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Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

Is Hiroyuki Nishimura, current owner of 4chan, a japanese jew? I have seen some claiming that he is.
Kurat say something about her
Is she just a stupid Xian or a kike or both
Is the amerimutt meme modeled after jewish phenotypes? I have seen a lot of jews who ressemble the meme.
(especially the big ears and lips)

danewpath said:
Is the amerimutt meme modeled after jewish phenotypes? I have seen a lot of jews who ressemble the meme.
(especially the big ears and lips)


There are some variant of the meme with jewish caricature. However, I believe that it was originally supposed to represent a person with race mixed features and a shitty diet. Considering that most soyjaks are modeled after people who are jewish in real life, it wouldn't surprise me if the Amerimutt was inspired by a jewish man.
Guys say something about jennes nyari ( jennes doghandling on Instagram)
Her dad is from Cameroon and her mom is an emasculate slutty Hungarian woman who works as a real estate agent and charges 2500€ for a purebred white German Shepherd puppy
None of these two women are aggressive but her mom does seem to be very shallow and greedy
mercury_wisdom said:
Artisan said:
mercury_wisdom said:
She does look strange. Very suspicious. Also she does deranged and weird things. I think she is a kike but don't take my word for it I am not the best at detecting kikes.
She definitely does do derranged things. She took a photoshoot where she rubbed blood all over her nude body for a onlyfans photoshoot. If that doesn't scream kike then I don't know what does. After thinking about it, there is definitely a lot of evidence to support her being a kike while there is no evidence to support her not being. I think it is pretty cut and dry based off from her actions alone. She is definitely a kike. I apologize for wasting your time. I should have put more thought into it before posting.

Larissa666 said:
She does give off jewish vibes... Eyes, specifically.
Not to mention her actions. Actions speak louder than words. I'm not even sure why I picked Belle for my submission to is X a kike. Obviously she is. I am not going to upload photos here but she has done some rather disgusting shit now that I think about it. A little bit of logic and I would have realized it. My apologies for wasting your time.
Is Jeff Bezos a kike? I think he is. But some people claim he isn't. I think he is some kind of crypto-jew like Bill Gates.


ew, wtf is wrong with his eye? my dude literally charged one eye 100 percent and the other 70 percent.
Artisan said:
Hello, Recently I have been seeing a lot of threads asking if X person or X company is jewish or gentile. I am creating this thread so that everyone can ask their questions in one thread.

I would like to request that the ministry pin this thread in the Joy Of Satan 666 forum so that we can have all of these questions in a singular thread someone can search through instead of creating multiple threads and having to search through the entire forum for x person when there may be multiple posts associated with them.

To begin with I will ask if the following person is jewish.

Is Belle Delphine(Mary-Belle Kirschner) jewish? Her last name is Kirschner, while this is a hebrew surname it is also a very well known Australian surname. Here are a few photos of her little to no makeup, Is she jewish?

No Makeup 1
No Makeup 2
No Makeup 3
No Makeup 4

man, this makes me anxious. im looking at the mirror and if you guys can tell someone like her is a jew then what the fuck am i? i know im not a jew but im really scared that i might have some jewish blood...oh dear.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
man, this makes me anxious. im looking at the mirror and if you guys can tell someone like her is a jew then what the fuck am i? i know im not a jew but im really scared that i might have some jewish blood...oh dear.
Looks can be deveiving.

Stay calm, do meditate and perform rtrs.
Henu the Great said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:
man, this makes me anxious. im looking at the mirror and if you guys can tell someone like her is a jew then what the fuck am i? i know im not a jew but im really scared that i might have some jewish blood...oh dear.
Looks can be deveiving.

Stay calm, do meditate and perform rtrs.

yes, thank you <3
Is iranian neoconservative Seyed Mohammad Hosseini jewish?



he showed a fuckton of support for israel too.
Is sean schemmel jewish?
i always hated his voice as goku From DBZ (as well the funimation dub's voices as well.) i also hated a lot bruce faulconer's rescore.
even the obscure non-funimation alternatives english dubs(*) for DBZ did better jobs






(*): https://www.kanzenshuu.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=11126
I haven't played a lot of Metal Slug but I'm familiar with the lore, it is a satire of the Allied Propaganda, and American pro-enlisting blockbuster films in general. You find out (SPOILER) that all along you have been an inner terrorist group paid by the World Government to censor opposition and kill the Rebel Army led by Morden (the guys with totally not-swastikas led by not-Hitler) who tried to saved not only Earth but also extra-terrestrials from worse aliens.

The way you see yourself as some baddass Rambos is a satire in itself. You start the games by mindlessly shooting without questioning in a very 'Murican style just because you are seeing the Freedom Fighters and their Leader depicted as "muh nazis bad" the way the globalists intended it. But at the end the player realizes they have been jewed all along.

I don't know about Persona 2, but I played recently Persona 5 and while yes, it does have a bunch of imagery and names from blasphemous grimories, it also features positive ones from Paganism and an interesting message at the end. Basically you choose which "Personas" of whatever entities you're more fond of. It seems they just dump whatever concepts they find edgy and cool. By the end of Persona 5 you find out that all the problems were being caused by a thoughtform made of collective distorted desires of mankind, and it intends to control manking as "The One", all the henchmen in the last area before you fight it are a bunch of angelic personas. In the final battle your Persona evolves into "Satanael" to fight for mankind's freedom. Don't recommend the game, too bloated and repetitive and the school anime tropes are annoying as fuck, if you remove 90% of it it's a very good game with excellent soundtrack.

Nimrod33 said:
  • Metal Slug: An anti-NS game series that has a caricature of Hitler as the main villain. It should not be a surprise that the company behind this game also praised Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in a NES/Famicom game called Guerrilla Warfare.
  • The same company also made Iron Tank: Invasion of Normandy, a more openly Anti-Nazism game.
  • Persona 2: Part of the already blasphemous Megami Tensei franchise, it portrayed Hitler and the Nazi as some sort of villains who want to "abuse of the powers of the lance of Longinus". At least the Fuhrer has a cool look.

David Dees also did another lesser known cartoon depicting templars fighting zionists

which is ironic becuase templars were crypto-pagans/satanists
Some slight editing could make this cartoon a little better
Egon said:
I haven't played a lot of Metal Slug but I'm familiar with the lore, it is a satire of the Allied Propaganda, and American pro-enlisting blockbuster films in general. You find out (SPOILER) that all along you have been an inner terrorist group paid by the World Government to censor opposition and kill the Rebel Army led by Morden (the guys with totally not-swastikas led by not-Hitler) who tried to saved not only Earth but also extra-terrestrials from worse aliens.

The way you see yourself as some baddass Rambos is a satire in itself. You start the games by mindlessly shooting without questioning in a very 'Murican style just because you are seeing the Freedom Fighters and their Leader depicted as "muh nazis bad" the way the globalists intended it. But at the end the player realizes they have been jewed all along.

I don't know about Persona 2, but I played recently Persona 5 and while yes, it does have a bunch of imagery and names from blasphemous grimories, it also features positive ones from Paganism and an interesting message at the end. Basically you choose which "Personas" of whatever entities you're more fond of. It seems they just dump whatever concepts they find edgy and cool. By the end of Persona 5 you find out that all the problems were being caused by a thoughtform made of collective distorted desires of mankind, and it intends to control manking as "The One", all the henchmen in the last area before you fight it are a bunch of angelic personas. In the final battle your Persona evolves into "Satanael" to fight for mankind's freedom. Don't recommend the game, too bloated and repetitive and the school anime tropes are annoying as fuck, if you remove 90% of it it's a very good game with excellent soundtrack.

Nimrod33 said:
  • Metal Slug: An anti-NS game series that has a caricature of Hitler as the main villain. It should not be a surprise that the company behind this game also praised Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in a NES/Famicom game called Guerrilla Warfare.
  • The same company also made Iron Tank: Invasion of Normandy, a more openly Anti-Nazism game.
  • Persona 2: Part of the already blasphemous Megami Tensei franchise, it portrayed Hitler and the Nazi as some sort of villains who want to "abuse of the powers of the lance of Longinus". At least the Fuhrer has a cool look.

  • Thanks for the answer. I've only played the first two Metal Slug games, so this thing that the protagonist was a "puppet" of an (((evil government))) was very unknown to me.

    As for the Persona series, I've only played a bit of the series that it originated from, Megami Tensei. I do like the fact that you can ally with Pagan Gods and that in some games you fight YHVH (his battles even have dialogs with good arguments for not worshipping him). However, the downside comes when you find out that the entire franchise is rooted in Buddhism, Jewish Kabbalah and Theosophy (one of the objects of the plot of the III is even a Menorah) and most of the time the villain is Father Lucifer. I also did not appreciate that some of our Gods are portrayed with monstrous appearance like they would appear in Xian grimories and that they are in the same rank as enemy entities. I remember reading somewhere that something bad happened when the first game was released, so the developing team went to a Buddhist Temple to do a "ritual". I guess the Gods were not happy with it. I know Persona 5, and as far as I remember is Gnostic, but that is common of most Japanese Roleplay Games.

I dont think we need to even discuss this stupid kikess' jewishness.
Hm lets see:
-looks like a lizard
-doesnt even teach anything, should have been called That Vegan Preacher instead.
- preaches veganism, a jewish invention that is detrimental to human health.
-abuses her own dog by forcing it to go on a vegan diet. Yes, a fucking dog. A NATURALLY OMNIVORE CREATURE.
-brings up the sorry holocaust hoax every two minutes when she talks and compares it to other unrelated shit.
-she literally looks and acts demented. This woman has worms in her brains she aint even doing anything effective. If anything, all those who know about her hate her lizardine ass.
-sadistic and psychotic.
-sings the absolute shittiest of songs.
-attacks others online and surely even offline if they aint vegan.

So ladies and gentlemen, this one is a certified✡🕎👃.
CaspianTheDreamer said:

I dont think we need to even discuss this stupid kikess' jewishness.
Hm lets see:
-looks like a lizard
-doesnt even teach anything, should have been called That Vegan Preacher instead.
- preaches veganism, a jewish invention that is detrimental to human health.
-abuses her own dog by forcing it to go on a vegan diet. Yes, a fucking dog. A NATURALLY OMNIVORE CREATURE.
-brings up the sorry holocaust hoax every two minutes when she talks and compares it to other unrelated shit.
-she literally looks and acts demented. This woman has worms in her brains she aint even doing anything effective. If anything, all those who know about her hate her lizardine ass.
-sadistic and psychotic.
-sings the absolute shittiest of songs.
-attacks others online and surely even offline if they aint vegan.

So ladies and gentlemen, this one is a certified✡🕎👃.

Note: Disgusting link here at 16:16 minute mark

It doesn't go into detail, but the video basically says that Vegan Preacher appears to be topless while recording in TikTok. Supports your assumptions if it isn't nailed down even further 🤢
I took a look at what you posted for my own curiosity, and you should know that this "Mageson666" has been discredited and expelled from JoS.
I do not have any proof of this, but I personally believe Templars to be a secretive jewish organisation, masquerading beneath christianity. I took some time and scribbled over some of their old historic symbols.


More (notice the corresponding sigil within their duality symbol, and notice the hebrew):


Those symbols look quite stolen from old Norse symbology too, so yeah I hope I've made my case.
Sketches said:
CaspianTheDreamer said:

I dont think we need to even discuss this stupid kikess' jewishness.
Hm lets see:
-looks like a lizard
-doesnt even teach anything, should have been called That Vegan Preacher instead.
- preaches veganism, a jewish invention that is detrimental to human health.
-abuses her own dog by forcing it to go on a vegan diet. Yes, a fucking dog. A NATURALLY OMNIVORE CREATURE.
-brings up the sorry holocaust hoax every two minutes when she talks and compares it to other unrelated shit.
-she literally looks and acts demented. This woman has worms in her brains she aint even doing anything effective. If anything, all those who know about her hate her lizardine ass.
-sadistic and psychotic.
-sings the absolute shittiest of songs.
-attacks others online and surely even offline if they aint vegan.

So ladies and gentlemen, this one is a certified✡🕎👃.

Note: Disgusting link here at 16:16 minute mark

It doesn't go into detail, but the video basically says that Vegan Preacher appears to be topless while recording in TikTok. Supports your assumptions if it isn't nailed down even further 🤢
HAHAHA i was really holding myself back from also including her exhibitionist kinks but you mentioned it 😂
danewpath said:
Is iranian neoconservative Seyed Mohammad Hosseini jewish?



he showed a fuckton of support for israel too.

Yes, he is a jew with very obvious traits, I also find it a great insult to compare Alexander the Great to the usurper jewish puppet Cyrus and the caricature of Donald Trump.
Is Al Kavadlo jewish?




Here he is with his brother Danny Kavadlo:

>Is kirk johnson the man behind goatse jewish?

>Is josef fritzel jewish?

>Are Aubrey Ankrum, Rhode Montijo, and Kenn Navarro, the authors of the adult animated webseries Happy tree friends Jewish??

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
