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Satan Lucifer Poseidon – Lord of the Seas

Back in high school we had a project to make, and we could choose any topic we wanted. I chose to write about bioluminescence, and this corelation between Luciferase and Lucifer, the bringer of light.

I was the smart kid, but which everybody would look up to and respect, both students and teachers. I presented my project in front of the whole class, and for the first time in my life I had the opportunity to talk highly about Satan to a crowd of people, without exposing myself.

A very pleasant read HPS Lydia, and a very good reminder of everything that ties us and nature to humanity's Father!! Hail Satan!!
Arcadia said:
Beelzebul/Enlil/Zeus, during a certain period of Greek history, was very important indeed, and this was reflected in the nature of storytelling and cultural mytheme which took shape across Greece's developmental ages, particularly in regard to the ones we know today. So, no, it isn't a corruption. It's simply taking a particular thing a might bit too literally.
Thanks for the explanation!
Umun said:
Zeus/Enlil/Baalzebul/Perun is stronger than his brother. It does not mean more powerful or wiser or superior. It is how they're portrayed to accent certain aspects of their personalities that are important allegories to the qualities and virtues that we need to work on to achieve godhood.
Thanks for clarifying! It's just that here in Greece, most people don't study mythology, and those who do, only see it as little silly tales of dumb humans (meanwhile they believe in the crucified kike). There is a lot of confusion out there.
I had the impression that our soul is an expression of the universe.
Like something external, created to be the ultimate manifestation of the universe. If I even look at the chakras there is a correlation. Earth Water, Fire, Air and Ether, which are the elements of the chakras, from bottom to top, as it is also in the planet, earth, sea, sun, sky and universe.

Yeah and at the right time and place a sunset with certain clouds also provides the colors of the chakras from bottom to top. I have seen sunsets where the sun is red and a little higher there is orange and then yellow and up it goes to blue indigo and violet. Good time to do sun gazing. Did you know the actual sun is green? it filters through our blue atmosphere where its loses some of the blue and the yellow remains so it looks yellow to our eyes.
But if you do a spectrum analysis of it, it peeks out in the green wavelength, which is also the most sensitive color for our eyes, and the plants and leaves reflect the green and absorb the blue and red. That's why grow lights are a mix of red and blue. 2 of the colors of our creator god.
Thank you so much for this post HP Lydia, they have something special as the post of HP Hoodecobra, but different:

HP Cobra Makes you feel strong and secure of what to do, while yours make me feel that there is so much to learn and grow, you are amazing and you inspire me to become a HP Someday, i promise i will!
Thanks for the feedback everyone, and the members who posted more information :)

Violet Warrior said:
In terms of the sea, I'm particularly interested in translucent beings and how they live. Their transparency is the most intriguing element.
The translucent ones are very Neptunian, such ethereal beauty :)

Meow2023 said:
[...] What I wonder is if those that meditate would give off a stronger glow? That would be interesting.
That would be interesting to compare someone who has been meditating for a long time with someone who has never done any spiritual work. It would definitely help prove how important spirituality is.

hailourtruegod said:
Very interesting read for sure and shows how our Gods are the real Gods. One can see this with how in tune they are with science and nature.
You mean as opposed to jhwh who just goes around mass murdering whole groups of people in the bible? Lol.

They are all spiritual allegories. HP HoodedCobra wrote on some of the subjects here, this will give you an idea of the meaning behind other myths too:

Sex, Rape And Murder In Mythology

Thank you :)
Such a wonderful sermon, HPS Lydia,

I've always been fascinated by Nature, by how it all unfolds in endless complexity and beauty, how everything is so balanced and interconnected.

I have witnessed once, the blue glow from bioluminescence in seawater, it is quite incredible.
BlackOnyx8 [JG said:
" post_id=479256 time=1703443029 user_id=71344]
Such a wonderful sermon, HPS Lydia,

I've always been fascinated by Nature, by how it all unfolds in endless complexity and beauty, how everything is so balanced and interconnected.

I have witnessed once, the blue glow from bioluminescence in seawater, it is quite incredible.

Hello! Nature is always beautiful, that is :)

Can you please detail more of your witnessing of the sea glow. I would love to hear more.

[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=479230 time=1703433140 user_id=57]
Thanks for the feedback everyone, and the members who posted more information :)

Violet Warrior said:
In terms of the sea, I'm particularly interested in translucent beings and how they live. Their transparency is the most intriguing element.
The translucent ones are very Neptunian, such ethereal beauty :)

Meow2023 said:
[...] What I wonder is if those that meditate would give off a stronger glow? That would be interesting.
That would be interesting to compare someone who has been meditating for a long time with someone who has never done any spiritual work. It would definitely help prove how important spirituality is.

hailourtruegod said:
Very interesting read for sure and shows how our Gods are the real Gods. One can see this with how in tune they are with science and nature.
You mean as opposed to jhwh who just goes around mass murdering whole groups of people in the bible? Lol.

They are all spiritual allegories. HP HoodedCobra wrote on some of the subjects here, this will give you an idea of the meaning behind other myths too:

Sex, Rape And Murder In Mythology

Thank you :)

Ahh i see thanks lydia
The Ocean has many mysteries And I truly believe There are many creatures in it that Most people tend to believe are just mythical. Like, for example, sirens. I've seen a lot of videos on the internet Talking about these creatures and I'm honestly starting to believe they're real. There Was a video of a guy on a ship in the middle of the ocean at night, and there were what he believed were sirens On each side of the ship, trying to get him to jump in the water., What really sealed the deal-making me believe this video was legit. It's because this guy is now missing. His boat was confiscated by the government and his Instagram was taken down.I don't know about mermaids, but I do believe sirens are real. Supposedly mermaids and sirens are not the same thing theres the difference between the 2. The ocean is probably the scariest thing On this planet to me, because we have no idea what the hell is in it. Only the gods truly know. I do believe sirens are real because accounts of them have been dated all the way back to ancient Greece. So they have to be real. Or something Either way, back to my point, the ocean is freaking scary. It's also beautiful at the same time. Just a huge enigma.

It was exactly like in the video HPS Lydia shared:
Starting at 0:24
Bioluminescence in the deep sea: How and why do animals create their own light?

I went camping on a desert island, and at night I went near the water and it was glowing like in the above video. It was magical. Any touch in the water would make it glow, unfortunately, I never saw this again.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=478939 time=1703332466 user_id=57]

This is a truly beautiful post to honor our Father and Lord, thank you for this.
As anyone around here, I am proud to now be able to call you High Priestess Lydia. May the Gods bless the JoS so that every deserving person reaches that same title and more. May merits be acknowledged in the Divine.

Hail Satan!
I could not find any photos of this, but before the internet I read about accounts where at night a ship would be on a still ocean (indian ocean) and there would appear vast pinwheels of light rotating around the ship. it was a vast spiral of lines of light that extended as far as one could see and it would slowly rotate. I figured the organisms creating the light was responding to the energy lines come down to the earth in a spiral shape kind of like how clouds form a high pressure center in a spiral form. Interesting thing about those spiral shapes is there is a left hand spiral and a right hand spiral, one is high pressure and one is low pressure. I figured out why that is. If you take the absolute motion of the earth and combine them it becomes a spiral shape. the earth is moving toward the north and it is rotating so combining the two motions it would go toward the east and then curve up to the north in a spiral shape because, the earth moves north faster than its speed of rotation. So a spiral that goes clockwise from the outside towards the middle is a high pressure center as the lines of force are coming in with that shape. The energies get forced to the middle and build up. Thus high pressure weather centers have that shape. So in the other directional spiral that is the shape of a low pressure center, the universal energy coming to earth still moves the same direction always it cause the energy to drain out of the middle forming a low pressure center. That is all. ................... If you want a big surprise try this. (Big caution here) push your energy out against the incoming energy of the universe, so you would rotate counterclockwise and throw your energy outward from the center in a spiral shape out. What happened to me when I did it long ago was the energy goes out and then comes right back from the same direction adding your energy to the energy of the universe and it spins clockwise and concentrates. And stuff happened. Some of it was scary. Might be useful.
BlackOnyx8 [JG said:
" post_id=479393 time=1703519343 user_id=71344]
I went camping on a desert island, and at night I went near the water and it was glowing like in the above video. It was magical. Any touch in the water would make it glow, unfortunately, I never saw this again.
That does sound magickal :)

Young Faith said:
This is a truly beautiful post to honor our Father and Lord, thank you for this.
As anyone around here, I am proud to now be able to call you High Priestess Lydia. May the Gods bless the JoS so that every deserving person reaches that same title and more. May merits be acknowledged in the Divine.

Hail Satan!
Thank you! :)
His mysteries are endless. Which makes us wonder, how come a being is so rich in knowledge. As we advance we become conductors for streams of information astrally according to our own special imprint.
BlackOnyx8 [JG said:
" post_id=479393 time=1703519343 user_id=71344]

It was exactly like in the video HPS Lydia shared:
Starting at 0:24
Bioluminescence in the deep sea: How and why do animals create their own light?

I went camping on a desert island, and at night I went near the water and it was glowing like in the above video. It was magical. Any touch in the water would make it glow, unfortunately, I never saw this again.

Thank you for the info you shared, BlackOnyx8 JG! :)

I love the sea and it is very wonderful.

Who knows, maybe you will be able to see the wonders of Poseidon again :)
Well if this is not a sign to calm down from father Satan idk what is . This spoke to me so much I had been fighting since I was a child I was adopted. Who I was as a person and my people are is still unclear but this helped alot

Control your wild horses (urges, impulses). Tame your storm (mind, emotions). Clean your waters (soul). Calm your wild ocean (your unconscious).

This isn't true at all. We help every person who asks for it, nobody is "left out in the rain" (except for jews). There is endless help available here, all for free. Look at everything here that is for free. No articles posted here are for sale, so how can you say it's just for money?

The site was outdated, and we are supposed to advance with the times, regardless if everyone is comfortable with it or not.
Lunaria said:
I do the power rituals for the Gods but thats over from now. I have major doubts about this Poseidon story you posted. My experiences with the gods are different. Time and again the forum lets people down. I keep seeing over the years people come here for help or protection and get turned away as its inconvenient for the jos. Theres nothing Divine left here. The facelift for the site is to sell it for donations as nothing was wrong with the site. I thought about the tactical aspects in regards to spiritual warfare but the jos only cares about its prospectives (forum members that dont give cash or work for them) and its providers (paying forum members and those working for them). This finally showed me not to care about jos as in the big picture there will always be an excuse to leave followers out in the rain. For those with attitude keep in mind no one here gives a shit about you beyond talking big and advice 20 other forums can give you better. Its all just image and lies. They couldnt care less.

Any cat and dog opening 99% of the topics here can instantly contradict you.
Lunaria said:

I take it then that you are also ok showing up to work for free, as if you will somehow have money for food? If people need extra protection, how exactly can we help them, with no extra funds to spare?

You simultaneously claim JoS only cares about its active members, then turn around and claim it does not. In reality, membership is a reciprocal relationship between the individual and organization, not one-sided on either way. All relationships require reciprocation.

As HPS Lydia has said, the majority of all the previous work was done for free, so I am not sure how you can suddenly jump to accusations of greed, when relatively little has been collected.

If you are a true member, then you should do some serious reflection on this matter, including asking honest questions. However, it is always these new accounts which claim they have been here for years and have a negative opinion. It wouldn't be improbable to guess that you are simply trolling, as you are shaming us for not adopting a poverty mindset regarding how JoS should operate.
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=479230 time=1703433140 user_id=57]

You mean as opposed to jhwh who just goes around mass murdering whole groups of people in the bible? Lol.

It's almost as if the options choose themselves by how obvious it becomes as we go on to learn more about spirituality and our Gods.

I read the rest of the thread and like clockwork, the trolls came out on a topic made by HPS Lydia. I was slightly surprised it didn't reply right away and waited that long to write something dramatic and dishonest...

Anways, again, amazing post!
hailourtruegod said:
I read the rest of the thread and like clockwork, the trolls came out on a topic made by HPS Lydia. I was slightly surprised it didn't reply right away and waited that long to write something dramatic and dishonest...

Anways, again, amazing post!
I was surprised there weren't worse trolls, lol.

Thank you :)
Lunaria said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=479801 time=1703747593 user_id=57]
This isn't true at all. We help every person who asks for it, nobody is "left out in the rain" (except for jews). There is endless help available here, all for free. Look at everything here that is for free. No articles posted here are for sale, so how can you say it's just for money?

The site was outdated, and we are supposed to advance with the times, regardless if everyone is comfortable with it or not.

I doubt the no mediators sermon will last long. It will likely be removed or altered. You actually know theres no real support beyond chit chat on a forum and the jos protection ritual does fuckall even for those committed. In truth its for the ministry. Spare me the colorful bullshit. You dont care. There should be a delete my account button. And i already regret looking back to see if my post was even accepted. I learned alot about magic in my time practicing and since jos "protection" is bullshit forum replies I already went elsewhere. I will get my jos sigil tattoos covered up and move on to something better. We needed protection when outnumbered and cursed and your protection ritual is bull shit. I know personally at least 3 infiltrators on this forum and they laughing at you guys. You dont know shit.

Thank you for stating that you know PERSONALLY 3 infiltrators. That's enough information.
And please, just leave, don't pollute this wonderful thread about Satan with your nonsense.
In the end, every stupid infiltrator like you just expose himself. You are incapable of doing this.

Wonderful post HPS Lydia, thank you for putting this together!
Lunaria said:
We needed protection when outnumbered and cursed and your protection ritual is bull shit. I know personally at least 3 infiltrators on this forum and they laughing at you guys. You dont know shit.
It's always so funny when you "infiltrators" claim you know more than the JoS and yet all you do is talk about us and spend 10 hours a day on our forums, lol. When you say that what the JoS has to offer in terms of spiritual knowledge is not valuable you only make yourself look retarded in the eyes of anyone who is not an absolute beginner.

The fact of the matter is that these silly games could've worked a tiny bit like 10-15 years ago, when the JoS was in its first phases, but now this group is just too solid and evolved. You trolls really need to step your game up if you want to accomplish something from now on because this is really pathetic.
Beautifully wrote High Priestess!
This is an excellent article and I’m glad you wrote it. Recently one of your colleagues wrote a post saying that Satan and Baal are the same person and that Poseidon is actually Baal? what do you think about that?

I’d like to compare the posts but apparently most of the evidence for this new doctrine is behind a pay wall (which is bizarre as Maxine would never allow that) the only thing he mentioned in this teaser was the fact that a Christian author “admitted” that all of the Demons are basically same.

I think this post was a lot better and had more spiritual information and if the average user is going to have to choose between conflicting doctrines now I’ll stick with the Maxine, Lydia branch of Satanism.
First of all: there are no branches here, the JoS is One.
Secondly, this "new doctrine", although I agree is somewhat confusing for now, it doesn't say that Satan isn't Poseidon. It says that He's not ONLY Poseidon, so I don't see any conflict.
But anyway it's normal to upgrade and advance. Not only the members advance here but the JoS itself too.
Also. it's actually nothing new that the Gods in a single Pantheon are not 1:1 representations, like Astarte being both Athena and Aphrodite and other Goddesses too.
Wow thank you HPS Lydia that is beautiful and awesome, thank you always love reading your sermons ❤️
Deep, deep in the oceans, thousands of meters down, where no sunlight can ever hope to shine. But yet there is light! Light from aquatic creatures, which are lit up from bioluminescence. Some flash brilliantly, some sparkle and twinkle, some shimmer, and some glow.


This process is caused by enzymes called Luciferase and a light-emitting molecule called Luciferin, both named for Lucifer the Light-bearer. The name Lucifer is from Latin, from the words “lux” (light) and “ferre” (to bring or carry).

Bioluminescence in the deep sea: How and why do animals create their own light?

Incredible Bioluminescence in Australia

Bioluminescence is also present on land, such as fireflies, glowworms, bacteria, and fungi.

Firefly 4K HD || Experience fireflies like never before

In the Joy of Satan, it is known that blue is Satan’s color. Blue energy can be used for summoning Demons, spirituality, and occult power. Blue is the color that penetrates deepest through the oceans, Poseidon’s Realm:


We know Lucifer to be Satan. He was known as Neptune in the Roman Pantheon, and in Ancient Greece he was Poseidon.


Anthony Jean, Le Courroux de Poséidon (The Wrath of Poseidon)

The God Neptune/Poseidon rules the oceans. Oceans symbolize the psyche, unconscious mind, emotions, boundlessness, and escape. The planet Neptune rules the psyche and unconscious mind, and it also rules insanity, mental illness, confusion, indecision, formlessness, and escapism (as well as spirituality, the occult, inspiration, art, music, dance, and anything to do with the ocean).

In their pantheons, both Neptune and Poseidon were also associated with horses. Horses symbolize what can be out of control and is to be tamed. Even the strongest man can be killed by a wild horse, and people have been trampled to death by horses. Horses were gifted to humans from the Gods* to be tamed for our use, and in return, we are to take care of our horses and treat them well. Horses were the animal that allowed civilization to expand.

Neptune/Poseidon’s message:

Control your wild horses (urges, impulses). Tame your storm (mind, emotions). Clean your waters (soul). Calm your wild ocean (your unconscious).


Artist unknown

Our planet Earth belongs to Satan. Very few planets in the universe are as special and unique as this one is, with the vast diversity of animals, mammals, flora, fauna, and marine life all throughout it. This planet with its position in this Solar System and the abundant nature make it perfect for the physical, mental, and spiritual advancement of us, Satan’s Children. Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, and all the great minds of the past studied nature. Pagans always revered nature. Satan has clues all throughout Earth to remind us of Him, because nature can show us so much about spirituality. The more I learn about nature, and the more I learn about spiritual advancement, the more it becomes clear that the two are intertwined.

Light has always been associated with inspiration and creation. A spark of inspiration, to remind our souls that we can become brighter, that we are creation and we can create. Advancement is our calling. All throughout history in literature, art, poetry, and prose, sources of light have been used symbolically as a message from the Gods, and to raise a person up to the heights of the Gods.

Bioluminescence shows us that even in the darkest places, light can be made. Enlightenment can happen. We can get through any darkness and any problem, as long as we seek Satan’s Light and also create our own!


-High Priestess Lydia

*Domesticated animals such as horses, cats, dogs, chickens, etc, were gifted to humanity from the Gods.
I love animals just about any of them
And I'm drawn to snake's they are really gorgeous to me and spiders
A patient creature who will greet you
I love the Earth
Hail Satan!!!!
I have a question. As a Greek, we are taught that Zeus is stronger than Poseidon. But since Zeus is Beelzebul and Poseidon is Satan/Ea, how can this be? The only explanation I can think of is that this was altered/corrupted later on by the enemy. Is this the case?
And now Zeus/Beelzebul/Poseidon/Satan are the same God right ? As explained recently from ToZ ?
I have a question. As a Greek, we are taught that Zeus is stronger than Poseidon. But since Zeus is Beelzebul and Poseidon is Satan/Ea, how can this be? The only explanation I can think of is that this was altered/corrupted later on by the enemy. Is this the case?

As an archetypal figure, Zeus is stronger than Poseidon. He rules the Heavens as Zeus, the Earth as Poseidon, and the Underworld as Hades.

These figures are also associated with Spiritual Alchemy.

The oldest god is Hades, followed by Poseidon, and finally the youngest, Zeus. This corresponds to the stages of Nigredo, Albedo, and Rubedo. Rubedo and Zeus are youngest, Sanat Kumara; Eternal Youth. Although He is the youngest, Zeus is also the wisest, which is why He is depicted with a beard.

The reason Zeus is stronger than Poseidon lies in this. Someone in the Rubedo stage is stronger than someone in the Albedo stage.

The archetypal figure of Zeus symbolizes the ultimate peak and Divinity, while Poseidon symbolizes the illusion of mortality.

From my perspective, Gods can be divided into three parts, this is called Hypostasis in theology.

Our God's "Celestial Aspect" is Zeus.
The "Earthly Aspect" is Poseidon.
The "Chthonic Aspect" is Hades.
I am here from the previous video, I actually needed this. Thank you!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
