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Good Satanic Music


Avenged Sevenfold is not a Satanic band, it's a xianized metal band. You can clearly tell that in the xian subliminals if you take the time to NOT get mesmerized by the music to see they are there. Metal by itself is not Satanic, no metal band is truly Pagan, or Satanic.

You can note that the titles shepard of fire relates to jewsus in a subliminal sense as they take their lyrics, and inspriration from the bible. Also if you listen to the lyrics in hail to the king, they are also subliminally referring to jewsus subliminally. There are a lot of metal bands out there with an extreme amount of xian subliminals geared at anyone who leaves xianity as a tactic to try and get them back into it subconsciously.

It is a good idea to deprogram xianity, and then LEAVE IT FOREVER, along with the filth it puts out, and xianity has infiltrated everything. You have to also open your mind with Power Meditation to be able to see the subliminals, as your Soul has to be able to see them. From the second you enter Spiritual Satanism you are being attacked by the enemy until you render their attacks useless, which takes hard effort, and tenacity.

I have personally went through thousands of attacks, with every subliminal you can think of and more, even if you don't notice it, the enemy is trying to reprogram you back into xianity the second you leave until you deprogram and make their attacks useless.

Did you leave xianity only to want to return? If you are serious about being a Spiritual Satanist then you will STOP cutting corners and get the rest of the xianity out of your life.Music, billboards, books, tv, even the mind attack from a cloud, if it seems like it can make a xian subliminal. I have experienced all of these attacks, it's clear what the enemy is trying to do.

The enemy will intentionally put Pagan/Satanic themes in there to try and lure anyone it thinks it can back into xianity through deception.

Also, Slipknot is not Satanic, but full of psychological hangups from xianity, and aggression towards life in general by Cory Taylor himself who made Slipknot almost entirely even though he has bandmates, which pretty much tells me he's a controlling psychopath.

And I used to listen to System Of A Down, and it only made me want to smoke, and take drugs, which is exactly what the lead singer of System Of A Down does, and is a muslim on top of that. What is in the Soul WILL come out in their music.

System Of A Down wouldn't know the first thing about Power Meditation, or it's affects, but he is talking about drug use in the song Aerials, and was high while he made it.

And such songs like Chop Suey when he mentions God and some kind of repenting series in the lyrics.

This is what I am pointing out to all of you, Also, Enserifum is NOT Satanic at all, I watched the video for about 30 seconds and I saw a multitude of xian subliminals in the music all in quick succession you wouldn't normally notice unless you're paying close attention and not getting sucked into the music. The enemy uses music primarily to set moods, and force fed subliminals into your head about xianity typically covered up with Pagan Themes because they know our Souls are Pagan, and that is  how the enemy tries to reprogram us back into xianity. Xianity itself was a machine which absorbed all forms of Paganism wherever it went and attacked, and slaughtered our bretheren, our anscestors.

Today, xianity still survives becuase it continues to do the very SAME thing it has always done, plaigarize, and murder whoever speaks out against its tyranny. Just look a communist Russia, that is the end result of xianity, and worse. We need to destroy this plauge instead of feeding into the subliminals put out through popular musicians such as Behemoth, and almost all Black Metal today instead of pussy footing around and making excuses saying it doesn't affect me, I'll just ignore the xian submininal in it, and watch the good seemingly Satanic styled part, for the reason I explained above there are Satanic themes in it. It's a lure.

To truly become a Warrior for Satan you must cast of Xianity, and destroy it in your life, and wherever you see it, or there will always be some essence of it, and like a dsisease it will rebuild itself if it is NOT completely destroyed.

The choice is yours, I will not tell you what to do, I have just given the information.
Also about Ensiferum, I didn't know the video for In My Sword I Trust. However I watched it after reading your message and in fact there are xian subliminals right in the first part of the video. I wasn't aware of this :/ I don't see any subliminals in most part of the lyrics though, except for this bit near the ending which I wasn't aware of either and found it to be rather suspect:
"Cling your souls to your gods
Kneel, obey, follow their laws
Deceit, subjugate, cherish their greed
Disdain verity, glorify futile faith"
@descipleofthegods13 I understand and agree with your general idea, however I want to point out a couple of things:

1. I didn't mean to say that these bands are Satanic (which I'm sure they aren't) or that they have any true spiritual knowlegde. Nor did I intend to say that they have intentionally written these songs I mentioned to have a spiritual meaning. And I don't really care to know whether they did it intentionally or not because I was referring to the personal meaning I get from the songs, that is, how I interpret them and what they mean to me. Each one's interpretation of a song doesn't exactly have to be what the author originally meant. So Innervision for instance is about awakening your astral vision *for me*. As well as I interpret "freeing your eyes" as unlocking your astral eyes and "when you lose small mind you free your life" as expanding your mind and setting its true potential free; and becoming free from xian programming.

2. Corey Taylor did not make Slipknot; Shawn Crahan did. Corey may take part in some activities such as songwriting but no he doesn't make most part of it on his own. He was also one of the last members to join the the original official line up of the band. The song I mentioned by them was written way before Corey even joined although there is a re-recording of it with his vocals. Also, I can't tell whether he is a jew or not but telling from his interviews and speeches I don't think him to be a controlling psychopath at all. However, what you said about Corey I'd apply to Shawn.

And most importantly, what you said about getting rid of xianity in all forms. Most things are infested with the slightest xian ideas nowadays. Like saying "omg", which I despise. And sure we should avoid any xian influence but I think only weak minds allow themselves to be lured, influenced and brainwashed by subliminals in music. A true spiritual satanist has knowledge and a strong mind and knows how to tell xian shit apart from the rest of what interests him. For example, although I grew up listening to Slipknot, today I'm well aware of their heavy xian ideas influence (specially from their fourth album on) and I don't relate to that. Think of it as though it's like talking to your xian mother but ignoring when she says stuff like "god bless you". Talking to her, eating her food and such won't make you an xian again. And appreciating one or two songs by a band won't make you a fan of said band any more than it will make you think just like its members do. This is simply enjoying a particular song and making it part of your personal play list along with a couple of other fine selected songs. This is similar to our HPs taking one bit of valuable information from different sources infested with filth (like taking the enochian calls from the "satanic bible") and putting these pieces of information together in the JoS website free from any xian corruption. Every true spiritual satanist must have the instinct to research, explore and fine comb sources on their own.
This is my point, hope I'm not gotten wrong.

While I wasn't saying you don't have freedom to listen to what you want, or want to do, I am saying there consequences for it. It is true that the High Priestesses/High Priests did go through such material, it is equally true that they were HEAVILY guarded by Satan, and the other Gods/Goddesses.

You can make an excuse if you want, but I am pointing out the consequences of it. To really find media that is Satanic oriented, or has decent references in it means making major cut backs, and dropping the excuses. Music makes the strongest subliminals, and is used most heavily by the enemy. Reading through meterial, and listening to music are not the same thing, This is an excuse to shirk personal responsibility.

I am telling you from personal experience what happens with this kind of thing. As for the lead singer of Slipknot, I got the name wrong, but had the right idea ultimately.

Slipknot has caused major riots, and the most psychotic childish behavior on the planet, Case and point about how the leader just like of System Of A Down does drugs, and what "seems" to be Spiritual sounding is just probably the enemy putting nonsensical thoughts into the guy's head, and promoting Russian style living conditions along with it, because the jews themselves promote fake Spirituality with drugs. What is in their Souls will come out in the music. Having a stronger mind does mean you can comb through all of these things and get the enjoyment out of it, but at what cost? I could still be listening to bands in Black Metal, or Death Metal if I had the same mentality, but those bands almost turned me insane.

Metal itself is a good genre of music but such filth comes out, and can program the populace, and the enemy will look to churn this every time. It basically says insanity, loot, riot, cause mayhem, and other sorts of things. At this point, anyone is making an excuse to continue listening to music the promotes the enemies agenda.

Whether it is Satanic or not, is a moot point. The fact is, there are a lot of jewish producers behind music like that, Ozzy Ozborne was a classic example, and look at what he made, mayhem, and insanity even after he got off of the drugs he still made grunge rock/metal filled with the silliest of behavior, and the sad environment of his life.

The choice is yours, do you support the enemy agenda in a subliminal fashion, or do you stand as a Warrior of Satan. Jews will always make things like this to cause the problem, and the lack of Satanic perspective. Will you ascend to Godhood listening to bands like Behemoth, and Ensiferum?
And I don't know if that was clear in my message but what I said applies to individual songs with no subliminals in them. Like the main songs I mentioned, Gently and Innervision. I don't see any evident subliminals in them. The others I mentioned were just observations about particular bits of the lyrics.
I totally agree with what you said about songs that mix "satanic" themes with subliminals to lure people into their shit, like this video, and this is the kind of song I have the instinct to turn away from when I am aware of it and I believe every true satanist has the same instinct.

Also, thank you for pointing out about Ensiferum

@descipleofthegods13 Well actually, the guy I mentioned who made Slipknot is not the lead singer. He is one of their two percussionists, Shawn Crahan, the "clown". It is a common thing to think of the lead singer of a band as the leader/manager of it, but this is not so in that case. But well yes, with the exception of what you said about him having made Slipknot entirely on his own you had the right idea anyway. Clown is a rather greedy guy and makes exaggerated marketing about the band.

As for the rest of what you said, I have absolutely no points to disagree. What I said about our HPs sources was just an analogy as to how we can filter our sources in order to get the purest out of it though.

I was also almost driven to insanity by such bands when I grew up. I knew Slipknot when I was 10 to 11 and although this is one of the things that had played a role in turning me away from xian "devotion" (although I didn't have a real devotion to it after all), it gave me the wrong idea about a lot of things at first. That was a phase of xian rebellion. Other bands like Cannibal Corpse, Dimmu Borgir and Marduk had also messed up my ideas during that period.
I have dropped a big deal of the music I used to listen to. Not only because of their twisted ideas but also because most of them easily became boring to listen to over the time anyway, specially traditional black metal.
Uhhh.... @discipleofthegods13 Magnum Illud Sacramentum in Tutankhaman was literally released three days ago by a fellow Satanist/SS. There's a swastika and the sigil of Enki right on the art. 
I do agree with dypetrod though in that as Spiritual Satanists, we're constantly having to sift gold from grime. Everything good pure and satanic in this world has been ripped off, deformed, and served right back to us. Every part of the music industry has been taken over and corrupted by the enemy to peddle what they call "music" to the masses. Their only purpose is to influence and spread the jewish agenda. A talented artist is always hijacked for their hard work and given two options : submit to their script or suffer the consequences. Most people who are in music quit because the kike industry trys to rewrite there work to fit the "target audience". Or the artist ends up with deep psychological issues that lead to addiction or overdose/suicide. Or, the usual outcome, absolutely nothing happens for them and they end up devoting their entire lives just trying and wanting to be heard. I do feel you can find some truth in some music, its just very well hidden. No musician out there is blatantly communicating Satanic Truth. To most that would be like putting a target on their foreheads. But they occasionally slip in real thought provoking lyrics and/or imagery.
Manson has always been an inspiration to me in seeking truth. He has very deep and hidden subliminals that would piss off pass as Satanic to the average ignorant religious drone. But the deeper you look into his art, the more you see deeper into the idiocracy and programs that are destroying American culture and society. Also is art contains many esoteric and satanic themes. I see his music/art as a reflection, a "mirror" so to say of our American culture. 
"And the world spreads its legs for another fucking star! 'Cause I am the All American Antichrist! I was raised in America, and America hates me for what I am! I am your shit! You should be ashamed of what you have eaten!" -(intro) Rock'n'Roll Nigger 
This album came out about a year after Manson was blamed for the Columbine High School Massacre on 4/20/1999. Its one of my favorites and i think everyone should hear this album at least once and tell me what you think. 
Marilyn Manson - Holywood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)

There are also no lyrics whatsoever in the Verstecktengang album... so the only thing that could be hurting your mind is the actual music.
I am actually the person who created Magnum Illud Sacramentum in Tutankhamen from scratch.. I have had a bit of a "relationship" with Amdusias for years and since then I have gotten to virtuoso level on drums, guitar and piano and can also play cello, flute, fife, tabla, bass and upright,  and some other instruments at an intermediate level. I learned to do this with hard dedication all the years I was caged in lies. All my music, and if you read the song titles up until this new album, have been about discovering the truth and having the strength and passion to do so.  I wrote and recorded everything all by myself and I am pretty young. This music helps me be strong and there's nothing wrong with it, as you see all different kinds of music have xian influence. Jazz, rock, metal, pop, classical, whatever. Metal is pretty Satanic. Take the band Emperor for instance; sure they don't "get" what Satan is all about, but they really want to. You can hear how much they revere Him in "Inno a Satana". To me, listening to this music is like listening to the Satanic passion that lives inside gentiles, and the longing I felt before I understood Satan. As well, when I listen to my track "Enki's Dream" for instance, it sometimes causes a spiritual effect on me and I see light. It doesn't bring about any negative feelings whatsoever, it makes me feel like an adventurer. Maxine listened to extreme metal before coming to Satan, and I don't see why she wouldn't now. But its really up to everybody to listen to what they want because while someone might get a headache listening to my music, I get a literal headache listening to dance music and soft pop. My music isn't very popular because I do it for myself to stay strong.
@thisisafalsealias: No, Emperor praise the xian idea of Satan. If they knew Satan is a loving being and not "evil" they wouldn't want to praise him at all. Obviously, this is common sense. All those metal bands if they knew Satan is a being of light, that he loves gentile people and all they wouldn't have anything to do with him. They want an angry evil being who burns churches. Whether HP Maxine listened to extreme metal before cominig to SS doesn't matter, because she removed that page about "Satanic music" from JoS  anyway in which some metal bands were listed as "Satanic". She said many times that SS music is supposed to be relaxing and meditative and pleasant and even gave classical music suggestions. 
So, no, metal isn't Satanic (I'm talking about true Spiritual Satanism not reverse christianity) by any stretch of imagination. I explained that in a previous post in that thread.
P.S. And it's been repeated many times here, just because something uses Satan's name or even praises Satan doesn't mean it's Satanic. There are many reverse christians who think Satan is an evil being who demands sacrifices and they have written disgusting texts about that. Does that mean these texts are "Satanic" and you'll get close to Satan if you read them? NO. Obviously. Satan in fact hates those texts because they are blasphemous to him.
Likewise, most black metal music is very blasphemous to Satan. It blasphemes him heavily by associating him with darkness and other crap. It's closer to xianity because it's based on the xian lies about him.
I repeat: If someone praises Satan but he praises him as the being of "evil" then he blasphemes him.
And again: what you said doesn't stand because if those people knew Satan is a positive being and the jewish god was evil, they would praise the jewish god. Really, this is common sense.
Those black metal bands, if we lived in a Satanic society and xianity was considered evil and unhealthy, they would be xian instead of Satanic because they like to praise "evil". 100% common sense.
P.S. #2: Like I said before, metal was merely created as a rebellion against christinsanity. They used the xian version of Satan to rebel against xianity. Many of them are atheists and just use the xian version of Satan to shock xians. As well as some of them are xians. It's pretty obvious if you look at some bands. Slayer had a xian vocalist who said "Hail Satan" many times but later said he didn't believe it and just did it for fun and he worships jewsus.
Now, if the world was Spiritual Satanic, the same people would use xianity to rebel against SS. There's nothing to do with a SS motive behind this. They just like to be to rebel against the majority for attention whoring purposes or boosting their ego.
And the xian version of Satan isn't really Satan. When someone is praising the enemy version of Satan he's just blaspheming the real Satan and attracts enemy beings. HP Maxine mentioned that before relating to reverse christian groups who attract enemy beings (usually greys) because of that. The enemy greys love these disgusting things so they are naturally attracted by them.
When something praises the xian version of Satan it's best to avoid it because not only blasphemes Satan but also attacts greys.

From what i have seen is that these bands portray a negative image of our father Satan and also the demons. An image that Spiritual Satanism does not upholds.
This whole thread sounds in part like a big pile of "NO MY FAVOURITE MUSIC IS BETTER AND MORE SPIRITUAL THAN YOURS." You can ultimately listen to whatever genre of music you want. Another thing I want to add is that people say classical music is "Satanic" but there were obviously classical musicians who were far from Satanists. Another thing is that my music doesn't even have audible lyrics, so there is no way for there to be any subliminals. All the tracks that are about Satan are written in scales of which portray a sense of reverence, gratitude, mystery and spirituality. 
"And again: what you said doesn't stand because if those people knew Satan is a positive being and the jewish god was evil, they would praise the jewish god. Really, this is common sense."
This my friend is a logical fallacy. Because x, y transpires as a result. This is called the slippery-slope fallacy. You don't know these people on a person level, so you can't proclaim you know how they would act.

Making music for Satan is a very good, and positive thing, but when you make the music you must have a strong mind, and have completely deprogrammed xianity from your Soul. I do not see that there. There are plenty of metal musicians who put a Swastika on their music, and albums, it doesn't mean much other than a symbol being there, if they LACK THE UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT IT MEANS.

You put up the title of Spiritual Satanist to validate your work, this is an excuse to continue promoting evil sounding music. Where do you think evil comes from? What are we fighting? Your music reminds me exactly of what I used to listen to and almost went insane from.

You came to Spiritual Satanism to evolve, and grow with Satan and personally. This seems like something you don't want to let go, and are making excuses about to validate your work. Do people really want to listen to something that creates an evil astmosphere when Meditating, or otherwise? No.

I could list over 30 Black Metal bands which your music sounds just like, and I guarentee they are all insane, or at least disassociative.

Do you want to go in reverse? Do you understand what it means to be a Spiritual Satanist? Do you understand what it means to be a Desciple of Satan. Being a Spiritual Satanist doesn't mean you get all of the lavished things in the world like a brat. It means sactifice for the greater good, for your Family. It is EXACTLY the reason I took personal time out when I am an extremely busy person to spread this information to those I KNEW it would hep, if they stop being stubborn. I wouldn't bother listening to Marilyn Manson because he's ultimately a psycho who promotes reverse xianity, and will even tell you he does and laugh about it, he was a member of the CoS, and still is in ways.

You can cut corners all you like, but you are being chidish at this point, and overly selfish. There are very few pieces of TRUE entertainment which is not total garbage in this world. What I see is this, "Well, the xianity in the lyrics, and the xian subliminals are not that bad, it's okay for it to be around forever, you know, we can just ignore it, because we're strong, and have Satan"

What kind of response is that? Do you want and end to all of this insanity or not? What happens when it comes down to the day it needs to leave our planet, and you said the same thing with your Family around I.e. US? Do you really want to be a Spiritual Satanist or not?

Members of the SS in Germany did not waste time in removing it because they knew of the danger.
They stood against tyranny and removed it quickly. There is NO VALIDATION for evil sounding music with screaming people with childish rage, and I listened to more than one track thisisafalsealias, I will say this, it needs extreme revising. It sounds evil. Positive Light sounding music like Classical, which is an extremely important key in metal, and things like Light oriented metal. Metal itself is not bad, it's what is put in it that is. What is in the Soul  WILL eventually come out. I made that pretty clear three times.

You might try a daily SURYAYE to clean out the filth the enemy has put there. Because I guarantee I will not listen to or buy that. It lacks a Satanic perspective and is just grungy, and filled with evil sounding tones. Learn some Classical to truly appreciate metal, because a lot of metal musicians do and will tell you they had to learn, if they have any talent, and skill at all, and didn't just pick up a guitar and put some notes together like emperor.

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... topics/284

Aum Suryae  

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I am happy to see that we have talented members here. 
From:"thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:pon, Okt 5, 2015 at 6:53
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Re: Good Satanic Music

  I am actually the person who created Magnum Illud Sacramentum in Tutankhamen from scratch.. I have had a bit of a "relationship" with Amdusias for years and since then I have gotten to virtuoso level on drums, guitar and piano and can also play cello, flute, fife, tabla, bass and upright,  and some other instruments at an intermediate level. I learned to do this with hard dedication all the years I was caged in lies. All my music, and if you read the song titles up until this new album, have been about discovering the truth and having the strength and passion to do so.  I wrote and recorded everything all by myself and I am pretty young. This music helps me be strong and there's nothing wrong with it, as you see all different kinds of music have xian influence. Jazz, rock, metal, pop, classical, whatever. Metal is pretty Satanic. Take the band Emperor for instance; sure they don't "get" what Satan is all about, but they really want to. You can hear how much they revere Him in "Inno a Satana". To me, listening to this music is like listening to the Satanic passion that lives inside gentiles, and the longing I felt before I understood Satan. As well, when I listen to my track "Enki's Dream" for instance, it sometimes causes a spiritual effect on me and I see light. It doesn't bring about any negative feelings whatsoever, it makes me feel like an adventurer. Maxine listened to extreme metal before coming to Satan, and I don't see why she wouldn't now. But its really up to everybody to listen to what they want because while someone might get a headache listening to my music, I get a literal headache listening to dance music and soft pop. My music isn't very popular because I do it for myself to stay strong. [/TD]
@thefirestarter I agree and disagree.

There are such people who just want to get attention by opposing something dominant because if you go the wrong way in a one way street everyone will look.

However, many people (specially people who have attended xian schools early in their lives) just see that there is something wrong and repressive about xianity and they just want to break free from it first and foremost. And they go and rebel against it but due to not having access to real information they figure that if they don't want to be like a sheep ever again, they need to be the exact opposite of everything xianity claims to be. With this, they get the wrong idea about 'the enemy of xianity' and blindly promote this wrong idea because they have forced themselves to take it as 'right'.

But I think they'd be glad to know that Satan is actually a benevolent being; and that they wouldn't have started spreading the wrong idea about him if they knew this before.

This is basically how it went with me. I decided to break free from xian 'devotion' when I didn't have access to information so I first got the wrong idea and thought I would have to be 'evil' even if that didn't suit me. But some time later I was glad to find out that Satan is not about suffering, torture, death, disgrace and all these filthy things the jews relate to.

Although that won't be so for all these poser bands. Some of them just want to be 'shocking' anyway.
@thisisafalsealias: Logical fallacy? Black metal is associated with burning churches, killing other band members and other disgusting acts. So yes, they have the wrong idea about Satan.  And yes, they would praise jokehova if they thought he was "evil".
And add to that the fact that most of them were atheists. They aren't even Satanists so more to be Spiritual Satanists. Even those who were, were Laveyan atheists, or other reverse christians. These people aren't true Satanists. As a matter of fact Spiritual Satanism (True Satanism) came about in 2002. Before that, most people didn't know at all about true Satanism and believed the enemy lies about Satan. HP Maxine said before that before she created the JoS she went to the web and she was absolutely disgusted with the bullshit that was passed as Satanism, and Satan was disgusted as well. That's the reason she named this group JOY of Satan, joy being a positive word so as to associate Satanism with positivity.
Most black metal bands were before 2002 anyway.
Also, no it isn't melodramatic at all. In fact a xian infiltrator before used the lyrics by a song from Dimmu Borgir to prove Satan is "evil". The lyrics were extremely disgusting and saying Satan brings killing, misery and other disgusting BS.
And what I said about the style of it still stands. Their music is horribly sounding exactly because they have the wrong idea. If they believed Satan is a loving being, they would be more mellow and pleasant, saving the angry parts for the spiritual warfare themed songs. Not to mention meditative as well, to helps us in power meditations.
This quote you said:

Doesn't refer at all to enemy lies believed about him. These aren't of Satan at all, but of enemy beings, and created as propaganda by the Catholic church in middle ages. It merely means she will appear in different POSITIVE ways. Please show where Himmler joked about Satan. Whatever Himmler joked about, Satan never jokes about anything like that. In fact he's disgusted with all the enemy lies about him and it takes it seriously.
And again I repeat: Believing in the enemy lies about Satan blasphemes him and attracts enemy greys. It doesn't praise Satan at all. Those people who have seen an "evil" Satan it wasn't Satan at all but an enemy grey.
Now about classical music, in that time they hid their allegiance and said they are atheists or whatever else. So most of them were SS's. Their music came from Satan directly as HP Maxine said. The Devil's Trill Sonata for example.
Again I repeat, HP Maxine said before Satan creates the most beautiful music. Black metal is horrible sounding. 9 out of 10 people will agree on it. Therefore it didn't came from Satan.

also @thefalsealias: I've been in reverse christian/false Satanist groups as well as seen many people here who have the wrong idea about Satanism and listened to or played black metal. Point is, when I told them or they learned that Satan is a positive being and not a horned monster but a Nordic blond-haired blue eyed being, they either said I'm a xian and I confused jewsus for Satan, or said mine is a xianized version of Satan or that I'm afraid of horned monsters and they'd prefer to worship a horned monster or other similar things. So yeah, these people if they learned that jokehova was a horned monster instead they would worship jokehova.
Remember: you said that the Emperor band would want to get to Satan. My point above was meant to directly refute this phrase you said. No, contrary to what you think, most of those false Satanists, if Satan came to them with his beautiful form and told them he's not "evil" they would turn away from him, based on what they said.
also #2 @thefalsealias: When you said I don't know these people doesn't stand either because I've been in reverse xian groups before and I know the arguments they use and the way they think. They would worship jokehova if they knew he was "evil". These fake Satanists who listen to black metal and/or play it often accuse us of "taking the sting out of the devil's tail" (translation: not conforming to the xian version of Satan) and admit that they wouldn't want to worship Satan if he wasn't angry or evil. The main arguments about our Satan not being real is not conforming to the buybull (LOL). Again if you don't believe me I'd advise you to join other groups and see for yourself. This is 100% common sense.
The point of all is: find me a Black Metal band in which members know and say themselves in interviews that:
1)Satan is Enki2)Satan is a positive being, but they are just saying he's about darkness and all to be melodramatic.3)Satan is the Creator of humanity.4)Satanism isn't really a rebellion against xianity, but xianity was a rebellion against Satanism/ancient Paganism.
I want to hear a detailed interview of a person saying things like "I'm a Spiritual Satanist. I know Satan isn't really an evil being but the Sumerian God Enki who created us and brought us knowledge to evolve into Gods. The reason we say these things are for fun and we don't really believe them"
If you don't bring me anything like that then it's safe to assume that you made up this "melodramatic" thing and that they are just reverse xians or atheists or whatever who believe Satan is an angry and evil monster.
Note: There might be a few new ones who may be based in Spiritual Satanism after JoS came. So I acknowledge there might be a few exceptions. But certainly not Emperor or the other bands you mentioned or the old ones before JoS came.

@dypetrod: Sure, some believe the mainstream lies about Satan but if they learn the truth that he's not "evil" they may still be with us. But these are the minority. And even if they were so, the whole debate comes to the point that whether we should listen to their music they made before knowing the truth about Satan and believing the enemy lies about him. And the answer to that is no, either. Because that type of music is not only blasphemous, but is filled with enemy energy and attracts greys. If they learn the truth and make better music, only then can we listen to it. 
thisisafalsealias tries to say the exact opposite and make excuses for them, and for this type of negative enemy blasphemous music and tries to pass it as a joke or something. In either cases, a person doesn't joke about enemy lies about Satan because Satan is serious about them and doesn't want them any more. It's not a joke to insult Satan.
Now if these people change their music and show that they know who Satan is and what True Satanism is about and that it's blasphemous to claim the lies about him then and only then can one here promote it here as Satanic music. 
You know what band was extra extra jewed out?JANE'S ADDICTION.i saw their documentary recently and was kinda shocked.they were out to help claim the counter culture for the reptiles.-Hail to the Father
This is another thing. I always found in art a way to make my feelings valid. Feelings of being an outsider, of hating xianity and everything like that. At some point my kundalini awakened and I started seeing the world differently. Then I realized when I listened to black metal it felt as though it created a simulated entity which "felt" like the ambiance of nature to me, which I could only now see and understand since my kundalini awoke from its sleep. So the music, to me, was a representation of the fact that the truth, and the truth of perception lies in the darkness outside of the mass mind and the comfort zone of thinking, so to speak.With Satan, well I always had an affinity for Satan and I mean pretty much ever since I realized religion was a thing. I used to say "I love you Satan" and "Fuck you, god" and look up into the sky and then feel guilty because I was still in programmed auto-mode being young and whatever. I thought Satan was the bad guy because I didn't fit in to the world at all, hated myself, and hated xianity. But then later I realized Satan WAS God and everything made sense. He knows I didn't mean to blaspheme him. He knew I always believed in a Hidden God. I never, EVER made music that uses His name in vain. I made music that expressed my lonely-ness and hatred, and now when I listen to it, I feel like an adventurer in the woods. Does this make me evil and supporting of the Jew? No no.


You are free to choose whatever you want, I just want my Brothers, and Sisters to be careful, I have personally learned this from Father Satan, who has been teaching me along with the Meditations which awaken your Soul. When your Soul first begins to see Satanic Truth, you can see how irregular things are.

That once catchy tune, becomes something you don't want in your house anymore, I have been given the knowledge, and Meditations from Satan, and it is my job to spread the Truth to those who are not yet aware. Opening ones Spiritual Eye takes a long time, and requires a lot of diligent effort. You begin to see our world needs to be cleaned up, and you can't help but wonder where to start, as all of this media today except for a very extremely small portion about 2% of it worldwide is not any good, but is used to promote something skewed, and geared at the confusion for Gentiles from those who oppose Satan. While those who oppose Satan may be insane, that doesn't stop the insanity from spewing out.

To return to an entirely Pagan themed life requires a lot of sacrifice, and Devotion to Satan, it's not a free for all selfish desire kind of thing. You just will NOT find yourself getting what you want most of the time, but more what you need. Things you want are fine to a point, but when it's not doing you any good, what's the point?

Personal aesthetics are a necessary part of life, but not when they are not doing you any good anymore. I wouldn't personally listen to bands like that because they cause confusion as I listen above, and what is the sole purpose of the confusion mentioned? The desire for loss of one's Pagan Rite. Xianity for this reason was invented, and from xianity music like this comes from.

That's all I'm saying. As for the selling of the Soul thing, It's fine, I am not one to mock, or scorn, I try to understand instead. I like to listen to people, and try to help them if I can, there should be no need to by shy here, unless it's just that personal, then I would understand. I was just passing along some things that happened to me against my will until I returned to Satan. From personal experience  I talked. Your Soul always stays yours. It's just the condition in the Return to Satan that varies.
Well I guess we had better stop listening to all classical music with minor scales because it gives off "evil" vibes and is associated with the mafia, who kills. I'm trying to do a good thing by making black metal which is rooted in True Satanism, in hopes that the next wave will also be. I'm not defending using our God's name in vain, but considering black metal is one of the few genres I listen to I'll take what I have got. SS is about evolving through truth and not suppressing everything with a ban hammer like a leftist would do. That's why I am aware of the bullshit in metal and am physically working hard to change the genre. You might not get just how much work it is to learn how to play drums, guitar, piano and learn to compose, and put all these together into songs all by yourself especially when you are going to school and etc. But its hard work learning to play music, and a lot of sitting around for six hours a day practicing while your friends are out enjoying the time they have before they get sucked up by the big jew-machine. There were virtually NO True Satanists at least that we know about around the time of the previous waves of black metal. Are we supposed to suppress and destroy every piece of art before 2002 because the artist didn't know the Truth? 
Another thing is that you clearly just don't like the music. This is a matter of taste no matter what you say. I couldn't meditate to new-age music and black metal sounds beautiful to me. Tracks like Opus a Satana (instrumental), 2nd track of Krallice's "Years Past Matter", Winterfylleth's "A Thousand Winters" and "Threnody of Triumph" and Absurd's "A Mourning Soul" for instance. Beautiful tracks to the point where I used to and still do cry oftentimes listening to them. People consider other genres to be beautiful, but when I listen to them it just sounds like a poppy comfort-zone to me. We all have different tastes and I do not care if people like what I like. Most people today would agree opera sounds horrible as well!

I completed the first three preliminary steps of the great work while writing my album. The last track "Hymn to Eternal Life" I associate most with this time because I used the sound to express the building of desire used in working the "lower burner". 
The old black metal musicians lied and were lied too. But if they had found the truth, that they did a good thing by rebelling against the sick jewish programs, in my opinion most would be happy with the fact. If they wanted to kill in real life, they would go kill. The bad apples don't rot the bunch so long as you remove them from the premises. They aren't all just babies crying for attention and praising whatever is evil because they have some bizarre psychological complex. Many of them have IQs over 140 and are virtuoso level musicians on multiple instruments.  "The point of all is: find me a Black Metal band in which members know and say themselves in interviews that:
1)Satan is Enki2)Satan is a positive being, but they are just saying he's about darkness and all to be melodramatic.3)Satan is the Creator of humanity.4)Satanism isn't really a rebellion against xianity, but xianity was a rebellion against Satanism/ancient Paganism."
This band is called: Verstecktengang. I literally made the music so I could listen to my favourite sound without any single bit of false energy attached to it, so I would have something to listen to which I can relate to on a solar level. This is being progressive.
I will be honest here. Most of my life I had awareness that something was terribly wrong, and I was one of the few who could see it. You know this made me really, REALLY angry and I am not one to repress my feelings. Without music to channel my energy into, and make something positive out of, I would have killed myself and considered burning a church or two. BUT I DIDN'T BECAUSE I KNEW IT WAS THE WRONG THING TO DO. Would Satan rather me kill myself, than me find a genre which helped me stay strong but is unfortunately ignorant of his Truth and uses his name in vain? No, no he wouldn't. Satan does appear in diverse manners and he came to me how he came to me.
"Now if these people change their music and show that they know who Satan is and what True Satanism is about and that it's blasphemous to claim the lies about him then and only then can one here promote it here as Satanic music."
This is why I posted my album to this page and not another album which is only superficially "Satanic". I posted it because I am "these people" who are changing the genre of music into something more positive. Like black metal but tired of the superficiality? All my music is 100% free. Not only do I make all my music for Satan but there is a serious Satanic message in the album that very few will understand and that's all I can say. Whether you actually like the music, or the two/three tracks (out of eight) which are black metal, is not related. I do it for me and whoever else may like it. That's why its all free.
Here is where Himmler joked about "evil". I never said he joked about Satan.
This is what he said; "I am so happy have a bad man who loves his evil wife!" He was joking about the absurdity of the modern paradigm of morality.He probably actually wrote "be" instead of have, appears to be a typo but maybe not.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... z3nnBLpyLw 
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Himmler's love letters reveal him to be insecure romantic fantasist  
Seems like some of my messages are being posted late so I forget about them and post again... oh well. Lots of people making double, triple replies so I don't feel like I'm chalking up the thread too bad.
Anyways, I want to also share an example of a "classical" piece off an album of mine that got kind of popular for a while. This is to show that the music I make is not all negative energy, it is a journey in sound (not to sound like a hipster impressionist.) Ida and pingala, yin and yang are represented in the transition of emotions. Exciting to relaxing, intense to soothing, theatrical to atmospheric etc. Fort Ravenmond, by Verstecktengång  

lolwut @ thisisafalsealias.I'm guessing you're being sarcastic. A lot of wonderful symphonies and classical pieces are in the minor key. Some are masterpieces. They have endured throughout the centuries, and will continue to endure when what passes for 'music' today is forgotten.

On Tuesday, October 6, 2015 10:26 AM, "thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Also, I guess we got to stop listening to all classical music that utilizes the minor key because it sounds evil.

Of course I am being sarcastic harhar. I was playing on the idea that was brought up that "evil" sounding music is somehow blasphemous to Satan.
Holy shit, I usually listen to a lot of Metalcore and other Metal. I've recently come to Spiritual Satanism and I've had tons of problems with alien entities! I always thought this was just because I was so easily powerful. Now that I think of it I can remember times I would turn on my favorite metal band and I'd see doors close and stuff knock over in my room! SPECIFICALLY ON THESE TIMES.I don't listen to the particular songs that blasphemy Satan but I still pick out certain songs from the same bands. Should I cut all ties from this music in general? I always listen to the radio with my friends but if the music is giving these fuckers more reason to come after me I'M DONE. I mean the songs I listen to aren't blasphemous like I said but how are they filled with enemy energy? I also have been wondering what EXACTLY the beings are but now I'm starting to lean more towards the Greys.

On Tuesday, October 6, 2015 6:25 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  @dypetrod: Sure, some believe the mainstream lies about Satan but if they learn the truth that he's not "evil" they may still be with us. But these are the minority. And even if they were so, the whole debate comes to the point that whether we should listen to their music they made before knowing the truth about Satan and believing the enemy lies about him. And the answer to that is no, either. Because that type of music is not only blasphemous, but is filled with enemy energy and attracts greys. If they learn the truth and make better music, only then can we listen to it. 
thisisafalsealias tries to say the exact opposite and make excuses for them, and for this type of negative enemy blasphemous music and tries to pass it as a joke or something. In either cases, a person doesn't joke about enemy lies about Satan because Satan is serious about them and doesn't want them any more. It's not a joke to insult Satan.
Now if these people change their music and show that they know who Satan is and what True Satanism is about and that it's blasphemous to claim the lies about him then and only then can one here promote it here as Satanic music. 

@joey salvo You should really just go by gut instinct. If you respond to the music negatively, or if you had negative experiences in your life and in this time you listened to the music an thus associate it with enemy attacks, you can stop listening to it if you want to. If you like the music, just keep listening to it. Metal isn't music you listen to when you meditate, you listen to it while walking, driving or reading, or just for pleasure. It's art/entertainment. One thing that attracted to me to Satanism was the fact you could do what you enjoy and fulfill your desires. In my opinion, metal (free of subliminals, especially blatant) does not attract enemy energy at all and its silly to think that it inherently does. The only reason people think that it does is because they think the music is "evil sounding" but that makes no sense because that is only because of the tone, tempo and the scales! Lots and lots of good classical music that is upbeat and gives a scary, exciting or macabre feeling. If you are seeing doors close and things like this it doesn't necessarily mean its the enemy, though it may be. It might just mean you are experiencing "poltergeist" phenomena and basically doing it yourself unconsciously. This has happened to me before when I get into music. I mean if you're getting shivers from a song you're basically exploding with emotional energy. I've even got into playing the djembe so hard before, I started to literally control the flames of a bonfire I was at with my friends, and they said, "Man, you're like a fire god!!". But the truth is that music is just extremely powerful and will do stuff like this for some people who are open, in my opinion.
@Carrisa Blue, probably something that helps you Meditate, and advances Humanity. There really is no genre that goes against what I just said, except Black Metal, other forms of evil sounding Metal, such as Slayer.

In reality these bands are only projecting themselves as Satanic for publicity, and NOTHING else. They are fake, and should be disregarded entirely. These kinds of things are good for no one.

There are a lot of possibilities and a lot of work to do as those who are up and coming musicians for Satan, I'm sure there are some here. Study hard, and make the money for a College Education.

You can't really find any truly Satanic music around the world just yet except for a couple of bands mentioned here who are from the 70's such as, The Beach Boys, The Eagles, and Led Zepplin.

All very almost purely Satanic Rock Bands. They lack the entire insight we now have but the meaning is the same.

It's our job to make music for Satan if we are qualified with diligence, and make it worldwide for all of us to enjoy.


I can't really name a lot of artists because I am busy and I just find what I have time for on YT when I have a spare moment. I typically listen to video game music which have Pagan sounding themes in them, and Jazz, Techno, Metal,  Classical, and Opera.

I have recently been trying to set time aside to find some Pagan Celtic Metal and have not had the time because I am typically busy from the time I get up to the time I go to bed.

If you, or anyone else happens to have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. Thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
