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If You Get Co-Vid Or The Vaccine - Protecting Yourself

EasternFireLion666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Lord_Nocturnus said:
The vaccine should be taken by everyone. It is no different from a polio vaccine or a tetanus vaccine. There is nothing "spiritual" about it. There is nothing spiritual about having respiratory failure and dying on a respirator when a simple jab of a needle will protect you. And next off, your ridiculous claim that the virus came from "kikes" aka jews shows your level of brilliance. It was formed in a Wuhan Lab, not Jerusalem. Ill go so far as to say if you don't get the vaccine, you are against Satan. It is Satan and the demons who inspired the knowledge needed to go beyond prayer and meditation to actual scientific techniques that work. Rubbing crystals on each others asses wont cure a damn thing. And isn't stupidity one of Satanisms no-nos? Wake up. Joy of Satan was great back before the "antiJew this, antiJew that" crap. What yall trying to be the next Hitler? Okay, lets see how that works for ya. Us Native Americans were wiped out and pushed off our lands but we are not up online spouting off about the pasty whites now are we? Or the Pale Tail Conspiracy Theory. Nor are we defiling our belief systems with meaningless hate for this race or that race. Yall wanna progress in Satanism? Drop the energy directed towards people whos only difference from you is their parents and ancestors. It gets to the point where some of these members are worse than Christians in their indoctrinated dislike for this or that. And lets not forget the judging. Yall act like you're the mouthpiece of Satan but what you really are is the mouthpiece of a few online Neo-Nazis with too much time on their hands. Hitler was a coward anyways and blew his brains out. Maybe stick to more authentic forms of Satanism and leave the Nazism out of it. Better yet, get the vaccine and stay the fuck out of our way.

Why even waste your energy typing this? You're opinion holds little to no weight. Like the trash you are, take yourself out.

If he took the vax we have a few years more to hear their BS. But I doubt he really did. The long term effects are severe trombosys, ADE and cytokine storm. The sad thing is the vast majority of whites have already taken it. This scumfuck knows probably it is not the same as a polio vaccine. All of them are gene therapy vaccines, either mARN or vector.
We just have to look over this site to understand which races are the most vaccinated: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
I'd call those "medium-term effects". Long-term effects will be seen in a 5-year period and 10-year period.
Stormblood said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Why even waste your energy typing this? You're opinion holds little to no weight. Like the trash you are, take yourself out.

If he took the vax we have a few years more to hear their BS. But I doubt he really did. The long term effects are severe trombosys, ADE and cytokine storm. The sad thing is the vast majority of whites have already taken it. This scumfuck knows probably it is not the same as a polio vaccine. All of them are gene therapy vaccines, either mARN or vector.
We just have to look over this site to understand which races are the most vaccinated: https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
I'd call those "medium-term effects". Long-term effects will be seen in a 5-year period and 10-year period.

True. There may be genetical malformations and infertility on the long run for the survivors. I am thinking the ones who do not know about spiritual workings they may need to rely on anticoagulation meds. This could at least partially help. The problem with those vaxes is they modify the genes themselves which is very hard to reverse. A classic flu shot if it were to cause some damage it could be reversible as it is based on an inactive virus plus some chemicals maybe.
siv said:
siv said:
I have a close friend who was forced to take the poison, one shot of Pfizer, but he’ll try everything to not get the second dose. I gave him vitamins: pills with zinc, vitamin c and histidin, and multivitamin effervescent tablets, and I asked Valefor to take care of their health. The help from Valefor will be temporarily of course, and even if he doesn’t get the second dose (hopefully), he’ll still need to take care of their health. Can y’all tell me what should he do? He’s a beginner, currently only doing void and aura cleaning. Thank you, brothers and sisters. :D

He can't deny the second dose ffs. :x
He felt perfectly normal after his first shot of kosher poison, except for a few times when he felt his arm a little weird. No pain, no nothing. Hopefully he got a diluted dose, but as much as I wish he will continue being fine after the second dose, he needs to do something about it. What else can I give him to keep being healthy? And what meditation should I tell him to do these almost 2 weeks before he gets vaxxed again? I was thinking of telling him to program his Aura to destroy the jab, thus avoiding *all* the effects that it's supposed to produce.
I'm replying again in the hope that someone will help us, especially the people who unfortunately got the vaxx
siv said:

Algiz or Saulo for an AOP specific to preventing damage from the vaccine. After the shot, switch to Satanama or Uruz for healing from any of the damage. This can be done in a white-magic healing sense, or in a black-magic removal of damage sense.

Your friend has nothing to worry about, especially if he is doing yoga regularly, sleeping and eating well, and so forth. He can start a healing working for the vaccine after he gets the shot, or sometime in the future when he has more time or whatever. October 31st is a good date for removing health issues.

If your friend's health is in poor condition, such as exhibiting various symptoms, then have him make a more detailed post here so solutions can be implemented.

Your friend needs to start doing more beyond just cleaning and void, such as at least the 40-day guide. If he has trouble with productivity or has time constraints, then there are also plenty of solutions to these problems as well, if he is willing to implement them. However, he needs to elaborate about them to receive said assistance.
I swear I was on this site months ago and they were saying, their for the vaxs, telling people if they already got it that it's okay. Hail satan. But you so called satanist, I doubt you are.... must really be secret Jews. You Fucking liars were pro vaxs. Stfu. Changing what you say. Haha joy of shit ur a jew.
HelmOfLight said:
I swear I was on this site months ago and they were saying, their for the vaxs, telling people if they already got it that it's okay.

Proof or STFU.

HelmOfLight said:
You Fucking liars were pro vaxs

Again proof or STFU. You didn't post any proof at all, you just made a stupid claim. I have been here for years, sometimes lurking, reading every post and sometimes posting with an account and this never happened. The mainstream opinion here was always skeptical of the fake genetic therapy disguised as vaccine since day one.

As a matter of fact, here's a post by HP Hoodedcobra from December 2020 warning about the fake vaccine:


You can see this shows that you are clearly lying.

HelmOfLight said:
But you so called satanist, I doubt you are.... must really be secret Jews. You Fucking liars were pro vaxs. Stfu. Changing what you say. Haha joy of shit ur a jew.

Interesting. Someone who is clearly lying as he hasn't provided any proof accuses others of being jews. That's what jews do: They lie and accuse others of being jews instead of themselves.

Begone, kike liar.
The only thing that can be claimed is that some people here were pro lockdowns and pro masks, unlike me who was against both of them since the beginning. Since then, it seems like the majority of those 'some people' shifted their opinion to a healthier opinion.

Never someone was pro-vax and, when someone claimed taking the vax a few months ago, he was bashed.
HelmOfLight said:
I swear I was on this site months ago and they were saying, their for the vaxs, telling people if they already got it that it's okay. Hail satan. But you so called satanist, I doubt you are.... must really be secret Jews. You Fucking liars were pro vaxs. Stfu. Changing what you say. Haha joy of shit ur a jew.

The JoS has never told anyone to take or not take any Co-Vid vaccinations or do anything of this nature with experimental vaccinations on themselves.

However, we have said that if people took that [or whatever their choice was forced on them or by life], that is their personal choice and that we won´t discriminate against anyone simply because itś a decision that happened in their life. Because that would be stupid.

In some cases, it could have been a medical choice. We took a clear position that rights and freedom > above everything else. Instead of focusing on the syringe subject, we have explained what really matters through all this, which is far further than the so called ¨Vaccine'.

To divide or cause dismay is what the jews wanted in the first place over this, and through this disarray, enforce dystopianism and irrationality, social destruction. This could never be brought inside JoS. We don´t dance on what the jew beats on the drum.

Regardless our position in general was one of discussion and sanity, rather than division, attacks and nonsense. Sort of how a place of respectful exchange of ideas should take place. So yes, you might have seen some pro vaccination comments from members, who may have later changed an opinion or haven´t changed.

This was mostly on the beginning of all this, as later, most of these arguments have proven to be unverified by reality and everyone plainly saw what all this globalist plot was made into. Most of us here saw this way earlier, others later.

Its okay we understand jews are angry about how this community handled the situation, you might as well cry on your yeshiva corner about how good we have been doing collectively.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HelmOfLight said:
I swear I was on this site months ago and they were saying, their for the vaxs, telling people if they already got it that it's okay. Hail satan. But you so called satanist, I doubt you are.... must really be secret Jews. You Fucking liars were pro vaxs. Stfu. Changing what you say. Haha joy of shit ur a jew.

The JoS has never told anyone to take or not take any Co-Vid vaccinations or do anything of this nature with experimental vaccinations on themselves.

However, we have said that if people took that [or whatever their choice was forced on them or by life], that is their personal choice and that we won´t discriminate against anyone simply because itś a decision that happened in their life. Because that would be stupid.

In some cases, it could have been a medical choice. We took a clear position that rights and freedom > above everything else. Instead of focusing on the syringe subject, we have explained what really matters through all this, which is far further than the so called ¨Vaccine'.

To divide or cause dismay is what the jews wanted in the first place over this, and through this disarray, enforce dystopianism and irrationality, social destruction. This could never be brought inside JoS. We don´t dance on what the jew beats on the drum.

Regardless our position in general was one of discussion and sanity, rather than division, attacks and nonsense. Sort of how a place of respectful exchange of ideas should take place. So yes, you might have seen some pro vaccination comments from members, who may have later changed an opinion or haven´t changed.

This was mostly on the beginning of all this, as later, most of these arguments have proven to be unverified by reality and everyone plainly saw what all this globalist plot was made into. Most of us here saw this way earlier, others later.

Its okay we understand jews are angry about how this community handled the situation, you might as well cry on your yeshiva corner about how good we have been doing collectively.
Personaly Ilitreraly saw everyone around me taking the vaccine and be 100% more than fine. I only know one old woman who had some issues and the doctors said it could have been the vaccine (one that has been outlawed now). Now this does not mean I go around telling people to follow the jews and take every shot the come up with but I have to be true to what I've experienced, its clear whatever they are injecting people its to force something else in the future but right now in Italy if you don't take it you can't work so I've seen a lot of people who normally would have not take it being vaccinated.
HelmOfLight said:
I swear I was on this site months ago and they were saying, their for the vaxs, telling people if they already got it that it's okay. Hail satan. But you so called satanist, I doubt you are.... must really be secret Jews. You Fucking liars were pro vaxs. Stfu. Changing what you say. Haha joy of shit ur a jew.

Oh really? Go find the post then and please enlighten us. I think you will leave us eternally waiting, however. Don't forget to use wayback machine as well.
Rational Satanist said:
As a matter of fact, here's a post by HP Hoodedcobra from December 2020 warning about the fake vaccine:


Oops, I accidentally copy-pasted the wrong thread. Here's the one I meant to post:


Even though the one I accidentally posted still makes the point.
My experience is that either vaccinated people have ridiculously weak immune systems to begin with or they have been weakened by the vaccine. How did I notice this? I am part of a few sports clubs and people do not turn because they are sick, people that wouldn't normal miss a training session for the world. They have a cold, they have a fever, their throat is sore, they are strangely fatigued, they have 'covid'. And this happens to them too often to be in line with average NPC health.

When you ask them if they have always had such poor health or if there was any different compared to 1 or 2 years ago, they don't know. They can't remember. Or 'they've always been like this', to which my third eye says 'false'.

The problem with this people is that they do not use their brain. They don't ask themselves if there is any difference from before. They don't pay attention to changes like a normal human being should with whatever new endeavour is undertaken. They simply have this terrible habit/brainwashing of 'going with the flow' and everything that happens 'it's always been like this'/'I don't know'.

Many people [not everyone] seem more like robots/NPCs than actual human beings. It is difficult for me to cut them some slack, when they don't even make an effort. Someone recently told me, when I gave him some feedback that his behaviour was disrespectful toward me and other people and he should reflects on the way he behaves, that he is 'X age' [an adult by all legal and biological standards] and I should not have 'such high expectations for him'. High expectations being 'basic manners and respect everyone should be taught by their parents' since they don't live alone in this world and their behaviour affects other people, not just themselves.

So, I guess this is the opposite experience compared to what luis related.
Stormblood said:

Regardless of the medical aspects of it and it being not up to any promised status, this fact remains: The whole ordeal is a pretext for dystopianism, QR codes for people literally eating or shopping, an attempt of the Jews to enslave free Nations, and all of this placed on totally bogus excuses and empty pretexts.

This fact on its own illustrates all the problem. As about the vaccine itself, as I have stated before, my opinion remains it was all of minor importance in the face of the largest goal at work. Whether it works or not and so on, that doesn´t seem to be the primary goal or the important aspect of this situation whatsoever.

If they say it works, even when people vaccinate, the plans to ruin freedom remain.

If it doesn´t work and people take it, then they continue.

If it does work and people don´t take it, they use the same excuse again.

If it does work and people also take it, they invent some other snakeoil bogus nonsense over 0,02% death toll, and attempt to continue again.

This is jewing to the maximum and not a ¨pandemic¨, it´s just the pretext they were waiting for to start their memes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Stormblood said:

Regardless of the medical aspects of it and it being not up to any promised status, this fact remains: The whole ordeal is a pretext for dystopianism, QR codes for people literally eating or shopping, an attempt of the Jews to enslave free Nations, and all of this placed on totally bogus excuses and empty pretexts.

This fact on its own illustrates all the problem. As about the vaccine itself, as I have stated before, my opinion remains it was all of minor importance in the face of the largest goal at work. Whether it works or not and so on, that doesn´t seem to be the primary goal or the important aspect of this situation whatsoever.

If they say it works, even when people vaccinate, the plans to ruin freedom remain.

If it doesn´t work and people take it, then they continue.

If it does work and people don´t take it, they use the same excuse again.

If it does work and people also take it, they invent some other snakeoil bogus nonsense over 0,02% death toll, and attempt to continue again.

This is jewing to the maximum and not a ¨pandemic¨, it´s just the pretext they were waiting for to start their memes.

The real pandemic is in their mind and they transmit it by jewing.
The vaccine contains alot of graphene in a lipsome. That means its got a covering and your body might think it belongs in the brain... Then there's 5g with directional antennas and broadband frequency that can target you with different frequency radiation that can make you feel hungry/angry/irritated/itchy / sick.... Imagine in protests or to blackmail people this technology is for power like most things
My apologies" no sense on using way back machine..(I was focusing on the wrong material and got it all twisted).. Never mind my slander, pro choice i get it. Sorry guys. -hail S.
H.P hooded cobra. You are a really great writer, all that depth/detail, I definitely learned quite a few things and you have proved me dreadfully wrong. *WARNING* THIS IS A LEGITIMATE FORUM so guys that DOUBT it...JUST don't be a me and learn the hard way.
Nobita007 said:
You should take vaccine for immunity against covid-19

Yeah, I'm taking the vaccine. It's called: cleaning your aura, strengthening the protective layers of your aura, returning curses, RTR, kundalini and hatha kriya, general chakra empowerment, falun dafa, iron body. Had thousands of jabs so far, and I get booster shots on a multi-daily basis. I have 666% immunity. Thank you for your concern!
Well written Stormblood, very well written (I dont know how to nominate you on the forum, so imagine i nominated you, lol)

This language is not my mother tongue so i apologize in advance.

It's the situation we have now, this vaccination paradigm they are doing, it's all going up. People are being separated from each other, there is discrimination between vaccinated and non-vaccinated. You can't get a word in edgewise, someone who didn't want to get vaccinated but has to, to no avail, falls into cognitive dissonance.

These restrictions all to keep people from meeting each other, are all based on fictitious things.

Level 1 - Pandemic

Level 2 - ???
Before I offer a source (if it is allowed), does JOS already have a good source for vax cards?
Crystallized Mushroom said:
i'm in the United States i heard from my friend they're mandating this by January :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
It's high time you say they can stick their mandates up their asses and start doing spiritual warfare to counter their shitty plans. Remember, a rtr a day keeps the jew away.
So hmmm they just came out, with Billy primarily, saying that the vaccine doesn't curb the spread of this so called "virus".

I must have been smarter than all epidemiologists when this was said months ago, or when we said all the "conspiracy theories" that simply came out correct.

Or was this was their plan and it's all as expected by these jews? Of course, that too. Know the jew and you know his plan.

Billy confessed, meaning: Oy vey goyim, these last 2 years of lockdowns and raping your rights were not enough. We did a small mistake with this vaccine and it's bogus snake oil.

Oy vey, we need 2 more years because with you on lockdowns, oy gevalt, science made a small mistake while everyone was ranting with 1000% certainty it was what was going to solve it all and imprisoning people for not wanting the fake oil.

Turns out goy because 6,000,000 died in the holohoax unless you want your 60th dose with the snakeoil bogus shot, your rights won't be back to you goy.

But oy gevalt, it's not going very well, the goyim know and more goyim know by the day. The vaccinated get sick, the unvaccinated know the Jew World Order is coming. We be fucked, oy veyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Remember the holohoax!!!!!
Jewel said:
Before I offer a source (if it is allowed), does JOS already have a good source for vax cards?

We know nothing of this. Make any choices with your own risk. It is not allowed to share these on the platform due to general law abiding reasons.

Wish you luck in your decisions, stay strong.
Stormblood said:
Nobita007 said:
You should take vaccine for immunity against covid-19

Yeah, I'm taking the vaccine. It's called: cleaning your aura, strengthening the protective layers of your aura, returning curses, RTR, kundalini and hatha kriya, general chakra empowerment, falun dafa, iron body. Had thousands of jabs so far, and I get booster shots on a multi-daily basis. I have 666% immunity. Thank you for your concern!

It's really all we need. The virtue signaling for vaccine has reached levels of retardation and insanity.

I remember years ago, catching wind of a flu that was coming about(when we reach a level this shows in the aura before it manifests in the form of a fever). Instead of letting it happen I vibrated AUM SURYAE x108, then visualized white gold light as bright as the sun permeating my aura and throat intensely and that pending flu was gone instantly.

I don't even remember the last time I caught a flu to be honest. Even when I interact with people at work that catch the flu during flu season.
Me and my family will NEVER get the experimental jab. I don't care if I go homeless. I know father Satan will protect us through this bullshit. Being in Australia is hard. However we have made it this far without it - got a haircut, eat out at restos, even got a massage lol etc we've downloaded the f*** Vax pass so that's good enough for now. Apparent freedoms for unvaxed will be Dec 15 so waiting till that day. Then waiting for the vaxed zombies to appear. Good luck to those without!

Hail Satan forever!!
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:

Do you have a good source for "Iron Body" qi method?

Would like to add that to my routine &/or try it (...)
Mantak Chia

>>> https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w/folder/fV1wTSjZ
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:
Nobita007 said:
You should take vaccine for immunity against covid-19

Yeah, I'm taking the vaccine. It's called: cleaning your aura, strengthening the protective layers of your aura, returning curses, RTR, kundalini and hatha kriya, general chakra empowerment, falun dafa, iron body. Had thousands of jabs so far, and I get booster shots on a multi-daily basis. I have 666% immunity. Thank you for your concern!

It's really all we need. The virtue signaling for vaccine has reached levels of retardation and insanity.

I remember years ago, catching wind of a flu that was coming about(when we reach a level this shows in the aura before it manifests in the form of a fever). Instead of letting it happen I vibrated AUM SURYAE x108, then visualized white gold light as bright as the sun permeating my aura and throat intensely and that pending flu was gone instantly.

I don't even remember the last time I caught a flu to be honest. Even when I interact with people at work that catch the flu during flu season.

I follow these two protocols with those who virtue-signal about the weakvid vaccine and other topics they haven't researched and analysed in real depth (not Millennial/Zoomer depth, which is tantamount to 0):
Henu the Great said:
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:

Do you have a good source for "Iron Body" qi method?

Would like to add that to my routine &/or try it (...)
Mantak Chia

>>> https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w/folder/fV1wTSjZ

That's the one. Thanks for sharing it in my stead.
I don't know if it is real or just jews be jewing, but this is a site where kikes complain about the vaxx:


Anyway, the irony is strong in that one, if true :lol:

Another site I've found is this:

Some overall data:


Some dead/injured people


And the most interesting part is this (Doctor Says Vaxinated Are Permanently Damaged):


I'll just quote the main idea here

“The spike protein…becomes part of the cell wall of ….these cells that line your blood vessels, which are supposed to be smooth so that your blood flows smoothly. Now you have these little spiky bits sticking out,” Hoffe said.

From here, “blood platelets circulate in your vessels…to detect a damaged vessel and block that vessel to stop bleeding. So when the platelet comes through the capillary, it suddenly hits all these little COVID spikes that are jutting into the inside of the vessel. It is absolutely inevitable that a blood clot will form.”

Hoffe claimed the clots are “too small and too scattered” to show up on CT scans, angiograms, or MRIs, but are numerous enough to cause damage.

“There’s some tissues in your body like intestine and liver and kidneys that can regenerate to quite a good degree. But brain and spinal cord and heart muscle and lungs do not. When they’re damaged, it’s permanent, like all these young people who are now getting myocarditis from these shots. They have permanently damaged hearts,” Hoffe said.

“This is the terrifying concern. And not only is the long-term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot, the damage will add and add and add. It’s going to be cumulative.”

Hoffe said 10 of his patients who took the jab have shortness of breath or ongoing neurological problems. When he began to see new and lasting issues in post-vaccination patients, he e-mailed local health care providers to say: “This is causing harm, should we be pausing this just to take stock?”

Hoffe was subsequently forbidden by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia to say anything negative about the vaccine, lest he causes “vaccine hesitancy.” He was barred from the local emergency ward, but maintains his family practice.

In recent weeks, Hoffe has sought patients who have received a COVID shot within the previous four to seven days. He gives them a D-dimer test, which is the only one that will indicate the presence of new clots.

“So far 62% of them have evidence of clotting, which means that these blood clots are not rare. It means that the majority of people are getting blood clots that they have no idea that they’re even having,” he said.

Another interesting comment:

the jab has graphene in it, graphene that becomes magnetic inside the body and since red bloodcells have high iron content they naturally clump together around the graphene particles causing thousand and more minor bloodclots.. clots that will clog up your lungs over time making the heart have to work harder and strain.. Most will die from this within 3 years from a right sided infarction typically and the s-protein

Graphene conducts heat and electricity very efficiently along its plane. The material strongly absorbs light of all visible wavelengths”
This explains all the things people are observing with the jabbed and the jab itself.. it is why the jab needs to be transported so frozen so the graphene wont be magnetized and bind to itself causing massive instant bloodclots (those are typically from the bottle of vaxxine (though i loathe to call it that) having been too hot and been magnetically activated through transport or simply sitting on the jab trays in room temperature for a while.. it also explains why the jabbed seems to glow subdermically when exposed to light of a certain wavelenght.

So I have no idea if this is just speculation, but it seems to support the rumour that the vaxxed will die/suffer major damage inside of a 3-year span. It would also explain why the rush to just vaxx everyone including kids and it seems to match with some of our predictions that we will suffer many restrictions pending the interval 2021-2024.

If this is true, via graphene or some other toxic poison, then they crafted this masterfully with delayed effect and would also support the Culling. With 50-70% of world population dead/disabled then the Great Reset would follow naturally.

It would also explain why the adverse reactions are never questioned and I find it interesting that unless you had major bad reactions you would be found clinically healthy since the microscopic clots wouldn't show up on any test except a very specific one that you or your doctor would have to know about. Moreover, the damage is cumulative and increases with each jab taken and also is irreversible.

So in short it would explain magnetism, heart issues, fatigue problems, urgency of the vaxx process and the freezing temperatures I always wondered about.

What it doesn't explain for me is how come the athletes seem to be unaffected by this so far. This theory would suggest their performance should drop significantly with each jab.

What do you guys think?
Henu the Great said:
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:

Do you have a good source for "Iron Body" qi method?

Would like to add that to my routine &/or try it (...)
Mantak Chia

>>> https://mega.nz/folder/TMMzxYIT#2RHnCQWzXdpqVtjNvSow0w/folder/fV1wTSjZ

Thank you! I had downloaded an entire collection of Mantak Chia books years ago, might be time to dig it up or also re-download it for ease of use.

I was actually able to find a website months ago that had a qi gong style that was said to be powerful and searched for the Iron Shirt on it and found two dvd's that included it. This site has some old qi based videos and powerful qi gong and nei gong routines.

There's even the "dim mak touch" which they call "poison hands" on this website as well, referred in the JoS website. Though, they include fair warnings for this method of qi development and use, but I believe that this would be for situations if someone was to practice the movements on someone else. This is mainly an opinion though, I think the proper way can be instructed or one can be directed to the right approach, with the assistance of the Gods and some intuition.

Keeping some of these DVD's included on my radar of purchases, as I'm curious about what these practices might do, especially the dim mak method for qi development, increase and general energy direction for workings. Perhaps even for thoughtform creation as well.


Stormblood said:
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:
Yeah, I'm taking the vaccine. It's called: cleaning your aura, strengthening the protective layers of your aura, returning curses, RTR, kundalini and hatha kriya, general chakra empowerment, falun dafa, iron body. Had thousands of jabs so far, and I get booster shots on a multi-daily basis. I have 666% immunity. Thank you for your concern!

It's really all we need. The virtue signaling for vaccine has reached levels of retardation and insanity.

I remember years ago, catching wind of a flu that was coming about(when we reach a level this shows in the aura before it manifests in the form of a fever). Instead of letting it happen I vibrated AUM SURYAE x108, then visualized white gold light as bright as the sun permeating my aura and throat intensely and that pending flu was gone instantly.

I don't even remember the last time I caught a flu to be honest. Even when I interact with people at work that catch the flu during flu season.

I follow these two protocols with those who virtue-signal about the weakvid vaccine and other topics they haven't researched and analysed in real depth (not Millennial/Zoomer depth, which is tantamount to 0):

Agreed!! Indeed this vaccine being pushed by those in "power" and "authority" creates a sort of cognitive dissonance in a lot of everyday people since they have trust that there's good intentions all the way through, as they parrot what they hear in the news and media. I can only theorize that some are already npc's and without the their third eye open (the eye of truth) they can't see or even think critically, and also YOLO is the motto for most of these people as well. It's really appalling.
Stormblood said:
Nobita007 said:
You should take vaccine for immunity against covid-19

Yeah, I'm taking the vaccine. It's called: cleaning your aura, strengthening the protective layers of your aura, returning curses, RTR, kundalini and hatha kriya, general chakra empowerment, falun dafa, iron body. Had thousands of jabs so far, and I get booster shots on a multi-daily basis. I have 666% immunity. Thank you for your concern!
Im with stormblood on that.
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:
Braun666 said:
It's really all we need. The virtue signaling for vaccine has reached levels of retardation and insanity.

I remember years ago, catching wind of a flu that was coming about(when we reach a level this shows in the aura before it manifests in the form of a fever). Instead of letting it happen I vibrated AUM SURYAE x108, then visualized white gold light as bright as the sun permeating my aura and throat intensely and that pending flu was gone instantly.

I don't even remember the last time I caught a flu to be honest. Even when I interact with people at work that catch the flu during flu season.

I follow these two protocols with those who virtue-signal about the weakvid vaccine and other topics they haven't researched and analysed in real depth (not Millennial/Zoomer depth, which is tantamount to 0):

Agreed!! Indeed this vaccine being pushed by those in "power" and "authority" creates a sort of cognitive dissonance in a lot of everyday people since they have trust that there's good intentions all the way through, as they parrot what they hear in the news and media. I can only theorize that some are already npc's and without the their third eye open (the eye of truth) they can't see or even think critically, and also YOLO is the motto for most of these people as well. It's really appalling.
Good to see you again. It's been a few months since you last wrote anything.

"Let them jew you up with a vaccine till you got one foot in the grave."
Stormblood said:
Braun666 said:
Stormblood said:
I follow these two protocols with those who virtue-signal about the weakvid vaccine and other topics they haven't researched and analysed in real depth (not Millennial/Zoomer depth, which is tantamount to 0):

Agreed!! Indeed this vaccine being pushed by those in "power" and "authority" creates a sort of cognitive dissonance in a lot of everyday people since they have trust that there's good intentions all the way through, as they parrot what they hear in the news and media. I can only theorize that some are already npc's and without the their third eye open (the eye of truth) they can't see or even think critically, and also YOLO is the motto for most of these people as well. It's really appalling.
Good to see you again. It's been a few months since you last wrote anything.

Had minor setbacks, which are personal. But thank you kindly, did not know I had been noticed at all :) . I applaud your growth in our community and the path in the last years brother! Cheers

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
