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God/Godes of Spiders?


New member
Sep 25, 2017
Hello, I'd like to know if there is a Daemon whose animal or symbol is spider.

My knowledge of Demons is not that good, so I took a look at all the Demons on the JoS Page but couldnt find anyone associated with spiders, although I couldve missed them.

I have a very strange relationship to spiders, in the past some weird dreams on them.

The only thing I found is the greek story of the weaver Arachne challenging the godess Athena (=Astaroth? I am not sure)in a weaving contest, Arachne loosing and being transformed into a spider by Athena. I dont know if this story is true, neither if it has some meaning.

So, is there a God/Goddes who is associated with spiders? Thank you
LightMangoMango said:
Hello, I'd like to know if there is a Daemon whose animal or symbol is spider.

My knowledge of Demons is not that good, so I took a look at all the Demons on the JoS Page but couldnt find anyone associated with spiders, although I couldve missed them.

I have a very strange relationship to spiders, in the past some weird dreams on them.

The only thing I found is the greek story of the weaver Arachne challenging the godess Athena (=Astaroth? I am not sure)in a weaving contest, Arachne loosing and being transformed into a spider by Athena. I dont know if this story is true, neither if it has some meaning.

So, is there a God/Goddes who is associated with spiders? Thank you
I do believe that Thoth may have something to do with them.

It has to do with the written word and spider webs but that's all I can remember.
Goddess Serqet is Goddess that is associated with scorpions.I do not know if She has anything to do with spiders.

She's a real Goddess, btw. Not just allegory or alias of another God/Goddess.
Fanboy said:
LightMangoMango said:
Hello, I'd like to know if there is a Daemon whose animal or symbol is spider.

My knowledge of Demons is not that good, so I took a look at all the Demons on the JoS Page but couldnt find anyone associated with spiders, although I couldve missed them.

I have a very strange relationship to spiders, in the past some weird dreams on them.

The only thing I found is the greek story of the weaver Arachne challenging the godess Athena (=Astaroth? I am not sure)in a weaving contest, Arachne loosing and being transformed into a spider by Athena. I dont know if this story is true, neither if it has some meaning.

So, is there a God/Goddes who is associated with spiders? Thank you

Astaroth, she "rules" the number 8, 8 fold path, 8 pointed star.. etc

Spiders are extremely special because of their curiosity. They are the only "insect" that will ever present themselves to you and try to meet you.

They are also the only insect that will ever try to scare you into submission. Often a spider will chase you around the house if you let it. Not even a mantis will pursue you over territory.

Spiders also see human beings as sources of warmth and associate us with life and shelter.
Any night of your life you can wake up and find Spiders sleeping at your feet

They are very good creatures and they will never actually kill a healthy adult human being. Not even the black widow. There is however a spider in Iraq that will steal the hair off your head as you sleep and run away with it to make a nest. If you interrupt it can indeed kill in one bite.

Spiders don't listen with ears either they listen with their body hair. Also a spider will usually remain still when threatened and hope camouflage protects them. They are extremely passive in nature and never move around big creatures until they are settled and fall asleep. They never close their eyes and their lives are short, but they might spend extended lengths of time, weeks even simply sitting and waiting and observing everything around them. Eventually they may find the courage to come up to you but they don't usually accept dead food or droplets of water.

The way a man or woman deals with a spider is also one of the most telling things about their character. Do they have empathy, do they have courage, do they flinch, do they stay calm when scared, or cry and run away. Do they scream and holler, do they laugh hysterically as they try to smash the spider(it can quickly become a game to groups of people especially in social gatherings, while it is of course the greatest misery imaginable for the spider) much worse than encountering a cat.

Astaroths other animal is the chartreuse green tree viper. Also Spiderman In my opinion is an homage to Astaroth. there is small chance i am wrong and aside from this i have no advice for you
good luck :)

I had a brown recluse in my hotel room a couple months back. It scared me because i was trying to catch him and i didn't want to get bit. if necrosis sets in you are fucked. But i just couldn't hurt him so i found a way to contain him untill i brought him outside the next morning to set in the grass. all bugs and critters i will pick up and pet and put back in trees (i wont snuggle or pet the poisonous ones lol) if its a mosquito tick or flea all bets are off.
Fanboy said:
Shadowcat said:
Fanboy said:
Astaroth, she "rules" the number 8, 8 fold path, 8 pointed star.. etc

Spiders are extremely special because of their curiosity. They are the only "insect" that will ever present themselves to you and try to meet you.

They are also the only insect that will ever try to scare you into submission. Often a spider will chase you around the house if you let it. Not even a mantis will pursue you over territory.

Spiders also see human beings as sources of warmth and associate us with life and shelter.
Any night of your life you can wake up and find Spiders sleeping at your feet

They are very good creatures and they will never actually kill a healthy adult human being. Not even the black widow. There is however a spider in Iraq that will steal the hair off your head as you sleep and run away with it to make a nest. If you interrupt it can indeed kill in one bite.

Spiders don't listen with ears either they listen with their body hair. Also a spider will usually remain still when threatened and hope camouflage protects them. They are extremely passive in nature and never move around big creatures until they are settled and fall asleep. They never close their eyes and their lives are short, but they might spend extended lengths of time, weeks even simply sitting and waiting and observing everything around them. Eventually they may find the courage to come up to you but they don't usually accept dead food or droplets of water.

The way a man or woman deals with a spider is also one of the most telling things about their character. Do they have empathy, do they have courage, do they flinch, do they stay calm when scared, or cry and run away. Do they scream and holler, do they laugh hysterically as they try to smash the spider(it can quickly become a game to groups of people especially in social gatherings, while it is of course the greatest misery imaginable for the spider) much worse than encountering a cat.

Astaroths other animal is the chartreuse green tree viper. Also Spiderman In my opinion is an homage to Astaroth. there is small chance i am wrong and aside from this i have no advice for you
good luck :)

I had a brown in my hotel room a couple months back. It scared me because i was trying to catch him and i didn't want to get bit. if necrosis sets in you are fucked. But i just couldn't hurt him so i found a way to contain him untill i brought him outside the next morning to set in the grass. all bugs and critters i will pick up and pet and put back in trees (i wont snuggle or pet the poisonous ones lol) if its a mosquito tick or flea all bets are off.

Long Storytime rant ahead

I had a
brown recluse
friend at my mom's house, and they did the laughing and screaming and stomping thing when they found him.

I was already on thin ice about to get kicked out so I couldn't do anything. Just had to let my beautiful little buddy die. He had started "sleeping" around me and I really liked it alot, but when they got ahold of him they were all

"OH my God it was a tarantula!" I wanted to tie them up and light them on fire honestly.

They had the audacity to throw his barely dead body right on the top of the already overflowing trash can, waiting for me to wake up to clean up the house. So of course I had to see it. Such slobs they won't even clean their own messes They didn't even kill him fully I don't remember if I fully stomped him out or not. almost ended up on 60 mins over this shit..

he looked like a small brown recluse with suction cup feet and no markings, it was something else I'm pretty sure but idk.i think brown recluse get a bad rep, it used to be the black widow, now everybody knows the black widow rumors were all bullshit. I don't think it will be long before the rumors about the flesh eating venom is exposed as another exaggeration. Spiders don't just give their full dose of venom unless you hurt them badly I don't think.

He was actually curled up in a ball really small snoozing behind my keyboard one time, and I reached out to adjust it for typing and I accidentally poked him, and he disappeared for like a whole week. Serious personality this creature had, more than a dog honestly. I would have saved him if I could. I already did the first time, my ugly family had him trapped on the ceiling but they were too stupid to get a chair, and too uncoordinated to hit him with a sandal. I grabbed a piece of paper and carried him out to my patio, knowing it basically meant condemning him to death, I looked to see if my family was watching but it was too dark and they couldn't see me. I look down and see he's off the paper so I turn around to go back inside and I realize he stuck himself on the bottom side of the paper, so I just carried him in and put him in the closet where he sat in a cardboard box for a couple days. I think he met his doom like 3 maybe 4 months after I first met him.

All I really learned from this story is that a tiny spider has infinitely more courage than me, I could have ran out and gotten between my family and saved him but it would have been my ass, and I had woke up to hearing "smash it smash it fuuuhck" not much time to think. I just hoped it wasn't mine and then they said how he was huge and looked like a tarantula(past tense) and I just started crying.

Also fuck Mosquitoes and ticks. Disgusting little jew creatures. There has never been a greedier and more selfish creature since the jew itself.

:cry: :cry:
I know you got attached to him but next time you run into a spider it might be better to put them someplace in nature were they can find food and make their own shelter. They won't be completely protected of course as nature can be cruel but there's a chance your spider might have survived longer if he wasn't around humans. I'd wanna say contain him but then again i would feel guilty just putting a creature in a box or a cage. Its one of the reasons i could never want a bird and why i don't like zoos.

I had this stinkbug too awhile back that i took pictures of because i thought he was cool looking and then i put him in a tree. I showed others his pictures and they freaked out saying anything that moves and crawls needs to die. :roll: Some people just don't respect life. With that being said next time you want to give any non-furry critter a home keep him from your fam if you can, although doing that without caging will be difficult given the creature would be very unhappy being cooped up, and you also don't want a repeat of the above :/.
Fanboy said:
Shadowcat said:
Fanboy said:
Long Storytime rant ahead

I had a friend at my mom's house, and they did the laughing and screaming and stomping thing when they found him.

I was already on thin ice about to get kicked out so I couldn't do anything. Just had to let my beautiful little buddy die. He had started "sleeping" around me and I really liked it alot, but when they got ahold of him they were all

"OH my God it was a tarantula!" I wanted to tie them up and light them on fire honestly.

They had the audacity to throw his barely dead body right on the top of the already overflowing trash can, waiting for me to wake up to clean up the house. So of course I had to see it. Such slobs they won't even clean their own messes They didn't even kill him fully I don't remember if I fully stomped him out or not. almost ended up on 60 mins over this shit..

he looked like a small brown recluse with suction cup feet and no markings, it was something else I'm pretty sure but idk.i think brown recluse get a bad rep, it used to be the black widow, now everybody knows the black widow rumors were all bullshit. I don't think it will be long before the rumors about the flesh eating venom is exposed as another exaggeration. Spiders don't just give their full dose of venom unless you hurt them badly I don't think.

He was actually curled up in a ball really small snoozing behind my keyboard one time, and I reached out to adjust it for typing and I accidentally poked him, and he disappeared for like a whole week. Serious personality this creature had, more than a dog honestly. I would have saved him if I could. I already did the first time, my ugly family had him trapped on the ceiling but they were too stupid to get a chair, and too uncoordinated to hit him with a sandal. I grabbed a piece of paper and carried him out to my patio, knowing it basically meant condemning him to death, I looked to see if my family was watching but it was too dark and they couldn't see me. I look down and see he's off the paper so I turn around to go back inside and I realize he stuck himself on the bottom side of the paper, so I just carried him in and put him in the closet where he sat in a cardboard box for a couple days. I think he met his doom like 3 maybe 4 months after I first met him.

All I really learned from this story is that a tiny spider has infinitely more courage than me, I could have ran out and gotten between my family and saved him but it would have been my ass, and I had woke up to hearing "smash it smash it fuuuhck" not much time to think. I just hoped it wasn't mine and then they said how he was huge and looked like a tarantula(past tense) and I just started crying.

Also fuck Mosquitoes and ticks. Disgusting little jew creatures. There has never been a greedier and more selfish creature since the jew itself.

:cry: :cry:
I know you got attached to him but next time you run into a spider it might be better to put them someplace in nature were they can find food and make their own shelter. They won't be completely protected of course as nature can be cruel but there's a chance your spider might have survived longer if he wasn't around humans. I'd wanna say contain him but then again i would feel guilty just putting a creature in a box or a cage. Its one of the reasons i could never want a bird and why i don't like zoos.

I had this stinkbug too awhile back that i took pictures of because i thought he was cool looking and then i put him in a tree. I showed others his pictures and they freaked out saying anything that moves and crawls needs to die. :roll: Some people just don't respect life. With that being said next time you want to give any non-furry critter a home keep him from your fam if you can, although doing that without caging will be difficult given the creature would be very unhappy being cooped up, and you also don't want a repeat of the above :/.

Spiders without exoskeletons die almost immediately from the cold, and they get picked up by birds and squirrels almost instantly if spotted.
There is a reason spider eggs spawn 10,000 babies. Spiders get merked in the wild they have no applicable defense against anything other than intelligence and venom. Even then they can be killed before they get a bite off often times.

He wouldn't let me throw him out l, he was very content with staying inside and I don't blame him. This wasn't the first spider, I actually had another one that came in one day and he was more scary looking, I watched him go from a tiny little thing that would just charge me for no reason then he would get up to me and just sit there not biting lol

all the way to a big scary fucker that made a home in my kitchen cabinets. My family is so lazy they literally never caught it. 🙃 Human society is cruel too, I was hiding from it just as much as they were hiding from the struggles of "nature" and I was just as welcomed in that place as they were. I really could never keep an animal in a cage anyone who does this has surely gone mad.

There was actually a family of cats in my neighborhood and the orange dad died with the mouse he killed only 3 feet from his gaping mouth leaving the grey mother and a litter of about 9 kittens, I wanted to take one but I knew I would just get booted from my house too so I figured I should just let them stay together for as long as they could.

I know how cats get though, sentimentality only goes about as far as they can jump. Also dead bodies are way more dead than I thought they would be. Scary

If you mean to say cats don't show emotion or just don't care or get attached to you trust me nothing could be further than the truth. I've grown up with cats and the the truth is they show alot of emotion and affection just in a different way. I have had many cats who very much wanted affection and cuddles and many even have separation anxiety. They do get very much attached to their humans but are just more independent than dogs which I am actually partial to.

In short every creature is different
Fanboy said:
Shadowcat said:
Fanboy said:
Spiders without exoskeletons die almost immediately from the cold, and they get picked up by birds and squirrels almost instantly if spotted.
There is a reason spider eggs spawn 10,000 babies. Spiders get merked in the wild they have no applicable defense against anything other than intelligence and venom. Even then they can be killed before they get a bite off often times.

He wouldn't let me throw him out l, he was very content with staying inside and I don't blame him. This wasn't the first spider, I actually had another one that came in one day and he was more scary looking, I watched him go from a tiny little thing that would just charge me for no reason then he would get up to me and just sit there not biting lol

all the way to a big scary fucker that made a home in my kitchen cabinets. My family is so lazy they literally never caught it. 🙃 Human society is cruel too, I was hiding from it just as much as they were hiding from the struggles of "nature" and I was just as welcomed in that place as they were. I really could never keep an animal in a cage anyone who does this has surely gone mad.

There was actually a family of cats in my neighborhood and the orange dad died with the mouse he killed only 3 feet from his gaping mouth leaving the grey mother and a litter of about 9 kittens, I wanted to take one but I knew I would just get booted from my house too so I figured I should just let them stay together for as long as they could.

I know how cats get though, sentimentality only goes about as far as they can jump. Also dead bodies are way more dead than I thought they would be. Scary

If you mean to say cats don't show emotion or just don't care or get attached to you trust me nothing could be further than the truth. I've grown up with cats and the the truth is they show alot of emotion and affection just in a different way. I have had many cats who very much wanted affection and cuddles and many even have separation anxiety. They do get very much attached to their humans but are just more independent than dogs which I am actually partial to.

In short every creature is different

Eh, no
I used the word that I wanted. Sentiment is how much comfort and effort you are willing to sacrifice for an emotional attachment.

Also try not feeding a cat and see how attached they really are, they won't go out of the way for you or members of their litter, or their parents etc.

Parents do support kittens obviously but the kids never give back, or sacrifice their well being for siblings who struggle.

All I meant ❤

I see. I have however been in this situation
Also try not feeding a cat and see how attached they really are, they won't go out of the way for you or members of their litter, or their parents etc.

And It was actually quite the opposite. I actually have never had cats this way, infact one that i was most attached to and vice versa actually went out of her way to find me. From the beginning she always wanted to sleep on by bed and be near me and would always sit in the hall near my room waiting for me. When we moved house it was hectic and my parents back then at first wouldn't let me take her to the new appartnment right away. as a result she actually went for several days without being fed, but i convinced them to let me go back for her..as soon as i did and called for her she came running. She never left even to go find food. Again i think this may depend on the cat. People for example also tend to overemphasize a dogs loyalty in general but i have seen a pack of stray dogs that actually tried to prey apon me (unsuccessfully) and these were also clearly previously owned by someone. So much for loyalty to humans who are usually the ones who feed them :lol: but again not every dog will do this and every animal will be different.

Parents do support kittens obviously but the kids never give back, or sacrifice their well being for siblings who struggle.
Yet save for a select few species, most young when they grow up simply leave the nest, form their own pride/packs/flocks and most never see their parents again. I truely do not believe cats are unique to this. And if you want to elaborate on insects or arachnids many of the mothers die or leave before seeing their babies. they do what they must to support life and then their mission is done. birds take turns feeding the young and when the young grow up and fly from the nest they are never to be seen again.

In captivity or in a home setting however things can be different with many animals/pets and it is quite often also so with cats. they often sleep with and play with their siblings through adulthood if relations remain well (which i personally also had) and have also seen this with the mother and even the tom! i have even heard of instances when male cats would bring home food for the kittens which is actually unusual and the kittens recognized their father and formed a bond.

I think the only exceptions to this would be gorillas, wolves and other sort of pack like animals who do stay together. Lions also to an extent but males are often kicked out of the pride to go form their own.
The Hopi Indians of the American Southwest have Kokyangwuit, a "grandmother/spider" goddess. Apparently she created humans and also lead them into the world. Likewise, in West Africa there is Anansi, a mostly favorable spider goddess.
Xenophon said:
The Hopi Indians of the American Southwest have Kokyangwuit, a "grandmother/spider" goddess. Apparently she created humans and also lead them into the world. Likewise, in West Africa there is Anansi, a mostly favorable spider goddess.

Same with the Cherokees, they have a "Water Spider" although I'm not sure why Cherokee mythology claims her as having brought fire to the earth inhabitants.

There is Akkawbashia, a spider-goddess, venerated as an aspect of Lilith by at least some calling themselves Satanists. These are not, however, the sort of people to inspire a lot of confidence. The group in question had a practice of sacrificing cats, apparently thinking this gave them badass cred. In addition, at least one rite called for "the skull of a black dog," which hints at canine sacrifice as well. (The group leader's eventual suicide might be styled a "down payment.") I have tried to get outside information about Akkawbashia from other sources and have come up dry. So the deity might be peculiar to a hole-in-the-wall sect.
LightMangoMango said:
Hello, I'd like to know if there is a Daemon whose animal or symbol is spider.

My knowledge of Demons is not that good, so I took a look at all the Demons on the JoS Page but couldnt find anyone associated with spiders, although I couldve missed them.

I have a very strange relationship to spiders, in the past some weird dreams on them.

The only thing I found is the greek story of the weaver Arachne challenging the godess Athena (=Astaroth? I am not sure)in a weaving contest, Arachne loosing and being transformed into a spider by Athena. I dont know if this story is true, neither if it has some meaning.

So, is there a God/Goddes who is associated with spiders? Thank you

The spider is associated with Lilith, and more generally with the Mother Goddess.
It's a messenger from her.
Lucifer en femme said:
LightMangoMango said:
Hello, I'd like to know if there is a Daemon whose animal or symbol is spider.

My knowledge of Demons is not that good, so I took a look at all the Demons on the JoS Page but couldnt find anyone associated with spiders, although I couldve missed them.

I have a very strange relationship to spiders, in the past some weird dreams on them.

The only thing I found is the greek story of the weaver Arachne challenging the godess Athena (=Astaroth? I am not sure)in a weaving contest, Arachne loosing and being transformed into a spider by Athena. I dont know if this story is true, neither if it has some meaning.

So, is there a God/Goddes who is associated with spiders? Thank you

The spider is associated with Lilith, and more generally with the Mother Goddess.
It's a messenger from her.

Since I have learned and thought on the Lilith tie-in during the past several months, my lifelong aversion to spiders has shrunk to nil. (When I was younger, the aversion was what gets called a "phobia" by whiny-bitch boys. Some sustained exposure to spiders in the Deep South whilst in the military considerably lessened my spider-jitters, while still leaving me uneasy. That has now vanished. Which is still a hell of a note: my big "war story," runs, "Waal, youngster---there I was. Black widder in front of me. Black-widder behint me. Garden spiders on both the flanks. What's a body ter do?...")
Xenophon said:
Since I have learned and thought on the Lilith tie-in during the past several months, my lifelong aversion to spiders has shrunk to nil. (When I was younger, the aversion was what gets called a "phobia" by whiny-bitch boys. Some sustained exposure to spiders in the Deep South whilst in the military considerably lessened my spider-jitters, while still leaving me uneasy. That has now vanished. Which is still a hell of a note: my big "war story," runs, "Waal, youngster---there I was. Black widder in front of me. Black-widder behint me. Garden spiders on both the flanks. What's a body ter do?...")

When I was little I had an Opilion on the ceiling of my room and I accepted that it lived on my ceiling.

Now all the other spiders that came into my room without permission are dead, crushed by my shoe and fed to the insects or put in the trash.

I don't like spiders.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
