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Happy Solstice & Free JoS Donor Article - Satan Inside Ourselves: The “King Of Hell” & Kundalini Serpent"

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our SS Family,

As today we are closing in on the Solstice, I want to give everyone positive and great wishes. Albeit this post will be short, due to having to do many things, it will be a beautiful post that will honor Father Satan and repair His Reputation.

Those who have received the latest PDF and have worked for this, you know you have received some groundbreaking knowledge. All of this should be understood in conjunction with what we already have in the Joy of Satan. Then one will know their faith is as firm as ever, backed by real knowledge.

We are doing still platform restoration and there are many things in the background, way too many things. That's why this message will be short. I am also trying to stay on top of e-mails and everything else. Not easy.

Everyone should enjoy this article, which is clarifying the parables in regards to Satan being in "Hell". This was recommended as the mose useful article to share from this 3rd Issue. It will explain in simple terms about Satan, "Lucifer" and "Hell".

We should all prostrate ourselves in front of our Lord Satan Lucifer, who loves us and takes us all to complete the most important task there is in creation.

The way to restoration, is the way to RAISE THE DEVIL!!

Happy Solstice, and ENJOY!!

5. Satan Inside Ourselves: The “King Of Hell” & Kundalini Serpent

Having put behind us all sorts of misunderstandings about Father Satan, we can now further delve into the occult lore and into the real meaning of what this means internally in ourselves.

The above articles do refer to exoteric knowledge and information. This article focuses on internal information about Lucifer/Satan, ie, how this knowledge can help us to understand ourselves.

Every Spiritual Satanists knows and is aware of the fact that one of the most important undertakings of any Spiritual Satanists is to actually rise successfully and fully, what we refer to as the Kundalini Serpent.

The Kundalini Serpent [Satan’s energy in all of us] lies dormant in the base of the spine. This is symbolic of the “Fall of Lucifer”, who has fallen here as a result of the so called “original sin”.

The “original sin” is nothing else but the matter that we don’t develop spiritually; as that “sin” is “rectified”, one is successfully entering the “path of the Dragon” or the path of becoming “as God”.

When we allow the Serpent in a dormant state, we are effectively not forming a wired circuit that is supposed to exist inside a rectified soul, that connects the Soul and Matter in one union. Yet, without it, the disconnection is powerful and essentially one is not yet connected.

Essentially, as the Serpent dwells there inactive, we are spiritually not yet activated. The mere activation of this force is a literal salvation for the Soul.

In that state, we are commonly referred to as “Blind to the glory of God”, ie, We don’t have “eyes to see” [3rd eye] and we don’t have many other spiritual faculties that were supposed to exist in ourselves. In a sense, that is a grave offense towards our own nature.

The Gods have since the dawn of time hid this knowledge, so that the worthy ones of humanity will eventually ascend spiritually. In the fallen state, one is essentially both a victim of ignorance and entropy. One is essentially blind and weak, not knowing Wisdom and having not eaten anything from the “Tree of Wisdom”.

The consequential ignorance that results from this, also damns the soul, allowing it to be consumed by the “Jaws of Ignorance”.

Our Serpent and our soul in this state is “Dim” and is ruled over by the “Kingdom of Darkness”, where the soul is also sealed. In order to repair this state, meditation, purification, but also engaging of the human soul into the realm of the light is necessary.

As the Serpent is also the “Light Bringer”, it’s activation empowers the human soul and spirit by reconnecting it with the Light. For that reason, Father Satan has been oftentimes misrepresented in misunderstood allegories as wanting to “Sit On The Throne Of God”.

The “Throne of God” is the 6th Chakra, that is the direct link below the “Heavens” of the 7th Crown Chakra. By raising the Serpent fully, Satan “Restores His Crown” in the Divine Union of the sleeping Goddess who is “aroused” to reach “God” once again.

This fallen energy on the fallen state is the cause of “damnation”, because without it, we will be dwellers of what we call the “Underworld”.

We in a sense, must too return from the underworld of internal darkness, and rise towards “God”, while having pride and belief that we will achieve this, instead of staying idle and surrendered to the entropic negative force that the fallen Serpent represents. This is the path to the Godhead.

The “fiery pit of doom and damnation” which is again another falsehood heaped upon Satan, is the very source of the searing “Base Chakra” where the “Vital Fire” exists. In this “Fiery pit”, Satan sits there as the “Ruler”, having “Fallen”, waiting for his eventual restoration into “Lucifer”, the "Risen" to the "Throne of God".

Inside the “Fire Pit”, as fire is also symbolic of the fire of the sun and the light, this droplet of light inside all of this darkness of the ignorance of the lowest domains, lies there as the source of salvation for all of mankind. That fire has to expand, burning someone first in “Hell” in the form of the great purgatory, where one’s “sins” are eventually purified.

That conversion can only happen through the force of Satan, who is the one who knows all “sin”, and essentially is the master of all of this process.

That intense purification process, then uplifts the clean and purified soul into a state of heavenly power, as one is no longer tormented by the woes and falsehoods that represent the fallen state.

Satan and His Demons guide through this process, which is most important and requires considerable bravery for a human being to achieve, as it requires diligent efforts. How that is done is through us eating from the Tree of Knowledge, coming to consciousness, and applying the knowledge of the Gods to wisely grow ourselves to them step by step.

-HPHC 666
Illuminating. Thanks for making this public HP.
Thank you for sharing this with all of us Commander Cobra. The only thing I find very confusing about the serpent is just how gradual the kundalini serpent rises and circulates with the soul.

The serpent will pierce the crown and vent outwards, yet even then it's a process of rectifying the soul and purifying ourselves further to tap into this force of Satan after we bring it to the crown chakra.

I've noticed that sometimes people have this erroneous view that the minute this force rises up and pierces the thousand petal lotus. That siddhis and very high level experiences is the case... at least for me I've found that the serpent rising is like an initiation to much higher levels that all come gradually over years, with still much work to be done on our souls.

Am I viewing and or perceiving this correctly?

I felt this was important to mention for a few reasons. As sometimes I've felt a bit discouraged with my experiences.
I just want to say the latest pdf is definitely one of the best! Loved it a lot! I've read it all so fast that I felt I needed more and more. I'm glad people can enjoy at least one of the articles.
I can only congratulate you, you only have a few more steps left to lift.

I'm still far from you huuhhhh...
Thank you so much HPHC! :)

Happy Solstice!
Hail Satan!
Happy Summer Solstice! May everyone have a productive day. :D Thank you Hp!
Any Yogi aspirant worth his salt ,has to approach Murugan/Satan if they are to be successful in this endeavor. The Kundalini rising to the crown , that's actually the highest Samadhi. Given the nature of the Age we are in, the physical bodies we have and so on. Very few will actually have that one. But the one were you concentrate past the Navel centre ,that one most serious aspirants can have. Were the intellectual mind and the ego (karmic natal astrological chart) it forms gets convinced of the Atma presence within. Depending on how convinced one is of Atma presence ,this one can be had in 5 minutes,weeks, months ,years. Depending also on how one has been entangled in the intellectual , instinctive mind. Getting past the Navel centre is good ,the first Samadhi, because the gravity towards the centre of the soul (the Swastika) becomes greater than the attraction for Maya. It's when even pyschic abilities can get activated ,from the Heart Chakra. You will know when you get past it,the energy rush,the energy of the soul which when you normally meditate is often felt ,just limited to you is now felt everywhere. It's a bit difficult to explain the Realisation but you will also realize the trap the intellectual , instinctive mind (ego) had put you in, the way it had obscured the Atma presence in you and so on. This Samadhi can be had by most here, practice being still along side other meditations. The Kundalini rising is actually not advised for householders because of the detachment it produces. One gets permanently centred in Atma and contentment only comes from Atma. So it can be very tricky ,if one has a family. There's wisdom in the East when they say Kundalini rising should actually be for Sannyasins. For householders it's advised to stop at the third eye and even then given the proximity of it to the Absolute Centre, should just be on Auspicious days. If one even manages to rise that far. The world renounces one who is Self Realised ,they have conquered the planet. The purpose for being on Earth is done,though they are further unfoldments to be had.
They have been leaders who have continued to rule ,even after this. Getting past the Navel centre by mental concentration training ,most serious aspirants can have that one. Kundalini rising to the crown ,few will have that one in this Age. Satan is a must when it comes to Kundalini,it's nuclear power ,it's nothing to be played with and Satan must be consulted better yet dedicated to. Working with Him ,one can then learn to engage in the world while being detached from it,if one even manages to raise the Kundalini. Seated on the navel centre ,Satan/Murugan with his Vel that never misses it's Mark (Swastika) , helps the aspirant to further get centred after the first Samadhi ,to hit the Mark,the centre of the soul ,in an intense purification process into the Absolute Reality,the Black Sun. After which one gets permanently centred in the Eternal Now. It's the Eternal Now that evolves,the Eternal Now does negate bad or kukarma karma. What we call bad karma, is the seed of karma one plants ,when they react very instinctively, jealousy,fear,anger ,violence and so on. When these seeds come to manifest ,they find an aspirant in High Consciousness ,the Eternal Now Sun God Consciousness ,the environment for them to manifest isn't there,they get burnt. Or even if the event manifest,the aspirant won't be bothered much. There's a detachment. Sat gurus even say , being in the Eternal Now makes even positive achievements from previous lives to manifest in the current one. That's the importance of meditation and practicing being still. One gets past the Navel centre by mental concentration ,the Eternal Now is often enforced on you, it's very intense. It's Superconsciousness. It's the Eternal Now that forms the karmic pattern that leads to Self Realisation.
Getting past the Navel centre,is good aim to have,and once the intellectual ego is convinced of Atma,this can't be reversed. Attachment and attraction to Maya starts to really reduce. Some Dharma Aware people don't like to get past the navel,they still want to be attached to Maya and so on. To be worldy.
Satan/Murugan seated on the Navel centre also represents , Purity (Atma Eternal Fire ,the Dragon) , Detachment ,Will Power and Speed of Accomplishment.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Those who have received the latest PDF and have worked for this, you know you have received some groundbreaking knowledge. All of this should be understood in conjunction with what we already have in the Joy of Satan. Then one will know their faith is as firm as ever, backed by real knowledge.
-HPHC 666

This is a good post, but I didn't really understand what pdf it was about.
I admit, I haven't read to all articles about tiers, except for a few, because bitcoin is banned in my country, and I haven't found any ways to reduce or circumvent the risks to avoid criminal liability yet.
In any case, I feel deprived because I did not receive the pdf file :(

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Gods have since the dawn of time hid this knowledge, so that the worthy ones of humanity will eventually ascend spiritually. In the fallen state, one is essentially both a victim of ignorance and entropy. One is essentially blind and weak, not knowing Wisdom and having not eaten anything from the “Tree of Wisdom”.
-HPHC 666

Was knowledge hidden so that the enemy would not take possession of this knowledge?
Who is among the worthy ones of humanity from the point of view of the Gods?
Happy Summer Solstice!
Happy belated Summer Solstice everybody!!
Thank you.

Very good post!

Will the kundalini eventually ascend to the 6th chakra?
Is this the final point?
Stormblood said:
This article was amazing. I look forward to the PDF being sent. I hope everyone had a fantastic solstice

The PDF has been sent to all Tiers many days ago. 3 and 4 will also receive their articles soon, later today.
Thank you for sharing this article with everyone.

I must confess, this PDF was incredibly interesting, and an eye-opener for me. I had to re-read some parts, and I felt how "things finally make sense" regarding to the enemy's fables and the truth (or lies/distorted truth) behind them.
At the same time, I felt like the articles were too little! (because I was deeply invested in them)

I am looking forward to next month's issue. 😆

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
