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Introduction to Chinese Alchemy

Sep 23, 2017
Even though it is known that there are two separate but connected branches of Chinese alchemy (outer and inner), it is clear that the outer branch, which focused on external elixirs to prolong and even grant eternal life was misguided and tragic as a result of people taking the concepts literally. Just as with Vedic fire rituals, the external worship of fire reflects the internal worship of fire. The practical gem of Taoism is the tradition of internal alchemy.

The core of this tradition is centred around dissolving/purifying the gross elements of the soul back into the 'Emptiness' which is Tao, resulting in the formation of the 'Diamond Body' (essentially godhead). This is also where the corrupted concept of 'oneness' is derived from as the major goal of Chinese alchemy is to merge the microcosm (human body) with the macrocosm (universe) as both are essentially run on the same primordial energy.

This process and wisdom is known as the reverse perfection where the individual refines and circulates the three treasures (三寶) of the soul to form the 'golden elixir' which is in turn circulated throughout the being. Those who complete the reverse perfection become known as the All-wise. The treasures (which are actually energies) comprise of Jing, Qi and Shen. Jing (精) is the generative (sexual) force of an individual. Qi (氣) is the natural energy of an individual. Shen (神) is the spiritual energy of an individual. I know this can be a bit confusing but it is important to note that (as with the explanation by Kai Purr regarding the energies that make up the philosopher's stone), all these energies are technically the same thing just different expressions. As a side note, many Taoists mention that the Jing part of the process is the most important because we supposedly have a limited amount of Jing which we shouldn't waste through spillage of generative force but I think that is a load of enemy bullshit. Sexual release should not be denied. THERE ARE NO LIMITATIONS IN SATANISM.

These energies are generated and stored in what is known as a Dantian (丹田) which are energy centres located below the navel, at the solar plexus and in the centre of the head. Although the middle Dantian is usually said to be located at the heart area, this may be enemy corruption as the old masters place it at the solar plexus which makes more sense (Lower Dantian: male/sacral, Higher Dantian: female/pineal and Middle Dantian: grail/solar). However it is important to note that although these dantians are located in the same place as the 2nd, 3rd and 6th chakras, it does not mean they are one and the same. It is more likely they are extensions of the chakras.

The individual gathers the sexual energy (Jing) and instead of using it to procreate or spill through ejaculation, circulates this through the Microcosmic Orbit of light before storing it in the lower dantian which acts as a stove to purify the energy through inner transformative heat (through regulated breathing, physical postures, sex etc). When the Jing is sufficiently purified, the orbit will circulate the purified Jing and place in the middle Dantian which further 'cooks' it into Qi/Vitality. The process is repeated at the brain centre which is known as the 'Precious Cauldron' and eventually the entire soul will be filled with purified Jing/Qi/Shen energies which is the golden elixir that will eventually return the individual to the Tao or perfected original form. However it is important to note that this is a description on an extremely general level. It is a complex path just like any to the godhead, whether it be through serpent yoga, power meditations or otherwise.

High Priest Lucius Oria
LaconicLion said:
So I skimmed over a bit of Mantak Chia. Is the parts about semen retention bullshit then? Doesn't matter if the physical fluid gets spilled if you use the orgasmic energy?

If you ejaculate its fine and healthy for you. If you ejaculate way too much then its not good for you. If you never ejaculate then its also not good. Some retention is good but release is also necessary. Its about balance.

Sexual Kungfu allows the practitioner to separate ejaculation from orgasm so they are able to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating. This is the way of Maithuna.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
