What is known by actual and recent history is the loss of the knowledge of the Library of Alexandria, which was the pinnacle of the world's knowledge many hundreds of years ago. It had accumulation of technical and any form of knowledge by thousands of years.
It's a common line for people to just repeat that the "Golden Age" was 10,000 years ago or so, and that kind of historical approach aside, just by going by linear history, we know for a fact when the last Golden Age was for humanity - that was fairly recently - about 2500 years ago.
The library was burned by a jewish talmudic terrorist of the time, named Philo Judaeus, making this the biggest crime of jews against humanity at the time in regards to knowledge. He found time during the siege of the Romans to go with other cultists of his tribe and to eventually burn the library to the ground.
Philo Judaeus was a hijacker of the Neo-Platonic school, an infiltrator in today's terminology, a "Hellenistic Jew" who basically burned the library in retaliation to the aggressive policy that the Ancient Greeks and later Romans had towards the alien jews, a symbolic burning of their central dome of knowledge.
It's interesting to say that the Ancient Greeks during Alexander's reign were not only rulers of this world, but they were the first empire to also turn the slavery system into an obsolete system and work in that regard. This had happened through technology, cumulative from knowledge of many Ancient Greek scientists.
Many people downplay this fact as they are dumb and they do not understand that it's not "later" inventions which are difficult, but the birth of a new concept. It's far more difficult to conceive the basic math and what the mathematics are in an essence, than it is to sit beneath a tree and pretend you are enlightened with knowledge already discovered for you.
Contrary to modern beliefs, we do not quite truly invent the basic and most difficult things anymore, we just evolve on what was given - you guessed it, from back then (the modern world has invented very few things that did not already exist as patters before).
All the assumptions about our "origins" aside, it's verified that many of these inventions, on a linear scale of usability and in clear terms (and not in the form of arbitary "wisdom") were created by Ancient Greek scientists whom at least at the time as recorded as being the world's most knowledgeable in terms of linear sciences. Biology, mathematics, medicine, even the basics of printing were already in use.
Due to the rise of religious (ie, Jewish) fundamentalism, and the creation of Christianity and later Islam, and the plunging of the civilized peoples into essentially the Middle Ages, the burning of Alexandria was pivotal and is said to have kept us around 1600 years back in our development. This is not some estimate, but rather, the knowledge of the scientific and historical community. All science during the middle ages in its true essence had disappeared.
Things rediscovered later by Newton such as calculus, or other reputable scientists, were already everyday life in the lives of the Aryan empire of Alexander, even the basics of rocketry and fuel were well known all the way down to Rome and later Byzantium, and the first "Calculation" machines that parallel or computers, or our later to be called basis for Turbine technology, force multiplier technology, was already discovered in the Ancient Greek era. The Asians also had indepth knowledge of explosives and rocketry as early as 250 BC.
It was also put to use, and the same thing goes for what we call "Automation" or first era "Robotics". Robots or in other words machines that work through automation (From the Greek Automaton, that which operates itself) were used widely in Ancient Greece. There were for example vending machines for things like spring water and other forms of necessities. This we know very well despite of the fact that most of these were later gone, almost entirely without mention.
So now people go to a vending machine and they think that we are so advanced but in reality a vending machine already existed around uhm, 2500 years ago.
As such, many people who were doing these tasks prior done by slaves, such as plowing fields and so forth, were gradually replaced by machinery. The people who were already working were eased off by generational pains and repetitive or bad type of labor.
The rapid technological expansion of these times had everyone hopeful and they had a right to be such, as the hardest thing about a development, ie, its start, had started in pretty much anything. The same development restarted scientifically in 1500 based on these substantial ideas and in just 500 years, with jews included, we are where we are technologically.
The funniest part of this is that with all this progress, most of these machines such as the machines for using at our fields, are the same patterns that we used 2500++ years ago, and we used such until 1800. Technological inventions patented by Ancient Greeks were later also carried in the Roman Empire. We, on principle, still follow the very same knowledge which goes back all the way to the Gods which were working with the first inventors. The field plowers and many other machines that we still use today, are all of the same blueprint as back then, the only difference is that we have evolved the ideas of ignition technology - again, practiced around 2500+ years ago in its first levels.
It is not beyond historical fact either that we would have at this pace an industrial revolution, not in England, but somewhere in the Mediterranean and around 1800 years earlier. But we instead historically had to deal with jewish fundamentalism and chimpouts, the death of scientific thought, and some useless bullshit about some jew born in the levant.
Indeed, Rabbi Jesus, this hoax, saved the jews from total damnation, as the rise of information would cause them back then what the internet has caused them today - in the face of populations who would also seek to even the account out.
What changed in the 16th century was that these ideals were carried over in forms through people who were against the ruling dark ages church, and scientists, in secret, went back in working on the same ideals, conducting experiments, and generally tried to reconstruct the Golden Age. At the penalty of death, these people did experiment and propelled society scientifically forward.
What we say was "discovered" in 1600 or 1700 was nothing but a rediscovery. The existence of the roundness of the earth or the atomic structure was already debated and explained by Ancient Greek scientists which went under the name "Philosophers".
While the intellectual awakening started looming as early as the 14th century, the accumulation was not until the 16th century for science, and it took many more hundreds of years to also manifest a change in regards to linear or political life - and this change did not come without huge amounts of jewish contamination that we are still fighting to shake off.
These people who carried forth this struggle became what is called "Satanists", "Heretics" and were hunted down like dogs from the defiled structure of the church, which was keen in keeping people blind for endless centuries, insofar this meant the jews had the upper hand.
People then ask, how come are you a Satanist? How come you are against jews? Clearly these people are retards, uneducated, or they self-delude themselves. And why they self delude? Because a jewish rabbi told them to "Love thy enemy", in regards to the jew. We closed our ears to the song of the jewish disgusting desert siren.
White Aryans also paid the price of except being enslaved, almost being exterminated for progressing this planet by their own hands. The Bubonic plague is just one example. The life of the serfs and slaves in both the Middle Ages and later.
An example of this loss of 1600 of years of knowledge due to jews, should alert us to this: from 1600 to 2019 today, we have went from "Basic printing" invented around the 15 century, to the global era of information. This was due to the invention of the first idea behind printing, which later became mass printing, and unto the same concepts we later based off our digital era.
Where would we really be without impediment and without bullshit like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism?
A message from me may be coming from one of our numerous space colonies. We also wouldn't be tormented by ugly lizards who are pathologically sick and cattle of burden, their sole mission to enslave and pointlessly radicalize the world which they populate in full stupidity and weakness only to have tools and allies.
However, this knowledge existed 2000 years back, in it's beginning form, which was later transformed into printing, and after this more complex information technology. So if from 1500 to 2000 you are almost ready to go to Mars in 2030, during a jewish owned system, it begs one with the question to ask themselves, where would humanity be today if it were not for jews, and our evolution was not impeded by these aliens?
Just imagine a sheer force going straight for 2000 years, not just 400 as of late, and these 400 years under the struggle and control, and curses of the alien jews.
It's pretty safe to assume that we would be an interplanetary species right now, and questions like slavery would not be questions of present day mankind, not questions of toiling for bread, or lack of knowledge, or problems like cancer. We would have been far beyond all of this by around the year 1000 of what we call together "after christ".
The destruction of all this by the way, came with the advent of the cultism of xianity, which inserted radicalism and hatred of the people and caused the first communist revolt lead by jews in history. The jews do not care about any form of "human progress" and they ruined the world solely for the subject of their own talmudic insanity. On reptillian command.
Plus, all of this happening through our holistic and natural system of the Gods, which brought birth of all of this in the first place, would ensure quality and safety for everyone. We would sit here on this current year and ask ourselves existentially deep questions, and we would explore the cosmos, and not concern ourselves with filth coming from every monkey and wasting all of our potential.
Jews know that they have actively ruined and destroyed humanity. History knows this very well. We have blame shifted for way too long, but the truth is historically observant.
Were it not for the abrahamic programs and jewish infestation and ruin, we would now be at unprecedented levels of advancement as a species, way beyond purely mortal suffering and the torture that many people today call "life".
Everytime someone opens a history book the jews call this anti-semitism, as per usual, one observes the timeline of jewish crimes and how low we sunk because of this perilous danger. Indeed, everything negative give to humanity, came from jews.
Jews pretend to have given anything to humanity. They say they gave us "law and morals" while we had legal system when they were being in the desert, extending their timeline but many thousands od years.
The irony and the insanity of the jew, and their lies, are just apparent even scientifically. We are so insane as a civilization that we took the jews seriously and also gave them a land they never owned based on a fake book their tribal authors wrote.
As it should be obvious, this sinking has to stop, and this will be stopped with the Final RTR and activism. Our people must not be in the darkness anymore and must be brought to the light.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It's a common line for people to just repeat that the "Golden Age" was 10,000 years ago or so, and that kind of historical approach aside, just by going by linear history, we know for a fact when the last Golden Age was for humanity - that was fairly recently - about 2500 years ago.
The library was burned by a jewish talmudic terrorist of the time, named Philo Judaeus, making this the biggest crime of jews against humanity at the time in regards to knowledge. He found time during the siege of the Romans to go with other cultists of his tribe and to eventually burn the library to the ground.
Philo Judaeus was a hijacker of the Neo-Platonic school, an infiltrator in today's terminology, a "Hellenistic Jew" who basically burned the library in retaliation to the aggressive policy that the Ancient Greeks and later Romans had towards the alien jews, a symbolic burning of their central dome of knowledge.
It's interesting to say that the Ancient Greeks during Alexander's reign were not only rulers of this world, but they were the first empire to also turn the slavery system into an obsolete system and work in that regard. This had happened through technology, cumulative from knowledge of many Ancient Greek scientists.
Many people downplay this fact as they are dumb and they do not understand that it's not "later" inventions which are difficult, but the birth of a new concept. It's far more difficult to conceive the basic math and what the mathematics are in an essence, than it is to sit beneath a tree and pretend you are enlightened with knowledge already discovered for you.
Contrary to modern beliefs, we do not quite truly invent the basic and most difficult things anymore, we just evolve on what was given - you guessed it, from back then (the modern world has invented very few things that did not already exist as patters before).
All the assumptions about our "origins" aside, it's verified that many of these inventions, on a linear scale of usability and in clear terms (and not in the form of arbitary "wisdom") were created by Ancient Greek scientists whom at least at the time as recorded as being the world's most knowledgeable in terms of linear sciences. Biology, mathematics, medicine, even the basics of printing were already in use.
Due to the rise of religious (ie, Jewish) fundamentalism, and the creation of Christianity and later Islam, and the plunging of the civilized peoples into essentially the Middle Ages, the burning of Alexandria was pivotal and is said to have kept us around 1600 years back in our development. This is not some estimate, but rather, the knowledge of the scientific and historical community. All science during the middle ages in its true essence had disappeared.
Things rediscovered later by Newton such as calculus, or other reputable scientists, were already everyday life in the lives of the Aryan empire of Alexander, even the basics of rocketry and fuel were well known all the way down to Rome and later Byzantium, and the first "Calculation" machines that parallel or computers, or our later to be called basis for Turbine technology, force multiplier technology, was already discovered in the Ancient Greek era. The Asians also had indepth knowledge of explosives and rocketry as early as 250 BC.
It was also put to use, and the same thing goes for what we call "Automation" or first era "Robotics". Robots or in other words machines that work through automation (From the Greek Automaton, that which operates itself) were used widely in Ancient Greece. There were for example vending machines for things like spring water and other forms of necessities. This we know very well despite of the fact that most of these were later gone, almost entirely without mention.
So now people go to a vending machine and they think that we are so advanced but in reality a vending machine already existed around uhm, 2500 years ago.
As such, many people who were doing these tasks prior done by slaves, such as plowing fields and so forth, were gradually replaced by machinery. The people who were already working were eased off by generational pains and repetitive or bad type of labor.
The rapid technological expansion of these times had everyone hopeful and they had a right to be such, as the hardest thing about a development, ie, its start, had started in pretty much anything. The same development restarted scientifically in 1500 based on these substantial ideas and in just 500 years, with jews included, we are where we are technologically.
The funniest part of this is that with all this progress, most of these machines such as the machines for using at our fields, are the same patterns that we used 2500++ years ago, and we used such until 1800. Technological inventions patented by Ancient Greeks were later also carried in the Roman Empire. We, on principle, still follow the very same knowledge which goes back all the way to the Gods which were working with the first inventors. The field plowers and many other machines that we still use today, are all of the same blueprint as back then, the only difference is that we have evolved the ideas of ignition technology - again, practiced around 2500+ years ago in its first levels.
It is not beyond historical fact either that we would have at this pace an industrial revolution, not in England, but somewhere in the Mediterranean and around 1800 years earlier. But we instead historically had to deal with jewish fundamentalism and chimpouts, the death of scientific thought, and some useless bullshit about some jew born in the levant.
Indeed, Rabbi Jesus, this hoax, saved the jews from total damnation, as the rise of information would cause them back then what the internet has caused them today - in the face of populations who would also seek to even the account out.
What changed in the 16th century was that these ideals were carried over in forms through people who were against the ruling dark ages church, and scientists, in secret, went back in working on the same ideals, conducting experiments, and generally tried to reconstruct the Golden Age. At the penalty of death, these people did experiment and propelled society scientifically forward.
What we say was "discovered" in 1600 or 1700 was nothing but a rediscovery. The existence of the roundness of the earth or the atomic structure was already debated and explained by Ancient Greek scientists which went under the name "Philosophers".
While the intellectual awakening started looming as early as the 14th century, the accumulation was not until the 16th century for science, and it took many more hundreds of years to also manifest a change in regards to linear or political life - and this change did not come without huge amounts of jewish contamination that we are still fighting to shake off.
These people who carried forth this struggle became what is called "Satanists", "Heretics" and were hunted down like dogs from the defiled structure of the church, which was keen in keeping people blind for endless centuries, insofar this meant the jews had the upper hand.
People then ask, how come are you a Satanist? How come you are against jews? Clearly these people are retards, uneducated, or they self-delude themselves. And why they self delude? Because a jewish rabbi told them to "Love thy enemy", in regards to the jew. We closed our ears to the song of the jewish disgusting desert siren.
White Aryans also paid the price of except being enslaved, almost being exterminated for progressing this planet by their own hands. The Bubonic plague is just one example. The life of the serfs and slaves in both the Middle Ages and later.
An example of this loss of 1600 of years of knowledge due to jews, should alert us to this: from 1600 to 2019 today, we have went from "Basic printing" invented around the 15 century, to the global era of information. This was due to the invention of the first idea behind printing, which later became mass printing, and unto the same concepts we later based off our digital era.
Where would we really be without impediment and without bullshit like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism?
A message from me may be coming from one of our numerous space colonies. We also wouldn't be tormented by ugly lizards who are pathologically sick and cattle of burden, their sole mission to enslave and pointlessly radicalize the world which they populate in full stupidity and weakness only to have tools and allies.
However, this knowledge existed 2000 years back, in it's beginning form, which was later transformed into printing, and after this more complex information technology. So if from 1500 to 2000 you are almost ready to go to Mars in 2030, during a jewish owned system, it begs one with the question to ask themselves, where would humanity be today if it were not for jews, and our evolution was not impeded by these aliens?
Just imagine a sheer force going straight for 2000 years, not just 400 as of late, and these 400 years under the struggle and control, and curses of the alien jews.
It's pretty safe to assume that we would be an interplanetary species right now, and questions like slavery would not be questions of present day mankind, not questions of toiling for bread, or lack of knowledge, or problems like cancer. We would have been far beyond all of this by around the year 1000 of what we call together "after christ".
The destruction of all this by the way, came with the advent of the cultism of xianity, which inserted radicalism and hatred of the people and caused the first communist revolt lead by jews in history. The jews do not care about any form of "human progress" and they ruined the world solely for the subject of their own talmudic insanity. On reptillian command.
Plus, all of this happening through our holistic and natural system of the Gods, which brought birth of all of this in the first place, would ensure quality and safety for everyone. We would sit here on this current year and ask ourselves existentially deep questions, and we would explore the cosmos, and not concern ourselves with filth coming from every monkey and wasting all of our potential.
Jews know that they have actively ruined and destroyed humanity. History knows this very well. We have blame shifted for way too long, but the truth is historically observant.
Were it not for the abrahamic programs and jewish infestation and ruin, we would now be at unprecedented levels of advancement as a species, way beyond purely mortal suffering and the torture that many people today call "life".
Everytime someone opens a history book the jews call this anti-semitism, as per usual, one observes the timeline of jewish crimes and how low we sunk because of this perilous danger. Indeed, everything negative give to humanity, came from jews.
Jews pretend to have given anything to humanity. They say they gave us "law and morals" while we had legal system when they were being in the desert, extending their timeline but many thousands od years.
The irony and the insanity of the jew, and their lies, are just apparent even scientifically. We are so insane as a civilization that we took the jews seriously and also gave them a land they never owned based on a fake book their tribal authors wrote.
As it should be obvious, this sinking has to stop, and this will be stopped with the Final RTR and activism. Our people must not be in the darkness anymore and must be brought to the light.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666