Spidersweb said:
Is it from birth? For example, Satan's planets are listed as uranus and venus. I am a leo, is my planet the sun?
Also, how and why are gods listed as having degrees of zodiac signs? Over multiple lifetimes you'd have different birth charts, is it a destiny thing?
In Ancient Rome the Gods were assigned planets according to the nature of each of their energies, and what they stood for personality wise. Futher, in some books like the necronomicon. Some techniques and what not are encoded and to make sense of them you should know what names go with what planets and which chakras and at what times.
I don't know alot about it but generally you would say azazel is the sun, thoth is mercury. Venus is astaroth. The earth is us, Mars is andras, the asteroid belt is dead, jupiter is Zeus, Saturn is dead, Uranus is dead Neptune is Satan,and Pluto is nerghal
The primordial Gods are likely to have been great ancestors of the Gods themselves, or might just serve to be personification of the planets.
You asked that since you are a leo, is your planet the sun. The answer that Leo is a strong constellation for your sun sign, so your solar chakra is likely your dominant one.
All their other planets are in their own signs as well, they can be strong or weak signs and your chakras will probably reflect this.
Also, your sun sign isn't your zodiac, the zodiac is a Chinese system in which your fate and your personality are determined by what year you were born. It starts in the year of the snake and ends up in the year of the dragon and the cycle continues.