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Growing Close To Satan - The Most High

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Our God Satan, and our Pagan Gods, are the most powerful. This has to be understood and ingrained in the mind, which in many, due to past indoctrination, has not become constant awareness.

All the claims of the enemy are lies against our ancestral Gods. Only spite, defamation, and lies. The heart of peoples of the earth may be asleep, but not forever. And this sleep is built on the nightmares of the enemy.

This situation will change and end in the future, as certain as the succession of the seasons, and the turns of the heavens. After death, there follows resurrection. And many in fear are of the dead husks, for they fear at the great resurrection of the Gods. But that is inevitable. It will happen, and it will come.

This path will always lead to success, spiritual advancement, and elevation. The Gods have had ruled this world, they remain in control of the world, while the enemy is only a recent and rather temporary harassment. A most parasitic and dangerous, for certain. Even until recently in human history, their influence was only to harm humans, and temporary.

They are being watched, and so are we being watched, and so is our planet, as one watches their children suffering from a cold, with great investment and great love. Certain things that make no sense to us humans, or appear to be devastating, for the Gods can be rather trivial.

Astarte one talked to me of our Earth, which many of humans are desecrating in blindness, as "Her beautiful beloved garden". If only our hearts were open to our Gods, what beauty could be received for humanity. All of our world would be spiritually and physically, a divine and beautiful Garden as Astarte saw our world.

This is where the enemy saw only nuclear devastation, pollution, fear, terror, and strangulation of humans. Out of these visions, only one will reign Triumphant, and this will be the vision of our Gods.

A garden filled with weeds only needs the proper gardener, and it will receive it's proper greatness. Beautiful and vibrant as ever.

Our Gods have persisted and went through the rise and fall of our civilizations. For all respects, and purposes, we humans are a lot like little babies compared to the Gods. The mightiest humans fall short, but regardless, the Gods do appreciate and look at our attempts with love and mercy, and adoration.

It is every-time that we do strives towards building and creation, that we resemble and emulate the things they created inside us, a living inheritence. The Gods love brave people who look up instead of down, and utilize the higher aspects of their existence. We were not made to be inferior limited slaves.

Our mind is the proof of this very aspect. Inside man rest wonderful creative, destructive, and limitless abilites. That is something to keep in mind. We have limitations, we learn, we advance, we strive to fight. Another thing that humans have a weakness on is that we are frequently deceived, and our small lifespan.

Other than that, the Gods have left their blueprint on our mind and soul. They exist inside us. The definite proof of this is that Satan, as it's known even in the history of his enemies, gave us a limitless mind, compared to that of all other animals.

We were gifted a lot, and this part constitutes an immortal aspect, the gateway of our species towards Godhead. The only thing that staggered behind is that human beings, we fell spiritually [were made to fall spiritually] and therefore we fell in the aspect of the "Eternal Life".

Our short lifespan, makes for a lot of mistakes. If people lived more, like 200, 300, or 500 or 1000 years, we would be far more caring about our environment, our planet, other people, and observe the reverberations of many of our actions within a said lifetime. But when we hardly live for a measly 50 or 60 years, stranded like spiritual prisoners, our species cannot really advance.

The Gods know this and they have helped us to build and rebuild, and sustain attacks. Individuals that cling to them, they give them the Magnum Opus so we can continue existing. Missions and work for Satan is always rewarded, with spiritual gifts and blessings that are beyond any and all physical and material value.

When all your flesh fails you, and when the darkest darkness falls upon you, always remember the Gods and keep them in your heart. The Faith in the Gods can level mountains. All obstacles that you have today, you have the ability to overcome them. You must know this in full confidence, you must ingrain this in your heart.

I always wrote to all of you to stay strong, as a nobody from the darkness, but you know this has not been nobody, and that you were ever alone either. None of you is a nobody.

There is great power in all of us, and you are coming to seek it, and you will find what your seeking is. You must get this through your mind, and your heart, and believe it, under any condition.

Maybe some people are, and maybe some will lose their way, in the maze of this world, but your soul will always belong with Satan and want to be back with the Gods. Throw your roots deeply and cling to him. Ignore his enemies, their lies.

Asmodeus said this: They are there for but a season. As the winter comes and claims the souls of the living, freezing the trees, and harming life, so will the end of their era not come peacefully. But then the spring of Satan and the summer of His People will come. Try to live for your dreams and for noble deeds, so that when our time comes, you will hold your head up high and know you did your best.

Do not waste and spend the limited time that we have on this earth being ignorant. Ignorance will lead you only to pain in the end, and you will always lose yourself in it. Self love to keep yourself from being lost is important, and life re-affirms itself.

We still follow the Divine Path, in the era where many fall into the abyss, we still climb up the mountain with a smile to our face. Obstacles, difficulties, death, happiness, nothing will deter us. If we fall, we rise again, and we will continue, again and again.

The desire to cleave to the highest light of the Gods must be fed and empowered. Veils will be put in front of your eyes, but power will be given to you to solve your riddles.

Have the courage to go against the tide of the reckless, the low, and those lacking honor. Eternal symbols and the eternal consciousness of Satan guides us. No matter what, we follow the Gods, as our ancestors did. The bond that relates us is in mind, soul, blood, and spirit, unbreakable.

Use what you have been given to ascend.

As it was real back then, it is real today, and so it will be forever,

Praised be Satan, The Most High...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, Father Satan, for never giving up on us.
He definitely helped me more than one time but I always did my best with magick to help with my problem. If you are strong and try to fight as much as you can they will help you, they definitely don't like the lazy ones, if they know you can do something with your magick but you don't even try and you just ask them for help they will not do anything for you.
If you had a son or a daughter and they asked you to do their homework, this does not help them.

Give them the pencil and the paper, and they will do their homework, and they will grow. You might give them tips while doing it, after they have began it.

The Gods want us to be independent and strong. Our side has no parasitism. The enemy keeps their own in the darkness spiritually, to keep their slaves in oblivion to the spiritual realm. Satan wants us to know, to experience, to advance.

When something is greatly beyond your powers and in your plate, they will help you. Everyone makes it in the end.

luis said:
He definitely helped me more than one time but I always did my best with magick to help with my problem. If you are strong and try to fight as much as you can they will help you, they definitely don't like the lazy ones, if they know you can do something with your magick but you don't even try and you just ask them for help they will not do anything for you.
I agree wholeheartedly took me a very long time to realize this for myself. That your situation doesn’t define you, nor does your past mistakes what truly matters is what are you doing about it, to fight through the pain and strive for better will surly cultivate a brighter future. Thank you for reminding me :)

I believe Jews are Here for a reason,
Since the gods are powerful and help us erase them anytime but they're not doing it directly and so is the Jews are not doing direct damage so they're limited.

Also, I've seen a poster or Image somewhere A goat's head person aka Satan was either with Ram or Shiva in a group meeting.

Hail Satan, Thoth, Shiva
Thank you for this, I needed it so much.

Ever since I started on the little project of mine almost a week ago I've been being constantly bombarded by the enemy among other stressors and it's been a while since I've had to fight like this just to keep my soul clean and it's been so hard to even keep it that way. I'm constantly focusing on my connection to Satan for comfort even if for just in my faith in him and cause, I've been getting by.

This morning when I was really struggling and feeling like I was alone and asking him for comfort, suddenly a memory of a video I saw almost 7 years ago came out of nowhere into my head, and I couldn't help but get emotional because it came directly from him and that's when I knew he was a truer father than I will ever have in all of eternity.

I want others to see this video.

Dad, son and the bird.
The true meaning of beauty is the bond we have with our Gods. This is not a slavish parasitic bond like the one of the enemy.

We will restore Father's Kingdom and return the Earth to its natural beauty.

Hail Father Satan Forever
luis said:
He definitely helped me more than one time but I always did my best with magick to help with my problem. If you are strong and try to fight as much as you can they will help you, they definitely don't like the lazy ones, if they know you can do something with your magick but you don't even try and you just ask them for help they will not do anything for you.

Yeah that’s kind of Xtian thinking though have the Gods do everything for you. Been there and done that I thought they abandon me when I didn’t do much years ago but then I started doing more myself and they actually showed up so lesson learned. Yeah I did grow up Xtian so that’s where that programming comes from. The enemy is the one that wants us completely dependent upon them when they don’t even really do much cause the entities for example play games they will leave on their own to Xtian prayers cause they want to trick people into thinking they are protected or saved. The other thing is they will give gifts healings or blessings in the physical sometimes to keep it going but then most the time when you really need something for most people nothing happens but your still dependent.

JeraOpus said:
I believe Jews are Here for a reason,
Since the gods are powerful and help us erase them anytime but they're not doing it directly and so is the Jews are not doing direct damage so they're limited.

Also, I've seen a poster or Image somewhere A goat's head person aka Satan was either with Ram or Shiva in a group meeting.

Hail Satan, Thoth, Shiva

Not really. They don’t have any purpose here and it should not have happened. I don’t know if they could have done anything with the spiritual energy here much considering till recently when Maxine helped out there was some kind of binding on them preventing them from much influencing this realm or doing much apparently from what some have said. I still don’t know how that was possible.

It’s only now anything can really be done.

Not to mention the Pisces energy of Age of Pisces that made it more difficult before recently when that changed to Aquarius (not sure the date that happened just that the earth is in Aquarius energy)

I very much doubt the Gods did nothing about the enemy but us being in this realm makes it way eaiser for us to deal with them. Also they want us to be independent. I am guessing from what some of the sermons have said if we Chose in an arrogant way to be totally lazy didn’t care and not to do anything or even mostly sided with the enemy they wouldn’t push it and just let us lose considering that they helped us for long enough. Happily we didn’t make that choice. It’s almost gauranteed the enemy will be gone totally soon possibly within the next year or two due to the fact they chose to do this CoronaCRAP stuff and how badly it backfired on them
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you hps cobra I really needed to read this
I was beginning to slowly lose hope with health issues I've got going on and all the things the enemy has done and is going to do, this filled me with courage again, and certainity again,
All your posts do, I'll more than likely never be as advanced as you or as close to the gods as you in this life but theres always the thought and hope of perhaps one day somehow... anyways thanks again for another very uplifting sermon you truly are a chosen one by the gods thanks for all you do
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you had a son or a daughter and they asked you to do their homework, this does not help them.

Give them the pencil and the paper, and they will do their homework, and they will grow. You might give them tips while doing it, after they have began it.

The Gods want us to be independent and strong. Our side has no parasitism. The enemy keeps their own in the darkness spiritually, to keep their slaves in oblivion to the spiritual realm. Satan wants us to know, to experience, to advance.

When something is greatly beyond your powers and in your plate, they will help you. Everyone makes it in the end.

That's why even if I'm struggling, I never ask. It's like watching over an old man with dementia asking you repeatedly the same question, like in Ghost's video link. If I have to fall on my face over and over just to advance a little bit, then so be it. I'm gonna hate myself, and look like a fool but damn if I'm not persistent about it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Fantastic sermon, thank you.

Ghost in the Machine said:
Ever since I started on the little project of mine almost a week ago I've been being constantly bombarded by the enemy among other stressors and it's been a while since I've had to fight like this just to keep my soul clean and it's been so hard to even keep it that way.
I can attest to the increase in curses when working on projects of importance, but that just means you must be doing something right. :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was so beautiful Cobra. Satan came to visit me I think a week ago or whatever it was. I started crying. He visits me for like 2-3 minutes and changes my whole world. I dunno what he even does.

I am still shook. This time he made some profound change in me, and I dunno what he even does. I asked him why, why do you do this? What have I done for you? He said you dont have to do anything, I do this because I Love you.

I'm like that's not good enough! Why would help me and do all this with nothing in return? What can I do for you!? He just said I do not give, to ask for in return, I simply give.

I am crying writing this. I dont deserve all this.... I know that's like a christian statement. I dunno why I feel so emotional.

But Father Satan is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. He has protected me, he has guided me. Even when I've just been an Arrogant Egotistical asshole who thought I deserve everything great. He never left me. He never Abandoned me.

He just continually gave and gave and gave.

I dunno even what to give him. I fight, but that only furthers myself anyway. Even when I fucked up and was gone for two years, you and Don invited me back here.

This has been my Family and my home for so long now. I try to think of something to give back that isn't self serving in the end, and I cannot think of a single thing.

I feel guilty for just taking from everyone. This has been the greatest journey, from the first RTR that came out, till now. I dont know what else to say.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you had a son or a daughter and they asked you to do their homework, this does not help them.

Give them the pencil and the paper, and they will do their homework, and they will grow. You might give them tips while doing it, after they have began it.

The Gods want us to be independent and strong. Our side has no parasitism. The enemy keeps their own in the darkness spiritually, to keep their slaves in oblivion to the spiritual realm. Satan wants us to know, to experience, to advance.

When something is greatly beyond your powers and in your plate, they will help you. Everyone makes it in the end.

luis said:
He definitely helped me more than one time but I always did my best with magick to help with my problem. If you are strong and try to fight as much as you can they will help you, they definitely don't like the lazy ones, if they know you can do something with your magick but you don't even try and you just ask them for help they will not do anything for you.

Thank you High priest for your sermons as of late and all of your hard work. I am specially grateful for this in particular, it helped me a great deal in a very special way.

here is a poem taken from the game: Dragon Age Inquisition
That i feel relates very much to this sermon.

Father, my enemies are abundant.
Many are those who rise up against me.
But my faith sustains me; I shall not fear the legion,
Should they set themselves against me.

In the long hours of the night
When hope has abandoned me,
I will see the stars and know
Your Light remains.

I have heard the sound
A song in the stillness,
The echo of Your voice,
Calling creation to wake from its slumber.

How can we know You?
In the turning of the seasons, in life and death,
In the empty space where our hearts
Hunger for a forgotten face?

You have walked beside me
Down the paths where a thousand arrows sought my flesh.
You have stood with me when all others
Have forsaken me.

I have faced armies
With You as my shield,
And though I bear scars beyond counting, nothing
Can break me except Your absence.

When I have lost all else, when my eyes fail me
And the taste of blood fills my mouth, then
In the pounding of my heart
I hear the glory of creation.

You have grieved as I have.
You, who made worlds out of nothing.
We are alike in sorrow, sculptor and clay,
Comforting each other in our art.

Do not grieve for me, Maker of All.
Though all others may forget You,
Your name is etched into my every step.
I will not forsake You, even if I forget myself.

Father, though the darkness comes upon me,
I shall embrace the Light. I shall weather the storm.
I shall endure.
What you have created, no one can tear asunder.

Who knows me as You do?
You have been there since before my first breath.
You have seen me when no other would recognize my face.
You composed the cadence of my heart.

Through blinding mist, I climb
A sheer cliff, the summit shrouded in fog, the base
Endlessly far beneath my feet
Satan is the rock to which I cling.

I cannot see the path.
Perhaps there is only abyss.
Trembling, I step forward,
In darkness enveloped.

Though all before me is shadow,
Yet shall truth be my guide.
I shall not be left to wander the drifting roads of the Beyond.
For there is no darkness in the Satan's Light
And nothing that He has wrought shall be lost.

I am not alone. Even
As I stumble on the path
With my eyes closed, yet I see
The Light is here.

Draw this breath, my friends.
Cross the Veil and the Fade and all the stars in the sky.
Rest at Satan's right hand,
And awaken to the truth.

-Trials 1:1-1:16
If anyone ever feels like giving up, remember that it's not the end of things. The Gods are here for the greater good, which is the perfection of humanity to become as them. Your problems are indeed valid but never let them cloud that realisation. It's really just a small nasty chapter in your life. If you can do something to smoothen it, well and good. This also has to do with your mindset in approaching the problem. When you don't panic or feel like giving up, you're more open to solutions from your own thinking and even from the Gods.

Many times I could have given up, but I chose to have faith in Satan and keep going and I can almost laugh when I think back to the times when I thought it was over. I have so much to do here on earth, so much hope for the future, so much love for my race to give up because of temporary problems.

Hail Satan, the Most High
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Use what you have been given to ascend.

As it was real back then, it is real today, and so it will be forever,

Praised be Satan, The Most High...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was so beautiful Cobra. Satan came to visit me I think a week ago or whatever it was. I started crying. He visits me for like 2-3 minutes and changes my whole world. I dunno what he even does.

I am still shook. This time he made some profound change in me, and I dunno what he even does. I asked him why, why do you do this? What have I done for you? He said you dont have to do anything, I do this because I Love you.

I'm like that's not good enough! Why would help me and do all this with nothing in return? What can I do for you!? He just said I do not give, to ask for in return, I simply give.

I am crying writing this. I dont deserve all this.... I know that's like a christian statement. I dunno why I feel so emotional.

But Father Satan is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. He has protected me, he has guided me. Even when I've just been an Arrogant Egotistical asshole who thought I deserve everything great. He never left me. He never Abandoned me.

He just continually gave and gave and gave.

I dunno even what to give him. I fight, but that only furthers myself anyway. Even when I fucked up and was gone for two years, you and Don invited me back here.

This has been my Family and my home for so long now. I try to think of something to give back that isn't self serving in the end, and I cannot think of a single thing.

I feel guilty for just taking from everyone. This has been the greatest journey, from the first RTR that came out, till now. I dont know what else to say.
Thank you for sharing, Brother.

Reading your story has made me want to open up a little. I was, let's just say, extremely depressed the majority of my life before I found Satan, every day a constant struggle, and I'm not exaggerating unfortunately... but the strange thing is, I never even ONCE considered suicide. It had never even crossed my mind. How? It would have seemed a logical option if it did, I'm sure. It had to be divine intervention, I say - to this day I think it was the Gods having my back and steering me towards a Satanic future throughout the whole ordeal... I truly believe there's a good chance I would have been dead years ago by my own hand if not for Them and Father.

And to sit here and think I've actually been genuinely happy these past few years since finding Satanism, nearly half a decade - that makes tears start to form in my eyes. Those dark days are all but a distant memory now, and if they ever creep up the faintest bit all I have to do is think of Father and the Gods and they're banished once again. I truly owe Satan and the Gods my life!! :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Our God Satan, and our Pagan Gods, are the most powerful. This has to be understood and ingrained in the mind, which in many, due to past indoctrination, has not become constant awareness.

All the claims of the enemy are lies against our ancestral Gods. Only spite, defamation, and lies. The heart of peoples of the earth may be asleep, but not forever. And this sleep is built on the nightmares of the enemy.

This situation will change and end in the future, as certain as the succession of the seasons, and the turns of the heavens. After death, there follows resurrection. And many in fear are of the dead husks, for they fear at the great resurrection of the Gods. But that is inevitable. It will happen, and it will come.

This path will always lead to success, spiritual advancement, and elevation. The Gods have had ruled this world, they remain in control of the world, while the enemy is only a recent and rather temporary harassment. A most parasitic and dangerous, for certain. Even until recently in human history, their influence was only to harm humans, and temporary.

They are being watched, and so are we being watched, and so is our planet, as one watches their children suffering from a cold, with great investment and great love. Certain things that make no sense to us humans, or appear to be devastating, for the Gods can be rather trivial.

Astarte one talked to me of our Earth, which many of humans are desecrating in blindness, as "Her beautiful beloved garden". If only our hearts were open to our Gods, what beauty could be received for humanity. All of our world would be spiritually and physically, a divine and beautiful Garden as Astarte saw our world.

This is where the enemy saw only nuclear devastation, pollution, fear, terror, and strangulation of humans. Out of these visions, only one will reign Triumphant, and this will be the vision of our Gods.

A garden filled with weeds only needs the proper gardener, and it will receive it's proper greatness. Beautiful and vibrant as ever.

Our Gods have persisted and went through the rise and fall of our civilizations. For all respects, and purposes, we humans are a lot like little babies compared to the Gods. The mightiest humans fall short, but regardless, the Gods do appreciate and look at our attempts with love and mercy, and adoration.

It is every-time that we do strives towards building and creation, that we resemble and emulate the things they created inside us, a living inheritence. The Gods love brave people who look up instead of down, and utilize the higher aspects of their existence. We were not made to be inferior limited slaves.

Our mind is the proof of this very aspect. Inside man rest wonderful creative, destructive, and limitless abilites. That is something to keep in mind. We have limitations, we learn, we advance, we strive to fight. Another thing that humans have a weakness on is that we are frequently deceived, and our small lifespan.

Other than that, the Gods have left their blueprint on our mind and soul. They exist inside us. The definite proof of this is that Satan, as it's known even in the history of his enemies, gave us a limitless mind, compared to that of all other animals.

We were gifted a lot, and this part constitutes an immortal aspect, the gateway of our species towards Godhead. The only thing that staggered behind is that human beings, we fell spiritually [were made to fall spiritually] and therefore we fell in the aspect of the "Eternal Life".

Our short lifespan, makes for a lot of mistakes. If people lived more, like 200, 300, or 500 or 1000 years, we would be far more caring about our environment, our planet, other people, and observe the reverberations of many of our actions within a said lifetime. But when we hardly live for a measly 50 or 60 years, stranded like spiritual prisoners, our species cannot really advance.

The Gods know this and they have helped us to build and rebuild, and sustain attacks. Individuals that cling to them, they give them the Magnum Opus so we can continue existing. Missions and work for Satan is always rewarded, with spiritual gifts and blessings that are beyond any and all physical and material value.

When all your flesh fails you, and when the darkest darkness falls upon you, always remember the Gods and keep them in your heart. The Faith in the Gods can level mountains. All obstacles that you have today, you have the ability to overcome them. You must know this in full confidence, you must ingrain this in your heart.

I always wrote to all of you to stay strong, as a nobody from the darkness, but you know this has not been nobody, and that you were ever alone either. None of you is a nobody.

There is great power in all of us, and you are coming to seek it, and you will find what your seeking is. You must get this through your mind, and your heart, and believe it, under any condition.

Maybe some people are, and maybe some will lose their way, in the maze of this world, but your soul will always belong with Satan and want to be back with the Gods. Throw your roots deeply and cling to him. Ignore his enemies, their lies.

Asmodeus said this: They are there for but a season. As the winter comes and claims the souls of the living, freezing the trees, and harming life, so will the end of their era not come peacefully. But then the spring of Satan and the summer of His People will come. Try to live for your dreams and for noble deeds, so that when our time comes, you will hold your head up high and know you did your best.

Do not waste and spend the limited time that we have on this earth being ignorant. Ignorance will lead you only to pain in the end, and you will always lose yourself in it. Self love to keep yourself from being lost is important, and life re-affirms itself.

We still follow the Divine Path, in the era where many fall into the abyss, we still climb up the mountain with a smile to our face. Obstacles, difficulties, death, happiness, nothing will deter us. If we fall, we rise again, and we will continue, again and again.

The desire to cleave to the highest light of the Gods must be fed and empowered. Veils will be put in front of your eyes, but power will be given to you to solve your riddles.

Have the courage to go against the tide of the reckless, the low, and those lacking honor. Eternal symbols and the eternal consciousness of Satan guides us. No matter what, we follow the Gods, as our ancestors did. The bond that relates us is in mind, soul, blood, and spirit, unbreakable.

Use what you have been given to ascend.

As it was real back then, it is real today, and so it will be forever,

Praised be Satan, The Most High...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This brought me to tears, Hail Satan and thank you for all you do, eternally <3
Bigot Boy said:
Aldrick said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This was so beautiful Cobra. Satan came to visit me I think a week ago or whatever it was. I started crying. He visits me for like 2-3 minutes and changes my whole world. I dunno what he even does.

I am still shook. This time he made some profound change in me, and I dunno what he even does. I asked him why, why do you do this? What have I done for you? He said you dont have to do anything, I do this because I Love you.

I'm like that's not good enough! Why would help me and do all this with nothing in return? What can I do for you!? He just said I do not give, to ask for in return, I simply give.

I am crying writing this. I dont deserve all this.... I know that's like a christian statement. I dunno why I feel so emotional.

But Father Satan is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. He has protected me, he has guided me. Even when I've just been an Arrogant Egotistical asshole who thought I deserve everything great. He never left me. He never Abandoned me.

He just continually gave and gave and gave.

I dunno even what to give him. I fight, but that only furthers myself anyway. Even when I fucked up and was gone for two years, you and Don invited me back here.

This has been my Family and my home for so long now. I try to think of something to give back that isn't self serving in the end, and I cannot think of a single thing.

I feel guilty for just taking from everyone. This has been the greatest journey, from the first RTR that came out, till now. I dont know what else to say.
Thank you for sharing, Brother.

Reading your story has made me want to open up a little. I was, let's just say, extremely depressed the majority of my life before I found Satan, every day a constant struggle, and I'm not exaggerating unfortunately... but the strange thing is, I never even ONCE considered suicide. It had never even crossed my mind. How? It would have seemed a logical option if it did, I'm sure. It had to be divine intervention, I say - to this day I think it was the Gods having my back and steering me towards a Satanic future throughout the whole ordeal... I truly believe there's a good chance I would have been dead years ago by my own hand if not for Them and Father.

And to sit here and think I've actually been genuinely happy these past few years since finding Satanism, nearly half a decade - that makes tears start to form in my eyes. Those dark days are all but a distant memory now, and if they ever creep up the faintest bit all I have to do is think of Father and the Gods and they're banished once again. I truly owe Satan and the Gods my life!! :D

That is awesome. Father Satanas, gives us what we need to grow. But we are never faced with anything we cant handle. He fills us with an inner strength. The hard times we do go through, only enforces the strength needed within us.

Hail Father Satanas Forever
Ghost in the Machine said:
Thank you for this, I needed it so much.

Thanks for posting this video, even if it made me tear.

And Thanks HP. I really needed to be reminded this.
I wonder if when Musashi Miyamoto said "Everything is within", stating the idea that looking outside for things to find, he was actually referring to this. That the Gods are inside us as they made us with their DNA, so that we can reach them by going inside.

This concept has a particular value to me as well. If it can be the way, my way, to reach them... it will make more sense than most things I know.
Keeping the Gods in my consciousness is most likely the reason why everything goes well, I may have some up's and downs sometimes, but having faith in the Gods and knowing that never am I alone is wonderful.
I don't know how I would have fared without Satan and the Gods, my whole being changed and I am more true to myself, they deserve nothing but glory and adoration, we owe them life and heart.
Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As it was real back then, it is real today, and so it will be forever,

Praised be Satan, The Most High...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you for these beautiful words. They made my day.
Sending love and blessings to you, man.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If you had a son or a daughter and they asked you to do their homework, this does not help them.

Give them the pencil and the paper, and they will do their homework, and they will grow. You might give them tips while doing it, after they have began it.

The Gods want us to be independent and strong. Our side has no parasitism. The enemy keeps their own in the darkness spiritually, to keep their slaves in oblivion to the spiritual realm. Satan wants us to know, to experience, to advance.

When something is greatly beyond your powers and in your plate, they will help you. Everyone makes it in the end.

luis said:
He definitely helped me more than one time but I always did my best with magick to help with my problem. If you are strong and try to fight as much as you can they will help you, they definitely don't like the lazy ones, if they know you can do something with your magick but you don't even try and you just ask them for help they will not do anything for you.

Superb this HPHC
I have absolute faith that in the end, everything will come together and make sense for humanity, even if today it seems very confusing. As I continue down this path and continue to do the RTRs more levels of my awareness are freed and I realize more and more important insights and being directed to it through my intuition. I will never falter because I know I have divine providence in my side, in a real way.
Satan is looking out for each and every one of us in his own way, each relationship is individual and is never any less special than another.

He cares about you, he cares about me, he cares about all of his loyal and devout followers to every spectrum and nobody is excluded when they work to enforce that bond and connection in even the smallest of ways.

We're a family here and we have to hold each other up just as he holds us up. Cooperation and looking out for one another is most valued by Satan. He's not just our creator or some god that happens to be involved in our lives, he is literally our father as when a child is distressed it's only normal they seek their parent for comfort and he does this and much more.

I will post a reminder to the existence of the Meditation on Satan. It well help keep that direct spiritual connection and bond with him strong.

Always trust, be honest, loyal to and have faith in Satan. There is no true god but him.

Aldrick said:
This was so beautiful Cobra. Satan came to visit me I think a week ago or whatever it was. I started crying. He visits me for like 2-3 minutes and changes my whole world. I dunno what he even does.

I am still shook. This time he made some profound change in me, and I dunno what he even does. I asked him why, why do you do this? What have I done for you? He said you dont have to do anything, I do this because I Love you.

I'm like that's not good enough! Why would help me and do all this with nothing in return? What can I do for you!? He just said I do not give, to ask for in return, I simply give.

I am crying writing this. I dont deserve all this.... I know that's like a christian statement. I dunno why I feel so emotional.

But Father Satan is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. He has protected me, he has guided me. Even when I've just been an Arrogant Egotistical asshole who thought I deserve everything great. He never left me. He never Abandoned me.

He just continually gave and gave and gave.

I dunno even what to give him. I fight, but that only furthers myself anyway. Even when I fucked up and was gone for two years, you and Don invited me back here.

This has been my Family and my home for so long now. I try to think of something to give back that isn't self serving in the end, and I cannot think of a single thing.

I feel guilty for just taking from everyone. This has been the greatest journey, from the first RTR that came out, till now. I dont know what else to say.
A comforting and beautiful sermon, thank you HP.
This is a fantastic sermon, HP.

Thank you kindly for constantly finding the time and effort to help the Joy of Satan community. You always seem to know what to say. It has helped me tremendously. Thank you.

Hail SATAN, the most high indeed!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

As it was real back then, it is real today, and so it will be forever,

Praised be Satan, The Most High...


-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

"When all your flesh fails you, and when the darkest darkness falls upon you, always remember the Gods and keep them in your heart."

Beauty of this sentence is priceless. Great sermon, High Priest.
I am thankful for all the comments and feedback provided, Satanic Blessings to our beautiful SS family.
ShadowTheRaven said:
That's why even if I'm struggling, I never ask. It's like watching over an old man with dementia asking you repeatedly the same question, like in Ghost's video link. If I have to fall on my face over and over just to advance a little bit, then so be it. I'm gonna hate myself, and look like a fool but damn if I'm not persistent about it.

Satan is there to guide you when you need it. If he tells or shows you something, trust and listen to him. I assure you he will not help you anyways on matters you can easily handle on your own, he will only show you how you can utilize what you have and know to do so, so you don't have to worry about taking the training wheels.

If I tried to learn math on my own without a teacher to help me do you honestly think I would get very far? It would take me years to get to a level that could've taken me only a month if only I had a teacher there to assist me, it's very hindering to be stubborn like that.

Don't be afraid to ask, he's there for you for a reason.
Hi recently i have decided to join high priestess Maxine Dietrich against the jews mainly against the Rothschilds
Is there a way i can contact her?
CameronMatlock said:
Hi recently i have decided to join high priestess Maxine Dietrich against the jews mainly against the Rothschilds
Is there a way i can contact her?
Read joyofsatan.com

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
