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Is X Jewish. ASK HERE

Is Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a jew? His behavior makes me think he is, since most of his actors and other members of his crew denounced him for mistreating them and raping one of the actresses as far i remember. The fact that he came from New York City, that the clergy described as a "second Israel", seems to support this fact. I'll give no comment on his feminist, SJWs, blasphemous shows.

As for the actress of Buffy herself, Sarah Michelle Gellar, there is no need to do further research. She is confirmed as a jewess by Wikipedia and, even without reading it, you can recognize her by looking at her photos without any makeup: her ugliness confirms her race.
While i am here, i would like to ask if Alessandro Barbero, an italian historian who appears in the italian Television is jewish. He is also on YouTube, and the platform constantly recommends me to watch his lectures. He pretty much makes a lot of revisionism: from claiming that Rabbi Jewsus actually existed, to prasing the Dark Ages and even claiming that Charlemagne is a "Father of Europe". Too much bias in my opinion. Despite that, some xians seems to hate him because he a Communist and held discourses at the Italian Partisan associations. What do you think?
Remaining on the theme of Italy, is Magdi Allam a jew? He is an ex-muzzie who converted to xianity, even thought he recently took the distances from the Cucktholic Church because of their friendship with Pisslam. He is loved by xian fundies and jews and keep inciting zionist crusades against the Middle East. If he is not a jew, he has indeed switched his doctrine from the jizya to the liying doctrine of the Talmud.
This man is named Antonio Socci and he is definitely jewish to me. In fact, he is another Catholic Zionist pro-Crusades that openly admitted once that xians should be "proud to exterminate infidels". This sick man belong to the moronic crowd that associates Poop Frank with a prophecy about a "Black Pope", while doing everything in his power to defend the other Rabbi, Poop Benny 16th. And at the same time he is doing everything in his power to push the Canon Law (xian equivalent of Sharia) while playing the victim. There is not enough information on him on the web, but he surely is jewish. Do you think that he belong to the tribe?
This man is named Antonio Socci and he is definitely jewish to me. In fact, he is another Catholic Zionist pro-Crusades that openly admitted once that xians should be "proud to exterminate infidels". This sick man belong to the moronic crowd that associates Poop Frank with a prophecy about a "Black Pope", while doing everything in his power to defend the other Rabbi, Poop Benny 16th. And at the same time he is doing everything in his power to push the Canon Law (xian equivalent of Sharia) while playing the victim. There is not enough information on him on the web, but he surely is jewish. Do you think that he belong to the tribe?
I know this is contraversial but what do we think.... David Bowie? For the record, I do love his music, and used to suspect he was secretly a Satanist... or at least an Occultist. But I always felt he looked like a lizard. Was it the eyes? The pointy teeth when he smiled? Who knows LOL.
I'm aware that publically he was this kind of drug fueled fairy new age hippie who summed up his beliefs as agnostic and buddhism. He played around with Kabbalah though. Now that I know what I know.... hmmmmmm.
Soul Wings said:
I know this is contraversial but what do we think.... David Bowie? For the record, I do love his music, and used to suspect he was secretly a Satanist... or at least an Occultist. But I always felt he looked like a lizard. Was it the eyes? The pointy teeth when he smiled? Who knows LOL.
I'm aware that publically he was this kind of drug fueled fairy new age hippie who summed up his beliefs as agnostic and buddhism. He played around with Kabbalah though. Now that I know what I know.... hmmmmmm.
He looks pretty jewish, and most people who push for Buddhism (both Traditional and New Age) are usually jewish or friend of them. Let's also not forget that he married a black woman and he was also a drug addict. Some may call him a "Nazi", but even in his years before condemning the NS doctrine he was nothing more than a LARPer who practiced Thelema, which is confirmed by a song the song Quicksandm where he mentions both Crowley and The Golden Dawn. A website claims that his own mother was jewish, but there aren't alot of proof for it.

One of his ideologies seems to be the "Beat Generation", that jews loves to constantly push into society ever since it was founded after the WW2. This ideology promotes basically what led to the moral decline of America in the recent years: hippiesm, New Age, Materialism, drugs and Hedonism. The three people behind it were a French-Canadian gentile, Jack Kerouac, and two jews, Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs. The three openly admitted that they took part in degeneracy in their written works, to the point of even committing pedophilia towards some little girls. Kerouac eventually regretted everything he did and returned to Catholicism, in the usual way of "repenting" for all the idiotic stuff that he did that most of the xian-converts nowadays use. These facts however didn't stop the Liberals to push the Beat Generation ideas to brainwash people and glorifying the degenerates who founded the Movement.
Someone.something_ said:
Is Joseph murphy a jew? Are his teachings wrong?

I don't think that he is a jew, but he is part of a cult that is influenced by the New Thought, a movement that like the New Age is rooted in Theosophy, Christianity, Buddhism and corrupted Paganism. Therefore, i think that his teachings are indeed wrong. All that we need is in the JoS websites.
Today I met with Estonian ex prime minister Jüri Ratas when he was sharing pancakes on street because of election campaign. He is gentile, but he is still leftist, christian and probably freemason, so he is enemy.
Kurat said:
Today I met with Estonian ex prime minister Jüri Ratas when he was sharing pancakes on street because of election campaign. He is gentile, but he is still leftist, christian and probably freemason, so he is enemy.

So a Freemason offered you a pancake? strange life. :lol:
idiocy smasher said:
Kurat say something about him

Ukrainian wiki
Дмитро Табачник народився 26 листопада 1963 року у м. Києві в родині технічної інтелігенції. Батько — Володимир Ігорович Табачник, єврейського походження[16], 1940 року народження був інженером-авіабудівником. Мати — Алла Вікторівна Глєбова, росіянка, 1938 року народження, була інженером-будівничим.
Kurat said:
idiocy smasher said:
Kurat say something about him

Ukrainian wiki
Дмитро Табачник народився 26 листопада 1963 року у м. Києві в родині технічної інтелігенції. Батько — Володимир Ігорович Табачник, єврейського походження[16], 1940 року народження був інженером-авіабудівником. Мати — Алла Вікторівна Глєбова, росіянка, 1938 року народження, була інженером-будівничим.

You understand Russian or any Slavic language?
idiocy smasher said:
Kurat said:
idiocy smasher said:
Kurat say something about him

Ukrainian wiki
Дмитро Табачник народився 26 листопада 1963 року у м. Києві в родині технічної інтелігенції. Батько — Володимир Ігорович Табачник, єврейського походження[16], 1940 року народження був інженером-авіабудівником. Мати — Алла Вікторівна Глєбова, росіянка, 1938 року народження, була інженером-будівничим.

You understand Russian or any Slavic language?
No, I use google translate.
Is any of these 2000's internet figures are jewish?
Brolsma? (Known for numa numa)

"Star wars kid"?



Crocker? (Known for "LEAVE BRINTY ALONE")

Beatz? (Known for "Unreal tournament kid")



danewpath said:
Is any of these 2000's internet figures are jewish?
I know most of them, since i know the English YouTube from the year 2005/2006. I'll try to judge if they are jews or not.
danewpath said:
Brolsma? (Known for numa numa)
The Numa Numa Guy doesn't make me think of the usual jew. However, in his earlier video he looked like a kid with down syndrome, in my recent opinon.
danewpath said:
"Star wars kid"?
The Star Wars Kid never wanted popularity and it ruined most of his life, as confirmed by himself in a 2013 interview. By the way he looks jewish, but his name is Ghyslain, which has French origins. His surname instead is Raza, which is very common in Pakistan. I believe that he may have both Canadian and Middle Eastern ancestry.

Anita Sarkeesian (Feminist Frequency) is also sometimes mistaken for a jewess, but she has Armenian ancestry. However, there are many crypto-jews in the Middle East so, who knows.
danewpath said:
I remember when i first discovered this idiotic character via an episode of iCarly. I never could understand how is supposed to be fun an idiot who speed-up his voice and does stupid things. He is also the typical sellout who start as an Internet Meme and later becomes a TV Celebrity. Anyway, his real name is Lucas Cruikshank and one of his bios states that he has Irish, Scottish and German ancestry. However, by some other photos that I've seen of him, he looks very lizard-like.
danewpath said:
I never heard of this person, until now. While he doesn't make me think of the typical jew, at least he has assaulted someone years ago. He is also friend with Sarah Silverman and has acted in some movies.
danewpath said:
Crocker? (Known for "LEAVE BRINTY ALONE")
Not sure of him being a jew, but he is indeed a degenerate. His parents were the usual irresponsible teen parents as far as i have read.
danewpath said:
Beatz? (Known for "Unreal tournament kid")
He was more famously referred as "Angry German Kid". Not a jew, he suffered a lot from the spreading and misuse of the video where he crashed a keyboard. Thankfully, he is now a personal trainer. His real name is Norman Kochanowski, so he may at least have Slavic origins.
danewpath said:
Ah yes, the Tourettes Guy aka Daniel Hempstead. Producing stupid humor is jewish, as the JoS stated in some sermons. However, if he is really under the Tourettes syndrome, he may not be jewish.
danewpath said:
His name is actually James Rolfe and is known as the Angry Video Game Nerd. His style becomes pretty repetitive over the years and he uses to much swearing and poop humor, both of them are pretty jewish traits. He is also accused of being a plagiarist. I remember reading somewhere that he has Italian ancestry, so he may have relatives that had something with the Mafia. There is a photo of one of his child as a newborn that, according to 4Chan, looks like race-mixed (a sign of cuckholdry?).
danewpath said:
The last time that I've looked at the Irate Gamer he was fatter. He was known as the "AVGN's Rip-off", though he attempted to find his own style. His surname suggests Spanish ancestry, so he may be a Sephardite, since some photos of him that I've just looked on the web makes me think of a reptile.

I hope that i was helpful, but i would also like an opinion by SS who recognizes Jews better than me.
Hugh Hefner




My verdict is yes, because:
  • Surnames bearing the suffix of er are very common among the unmentionables (Geller, Kissinger, Pozner, etc...).
  • He had quasi-jewish facial appearance (note the nose from the front!), not unlike that of Rockefellers or Bushes.
  • Through Playboy, he was heavily involved in social engineering of "western" (white) world.
Is Ozamu Tezuka a crypto-jew?

-is a huge anti-racist equalitarianist
-explicitly sexualized minors multiple times in his comics(example: in "prime rose" a literal child got a erection from seeing
a adult female alien and is even seduced by said female alien) and even featured incest in some of his stories(like on one of the chapters in phoenix)
-put references to Christianity multiple times in his comics(like in ode to kirito).

-Openly admitted to be a sexual deviant with a transformation fetish in this interview:
-projected his said transformation fetish in guise of a plot device multiple time in his stories.
danewpath said:
Is Ozamu Tezuka a crypto-jew?

-is a huge anti-racist equalitarianist
-explicitly sexualized minors multiple times in his comics(example: in "prime rose" a literal child got a erection from seeing
a adult female alien and is even seduced by said female alien) and even featured incest in some of his stories(like on one of the chapters in phoenix)
-put references to Christianity multiple times in his comics(like in ode to kirito).

-Openly admitted to be a sexual deviant with a transformation fetish in this interview:
-projected his said transformation fetish in guise of a plot device multiple time in his stories.
Not a jew, but a sellout Shabbo Goy for sure. Another SS has exposed him for being a jew-ally.

Anyway, the last time that I've watched something from Tezuka was Dororo (both the original and the reboot). While i didn't hate it, i have to admit that it had too many flaws. It seemed to me that it was about Socialism: the higher classes are all "evil", while the poor lower classes are all "good". I suspect that it was also about feminism, since (SPOILER, HIGHLIGHT TO READ)Dororo is a cross-dressing female(SPOILER, HIGHLIGHT TO READ). It was also deeply rooted in the enemy program of Buddhism, which should not be a surprise, since Tezuka also made a manga based on his own reinterpretation of the myth of Siddharta Gautama, probably to appeal manga lovers to that death cult. Most of the Shinto elements on the other hand, are the "Yokais", which oversea translation screwed their meaning by translating them into "demons", who have nothing to do with the former.

I've also found once in my local library his Apollo's Song, which was a perverted description of the reproductive act. Being warned about who Tezuka really was, i didn't bought it.

The worst of his mangas has to be Message to Adolf, which starred two men, a jew and a race-mixed German-Japanese, both bearing the same name of our Fuhrer. I didn't read, but by the few scans i can clearly see that it is the usual blasphemous, pro-jewish, revisionist propaganda. Unfortunately, it is not the only Japanese Anti-Nazi media from the country, others include:
  • Metal Slug: An anti-NS game series that has a caricature of Hitler as the main villain. It should not be a surprise that the company behind this game also praised Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in a NES/Famicom game called Guerrilla Warfare.
  • The same company also made Iron Tank: Invasion of Normandy, a more openly Anti-Nazism game.
  • Persona 2: Part of the already blasphemous Megami Tensei franchise, it portrayed Hitler and the Nazi as some sort of villains who want to "abuse of the powers of the lance of Longinus". At least the Fuhrer has a cool look.
  • Bionic Commando: Set in a timeline where Nationalsocialism survived, it portrays them as evil and even has one of the most blasphemous anti-Nazi scene from videogames (almost as bad as Wolfenstein). In the west it was changed because NPCs were already freaking out when they saw a Swastika.
  • And there also many more, with minor blasphemies. I even remember discovering somewhere an Anne Frank's Anime.

It's not surprising, knowing some of his works, that he was both one of the first furry porn artists and one of the first hentai artists. Who knows how many perverts are hidden in both the west and the east entertainment.
Is David Dees jewish? I think that everyone who has seen at least one or two of his creepy, heavily, photoshopped images with the name of his site in a corner, should know him.

Personally, the only images that i can appreciate of him are some of the ones that exposes jews (mainly the Holohoax), the rest of them are pretty much blasphemous xian propaganda.
Nimrod33 said:
Is David Dees jewish? I think that everyone who has seen at least one or two of his creepy, heavily, photoshopped images with the name of his site in a corner, should know him.

Personally, the only images that i can appreciate of him are some of the ones that exposes jews (mainly the Holohoax), the rest of them are pretty much blasphemous xian propaganda.
I don't think he is jewish, he is more like a Ben Garrison type libertarian
the only difference is that dees is explicity anti-zionist.
he even made a lot of anti-israel/pro-palestinian cartoons
In my art, you will occasionally see a 'Z' symbol over a star of David. This simply represents the political movement called Zionism which has co-opted Judaism and uses it as a shield to hide behind. Both myself and Rense.com are PRO-Jewish, but extremely ANTI-Zionist. Those who attempt to smear my art as 'anti-semitic' are fools and frauds. The unspeakable, hideous genocidal acts of Zionism and the geopolitical social and economic deception and deceit it uses to con and dupe the masses shall be exposed. I also support organizations like Jews Against Zionism as you can see in my archives. If you have any sincere questions about Zionism and related issues, by all means read the material at any Jews Against Zionism internet site and the archives at Rense.com. Truth Does Not Fear Investigation. - David Dees

His olders cartoons can be found at:

Some of his anti-zionist/pro-palestine cartoons:






He even portrayed hitler positively at one point(this is the only time)
danewpath said:
Nimrod33 said:
Is David Dees jewish? I think that everyone who has seen at least one or two of his creepy, heavily, photoshopped images with the name of his site in a corner, should know him.

Personally, the only images that i can appreciate of him are some of the ones that exposes jews (mainly the Holohoax), the rest of them are pretty much blasphemous xian propaganda.
I don't think he is jewish, he is more like a Ben Garrison type libertarian
the only difference is that dees is explicity anti-zionist.
he even made a lot of anti-israel/pro-palestinian cartoons
In my art, you will occasionally see a 'Z' symbol over a star of David. This simply represents the political movement called Zionism which has co-opted Judaism and uses it as a shield to hide behind. Both myself and Rense.com are PRO-Jewish, but extremely ANTI-Zionist. Those who attempt to smear my art as 'anti-semitic' are fools and frauds. The unspeakable, hideous genocidal acts of Zionism and the geopolitical social and economic deception and deceit it uses to con and dupe the masses shall be exposed. I also support organizations like Jews Against Zionism as you can see in my archives. If you have any sincere questions about Zionism and related issues, by all means read the material at any Jews Against Zionism internet site and the archives at Rense.com. Truth Does Not Fear Investigation. - David Dees

His olders cartoons can be found at:

Some of his anti-zionist/pro-palestine cartoons:






He even portrayed hitler positively at one point(this is the only time)
I have seen in the past some of his Anti-Zionist illustrations. I have to say that the ones where he exposes the plans for the Greater Israel are the best, and i can also appreciate the one where he portrayed Hitler as good. I also remember appreciating the one with the jews as reptilian (i even used that in one of my videos of my first deleted channel).

But unfortunately, i cannot bring myself to search most of his works, since he is too christarded to the point of associating the elite with Satanism and even pushing the Flat Earth conspiracy (i remember two of his illustrations doing so).

Perhaps he is just misinformed or, for the worst, a controlled opposition. Either way, at least he is opposing Zionism, unlike Ben Garrison, who keeps supporting Israel and Zionist politicians even after his "friends" of the Alt-Right exposed them many times.

However, Anti-Zionist or not, wasn't Libertarianism an invention of a jewess named Ayn Rand?
What about James and Oliver Phelps? They are not listed as jewish actors. But they have chunky eyelid and 'Sad Sack' eyes .
idiocy smasher said:
idiocy smasher said:
idiocy smasher said:
Daniels Pavluts
Kurat say something about him

Say something about Milan kubek

I have three people for you
Daniels Pavluts
Nikita Khrushchev
Milan kubek
Daniels Pavluts
Look like jewish but I heard that jews don't have cleft chin, maybe it is disinformation.
Nikita Khrushchev
I don't know, I also want to know it
Milan kubek
Nimrod33 said:
However, Anti-Zionist or not, wasn't Libertarianism an invention of a jewess named Ayn Rand?
There are various types of libertarianism, Mikhail bakunin and Proudhon hated jews

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
