable to digest somthing or see the truth in somthing. Or if one piece of the puzzle dosnt quite fit for you right now , try not to let that be somthing that stunts your growth. Beyond the example given above there were other things I took issue with or didn’t understand. And I didn’t get my answer right away.
Some answers were given much later in sermons and some my own understanding evolved . Others I still may be on my path to understanding. But if I let those bring me to a halt I would have lost even more time and growth than I’ve already wasted in this life time as it is.
Always keep with the path of the Gods. And as you grow and progress the Truth will come.
We here in the forums are so often divided by where we differ . But regardless of us being at different points in understanding and growth. We will do well to focus on where come together. This is history in the making
and this is perhaps the only place we can find other Satanic souls in the path to enlightenment and fighting for our birthright.
Hail Satan and may he look upon all our Brothers and Sisters and guide us to the straight path
I would also like to say that I worry sometimes that the topic of the jws and Hitler turn people away before they are able to learn and grow in this path . The case was different for me because I was already around long enough to see the value and the truth and knowledge in many ways and grow in my own path before coming to this information. However for many people they see this stuff and let it turn them away without giving things a proper chance and coming in with an open mind. If you’re reading this and this describes you ,somebody who has an aversion because of these things. I implore you to keep an open mind and to study. Don’t be so quick to walk away. Despite not being a “model Satanist “ and despite my shortcomings in this path . My life is forever changed and to me a life without the tools and knowledge I gained here is not a life worth living. So newcomers here who may be understandably sceptical of certain things , please stick around to learn more and make an informed choice in your place here.
And take comfort in the fact that you questioning things that don’t sit right with you and not having “blind faith” in something you don’t understand is exactly the kind of thing that is encouraged here. Satan doesn’t want a sheep who “believes “ everything they are told. Rather it be from the mouth of his disciples or not. Satan wants somebody who can think for themselves. And decides to follow this path because they learn and grow enough to know that it’s right for them. Unlike the false religions of the enemy what’s valued here is truth and knowledge
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I think that Adolf Hitler is a okay guy, He at least did not choose to fail no matter what was through at his younger years, abusive family and homelessness. Hitler decided not to be like so many people I know and interact wit on a daily basis, just choose to quit and collect their gov benefits and or disability, sleep around in complete hedonism and not go a spiritually advance themselves. Knowing what that lifestyle so many people do. Nor did Hitler act like a weak inferior about health issues like so many people do with mental illness, disability, and or physical health issues do. Nor did Hitler bitch about ethncity like every fucking non-white (and white people who now try to pass themselves off and call themselves as a non-white racial or ethnic group); like so many people do at my college i attend. while so many people who don't want to learn History or be intellignet, or let alone pick up a Hitler Book or read mein kampf, or look at a picture of Hitler or ear the guys name. even historians and history professors do this too. as a History major, that is terrible. most people act like if they, they are around someone who mentions Hitler and or like me talks about Hitler a lot. Or does the stuff I mention about see reading or watching anything with Hitler and the Nazis. act like they would turn into Adolf Hitler himself. nothing like that has happened to me yet and i mention Hitler loads of time. which I get my relationships destroyed over the guy that is connected to my college major. yet the idiots at my college must know that another student at the college; that made a threat to commiting a school shooting at my college on nov 21 this year. Most likely did not have a freaking Hitler and Nazi interest like I do. Yet the college and soceity loves people who do have my interest but act like the peice of human garage like crystal my room rate. as entitled people, who have more chances to commit acts that student did. sorry for the tagent. if people realize that Hitler was not a evil man, i think the world would be a little bit more smarter.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Yurei said:
I thought Genghis Khan was of the enemy?

I looked back into what HPS Maxine told me a very long time ago. She has told me on Genghis Khan, the amount of crimes, did not make sense.

She said it was "extremely likely" Khan was a jew. It's sometimes common to have historical conversation about these subjects, as these are very curious and thought provoking subjects.

His war methods were undoubtedly only second to Mao in violence. Likely there haven't been more violent armies than Genghis Khan.
However, we need to keep in mind that most of the works about Genghis Khan were written decades and centuries after his death by historians of the middle-east who were either muslims or jews, in other words, of the enemy who are prone to perversion and exaggeration of historical facts. For example, many of them stated that the Mongols were so many and it was almost impossible to count the number of the soldiers. But in reality, the Mongols were mostly if not always, outnumbered. It is impossible for the Mongols to move more then 200 thousand men in a conquest as the total population of Mongolic people never reached a million until the mid of 20th century.
Also, judging someone by his actions during military campaigns doesn't always help you understand a person. In other words, we need to look how the Mongols lived before and what changed during his reign in order to see what kind of a person Genghis Khan was. First of all, we need to understand some etymologies. Khan is a ruler of only one tribe or small kingdom, while Khagan is a monarch ruling over all the nomads in the entire steppe. In traditional Mongolian script, he is always reffer to as Chinggis Khagan. By the time his name was romanized into Genghis Khan, the "g" in Khagan had become silent. In the modern Mongolian language, the word Khagan is written as Khaan in cyrillic. The "a" in Khan is pronounced very fast and short while the "a" in Khaan is pronounced very long.
Now time for some historical facts. The Mongolic people were on the point of extinction because of warring among themselves for nearly 2-3 decades when Genghis Khan, or Temujin by his birth name, came into power. Even when he succeeded in reuniting all the Mongolic khanates(small kingdoms) into a single Khaganate (an empire with one monarch ruling over all the nomadic people of the steppe), there were only 95 thousand households IN TOTAL. Also, when Genghis Khan inaugurated the Yassa code, he forbid and abolished slavery (even though there were slaves, none of them was Mongolian, all of them were people who were brought to Mongolian steppes) as well as abduction of woman and children in the steppes, which had became an everyday issue by then. The bordering northern Chinese states were known to enslave people from the steppes. Economically, the Mongol Empire prospered to the point where no citizen would commit stealing in the daylight. This is stated by many visitors like Plano Carpini and Marco Polo.
Now, concerning the cruelties committed by the Mongols in wars, not all but some of them is true and confirmed. And also most of them were already practiced in the steppes by the Mongolic tribes in wars against each other til the Khan united them into a single state. But it seems however that Genghis Khan was actually less cruel than his rivals. When he lost his first battle after being named the head of the khanate his father once ruled, his enemies boiled soldiers of his alive in giant pots. Soon after this, many people started to defect to his side from rival khanates after witnessing the cruelty. This is another key element to his success. The most brutal military conquest made during his lifetime was against the Khwarazmian Empire and the Islamic world. The Khan wanted to establish a peaceful relations with the Islamic dynasty and sent 400 merchants after a few formal letter exchanges. But Sultan Mohammed, the ruler of the Khwarezmian empire broke his words and killed all of them, stating he considered them as spies. This caused so much grief and anger to the Khan, to the degree where he spent 3 nights swearing revenge on the Khwarazmian Empire. He ordered that no mercy is to be shown, shall they meet resistance from locals. No-one was left alive of the town where the execution of the merchants took place. And the town was destroyed without a trace. This particular method of warfare proved extremely effective, as they had succeeded in invading the Khwarazmian empire in a single year. As such, it was continued by the Mongol army in their future conquests. This is seen when the second campaign against the Western Xia dynasty, the final military action led by Genghis Khan, and during which he died, involved an intentional and systematic destruction of Western Xia cities and culture and because of this, Western Xia is little known to anyone other than experts in the field because so little record is left of that society. This is even mentioned in the Secret History of the Mongols, which is considered to be the earliest written document in Mongolian language and tells the story of life and death of the Khan. The conquests of Europe was started a decade after the death of the Khan, so mentioning them wouldn't mean much.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
beltaimadal said:
Will Satan punish me if I marry a woman not of my race?like I am mixed race,majority caucasian,yet I am only successful with asian women from southeastasia,and I like their look alot.

many southeastasians are mixed race,though majority asian?

I want a woman like sandra dewi,and I am not compatible with mixed race latinas(they are beautiful,just not my type) on a moral or cultural or personality level,most of them are christians anyway.

I like indian women though.

Race mixing is a great punishment you do to yourself, the other person (you are harming their Soul, which you wouldn't do to someone you love, an indicator it is not love what draws you to them ), and to your children who will be born lesser than they could be and will have a mismatching Soul. Go with a woman who is of the Race you mostly are of. If you're a mix between Asian and White let's say, but the White genes are dominant and you're more White than Asian, go with a White partner, as far as I know.
My sister looks mulatto and I look middle eastern,were triracials.can I go for a caucasian black mix like Ethiopian?I already had two GFs from there and they also like me?also a latina or caucasian woman does not share my values and have what I want in a woman.Im very traditional.I don't believe in love,it's all superficial anyway.
Deep down I always had a sense of compassion or respect for so-called "notorious" people, such as Hitler. Over time I grew up questioning if the hatred/fear of Lucifer/Satan is valid. Many phases of thoughts which I had scrutinized, and now I feel better knowing the greater truth is bigger and stranger (as in more complex) than how the Jews and whoever else (that willingly work with them) try to fictionalize it.

The fact that Hitler is still analyzed and raved about (positively or negatively) for almost a whole century, is proof of godhood and the spiritual power to influence the collective whole.

When I was very young, I would have been reluctant to "accept" Hitler, but only because of how the enemies have tampered with history. I fully accept Hitler, because if we remove the spiritual and socio-political dilemmas, he really was "too human" in the sense of how far we can go for our ambitions and the greater good. While living, he was as much as person as any of us are.

It is not mandatory to aspire to be more alike to Hitler either, as he already played his part. Just as intended by the Gods or perhaps, in a pre-birth spiritual plane, even as intended by his own soul.

What is funny to me is "anti-semitic" awareness and discussion are suddenly growing online, post-pandemic, thanks to the RTR's. I am glad this a legitimate occult group fighting for the real Earthlings. Thank you, all of JoS.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
EnkiUK56 said:
Very old "occultt" connections David Myatt, he penned a few classic books worth a read. Lot of national socialst/satanists.

Hail Hitler
Hail Satan
Hail JOS

David Myatt is a muslim jew.

Ol my friend i have read his books from day one he is a clever man, took out a insight roll in Hamas not many could carry that out, defo anti jew bro.

U think.

Hope u good pal.
Osiris Silvio said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Constantly people keep mentioning the figure of Hitler, especially newer people. Therefore, pass them this post to help them understand and if you are of those who do not understand, read further yourself too.

One can pick Napoleon, Khan, or Alexander the Great, Aurelius, George Washington, or Ben Franklin, or many other figures. If you are Hindu, maybe Chanakya will inspire your heart. All of these figures were strongly related to Spiritual Satanism in their spirit. You can like Ataturk, who did great things for his people too to his own level and capacity, he has been an effective statesman.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Isn't Ataturk related the jewish Young Turks who perpetrated the Armenian genocide?

It's so funny. You can see all through the bullshit of crazy jews and you discovering the real truth and then talking about so called armenian genocide. There is no genocide. But ıf anyone wants to talk about some genocide they can talk about how armenia betrayed the turks collabrate with enemy and locked them in barns in burned them alive, raped women, cutting their bellies open to kill the baby ( they literally have a group photo about this incident ), killing them impaling them. Lets talk about that. You are always believing whats been telling to you and never the unspoken truths. Armania have lobbys all around the world.
beltaimadal said:
My sister looks mulatto and I look middle eastern,were triracials.can I go for a caucasian black mix like Ethiopian?I already had two GFs from there and they also like me?also a latina or caucasian woman does not share my values and have what I want in a woman.Im very traditional.I don't believe in love,it's all superficial anyway.

I'd also like to say that love isn't superficial. Think that there are lower Demons who choose to engage in love relationships with Ascended Humans, and consider the importance we give to sex. If these were superficial, we wouldn't be doing this.
But nevertheless for your traditional side, choosing someone of the same heritage is the most appliable option. Do not think in mixes (eg black-caucasian) but try to pick someone as pure as you can from the Race you are closest to. If you are triracial, but you mosly look Middle Easterner, I suppose you're more Asiatic than anything else, although I can't be sure from this information alone. If that was the case, you would be better off by picking a full blooded Asian woman. This is the traditional thing to do and the healthiest for your children. A reason those women don't have common values with you can be that you're not the same Race and your Souls are different. If the hypothesis is correct and you for example are mostly Asiatic, then a mix with White women or Latina women (which themselves are mixed ) would obviously fail. Your Souls isn't attracted to mixing and that's normal.
If you don't believe love is important, then it doesn't matter if she will like you in the way your past girlfriends did, anyways.
luis said:
When I was new I had a very weird block to Hitler, I just couldn't accept him and so I ignored it for a while, meditated and read about it more. After a while I accepted it, not because the Jos brainwashed me but because the things I read just made so much sense.

The funny thing is that I was more "scared" of Hitler in the beginning than Satan, the amount of brainwashing they do is really too much. They are shit scared of people finding out the truth.

bro same the jewish programing from public school etc is STRONG as fuck I even had an aversion to not miscengenate but im wide awake now enki has opened my eyes to the true ways of the world and im a warrior for him
I like many here read the articles and forums then simply decided to put Hitler on the side. My main focus was devotion to the Gods and my own spiritual enrichments. Yet, looking at it now, I can see some of the brainwashing. After fear that I was becoming a "Neo-Nazi" more then a follower of Satan, I read the forums, did my own view on Hitler, and our High priest is correct. Hitler, Alexander the Great, Kahn. All were people of world shattering power. Who themselves led conquest and held control over parts of the world. I feel it is not important to idolize these names, but to understand the movements, power, and fear brought from their actions. A power we as Satanists seek to crush our enemies with do we not? A war of spiritual conquest, requires mass death and a powerful Hierarchy does it not? Hell itself, both a paradise and a kingdom of power, is a hierarchy.

Hail Satan.
Hail Lucifer.
Hail Beelzebub and the Order of Fly.
Hail Lilith.
Hail Bifrons
likman666 said:
When this cycle becomes complete ,then Self Realisation occurs ,the Awareness is successfully turned on itself (Ouroboros) ,the Kundalini rises.
likman666 said:
I have wondered about what the Ourobus meant

""Though watch out for the intellect ,with it's ego.[quote)

what would you say is ego?

""God Realisation is indirect through intuition not the intellect"

yes, what chakra would u say is the seat of intuition?

""when the cycle of secretions becomes complete , between the pituitary gland and pineal gland. The pituitary at the top secretes and stimulates the pineal gland at the bottom,the pineal in turn secretes and this goes to the top towards the pituitary gland at the top. """

what do you mean by this?

God Realisation , should be strongly emphasized,even as you do research""

this would be void/ black light meditation?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
