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Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

GuangXia_666 said:
Norse 88 said:
Out of interest, can you do the Mongolian throat singing? I've always wanted to learn myself.

Surprisingly, I'm not that bad at it, I don't know if I'm at a point to be producing records or anything. The issue is, I'd have to travel all the way to Mongolia if I wanted a shot at it, as here in the U.S., there barely exists any Mongolian singing schools, at least not any that I know of, the only Mongolian cultural centers around are at Tibetan Buddhist temples (enemy religion for what they did to the Bon religion).

Fantastic. I think throat singing would be very useful in a song composed for the Gods. If I ever write something that could use a good throat singer I'll give you a buzz! Are you of Mongolian descent? I'm sure there would be other vocal teachers in the U.S. who could teach similar overtone singing styles.

Here is a song you might like. Peruse at your leisure.

Odthal (2018)

Norse 88 said:
Odthal (2018)


Thanks for this! I'm not Mongolian, but we do have a Mongolian member, @Jax911.
The Song Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chili-peppers is one of my favorite songs and reminds me hugely of Father Satan and our Gods, especially the last verse:
“Kick-start the golden generator
Sweet talk but don't intimidate her
Can't stop the gods from engineering
Feel no need for any interfering
Your image in the dictionary
This life is more than ordinary
Can I get two, maybe even three of these?
Come from space to teach you of the Pleiades
Can't stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through”
ValiantVance88 said:
The Song Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chili-peppers is one of my favorite songs and reminds me hugely of Father Satan and our Gods, especially the last verse:
“Kick-start the golden generator
Sweet talk but don't intimidate her
Can't stop the gods from engineering
Feel no need for any interfering
Your image in the dictionary
This life is more than ordinary
Can I get two, maybe even three of these?
Come from space to teach you of the Pleiades
Can't stop the spirits when they need you
This life is more than just a read-through”

Mines too :).

Personally I believe that this is another great song that should be added.

I personally love the positivity of the accent that is put on Father Satan and the Gods.
I want to express here my pride in our JoS. I was held captive for a long time by Jews, I never had a normal childhood or adolescence. I grew up in a family of gentile Jewish NPCs. I've always been the smartest, I've done wonderful things, but my "friends" have always taken advantage of me and the Gods. After years, Satan found a way to contact me and I reconnected to National Socialism through JoS.

Satan would never advise us to leave our family and friends aside, but I have nothing but a tragic past, Satan and the Gods are my only family and I dream of one day being reunited with other Satanists. I always wanted to be a great artist since I was a child, today, thanks to Satan, I am free. I am determined to leave my life behind and dedicate myself to JoS, but for now, I need to mature and regain the life I lost. The Gods told me to enjoy it, because I will have a lot of work ahead of me.

I know how to draw, sing, theater, I'm polyglot, I learned engineering on my own and I want to know how I can help. Maybe I'll become an anonymous artist and come out as a National Socialist in public. I do not intend to log into this account again, for my safety. I am not active in the forums, but Satan always makes me aware of everything that happens and in the future I hope to be reunited with my National Socialist comrades. But I would like to get answers to this message in the thread, I can have a better life today thanks to Satan, but having response in the forum will make my day much happier.
Quick idea:

It would be cool if we would have a part in the anthem where a background singer(s) sing this:


(or Sat-An as it is also a very holy name [Satya Ananta])

The "Sat-Nam"s are louder and a bit slower than the "Satanama" and the S and the N(/A) is pushed. It's sounds a bit angry, like a war-call
The Satanama is more soft and even-toned.

Heard that HP. Hoodedcobra have a lovely voice. I definitely want to hear him in the Anthem. Like a solo part would be the best. Especially if HPS Maxine could sing a little part also : ))
Like could you imagine a Maxine-Cobra operatic duo? I would melt down to the earth's core without any question.
The good musics are always very colorful. Like it could be a bit Scandinavian/Germanic pagan folk music (such as Heilung's musics) and it can also have operatic parts (that can be seen for example in the Heilung-Anoana)
I would be up to collaboration if anyone else wants to tackle this with me? composing, recording, mixing, and mastering is no problem for me. However, It takes me a very long time to write lyrics. And while browsing the arts forum on here I noticed some poets had a gift for writing words of this nature.

I'll start working on composing some preliminary examples to upload while I wait for potential collaborators.
Some songs that reminds me of our great religion and purpose, and have also a great sense of power and discipline, are:
Arise - Fuimadane
Heimdallr - Munknorr
Adrian von Ziegler - 2 hours of celtic music vol.2
The tird is a compilation of celtic compositions, you can listen hos many other songs and compilations for inspiration, Adrian von Ziegler is a great composer in my opinion and his music is great and illuminating in a way.
Hope this helps.
Hey look, I'm no musical artist or anything, I just wanted to give some more inspiration.
Anyone heard the song 'Saturday Satan'?
Just seems to me like the kind of music we should have for our anthem
But idk just an idea

I hope everyone in our JoS family is doing well!

Hail Satan!
Hail to the Crowned Princes of Hell!

I would love to participate in this work, but I surmise the anthem will be written in English. So I thought couldn't participate in write. Since my English is not very good yet. I think writing it is quite difficult to write an anthem in another language that has a lot of expression and meaning. That's why I wasn't very confident about it. Still, I would like to give all kinds of support.
Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

Greetings to all of our esteemed artists. If you are reading this, you have shown interest and have offered to use your talents and abilities in assisting in the creation of artwork, or even the Anthem of the Joy of Satan.

We are in no rush here – quality is needed. It's better it takes 5 years to compose a great piece, than anything else.

Our Anthem is something that will represent our unique spiritual bond in the passing of eternity. First, the creation is focused on the musical sphere.

The aims of the Anthem are the following:

1. To show the Grand Nature of the Gods.
2. To inspire us for solidarity, understanding, oneness as a unity.
3. For bolstering bravery.
4. Attuning us to the higher levels of existence where we can draw inspirational power from the Demons.

The above is clearly a task that is the intention, yet manifesting this intention is a whole other subject. Manifesting the above requires skill, creativity, high creativity skills related to music, signing and composition.

Everyone here can send a sample of music that one has constructed. The genre of the Anthem should be orchestral, epic music, and while having a military undertone. Grandiosity and greatness of spirit must be all over it; that task as we can understand is no easy feat.

As everyone can understand, the baseline here is set highly; that is so that you all unleash your creativity, writing in most creative ways for the Gods, expressing your hearts and opening yourselves as artists to channel the infinite states of mind, emotions and consciousness of the Gods.

Each God and should have a soundtrack written for them. These will be based upon the Psalms of the Gods which I will be releasing. Your Music and creativity here shall act as an enthronement of the Great Gods. Our goal is to create music that will echo for aeons.

Example of an unsurpassable song for Zeus/Beelzebul: Vangelis, Mythodea, Hymn To Zeus -

That will be Zeus’s/Beelzebul’s Anthem for the Joy of Satan upon my decision.

Anyone with musical taste and understanding, will understand the grandiosity of this Anthem to the Gods.

Every song that matters will become something for the Joy of Satan. However, to really get a feeling of what the Anthem has to represent, below, I will include a few Satanic Spirited songs to gain inspiration from.

The recommendations/musical guidelines:

Peter Gundry – Goetia -
Tartini – Devil’s Trill -
Paganini La Campanella -
Richard Wagner – Faust
Daemonia Nymphe – Daemonos
Apollo’s Orphic Hymn -
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake -
Carl Orff – O Fortuna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJC-_j3SnXk [Yes, I am aware of controversy in regards to Carl Orff]
Eagles - Hotel California -
Imagine Dragons – Demons -
Rob Dougan – Clubbed to Death -
Strauss ~ The Blue Danube Waltz -
German National Anthem -
Greek National Anthem -
British National Anthem -

Joy of Satan Anthem – Directions For Creation Of Our Noble Anthem

Greetings to all of our esteemed artists. If you are reading this, you have shown interest and have offered to use your talents and abilities in assisting in the creation of artwork, or even the Anthem of the Joy of Satan.

We are in no rush here – quality is needed. It's better it takes 5 years to compose a great piece, than anything else.

Our Anthem is something that will represent our unique spiritual bond in the passing of eternity. First, the creation is focused on the musical sphere.

The aims of the Anthem are the following:

1. To show the Grand Nature of the Gods.
2. To inspire us for solidarity, understanding, oneness as a unity.
3. For bolstering bravery.
4. Attuning us to the higher levels of existence where we can draw inspirational power from the Demons.

The above is clearly a task that is the intention, yet manifesting this intention is a whole other subject. Manifesting the above requires skill, creativity, high creativity skills related to music, signing and composition.

Everyone here can send a sample of music that one has constructed. The genre of the Anthem should be orchestral, epic music, and while having a military undertone. Grandiosity and greatness of spirit must be all over it; that task as we can understand is no easy feat.

As everyone can understand, the baseline here is set highly; that is so that you all unleash your creativity, writing in most creative ways for the Gods, expressing your hearts and opening yourselves as artists to channel the infinite states of mind, emotions and consciousness of the Gods.

Each God and should have a soundtrack written for them. These will be based upon the Psalms of the Gods which I will be releasing. Your Music and creativity here shall act as an enthronement of the Great Gods. Our goal is to create music that will echo for aeons.

Example of an unsurpassable song for Zeus/Beelzebul: Vangelis, Mythodea, Hymn To Zeus - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_U4k_lc3pE

That will be Zeus’s/Beelzebul’s Anthem for the Joy of Satan upon my decision.

Anyone with musical taste and understanding, will understand the grandiosity of this Anthem to the Gods.

Every song that matters will become something for the Joy of Satan. However, to really get a feeling of what the Anthem has to represent, below, I will include a few Satanic Spirited songs to gain inspiration from.

The recommendations/musical guidelines:

Peter Gundry – Goetia -
Tartini – Devil’s Trill -
Paganini La Campanella -
Richard Wagner – Faust
Daemonia Nymphe – Daemonos
Apollo’s Orphic Hymn -
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake -
Carl Orff – O Fortuna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJC-_j3SnXk [Yes, I am aware of controversy in regards to Carl Orff]
Eagles - Hotel California -
Imagine Dragons – Demons -
Rob Dougan – Clubbed to Death -
Strauss ~ The Blue Danube Waltz -
German National Anthem -
Greek National Anthem -
British National Anthem -
Are you taking in request still for this anthem? I have one made already that contains ritualistic contents for exalting Satan and also satanic gentile empowerment. If so I would like your email. Would also like to personally address some more things too. Privately if you don't mind.
I actually created a song with inspiration from JOS trying to capture the likes of many feelings and representations.
Would this be any good?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
