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Is The Birthrates Of Whites The Woman's Fault? A Refutation For The Argument Of 'Christian Values'

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The problem with jewish problems, is that they oftentimes pose as solutions.

Example: Christianity destroys every fundamental Pagan value that was life giving. After the damage from the virus is done, it poses again as the solution. When this solution is adopted, the damage done is multiplied.

This is like a toxic partner, coming to you again and again, to make "everything right". After about 20 attempts of trying to make "everything right", one can be as destroyed, that they don't care about anything anymore. This is how jewish programs work, as they are inherently adopting parasitic practices.

First and foremost, Christianity damns the memory of the Ancestors, the importance of the blood, and the bright advanced future that Pagans did seek, and all the values that cause procreation to flourish, such as life and glory.

The Abrahamic recommendation of how Europeans should deal with their women, is incompatible with the European spirit, and also, the soul of women and men fundamentally. This is why it's always rejected, and if imposed, it backfires so bad, that we get to see the next fruits of this corrupted seed, such as Feminism and so on. People literally try to flee this from all directions from centuries now, and jews have been exploiting this to ruin us further.

In this state of sinking, people are asked to "procreate", but effectively, all they are asked is to brainlessly generate slaves. Of course, most women are lost today, because with the lack of the above values, having babies within the current jewish socio-economic environment, and doing this indiscriminately, can cause non-pleasantries in the life.

Of course, NOT having children, also causes non-pleasantries in life. One major problem of this, is heading straight into extinction as a collective. These are secluded from the eyes of people, no different than the values above.

Then the 70 IQ christian comes in, and tells everyone to basically shove their cock anywhere and just have kids. Really smart of them. That will solve a lot, they think. But in reality, it solves nothing. In fact, the programmed christian does this: make the issue appear even more repulsive, and deter people from actually looking at the issue to solve it.

An example here is, when we are talking about the birthrate issues of the White Race, the "Traditionalists" [xians and xian minded individuals] commonly say that it's "women's fault" that don't "want" to have babies, or that they are becoming "whores" and so on.

These asinine arguments are based on the first lie of Christianity - that everything is the fault of females. In effect, emasculated and unnatural xians, are afraid of women and femininity, and their major disconnect from this concept in life, makes them blame it like the devil for them being defunct in many levels.

They also have other ideals such as "pro life", which is basically the idea that a woman must always, no matter what, give birth, even if it was not consensual, if it was a retard, if it has down syndrome, or if her husband is not going to be available, or whatever. Naturally, half the woman population in the United States, find these repulsive. That is normal, because these are not proper ideals.

And what does the jew do? They promote the other extreme: maximum denial to have kids, copulation with other races since the White race is left without procreation values or proper understanding, and who knows what else, just observe society.

As with the adoption of any jewish lie, if it looks good on the surface, like Feminism or many other jewish plots do, or MGTOW, it describes actual symptoms of society and humanity, but the way to solving these is not this way. In fact, when these jewish paths are followed, they cause the doubling or tripling of these problems.

An example, the more Feminism expands and attacks males, this will increase their hate. The more "pro life" forces itself down the throats of people and recommends they breed retards, the more women will be repelled and go to the left wing and deny this instinct.

These reactions, are reactions of self-preservation. The jews know this, and they abuse this mechanism to make people do the wrong decisions in their society and life.

The above lie that "women are at fault" exclusively, is nothing else than an extrapolation of these:

1. Poor understanding of the world.
2. Oversimplification of a very serious topic.
3. Ignoring socio-economic reality as it's being shaped, same as civilization advancement that is taking place
4. The xian underlying program that hates females and hates sexuality, in particular because they cannot understand it.
5. Incel fearful writers that don't understand women, and could never really deal with them in any realistic way.

Then, these "Traditionalists" go one step further, and say that the way out of this, is to just "Put women in their place", and in effect, turn them into some sort of xian lifeless zombie, that will only give births.

This manifests the work of the Jew: Women hate on the traditions. And why?

Because these dumb fucks, don't impose any tradition on them, but only the Abrahamic tradition, which is naturally repulsive to our people and our race.

All of that mentality has occurred and is straight out from the dogma of "Abrahamism". Xianity is only interested in the procreation of more and more slaves, and like all Abrahamic religions, it never takes a spherical view of affairs.

It cares not about the people, their future, nor their past. Just for them to keep procreating slaves, no matter the cost for them, and without any social provision. This is why the Pope in Europe, is quick to kiss the feet of all his refugees, when they invade. He does not care about where the slaves come, he only cares that they come.

It is therefore convenient for these people, to blame everything "on women", and the ideal man of this religion is either a brainless brute, or a diseased incel fuck, that is the perfect "Saint".

Neither are of course, capable or responsible fathers, warriors, or any other actual male archetype. All they represent is a cuck or a jewish brute crucified upon the crucifix.

The men and women who actually build families and have kids, always seem to do, in the United States, completely outside of this context.

Yes, some may go to church and so on, but the reality is, before going to church in Sunday, they are fucking on the truck in Saturday, "before marriage" and so on, because you know, we are human beings, and who cares about "Christ", his "Marriage" clauses, and whatever else?

That would send them into hell, but they are busy going to heaven instead, and they saw no Christ at all into that heaven this Saturday.

The jewish egregore of christ, is just hovering around human life, taking credit for everything positive that it does.

The stupidity and radical inequality of the thinking process of jews, that destroys civilizations, is reflected in all the "pro life" ideology. While, being partially correct, is also partially entirely false.

According to them, down syndromic offspring, bad husbands, quality of life, none of that matters. Just get out that servant of "God" and if he is retarded or crippled, all the better! Christianity needs material to justify its existence with!

When these people are penning theories about how one is to promote one's species, it's all going to get bad. They are unhealthy, stupid, and diseased. Their simplicity of brain is below the task of solving a matter such as let's say, the issue of birthrates of White people or something.

At the same rate, the natural volition of White people, has always been to balance births with quality of existence. You can have 10 trillion destitute people that live like greys. Alright, the species has been "Guaranteed" to exist. But what about its quality of life?

The expanding of life without a plan on how it's going to fare, is a lot like cancer out of control. The Nations and people's that adopt this, bring misery onto their people, and this misery disallows for the other half end of what should be the case for human beings: Their development.

White people and in particular White women, even if their mechanisms of their mind have been affected by jewish mindwashing, unconsciously understand that. The thought of a woman that wants to have kids, is not the mere procreation of a species [this is the idea of the man in general on the subject], but the woman, on an instinctive level, is already thinking of the birth, the taking care of her, and the existence of resources and so on to embark into this.

This same mechanism of seeking luxury and other physical stability, was brought out of context in combination with rampant selfishness and low spiritual awareness, but also poor instincts. Just open Instagram and see what is going on with girls there, and you will understand. It's a mixture of the traditionally female processing mechanisms, going haywire.

The same going haywire on men's mechanisms was activated in other intervals of human history, or is now active in places like for example, our recent Taliban controlled Nation. Over there, people are going to subjected to tyrannical energy from now on, and will probably exist even lower than they did before.

Most of the imbalances between male and female relationships, did emerge from spiritual ignorance which is rooted in Christianity, and the spiritual ignorance this brings inside us and about ourselves.

With poor understanding of ourselves, or our species in general, it becomes impossible to create anything. The species that manage to create something great or big, will eventually destroy it through lack of understanding to maintain it.

Other peoples may not be able to even create anything and destroy themselves on very basic levels of existence, and way before something is actually made.

The Christians you will hear telling you, that the way towards family or sustenance of life, is through "Christian Values". But in reality, they never opened the bible. If they did they would find the following:

1. Rabbi Jesus recommends destroying your family to follow the jew
2. Celibacy, and therefore, no procreation or testing out if you match [recipe for damned marriage]
3. The human body is considered defiling, if your eye causes you to look at the woman, pluck it out, oy vey
4. Christianity promotes superstition and stupidity [add mass stupidity to large masses of people, and you'll see the results as we see them today].
5. Christianity abolishes any rule of any "Good offspring", espousing the birth of retards and the worst of the worst as "beautiful gifts from God".
6. Only one form of relationship is approved, and that is, forced monogamous relationship. If this marriage "Breaks", under "God", both are going to roast in hell of course, for denying their slave god.
7. The ramifications of infinite births are not cared for in christianity. Why? Because it's a slave program. As far as it's concerned, you have to breed like a fucking retard - the quality of births or civilization is not needed.
8. Coupled with the above, the fact that humans aren't worth shit, is a major theme in the bible, same as misogyny and the reduction of a woman into nothing. A woman that is reduced into nothing, or illiterate, is the most sureproof way of reassuring that offspring will be unsupported.
9. A false "Abrahamic" patriarchy [the disease of which broke all connections between men and women in modern societies], is espoused. Jews used this jewish virus they imposed on people, to promote the next upgrade to this virus, Feminism.
10. The general message of Christianity, is one to deny earth, "earthly treasures" and anything of the sort. Then, why should one even bother with family?
11. The acceptance of every mistake, such as for example, prolific brainless births in the 3rd world, is loved by Christianity. More slaves for the pope I guess.
12. Incel, celibacy, or being a neutered and dead fuck, are all desirable "Qualities".

Needless to say, the above is only instructions on how to destroy a sane civilization, and lead it to slavery. Christians approve of any and all birthrates, despite of quality control, civilization measures, or anything of the sort.

We lived to see the manifestation of this applied logic in every 3rd world country. Also, the proliferation of birthrates without predictive powers, would only make happy a bunch of slave masters. This is why Islam also, recommends to people they breed indiscriminately and to all directions.

Civilization building done in any proper fashion, implies that births have to be fruitful, but they have to focus on the recreation rate for a civilization, but also, quality of such births. The human being needs a situation where they can reach an advancement.

Christianity completely denies the quality control of this, let alone the balance a civilization needs to take. This adopted insanity has crashed almost all of the 3rd world, but it's also present in the rampant "Charity" that Europe is doing everywhere, only to get invaded with more and more people, simply because others don't really care about birthrates, and their Nations can't provide a reasonable level of existing.

The above, happened because everyone was fucking left and right, an there was poor ability to use this labor and living force, to actually create a civilization that people would want to be part of. Europeans managed after a lot of evolutionary struggle to achieve that, but they are now going to kill themselves in the opposite direction because of jewish mindwashing, which is a birthrate reduction situation, if ongoing trends continue.

In the same way, the "Christian Traditionalist" perspective, does not take in consideration the individual needs of human beings, which are the catalyst of not only birth, but the quality of the mass of the civilization, and the offspring. This involves education and everything else. Christian values also devalue the female, and therefore, approximately more than half of our civilization.

Women, are naturally repulsed by these ideals, and they are not compatible with them, nor they have ever been in any Pagan civilization. The argument that they have had adopted some norms at "some time", such as being solely a housewife, is because also the range of decisions for a woman due to lack of social development, was already too low. The same goes for men. Many men for centuries couldn't study because they grew up in very small villages. This changed with time, for example.

The above is not a result of a "Christian success" or anything of the sort, but just how the world was then, and how it is now.

Now, in regards to this, traditionalists also misinform that Hitler did make women into breeding machines or whatever of the sort. That is the most stupid thing I have ever read, but coming from Christians, their stupidity is always leaving me in awe every single day.

In our world today, women are extorted with these two decisions, often leading them to decision 3:

1. Leave your dreams and your life behind [and also engage yourself in an unstable life of potential poverty], and gamble your way into a bunch of not mature men, and have "kids". This doesn't look like a reasonable decision from a risk and suffering standpoint, and therefore, many women, even those who want to be mothers, are bound to wait for other circumstances to arise, which thanks to the jewish socio-economic system, might never arise.

2. Have kids early and pray that it all goes well. Also risky.

3. Don't have anything at all, use whatever little time you will have and resources to maintain your personal existence, and remain alone or whatever of that sort. This is actually the least risky choice, as it involves only personal risk.

As it should be evident, the incentivized approach to take any of these choices, forces most women to go for 3. In fact, even caring women who would love to have children, are actually forced to take decision 3, despite their desires or efforts. This is a majority of women who want to actually have kids, but circumstances haven't led to this.

Women who are unsupported by the government, or just about anyone, and oftentimes, even their own families, how can they exactly embark into this very risky choice? They cannot.

Hitler and the National Socialists, also did legalize abortion. This is not something many people know, but yes, they actually did legalize abortion, which made many Christians of the time, go crazy over this. Of course, Nazis were accused for doing this at the time, as "Criminals" that "wanted to kill babies" by the Jews.

Jews also say it was annuda shoah in regards to Nazi Germany, to hide the fact that actually women were free to abort, which is a major stabbing of the jewish leftist agenda. Now, the jews are posing with the same ideology, trying to play smart for actually recognizing this right to women, but they are about many decades late.

It was understood, that if a woman doesn't really want to have children, she just can't have them. And if she can't have them, she won't want them. And bear in mind, we are in the 1935's now, where in most Nations, even the idea of this was not entertained. Women had far less rights in many other Nations at the time.

In effect, forced birth, would create would be a child that is not feeling loved and not being welcomed to the world. This is not a good advancement strategy for a society.

So yes, way before your favorite leftist group did this, the NS had approved women's right to abortion. This is because, except of the promulgation of life, one has to also consider the quality of such life. How is it going to live, exist, survive? What about the parents? Society?

Hitler made the decisions as following for civilization:

1. Become a mother [single or how you want] and have excessive state income, honor in society, your babies, and exist in a free and secure manner. Good choice for survival. I also believe women were given free things like houses and so on, after having 3 babies, and they were also tax exempt alongside other benefits.

2. If you become a family, the State will boost your husband with higher pay so that he takes all the toil of labor, and that you can, if you want, stay at home.

3. If you don't, you can still follow career and everything, but one's position will be equal to that of a man, and therefore subject to the menial suffering men have to undergo everyday. Some women who didn't want to live the life of a mother opt for this choice.

Needless to say, none of the above choices would kill anyone, and all look reasonably good to take. This is called using positive incentive in society. We don't know what this is anymore, because the jews only torture people to do bad decisions.

The Jewish system, at the same time, not only LIES about where these choices lead, but is in effect, shoving people's life into one choice, with all means possible, from brainwashing, to mere financial slavery.

One could go on and on. Needless to say, many "Traditionalists", promote the idea that returning to the jewish values, is going to solve anything in the White Birthrate or our "Traditions". They also try to mix these with "National Socialism" or other places, such as ours here, but it simply doesn't stick.

This post should explain why this is not the case, and where this idea comes from.

Asking women to randomly procreate, is a retarded thing to ask them, because at the way things are, without State help, or financial help, or proper family unit, or without money, it's as if asking them to pull the trigger on themselves. Jews manufactured society to be like this, very carefully, and with decades of work.

If these issues were out of the way, with proper Satanic Government, the majority would be literally desiring and wanting to have kids on their own accord. We will need to say nothing, neither to dictate things to people. Just lay out a better structure of society for them that will support them, and they will do the rest for their own benefit.

Doing something in your life, returning to the previous subject, can also happen on the appropriate timeline. The reason why many women in the West decide to have kids late, is because they want to get sorted other particular needs that pertain to SURVIVAL, and then hopefully get an opportunity to get married and have kids.

All these social instabilities, are instabilities that manifested themselves first spiritually, but also financially in civilizations. For example, the idea that individuals need to be paid below levels reasonable for their existence, is exclusively a jewish ideal.

While many women are told this was done to "Free them" in a way, in fact, this was only done to free the jews. If you want to see original woman hating, just look at jews and their religious tenets.

Jews had enslaved men for doing labor, and they thought to themselves after a point: "This goyim is rejecting xianity and trying to get a balance between the women. This is our opportunity. Make women work too so that we have twice the labor power in our hands."

And so it happened, because of also history and socio-economic realities.

We could go on and on here. What I want to conclude, is that the idea that women don't do this, or that women have exclusive responsibility, is errant. The responsibility is shared.

Men also have responsibility that they don't want to assume. Women, from a natural standpoint, are not entitled by anyone nor they have to forcibly be with a man, nor there is some sort of guarantee men will be getting women at all, unless of course, they have achieved specific things.
These things could be just normal things, just as having a job, or being reasonably normal looking and so on.

Women and men have their own obligations which "Entitle them" to access to the opposite gender and also procreative ability or lack thereof. For women, this tends to be "easier" to access, but this is only because many men aren't doing their lifting at all.

Men, are equally responsible for the failing birthrates, as there are women. Also, in the absence of natural masculine force within a civilization, the imbalance is going to happen by default. This is not the fault of females, because it's not done consciously, but is a natural outcome of what is going to happen.

Having jews in your civilization is going to also turn this into an even worse event. In fact, we would never be facing the issues of extinction birthrates, if it wasn't for jews, despite of what set of values we would be following that has been practiced in the past.

The "Return to Christian Values" poses only a danger to the future of birthrates to a people, and is an enemy for their quality of existence and life because it refuses quality and denies all values of how people are going to be after this. This "return" is only a "return" to the hands of a jew that everyone already detests, and women above all.

The only thing this will achieve, is just to continue a world that is in contrast with the inherent Pagan Soul of Europeans and other Gentiles, and in the case of the first, it has not worked in the past.

Spiritual Satanism and anything coming out of it, is to take reality and the best provisions in consideration, not just bullshit.

In this case, to only live to procreate one's self and have no aim at existing, is a life without worth and value. This type of existence would be satisfying to the xians.

Spiritual Satanism would instead be answering not only this, but why? Because of Ancestors. Because of the love of new life. Because of sharing a wonderful civilization with the next generation. To not lose our labors for aeons. To build somewhere and become as the Gods.

These things are more tentative to make people to want to keep existing, rather than all the messages projected during this failure of an era.

When Truth is spoken, it can also make itself make sense easily. It's not very difficult.

Lastly, in contrast to the "Christian Right Wing" and other things, Spiritual Satanism does adopt nature and accepts nature as it is. At the same time, we believe the opposite of what the xians do, because the xians are anti-nature. We want to advance on the natural blueprint, too.

Since this is a big topic, this is not surmised here entirely, but I just wanted to give a general idea of approaching the subject.

Do not listen to the enemy, they are lying to all of us. The outcomes of these lies we are seeing by its fruit.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The typical Jewish trick of dividing the people, while the jew goes unnamed. It seems that life is all about balance, however in today's society people are only pushed to either extreme.

Neither gender is more important than the other, no more than the left eye is more important than the right. They are lost without each other.

Regarding the christian whining about returning to 'traditional values', they obviously aren't traditional in the slightest. European traditional values were destroyed by Christianity (a fun argument to make against a christian who supposedly supports European values). These (((traditional values))) are used to vilify homosexuals and persecute them to no end. A retarded christian will explain how 'because gays don't have children, they don't contribute' meanwhile their child will be born with 6 fingers and a life expectancy of 12 years because they've married their sister.

I hope more people realise the Jewish root of these problems, rather than thinking that the symptom is the cause of the problem. Great post HP.

Hail Satan!
Interesting sermon. I’m definitely left with some confusion though.

I remember you saying, Hitler created a government that incentivized people having families because they needed to recover the population from WW1. At current times, for example, population troubles aren’t huge problems. Is this still something governments should push in today’s times?

I understand people are having children late because they need to set their lives up for financial stability first, but in a way, to me this seems wise, as it gives the individuals time to mature and develop skills for success before having children. Otherwise it can be like children raising children. Cause how many people really know anything at 21?

Another thing that confuses me is some time ago UBI was brought up and then rightfully dismissed as Marxist socialist policy. My understanding of UBI at the time was it was giving everyone a chance. To ease the pressures described in the sermon. But giving people homes, and increase of pay seems almost the same thing. Because many people have children now, without such incentives, but with them, having children would be the most popular thing for most individuals and it’s like the same thing. A basic income and set up to give everyone a chance. Thus UBI.

Probably I’m too brainwashed by the American way. Life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. I guess that’s instilled in me the opinion if people want a family, it’s up to them to figure out the logistics. Because why incentivize specifically family when the population is fine? Why not promote other things that are necessary for the current times. Like environmental things or sustainable technologies or something? Idk. Confusion. Not trying to create controversy, just simply don’t understand these policies. Seems almost as socialist as UBI? Or maybe it’s a very regional based thing that can work is some places and not others? I can’t see how this would work in America for example as it’s way too normal for interracial couples to exist and then if you promote families with free houses then these interracial couple will just make things worse. IMO.
Eric13 said:
Interesting sermon. I’m definitely left with some confusion though.

I remember you saying, Hitler created a government that incentivized people having families because they needed to recover the population from WW1. At current times, for example, population troubles aren’t huge problems. Is this still something governments should push in today’s times?

Most European Nations and even Whites in the US are literally beneath the media average needed to literally replicate your very own Nation, ie, they are going to die if this ongoing trend continues, or get to become minorities in their own homelands.

The rate of most European Nations, is around 1.5 per couple. This means that 2 people give birth to 1.5 kid, which means they will not successfully replace their current population. This needs to be at least 2.

That is called impending doom.

This is peacetime, not war time. But Whites have an ongoing cultural war with jews, and this rate has adjusted itself during this type of strange war of propaganda, brainwashing, financial manipulation etc.

Eric13 said:
I understand people are having children late because they need to set their lives up for financial stability first, but in a way, to me this seems wise, as it gives the individuals time to mature and develop skills for success before having children. Otherwise it can be like children raising children. Cause how many people really know anything at 21?

21 biologically if a person is actually doing something with their life, other than spending 10 to 21 playing 15 hours of video games, is actually a time where people can have at least some personal understanding. Biologically it's the peak of one's personal strength in some cases, all the way down to 30.

So it was generally considered a good time to give birth, especially in previous levels of development, because pain and everything else could be tolerated easier.

Eric13 said:
Another thing that confuses me is some time ago UBI was brought up and then rightfully dismissed as Marxist socialist policy. My understanding of UBI at the time was it was giving everyone a chance. To ease the pressures described in the sermon. But giving people homes, and increase of pay seems almost the same thing. Because many people have children now, without such incentives, but with them, having children would be the most popular thing for most individuals and it’s like the same thing. A basic income and set up to give everyone a chance. Thus UBI.

UBI is universalist, Marxist, indiscriminate, and you provide nothing and therefore you have no say in it. When one has children, this increases their power over the state, and this is called State benefits and Welfare. Welfare goes where it's needed, not everywhere.

The difference here that makes it all different is discrimination, and how people who are given these, are actually doing something. These people are also necessitated to do something to have that.

In UBI, you are just thrown some pieces of bread to just live on, but nobody cares if you live or die, nor you have any rights. Nothing to do really with your life.

In this case, women were given these provisions and help, because having children was perceived as literal work in a sense. One is creating life.

Other incentives like scientific grants and anything else, fall under this category. It's to make people do useful things while attaining money and to increase social development.

Eric13 said:
Probably I’m too brainwashed by the American way. Life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. I guess that’s instilled in me the opinion if people want a family, it’s up to them to figure out the logistics. Because why incentivize specifically family when the population is fine? Why not promote other things that are necessary for the current times. Like environmental things or sustainable technologies or something? Idk. Confusion.

Life. How is life achieved? By you being born.

Liberty. How is this achieved? By having a civilization that guarantees your rights, advancements etc. This needs people to exist.

Pursuit of happiness. There are things that make some people happy and others consider these to be only sadness. But many people don't consider family an unhappy thing. It's actually pleasant and relieving for them to have one. It's natural.

There is no limit to the positive things one can incentivize, the things can go on at the same time. No reason for example to not only give incentives to people to go clean beaches or recreate forests, or anything of the sort.

This applies to all areas of life. This is never done in one area of life. Motherhood is just another area of the broader life.

But anymore it's being rejected and that's why birthrates and other things are sinking. That's all there is to it in the West. And this happens because jews primarily want to get rid of the Westerners same as they want to get rid of others. Slowing down or putting birthrates beneath the baseline, is a quick way to achieve that end.
Thanks for this HP. This also explains a lot about highly populous countries like India and why the majority of people here live terrible lives. Women here are called "paraya dhan" meaning "someone elses wealth" by her own family. The only purpose of a woman's existence is to get married, have babies, and take care of the babies regardless of whether she wants to or not. No consideration for the quality of life. Even families living below the poverty line marry off the women at a young age to start a family, without the girl having any say in the matter. It doesn't matter if the babies will have to live their lives without clothes or have only 2 meals a day. Sex before marriage, sex in general is a taboo of course (how very xian), something the children shouldn't be exposed to, something which should not be discussed because it's bad. And yet the main purpose of life is to have kids (huh, what a contradiction) and start a family.

Girls are mostly not well educated, their higher education is not really important because she is just there to start a family as soon as possible. The girl has no say of course. Woman who don't want to or are not ready to have children are of course the enemies of society and are useless, worthless.

Males are to be married off and take care of the family. Of course the men who are not ready to get married or start a family are just spoilt brats. Men and women are both never given the chance to be stable in their lives or careers before starting a family so that they can provide for the child a little better. No, as soon as they are of suitable age, they are to be married and have kids asap. As you said, this results in the other extreme with a high birthrate and terrible quality of life.

Though you addressed this from a western society's perspective, the same xian, muslim crap is here as well. Different nations, same shit. Just the other extreme.

May your light shine on all of us, father Satan.
Well it looks like Jack finally got the attention he wanted. You never should have had to be pushed this far to even make a post for something that should be mostly common sense. It's ridiculous.

Nevertheless, thank you, High Priest.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aaah okay. This mostly makes sense. I mostly agree now. I guess I still kind of think it’s wise for people to actually wait to have kids for development of life skills and maturity though, but I understand this is mostly advice, not actually necessary.

In my experience, my parents had me at 15. This is more extreme than 21 of course, but man did it set me up poorly and much wasted time as I had to basically raise myself. Now I’m almost 30 and barely getting a hang on things in life. So much wasted time as I just didn’t know better or understand basic things from being raised by people who also knew nothing. So I guess I still stand by that. Grow up, get your life together, learn some things, become independent, then have families. This will have a better outcome. And welfare can be used for emergencies. Especially since we’re in peace times, not war. Maybe in war times, welfare can be more appropriate, but again that would be an emergency. Just my opinion.
jrvan said:
Well it looks like Jack finally got the attention he wanted. You never should have had to be pushed this far to even make a post for something that should be mostly common sense. It's ridiculous.

Nevertheless, thank you, High Priest.

Jack's opinion and dialectic used, has already been used by the Right Wing a lot, for lack of answer if anything.

It is the opinion of half of the right wing in the US, which is reflected in many places. These ideas are a mix of the Pro Life crowd, and much has also went as far as to claim Sharia needs to be imposed in the West and other things.

It's not Jack it's many others who will have the same questions. But they couldn't answer it for themselves because most of these people only are told to "return to the Christian Values" as a thing to save themselves.

They are people that are looking for a solution, which as I present here, is in the opposite direction our ancestors followed already, and not "Christianity".

I would rather to look at the subject as my race in plight looking for an answer, than to spend my life fighting against a "Patriarchy", which many took a siege against Jack for.

The reason I had to answer was not because of fighting the "patriarchy", but because this tier of propaganda, is really xian, and also, does not serve to save us at all as explained. It has done only the opposite, and increased a lot of imbalances.

I stray away and I find "gender arguments" just stupid and only a result of imbalances. Neither of the genders is exclusively responsible.
Eric13 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aaah okay. This mostly makes sense. I mostly agree now. I guess I still kind of think it’s wise for people to actually wait to have kids for development of life skills and maturity though, but I understand this is mostly advice, not actually necessary.

In my experience, my parents had me at 15. This is more extreme than 21 of course, but man did it set me up poorly and much wasted time as I had to basically raise myself. Now I’m almost 30 and barely getting a hang on things in life. So much wasted time as I just didn’t know better or understand basic things from being raised by people who also knew nothing. So I guess I still stand by that. Grow up, get your life together, learn some things, become independent, then have families. This will have a better outcome. And welfare can be used for emergencies. Especially since we’re in peace times, not war. Maybe in war times, welfare can be more appropriate, but again that would be an emergency. Just my opinion.

Well, other people I know had kids when they were 45, and this created the result of children remaining orphans or with one parent, and the other already struggling with a lot of issues that made them not be very energetic parents.

Everything has it's pro's and con's, that's life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Well it looks like Jack finally got the attention he wanted. You never should have had to be pushed this far to even make a post for something that should be mostly common sense. It's ridiculous.

Nevertheless, thank you, High Priest.

Jack's opinion and dialectic used, has already been used by the Right Wing a lot, for lack of answer if anything.

It is the opinion of half of the right wing in the US, which is reflected in many places. These ideas are a mix of the Pro Life crowd, and much has also went as far as to claim Sharia needs to be imposed in the West and other things.

It's not Jack it's many others who will have the same questions. But they couldn't answer it for themselves because most of these people only are told to "return to the Christian Values" as a thing to save themselves.

They are people that are looking for a solution, which as I present here, is in the opposite direction our ancestors followed already, and not "Christianity".

I see. I guess something good came out of all the drama then. That's a nice feeling. Thank you again for writing this post. It will be a lot easier helping these types to understand now that this can be linked for reference.
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
Well it looks like Jack finally got the attention he wanted. You never should have had to be pushed this far to even make a post for something that should be mostly common sense. It's ridiculous.

Nevertheless, thank you, High Priest.

Jack's opinion and dialectic used, has already been used by the Right Wing a lot, for lack of answer if anything.

It is the opinion of half of the right wing in the US, which is reflected in many places. These ideas are a mix of the Pro Life crowd, and much has also went as far as to claim Sharia needs to be imposed in the West and other things.

It's not Jack it's many others who will have the same questions. But they couldn't answer it for themselves because most of these people only are told to "return to the Christian Values" as a thing to save themselves.

They are people that are looking for a solution, which as I present here, is in the opposite direction our ancestors followed already, and not "Christianity".

I see. I guess something good came out of all the drama then. That's a nice feeling. Thank you again for writing this post. It will be a lot easier helping these types to understand now that this can be linked for reference.

This is just my perception on the subject.

The reality of the event is that this type of drama is nonsensical and causes an array of issues. Regardless, these are to be looked at the source and solved. I just try to find the lesson in everything for common benefit.

The drama itself was unfit for the community and just bullshit going on all sides. However drama is really inescapable.

I told another member in private that indeed the wisest reply in the threat there was Coraxo, asking people what they are even doing. That's however a personal opinion. That's all.
स त न म said:
Thanks for this HP. This also explains a lot about highly populous countries like India and why the majority of people here live terrible lives. Women here are called "paraya dhan" meaning "someone elses wealth" by her own family. The only purpose of a woman's existence is to get married, have babies, and take care of the babies regardless of whether she wants to or not. No consideration for the quality of life. Even families living below the poverty line marry off the women at a young age to start a family, without the girl having any say in the matter. It doesn't matter if the babies will have to live their lives without clothes or have only 2 meals a day. Sex before marriage, sex in general is a taboo of course (how very xian), something the children shouldn't be exposed to, something which should not be discussed because it's bad. And yet the main purpose of life is to have kids (huh, what a contradiction) and start a family.

Though you addressed this from a western society's perspective, the same xian, muslim crap is here as well. Different nations, same shit. Just the other extreme.

May your light shine on all of us, father Satan.

I know, we have all been affected.

India at least, is absorbing change at a pace that will not culturally destroy it completely. This as stated reassures life, but not quality. India will however build out of this, it's a matter of time. In India, it would make perfect sense this is happening, because now India is building towards major development.

The "West" achieved this sometime ago, but the same ongoing jewish virus does never allow the society to reach any balance. In the case of the West, it makes no sense to have developed a civilization, and to just allow it to die off simply because of mental viruses that people should hate their offspring or something like that.

Only jews could create such insane things. And they did. People build things so that these are inherited by the next generation, and the next generation, continues. In India, people would understand this. People in the West also understood this as it was common knowledge until the late decades.

The West is on the other opposite end, where the changes absorbed, due to jews, are manipulating people to sacrifice their existence and race over mere "quality" of life. This is a jewish deceitful claim, based on the reality the jews have made, ie, making family life difficult and increasing the level of difficulty, and many people can't tolerate that.

This "quality" of life VERSUS having kids, is also garbage and a lie. The quality of life is not that much drastically improved if one lives alone as they promise, it's just a lie to make people stop procreating.

Many American lower class people are living in the same way people do in India, lacking even necessities. But on a different level. Fundamentally it's still the same thing though, just no children on top of it. This may sound impossible to believe, but it's the case.

Most people barely get by. It's just that the general level of living lowly, is just a bit higher than most other places. But it's not really "perfect" or anything like this.

I hope in the Satya Yuga we will move away from these unhealthy extremes. This will come from internal spiritual balance in people. It will arise itself automatically in the societies.
I'm with you in this whole war, but soldiers need also be responsible and not just blame the enemy and enemy programs. It's undeniable how long this worthless pathogen has been among us, but it is undeniable how the white race has survived this far.

I don't think there is anyone on this forum that thinks xianity is anything better than a brain cancer. However most women I know are in relationships with non religious guys that really provide for them and treat them decent. 9 out of 10 are still wasting time with traveling and seeing the world, getting 10 thousand degrees and other useless shit that you can do without. Whites like comfort? Truth is non whites can go without it and have at least a few kids without whining. Most other races hate race mixing. A female friend after so many years of me doing rituals and explaining in a civilized matter all that is happening and even agreeing with 95% of what I say married a nigga. While intellectuals like us try to figure out oh was she a leftist? Or maybe... maybe a xian? No my friend... just a nymphomaniac looking for a big one. We men are so gullible thinking it's about ideology, it's actually about a rat instinct. While we all like comfort and self indulgence in a time of racial extinction there is no time to find excuses for the mistakes the gentiles do. The jew sells poison? Don't buy it, it's that simple. Ok, I will say it again, it's that simple. You don't need to be an intellectual getting bogged out into endless debates when action matters most. I've done tons of RTR and other rituals to see people and especially women still "refugees welcome" all the way. The RTR makes the good guys wanna act in real life. You can't just fight only with spirituality like you can't fight only in the physical realm. It's like the army and air force, one is useless without the other. One thing I keep saying and I will stand by this principle is when the "winning" comes I will not shake hands with the ones that race mixed, promoted leftism, xianity, reported my videos, made fun of me or tried to take me down and so on... When the line of the WIN is drawn, and I hope everyone sees this, the ones that joined us before that are the real ones no matter how long it took to wake up and the ones that came after that are just opportunists trying to adapt to the new trend. The line I am talking about is the new trend, the new power, where social validation and comfort lies. Many will just join after in order to be on the winning side and have it easy. If another global challenge would come and overwhelm us they would gladly do it again and betray us. An example must be set in history (I will not detail) so traitors don't go thinking "meh why waste any energy... if those losers eventually win they will accept us". This will just repeat if left unattended. As we said here a gorillion times, WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! If my family here would just embrace anyone coming after our efforts start materializing our new world I couldn't just pretend it's ok...

Times are very hard, a minimum of effort and understanding should be done by every human. What the enemy does at this point is no longer stealth warfare, we have all the evidence in front of us. I am 100% sure that MOST "NPC"s are not retarded and in fact understand what is going on. They just wanna keep this narrative and be on the winning side. I could elaborate on this point a lot if you want. I wish to fight and do my part in the physical realm as well, but I cannot fight the enemy when my own are against me.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack's opinion and dialectic used, has already been used by the Right Wing a lot, for lack of answer if anything.

It is the opinion of half of the right wing in the US, which is reflected in many places. These ideas are a mix of the Pro Life crowd, and much has also went as far as to claim Sharia needs to be imposed in the West and other things.

It's not Jack it's many others who will have the same questions. But they couldn't answer it for themselves because most of these people only are told to "return to the Christian Values" as a thing to save themselves.

They are people that are looking for a solution, which as I present here, is in the opposite direction our ancestors followed already, and not "Christianity".

I see. I guess something good came out of all the drama then. That's a nice feeling. Thank you again for writing this post. It will be a lot easier helping these types to understand now that this can be linked for reference.

This is just my perception on the subject.

The reality of the event is that this type of drama is nonsensical and causes an array of issues. Regardless, these are to be looked at the source and solved. I just try to find the lesson in everything for common benefit.

The drama itself was unfit for the community and just bullshit going on all sides. However drama is really inescapable.

I told another member in private that indeed the wisest reply in the threat there was Coraxo, asking people what they are even doing. That's however a personal opinion. That's all.

You're right. I just wanted to see it as a silver lining, but without this gift of clarity then there would be no silver lining even in my perspective. The drama started seeming pointless to me a long time ago, and perhaps I should have disengaged much earlier. I don't know what possessed me to continue, and I apologize for my part in the disruption.

I'll try to be more mature going forward.
EasternFireLion666 said:
I'm with you in this whole war, but soldiers need also be responsible and not just blame the enemy and enemy programs. It's undeniable how long this worthless pathogen has been among us, but it is undeniable how the white race has survived this far.

I don't think there is anyone on this forum that thinks xianity is anything better than a brain cancer. However most women I know are in relationships with non religious guys that really provide for them and treat them decent. 9 out of 10 are still wasting time with traveling and seeing the world, getting 10 thousand degrees and other useless shit that you can do without. Whites like comfort? Truth is non whites can go without it and have at least a few kids without whining. Most other races hate race mixing. A female friend after so many years of me doing rituals and explaining in a civilized matter all that is happening and even agreeing with 95% of what I say married a nigga. While intellectuals like us try to figure out oh was she a leftist? Or maybe... maybe a xian? No my friend... just a nymphomaniac looking for a big one. We men are so gullible thinking it's about ideology, it's actually about a rat instinct. While we all like comfort and self indulgence in a time of racial extinction there is no time to find excuses for the mistakes the gentiles do. The jew sells poison? Don't buy it, it's that simple. Ok, I will say it again, it's that simple. You don't need to be an intellectual getting bogged out into endless debates when action matters most. I've done tons of RTR and other rituals to see people and especially women still "refugees welcome" all the way. The RTR makes the good guys wanna act in real life. You can't just fight only with spirituality like you can't fight only in the physical realm. It's like the army and air force, one is useless without the other. One thing I keep saying and I will stand by this principle is when the "winning" comes I will not shake hands with the ones that race mixed, promoted leftism, xianity, reported my videos, made fun of me or tried to take me down and so on... When the line of the WIN is drawn, and I hope everyone sees this, the ones that joined us before that are the real ones no matter how long it took to wake up and the ones that came after that are just opportunists trying to adapt to the new trend. The line I am talking about is the new trend, the new power, where social validation and comfort lies. Many will just join after in order to be on the winning side and have it easy. If another global challenge would come and overwhelm us they would gladly do it again and betray us. An example must be set in history (I will not detail) so traitors don't go thinking "meh why waste any energy... if those losers eventually win they will accept us". This will just repeat if left unattended. As we said here a gorillion times, WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! If my family here would just embrace anyone coming after our efforts start materializing our new world I couldn't just pretend it's ok...

Times are very hard, a minimum of effort and understanding should be done by every human. What the enemy does at this point is no longer stealth warfare, we have all the evidence in front of us. I am 100% sure that MOST "NPC"s are not retarded and in fact understand what is going on. They just wanna keep this narrative and be on the winning side. I could elaborate on this point a lot if you want. I wish to fight and do my part in the physical realm as well, but I cannot fight the enemy when my own are against me.
And srsly it's enough with this i hate leftism better become xian or i hate xianity better become a leftist. We can refuse both it is not like there is no existance outside of the two options the jew provides. If someone comes and asks me what do you wanna drink hirse piss or poison? Do i have to choose? I have friends that are normal and moderate and reject all factuons and enemy fanatism... mostly men sadly.
EasternFireLion666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
And srsly it's enough with this i hate leftism better become xian or i hate xianity better become a leftist. We can refuse both it is not like there is no existance outside of the two options the jew provides. If someone comes and asks me what do you wanna drink hirse piss or poison? Do i have to choose? I have friends that are normal and moderate and reject all factuons and enemy fanatism... mostly men sadly.

I have asked myself many times the same questions and have felt the same rage. This is what has been leading to answers, because I treat this as a problem that we can solve.

Just keep in mind that most people out there, the NPC's, don't have a very developed soul and mind like people do here, so they can't figure it out. And still, we are at the level where people need direct help to get out of this.

That is their fault and NOT their fault, at the same time...They don't really "get" to choose. They just have had for the most part the illusion of choice, all within the same enemy game.
EasternFireLion666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
I'm with you in this whole war, but soldiers need also be responsible and not just blame the enemy and enemy programs. It's undeniable how long this worthless pathogen has been among us, but it is undeniable how the white race has survived this far.

I don't think there is anyone on this forum that thinks xianity is anything better than a brain cancer. However most women I know are in relationships with non religious guys that really provide for them and treat them decent. 9 out of 10 are still wasting time with traveling and seeing the world, getting 10 thousand degrees and other useless shit that you can do without. Whites like comfort? Truth is non whites can go without it and have at least a few kids without whining. Most other races hate race mixing. A female friend after so many years of me doing rituals and explaining in a civilized matter all that is happening and even agreeing with 95% of what I say married a nigga. While intellectuals like us try to figure out oh was she a leftist? Or maybe... maybe a xian? No my friend... just a nymphomaniac looking for a big one. We men are so gullible thinking it's about ideology, it's actually about a rat instinct. While we all like comfort and self indulgence in a time of racial extinction there is no time to find excuses for the mistakes the gentiles do. The jew sells poison? Don't buy it, it's that simple. Ok, I will say it again, it's that simple. You don't need to be an intellectual getting bogged out into endless debates when action matters most. I've done tons of RTR and other rituals to see people and especially women still "refugees welcome" all the way. The RTR makes the good guys wanna act in real life. You can't just fight only with spirituality like you can't fight only in the physical realm. It's like the army and air force, one is useless without the other. One thing I keep saying and I will stand by this principle is when the "winning" comes I will not shake hands with the ones that race mixed, promoted leftism, xianity, reported my videos, made fun of me or tried to take me down and so on... When the line of the WIN is drawn, and I hope everyone sees this, the ones that joined us before that are the real ones no matter how long it took to wake up and the ones that came after that are just opportunists trying to adapt to the new trend. The line I am talking about is the new trend, the new power, where social validation and comfort lies. Many will just join after in order to be on the winning side and have it easy. If another global challenge would come and overwhelm us they would gladly do it again and betray us. An example must be set in history (I will not detail) so traitors don't go thinking "meh why waste any energy... if those losers eventually win they will accept us". This will just repeat if left unattended. As we said here a gorillion times, WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! If my family here would just embrace anyone coming after our efforts start materializing our new world I couldn't just pretend it's ok...

Times are very hard, a minimum of effort and understanding should be done by every human. What the enemy does at this point is no longer stealth warfare, we have all the evidence in front of us. I am 100% sure that MOST "NPC"s are not retarded and in fact understand what is going on. They just wanna keep this narrative and be on the winning side. I could elaborate on this point a lot if you want. I wish to fight and do my part in the physical realm as well, but I cannot fight the enemy when my own are against me.
And srsly it's enough with this i hate leftism better become xian or i hate xianity better become a leftist. We can refuse both it is not like there is no existance outside of the two options the jew provides. If someone comes and asks me what do you wanna drink hirse piss or poison? Do i have to choose? I have friends that are normal and moderate and reject all factuons and enemy fanatism... mostly men sadly.

Remind people that Leftism is the same values as xtianity and same thought complex. Even some of the xtian conservatives admit this however they then go on to claim something about Jewsus not being present in it and muh morality and all that and it fails cause of the state of humanity etc. Yeah I heard these arguments cause I tried to make someone realize this once and failed who was a strong xtian but was talking about how communism is bad. It's the same mindset though I think this counts.
First of all a greeting to all the men and especially to all the women (since it is the subject of the topic) who are here, then I wanted to say that we should respect each other and above all take our responsibilities, and not to fall into the enemy's games, both for men who do everything literally to the letter of what the Bible says for women, and for women who do the same to men under the orders of feminism (of course some here know this much better than me, but I feel I have to say it). This article reinforced some principles I had previously learned (and not just me I guess).

This post is very useful for the masses because it would open their eyes in this aspect of life but it would not be easily acceptable for them to go with nature because all the time they go against it.

Well I would say this was quite funny: the ideal man of this religion is either a mindless brute, or a sick fucking incel, that is, the perfect "Saint". :lol:
jrvan said:
You're right. I just wanted to see it as a silver lining,

One of the people who introduced me to Satanism years back once told me "Silver Linings are bullshit. We(Satanists) get to have our cake and eat it too". This isn't particularly relevant here, which is why I'm telling you. These forums are a beautiful tool for the facilitation of knowledge, but we also need to remember the best way to use some tools is knowing when not to use them. For all parties involved, when reading and typing such lengthy discussions, we should think in the future if this is really the best use of our time.

If you can spend the time to be having such discussions leading nowhere, you can probably/possibly be using that time to meditate.

Now to say you shouldn't use the forums for discussions at all, but to start learning when the point is that a discussion needs to end or just let die. Satan and the Gods want us all to use our time wisely. Remember that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Only jews could create such insane things. And they did. People build things so that these are inherited by the next generation, and the next generation, continues. In India, people would understand this. People in the West also understood this as it was common knowledge until the late decades.

Yes people in India do indeed understand this. This also relates to the post you made about family values and the importance of family a short while ago. There is indeed still a concept of a family head, someone who has built things and foundations to be inherited by the young ones. Someone who guides the younger ones and sorta "passes the torch." This concept is still intact here.

I hope as the true knowledge spreads people start to understand and the jew/xian/islam plague ends. And it will.
SleepingWolf said:
jrvan said:
You're right. I just wanted to see it as a silver lining,

One of the people who introduced me to Satanism years back once told me "Silver Linings are bullshit. We(Satanists) get to have our cake and eat it too". This isn't particularly relevant here, which is why I'm telling you. These forums are a beautiful tool for the facilitation of knowledge, but we also need to remember the best way to use some tools is knowing when not to use them. For all parties involved, when reading and typing such lengthy discussions, we should think in the future if this is really the best use of our time.

If you can spend the time to be having such discussions leading nowhere, you can probably/possibly be using that time to meditate.

Now to say you shouldn't use the forums for discussions at all, but to start learning when the point is that a discussion needs to end or just let die. Satan and the Gods want us all to use our time wisely. Remember that.

That's very similar to what I was just talking with him about a moment ago. Something we are still trying to learn is when do you disengage from a conflict when someone is attacking you or insulting you? How do you defend yourself, without turning the other cheek but also not adding more fuel for the other person to use to ignite a bigger fire that you then end up feeling emotionally pulled to keep defending against? How do you continue a discussion that has the potential to be beneficial to talk about once someone goes on the attack - end it or redirect it back on track somehow and hope it doesn't escalate?

I guess it'll be a little different depending on the situation but neither jrvan or I have learned this growing up because of the social limits in our development since childhood. It's my hope that we are beginning to, and I think we are, it's just figuring out how to put it into practice when the only time we really can do that is during a conflict or tense discussions, and narrowed sight on the situation takes place - something that makes it more difficult to think clearer and continue as calmly as possible.
For a while I was really confused about what people meant when they said that Hitler wanted women to be mothers and not in politics and leadership or whatever it was, but there failed to be any further explanation as to what that really meant, and you're just left to only take it at the surface meaning which is not a good thing to leave to ones imagination with jews tricking the mass populace mind.

I remember watching a few months ago one of his speeches on the subject, and despite the stupid surface meanings I've heard some try to influence others to believe about Hitler, all you can see is a man who wanted his country back and his people to be strong healthy people again, not force them to be something they weren't.

You go through school and everyone tells you the same thing. "Hitler was a bad man! He did this and that blah blah blah" crap. How can a man who did everything he could to save his people be bad? It's nice to finally have a better understanding of his policies especially in the subject of women. If the male leaders of society today could think of the things like this that women need to feel safe and supported in their communities, I would feel very secure as a woman to have children and support other mothers. Mother's groups use to be a thing when I was a kid, I rarely hear of it now.

Women had enough support in a community even by other women with children. They'd get together with their babies and let them play together while the mothers looked over them and socialised without the stress of leaving their children unattended anywhere, and the fathers would work without worry if their wife is doing alright raising the child alone. Not only was the fears of raising children for the first time quelled, but experienced mothers could teach the new mothers in these groups, and their children would have friends to socialise with and have support in their youngest years of life. Even though most of these mothers still had to work because that's just what society has been for a while, they had these groups to support them and help them.

I miss that.

Thank you, High Priest HoodedCobra.

A side note, in that argument on the other threads, I wasn't pushing against patriarchy. It wasn't my intention to come across as such. Just the idea that women can't be independent or work or have what she needs on her side to defend/support herself if something goes wrong. The rest was defending myself and others against insults.

Something I tried stating at one point but it's probably lost in the stream of comments there, that neither sex should feel intimidated or fear the others empowerment. When it's healthy, it doesn't make the other sex any less of value or less important. Empowerment as far as I know is only a "bad thing" when used to hurt either sex purposefully.
tabby said:
SleepingWolf said:
jrvan said:
You're right. I just wanted to see it as a silver lining,

One of the people who introduced me to Satanism years back once told me "Silver Linings are bullshit. We(Satanists) get to have our cake and eat it too". This isn't particularly relevant here, which is why I'm telling you. These forums are a beautiful tool for the facilitation of knowledge, but we also need to remember the best way to use some tools is knowing when not to use them. For all parties involved, when reading and typing such lengthy discussions, we should think in the future if this is really the best use of our time.

If you can spend the time to be having such discussions leading nowhere, you can probably/possibly be using that time to meditate.

Now to say you shouldn't use the forums for discussions at all, but to start learning when the point is that a discussion needs to end or just let die. Satan and the Gods want us all to use our time wisely. Remember that.

That's very similar to what I was just talking with him about a moment ago. Something we are still trying to learn is when do you disengage from a conflict when someone is attacking you or insulting you? How do you defend yourself, without turning the other cheek but also not adding more fuel for the other person to use to ignite a bigger fire that you then end up feeling emotionally pulled to keep defending against? How do you continue a discussion that has the potential to be beneficial to talk about once someone goes on the attack - end it or redirect it back on track somehow and hope it doesn't escalate?

I guess it'll be a little different depending on the situation but neither jrvan or I have learned this growing up because of the social limits in our development since childhood. It's my hope that we are beginning to, and I think we are, it's just figuring out how to put it into practice when the only time we really can do that is during a conflict or tense discussions, and narrowed sight on the situation takes place - something that makes it more difficult to think clearer and continue as calmly as possible.

While this may sound more buddist than I would like, knowing how to detach yourself from the emotions of any debate, is not only the key strategy to calmly thinking about better ways to debate itself, but also to know when a debate is hopeless. If you can evaluate "What am I trying to accomplish with these words?" It's helpful in having clear discussion. This is much harder in actual conversation, but you have the benefit of being able to actually reread your post before you click that "submit" button here. Doing that (also helpful for catching errors) also is the easiest way I've found myself saying "Yeah this really isn't worth the time, I can be doing other things"

Admittedly this just makes me only engage here when I can see a clear reason/need for me to say something to someone in need of advice. Kind of like this very comment.
Can anyone explain about Sir Himmler's procreation order around 1939 ?
Particularly if the media advanced the propaganda of second marriage of the widows or if they didn't.
Apart from taking care of their descendants, were widows encouraged to marry again or to procreate again with someone else ?

I am not talking about reproducing through artificial insemination but if the widows were encouraged to be sexually active with another male or if they were encouraged to marry again with someone else. That's all I want to know.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This "quality" of life VERSUS having kids, is also garbage and a lie. The quality of life is not that much drastically improved if one lives alone as they promise, it's just a lie to make people stop procreating.

To be fair, in the 1950's in the US you could have a home, car and a happy family with a single income and there wasn't such thing as "no fault divorce" so most couples would just stay married. The jews then proceeded to destroy the economy, the legal system, schools and culture so now it's very hard to live on a single income and if you are married you'll have to slave away to your kike boss, you have to risk divorce after the "divorce revolution" with the no-fault divorce in the 70's since now a woman can divorce a man having no reason at all, just because she is bored (thanks, feminists) and take half of his property and so more money goes to the kike legal industry.

Then assume that you have a healthy marriage and family, well, you have to homeschool your children because schools teach anti-white propaganda and degeneracy in most Western countries (even worse, homeschooling is illegal in some countries so if you live there you have to expose your children to kike propaganda taught in schools). You have to isolate them from the kike popular culture so they won't turn degenerate. So you can see, jews have made it very hard to have a happy big family and raise children without enemy indoctrination.
slyscorpion said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
I'm with you in this whole war, but soldiers need also be responsible and not just blame the enemy and enemy programs. It's undeniable how long this worthless pathogen has been among us, but it is undeniable how the white race has survived this far.

I don't think there is anyone on this forum that thinks xianity is anything better than a brain cancer. However most women I know are in relationships with non religious guys that really provide for them and treat them decent. 9 out of 10 are still wasting time with traveling and seeing the world, getting 10 thousand degrees and other useless shit that you can do without. Whites like comfort? Truth is non whites can go without it and have at least a few kids without whining. Most other races hate race mixing. A female friend after so many years of me doing rituals and explaining in a civilized matter all that is happening and even agreeing with 95% of what I say married a nigga. While intellectuals like us try to figure out oh was she a leftist? Or maybe... maybe a xian? No my friend... just a nymphomaniac looking for a big one. We men are so gullible thinking it's about ideology, it's actually about a rat instinct. While we all like comfort and self indulgence in a time of racial extinction there is no time to find excuses for the mistakes the gentiles do. The jew sells poison? Don't buy it, it's that simple. Ok, I will say it again, it's that simple. You don't need to be an intellectual getting bogged out into endless debates when action matters most. I've done tons of RTR and other rituals to see people and especially women still "refugees welcome" all the way. The RTR makes the good guys wanna act in real life. You can't just fight only with spirituality like you can't fight only in the physical realm. It's like the army and air force, one is useless without the other. One thing I keep saying and I will stand by this principle is when the "winning" comes I will not shake hands with the ones that race mixed, promoted leftism, xianity, reported my videos, made fun of me or tried to take me down and so on... When the line of the WIN is drawn, and I hope everyone sees this, the ones that joined us before that are the real ones no matter how long it took to wake up and the ones that came after that are just opportunists trying to adapt to the new trend. The line I am talking about is the new trend, the new power, where social validation and comfort lies. Many will just join after in order to be on the winning side and have it easy. If another global challenge would come and overwhelm us they would gladly do it again and betray us. An example must be set in history (I will not detail) so traitors don't go thinking "meh why waste any energy... if those losers eventually win they will accept us". This will just repeat if left unattended. As we said here a gorillion times, WE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS! If my family here would just embrace anyone coming after our efforts start materializing our new world I couldn't just pretend it's ok...

Times are very hard, a minimum of effort and understanding should be done by every human. What the enemy does at this point is no longer stealth warfare, we have all the evidence in front of us. I am 100% sure that MOST "NPC"s are not retarded and in fact understand what is going on. They just wanna keep this narrative and be on the winning side. I could elaborate on this point a lot if you want. I wish to fight and do my part in the physical realm as well, but I cannot fight the enemy when my own are against me.
And srsly it's enough with this i hate leftism better become xian or i hate xianity better become a leftist. We can refuse both it is not like there is no existance outside of the two options the jew provides. If someone comes and asks me what do you wanna drink hirse piss or poison? Do i have to choose? I have friends that are normal and moderate and reject all factuons and enemy fanatism... mostly men sadly.

Remind people that Leftism is the same values as xtianity and same thought complex. Even some of the xtian conservatives admit this however they then go on to claim something about Jewsus not being present in it and muh morality and all that and it fails cause of the state of humanity etc. Yeah I heard these arguments cause I tried to make someone realize this once and failed who was a strong xtian but was talking about how communism is bad. It's the same mindset though I think this counts.

I do remind them and many more. They are just too emotionally tied to this poison. The power does not lie in the quality of the message but it's coverage. And people feel that. Numbers matter to cowards.
Great sermon (as usual) :)

Nearly every married couple I know wanted more children but stopped at 2 because they simply could not afford another. Most women I know wanted more babies, but most had to work and have their kids in daycare so they and their husband could afford a house. I've never seen this huge feminist reaction against having a family, I guess it depends on what circle you run in. The anti-family women stick together or something and don't mingle with the women who do want families? Seems like that, different lifestyles attract different social contacts.

There are also women who do want a family, but are ridiculed for it. And men are brought up to "run away from women who start talking about marriage", people often say what they think they are supposed to say to be accepted by their same-gender peers, instead of what they actually want. This also creates strife between the genders. So many lonely people out there, it is so sad. Men are also brainwashed into wanting "exotic" or "spicy" women, from Asia or South America for example, and not a "boring White woman who doesn't know how to shake her ass", and now more recently it's being pushed on White women to want non-white men.

And true what you (HP Cobra) wrote, most women are lost. This is a fact. We no longer have role models, too many people are brought up from a young age watching tv and american sitcoms (fully jewish shit), and people think that social media is "reality". They don't realize how alien it is so be so focused on social media and internet trends, instead of focusing on the real life, the here and now, what is right there in front of them. They should all turn off the tv and social media, and think about what they have. Missing something? Then instead of distracting yourself with that garbage, start a family and have meaning in your life!

Abrahamic "values" and "traditions" are toxic and alien to us. We need our Pagan Satanic family values back.

To those here who want a family, you can have it! Stay close to the Gods, meditate, do any necessary workings, and ask Satan what else you should do. Satan wants us Whites to procreate, so it will happen, but you might need to advance a bit more first, free your soul more, or work on other things in your material life to ensure that you can provide a good quality of life for your child :)
As far as I noticed around the older population christianity is posing as some sort of traditional pro-family value that must be conserved, while among the youngster, the most popular are the anti-family and anti-social movements MGTOW and Feminism, which are basically destroying the concept of family and giving birth to kids because both movements promote the concept of hate for the other gender and total independence from the responsabilities generated by having a family. I think these two are mainly responsible for dropping birthrates since these are strongly promoted in White countries.
Username said:
Can anyone explain about Sir Himmler's procreation order around 1939 ?
Particularly if the media advanced the propaganda of second marriage of the widows or if they didn't.
Apart from taking care of their descendants, were widows encouraged to marry again or to procreate again with someone else ?

According to xianity, a widow is to remain a widow until the end of time. However, due to misfortune, many normal women can remain widows. Christianity enforces that they stay widows for the rest of their life.

Jews governments generally treat the military like dross, except of plants of their own that they put in positions of power to use the military for Make Israel Great Again agenda.

The widows were just allowed them to re-marry if they wanted and they were encouraged to do, without this tarnishing their reputation, if their husband or fiancee died in the front.

These "orders" were not laws, but like internal memos to the SS, which was very few people as it were, and not the major populace.

As they knew many people of the SS would die in the frontlines, Himmler also reassured them that any man leaving a pregnant wife behind or a child, will be taken care of by the State and the family they left behind would be adequately supported.

This is what any manly and straight up Government should do to people that have spent all their existence in the military, are going to probably die in the frontlines, and they have to be in the frontline with the added worry that their family and wife may be left destitute behind.

Instead of extending this to only married couples, the SS knew that many people had affairs outside marriage [like engagement] or might have not been legally married, so they extended this also to other people. This happens today also in human relationships, and the jews trying to make this look like another Sci-Fi evil movie from the moon, is self revealing. Not everyone is leaving for the frontline married, and many are expecting kids.

Sort of like what they should be doing today to the US Veterans that go and kill themselves for wars of Israel, but the difference, their families won't be alone and destitute. This also included them upon their return, and they would be supported for life.
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This "quality" of life VERSUS having kids, is also garbage and a lie. The quality of life is not that much drastically improved if one lives alone as they promise, it's just a lie to make people stop procreating.

To be fair, in the 1950's in the US you could have a home, car and a happy family with a single income and there wasn't such thing as "no fault divorce" so most couples would just stay married. The jews then proceeded to destroy the economy, the legal system, schools and culture so now it's very hard to live on a single income and if you are married you'll have to slave away to your kike boss, you have to risk divorce after the "divorce revolution" with the no-fault divorce in the 70's since now a woman can divorce a man having no reason at all, just because she is bored (thanks, feminists) and take half of his property and so more money goes to the kike legal industry.

Nowadays like 70% of the population in the West is like paycheck to paycheck, but the jew tells them that if they don't even have kids at all, this is going to be much better. Generally this money is not even enough for living at least normally. Unfortunately this has become a self fulfilling prophecy.

You could indeed easily have a dream life in the US in the 1950's. This was also the case for the decades 30's, 40's and 50's. Even being a little attained would reassure plenitude of comfort.

Then assume that you have a healthy marriage and family, well, you have to homeschool your children because schools teach anti-white propaganda and degeneracy in most Western countries (even worse, homeschooling is illegal in some countries so if you live there you have to expose your children to kike propaganda taught in schools). You have to isolate them from the kike popular culture so they won't turn degenerate. So you can see, jews have made it very hard to have a happy big family and raise children without enemy indoctrination.

Just schooling childcare early and teaching them to resist this poison, can work wonders. Children should learn to build defenses to these things, and at least IMO, not being kept away from the real world. Which we have to deal with everyday...

If we could deprogram ourselves completely alone in a sea filled with jewish garbage, they definitely can go out of this too. However yes, the dangers are considerable. It's also getting more dangerous by the day.
tabby said:
SleepingWolf said:
jrvan said:
You're right. I just wanted to see it as a silver lining,

One of the people who introduced me to Satanism years back once told me "Silver Linings are bullshit. We(Satanists) get to have our cake and eat it too". This isn't particularly relevant here, which is why I'm telling you. These forums are a beautiful tool for the facilitation of knowledge, but we also need to remember the best way to use some tools is knowing when not to use them. For all parties involved, when reading and typing such lengthy discussions, we should think in the future if this is really the best use of our time.

If you can spend the time to be having such discussions leading nowhere, you can probably/possibly be using that time to meditate.

Now to say you shouldn't use the forums for discussions at all, but to start learning when the point is that a discussion needs to end or just let die. Satan and the Gods want us all to use our time wisely. Remember that.

That's very similar to what I was just talking with him about a moment ago. Something we are still trying to learn is when do you disengage from a conflict when someone is attacking you or insulting you? How do you defend yourself, without turning the other cheek but also not adding more fuel for the other person to use to ignite a bigger fire that you then end up feeling emotionally pulled to keep defending against? How do you continue a discussion that has the potential to be beneficial to talk about once someone goes on the attack - end it or redirect it back on track somehow and hope it doesn't escalate?

I guess it'll be a little different depending on the situation but neither jrvan or I have learned this growing up because of the social limits in our development since childhood. It's my hope that we are beginning to, and I think we are, it's just figuring out how to put it into practice when the only time we really can do that is during a conflict or tense discussions, and narrowed sight on the situation takes place - something that makes it more difficult to think clearer and continue as calmly as possible.

Personally Ive grown up with a lot of conflict and fighting with my brother. We didnt ever get along.
My mom would pull us apart before we could hit each other because that is what itd end to.. This is what happens when you don't budge on either side.
We were young, it wasnt even about being right, but more like 'give me back my stuff' and 'dont be such an annoying brat' kind of things.

I didnt learn to solve conflicts, but my mom often told us to not continue the fight or say or do something thatd trigger the other into fighting.
We were little kids. Do you think that helped any in the slightliest? Of course not.

When online seeing conflict, things are different. People are more mature but some also don't give a f.
I've seen people post info and engage into an argument, posting data and info at the start, being a typical smart-ass. And the one of them would start to be like 'you spelled this wrong' etc etc. Just making it really annoying for the other so they'd stop.

People think they win if they say the last thing, because it makes them feel heard and powerful and a sense of right (this is why I started using my fist).
But people are not intellectuals, but immoral degenerate scum.
This standard should change and some people also say 'to walk away strongly'.

Perhaps it is best to make at least absolutely clear what you want to say to begin with and simply do not add any other words even if the person still replies with the same stupid thing.
It doesn't show respect either. They just want to get their 'right' even if they're wrong.

I hope you'll learn how to handle such situations better in the future.
To be fair, they tick me off a lot too, to the point I spend an entire day being angry and wanting to kick and punch said person.

I do not feel the need to engage into fights or to step in and separate people as I did in the past, but right now I do have a feeling that says we need to change something in the forums, remember that we are a community. And start acting like one.
And actually show that we are a spiritual place, not one where all we talk about is wordly matters. Despite that we do have the need to discuss those too.
I do think that it is a good thing that people post their issues and get help with them. And I also agree that HP HC says that we need to raise the level. There are not many names here that I recognize from when I first joined the forums a couple years ago, but like myself some have probably taken a new name for themselves also.

Anyway, I hope this reply is useful in some way. Im off to sleep now, goodnight and

Hail Satan!
I would say in this regard kids nowdays are luckier than the previous generation. The degeneracy has been there in education and media for a long time, but the difference is that back then that was the only thing people had access to, nowdays with the Internet, some of the youngest of Gen-Z knows what the jewish agenda is, whereas their parents few years back didn't even believe communism is a thing, let alone the people who educated them to only care about some imaginary rapture and would let marxist teachers do anything with their brains, and yet here we are, let alone our kids and the kids of people in general who became aware of the enemy and have the sources to overcome this, since this danger isn't something that came to exist yesterday.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
Then assume that you have a healthy marriage and family, well, you have to homeschool your children because schools teach anti-white propaganda and degeneracy in most Western countries (even worse, homeschooling is illegal in some countries so if you live there you have to expose your children to kike propaganda taught in schools). You have to isolate them from the kike popular culture so they won't turn degenerate. So you can see, jews have made it very hard to have a happy big family and raise children without enemy indoctrination.

Just schooling childcare early and teaching them to resist this poison, can work wonders. Children should learn to build defenses to these things, and at least IMO, not being kept away from the real world. Which we have to deal with everyday...

If we could deprogram ourselves completely alone in a sea filled with jewish garbage, they definitely can go out of this too. However yes, the dangers are considerable. It's also getting more dangerous by the day.
After the Constantinian-Flavian gulag halved the population of Rome and made birth rates plummet for 700 years, the European birth rate didn't exceed the death rate until the 1770s. Nearly all our growth comes from beyond that point, aka the 'degenerate Enlightenment' according to trads. The xian 'experiment' with traditionalism didn't do very well: it just instituted the sex dynamics of the shtetl, where the child is taught to love the parent (not the other way round), the wife is a donkey for hard labor, and the man is a 'happy serf'. This ideology, of course, led to the plague.

Neoplatonist philosophers (before being burned to death by lunatics like Arcadius) instructed people to love their children. Tacitus, Aulus Gellius and other writers conveyed the importance of breastfeeding one's own child, which wouldn't be taken up again until Rousseau. I note that the Moon symbolizes the mother, race and the breast.

In the xian shtetl to love one's own child more than some 38 year old goatfucker from god knows where was seen as demonic. jeboo wipes the virgin bitch's tears, not the other way round. Monasteries cajoled parents into giving up their children 'to god' and kidnapped little boys in their hundreds of thousands to be oblates since those shitholes were lying abandoned, and all kinds of abuse was heaped onto children. The church of course blamed the children for being 'tempting sodomites'.

Japan conquered its death rate and made birthrates explode way earlier. As did the 13 Colonies [they wanted to escape from that shit].

NS corrected all of this insanity in mainland Europe totally. It instituted the role of man as provider, soldier and actor and woman as being the fulfillment of the child, the community and home. They rectified Germany's birthrate from 1.33 - 1933 to 2.50 - 1940. In Continental Europe this is unprecedented. The elevation of conditions and level of support, collective help and education for mothers was also totally novel and unseen. In the Soviet Union on the other hand the birthrate among Russians collapsed forever.

We don't have a lot like this. We only have things such as 'you may have a state house if you are a single mother who has ten children with a drug dealer or a goatfucker, or are an islamic State bride involved in sex trafficking like Samia Fussein'. We have places like Scandinavia that even culturally refuse to let married couples rent together (unless refugees of course).

Satanists have many tools at their disposal. In addition to what Lydia said, if you learn divination you can speed up the process of finding a suitable partner or having enough resources or money, you can have a family. You can make choices so that you never even have to worry about pigs coming into your intimate life as much as possible.

In islam, women are openly considered second-class humans and the property of men. Literally, daughters are kept and packaged under specific conditions, such as isolation, virginity and if possible even infibulation. And then they are given against their will to men with whom the deal is struck.

Islam is so horrible that it looks worse than xianism but in fact they are very similar. Islam is autism and xianism is down syndrome, that is the difference.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
According to xianity, a widow is to remain a widow until the end of time. However, due to misfortune, many normal women can remain widows. Christianity enforces that they stay widows for the rest of their life.

Jews governments generally treat the military like dross, except of plants of their own that they put in positions of power to use the military for Make Israel Great Again agenda.

The widows were just allowed them to re-marry if they wanted and they were encouraged to do, without this tarnishing their reputation, if their husband or fiancee died in the front.

These "orders" were not laws, but like internal memos to the SS, which was very few people as it were, and not the major populace.

As they knew many people of the SS would die in the frontlines, Himmler also reassured them that any man leaving a pregnant wife behind or a child, will be taken care of by the State and the family they left behind would be adequately supported.

This is what any manly and straight up Government should do to people that have spent all their existence in the military, are going to probably die in the frontlines, and they have to be in the frontline with the added worry that their family and wife may be left destitute behind.

Instead of extending this to only married couples, the SS knew that many people had affairs outside marriage [like engagement] or might have not been legally married, so they extended this also to other people. This happens today also in human relationships, and the jews trying to make this look like another Sci-Fi evil movie from the moon, is self revealing. Not everyone is leaving for the frontline married, and many are expecting kids.

Sort of like what they should be doing today to the US Veterans that go and kill themselves for wars of Israel, but the difference, their families won't be alone and destitute. This also included them upon their return, and they would be supported for life.

Thank you for your reply.

The SS were a group a very disciplined and brave soldiers, the likes of which might not be seen in the near future. Just seeing a SS soldier or any Germany soldier of the past gives a feeling of a tall and reliable pillar. The Government led by the Great Commander Hitler to me feels like a Government that I can always trust to be morally upright and most of all sensible.

Like in my country, schools are charging the same fees for online classes with some only reducing the fees by an insignificant amount. Had this happened in the Germany of the past and had someone put a complaint to the Government, no doubt that they would swiftly take action and correct what needs to be corrected.
It feels like a Government that won't cheat on you or play trickery with your taxes. A Government which would promote growth and actually care for its people. Only in nations like these would you want to contribute with your heart and pay taxes on time or contribute more than asked knowing that what you sowed will be reaped.

I wish Commander Hitler was here on Earth and I wish that I could follow him. However, its enough to know that he is alive and doing well. His speeches itself were full of energy, vigor and full of honesty. He did not speak to a sheet of paper on the podium before the mic but he spoke directly to heart of the people speaking all that he had to convey. No one delivers speech his way anymore, even the president of the United States.

Blessed be Great Commander Hitler.
tabby said:
For a while I was really confused about what people meant when they said that Hitler wanted women to be mothers and not in politics and leadership or whatever it was, but there failed to be any further explanation as to what that really meant, and you're just left to only take it at the surface meaning which is not a good thing to leave to ones imagination with jews tricking the mass populace mind.

I remember watching a few months ago one of his speeches on the subject, and despite the stupid surface meanings I've heard some try to influence others to believe about Hitler, all you can see is a man who wanted his country back and his people to be strong healthy people again, not force them to be something they weren't.

You go through school and everyone tells you the same thing. "Hitler was a bad man! He did this and that blah blah blah" crap. How can a man who did everything he could to save his people be bad? It's nice to finally have a better understanding of his policies especially in the subject of women. If the male leaders of society today could think of the things like this that women need to feel safe and supported in their communities, I would feel very secure as a woman to have children and support other mothers. Mother's groups use to be a thing when I was a kid, I rarely hear of it now.

Women had enough support in a community even by other women with children. They'd get together with their babies and let them play together while the mothers looked over them and socialised without the stress of leaving their children unattended anywhere, and the fathers would work without worry if their wife is doing alright raising the child alone. Not only was the fears of raising children for the first time quelled, but experienced mothers could teach the new mothers in these groups, and their children would have friends to socialise with and have support in their youngest years of life. Even though most of these mothers still had to work because that's just what society has been for a while, they had these groups to support them and help them.

I miss that.

Thank you, High Priest HoodedCobra.

A side note, in that argument on the other threads, I wasn't pushing against patriarchy. It wasn't my intention to come across as such. Just the idea that women can't be independent or work or have what she needs on her side to defend/support herself if something goes wrong. The rest was defending myself and others against insults.

Something I tried stating at one point but it's probably lost in the stream of comments there, that neither sex should feel intimidated or fear the others empowerment. When it's healthy, it doesn't make the other sex any less of value or less important. Empowerment as far as I know is only a "bad thing" when used to hurt either sex purposefully.

Damn. Tabby's post is the only one I could understand because my eyes weren't jumping all over the place with the long posts. Lol.

I try to keep up. But I wanted to say. Now I have a broader understanding of the enemy agenda in general in an attempt to destroy family. It's like a double edge sword. That puts a lot into perceptive.

Thank you.
Beautiful sermon.
Since the beginning, Jews hated women and constantly put them in a bad view, the Bible itself Is full of hate for the fair sex. First, they creates this hate. Second, they creates fake groups full of hate made by their own agenda and propagandas, then complain the "right", nazis and so on while all those idiots were just a Jew WEAPON and not true nazis, third, and then again, they creates a fake remedy to make ignorants love them and hate all the others.
Jews become more repugnant every day!
We must work like never before in history to make these selfish pigs feel terror and ashamed for all the harm they have done to us. Women included.
HP HoodedCobra666 🔥 Thank you for sharing this! ❤ Hail Satan!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
