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Good Satanic Music

@Joey Salvo.

I have an answer for you. I will post it out here.

The enemy looks to infiltrate whatever it can through whatever means, there really are no limits, if there isn't something, then something will be created, much like the Torah creates fictitious reality from those out of Israel.

The music you were listening to most likely had an evil vibe but you did not notice it due to lack of Spiritual Advancement. This takes a lot of time, you will know when you can feel it, your Soul, Psychic Intuition will tell you.

Opening your Soul is a first strong step in realizing the evil in the music. Also Foundation Meditation helps you become familiar with energy in general, or any sort. You open your Soul with High Priest Hooded Cobra 666's beginner's Meditation, 40 Days Of Power PDF.

http://satanism-nazism.webs.com/hp_hood ... rogram.pdf

You further go onto empower your Chakras through certain other Meditations, and Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga which empower your Chakras. Certain Breathing Excersizes stimulate your Chakras and reawaken them and empower them, which is the purpose of vibrating certain Mantras when you are trying to open them, or empower them, including names of Satan, and or names of Demons which also empower them when done properly.

When you reach a certain point you will understand what this atrticle means entirely:

http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... hcraft.htm

A lot of study along with Meditation Hatha, Kundalini Yoga is necessary to open your Soul up to the Satan's Truth. It doesn't happen overnight, so stay patient as you Advance.

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... topics/284  

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich has taken over 10 years to get to where she is so patience is key.
You will have help from Satan, and the other Gods/Goddesses when you need it and if you ask. NO ONE is going in this alone at all. We are all Family.

This is also another article you need to read in order to further understand what it is I am saying.

http://www.angelfire.com/dawn666blacksu ... amming.htm

With all of that there, you can start to figure out what has been going on behind your back after some time of Advancement. I am still figuring it out myself as I am being taught by Father Satan, Lady Agares, and the other Pagan Gods/Goddesses. I would not be as Advanced as I am now if I had not accepted their Councel, and Guidance.




Do you really want to be a musician, or do you want to sit in your garage all of your life. What I see is this, someone who is sitting there and observing other "friends" who are seemingly making progress, and you want to abandon what you have worked for?

Furthermore, NO FORM of Black Metal is sane, or Light oriented, which is the music Satan would want.
Black Metal was invented by the enemy entirely, and to me, it sounds like you don't wanna let go, and make the change Satan has offered you. In order to be a Satanist you have to LET GO of the past, and go forward to the future. I see someone holding onto a crutch. Do you want to be held down forever with no Spiritual Progress because of Black Metal, do you think you can change something inherently evil into something good?

Tell me, why is it that everyone else in our Family here can obviously point it out that you're NOT doing the right thing, yet you cannot see it yourself? Because you're addicted to Black Metal, and it's doing you no good at all. I can easily feel the evil coming from your music, and so can everyone else, so why can't you? I feel its essence. It's time to leave Black Metal forever. You can make whatever excuse you want at this point, and try to avoid the subject, but you will be projecting a false reality to yourself, and allowing yourself to be held down by something NOT worth your time.

Don't blame shift either. We are here to help one another. The choice is yours. Do you really think Satan would advocate something that is evil, regardless if people put His Truth in it. No. Do you think Satan would advocate something that does nothing for your Soul? No, he wouldn't.

Satan loves you, and wants you to be elevated. It is his desire for all of his kids to be happy healthy, independent,  strong, and powerful, and most of all, a Pagan God/Goddesses. It is also our job to help our Father complete his work not promote something by the enemy.
You know, some people are having the wrong idea.

It is true that most of the music we listen to is not Satanic. And it would be good if a big part of the music available today were. But that does not mean that you can't listen to anything that is not exclusively Satanic. Let's say a person writes a 'love song' for his/her partner. This song is not exclusively Satanic, but who says it's bad to listen to it just because it's not Satanic?

Listening to music that is influenced by the enemy is different though and is a bad idea. And it's up to each of us to identify this in the music we listen to. Check for any subliminals and references to 'evil' as a good thing. Songs like '666' by Toxic Holocaust ("invert the cross, destroy your church, evil will reign on this fucking earth") are blasphemous to Satan no matter how much they seem to oppose the enemy.
So, no matter how catchy it sounds, just let go of songs like this when you identify that.

Now as for 'evil' sounding songs like black metal not being Satanic:
Well I find black metal to be just plain boring. It gets old very fast for me. I can't stand listening to a whole black metal album without getting bored and consequently annoyed. Plus, there is no organization as to lyrics structure and tempo in most black metal songs.

But, if somehow listening to black metal *really* stimulates your brain and you get enjoyment from it, then I don't see anything wrong. Except of course if there are subliminals and "pro evil" messages, which most black metal music does.
But there can be black metal music with good Satanic lyrics. There is one song by Gorgoroth called Sign Of An Open Eye. I don't know anything about this band, but I find the lyrics for this particular song to be really close to what we'd call Satanic.

People here are saying that metal music isn't Satanic because true Satanic music should be relaxing. But that's because, let's acknowledge it, most metal music turns people who aren't into metal away. There are people who really claim to get scared by metal. And these poser bands advocating violence don't help.

But you're an individual and different things stimulate us. Satan says in the Al Jilwah that he doesn't deprive his people of what is good for them. So I think in the instrumental point of view, anything that really stimulates your brain can be Satanic if it brings real good Satanic lyrics along. It doesn't need to be exclusively relaxing; it can also sound 'fun' for Satanic celebrations and 'angry' for spiritual warfare.

So in conclusion, I think if you really get enjoyment from double bass, fast riffs and screams, then this is your thing and it's not wrong to enjoy it as long as you make sure to turn away from any enemy influences in the lyrics and it's up to you to be smart enough to identify that.
@descipleofthegods13You are not going to change my mind. I'm trying to help the both of us here by saying, please let us just stop this futile debate and continue doing as we do to stay strong and fight with all we have got. I'm tired of arguing with another SS over something so worth such little time.I listen to black metal when I am spreading propaganda online, or around town, or if I am just reading or doing something where I can fit in entertainment. It makes me feel happy and energized. It takes me maybe eight hours to write and record an album and make the art. You are criticizing me on no grounds other than what you consider to be my detriment, and because you don't know me, and know nothing about my astrology, you can't gauge my level of spiritual advancement. I've been slowly progressing up the difficultly of the neo-classically inspired metal genres for some time, and I'm now moving into understanding the standard classical phrases and how to create true classical rhythm in composure. I'm also going to begin learning to read and write advance sheet music sometime later. My dream goal is to become a legitimate composer at some point in my life, and write music for a regime. Everyone has got to start somewhere and whether you like it or not, it is an objective fact that technical metal is actually quite difficult to play on a high gain amplifier, because the amplifier amplifies your mistakes more than your "personal touch". Along with being a genre that resonates in a lot of people its a great medium to learn how to play guitar on a virtuoso level using a plectrum.
@dypetrod Thank you for your comment, summed up my message basically. I can only defend my taste for so long and at some point you've got to just agree to disagree. The morality around your music taste is ultimately between you and Satan in my opinion. I believe I had friend who knew some of the guys in Toxic Holocaust and usually those thrash bands are just filled with dudes who just want to be against everything and are ultimately just nihilistic people who don't take anything seriously and use their music to express a general distaste with everything. I'll listen to Nuclear Assault over some shit pop song as most pop music seems to have some crap about gawd in it at some point but not my type of music anymore at all. Not the type to write music based in philosophy and deep introspective feeling either.  @descipleofthegods13 If you want pagan metal you should listen to the bands XIV Dark Centuries, Black Messiah, and Moonsorrow. Maybe Wintersun, Amon Amarth. I'm surprised you have an interest in Pagan metal because it can be more brutal and aggressive than a lot of black metal which is distorted and fast but more feminine.
Also Gorgoroth's Gaahl is a homosexual theistic Satanist. He's not a real SS however. His band promotes extreme displays of stereotypical evil and gore, nothing like the more mannered and reserved Emperor, Krallice, Winterfylleth or Satyricon so not a good example for a "pure" band. They also have a very masculine and brutal approach compared to the feminine soundscapes of other bands. Lots of cheesy black metal out there but most of it will come up in the most popular search so then you got people thinking black metal is all cheesy stuff like Gorgoroth. Being said, I actually still do like Gorgoroth but more so their earlier albums which had a more feminine and Pagan feeling.

No one is telling you what to do. Life does have choices. You just understood me as critisizing you. I do not really need to know someone(and your natal chart is none of my business, I don't even know why you would mention something like that at all) to know what I see objectively.

You put your Spiritual Advancement up there on a high pedestal, to try and instigate a so called win in an arguement I didn't even start. You chose to start an arguement, I just pointed out what I see from experience. I am not on a beginner level but I have never once pointed that out, especially to look down on another person. My Spiritual Advancement is no one's business, and I certainly wouldn't throw it around like a pretty title., but rather I would, and do devote my time when here to helping my Brothers and Sisters instead of sitting on a throne.
I really wasn't condescending you at all. I applaud your hard work a lot. I would advise that you stop admiring your friends and put that attention back into making music though. Keeping focused on a goal is not the easiest thing, but if you really want that goal, it is worth it. I do a lot of work everyday for my personal goals, so I am advising you to keep total focus and not look out of the window occasionally.

I didn't say Metal is the easiest to play, I know from a little I have learned that it takes a lot of hard effort, and a lot of focus. I am personally interested in being a musician but have never been able to start until recently. To play either Metal or Classical takes a lot of skill. Perhaps you could give me a few pointers?
"I would advise that you stop admiring your friends and put that attention back into making music though" I don't understand this last statement. I still practice music, or try to close to every day and I also meditate and do our curses and rituals. You also made a statement before that seemed to infer I was "choosing" black metal over spiritual advancement and that I wasn't advancing because of it or something like that. Anyways.... it doesn't matter. We're going to butt heads over this until the end of time if we don't shut up about it now. No harsh feelings and if I did something to instigate this silly argument, I apologize. As for learning to play music... Playing music is actually pretty easy when you think about it, because all you have to do is play the right notes at the right times. If you want to get good on an instrument, best thing to do is to watch videos on how to play songs (until you learn to read sheet and or tablature) and practice going up and down scales until you can play them at like 16th notes 200bpm and higher, "shredding" on guitar. This builds your muscle memory extremely fast. Some people have it in them to play good on their own and some people don't, but if you don't you can always take lessons and each person will come out equally. Maybe one will play by ear and the other will write with ease and each will be jealous of the other. I'm self taught, and to be honest when it comes to teaching yourself real musicianship some people have it in them and some people don't so you really have to prove you are one who does have it in them.

I wasn't really implying you don't have focus, I was implying that you seem to admire a less occupied life and that is not a good thing when you have priorities. Don't you think I understand work as well. What I am doing requires All of my time in a day, from the time I get up to the time I go to bed, in fact I am still busy, but took some time to write this message for your benefit.

Why, because I see a very decent person who needs to work on Void Meditation which improves focus tremendously. When you can focus on one singular thing for a prolonged period of time then you will not lose focus of your goal, and daydream out of the window periodically. I'm sure you enjoy your friends' time together, but remaining goal oriented is key in being a Satanist.

People who serve Satan must remain focused at all times. It requires a lot of effort to maintain that, but it's well worth it. The mind is like a laser, when honed it can focus just like one. As for music though, I have some personal practice in through several years of playing for fun basically. As for actual study, and progress I need to find a teacher while doing most of the practice on my own. I found these Metal bands from your suggestions on YouTube, and I found they are pretty good.

I thought I would post them and see if other people might like them.


Myrath Tales Of The Sands Full Album.


Rebellion God Of Thunder.

These are the types of Metal Satanism needs. There's also no screaming in them. Which is good, and I think it would be best that way. We need to hear singing, not screaming.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
