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In Regards To Traitors/Infiltrators and Other Types Of People

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As with always it will be "I" who will be taking the snake out of the "hole" and generally is going to be the janitor when it comes to other people's broken sewage pipes. After all, it has been my job for many years to get into these dampening topics that nobody likes, but obligation has arose to do exactly this for once more.

For those who have been here over a few years, they have understood and observed how certain traitors and/or infiltrators always operate. Serious infiltrators, and serious traitors, are never "lazy", they are also never "minding their own business" and for reasons that deal with their aims, always seek to attain some sort of fame, primarily by following the "tune" that everyone else does.

This is necessary for infiltration. Another thing that is necessary, is for these people to go in the public and in general try to get public acclaim, to the extent that nobody will readily believe that someone in said "position" is such a rotten carcass, or that they have a specific agenda.

Due to the difficulty of this situation, the only parties that come to know or notice someone remain one's superiors, and of course, the Gods, which any of the above people never really take in consideration [until they are dying or something similar] which is a natural drawback to their betrayal and so forth.

The superiors can know everything, have proof, and everything else, but as it happened before to many empires, removal of said parasites can be problematic, or it can come at a serious cost. Doing so, the people in question believe, will do more harm than good, and therefore, these people remain lingering around. One day however the day comes for this removal.

Our of the Clergy there are also some other expectations, namely, for the Clergy to respect other Clergy, to not instigate issues [between actual students of the Gods this has never happened before, because we all know the same things for example] and to have a decent behavior towards both superiors and those who are beneath in the hierarchy. As about putting Satan first that is something that goes beyond stating.

There is also a judging standard of decency of character that extends past a person's mere "usefulness", and is related to one's personal behavior. This doesn't always have to do with actual "infiltration", but it can be personality flaws involved. People have left before because of said personality flaws, and most of the time, the Gods themselves just grease their own slide so they slide out faster.

Another situation that exists is that also, legitimate Clergy, knows who is who, and we have each other's information, including addresses and numerous other things, pictures and so forth. On one of the examples who will be heading out, for over 10 years, they kept their so called "Identity" forcibly secret, said lies, and in general, tried to hide for as much as possible, while at the same time attempting to gather information for everyone else. This is one of the main reasons, everyone lied to protect themselves to this individual ad nauseum, and because this simply could not go on forever, they are now gone. Their time around here has been up and they know it too.

To name a few examples, we knew about them for years, but all we had to do is remain silent and make sure that corrosive damage was kept at a minimum, because it was necessary to be kept that way.

In the case of infiltration, which also never bothers with revealing it's point, and always stays at a 9 out of 10 truths ratio, while doing slow and momentary injections of their ulterior and real motive. They can write you a book about Satanism that is a hundred pages, and talk about how "Jesus Christos was good", "The Vatican was once of Satan [WTF]", "Christos was actually Lucifer" [WTF], "Socialism is great [WTF]", in only one of the hundred pages of an otherwise decent text.

However, all they want to inject in people's head is this: to open a little gate of acceptance to Jewsus, open a little hole for socialism there, and another here, and from there on, the enemy knows how to manipulate such openings to cause progressive damage down the line to where everyone asks: how did this insanity happen? How are we suddenly queer communists or something? Things like this arose only from a minimal injection here, and another there. From there on, further corrosive work will come to stick together with this, and they will over time attain their purpose of confusion and disability.

These in the eyes of normal people in the forum, may appear as mistakes, and certainly so, many opportunities were given repeatedly. To the less psychic people and those less tied into Satan, and those who have less clarified understanding of things, they may dismiss these as mistakes, which they might as well be in many cases. Something done wrong is a mistake until the second or the third time, there is no mistake past this point when it comes to adults. When someone of our own does something bad [everyone can make mistakes] we take long and many chances of warnings, conversations, and give ample and repeated opportunities so that the said party can correct any mistake. This can be exhaustive and we can wait even for years. Until we reason out this is no longer to be the case.

To name an example here, of an ex-Clergy, we knew that they had some really bad and personally damning habit. We, again and again, instructed them to stop this before it was too late. Eventually, we had to let them slide out, and so they did. It took years until I addressed these situations in some topics done before, so that everyone would finally know what happened.

It takes unwillingness and egotism to follow down any of this path compared to correcting one's mistakes and following Satan instead, and staying of service, even if this involves corrections. And when the line of serving one's self vs serving Satan, tilts to the person for too long, then, it is time for someone to get going.

When there is unwillingness to this fact, let alone obtrusive behavior and repeated offenses, there is a series of penalties that the Gods and we impose, for example, loss of a position of responsibility, and progressively, this can get to the lowest point which is to be entirely kicked out of the Clergy and JoS. These penalties also expand further for any individual, depending on their standing in general. There are also benefits that are given in the case of proper behavior. Penalties emerge when literally there is no other better solution to the issue of their badly conditioned mind.

Infiltrators however also find grounds often in situations where there are people who want them. To point to an example, all these years here, I have observed there is a specific type of people, that will *always* cling to infiltrators, almost worshiping them in some way. When a said infiltrator is dragged out, they immediately find the next infiltrator, and become friends with this infiltrator instead. They of course bring other naive people into that also, to cause a generalized chaos.

Certain people just love reading confusing posts that they do not even understand at all, considering these wisdom. Certain nutcases have also been worshiped in the forum, times which we stood back and evaluated the situation, and we saw that indeed, many people are not taking Satanism seriously at all, and therefore, charlatan will flock with charlatan.

Then, after all of this is said and done and people get mentally damaged, Satan will be blamed as usual or people will ask "Where were the Gods to protect us from this"?

This is where someone has to pick up the mop and start cleaning the dirties of other individuals, a case during which I'll be getting the e-mails to go clean their broken pipes and save however many people that I can [and other SS have by now 'specialized' in saving these cases, and we can thank them for this], and after this happens, a few months got to pass, and another infiltrator and fake ass person comes around, and reclaims these people that caused all this and they cling again back to the next one.

Needless to say this is the same psychopathology of some people that always have relationships with rapists, killers and drug abusers, and there is not much we can do - the difference in their case is that they always cling on individuals that ensure they will never advance in anyway, spiritually or otherwise. This also spreads like a plague because people are inherently programmed to not advance spiritually, and to place themselves above improving [improving requires to put one's self on the side, sometimes].

These are not only serious cases of disloyalty and stupidity, but dangerous cases. People like this should love and care for themselves AND others a little more and understand that doing repetitive damage to themselves and other Satanists, or deluding them, will not always be looked upon with mercy and/or ignorance by the Gods, since this steals off of them valuable people that have a future better than following deranged infiltrators in some shady chat room. And when they get angry over this, nothing will be able to save the jews and cohorts involved in this process.

Another unfortunate event is that oftentimes, infiltrators and other people of the enemy, may actually [only to gain trust] do more work than the so called "real Satanists" which are oftentimes doing literally nothing for Satan, or the JoS. To name an example, out of one recent project that involved 5 people, 4 went lazy as usual, while the only one who was an infiltrator, did all the work for the rest of the 4, and they were basically a jew.

After the time of this was over with, they were of course discovered, as even if "we" happened to have skipped anything, the Gods definitely can see it, and they act on the perfect time. Jews have a similar organization when it comes to infiltrating Gentiles, and their side also ensures that infiltration becomes really difficult, when it comes to "Goyim" that want to cause harm to them. Then, psychic abilities [many of which are possessed and understood in full by Satan's Loyal disciples], ensure the rest.

In regards to people who have a "High Priest" title, not everyone got the title under the same reason. Especially in the past, the necessity for people to be priests [despite of their failures, incompetence, or bad character] was necessitated so that the ministry would go forward. Therefore, botched individuals who really did not give all that much or cared about anything, were given said titles. Even if unfitting in the totality of the task, they were at least fitting in some way. They were not very good, but just baseline enough.

Mediocre and nonsensical information was to some extent tolerated [insofar it was not harmful to anyone] and generally, those who have been here for over a decade, understand the uprising of quality of Satanism from back there compared to now. All this came from hard work and weeding out dross every so often, no different than an alchemical process where the filth is removed from the gold.

Recently, some changes in the team up of the Joy of Satan have happened. It is intolerable for Satan to have any "Priest", or any other "Priest", that shows up once every 3 months, only to write inflammatory replies, such as "whomever does not accept homosexuality is Satan's enemy", and adding some insane statements about the "White Race" into everything to cause problems to all members, and to bridge one's feelings of self guilt and incompetence for not doing anything positive for Satan at all.

I would go into further details, as it would have been morally and individually fitting, but not to Satan's benefit in anyway [I have been slandered for years by some of my "co-workers", they have all the time to slander me for a long time but no time to actually work to attain anything for Satan or spiritually, or for the community], but I will give them mercy [their conditions are very sorry to begin with, if people even knew, they would roll in floors laughing about how "strong" some of these people are] and leave it here.

Indeed some people think they are very great, beyond anyone else, and that they "know best", even in comparisson to the Gods, or other souls who are vastly more advanced but are merely keeping silent. Their creative capacity goes as far as to elevate a place to 200 views per month, while those of others who say nothing, our creative capacity goes to take this 200 views per month [which were the hard labors of HPS Maxine for the most part] and raise it to 10 million clicks per month. Basically as far as they are concerned, they are the type which makes the 200 views into 180 [because people leave] and in the 10 million expansion, they still think they can lecture their superior and/or generals.

As one can stay to their own level, stuck forever, and be undesiring to take matters more seriously, so we are as such no longer obligated to follow this inferior madness, and we are obligated to impose a new next level in development for the benefit of everyone else - except these failed individuals.

Other elongated posts only debating the future of one's rear hole, and it's functions, are simply not on the required level of communication or something to care about anymore. Satan and the Gods have had their share of drug addicts, lunatics, jews, perverts, jews and other lazy individuals [in accordance to curses thrown to Satan, and his "followers"], but this situation has come to an end. These things do not belong to any semblance of a high post anymore, let alone to be looked upon as a representation of Satan in anyway. Satan has been done enough wrong being used by the enemy as the source of all evil, all disgust, and all perversion in the planet as is.

It also can no longer be the case that HP individuals who are from Canada, the United States, and other English speaking countries, write posts for decades that contain the most severe of grammatical errors [we wuz Satanic retards n shiet, or we are infiltrators who want to give this idea to VIP readers, hehe], while when repeatedly called for this, they simply ignored and shrugged for tens of times, until the day we threatened them with removal from the Ministry for said reason, in which the next day, unironically, they wrote perfect academic English.

These are only the tips of the iceberg, and more may be related in the future, as much of it will be rather shocking.

Another example, for all the "Information" shared about a topic, how much is actually real and applicable knowledge? For those who get amazed of big claims that account to nothing, those of us who understand true spiritual knowledge vs mere "information", we understand what is useful and what is not. To say an example, all that HPS Maxine has writen, is pure knowledge - none of this is mere "information" and none of this is in anyway confused or debatable information. Truth shines, lies demand they fake some form of shinning.

This is not the quality desired by the JoS, and to add an infinite number of other reasons [many of which private, in fact, the majority], we have decided that individuals like this no longer will constitute "Clergy" for the JoS. It does not matter what one did 10 years ago, titles are not medals for "service once upon a time", which, compared to effective clergy is 1 to 10000 in quantity anyway. Joy of Satan clergy is public office, and the moment one can no longer serve such an office, they are to step down, and not simply be placeholders that show up once every 5 or 6 months, to enjoy benefits, protection and authority, that they do nothing to give back.

One cannot simply exist in a place to come once every 6 months, use old and predated titles that one no longer supports and lives by, and use these as leverage to go in breakouts about their private insecurities [or the insecurities in regards to their own privates].

The level of this behavior is too low and undeserving to Satan and the Gods. None of this coincides with the community advancing, doing the Magnum Opus, making members smarter or wealthier, and none of it is of any importance to the Gods or Satan Himself.

Behaving in such a lazy and incompetent manner, is also a dead giveaway of spiritual incompetence, lack of self control, and numerous other qualities which the Clergy should not have in it's midst.

The standard for at least a verified level of spiritual capacity will now be universal, and nobody will become Clergy for "good intentions", "capacity to write", or mere "willingness", but only through verified capacity to communicate with the Gods. It is not a coincidence that all those who have been in real communication with the Gods, have not only done the Magnum Opus, raised the Serpent, and have always been good and useful, but this is exactly how the situation should be in the future.

The people who will be removed have never fully successfully proven their communication with the Gods, nor to HPS Maxine or to me or anyone else, a prerequisite for serious and longstanding clergy - we verify this and we have methods to verify that.

In the future, there will be advanced knowledge shared, a very big expansion of the JoS, and simply, we are no longer to where infiltrators, whimps, fruitless egoists, and other vanities are required. Satan has built us up to this level and we owe Satan to adapt and push forward to the next level.

Let those who are capable rise into the next step, and those who are not, fall behind and sit with themselves in petty tears and agony. For those who do not understand of this reality or think that "sentimentality" involves being taken for idiots, and downgrading Satanism to fit him in the hands of weak individuals below the line.

Satan must and will be treated with the highest standards and respect, now and for always. The time where Satanism was the house of the degenerates is now gone, let those who are to rise, rise and partake in Satan's Glory, and those who want to quit, we give our condolences to them but there is nothing more than can be done.

Satanism was always the religion of the strong, the respectable, the higher people, and the powerful. Satan deserves better, and will have better, and so does the JoS as a reflection of Satan's Ineffable Will.

I link this situation to an attack I had 2 days ago, which I'll post some protection information I got from the experience. It involves rabbis trying to attack and subvert with hypnotizing tehniques based fascination or wonder in sleep. This was something very new and seemingly advanced opposed to the simple tehnique they used.

I'm very upset about this, especially in the light that you and others couldn't verify the communication with the Gods of him, I can only suspect the information on the 3rd eye breathing was "stolen" from the pool of the members. In that post, he typed a technique of breathing that was communicated to me in the last weeks before the posting. Please verify that information as I can confirm it as valid......

Last months being interested in the clergy and how it works, I decided to contact the Gods, and the information and intuition I received was that the person must communicate spiritually with the other Hps, and also in the light of that I decided to give absolute trust on the current clergy if that is being the mandatory requirement as advancement

His attitude on the open was totally not of his behavior in the back scenes..this shows an agenda, not mistakes.
NakedPluto said:
I link this situation to an attack I had 2 days ago, which I'll post some protection information I got from the experience. It involves rabbis trying to attack and subvert with hypnotizing tehniques based fascination or wonder in sleep. This was something very new and seemingly advanced opposed to the simple tehnique they used.

I'm very upset about this, especially in the light that you and others couldn't verify the communication with the Gods of him, I can only suspect the information on the 3rd eye breathing was "stolen" from the pool of the members. In that post, he typed a technique of breathing that was communicated to me in the last weeks before the posting. Please verify that information as I can confirm it as valid......

Last months being interested in the clergy and how it works, I decided to contact the Gods, and the information and intuition I received was that the person must communicate spiritually with the other Hps, and also in the light of that I decided to give absolute trust on the current clergy if that is being the mandatory requirement as advancement

His attitude on the open was totally not of his behavior in the back scenes..this shows an agenda, not mistakes.

Look when it comes to the public, all these people kiss ass and they are the "good boys" in the public. This was the case with every infiltrator, even the other thing that was recently uprooted, Zola.

It was all fun and giggles, and of course treating Satan as her servant beneath the lines, while Sorath was her BFFE. As if the Personal Advisor of Hitler himself would conern himself with some random whatever person. Anyway.

But we knew of all of it and had all the info necessary, so when the person was ousted of being a Jew, some people [deceived ones] were pulling their hair not understanding "what" happened. Others were like, alright, it was about time.

There is also one red line in the Clergy, turn against your superiors and, and one's chances are limited. The results of this happening were the results of like 5 years of calling these said individuals to get sane, start working properly, and do what we are here to do, ie, be Clergy.

It cannot be an individual who has the "Clergy Title" has time in their day to type 20 paragraphs about some bullshit drama [on a daily basis without fail], yet claim they are "Too busy" to even go to the Forums to help other individuals. Or come once around every 3 months to just say that whomever does not love homosexuals is Satan's enemy or some other psychopathic statement that me or HPS Maxine have to clear from the floor like vomit.

HPS Maxine is on a level of advancement currently where she has no time to deal with such inferior and petty behavior, and my own patience has run dry. Therefore, demoting [in the case of underperformance] and removing [in the case of infiltrators] these individuals is the only reasonable situation to follow. These actions are just detestable to Satan, and they are of no need to anyone else.

For example, HP Micama, only left us because of difficulties. He was a verified spiritually [We all communicated with the Gods and this was beyond any doubt], he was quite an advanced person and could do numerous things, and he was also morally impeccable in that every other priest was a brother and sister to them. He never caused an argument, and eventhough he was better than most people, never had any indecent behavior. He became a Priest because of all the above and because he was a verified spiritual person. Others became HPS because they were simply "enough".

I also learned one of these "Clergies" that is now being removed, went as far as to claim enemy claims in regards to the Final RTR and so forth. They did this to get back to HPS Maxine [they were jealous of her for many years, HPS Maxine is of the most advanced people ever], and they divulted from a "studying the Kabbalah to subvert it" to acting like a literal jew towards everyone. This is why the dead end is now met.
NakedPluto said:
I link this situation to an attack I had 2 days ago, which I'll post some protection information I got from the experience. It involves rabbis trying to attack and subvert with hypnotizing tehniques based fascination or wonder in sleep. This was something very new and seemingly advanced opposed to the simple tehnique they used.

I'm very upset about this, especially in the light that you and others couldn't verify the communication with the Gods of him, I can only suspect the information on the 3rd eye breathing was "stolen" from the pool of the members. In that post, he typed a technique of breathing that was communicated to me in the last weeks before the posting. Please verify that information as I can confirm it as valid......

Last months being interested in the clergy and how it works, I decided to contact the Gods, and the information and intuition I received was that the person must communicate spiritually with the other Hps, and also in the light of that I decided to give absolute trust on the current clergy if that is being the mandatory requirement as advancement

His attitude on the open was totally not of his behavior in the back scenes..this shows an agenda, not mistakes.

Please do share, because I think I am having problem with something similar.

One thing is sure, war is heating up to the max. And we all must prevail. No matter what kind of shit enemy tries to pull on us, we must be ready and stand strong. We all know how much of it is at stake for enemy. All that they have build for several millennia is at danger of turning to ashes, because of us.

We must prevail!

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I always thought that all HP's were verified to be spiritually open? So I guess this was not the case for everyone. If I can ask, who is the "HP" removed?
Larissa666 said:
NakedPluto said:

One thing is sure, war is heating up to the max. And we all must prevail. No matter what kind of shit enemy tries to pull on us, we must be ready and stand strong.

We must prevail!

Hail Satan!

Indeed and this is why there is zero tolerance now for lazies, under-performers, and careless individuals. I mean, out of all the times, now is legitimately the most bad time for them to engage in petty passive aggression, defeatism, or even slander towards the effort.

However, the part of this remains that, traitors always exit the castle when they believe it is sufficiently set in fire. Therefore, nobody of these people will be missed.

Those who love Satan, the Gods and the war in general, and want this over with, they can stay in the effort, and those who do not, can follow themselves into nothingness. It is really that easy and there is nothing else into it.
Thank You for this post :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As always this situation, and everything in general is turned into something better and improved, I see everything as a new level of trust and power that the clergy is and will have. No more doubts if said hp is of his claimed advancements and no more turmoil over clear spiritual information due to personal suppositions.

I and others thank you and Maxine for the services and dedication to life, we thank everyone who does the untinkable to the normal man. Evolution is always welcomed
That is why I am resolute in not tolerating pseudo-xian attitudes here. Especially those which constantly tie into 'why have the Gods not supplied me with a succubus and I see blue men everywhere when I smoked crack every day, have no chakras open or functioning and have stopped meditating for 7 years'. We need to be evolving past this adolescent crap, there is no time now for this type of nonsense.

Or 'I wuz given infoz that the Gods forgive and Thoth will reincarnate every worthless parasite. I believe it is mature to forgive every worthless individual in the news that puts endless amounts of people and themselves in danger via their stupid actions at the most dangerous time for the West. In responding to this thread I will therefore go off the boil insulting every SS calling you scum because you [not me of course haha] weren't there to save them with your heart chakra hanging open and arms outstretched. You are scum if you think it was their responsibility to help themselves on any level' bullshit which 9/10 times comes out of projection, laziness, past weird psychodrama here or unbroken ties to the enemy and their paradigm of 'unconditional love for every person'.

There are also just some questionable statements being made. Like one post I saw saying viruses don't exist, wood smoked furnaces aksually caused people to die in the millions in the Middle Ages via 'pollution' and that the Black Death wasn't real. I'm fine with questioning things but some things go into straight up territory where people are being silly and minimising the damage and death the enemy has caused hundreds of millions of people throughout history with their matrix of curses. So are the constant accusations made against Aryan scientists, doctors, biologists, physicians and so on (enemy-derived shit in medicine like their subversion of the medical industry into worthless crap like the 'diet industry' and the polio vaccine is a separate conversation). Some of these were shady characters on some levels but they are not part of some conspiracy
This is just sad, I really respected him and had actually emailed him recently with a problem I was having but never got a reply.

Let those who truly are Satanists at heart keep moving forward, with love and RESPECT for Satan.
Karnonnos said:
That is why I am resolute in not tolerating pseudo-xian attitudes here. Especially those which constantly tie into 'why have the Gods not supplied me with a succubus and I see blue men everywhere when I smoked crack every day, have no chakras open or functioning and have stopped meditating for 7 years'. We need to be evolving past this adolescent crap, there is no time now for this type of nonsense.

Or 'I wuz given infoz that the Gods forgive and Thoth will reincarnate every worthless parasite. I believe it is mature to forgive every worthless individual in the news that puts endless amounts of people and themselves in danger via their stupid actions at the most dangerous time for the West. In responding to this thread I will therefore go off the boil insulting every SS calling you scum because you [not me of course haha] weren't there to save them with your heart chakra hanging open and arms outstretched. You are scum if you think it was their responsibility to help themselves on any level' bullshit which 9/10 times comes out of projection, laziness, past weird psychodrama here or unbroken ties to the enemy and their paradigm of 'unconditional love for every person'.

There are also just some questionable statements being made. Like one post I saw saying viruses don't exist, wood smoked furnaces aksually caused people to die in the millions in the Middle Ages via 'pollution' and that the Black Death wasn't real. I'm fine with questioning things but some things go into straight up territory where people are being silly and minimising the damage and death the enemy has caused hundreds of millions of people throughout history with their matrix of curses. So are the constant accusations made against Aryan scientists, doctors, biologists, physicians and so on (enemy-derived shit in medicine like their subversion of the medical industry into worthless crap like the 'diet industry' and the polio vaccine is a separate conversation). Some of these were shady characters on some levels but they are not part of some conspiracy
Questioning stuff is good. The jews have lied a lot and infiltrated science for a long time. This does not mean to believe in everything but we all have to look at things carefully. Like vaccines, for example, they have always worked but who will profit by injecting shits that will make you ill and then make you take more medicines? You guessed it, the jews... So it's not impossible to think that nowadays vaccines are not always the best, for example.
I'm glad this can finally be addressed. Satan's castle had been sullied for far too long by them.. Finally the time is right to clean house.

Thank you for your hard work on this HPHoodedCobra.

May the JoS continue to grow and develop into an unshakable organization worthy of Satan's name.
Also, these questions are up for debate, even scientists give brutal debates over these questions. Dogmatism in these questions can cause problems, more than inquiry.

Everyone is curious on this subject and we have to communicate these over. And then people can follow the path that seems more reasonable to them.

However, saying things like that science doesn't matter, or that all scientists [or health professionals] are shills, is not showing Satanic Thought process into the subject. Sure, many people are going to be paid shills, on payrolls, or just defending their view for personal reasons or personal gain, especially now during the so called Pandemic.

There are shills everywhere but we cannot invalidate all of science with extremist statements like for example Islamic idiots do.

luis said:
Karnonnos said:
That is why I am resolute in not tolerating pseudo-xian attitudes here. Especially those which constantly tie into 'why have the Gods not supplied me with a succubus and I see blue men everywhere when I smoked crack every day, have no chakras open or functioning and have stopped meditating for 7 years'. We need to be evolving past this adolescent crap, there is no time now for this type of nonsense.

Or 'I wuz given infoz that the Gods forgive and Thoth will reincarnate every worthless parasite. I believe it is mature to forgive every worthless individual in the news that puts endless amounts of people and themselves in danger via their stupid actions at the most dangerous time for the West. In responding to this thread I will therefore go off the boil insulting every SS calling you scum because you [not me of course haha] weren't there to save them with your heart chakra hanging open and arms outstretched. You are scum if you think it was their responsibility to help themselves on any level' bullshit which 9/10 times comes out of projection, laziness, past weird psychodrama here or unbroken ties to the enemy and their paradigm of 'unconditional love for every person'.

There are also just some questionable statements being made. Like one post I saw saying viruses don't exist, wood smoked furnaces aksually caused people to die in the millions in the Middle Ages via 'pollution' and that the Black Death wasn't real. I'm fine with questioning things but some things go into straight up territory where people are being silly and minimising the damage and death the enemy has caused hundreds of millions of people throughout history with their matrix of curses. So are the constant accusations made against Aryan scientists, doctors, biologists, physicians and so on (enemy-derived shit in medicine like their subversion of the medical industry into worthless crap like the 'diet industry' and the polio vaccine is a separate conversation). Some of these were shady characters on some levels but they are not part of some conspiracy
Questioning stuff is good. The jews have lied a lot and infiltrated science for a long time. This does not mean to believe in everything but we all have to look at things carefully. Like vaccines, for example, they have always worked but who will profit by injecting shits that will make you ill and then make you take more medicines? You guessed it, the jews... So it's not impossible to think that nowadays vaccines are not always the best, for example.
Karnonnos said:
That is why I am resolute in not tolerating pseudo-xian attitudes here. Especially those which constantly tie into 'why have the Gods not supplied me with a succubus and I see blue men everywhere when I smoked crack every day, have no chakras open or functioning and have stopped meditating for 7 years'. We need to be evolving past this adolescent crap, there is no time now for this type of nonsense.

Or 'I wuz given infoz that the Gods forgive and Thoth will reincarnate every worthless parasite. I believe it is mature to forgive every worthless individual in the news that puts endless amounts of people and themselves in danger via their stupid actions at the most dangerous time for the West. In responding to this thread I will therefore go off the boil insulting every SS calling you scum because you [not me of course haha] weren't there to save them with your heart chakra hanging open and arms outstretched. You are scum if you think it was their responsibility to help themselves on any level' bullshit which 9/10 times comes out of projection, laziness, past weird psychodrama here or unbroken ties to the enemy and their paradigm of 'unconditional love for every person'.

There are also just some questionable statements being made. Like one post I saw saying viruses don't exist, wood smoked furnaces aksually caused people to die in the millions in the Middle Ages via 'pollution' and that the Black Death wasn't real. I'm fine with questioning things but some things go into straight up territory where people are being silly and minimising the damage and death the enemy has caused hundreds of millions of people throughout history with their matrix of curses. So are the constant accusations made against Aryan scientists, doctors, biologists, physicians and so on (enemy-derived shit in medicine like their subversion of the medical industry into worthless crap like the 'diet industry' and the polio vaccine is a separate conversation). Some of these were shady characters on some levels but they are not part of some conspiracy

I know you are referring to me about the virus situation and you have every right to disagree but I already explained the virus situation and I clearly said that they are NOT what science has said they are to be and I posted info and a link proving this, that they are chromosomes, etc. Not my fault if you missed all of that.

You can say whatever you want but you dont know the whole situation, just because you disagree with terrain theory and there is valid science backing it up.

Anyway I won't divert from this topic. Its obvious that HP HC is referring to all the HPS that are and have been missing from the Jos and forums for a bit, excluding Maxine, of course.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Also, these questions are up for debate, even scientists give brutal debates over these questions. Dogmatism in these questions can cause problems, more than inquiry.

Everyone is curious on this subject and we have to communicate these over. And then people can follow the path that seems more reasonable to them.

However, saying things like that science doesn't matter, or that all scientists [or health professionals] are shills, is not showing Satanic Thought process into the subject. Sure, many people are going to be paid shills, on payrolls, or just defending their view for personal reasons or personal gain, especially now during the so called Pandemic.

There are shills everywhere but we cannot invalidate all of science with extremist statements like for example Islamic idiots do.

luis said:
Karnonnos said:
That is why I am resolute in not tolerating pseudo-xian attitudes here. Especially those which constantly tie into 'why have the Gods not supplied me with a succubus and I see blue men everywhere when I smoked crack every day, have no chakras open or functioning and have stopped meditating for 7 years'. We need to be evolving past this adolescent crap, there is no time now for this type of nonsense.

Or 'I wuz given infoz that the Gods forgive and Thoth will reincarnate every worthless parasite. I believe it is mature to forgive every worthless individual in the news that puts endless amounts of people and themselves in danger via their stupid actions at the most dangerous time for the West. In responding to this thread I will therefore go off the boil insulting every SS calling you scum because you [not me of course haha] weren't there to save them with your heart chakra hanging open and arms outstretched. You are scum if you think it was their responsibility to help themselves on any level' bullshit which 9/10 times comes out of projection, laziness, past weird psychodrama here or unbroken ties to the enemy and their paradigm of 'unconditional love for every person'.

There are also just some questionable statements being made. Like one post I saw saying viruses don't exist, wood smoked furnaces aksually caused people to die in the millions in the Middle Ages via 'pollution' and that the Black Death wasn't real. I'm fine with questioning things but some things go into straight up territory where people are being silly and minimising the damage and death the enemy has caused hundreds of millions of people throughout history with their matrix of curses. So are the constant accusations made against Aryan scientists, doctors, biologists, physicians and so on (enemy-derived shit in medicine like their subversion of the medical industry into worthless crap like the 'diet industry' and the polio vaccine is a separate conversation). Some of these were shady characters on some levels but they are not part of some conspiracy
Questioning stuff is good. The jews have lied a lot and infiltrated science for a long time. This does not mean to believe in everything but we all have to look at things carefully. Like vaccines, for example, they have always worked but who will profit by injecting shits that will make you ill and then make you take more medicines? You guessed it, the jews... So it's not impossible to think that nowadays vaccines are not always the best, for example.
Yeah you are right. I don't think everyone is a shill but if they have infiltrated science for a long time they have created "theories" that are now rules and whoever try to challenge them are seen as sinners. Like the Einstein theory of relativity. Nobody can really challenge it because the supreme jew "invented" it. Today scientists are not free, they are limited with a set of rules, some right and some wrong. They strugle to challenge their limited views. Another thing is how certain questions can never be asked, like spiritual powers seem that they can never be researched. Limiting scientists a lot. We are lucky we are living in a somewhat tecnologically good world with how the jews have limited science.
the more intense things get the harder the broom keeps sweepin'. I'm sad to discover that this had to be one of the dust bunnies. I often liked his sermons, at least the onese i got to read. Others new him better of course as i dedicated last year. Sometimes shit happens and people change or falter, or they don't change at all. The broom is gunna keep on sweepin' as things keep heating up. And its been pretty hot lately.
Hmm, interested sermon. I’m confused though. Because when I see someone making mistakes, I try to help always and give the benefit of the doubt. Because some misguided people can find their way.

There’s no full proof way for us to know if someone is an infiltrator without the evidence. So how do we avoid making these mistakes over and over? Helping the infiltrators when our true intention is to help what we believe to be a misguided fellow SS?

I’ve seen even Mageson give the benefit of the doubt to that fosterchild guy a while back who turned out to be traitor. It’s a tough situation.

I just know in my life I’ve made many mistakes and those mistakes have taught me so much. I tend to over empathize with people making mistakes because of this. And I think, oh, mistakes are fine, they just need guidance. But certainly I don’t want to help the enemy.
What you wrote here should not only apply to clergy, but to all members. The general attitude of all JoS members, especially active ones (We cannot expect all new members to understand this right away, especially with the nature of the internet and the types of people who come around), must improve and become more professional, more reasonable and wiser, more mature in general.

We all need to advance together as a group, and act in accordance to HPHoodedCobra's and HP's Maxine's own attitudes in regards to discussing things, posting messages on the forum, helping new members or other people, answering questions, etc.

Especially as we move forward and become more influential with time. Long standing members, should by no means act inferior or less mature than our Clergy, and we need to do our part in upholding a high qualitative standard for communication and sharing information on the forum, which does not soil Satan's castle.

For any dedicated SS, this should not be difficult to do and always keep in mind.
luis said:
I always thought that all HP's were verified to be spiritually open? So I guess this was not the case for everyone. If I can ask, who is the "HP" removed?

I have yet to see Cobra's response as well, but I have a few ideas on who exactly it is from this quote, but I can't be 100% sure.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It cannot be an individual who has the "Clergy Title" has time in their day to type 20 paragraphs about some bullshit drama [on a daily basis without fail], yet claim they are "Too busy" to even go to the Forums to help other individuals. Or come once around every 3 months to just say that whomever does not love homosexuals is Satan's enemy or some other psychopathic statement that me or HPS Maxine have to clear from the floor like vomit.

However, I don't think he'd be comfortable sharing that information with the forum. He doesn't seem to like naming former HPs that have lost their way that we do know of well, and either turned to drugs, or had some other fucked up shit happen, but I can't speak for him.

It's a well-needed service that infiltrators regardless of rank or popularity on the forum need to be pruned for their incompetent nonsense. Stupidity can't be cured, after all.
I had a feeling something would be done with him soon. I could never read his posts.

I find it dumb how some people wont call someone out because others are okay with them or theyre 'so advanced'. People let their feelings intervene their judgment too much.

I made that mistake with Zola when it told me it would be selling those 'paintings' but never again. I simultaneously wasnt surprised but felt like an idiot, because if i hadnt let other peoples approval of it effect my desicions, it would have been outed a lot sooner.

Sometimes I also dont say things cause I get scared people will blow the infiltrator whistle at me, since I'm an outsider or 'not advanced' in their eyes still since i dont post much even though, like you said, they have no idea who really does what. But this post actually made me feel better about that and like I said, never again.

Yea I still struggle with my past and the choping mechanisms that stemmed from it and I've said some dumb things cause of it. I never thought it would be so hard to change but I'm doing a lot better in recent months and I hope that I'm starting to show that. Not only to everyone here but the God's as well

I'm not aiming to impress, except maybe Satan. I believe if someone publicly talks about their experiences too much or acts superior they're not actually having any and probably don't even meditate.

I'd just really like to give back since you all have helped me come such a long way, and I hope in the future someone will feel this way because of me. I am excited for our future as a whole
Thank you for the informative post and for weeding out the diseased and egotists.

Honestly blows me away that these gentiles actually thought this kind of behaviour was acceptable. What they couldn’t take a frickin hint from you, Maxine or , and develop themselves? Or at least have enough damn dignity to bow out with some of pride intact, perhaps they were just die hard egotists then. Ugh how utterly frustrating to hear. Like to play pretend act all high and mighty? ahh don’t worry there is a bunch of openings in the Catholic church I hear.

Glad to hear these people have been dealt with. As such a position is only for the most disciplined people Who want to see Satanism actually progress!

Eric13 said:
Hmm, interested sermon. I’m confused though. Because when I see someone making mistakes, I try to help always and give the benefit of the doubt. Because some misguided people can find their way.

There’s no full proof way for us to know if someone is an infiltrator without the evidence. So how do we avoid making these mistakes over and over? Helping the infiltrators when our true intention is to help what we believe to be a misguided fellow SS?

I’ve seen even Mageson give the benefit of the doubt to that fosterchild guy a while back who turned out to be traitor. It’s a tough situation.

I just know in my life I’ve made many mistakes and those mistakes have taught me so much. I tend to over empathize with people making mistakes because of this. And I think, oh, mistakes are fine, they just need guidance. But certainly I don’t want to help the enemy.

Eric the situation is different, this is not about forgiveness, because this went over to the exhaustive amount, even in contrary to actual evidence. When someone does the same mistake once or twice, it's a mistake.

When there are things that repeat all the time, or they ignore as many as 10 warnings, then it is a pattern. When this harms others and they do not want to take this consideration, then this is an attack. The list goes.

Infiltrators and others abuse the feeling of sentimentality and brotherhood between Satanists to get free excuse, abuse the forums and members, and even disrespect others, because in order to advance, forgiveness is definitely required.

The "Benefit of the doubt" passes in it's effect when people do not change. They always play the victims, it's always the same drill.

If one protects mistakes until the end of time one is only creating more mistakes. There is a time past which mistakes cannot go further. We are not here for fake charity.

There is no forgiveness after a point, we are not Xians who will always bend their ass and let the crap consume the good.
I was very confused with some of the contradictory information being given out in the early days. I thought that Socialism and Communism were totally enemy agendas and yet there was information out there that said not only were people going to give away free money, they could 'theoretically' divide their property and money,not by compulsion but by Choice. That was a big red flag but I wasn't much well read or mature as I am now.

I now understand that allegiance to a nebulous theoretical model of ideas is the most stupid shit there is. And when you look at history, there are hundreds and thousands of such ideologies or ideals that don't work. Theres a reason the NS party was purged of Gregor Strasser and other Socialists.

You see the same thing with retarded right wing individuals(shills basically) supporting the censorship because of 'muh private companies ' because of their allegiance to the idea of libertarianism. The allegiance to a theoretical model of ideals will be the death of rationalism. Reality is different from theory and human society is complex. We need sane realistic solutions to our problems, not "just divide money and property peacefully and we'll live in hobbit paradise like in the Lords of the Rings becoz that totally happened in real life bro."
Xudo you keep posting the same thing. You were in an argument on both sides and he may have been rude, but you also have been rude. You yourself are also acting bad towards him by slandering him.

This is the continuation of this argument and no legitimate proof of anything. Please also clean your signature, and don't dwell on it anymore, as so far it can be seen, you yourself aren't being rudely treated by others right now. You just continue it for no reason.

If you don't want to see the user's posts, then don't follow them and don't answer them.

xudomode said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


now that you coincidentally talking about infiltrators and such mind wanna take out southerngenitile from here, he is proven to be 1. Making jokes about suicide, and taking your stand on the white race while twisting and corrupting it with lies and over the top aggression. He made fun of me trying to suicide, while aguarias and ol agredo lucifitus joined in on the fun to further harrass me. THERE INFILTRATORS AND ITS NOT COINCIDENCE THAT YOU MADE THIS POST RIGHT AFTER I DECIDED TO EXPOSE PPL LIKE SOUTHERNLIZARDINEKIKE, he is also an infiltrator I have proof.
xudomode said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

now that you coincidentally talking about infiltrators and such mind wanna take out southerngenitile from here, he is proven to be 1. Making jokes about suicide, and taking your stand on the white race while twisting and corrupting it with lies and over the top aggression. He made fun of me trying to suicide, while aguarias and ol agredo lucifitus joined in on the fun to further harrass me. THERE INFILTRATORS AND ITS NOT COINCIDENCE THAT YOU MADE THIS POST RIGHT AFTER I DECIDED TO EXPOSE PPL LIKE SOUTHERNLIZARDINEKIKE, he is also an infiltrator I have proof.
I didn't harrass you. I saw you harrassing Southern White Gentile, writing all kinds of horrible things about him every time that he makes a comment anywhere. You follow him around just to yell at him in some crazy sounding way. So I just said you seem like you got a lot more problems than he does.

If anybody was harrassing anyone, it was you harrassing him. And you are still doing it now. I've seen you multiple times trying to recruit other people to go against him and treat him like an enemy. You try to convince everyone that he is some evil person, but there is really nothing wrong with him.

If somebody starts doing drugs when they are young, this usually makes it so they always have the mindset and level of maturity that they had at that age when they started. Their brain does not get to develop and mature any further as they get older, because the drugs have stopped that process. I wonder if this is what happened to you, because it does seem like you are unstable and immature.
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.
Poweredbythesun said:
Thank you for the post HP:HC. This clears up where Mageson went to, as he would post frequently and hadn't for nearly a month or longer :?

It's highly disturbing that this happened for as long as it did too, but then again there were other HPs that were fake, so can't really fault y'all for that.

In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.

now that you mention this, this is something i am curious about as well. i remember trying to meditate on that charka and felt something. the sermon about the nama sivaya mantra gave interesting results too like a laughing fit...was that all wrong info and did those effects happen for other reasons?
Upon further thinking, I realized that I do not even know who is the current HPs here are. The most active HPs that I remember are Shannon, Maxine, and you Cobra. But I do not recall any other beyond faint memory of Yahoo.groups days. Is it just you three that are most active, or at least only one that is active, for the past year?
Poweredbythesun said:
In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.

All these exercises and more were verified by us [if they did not directly come from HPS Maxine or someone else in the first place, after which they were posted in this fashion] because we also approved these, so there was nothing negative in these. If there was something that was off, we immediately discarded it.

The chakra above the lips was part of conversations between HPS Maxine, and she was the one to actually mention this again years ago. Among many other things which people thought were "original findings". After this was discovered in a book, we were like, alright, it should be posted, and who cares who post these, since it's just teamwork. Many pieces as such were posted not by us directly.

Then, by "coincidence", things mentioned by us were later made into posts, which we, instead of posting ourselves, didn't bother to give away in this fashion. We called this teamwork. We also have had another situation where we said we should with-hold some information until the time is right [the Gods give the OK here, not us] but we found ourselves betrayed and the information shared in a botched manner, as if the person in question was after trying to build some form of credibility.

We excused this many times [When the Gods say NO it must be NO], but after a point, we were done with this, and therefore, stopped sharing any actual information anymore instead of trying to make amends for the situation. The only thing that remained therefore past this point was this individual doing loops around themselves and replaying on already given information, since there was nothing else to do.

Another example here is when I discovered the SA-TA-NA-MA for the crown, and I shared this privately many years ago, but a few months later, it was posted as an "almighty discovery" yet again, on "how and why" it is for the Crown. After one finds the recipe, another one just writes it down and writes many details on the ingredients, and what does the public know?

But insofar to that end, we didn't care as Clergy, because we considered our collective job was to simply do what Satan wants which is to share knowledge and information when the time is for this. I was like whatever, let it be, it's teamwork after all, it's alright to support someone else with something, I guess?

After association stopped [when things and repeated offenses were simply too far], said posts simply stopped because there was nothing more to post after a point, because we did not share any more information for like years. Actually we stopped what will soon be soon years ago for reasons explained above. So far, we have not allowed any wrong information, to our knowledge, to make it up the forums, by no one.

Things that were of a dubious nature were never posted or removed, the same goes for mantras, questionable techniques , or things that would have no actual results but were there for decorative purposes and to just say "oh, I brought something here", that literally had zero results. And therefore were nonsensical.

As to the where, just study around in books and you will see, there are many of these things in many books. The thing is however what actually works and what is for real. This is what matters.

HPS Maxine was behind most of the actual methods and real knowledge given, which she not only shared freely, but she verified with the Gods herself, and posted the actual practices thereof in conversations between everyone. Azazel also shared a lot of knowledge which will progressively be made public, and he co-authored the Final RTR with HPS Maxine.

The chakra above the lip she has shared from her extensive studies in the corruption of the hebrew kabbalah [and was mentioned again in the past by HPS Maxine], and there on, more knowledge was found, from which this post emerged.

The work to make the correlation and find the other text to supplement for what we discovered was done by the poster [after the fact as usual], but giving the direction of the general research was most of the time done by us, same as giving the actual knowledge and real answers cross verified with the Demons, which is what made things actually work, instead of being just more BS found in just more shitty books. Which is what it would have been without actual input from the Gods in this case.

HPS Maxine distilled the information herself, and gave the accurate and proper ways for meditations, mantras and so forth. These were later publicized without mentioning none of this or that she was the reason for it all, or giving any credit, but presented as "one's own", without of course explicitly mentioning that. We accepted this for years, by simply saying to ourselves it was "teamwork", and accepting it without thinking of where this could lead in member confusion, until later the situation became clearer on where it was going which was nowhere good.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Is there any way for me to contact with you personally?
By gmail or any other way?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:
In all this though, just out of curiosity. Were almost all of those exercises Mageson posted in the last few months false? And on top of that, what of the chakra he talked about just under the nose (I can't remember what it was called right now :/ )?

I know there's probably a million more questions on top of the ones being asked right now, but it is curious that in the end Mageson managed to pull all sorts of new breathing exercises and information out of nowhere.

All these exercises and more were verified by us [if they did not directly come from HPS Maxine or someone else in the first place, after which they were posted in this fashion] because we also approved these, so there was nothing negative in these. If there was something that was off, we immediately discarded it.

Understood, glad to know these are still safe.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I'm shocked that this was going on. I'm sad to see some go.

Honestly I feel this applies to me. I have made alot of mistakes, been stuck in a pattern.

I wanted to be the best. Then when I realized I was harming things, I tried humbling myself. When ones sees weakness they attack. I would then feel like a pacifist.

I hope it's not too late for me. I haven't posted in a while, because I wanted to take time to work on myself. If I could just get myself figured out, maybe I could break the pattern.

I have done one stupid thing after the next. I apologize to all my Brothers and Sisters. I dont expect everyone to like me, nor do I care for every random username.

But regardless the Family of Satan is my Family. I have a lot of insecurities and fear. Fear that one day I learn I'm a jew. A lot of times I just feel like I have to prove I'm not.

I have had so many people, people I felt was the case, but thought it was paranoia. Just morph into being known as a jew. I talked about how so many people fell that were my heroes.

I thought, watch me shine for everyone, as this strong and powerful Satanist, that never falls. But in the end this turned into a game of chasing my own ego.

I can say one positive thing about myself is money means nothing to me. I have been saving, and I just think what the hell do I do with this, and start handing it out to people.

If people knew me in person, they would know I bend over backwards to help people. I give and give until they walk away laughing at me for being a trusting idiot.

On the forums however, I have acted like a cunt. Because it feels like everyone is eventually outed as a jew or infiltrator. I do have a good intuition, but paranoia does cloud it. On another token they ARE everywhere.

When it came to Zola, I was freaking out for years, emailing the Clergy about it. But as she began to do so much work. I thought is this my sister? Then she was exposed, and that hurt. That really hurt me.

One because I knew since day one, but ignored it. But then two because I lost a close friend. Was I suppose to suspect everyone? To feel that for someone who said they were my sister.

Despite the stupidity, I never had any Agenda. I have always been lost in a sea of confusion. I feel every move and action I take, I'm always in the wrong.

Am I enemy controlled or just completely stupid. Is it a character flaw. It boggles my mind constantly. As I dedicate everything to Father Satan.

I focused on his sigil today and told him how I felt. The entire room reverberated with power and it felt like he was standing in front of me. So he always shows he cares about me.

No more excuses or chances. I dont deserve them. I just hope I can finally just do it. Be something great for everyone. So I may disappear for a while. I will work to be close to the Gods. I am an Aryan damnit. I will change this shit into something good.

Instead of being here to do it. I would rather go the source. I need to get close to them.

I really enjoyed some of you. That's why I wanted to be closer. To attempt to establish friendships. But now is not the time for that. It only breeds problems. But perhaps the Gods, I can be closer with.

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.
I remember HPS Zildar who made the Exposing Islam website, she seemed like a humble person who never used the HP title other than for writing/answering the relevant. Other than that she rarelly used this or the older forum.

Necrorifter said:
Upon further thinking, I realized that I do not even know who is the current HPs here are. The most active HPs that I remember are Shannon, Maxine, and you Cobra. But I do not recall any other beyond faint memory of Yahoo.groups days. Is it just you three that are most active, or at least only one that is active, for the past year?
Eric13 said:
I’ve seen even Mageson give the benefit of the doubt to that fosterchild guy a while back who turned out to be traitor. It’s a tough situation.

I still laugh at him. He made such shitty music, and as an artist I'm absolutely insulted by how much reverb, delay, and choral effects were in his songs.

Would you rather listen to off-beat rapping over a crappily made if not ripped then butchered instrumental? Or would you rather listen to this? https://clyp.it/ou3olenr

Didn't it turn out that he was addicted to Adderall or something?
Well, Hail Satan at that. I was an idiot for many years. I hope to stay and I hope I’ve been helpful in ways. I don’t wish to be mediocre, egotistic, half-assed, ect. Even as a forum member versus clergy. It is equally important to give it the best effort. I’ve been short on time, coming out of pitfalls, and giving it what I hope is my best without pushing myself into a corner where I’ll burn out. I may not be in a position just yet to bring forth new and improved unseen info, or relay all information with the best of understanding. These forums have been a blessing in helping to steer my boat in the right direction. Thanks to all of the positive contributors here. At times I’ve thought “should I leave, I don’t know enough, I shouldn’t say any more, maybe I should leave and shut up” this might’ve been true for some things. I have wondered if that’s just the enemy and self doubt so I’ve been ignoring this. Finding a balance with self regulation. I’ve had tendencies to over-self regulate.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
However, all they want to inject in people's head is this: to open a little gate of acceptance to Jewsus, open a little hole for socialism there, and another here, and from there on, the enemy knows how to manipulate such openings to cause progressive damage down the line to where everyone asks: how did this insanity happen? How are we suddenly queer communists or something? Things like this arose only from a minimal injection here, and another there. From there on, further corrosive work will come to stick together with this, and they will over time attain their purpose of confusion and disability.


People wonder why I am so harsh or radical when it comes to certain issues, this is because if you allow an enemy idea or “seed” to plant it will start growing and spreading.

For the example there is an active thread right now where 2 junkies were talking down and being very passive aggressive towards Aryans and talking trash.

So I went in there and checked them basically telling these people to cut it out and to shut their mouths. Who knows what would have happened if these individuals were allowed to continue this, maybe more would have joined in and this would have gone further, to point where in a months there would be posts saying, “why do White people suck so much?”, or “when are you evil crakkkas paying us reparations?”

I’m not some bully either, I have been checked and harshly criticized before based on posts or comments I have made and I am a better man because of it. I SUPPORT criticism of myself and you should too for yourself.

My point is, if you see someone spreading an enemy or christarded idea have Zero tolerance and shoot it down immediately.

Only YOU can prevent infiltrators!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Poweredbythesun said:


So this individual also never felt the pineal gland fire up? As he said that he feels his pineal secreting and "dripping" to the solar and there fires up? How can you lie with something like this, how can you be not ashamed of this behaviour. I remember so clear that one, because I had very small and little occasions when for a couple of seconds the pineal "opened" and like water inundated the back of my skull but going nowhere...that feeling of goodness and nervous pleasantness is absolute, it heals the muscles.... I thought about how this individual has this feeling to its full potential..going to his Solar..he must be so much more advanced than me. But they are lies apparently. What a clown.
Aldrick said:
I'm shocked that this was going on. I'm sad to see some go.

Honestly I feel this applies to me. I have made alot of mistakes, been stuck in a pattern.

I wanted to be the best. Then when I realized I was harming things, I tried humbling myself. When ones sees weakness they attack. I would then feel like a pacifist.

I hope it's not too late for me. I haven't posted in a while, because I wanted to take time to work on myself. If I could just get myself figured out, maybe I could break the pattern.

I have done one stupid thing after the next. I apologize to all my Brothers and Sisters. I dont expect everyone to like me, nor do I care for every random username.

But regardless the Family of Satan is my Family. I have a lot of insecurities and fear. Fear that one day I learn I'm a jew. A lot of times I just feel like I have to prove I'm not.

I have had so many people, people I felt was the case, but thought it was paranoia. Just morph into being known as a jew. I talked about how so many people fell that were my heroes.

I thought, watch me shine for everyone, as this strong and powerful Satanist, that never falls. But in the end this turned into a game of chasing my own ego.

I can say one positive thing about myself is money means nothing to me. I have been saving, and I just think what the hell do I do with this, and start handing it out to people.

If people knew me in person, they would know I bend over backwards to help people. I give and give until they walk away laughing at me for being a trusting idiot.

On the forums however, I have acted like a cunt. Because it feels like everyone is eventually outed as a jew or infiltrator. I do have a good intuition, but paranoia does cloud it. On another token they ARE everywhere.

When it came to Zola, I was freaking out for years, emailing the Clergy about it. But as she began to do so much work. I thought is this my sister? Then she was exposed, and that hurt. That really hurt me.

One because I knew since day one, but ignored it. But then two because I lost a close friend. Was I suppose to suspect everyone? To feel that for someone who said they were my sister.

Despite the stupidity, I never had any Agenda. I have always been lost in a sea of confusion. I feel every move and action I take, I'm always in the wrong.

Am I enemy controlled or just completely stupid. Is it a character flaw. It boggles my mind constantly. As I dedicate everything to Father Satan.

I focused on his sigil today and told him how I felt. The entire room reverberated with power and it felt like he was standing in front of me. So he always shows he cares about me.

No more excuses or chances. I dont deserve them. I just hope I can finally just do it. Be something great for everyone. So I may disappear for a while. I will work to be close to the Gods. I am an Aryan damnit. I will change this shit into something good.

Instead of being here to do it. I would rather go the source. I need to get close to them.

I really enjoyed some of you. That's why I wanted to be closer. To attempt to establish friendships. But now is not the time for that. It only breeds problems. But perhaps the Gods, I can be closer with.

Regardless if I drift off as some undesirable. Satanic Blessings to you.

Aldrick, it's good to see you again. Have you been doing well?

I shared your exact same motives in the past. I wanted to be the best on this forum, if not up there somewhere but I ended up a failure with a lot of regret and lashed out.

You think you have paranoia issues? I might never be able to form a real, human connection ever again because people have tried to have me murdered. That's how I came to the conclusion that nobody is your friend out there in the world, and that everyone has an ulterior motive. It's still true to an extent.

Nowadays I don't know if I should be acting as if this is a second life for me, my primary life being my job and my family, or if I should live as a hermit completely shutting the world out only focusing on the spiritual aspects of my life. Just me, an apartment, a pistol, and my computer to access the forum. But I don't even have that kind of luxury.

I've worked on saving up money too. I plan to have $10,000 saved up by next year in order to pay off some loans, and have a year's lease completely covered in one go. I'm almost halfway there now.

With what's going on in my country, I fear for my life. Some of you may say "You're protected by the gods" and I believe it, because I'd be dead right now if I wasn't. Am I going to be able to live normally through the chaos, or am I going to be forced to participate in the other war front, and slot commies?

I hardly ever contact the Gods anymore. I think "Why bother? My concerns and endeavors are of no importance to them." If I have a really good reason, I would, and they'd answer.

I just wanna come out of this a war hero, so the blood of my ancestors wasn't spilled for nothing, that my Anglo-Saxon heritage that has built the greatest empire in world history isn't erased, so that I can make my...our enemy pay for what it has done.

That's why I say "Victory or Valhalla", even in a spiritual sense I'm either going to fight another day, or die trying.

I have a lot of regret for acting like a cunt in the past. I just want to make an impact, but from that point on I wasn't going to let ego chasing get in the way of that and cloud my judgement and my chase for power.
ShadowTheRaven said:
Eric13 said:
I’ve seen even Mageson give the benefit of the doubt to that fosterchild guy a while back who turned out to be traitor. It’s a tough situation.

I still laugh at him. He made such shitty music, and as an artist I'm absolutely insulted by how much reverb, delay, and choral effects were in his songs.

Would you rather listen to off-beat rapping over a crappily made if not ripped then butchered instrumental? Or would you rather listen to this? https://clyp.it/ou3olenr

Didn't it turn out that he was addicted to Adderall or something?

Your music is great and I even bought your CD when you had it posted in your signature.

If f0st4r was entitled to such ego for his music, I guess Wagner's Ego should encompass the eternity of the universe, with Mozart following closely behind.

Difference is that Wagner didn't really smoke cocaine all day long, and he was sane.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Who knows what would have happened if these individuals were allowed to continue this, maybe more would have joined in and this would have gone further, to point where in a months there would be posts saying, “why do White people suck so much?”, or “when are you evil crakkkas paying us reparations?”

Well, I'd be in jail because I would've beaten them half to death. Nobody gets to scream "cracker" and "honkey" to my face and all that good shit without leaving with a broken leg, arm, and neck.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
