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Fuck The Mob

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
my soul was washed and i felt relieved with this text, maximum level, congratulations.
I am delighted that you brought the current state of the world up for discussion, especially nearing the end of the year. The subject of today is both an interesting and unfortunate affair that influences our day-to-day lives. It has been like this for a long time, and we must keep fighting for our people and our beloved planet. We must first overcome the negative influences of today within ourselves, then, accordingly, our outside persona, and then expand upon the world.

Yes, the current state of the people isn't optimal for our development as of now, but we can change that. As it has been said before, this is not an easy path to take and isn't for the fearful and weak. However,  when one sees what benefits this way gives, it's impossible to not welcome the path in proud arms and dedicate themselves to both the cause of themselves and the planet as a whole; the latter can be done by warfare and other means of societal improvement, and the former via spiritual advancement. I've attempted to show a person Spiritual Satanism before, but it failed. Yet we must not be discouraged by failure and error; we must instead push forward. The Gods show us that through change and implication, we can modify our existence to perfection.

I'm in good hopes for 2024, as this year has gifted me with a crucial and noteworthy developmental phase in every way, from studying Hitler's work, Mein Kampf, discovering my personality through astrology, polishing my way of being, and finally, personally spiritually advancing considerably. I've attained a level at which I'm now able to feel energy strongly when meditating, particularly while doing yoga. Destiny itself stood up and guided me to the truth, and I'm most thankful for discovering SS.
Thank u HP, blessings for u also and everyone who fight, i want to do much more and i start now. Hail Satan!
What is to be said to those who deeply desire to give more to the Joy of Satan and the Gods, but because of issues and obstacles, are unable to contribute their energy, time and money, outside of just participating in the regular ritual schedules and their spiritual advancment?

I have been beating myself up about this for some years, even though there is not much I can really do until I overcome these obstacles.
Inspiring post, off topic but according to what ive been hearing most of israels power grid is down, i think 2024 is going to be a crazy year im expecting the power grid to go down in the united states.. i surely hope not, im bracing myself for it hopfully things dont get to wild may the gods be with us all
Now these are words I need to hear in my life, hail Satan!
The world outside the JoS is a mess and we all know that. A Spiritual Satanist who struggles for the Gods finds it hard to conform to all of our "society's" expectations. This isn't to say we are amoralists or against the law; quite the opposite actually. Just go to your local public school and see decay like you've never seen before. We live in Weimar conditions. Hopefully Europe will actually wake up and deny both sides, because neo-cons like Orban (puppy of the jews) lead people to the wrong direction.
Thank you for this powerful sermon. Highly elevating.

Joy of Satan is my temple, and to be in a temple is to be under the light of our Gods, and to be under the light of our Gods is to be selfless, give as much as you can in it's boundaries, and work together to spread it's light beyond it's boundaries to become the brightest beacon of life. This is what I've learnt with all the help I received from our dearest spiritual family this year, one of my trying times. They could've ignored my posts, but they didn't, and here I am, a changed man who is trying to give and help whenever possible.

Hail to our beloved Satan, the highest, the humblest, the selfless, the most wonderful, and the giver of life.

Hail to all our beloved Gods, the great, the bravest, the beautiful wonderful beings, without their selfless acts there would nothing, they are the Great Protectors of light.

Hail to our joyful, beautiful, and brave spiritual family of Satanists, working selflessly day and night to spread the light of Satan and defeat his enemies who wish to extinguish it.

Hail to the people who take the action to bring the right change, who give even when they have not much, who become selfless in the service of Nature and Humanity.

Hail to all the people who deserve the Hail.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I understand why the Satan chose you, HP Hooded Cobra. Thank you.
serpentwalker666 said:
What is to be said to those who deeply desire to give more to the Joy of Satan and the Gods, but because of issues and obstacles, are unable to contribute their energy, time and money, outside of just participating in the regular ritual schedules and their spiritual advancment?

I have been beating myself up about this for some years, even though there is not much I can really do until I overcome these obstacles.

Do what you can, contribute with what you can. But be realistic. Do not use the pretense of that obstacle stop you from contributing to the extent you could. If all you can momentarily do are the Ritual schedules, do those. The Gods understand. Try to incorporate at least a short meditation session during the day. You will still be among the people that chose to do something.
serpentwalker666 said:
What is to be said to those who deeply desire to give more to the Joy of Satan and the Gods, but because of issues and obstacles, are unable to contribute their energy, time and money, outside of just participating in the regular ritual schedules and their spiritual advancment?

I have been beating myself up about this for some years, even though there is not much I can really do until I overcome these obstacles.
Everyone has their own capabilities and capacity for contributing to the whole. You can not reasonably beat yourself up for something that is unachievable for you at a given moment.
Our current present lives are a cumulation of many past lives. Souls are at different levels of maturity based on this. Adepts often say , people are even shown the kind of life they will have ,they even accept it and then you are born. You are made to forget this, because of free will and spiritual immaturity. If this was not the case then the occult science of Astrology especially with regards to the Natal Chart would not work. Souls are not created at the same time hence the individual inequalities we see. You are not going to teach High School Math to a new born baby ,for example. It's mind has simply not developed enough to comprehend. It needs to have more experience and grow. This is the same with Dharma to a point. Humanity is unfolding from lower animal Consciousness and young souls will simply be more influenced by this than by the Solar Nature of their souls. Souls come to seriously persue Dharma after a number of life times when their karmic actions have "equalised" so to speak. The good and bad karmic seeds have equalised. The real issue is leadership, that's the real issue. Immature souls are immature souls,you have had a number of life times than most that brought you to decide to be an SS. A leader can only lead people up to his individual level of unfoldment ,so if you have leaders of lower consciousness ,how can a society evolve to be better ,it will struggle ,it cannot. When we started having Centred leaders of High Consciousness,then things will improve, people have to be lead, that's the Natural Way of things. A tribe without a Chief will disappear. Souls will just naturally follow the leader of High Consciousness. Intuition is in everyone that's why even an individual fool thinks his wise,it's degrees of Centeredness that differs based Mayaic experience and soul body maturity. Even if souls are young and not Dharma Aware ,they will naturally follow a Centered soul of High Consciousness. So the issue is leadership,things won't change for better until we have leaders of High Consciousness, people have to be lead.
Thank you Big Brother!!!

May Satan Light shines in us fully and enlightens those who are yet to see sooner it can be!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you very much for this beautiful sermon.

Happy New Year to you too HP Hoodedcobra.
These are true words, coming from the soul of a person who truly cares. Everyone should meditate on these words because they contain the truth and whoever applies them will surely have only progress in his life. I am so proud that you are the Leader of this community and my Leader and you are elevating us through your wise words and dedicated work, for there is truly no one more worthy than you. I wish you and everyone here Happy New Year and a step closer to the Eternity of the Gods!
serpentwalker666 said:
What is to be said to those who deeply desire to give more to the Joy of Satan and the Gods, but because of issues and obstacles, are unable to contribute their energy, time and money, outside of just participating in the regular ritual schedules and their spiritual advancment?

I have been beating myself up about this for some years, even though there is not much I can really do until I overcome these obstacles.

I think there is only one category of people who should beat themselves up and that is those people who the time and other resources to help but decide not to. Laziness and procrastination are not an excuse but lower quality of one's soul. If someone has the time to spend 2+ hours on videogames, TV shows/films/anime and other useless things, they can certainly find time to contribute in some way.

Duty comes first, then pleasure. For example, if you budget 2 hours a day for those useless activities and do nothing else in your life but working, sleeping, eating and meditating. You can definitely reduce those 2 hours to 10-15 minutes. The rest of the time can be divided between contribution and personal development, which are extremely important to life.

I try to explain this to my flatmate for example. He really wants a particular job and he's unemployed. He's not an SS. He spends his day eating, sleeping, doomscrolling and playing videogames. What does he dedicate to prepare for this job he's applied for? 15-20 minutes a day of "learning" skills related to it. Now, I'm not sorry but, if that's how it is, he's not gonna get any job, let alone the one he actually wants where being "hard-working" and "willing to learn" is part of office culture.

I know this is not you. I'm just making an example of people who have time but waste it and people who don't actually have the time nor other resources. If you don't have resources, it's only your good nature that leads you to feeling guilty but you're already doing all you can so this feeling is unhelpful. I'm sure when you'll have more time, you'll do more. Happy Yule!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HPHC,I really needed to read that. We're lucky to have you.
Powerful message!
Thank you HPHC.
I promised Satan Baba to make the RTR of restoring the authority of the gods, but I cannot reach the page. I was entering from the spiritual satanism turkey page and it gave me an error. I went to the Joy of Satan RTR section and could not find it there either. Can you please send me the RTR of restoring the authority of the gods. I promised. I have to hold it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is very good and important post. Thanks!
We all need this message! Thank you. There are also very important messages embed in this sermon as well, that is a direct key, and in other words, there are no shortcuts, and what it is seen, must be done and resolved.
Being apart from the mob, has always been a badge of honor. Something I've always been particularly proud of.
Thanks everyone, I thought this was mostly a rant from myself, I didn't expect these comments. I guess I will make it a more frequent point to express myself like this I guess.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I thought this was mostly a rant from myself

....I will make it a more frequent point to express myself like this I guess.
maybe that's why it felt so real and inspiring
i personally really like this way of expressing oneself
it seemed like "the wise instructing his pupil" type of chat
really cool
likman666 said:
Our current present lives are a cumulation of many past lives. Souls are at different levels of maturity based on this. Adepts often say , people are even shown the kind of life they will have ,they even accept it and then you are born. You are made to forget this, because of free will and spiritual immaturity. If this was not the case then the occult science of Astrology especially with regards to the Natal Chart would not work. Souls are not created at the same time hence the individual inequalities we see. You are not going to teach High School Math to a new born baby ,for example. It's mind has simply not developed enough to comprehend. It needs to have more experience and grow. This is the same with Dharma to a point. Humanity is unfolding from lower animal Consciousness and young souls will simply be more influenced by this than by the Solar Nature of their souls. Souls come to seriously persue Dharma after a number of life times when their karmic actions have "equalised" so to speak. The good and bad karmic seeds have equalised. The real issue is leadership, that's the real issue. Immature souls are immature souls,you have had a number of life times than most that brought you to decide to be an SS. A leader can only lead people up to his individual level of unfoldment ,so if you have leaders of lower consciousness ,how can a society evolve to be better ,it will struggle ,it cannot. When we started having Centred leaders of High Consciousness,then things will improve, people have to be lead, that's the Natural Way of things. A tribe without a Chief will disappear. Souls will just naturally follow the leader of High Consciousness. Intuition is in everyone that's why even an individual fool thinks his wise,it's degrees of Centeredness that differs based Mayaic experience and soul body maturity. Even if souls are young and not Dharma Aware ,they will naturally follow a Centered soul of High Consciousness. So the issue is leadership,things won't change for better until we have leaders of High Consciousness, people have to be lead.

This is so true and often when you have people comparing themselves within the framework of their created hierarchy they forget that there elite souls that have been gifted with powers from their past lives and it seems unfair that someone should have supernatural ability without having really worked for them.

When I was younger I remember hold a child who I know to have been a famous Satanic soul. They are in the history books and in the memories of many of our members here. I was just finished with a 2 mile run in under 16 minutes which was necessary for me as I was in the military and that was the slowest I was allowed to run so I often started of my workouts this way. I was buzzed when I was done and because I was at the the beach I decided to take a swim and this child was the daughter of someone close to me so I held her when we went into the sea because she is adorable and everyone wants to hold her. I was lit up by her aura and she just wakes up like that. I remember thinking I would have to train 2 hours straight on a good day or run 5 miles straight to be able to project my energy like that onto someone. If it were not for the fact that it was very pleasant I might have been envious. It didn't seem fair, but at the same time I know they spent a lifetime training with someone the most powerful souls on the planet.

The gods are aware of are rank before we are even born and the only rank that is really important is the one created when you are fully risen. This is to say if the gods are already aware that someone will raise their serpent before you then they are above you, but it is not really as though you have the free will to change this. We need to be humble and accepting of our position in the universe. You are meant to hold out your hand to every soul that is beneath to help lift them up, and you look to all those above you as you know the discipline it takes to get to where they are.

What you mention on the astrology is something I have noticed within my own life. My natal chart is a reaction to Adolf Hitler's natal chart. His chart ruler Venus is in exact trine aspect to my Venus to within 4-5 arc minutes or about 1/12th of a degree. My chart ruler the Sun is in exact sextile to his Sun to within 6 arc minutes or about 1/10th of a degree. This is not at all a coincidence especially considering how close I was to him in that lifetime. It was planned for before I was I born. Many fated events in my life seem to be a result of this and most people are only looking at their charts, or synastry charts between to people, but do not make comparisons with the past, or past dates that can influence your life. When I looked at the chart for the beginning or ww2 with the invasion of Poland as the starting date I noticed that if I were born 1 minute before or after it would not be exactly conjunct a sensitive point in my chart.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks everyone, I thought this was mostly a rant from myself, I didn't expect these comments. I guess I will make it a more frequent point to express myself like this I guess.

I know you're very busy as High Priest and we all admire you for that.
How do you manage your time? Do you ever despair?
How many hours a day do you get to meditate?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
