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If You Get Co-Vid Or The Vaccine - Protecting Yourself

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
[About the general conversation about the vaccines] https://ancient-forums.com/search.p...posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Search

Many people thanks to the enemy are in a sort of terror for either of the above. Divided in two categories, people are feeling fear, both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

It is no coincidence the jewish holidays have "strongly" manifested this air of destruction in many Nations. It's almost as if those in power literally get agitated by these enemy rituals to do the worst anti-human decisions during these dates...Well yes, that is the case actually.

The reality is that specific individuals of the JWO have let loose a low grade bioweapon from the Wuhan lab. Recent information that has been coming out from Fauci and others, verifies this came out from a lab. In effect, this is a first stage of what Lucifuge explained and was shared here years ago, about how human beings can do major mistakes that cost them their existence.

In our case, that is great, because maybe the early outbreak of this will strike sense to those in power to stop engaging into these avenues and do responsible work. Yet since many are thoroughly corrupt, this cannot be expected out of everyone. So people themselves have to also increase in their understanding of what should be acceptable in society and what should not.

Fiddling with viruses in low security labs and doing fuckups should not be tolerated, nor governments raping every Constitution there has ever been written over frivolous claims that their own oversight has caused.

As everyone here knows, this extends into a far further growing agenda, that is part of an even greater agenda and list of demands and enforcing that the Jew World Order will demand out of mankind in the next years.

This is not a war between the vaccinated or the unvaccinated. That is a false pretext. The real war of governments against their own population, or rather, a jewish shadow government against the people and our system of existing as a civilization.

I know most of your vaccinated friends, or unvaccinated friends, that have taken positions with a lot of sternness here, believe they are both right. And in a way, they are both right, and both at some level disinformed.

Many people who rant and rave about the vaccine, do disregard the rights violations and broader agenda of all this. They believe that if we all vaccinate, all of this will be "over". That is a good belief, yet false, since none of it is shown to be the case from reality. There are people who also believe doing this will save others and so on.

Others are also simply afraid and they will go vaccinate to save their health. The overwhelming reality of vaccinated people however, did this because of this: They were in some way enforced, emotionally or through physical necessity, to embark in this decision, even if they understood where this potentially would lead.

All the situations are wrong situations to be in, especially in a situation where this involves this low tier of a virus. If that were the case, people should be living in Communist Borg Dystopia, only because of the flu. And the flu, or even worse of this, is nothing over which our hard earned and kind of free societies, should be destroyed over.

Unvaccinated people and others also might undergo the lab virus and so on, with many, especially in vulnerable health status or old age, suffer considerably from it.

Unvaccinated people are those who believe that the government should not mandate these things for them. Then you have of course in this category too some zealots like you have in the first category. But generally most people who are "anti-vaccine" or "anti-lockdown", effectively have a greater understanding or more hesitation to engage in all the changes that come WITH this vaccine, and not necessarily about the "vaccine" itself only.

That is correct: because how much further will the governments go if they get their way and literally crush all human rights over this?

The JWO wants these people to fight over one another, and forget the important things:

1. They virus was most likely launched by them, or by their idiotic goonies.
2. There is a larger agenda at hand, which they are enforcing through all this mess.
3. They do not hesitate to ruin and divide anything in their path.
4. All their more serious plans are still ongoing and will AFFECT EVERYONE.
5. The whole of this issue is being used and wrestled to force humanity into a different world that most people would never want to accept if they were ever asked, a tyrannical world.
6. All in all, there were no functional solutions provided neither from the vaccine, and the usual carelessness about the people was the case again. Suppressing cures, forcing one half baked cure, and so on.

We must keep our sights on them. Of course, many people still inherently deny the existence of these people. Yet even those who "followed through" and want to maintain this false notion, will become more aware through calamity of ignoring this in the next years.

Many people will contact the Co-Vid and most will pass it softly and as a flu, If one falls in this category, do not experience any fear. Even if you are in a very endangered position, meditation will boost your spirit and it will drastically increase your chances of survival, speed of healing etc.

Of course, all normal health precautions do apply here: your doctor can advise you and the rest of these things. There is also no bigger cure than having a generally healthy lifestyle.

No, it's not Joe Biden that will force upon you what to do with your personal health, he is not a doctor. People should ask trusted, and only good doctors on these matters. I don't make this comment as a medical recommendation, but look how many doctors are giving ivremecitin to people, and they heal, while the CDC and Biden want you to believe that only the jab is going to save you.

In Peru, Guatemala, Japan and in many other places, they have it already there and give it to people as is. I am not recommending anything here, only for you to see how kike interests like those of Burla, AstraZeneca and other mafias, do affect our global ability to overcome this.

In fact, this is deliberate, given the context. They want this meme to go on for as long as possible, to keep trying to shove the JWO down the throat of humanity.

Remember this whether you vaccinate or not: Whether or not one will vaccinate or not, we are all enforced into a decision of losing something. This goes all the way from revoking rights, to other wrongly placed dilemmas.

That is mostly the JWO, and the question here is hardly medical. Science could solve the matter very easily were it not for the force manipulation of this situation.

We are also to where they claim that it needs to be done even by people who have been through it and so on. Insanity, lack of common sense, and complete irrationality is trying to be enforced on people on ALL levels right now.

In short: they don't give a shit about this whole thing, just about their agenda.

For those who might have the vaccine and so on, don't worry or panic either. You can offset anything negative, just keep a healthy lifestyle, the body and mind supported, and make it a goal to have a healthy lifestyle from now on. Do the necessary workings to protect your health. This also goes to people who will not want to vaccinate, and this is strongly advised, but why?

Because humanity is going to throw dice on many emerging technologies in the closeby future, such as 5G and other things such as possibly attempted forced dietary changes for the populace. A dietary change of forced veganism or enforced bug eating without any semblance of animal protein, could pose a health biohazard danger that would be extremely long reaching, possibly even faster than any vaccine, even a faulty one.

A lot of things like this have been already thinning the human health and lifespan, and that's something people knew for decades. Unfortunately, until the enemy is removed or strongly damaged, this will probably continue.

On top of this, there are many crazy things happening, and the best bet one can take is one's health. No matter where you are or what you own, this is something that is most important.

Lastly, Aura of protection, and a strong natural immunity, will help you through most of this. Yes, there are still many more important and damning things that can befall people, not only "co-vid".

Many of these are being aired as we speak with zero checks, simply because everyone is solely occupied with the co-vid and the terror around this. Yet, since that is the case, it's always a good idea to do at least one full health working yearly, no matter how old or young you are.

Of course, it can be difficult to explain to people the whole image of this [this takes higher intelligence than the average person], but the best one can do is look after themselves and their own family.

Why are health workings recommended?

Well, for one, these will act through many ways. One way would be diet improvement, and so on. Another way this could manifest is that if illness came, it would be less or quite blunted. Another way, would be that for example, your family environment would be safer through people getting less viruses in. Or in the choice of a healthier partner. Energy has it's ways to act, just remember this. Another manifestation can be a better general living standard, or moving in a better territory with less of these adversely affecting negative forces. Also, energy is able to act on a level that we call the "Molecular" and in many other ways.

Many people will be begging in the upcoming years that they knew at least some of this knowledge, for reasons that are too obvious. Most of these things we are launching in the last 20 years technologically or otherwise, we don't have the faintest idea how they affect us. This is going to increase with finer technologies in the future. Better be safe than to be sorry.

That is the problem.,

Stay strong, stay meditating, stay safe.

High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
your sermons clear my mind.

and my mind is VERY disorganized.

i come here and get my mind organized. i feel sane.

thank you for this HPHC
No matter what extorting circumstances arise I will not take the vax. I've already lost family and friends and will lose much more gladly in the name of ourselves.

May Father Satan guide me aright.

Also, may our beloved HPC continue to lead us without cessation.
Great sermon, HPHC!

No need to fear the virus. Gods protect us, as you protect yourself too and stay healthy, it will not pass hard for you, my friend! If even you die (next to impossible), at least death will honorable, you will remembered as a hero and martyr, and you'll watch the victory of the cause which you died for in your place of Duat. Of course, I'm saying this just for make you see there is no need to fear. Death by C-19 virus would be next to impossible for an SS.
"Fresh Air and Exercise."

That's what people in the past knew about for their health. The benefits of getting outside and taking in the fresh air.

And they believed in activity like walking every day.

To help have a strong immune system. Get lots of:

Fresh air and exercise.
I think you did an awesome job assuaging a lot of people's concerns about health problems with the virus and the vaccine. Very thorough sermon, It was very informative and helpful.

I am in particular a little worried about the new Biden work vaccine mandate that just came out. Im certain I will be able to avoid it personally, but Im curious about your take on it H.P. Cobra. Do you think it will backfire on him?, are we still in a position legally speaking to refute this new mandate?

How far does the religious exemption go I wonder? That will be my next excuse to avoid it if they threaten my job. Hopefully that will be enough to avoid it for the time being.
I hear so many people willing to take this injection of unknown substances in order to preserve their career path.

How much money is it worth to potentially get cancer, infertility, weakened CNS, early onset dementia, alzheimers, lowered IQ, and other unkown affects?

I know many nurses and surgical techs, and other healthcare workers who think a $75,000-90,000 a year nursing job was worth playing Fauci Roulette for. They will eventually find out if it was worth it.

I know a girl who played Fauci Roulette because she "just wanted things to go back to normal" and "felt like an asshole because everyone else was playing Fauci Roulette."

These stories embarrass me, and I am embarrassed to know these people, but they were left with a terrible decision - a crossroads, and unfortunately, their will was too weak at this moment in time to say, NO THANK YOU, YOUR FIAT CURRENCY IS NOT WORTH IT FOR MY EARLY DEATH/POTENTIALLY IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO MY BODY

We come across many poisons throughout our lives....Carbon Monoxide from car exhaust, chemicals from cleaning supplies, microplastics from consumables, industrial pollution...I still believe none of them can compare to a direct injection of poison into you intramuscularly. Like HPC said, if thats the case, then of course, detox detox detox....but then you have to waste time you could have used for something constructive to detox instead!
Are they planning on releasing anything else. I was wondering that when I came across something Maxine said.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Now, I have noted how in the past two years, the global warming has accelerated drastically. Fires are breaking out all over. Why?

My own opinion on this is given the advanced technology, mankind has been able to control the weather. Jews are in all these key positions. Their goal is and always has been to make the Bible as believable as possible. This isn't natural, or any "act of god."

Satan himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

Before the Bubonic Plague in 1348 in Europe, there was very unusual weather for a few years preceding this. Rats were displaced because of this and there were other factors involved.

This covid thing hardly seems like a plague more like the flu.
Unfortunately I took a dose for a job requirement, the first week I was a little uncomfortable, I was repressed for having done it, however I have not missed any day in my meditation routine, the funny thing is that a couple of days ago a natural disaster occurred causing the place where I worked was ruined, this frustrated me a little because then it was useless to take the vaccine if I no longer have that job....

My health is fine I have not gotten sick at all because I apply a lot of meditation in my life, and at least I was one of the few people who did not lose their house in this natural disaster, unlike 90% of people who had total loss of their homes.

I am very grateful to father satan for this, I can only remain firm in my meditation, prosper and always support in the spiritual war.
I would like to share a quick story of my experience with SARS Covid 19. This is what happened to me. I had a fever of over 103 for 8 days. This virus really fucked up my stomach to the point of one sip of water had me violently throwing up. That happened about 4 days in. I couldn’t eat or drink anything for the last 4 days or my fever so basically I had a fever of 103+ and no water for 4 days. I almost died. I got to the point where I thought this might be it. Here is how it got better. There is a drug called Zofran. It is a anti nausea medicine. It enabled me to hold down some liquid and hydrate myself so my body could fight this fever. A couple days after being able to drink water the fever broke. One of my points is that this fucking Jew sickness fucks up your stomach. Don’t be a stubborn ass hole like me and wait 8 days to go to the dr and get something for the nausea. If I would have gotten something sooner I would not have had a fever for that long. Your body can’t fight a high fever without fluids. Brothers and sisters if you do become ill you will survive!!! It is not a death sentence. Stay strong and believe in the gods and the protection we receive from father.

Hail Satan 🖤
Thanks for the recommendation. I will start planning for the next year soon, I will make sure to include a full health working.
slyscorpion said:
Are they planning on releasing anything else. I was wondering that when I came across something Maxine said.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
Now, I have noted how in the past two years, the global warming has accelerated drastically. Fires are breaking out all over. Why?

My own opinion on this is given the advanced technology, mankind has been able to control the weather. Jews are in all these key positions. Their goal is and always has been to make the Bible as believable as possible. This isn't natural, or any "act of god."

Satan himself told me a few years ago that "A lot of people are going to die." Both Satan and Lilith told me a plague is coming. Some of you here may have also heard this from Satan or Lilith or from our other Gods.

Before the Bubonic Plague in 1348 in Europe, there was very unusual weather for a few years preceding this. Rats were displaced because of this and there were other factors involved.

This covid thing hardly seems like a plague more like the flu.

This Co-Vid is an actual plague exactly as she said. The world went into plague mode because of this.

But this has thankfully not been as deadly. It was treated like plague and it still is. The fact that it wasn't as deadly, is only a given positive bonus. The world entered pandemic status anyway.

It has probably wiped a lot of very elderly people, and still the vaccination strategy [obviously failed in pissrael] might produce a superstrain or something like this. The vaccine also causes a steady death toll the more it is administered. The chances are high if it's still dealt with in this way, this could possibly mutate. There are many risky situations taking place. The other thing about modified mosquitoes is another thing on top of this.

Honestly if we never did a single ritual, and the negative energy of the enemy had no contest at all, I would definitely see this going into razing mode and killing a lot more people.

Some psychic members with upwards to 90% certainty from these boards, have seen total fallout for 2020 and 2021. We have been pumping rituals really hard and worked to offset this. I don't want to get too optimistic here before anything, but it has helped considerably and we have blunted things a great deal.

No doubt, less jewish magick also allows for less kike intervention into these events.
I was very troubled by the vaccine as my whole life was on the line same with Father he was about to get kicked outta his company for vax and i also couldn't get a job or an entrance to the uni But Somehow just yesterday Commander cobra posted the sermon about cheats and boom we got the vax cer******** *Magic* you You can say To every SS brother n sister i urge you if haven't been vaccinated please don't give in fight till the End do your AOP do more FRTRs and stay strong one way or another something will pop up Have faith in yourself and in God's

This institute has a psycho immunological solution for covid and post covid which works between 85% to 90% of the time (the exception are the patients with oxygen, they are still researching that issue). When I say it works I mean that all symptoms disappear during the video session which entails some psycho immunological work. It works 100% of the time for post covid and to flush spike protein from the vaccine. Unfortunately 1) they have few therapists 2) it is wrong to keep a solution like this without medicines in the hands of a few.

If anyone you know has Covid please apply for a session, you only need internet and an hour or so of your time
Please do everyone a favor also, (without them knowing you do) please do record the audio of the session with a phone near your laptop o sth, so it can benefit everyone and share it here and everywhere!
If they ask you where you heard this from "I read a post somewhere I don't remember where" as they are aware we're "trying to steal the fire"
Thank you!!! Important: you DO need a positive test to be approved for this treatment
www dot peakstates dot com/covid19.html
What exactly are the spiritual consequences of receiving the vaccine? Or are there any? Does it make reincarnation more difficult or strip people of their spiritual powers?
Thank you for your beautiful sermon HP HoodedCobra.
I have a doubt about all this crazy situation. If a person finds a job opportunity maybe better than the current one, but to join this new job he has to take the vaccine (now even companies recommend this), what should he do?

If he takes the vaccine, he is subduing to all this "only" for a new job.
On the other hand, if he takes the vaccine he will get that new employment.

At first impression i would say to not take the vaccine under any circumstances, even if you lose a better job opportunity.

If instead you would risk losing your current job, that’s another case, you are forced.

Let me know your opinions,
Hail Satana!
Legendary Creature said:
What exactly are the spiritual consequences of receiving the vaccine? Or are there any? Does it make reincarnation more difficult or strip people of their spiritual powers?

I would say the answer depends on why you took the vaccine

If you took it so you can get a career advancement in the (((matrix))), then perhaps you are symbolically a sellout and will do anything for a shekel, instead of using your own creative forces to get around the problem.

If you took it because you fell for the fear tactics, then perhaps your subconscious, in getting vaccinated, participated in a symbolic ritual where you accepted total control by the enemy, almost like a behavioral conditioning exercise. If they can force you or even convince you to take an unknown substance for the sake of your health and safety, then, can you say with certainty that you control your own thoughts and actions? It also means you are gullible and too trusting of (((others))). Just reverse it over time by doing the opposite of whatever brought you to that terrible situation.

Each person is born with different advantages and resources, which helps a person determine how they would approach such a situation. So it might not be fair to criticize others who are in a more dire situation than ourselves, whether financially or health-wise, although, with enough willpower, there is always a way around it.
Looks like hospitals are now set up to be death chambers. 15min video, links to doctors for real medical help and attorneys that will sue the hospitals, and bad actor doctors if they put you on a protocol that causes death.


There’s a lot of data coming out now. Will post what we need to know as I find it.

Hail Satan
I'm nervous too because soon enough in a couple weeks my job will decide between mandatory vaccinations or weekly testing. I barely started this job and it pays well and I don't want to lose it just like that. Is there any type of working I can do to help off set my workplace's decision to do mandatory vaccination to just to weekly testing? As much as I hate being tested, I would rather have that than take the jab
Cartman1997 said:
I'm nervous too because soon enough in a couple weeks my job will decide between mandatory vaccinations or weekly testing. I barely started this job and it pays well and I don't want to lose it just like that. Is there any type of working I can do to help off set my workplace's decision to do mandatory vaccination to just to weekly testing? As much as I hate being tested, I would rather have that than take the jab

Don't quit your job. Make them fire you if it comes to that.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am writing this to HP Hooded Cobra and hope for your advice to this...
First off, could I possibly have Covid-19 and not know it? I keep having symptoms I don't understand when I thought they were caused by the tetanus shot I had or a pill I was given to take by a doctor for another issue I had at the time. I thought the symptoms/side effects would be gone by now but they're not and only getting worse. I listed one of them in the vaccine topics. Should I get tested, and if I do have it, should I get vaccinated? Though I don't trust these vaccines at all and I am indeed aware of their risks involved with getting them, as much as the risks of not getting them. I wanted to know what your advice would be in my case. I could list my symptoms, but I don't want to waste your time with that. As I understand that you're a very busy person. Any advice would be appreciated...Thank you...

Enlightened.Serpent said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am writing this to HP Hooded Cobra and hope for your advice to this...
First off, could I possibly have Covid-19 and not know it? I keep having symptoms I don't understand when I thought they were caused by the tetanus shot I had or a pill I was given to take by a doctor for another issue I had at the time. I thought the symptoms/side effects would be gone by now but they're not and only getting worse. I listed one of them in the vaccine topics. Should I get tested, and if I do have it, should I get vaccinated? Though I don't trust these vaccines at all and I am indeed aware of their risks involved with getting them, as much as the risks of not getting them. I wanted to know what your advice would be in my case. I could list my symptoms, but I don't want to waste your time with that. As I understand that you're a very busy person. Any advice would be appreciated...Thank you...


I am not a doctor so I could not give you medical advice. However, it appears like you might be having a reaction to something. Better look into this with an official and accredited doctor. Give a doctor a phone-call and ask them, as it could be something unrelated.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightened.Serpent said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am writing this to HP Hooded Cobra and hope for your advice to this...
First off, could I possibly have Covid-19 and not know it? I keep having symptoms I don't understand when I thought they were caused by the tetanus shot I had or a pill I was given to take by a doctor for another issue I had at the time. I thought the symptoms/side effects would be gone by now but they're not and only getting worse. I listed one of them in the vaccine topics. Should I get tested, and if I do have it, should I get vaccinated? Though I don't trust these vaccines at all and I am indeed aware of their risks involved with getting them, as much as the risks of not getting them. I wanted to know what your advice would be in my case. I could list my symptoms, but I don't want to waste your time with that. As I understand that you're a very busy person. Any advice would be appreciated...Thank you...


I am not a doctor so I could not give you medical advice. However, it appears like you might be having a reaction to something. Better look into this with an official and accredited doctor. Give a doctor a phone-call and ask them, as it could be something unrelated.

There are also Nurse Hotlines you can call, or use telemedicine online. There are good doctors out there but seem to be a lot of reports that hospitals are death traps now. Once you go in they give you a Covid Test and if positive (which many are fake positives) you are separated and put on Remdesiver which is having a lot of adverse affects, like kidney failure, water in the lungs etc. I trust good doctors and nurses but am staying away from any hospitals.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Enlightened.Serpent said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I am writing this to HP Hooded Cobra and hope for your advice to this...
First off, could I possibly have Covid-19 and not know it? I keep having symptoms I don't understand when I thought they were caused by the tetanus shot I had or a pill I was given to take by a doctor for another issue I had at the time. I thought the symptoms/side effects would be gone by now but they're not and only getting worse. I listed one of them in the vaccine topics. Should I get tested, and if I do have it, should I get vaccinated? Though I don't trust these vaccines at all and I am indeed aware of their risks involved with getting them, as much as the risks of not getting them. I wanted to know what your advice would be in my case. I could list my symptoms, but I don't want to waste your time with that. As I understand that you're a very busy person. Any advice would be appreciated...Thank you...


Thank you for taking time to answer my post. I did see my primary doctor, because after writing my post, I had a reaction and went to an emergency room, and I have made an appointment with a throat specialist recommended to me for next month. I just hope this one doesn't feed me bullshit, and waste my time like the last one did. I'm just afraid if he fixes the situation, and the side effects end up going away on their own then afterwards my throat is permanently damaged as a result to whatever surgeries were done, if any. However, because of this vaccine my throat could already be permanently damaged. I still think this is all a reaction to the Tetanus shot that I mentioned a few months ago, because the only thing that seems to relieve these symptoms, is otc allergy medications, but I will mention this to him as well. I never once had this issue until after I got that tetanus shot, so you can see why I am worried about it. I also got tested for covid-19 as well while I was there, and it came back negative so that gave me a peace of mind.

I am not a doctor so I could not give you medical advice. However, it appears like you might be having a reaction to something. Better look into this with an official and accredited doctor. Give a doctor a phone-call and ask them, as it could be something unrelated.
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I hear so many people willing to take this injection of unknown substances in order to preserve their career path.

How much money is it worth to potentially get cancer, infertility, weakened CNS, early onset dementia, alzheimers, lowered IQ, and other unkown affects?

I know many nurses and surgical techs, and other healthcare workers who think a $75,000-90,000 a year nursing job was worth playing Fauci Roulette for. They will eventually find out if it was worth it.

I know a girl who played Fauci Roulette because she "just wanted things to go back to normal" and "felt like an asshole because everyone else was playing Fauci Roulette."

These stories embarrass me, and I am embarrassed to know these people, but they were left with a terrible decision - a crossroads, and unfortunately, their will was too weak at this moment in time to say, NO THANK YOU, YOUR FIAT CURRENCY IS NOT WORTH IT FOR MY EARLY DEATH/POTENTIALLY IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO MY BODY

We come across many poisons throughout our lives....Carbon Monoxide from car exhaust, chemicals from cleaning supplies, microplastics from consumables, industrial pollution...I still believe none of them can compare to a direct injection of poison into you intramuscularly. Like HPC said, if thats the case, then of course, detox detox detox....but then you have to waste time you could have used for something constructive to detox instead!
It is not about a salary or a job. Many people go into heavy debt and invest significant chunks of their life to become nurses and doctors and have families to take care of and homes to pay off. When the elite decide to bully people by threatening them with termination if they don't get the shot, oftentimes there is much more at stake here than just a job or a wage.

Of course there are the idiots who genuinely believe the narrative that things will "go back to normal" if only you bend over and take it from the (((man))), or look at these experimental shots as blessings and saviors, but understand that it doesn't always come down to "weakness". Some people really are backed into a corner. With the medical field it is not so easy to just exit the system and go your own way the way you can if you were an electrician or programmer.

There are no winning moves in this game the kikes are playing, anyway, only the ones that we can make as satanists. Do RTRs! Reverse this madness.
existentialcrisis said:
CrossRoadsPedestrian said:
I hear so many people willing to take this injection of unknown substances in order to preserve their career path.

How much money is it worth to potentially get cancer, infertility, weakened CNS, early onset dementia, alzheimers, lowered IQ, and other unkown affects?

I know many nurses and surgical techs, and other healthcare workers who think a $75,000-90,000 a year nursing job was worth playing Fauci Roulette for. They will eventually find out if it was worth it.

I know a girl who played Fauci Roulette because she "just wanted things to go back to normal" and "felt like an asshole because everyone else was playing Fauci Roulette."

These stories embarrass me, and I am embarrassed to know these people, but they were left with a terrible decision - a crossroads, and unfortunately, their will was too weak at this moment in time to say, NO THANK YOU, YOUR FIAT CURRENCY IS NOT WORTH IT FOR MY EARLY DEATH/POTENTIALLY IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE TO MY BODY

We come across many poisons throughout our lives....Carbon Monoxide from car exhaust, chemicals from cleaning supplies, microplastics from consumables, industrial pollution...I still believe none of them can compare to a direct injection of poison into you intramuscularly. Like HPC said, if thats the case, then of course, detox detox detox....but then you have to waste time you could have used for something constructive to detox instead!
It is not about a salary or a job. Many people go into heavy debt and invest significant chunks of their life to become nurses and doctors and have families to take care of and homes to pay off. When the elite decide to bully people by threatening them with termination if they don't get the shot, oftentimes there is much more at stake here than just a job or a wage.

Of course there are the idiots who genuinely believe the narrative that things will "go back to normal" if only you bend over and take it from the (((man))), or look at these experimental shots as blessings and saviors, but understand that it doesn't always come down to "weakness". Some people really are backed into a corner. With the medical field it is not so easy to just exit the system and go your own way the way you can if you were an electrician or programmer.

There are no winning moves in this game the kikes are playing, anyway, only the ones that we can make as satanists. Do RTRs! Reverse this madness.

i totally forgot about these medical workers who have student debt good point
These kikes have went so insane that they are literally trying to bring people in front of the dilemma of either taking the shot or dying of deprivation or being unable to continue with their lives, education, college, social existence etc.

The above constitutes the failing insanity of the jews. It should reveal them to be insane to the whole earth, but also their agenda.

We knew this would happen and it might accelerate. They are staging this so that everyone, no matter what choice they make, is going to have a cost or risk involved and associated with it.

Despite of what anyone must do, this great offense and attack must be remembered and the enemy has to be punished for it permanently. They are literally destroying all freedom as we know it.
Lord_Nocturnus said:
The vaccine should be taken by everyone. It is no different from a polio vaccine or a tetanus vaccine. There is nothing "spiritual" about it. There is nothing spiritual about having respiratory failure and dying on a respirator when a simple jab of a needle will protect you. And next off, your ridiculous claim that the virus came from "kikes" aka jews shows your level of brilliance. It was formed in a Wuhan Lab, not Jerusalem. Ill go so far as to say if you don't get the vaccine, you are against Satan. It is Satan and the demons who inspired the knowledge needed to go beyond prayer and meditation to actual scientific techniques that work. Rubbing crystals on each others asses wont cure a damn thing. And isn't stupidity one of Satanisms no-nos? Wake up. Joy of Satan was great back before the "antiJew this, antiJew that" crap. What yall trying to be the next Hitler? Okay, lets see how that works for ya. Us Native Americans were wiped out and pushed off our lands but we are not up online spouting off about the pasty whites now are we? Or the Pale Tail Conspiracy Theory. Nor are we defiling our belief systems with meaningless hate for this race or that race. Yall wanna progress in Satanism? Drop the energy directed towards people whos only difference from you is their parents and ancestors. It gets to the point where some of these members are worse than Christians in their indoctrinated dislike for this or that. And lets not forget the judging. Yall act like you're the mouthpiece of Satan but what you really are is the mouthpiece of a few online Neo-Nazis with too much time on their hands. Hitler was a coward anyways and blew his brains out. Maybe stick to more authentic forms of Satanism and leave the Nazism out of it. Better yet, get the vaccine and stay the fuck out of our way.

Why even waste your energy typing this? You're opinion holds little to no weight. Like the trash you are, take yourself out.
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Better yet, get the vaccine and stay the fuck out of our way.

Since you are such a brave person you are so terribly afraid of a virus that has 0,02% mortality rate, only on the obese above the age of 75 or those with too many underlying disorders that would already be dying, you might as well speak in a civil manner, because you are weak dust just waiting to be sniffled out.

To believe that this nonsense overblown situation, is a good justification to remove all human freedoms which are of Satanic mental orientation, makes you nothing else but an Abrahamic NPC. You might as well join a local xian church nearby and advocate all freedoms are wiped out, including yours.

First, you lack common sense. Second, you are pissed off at the laws of logic and nature which we simply do accept and follow. Thirdly, you invade a persons den to attack them, which is even what LaVeyanism does have the logic not to do.

Judging is a natural situation. Birds, dogs, cats, they all judge. Humans judge too. Apparently you judged it was a good tradeoff to give all your freedoms away for a vaccine for a claimed disease of a 0,02 death rate. Not everyone here did make the same assesment and you don't accept their freedom of choice so you get salty.

That is your judgement but that doesn't look very Satanic at all. Don't be so mad others get to make better judgements than you, and enjoy the rest of your 4 doses if you want to go down this road. Only so that you can move around freely or something, since your overlords demanded of you to be forced down a needle being a prerequisite for you literally eating or existing.

Just to be clear, your comment was not even "pro vaccine" which should be approved or tolerated, it's a bunch of threats and nonsense from your weak non Satanic mind. Even if you were pro vaccine but made sense, your comment wouldn't be deleted.

But it's more of the bogus "Safe Satanism" ass kissing which is the reason the JoS is supreme compared to any of you guys.
Remove lord_nocturnes”s account he is a complete fucking dip shit, and obviously has done no research on anything and is spreading false information. I honestly can’t believe what that fuck bag had to say.
I have a close friend who was forced to take the poison, one shot of Pfizer, but he’ll try everything to not get the second dose. I gave him vitamins: pills with zinc, vitamin c and histidin, and multivitamin effervescent tablets, and I asked Valefor to take care of their health. The help from Valefor will be temporarily of course, and even if he doesn’t get the second dose (hopefully), he’ll still need to take care of their health. Can y’all tell me what should he do? He’s a beginner, currently only doing void and aura cleaning. Thank you, brothers and sisters. :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Lord_Nocturnus said:
Better yet, get the vaccine and stay the fuck out of our way.

Since you are such a brave person you are so terribly afraid of a virus that has 0,02% mortality rate, only on the obese above the age of 75 or those with too many underlying disorders that would already be dying, you might as well speak in a civil manner, because you are weak dust just waiting to be sniffled out.

To believe that this nonsense overblown situation, is a good justification to remove all human freedoms which are of Satanic mental orientation, makes you nothing else but an Abrahamic NPC. You might as well join a local xian church nearby and advocate all freedoms are wiped out, including yours.

First, you lack common sense. Second, you are pissed off at the laws of logic and nature which we simply do accept and follow. Thirdly, you invade a persons den to attack them, which is even what LaVeyanism does have the logic not to do.

Judging is a natural situation. Birds, dogs, cats, they all judge. Humans judge too. Apparently you judged it was a good tradeoff to give all your freedoms away for a vaccine for a claimed disease of a 0,02 death rate. Not everyone here did make the same assesment and you don't accept their freedom of choice so you get salty.

That is your judgement but that doesn't look very Satanic at all. Don't be so mad others get to make better judgements than you, and enjoy the rest of your 4 doses if you want to go down this road. Only so that you can move around freely or something, since your overlords demanded of you to be forced down a needle being a prerequisite for you literally eating or existing.

Just to be clear, your comment was not even "pro vaccine" which should be approved or tolerated, it's a bunch of threats and nonsense from your weak non Satanic mind. Even if you were pro vaccine but made sense, your comment wouldn't be deleted.

But it's more of the bogus "Safe Satanism" ass kissing which is the reason the JoS is supreme compared to any of you guys.

Seems like this guy is a total nutcase. I hope he actually got the vaccine, so he can join the horde of Grey losers that we are going to wipe out from the universe. He is already behaving like a Grey anyway.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Lord_Nocturnus said:
The vaccine should be taken by everyone. It is no different from a polio vaccine or a tetanus vaccine. There is nothing "spiritual" about it. There is nothing spiritual about having respiratory failure and dying on a respirator when a simple jab of a needle will protect you. And next off, your ridiculous claim that the virus came from "kikes" aka jews shows your level of brilliance. It was formed in a Wuhan Lab, not Jerusalem. Ill go so far as to say if you don't get the vaccine, you are against Satan. It is Satan and the demons who inspired the knowledge needed to go beyond prayer and meditation to actual scientific techniques that work. Rubbing crystals on each others asses wont cure a damn thing. And isn't stupidity one of Satanisms no-nos? Wake up. Joy of Satan was great back before the "antiJew this, antiJew that" crap. What yall trying to be the next Hitler? Okay, lets see how that works for ya. Us Native Americans were wiped out and pushed off our lands but we are not up online spouting off about the pasty whites now are we? Or the Pale Tail Conspiracy Theory. Nor are we defiling our belief systems with meaningless hate for this race or that race. Yall wanna progress in Satanism? Drop the energy directed towards people whos only difference from you is their parents and ancestors. It gets to the point where some of these members are worse than Christians in their indoctrinated dislike for this or that. And lets not forget the judging. Yall act like you're the mouthpiece of Satan but what you really are is the mouthpiece of a few online Neo-Nazis with too much time on their hands. Hitler was a coward anyways and blew his brains out. Maybe stick to more authentic forms of Satanism and leave the Nazism out of it. Better yet, get the vaccine and stay the fuck out of our way.

Why even waste your energy typing this? You're opinion holds little to no weight. Like the trash you are, take yourself out.

If he took the vax we have a few years more to hear their BS. But I doubt he really did. The long term effects are severe trombosys, ADE and cytokine storm. The sad thing is the vast majority of whites have already taken it. This scumfuck knows probably it is not the same as a polio vaccine. All of them are gene therapy vaccines, either mARN or vector.
We just have to look over this site to understand which races are the most vaccinated: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
Booster time guys make sure you ask for a 4th to be extra safe.

My friend just said he is going to get his booster with his flu jag :eek:

He has underlying health conditions, fits the narative.
siv said:
I have a close friend who was forced to take the poison, one shot of Pfizer, but he’ll try everything to not get the second dose. I gave him vitamins: pills with zinc, vitamin c and histidin, and multivitamin effervescent tablets, and I asked Valefor to take care of their health. The help from Valefor will be temporarily of course, and even if he doesn’t get the second dose (hopefully), he’ll still need to take care of their health. Can y’all tell me what should he do? He’s a beginner, currently only doing void and aura cleaning. Thank you, brothers and sisters. :D

He can't deny the second dose ffs. :x
He felt perfectly normal after his first shot of kosher poison, except for a few times when he felt his arm a little weird. No pain, no nothing. Hopefully he got a diluted dose, but as much as I wish he will continue being fine after the second dose, he needs to do something about it. What else can I give him to keep being healthy? And what meditation should I tell him to do these almost 2 weeks before he gets vaxxed again? I was thinking of telling him to program his Aura to destroy the jab, thus avoiding *all* the effects that it's supposed to produce.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
