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Important The Jews Have Cursed Gentiles To Death

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Important The Jews Have Cursed Gentiles To Death

What causes death, aging, misfortune, sickness and suffering, is listed many times in the Eastern spiritual texts of Hinduism. Its because of the Kundalini serpent of Satan being bound in the root chakra, sleeping and unawakened:

"The Kundalini when she sleeps, is identified with the fire of time... that cooks all creatures to death, thorough the aging process. ...The fire of yoga [yogagni] that destroys the fire of time, is identified as kalaagnirudra, the "Rudra of the Fire of TIme," that is , a fire when she awakens which is greater then, which consumes, the fire of time. When she sleeps, the kundalini is associated with the fire of time, a time whose passage marked by the movements of sun and moon in the subtle body; when she awakens, sun and moon [here the ida and pingala nadis] are both immobilized, and the kundalini doubling as the susumna nadi is said to "consume time."[1]

When the serpent ascends up the spine to the head its stated to unleash a pillar of Ambrosial necter which is the Amrita which means literally "deathlessness". That floods the entire being transforming them into an immortal Siddha meaning Perfected.

The Jewish enemy in their Torah has placed numerous curses upon the Gentile serpent of Satan an attempt to bind the Kundalini energy in the root chakra and keep it unawakened. And make it dangerous to attempt to awaken this power for anyone. The Jewish enemy has cursed every generation of Gentiles literally to DEATH.

Note the Kala agni Rudra the spiritual fire the destroys the fire of time and liberates one into immortality. Rudra is the main title of Shiva. And Shiva is called Satan Shiva. The Eternal Shiva in sanskrit. Shiva's symbol is the serpent and originally in ancient texts in the ancient garden of Sri Lanka, Shiva created Adimu and Eva and taught them how to ascend the serpent and create the Light Body and become immortals. Even the description of Edin is the Mount Meru of Hinduism. The Jewish enemy stated originally they came out of India. They stole this text and rewrote it in Hebrew to become a curse on Gentiles to curse all Gentiles to DEATH. They made raising the serpent of Satan the original sin and this Yahweh [the Jewish race] was inserted in the story with the rewrite and it was Yahweh [the Jewish Rabbi's using the Hebrew alphabet] who drove the serpent down the spine onto the earth and spoke the curse upon the Gentile serpent. And placed the Jewish angels at the gateway of the garden with flaming swords to prevent them from returning. Angels are symbolic of Jewish curses and thoughforms in Kabala and the flaming sword is the symbol of the Zayin letter which is used for cursing and binding the Gentile soul in Kabala. For this reason in the Kabala it states that this is how the Jews will be able to become "god" and rule the Gentiles. By cursing them to death. The Jews have driven Gentiles out of immortal life and eternal spiritual bliss into this miserable world they created. Its states right in the Torah Yahweh [the Jewish race] stopped humanity from eating of the tree of immortality.

Where Satan gives us Eternal Life. The Sanskrit texts are full of instructions of literal immorality by serpent power Yoga which came from Satan.

The Final RTR is the way to undo this as their "god" Yahweh is the one who pronunces the Death Curse on the Gentiles by binding the serpent of Satan in this text. Their Yahweh is the 22 Hebrew letters. Christianity is literally a death cult. Its what gives this Jewish spell power and allows the Jews to remove all the spiritual knowledge from the Gentiles and bind them to slavery and death.

The Alchemical Body, White [1]
Guess who created Zoroastrianism in which Rudra becomes the evil god Ahriman and all our Gods the Deva's become evil and we are supposed to worship some Yahweh like being..... And it all sounds like a proto Christianity... Including the ban on spiritual knowledge. In the Torah, Cyrus the Persian Emperor who forced Zoroastrianism on the population is called "anointed of Yahweh" and is called a Messiah of the Jews....
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.
HP, does the serpent brings immortality of the soul i.e preventing the soul from returning back to the Akasa (ether).?

another question: i understand that the purpose of the body is to advance the soul, but if i die with my serpentine energy fully ascended, will i reincarnate again, or i have already become a god?
That's the reality as you mention HPS, Xianity has been going on for centuries so has Xianity part two, islam. So how many of us have had entire life times in this filth.

However I notice that in just two months of the Final RTR what has happened to the Catholic Church an organization that has taken almost two thousand years to build and runs on their Jewish energy. The fact its falling apart fast shows how fast the RTR's are working.

HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.
To become a "god" a perfected person you have to finish the Magnum Opus which means you don't die.

tandt said:
HP, does the serpent brings immortality of the soul i.e preventing the soul from returning back to the Akasa (ether).?

another question: i understand that the purpose of the body is to advance the soul, but if i die with my serpentine energy fully ascended, will i reincarnate again, or i have already become a god?
HP Mageson666 said:
That's the reality as you mention HPS, Xianity has been going on for centuries so has Xianity part two, islam. So how many of us have had entire life times in this filth.

However I notice that in just two months of the Final RTR what has happened to the Catholic Church an organization that has taken almost two thousand years to build and runs on their Jewish energy. The fact its falling apart fast shows how fast the RTR's are working.

HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

Yes, in just two months so it's easy to see how our world will be effected if we all keep this up daily for as long as we can. Imagine the effect it will have if this is done for years.

This RTR should become apart of our daily power meditation as to fully ascend and advance, ones soul must be free and clear.

Soon Hitler and Tesla will be back to bring the world up to perfection! So everyone work hard to get the world ready for them!
I have heard phrases from people that "Time itself will '''seem''' to speed up". "The Acceleration", and such. Some from religious people, some from New Age, some from conspiracy theorists.
Well if this is happening and Kundalini and time are connected,,,,,,,, maybe the Kundalini slowly rising in mankind over generations, and raising Consciousness higher,, is causing time to have less of an effect on us and creating Immortality. Especially with the more people that are practicing Power Meditation and related practices.
The higher the Kundalini rises,,, the less that time has an effect on us. And would eventually be dessolved into Eternity. Immortality.
Just my theory based on the above information and others.
I remember 1 time I did many FINAL RTR and I get electric shock at my base ,I was nervous because I think my be this is enemy attack or too much RTR is bad ,thank you all for clearing this up for me, I think you made this sermon because of me. HAIL SATAN.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soon Hitler and Tesla will be back to bring the world up to perfection! So everyone work hard to get the world ready for them!
I heard the vril society woman maria orsic is still alive and below the earth,she achieved godhead,this made me to believed more about Hitler and other great people,there are beings from every race who have achieved godhead below our earth,including African race and Asians,Nordics and such from the interview of Corey goode he have seen this.the gods really helped humanity to achieve godhead.too bad the enemy has destroyed this.
shinninglight said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soon Hitler and Tesla will be back to bring the world up to perfection! So everyone work hard to get the world ready for them!
I heard the vril society woman maria orsic is still alive and below the earth,she achieved godhead,this made me to believed more about Hitler and other great people,there are beings from every race who have achieved godhead below our earth,including African race and Asians,Nordics and such from the interview of Corey goode he have seen this.the gods really helped humanity to achieve godhead.too bad the enemy has destroyed this.

In books about populations beneath the ground, I skimmed over one that said that some populations of those living underground were dark skinned, had black eyes, and generally the height of statue of blacks today.

Similar has been the case for Whites.

Underground civilizations are not unlikely at all. Living underground especially when one may have had enemy aliens who could use nuclear is a more clever solution that living on the surface.
HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

First I would like to thank both HP HoodedCobra and HP Mageson for their recent sermons on the Kundalini and the RTRs.

It can take a while for me to pick up on the abstract (feeling) of these lessons but I usually experience some phenomenon of intuition either just before or as the clergy are about to post something relevant to my struggles, our struggles.

Actually, I want to say to you, HP Shannon, that I too noticed in numerous occasions over the years in my off and on meditations routines that I would get insatiably fidgety and would instinctively rock back and forth and have to try staying focused while pacing in some cases just to balance the (feeling) of the overload in me.

I even just read on the thread about Money how others do experiences this and Mageson and Stormblood explained it is a natural yogic reaction that kikes stole and in fact assists in overcoming obstructions.

When I read that, it was already after I had read HoodedCobra's sermon and I honestly felt tears of awe thinking about how easy it should have been for all of this suffering and morbidity I go through to end, and how just these RTR's with such a fundamental and easily graspable concept can dismantle the kike book of curses which have bound our spiritual channels, pathways, (circuitry) etc.

So when I saw how you spoke of these reactions, and then moving with serpentine movements, I instantly wanted to rush on like an eager child to say Ive experienced the same when meditating on certain music, which then situates me for better meditations than just trying to sit down in a rigid position.

It really should not be so hard to become Maha Siddhas and you are correct in stating we should include this final RTR daily.

Things are really looking up for our battle against entropy, decadence, and senescence that the kike parasite influenced our world into.

I have been a bit more emotional than usual and I just have to vent that with all of my desire to take things serious as time goes by without overloading myself, I want to be cleansed and become the most blissful version of myself, with clarity and strength.

I highly appreciate the efforts of the clergy and the advanced SS who take the warfare seriously and despite my own shortcomings, I really have huge ambitions when things are cleared up and I can collaborate on future projects with the more assiduous SS.

HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

I was sleeping, dreaming maybe more, but I remember wondering a similar thing and seeing some of this trash from afar.

The sky dimly lit, like its somewhat filled with red/black clouds. There is no sun. Like waves, forming a sea or rather an ocean, which looked a lot like.. oil.

I remember wondering or asking something, but I forgot what. There was an answer, which was not exactly in line with my question.
But.. there was absolutely nothing, not one single word or thought that I could think of that would even describe any of this. Even trying to tell what I saw then, seems rather impossible.
Though it seemed like I did understand.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
shinninglight said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Soon Hitler and Tesla will be back to bring the world up to perfection! So everyone work hard to get the world ready for them!
I heard the vril society woman maria orsic is still alive and below the earth,she achieved godhead,this made me to believed more about Hitler and other great people,there are beings from every race who have achieved godhead below our earth,including African race and Asians,Nordics and such from the interview of Corey goode he have seen this.the gods really helped humanity to achieve godhead.too bad the enemy has destroyed this.

In books about populations beneath the ground, I skimmed over one that said that some populations of those living underground were dark skinned, had black eyes, and generally the height of statue of blacks today.

Similar has been the case for Whites.

Underground civilizations are not unlikely at all. Living underground especially when one may have had enemy aliens who could use nuclear is a more clever solution that living on the surface.

The thing with Tesla that you and Mageson have brought up in some sermons all ties into the Vril and I am still curious as to how Tesla likely preferred avoidance of catastrophe and at some point he was getting the same (signal) from our gods or the Vril, or that he in fact assisted the Waffen scientists at some point.

The whole underground thing with Shamballah is a constant discussion and concern for me when discussing certain technological controversies with some other SS.

This part of the Antarctica thing as well, which joogle maps now erroneously edited over the entrance that the battle was fought at in attempt to eliminate the Nazis etc.
In the Spring of 2018, this year, I would start to fall asleep after visualizing the Kundalini Fire at the base of the spine. and get SHOCKED. Over and over. It spread to my whole upper body.
This technique is in the Power Meditation Volume 3.
It was so painful that it woke me up immediately.
I visualized white/gold Lifeforec over the top of my head, and brought it down through my body and out my feet.
This took away the """shock treatment""" for me.
As the Psychic School in Santa Rosa, California taught,,, "90% Lifeforce, 10% Earth ( Grounding ) Energy"
"We do not run Pure Grounding energy in this System. It is too dense. It can damage Chakras."
And,..... I was paying for this information. In person Classes.
It saved me. ( From myself )
HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

Yesterday during my cleaning process I experienced exactly the same thing, they told me that curses and blockages have to be removed little by little, when I finished and I continued doing my meditations my body began to have spasms and to swing forward and back, which never before I had experienced, which shows how blocked my Kundalini was.
Wotanwarrior said:
HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

Yesterday during my cleaning process I experienced exactly the same thing, they told me that curses and blockages have to be removed little by little, when I finished and I continued doing my meditations my body began to have spasms and to swing forward and back, which never before I had experienced, which shows how blocked my Kundalini was.

It is not unthinkable that those curses may have caused death and diseases in the past on gentiles as well.
That the body was unable to cope with all the curses so it fell ill and passed away.
When one is reincarnated those curses would already be there so I guess the body would just adapt to it or it is not having much effect or anything anymore.

Another thing I wanted to add is, that before the Final RTR came out I was doing some cleaning around my sacral chakra and I actually felt physical pain like cramps when I was removing trash from that area. Now on second thought those 'cramps' may have resulted from the trash being there in the first place.
HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

Yesterday I was sleeping and I started crying, I was aware of that even if I was sleeping. I had a dream/vision, I basically felt/saw the pain and sufference from my father's line, as if I was seeing through my lineage, through the centuries, all the weight of time. Yes, the sorrow and the hopelessness, it was very intense.
Great to hear about the catholic church failure. But if this church falls only to be replaced with satanic pope xtreme conspiracy christians this is not good. We must wait for a few realy big results:

1 Online christian conspiracy theorists must loose
2 Mixer couples must fail and break up
3 Corporations must start falling and local businesses muat start to take their places
HPS Shannon said:
Thank you HP Mageson for your contributions and this has confirmed some things for me. I have been working with Azazel in cleansing my soul. I have had much Kundalini activity removing these curses has been a bit unpleasant. I can feel the resistance and like my Kundalini is trying to become active again.

Azazel told me that these curses are very strong on us, centuries. Yesterday during my cleansing, I started to cry. I thought about and felt as though I connected with the negative energy and centuries of blood sacrifices on gentiles. It's almost as if I could feel the sorrow and hopeless of those gentiles. The death energy. The thought of Jews using other gentile souls to bind us broke me down.

He said it is like a "Battle" within. Very intense. The energy of these curses are so strong that as the fillth is leaving my body, it's enough to cause involuntary movement, flailing, jerking and twitching of the body.

I'm always exhausted afterwards but 10 minutes later my body sways, rocks and I feel sensual, floaty and relaxed. My body also does serpentine movement. This is the kundalini.

The FINAL RTR will liberate us while destroying the enemy. It must be done daily.

Watch how birds fly in slow motion, especially the ones with long necks. And the way some other animals move, same wave serpent pattern.
Oh now I remember something.. when I considered to become a satanist I had a dream.
Someone (I can not remember who, but he was like my guardian or master)
Led the way through an Montain/Cave to an altar.
On the altar was a sword ( 50% percent gold and 50% black).
The sword was able to burn and to shoot dragon or snake heads.

So I considerd this a good sign.
But angels have fire swords? Damn
Don't worry about that too much. Dreams are your subconscious trying to communicate with you.

If you felt at the time it was positive then it probably was. Dreams symbols can be literal or metaphor. Now that your knowledge has changed the symbols meaning might have changed. So if you had this dream currently you might interpet it differently.

This is why I don't agree to use a universal interpretation of peoples dreams. What a dragon means to me and to someone else is going to be different due to various factors as well as the context in the dream.

One positive interpretation could be:
The gold & black sword could be balance of female/male, night/day energies.

The sword itself is an object for swift and decisive change.

The dragon heads could be obstacles or even the jewish leviathan that your gaurdian will help you destroy.

A negative version could be derived from these same symbols though. I won't give an example but it would depend on a persons interpretation towards each symbol.

NinRick said:
Oh now I remember something.. when I considered to become a satanist I had a dream.
Someone (I can not remember who, but he was like my guardian or master)
Led the way through an Montain/Cave to an altar.
On the altar was a sword ( 50% percent gold and 50% black).
The sword was able to burn and to shoot dragon or snake heads.

So I considerd this a good sign.
But angels have fire swords? Damn
NinRick said:
Oh now I remember something.. when I considered to become a satanist I had a dream.
Someone (I can not remember who, but he was like my guardian or master)
Led the way through an Montain/Cave to an altar.
On the altar was a sword ( 50% percent gold and 50% black).
The sword was able to burn and to shoot dragon or snake heads.

So I considerd this a good sign.
But angels have fire swords? Damn
The swork is an allegory for the sushumna nadi and the fire could be the kundalini, so it's an allegory for the kundalini rising in the sushumna.

The jews have stolen a lot of things from us, so some simbol are definitily Satanic.
Tala said:
Don't worry about that too much. Dreams are your subconscious trying to communicate with you.

If you felt at the time it was positive then it probably was. Dreams symbols can be literal or metaphor. Now that your knowledge has changed the symbols meaning might have changed. So if you had this dream currently you might interpet it differently.

This is why I don't agree to use a universal interpretation of peoples dreams. What a dragon means to me and to someone else is going to be different due to various factors as well as the context in the dream.

One positive interpretation could be:
The gold & black sword could be balance of female/male, night/day energies.

The sword itself is an object for swift and decisive change.

The dragon heads could be obstacles or even the jewish leviathan that your gaurdian will help you destroy.

A negative version could be derived from these same symbols though. I won't give an example but it would depend on a persons interpretation towards each symbol.

NinRick said:
Oh now I remember something.. when I considered to become a satanist I had a dream.
Someone (I can not remember who, but he was like my guardian or master)
Led the way through an Montain/Cave to an altar.
On the altar was a sword ( 50% percent gold and 50% black).
The sword was able to burn and to shoot dragon or snake heads.

So I considerd this a good sign.
But angels have fire swords? Damn

Thanks :)
I'm surprised nobody mentioned it yet, but the idea of the kundalini eating away at the base of the spine is identical and equivalent to "Nidhoggr" the serpent gnawing at the base of Yggdrasil.
devastating that so many people around the world are unaware of the spiritual warfare that is being waged, i found this nasty video literally showing what the enemy preaches. Thank you for this post especially exposing their "weapon" they call a Zayin.
and thank you for providing us with our own powerfull arsenal to wage against them!

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
