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Misconceptions about Artistic Creation Part 1 & 2

Alexandros Iowno [TG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
Part 1

A lot of aspiring artists can bring on themselves delusions, and this happens to be either a situation of propulsion or damnation. The proper path is to minimize delusions and leave room to grow the hope and motivation, playing a greater role here. A certain internal conviction of artistic love, pursuit and masterpiece that relates to your ego is definitely to be entertained and can be very positive. If misused, one will find themselves blind and unable to transform, to craft better.

First, many do not know, and those who do, do have misunderstood this truth: music (all art as well) is MATHEMATICS.

Reality is math, life is math, music is mathematics. You have been lied to all your life by mistake to understand that if you can feel, expand your consciousness and be in love with, moved, influenced, or provoked, it is something that if “creative” is opposite to “logic”.

No dear people, music and art = mathematics, without it there is no timeline, no motion, no moment of existence, no composition, no feeling, no SOUND, no Witnessing. Waves are mathematically existent, everything.

This applies to everything, and it doesn’t invalidate the way we process it, if it is more right or left brain sided, the act of the creator must come from the innermost reality, and act on that sphere first and foremost, with acknowledgement.

The other extreme is those people who robotically only know how to make a pattern and think they created music. To draw a line based on semi visible lines. This is a false perspective as well, equally a gamer who understands a music software as a game, will do the same if not better. This is part of learning, of BECOMING, not of Being already.

I. Type of creative: Logical - able to enact creative forces in reality, lacking depth of creative ability.

II. Type of creative: Emotional - able to procure visions and creative universes in their mind, lacking in ability to manifest it.

True artist is both of these, and one that worked for these in a lot of time.

The other artists puzzle out these two necessary steps by hiring people or collaboration. Some of them due to efficiency, some due to necessity.

The process of creation as a beginner needs to be guaranteed by:

I. Need of Discipline, Routine and Logical Approach.
II. Curation of Emotions

2.1 Self Inquiring, Contemplation, Meditation
III. Creative Force
3.1 Sexual Desire, Sexual Emotion or lack thereof (very rare cases of exceptional ability due to other misunderstood complex reasoning).
IV. Personal Life
4.1 Ability of attachment and detachment.
4.2. Empathy.
4.3. Bravery.
4.4. Happiness or Suffering.
4.5 Obsession or Purpose.
4.6. What feeds the Self and Ego. (In levels, the lower ego will yield short elevation, short-sighted popularity, matured ego will yield timeless and selfless true masterpieces, popularity for hundreds of years)
V. Safety: Survival of the body + no worries must be happening of the material life to critical degrees (if there are, an escapism will happen in creation which can prove disastrous if mismanaged, you do not create in that state, but seek creation which is a form of escapism when in dire situations.)

To create is to bring inspiration, glimpse, vision, mistake, harmony, memories, sentiments, dreams, feelings, stories, states of the being into manifested product/real element. This comes into being by building up trial and error, so that inspiration can take place from the impermanent nature it has, to your ability to make it permanent in sound form or other forms of art. A manifested product can come only by your ability to produce it, with tools and development. This development to where you can manifest and create what’s on your mind, by the use of an intermediate interface (instruments, sheets of paper, musical software etc.) will take over 10 years of daily real effort and practice, and it does NOT end. The level one must seek here is that: From your mind to reality the delay must be fully minimized if not ZERO.

A vision can be bestowed, happening, come and go all of our lives, in a thousand forms or just one, what cannot come and go is your own ability to enact it and produce it in this world. The real degree of true art is one that what is in your mind must be created outside of you almost instantly. There is no time for figuring out things at the higher true levels when you lack critical ability.

Insane amount of artists have lost masterpieces due to inability to enact on it. When this happens to you, and it will, you must not lose sight of your meditative abilities. These inspirations can come back even years later when you are prepared. Reality is very much organic in this sphere, and inspiration can be summoned, inquired and applied oneself to. Do NOT WORRY.

Here is why how you grow in these years matters the most. A musical school can help you, but it can also condition and imprison your creative input and output. These things must come from within, NOT TAUGHT to the degree that it is expected. I would say, however, if your life is truly about artistic forms, apply to schools and universities that deal with the tools of your art, not as for stupid theories on paper.

I would advise only after extensive exposure to an art, to pursue a school for it. Not the other way around, to ensure true birth of your creative abilities.
Part 2

Let’s lay some ground shaking truths about all of the arts. This is necessary to be listened to and accepted, as art is a process of understanding that: you exist, you validate your existence, you transcend your existence, you influence and manifest existence. This is a lifelong process.
  1. Music and art are EXTREMELY SERIOUS. I will explain and will teach you why with all of these posts, hopefully. Music is beyond you as a person, music is beyond a piano, be that is a tool of it. Music is nature herself, Music is the whole Universe. Everything is music. It is not a game without punishment, without gravity and without the influence of reality. It is most of the time, a dangerous “game” you will “play”. That said, I want to give you this importance when you undergo creation.
  2. Music and its inception, influence and effects are based on the multitude and whole of life. There is continuous synergy.
  3. Music is like the Cave of Plato: you will find other caves and bring back evidence when you can, you can even go outside and try to come back and share a light with your fellow cavemen. At the end of the day, you will 99% lack the power to bring back to your fellow cave brothers and sisters, your creation, but that 1% is what potentially can shape existence for others.
  4. Your creation must be judged very very very much, at all times when it is due: OBJECTIVELY.

In art there are Two Discriminant Forces and Postures:

  1. The Creator (Here lies the power of Depth but also Delusion)
  2. The Receiver (Here is where music finds home and shelter, and where after you die, your creation will resurface by collective imprints. Yes you can have the power to manifest permanent music in existence)

As a Creator you will never ever in your infinite existence, be the receiver of your own creation. Your perception of it is permanently altered as a Creator of it.

As a Receiver, listener, you will never ever in your infinite existence know the underlying of a creation and its depth as the creator of it knows it.

Going further in this secret code, you the Creator will be the receiver of Nature, and will never know the full depth of it as well. Should I continue?

As a creator, your duty is to account for yourself, the receiver and the THIRD occult element: Music itself.

The leading force here must be always: not you, not the receiver, but the music - the beyond.
You are led and tempted into creation; you are not the leader here. You “are” discovering life and its mysteries, and you manifest them to where they lead and show you, as much as you can.

The moment you perceive yourself as the ultimate in this equation, your creation will be limited and with an element of littleness.

The Music Industry and most current systems of meritocracy around art are designed to be:

To not misappropriate false feelings in most artists, a true developing artist in need of financial flow from music, can and should be able to have moderate to excellent success in any artistic business.

The reason why this is not the case is because of lack of development in other areas, stubbornness, no faith and refusal to play the “game” of it. Yes, all of it is bad, countless pages can be written on this, but a real artist will always always have the choice and power to be successful in any realm of artistic pursuit: Financial, Collectively Spiritual or of the Self.

If certain core principles you built cannot be avoided for the sake of your financial existence, it is absolutely fine. You are a true artist, and this title and level one gets to is NOT BY POPULARITY (Although you should have it), NOT BY FINANCIAL POWER (although you can deserve and should do it), BUT ONLY BY THE MASTERING OF YOUR CRAFT AND CREATION, CONTINUOUSLY TO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE LEVELS.

At the end of the day, a true masterpiece, a string of them, will always find the light of the Sun.

In regard to the last post I will tell you the about the beginner process of creation:

First years: Your talent and creative capacity is the most strangled and held down by the lack of your ability to enact it/ produce it. Here you will be hurt, you will become bored and create delusions as much as what you will perceive as “time waste”. The emotional bank will become drained in time,the way out of this is anchoring to “idols” of your personal taste in your art, community and continuous creative hope. Here you must live your life and fuel it by your experience of life, this hobby.

You can become in a few years able to produce your vision. Here the delay between your mind and product is considerable yet less, effort is highest, you will be very proud of yourself. You will see it as work, it will be draining but also very fulfilling. Your ego will touch wings, you will also see real palpable hope, as you understand how it is made and the future of this.

The leap out of this, can only be made by maturing and also emotional maturity, responsibility and experience of life. People think here that more work will get them to the next level, unfortunately not always, as more work to create is just a repetition and establishing an automated behavior.

The next level of artistic pursuit is one of finding and creating YOUR view, your Personality, YOUR consciousness. It is by applying your own self in relation to another element or aspect of existence. This during the first years happened indirectly, now this must happen directly, by willing and doing this.

The creation will be then: Perfected or Courageous Inquiring of Vision (By the act of your consciousness) - Tapping into states of consciousness + Ability to enact it, create it CONTINUOUSLY (from a few hours to months of work without losing sight, The delay from mind to reality must be zero) = MASTERPIECE, TIMELESS ART.

A masterpiece can come into your mind in 0.5 seconds, and will live in your head for 1.5 seconds.

The pursuit of creating this outside of you:
  1. When you are in a creative state, it can happen instantaneously and hopefully recording it.
  2. You internalize certain sentiments and seek it in creation, which can be brought to reality even in a few hours.
  3. Obsession ensures and creation can take place for hours daily and ultimately finishing in months to a couple of years can happen.

I’m tired of hearing people complain that they worked a lot of hours on a song. You haven't worked a lot on a song if it is not in terms of YEARS. Respect for music is paramount here.
Other people praise themselves for the 0.1 second accident of creating something exceptional, not to mention almost every time it is never exceptional. This stimulus and brittleness must be brought down with seriousness as well. As the way forward is more complex.

Inspiration and instantaneous creation must be always: Analyzed. Your output that was birthed from inspiration and vision must be deconstructed as you will find: YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS CAME TO BE. You cannot even reproduce it again. You learn from “yourself”, but this “yourself” is not you, it is nature finding ways of expression by you as a passage. That is your study, your subject, your leader, your hopes and dreams.

Here you must understand that being OBJECTIVE is most important, and creating a routine of such is obligatory. Without this, you cannot measure anything and you cannot grow and create ability within you. You have to become your own objective judge as much as you can.
I knew that there are people who understand the gravity of true artistic creation, especially among our kind, but to see it expressed in this manner is comforting and inspiring at the same time.

Thank you. I hope that everyone present here will read and try to understand the deeper meaning of your words.

Part 2

Let’s lay some ground shaking truths about all of the arts. This is necessary to be listened to and accepted, as art is a process of understanding that: you exist, you validate your existence, you transcend your existence, you influence and manifest existence. This is a lifelong process.
  1. Music and art are EXTREMELY SERIOUS. I will explain and will teach you why with all of these posts, hopefully. Music is beyond you as a person, music is beyond a piano, be that is a tool of it. Music is nature herself, Music is the whole Universe. Everything is music. It is not a game without punishment, without gravity and without the influence of reality. It is most of the time, a dangerous “game” you will “play”. That said, I want to give you this importance when you undergo creation.
  2. Music and its inception, influence and effects are based on the multitude and whole of life. There is continuous synergy.
  3. Music is like the Cave of Plato: you will find other caves and bring back evidence when you can, you can even go outside and try to come back and share a light with your fellow cavemen. At the end of the day, you will 99% lack the power to bring back to your fellow cave brothers and sisters, your creation, but that 1% is what potentially can shape existence for others.
  4. Your creation must be judged very very very much, at all times when it is due: OBJECTIVELY.

In art there are Two Discriminant Forces and Postures:

  1. The Creator (Here lies the power of Depth but also Delusion)
  2. The Receiver (Here is where music finds home and shelter, and where after you die, your creation will resurface by collective imprints. Yes you can have the power to manifest permanent music in existence)

As a Creator you will never ever in your infinite existence, be the receiver of your own creation. Your perception of it is permanently altered as a Creator of it.

As a Receiver, listener, you will never ever in your infinite existence know the underlying of a creation and its depth as the creator of it knows it.

Going further in this secret code, you the Creator will be the receiver of Nature, and will never know the full depth of it as well. Should I continue?

As a creator, your duty is to account for yourself, the receiver and the THIRD occult element: Music itself.

The leading force here must be always: not you, not the receiver, but the music - the beyond.
You are led and tempted into creation; you are not the leader here. You “are” discovering life and its mysteries, and you manifest them to where they lead and show you, as much as you can.

The moment you perceive yourself as the ultimate in this equation, your creation will be limited and with an element of littleness.

The Music Industry and most current systems of meritocracy around art are designed to be:

To not misappropriate false feelings in most artists, a true developing artist in need of financial flow from music, can and should be able to have moderate to excellent success in any artistic business.

The reason why this is not the case is because of lack of development in other areas, stubbornness, no faith and refusal to play the “game” of it. Yes, all of it is bad, countless pages can be written on this, but a real artist will always always have the choice and power to be successful in any realm of artistic pursuit: Financial, Collectively Spiritual or of the Self.

If certain core principles you built cannot be avoided for the sake of your financial existence, it is absolutely fine. You are a true artist, and this title and level one gets to is NOT BY POPULARITY (Although you should have it), NOT BY FINANCIAL POWER (although you can deserve and should do it), BUT ONLY BY THE MASTERING OF YOUR CRAFT AND CREATION, CONTINUOUSLY TO OBJECTIVE VERIFIABLE LEVELS.

At the end of the day, a true masterpiece, a string of them, will always find the light of the Sun.

In regard to the last post I will tell you the about the beginner process of creation:

First years: Your talent and creative capacity is the most strangled and held down by the lack of your ability to enact it/ produce it. Here you will be hurt, you will become bored and create delusions as much as what you will perceive as “time waste”. The emotional bank will become drained in time,the way out of this is anchoring to “idols” of your personal taste in your art, community and continuous creative hope. Here you must live your life and fuel it by your experience of life, this hobby.

You can become in a few years able to produce your vision. Here the delay between your mind and product is considerable yet less, effort is highest, you will be very proud of yourself. You will see it as work, it will be draining but also very fulfilling. Your ego will touch wings, you will also see real palpable hope, as you understand how it is made and the future of this.

The leap out of this, can only be made by maturing and also emotional maturity, responsibility and experience of life. People think here that more work will get them to the next level, unfortunately not always, as more work to create is just a repetition and establishing an automated behavior.

The next level of artistic pursuit is one of finding and creating YOUR view, your Personality, YOUR consciousness. It is by applying your own self in relation to another element or aspect of existence. This during the first years happened indirectly, now this must happen directly, by willing and doing this.

The creation will be then: Perfected or Courageous Inquiring of Vision (By the act of your consciousness) - Tapping into states of consciousness + Ability to enact it, create it CONTINUOUSLY (from a few hours to months of work without losing sight, The delay from mind to reality must be zero) = MASTERPIECE, TIMELESS ART.

A masterpiece can come into your mind in 0.5 seconds, and will live in your head for 1.5 seconds.

The pursuit of creating this outside of you:
  1. When you are in a creative state, it can happen instantaneously and hopefully recording it.
  2. You internalize certain sentiments and seek it in creation, which can be brought to reality even in a few hours.
  3. Obsession ensures and creation can take place for hours daily and ultimately finishing in months to a couple of years can happen.

I’m tired of hearing people complain that they worked a lot of hours on a song. You haven't worked a lot on a song if it is not in terms of YEARS. Respect for music is paramount here.
Other people praise themselves for the 0.1 second accident of creating something exceptional, not to mention almost every time it is never exceptional. This stimulus and brittleness must be brought down with seriousness as well. As the way forward is more complex.

Inspiration and instantaneous creation must be always: Analyzed. Your output that was birthed from inspiration and vision must be deconstructed as you will find: YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS CAME TO BE. You cannot even reproduce it again. You learn from “yourself”, but this “yourself” is not you, it is nature finding ways of expression by you as a passage. That is your study, your subject, your leader, your hopes and dreams.

Here you must understand that being OBJECTIVE is most important, and creating a routine of such is obligatory. Without this, you cannot measure anything and you cannot grow and create ability within you. You have to become your own objective judge as much as you can.
Amazing post brother Pluto.

I wanted to ask you, what do you think of The Weeknd?

From just listening to him I think he’s pretty interesting.
His reality-shifting commercial, artistic, and financial success is undeniable especially when he came from less than nothing.

I always feel I relate to him, especially with his older, dark, and moody songs.
The songs especially Snow Child and Sidewalks are very touching for me since I experienced them in a way.

Also, his craving with deep soul-to-soul connection but also fearing intimacy is one of my major life themes, especially recently.

He also has multiple 8th house and scorpio placements. (Similar to me)

I really “feel” his songs I don’t just listen to them. He also has a very overpowering emotional ability.
Amazing post brother Pluto.

I wanted to ask you, what do you think of The Weeknd?

From just listening to him I think he’s pretty interesting.
His reality-shifting commercial, artistic, and financial success is undeniable especially when he came from less than nothing.

I always feel I relate to him, especially with his older, dark, and moody songs.
The songs especially Snow Child and Sidewalks are very touching for me since I experienced them in a way.

Also, his craving with deep soul-to-soul connection but also fearing intimacy is one of my major life themes, especially recently.

He also has multiple 8th house and scorpio placements. (Similar to me)

I really “feel” his songs I don’t just listen to them. He also has a very overpowering emotional ability.
I know The Weeknd music from when he had a few thousands views, I am also glad he matured and achieved world fame, popularity and some genuine genius songs. I think he has one of the best teams in the industry as well. True artistic value that is very hard to come to this level continuously in the industry. His first Mixtapes that weren't even mastered plagued me the first time I fell in love with a girl along with a few other artists, very good memories I must say.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
