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Fuck The Mob

ENKİ666 said:
I promised Satan Baba to make the RTR of restoring the authority of the gods, but I cannot reach the page. I was entering from the spiritual satanism turkey page and it gave me an error. I went to the Joy of Satan RTR section and could not find it there either. Can you please send me the RTR of restoring the authority of the gods. I promised. I have to hold it.

Do you mean the Demonic Authority RTR?
Yeah, fuck the NPC mob. They even get high-paying jobs without having made any valuable contribution to their race or humanity at large. Then you have contributing SS struggling in low-IQ/slave jobs, some one step away from homelessness or unemployment, some in abusive work environments while this wastes get a free ride at life because the enemy created a clown world and a clown astral environment on Earth.

We will take society back by the storm and instate meritocracy. Balance Saturnine energies with all the other planets. And wastes will have to gain again their place in society or fuck off.

Enough of democracy and hiring incompetent extroverts just because they can make up lies on the spot at interviews and have a toilet paper degree. Enough a majority of unwise and retarded telling the children of the Gods how to live. We will have aristocracy back and only valuable opinions and facts will rule, not muh feelings.
sanırım bu değildi. tanrıların otoritesini restore etme yazıyordu.bulamıyorum onu. onu bulamıyorum şuan ama onun yerine Son RTR +
Öldürücü Tetragrammaton RTR +
Parçalayıcı Yahudi Ruhu Koruması RTR
yapsam olur mu .şeytan baba kabul eder mi ? spiritüel satanizm tr sayfasında vardı.ama orada da girmiyor sayfaya.dediğim gibi tanrıların otoritesini restore etme için söz vermiştim ama bulamıyorum. bu 3 rtr yi yapsam onun yerine kabul eder mi ŞEYTAN
Stormblood said:
Yeah, fuck the NPC mob. They even get high-paying jobs without having made any valuable contribution to their race or humanity at large. Then you have contributing SS struggling in low-IQ/slave jobs, some one step away from homelessness or unemployment, some in abusive work environments while this wastes get a free ride at life because the enemy created a clown world and a clown astral environment on Earth.

We will take society back by the storm and instate meritocracy. Balance Saturnine energies with all the other planets. And wastes will have to gain again their place in society or fuck off.

Enough of democracy and hiring incompetent extroverts just because they can make up lies on the spot at interviews and have a toilet paper degree. Enough a majority of unwise and retarded telling the children of the Gods how to live. We will have aristocracy back and only valuable opinions and facts will rule, not muh feelings.

I do not know the jobs you are referring to. Most well-paid jobs are very useful to society and require competence.

Society has simply discarded the usefulness of the spiritual and so we are in this situation. The npc's as long as they have an honest job are useful to society. Their problem is that they are indoctrinated and do not conceive of a higher purpose.
View of Innocence said:
Being apart from the mob, has always been a badge of honor. Something I've always been particularly proud of.
Damn I said being apart. I meant not being a apart.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

It's my first message in this forum, congratulations, i have need to listen to this.
Yeah, fuck the mob and their andrapod behavior, we as SS aspire to be something much higher, as Herakles chose the path of virtue.
Hard to be the bigger man.
To feel the pull.
To feel the blows.
To feel the fight,
But not sacrifice yourself to it.

To know the wrongness.
To see the crimes.
It's my humans too.
Satans humans.
We're all with his love.

Sometimes it's hard.

I'll get there.
I'll get there for him.

Praise Satan!
Thank you for this post, HP!

When all things are laid bare, the only thing that truly matters are what we have done for our Gods. Their memory and existence, unlike whatever 3rd dimensional subhumanry is going on Earth, is eternal. Anything eternal is worth the investment! :)

All karmic accounts are settled eventually: whether it's having your heart weighted against a feather of truth (Lady Ma'at) by Lord Anubis, to be found worthy to enter Valhalla or having a golden obol for the Ferryman Charon. Same story all over.

Subhuman heart is heavier than a ton of lead so it will be devoured by Ammit. The soul to be cast into primordial darkness to dissipate.

Gates of Valhalla remain forever shut to cowardly filth.

No "golden coin" for the Ferryman, so they'll be at the mercy of whatever is out there or, and I take great delight in saying this, they'll go straight into fucking Tartarus where they belong.
Stormblood said:
Yeah, fuck the NPC mob. They even get high-paying jobs without having made any valuable contribution to their race or humanity at large. Then you have contributing SS struggling in low-IQ/slave jobs, some one step away from homelessness or unemployment, some in abusive work environments while this wastes get a free ride at life because the enemy created a clown world and a clown astral environment on Earth.

We will take society back by the storm and instate meritocracy. Balance Saturnine energies with all the other planets. And wastes will have to gain again their place in society or fuck off.

Enough of democracy and hiring incompetent extroverts just because they can make up lies on the spot at interviews and have a toilet paper degree. Enough a majority of unwise and retarded telling the children of the Gods how to live. We will have aristocracy back and only valuable opinions and facts will rule, not muh feelings.

I actually had a conversation in private with someone about pretty much this. I mentioned how there needs to be a barrier of entry to any sort of position of power (and college for that matter). My idea of a barrier would consist of real (i.e 2 years+) military service and a successful passage of all ideological and spiritual tests which would be part of this military service.

No way to get around this either. Flat feet? Anemic? "Depressed"? Well, no position of power to you.
It would filter out all incompetent extroverts (succinctly put, I have to say) right away.
Weak body, weak mind, weak spirit after all.
Fiery Pluto said:
I do not know the jobs you are referring to. Most well-paid jobs are very useful to society and require competence.

Society has simply discarded the usefulness of the spiritual and so we are in this situation. The npc's as long as they have an honest job are useful to society. Their problem is that they are indoctrinated and do not conceive of a higher purpose.

I should have specified that I'm talking about:

:arrow: new souls who literally have zero adversarial karma aside from their parents' karma (if their parents even have anything harmful in that area); and
:arrow: enemy souls whose adversarial karma is passed on to us.

They become neo-grads (so little to no contribution to society through work and/or viable research) and get high-paying jobs more easily. Jobs in tech, finance and banking that can be very high-paying, especially when you work in a top or high-tier company.

I think there are different levels of community contribution. Working hard on JoS initiatives, whether it's even just very high reps of spiritual warfare or committed internet warfare, is more valuable than most things an NPC could, probably only second to innovation from people like Nikola Tesla.

Someone who's just a new grad, in most cases doesn't even have basic levels of contribution that those who do low-IQ/slave jobs have. The problem is that the enemy introduced:

:arrow: the bias that you need a degree to do anything when people like me in six months can become more knowledgeable and skilled than someone with a bachelor's degree, and more talented people go even beyond, but those are geniuses.
:arrow: new grads in recruitment and hire management positions where you should actually have people with extensive experience in their specific sector (10-20 years), understanding what's actually needed of a new hire vs what bullshit requirements the enemy tells them.

Some of the highest-paying jobs nowadays are working in cybersecurity, AI and software development. If we pick the first one, you see that many "entry-level"/intern cybersecurity jobs require several qualifications such as CISSP and the likes which are quite expensive and actually useless because a red teamer may be able to compromise your company's data in a matter of days without having any formal qualification. If they are talented of course, but you don't even need to be that talented. Many self-taught people who aspire to work in cybersecurity are on par and sometimes even better than those with a CS degree and those qualifications.

We literally live in a world when you can get any knowledge and develop any skill for free, if you are willing to work hard enough to internalise it, only to be cockblocked by the enemy because you don't want to get 10,000s in debt to go to uni in the US/UK and get professional qualifications, and you don't want to get a free toilet paper degree from places like Italy and similar where education is based on short-term memory and interrogation, with little to no real skill value.

Sometimes, recruiters don't even know what they are talking about when they make a vacancy ad or they have a friend of theirs already in mind, so they put even more BS requirements. For example, I reviewed quite a few claims of vacancies on LinkedIn where they were asking for a certain number of years of experience in a certain technology that had only been born for a couple of years, or telling you that no experience is required but you need this qualification X that, when you check, actually requires 5 years of experience in that position to even apply.

We also have the problem of employers with ill habits such as wanting entry-level hires in jobs that are truly entry-level to have specific technical skills and quals instead of actually training them into the role like it's their job and it's always be the business's job to train new hires. This has ruined the job market here in Britain where earlier you could get a job almost as easily as in the USA but now with Brexit cutting off their lifeline to EU immigrants and the scamdemic you struggle. Not as much as in countries such as Italy, Greece or others which top the charts in Europe for unemployment rates but people still struggle.

Then we have box-ticking. You are a black-jewish transwoman who can barely tie your own shoes and dresses like a drag? Come here. We have "Women in Tech", "Women in Finance" and many different "diversity" initiatives where they get mentoring, bigger networking opportunities, free quals, then they get hired just because they tick a diversity box and not because they are good at what they do.

You could say I could exploit the same system as a homosexual man but no. A White man still won't qualify because of being White and a man. Nowadays, even white women are starting to qualify for initiatives less and less because they are not diverse enough.
There is no strict time to start and no strict time to finish. Work and advancement are never ending. Let just grant the minimum to keep consistency and enjoy the process 😪😴🥳🤤
Satan's Crow said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thanks everyone, I thought this was mostly a rant from myself, I didn't expect these comments. I guess I will make it a more frequent point to express myself like this I guess.

I know you're very busy as High Priest and we all admire you for that.
How do you manage your time? Do you ever despair?
How many hours a day do you get to meditate?
Hp Cobra is a badass man on a mission. He gets tired but with the Demons on his side he recharges plenty.
Thank you High Priest, I enjoyed the inspiration from this post.
I've grown closer to the Gods even though I haven't been as active in the forums as I wish I could.
Dealing with NPCs with bent knees to zion wears on me and I'm surrounded by them.
Bless all SS family in the Gods.
Hail Satan for His divine love and support I've received daily!
Yes fuck the mob...
Stormblood said:
Yeah, fuck the NPC mob. They even get high-paying jobs without having made any valuable contribution to their race or humanity at large. Then you have contributing SS struggling in low-IQ/slave jobs, some one step away from homelessness or unemployment, some in abusive work environments while this wastes get a free ride at life because the enemy created a clown world and a clown astral environment on Earth.

We will take society back by the storm and instate meritocracy. Balance Saturnine energies with all the other planets. And wastes will have to gain again their place in society or fuck off.

Enough of democracy and hiring incompetent extroverts just because they can make up lies on the spot at interviews and have a toilet paper degree. Enough a majority of unwise and retarded telling the children of the Gods how to live. We will have aristocracy back and only valuable opinions and facts will rule, not muh feelings.
Totally agree with what you writed, its a lot of brain dead people in Higher positions taking advantage of others in lower positions without a drop of shame, they must pay for this.
Stormblood said:

However, any degree gives you a certain competence and is a guarantee of competence. Then for the fact that too much money is needed to go to certain universities, you are right.
Stormblood said:
Yeah, fuck the NPC mob. They even get high-paying jobs without having made any valuable contribution to their race or humanity at large. Then you have contributing SS struggling in low-IQ/slave jobs, some one step away from homelessness or unemployment, some in abusive work environments while this wastes get a free ride at life because the enemy created a clown world and a clown astral environment on Earth.

We will take society back by the storm and instate meritocracy. Balance Saturnine energies with all the other planets. And wastes will have to gain again their place in society or fuck off.

Enough of democracy and hiring incompetent extroverts just because they can make up lies on the spot at interviews and have a toilet paper degree. Enough a majority of unwise and retarded telling the children of the Gods how to live. We will have aristocracy back and only valuable opinions and facts will rule, not muh feelings.

I've felt this way too, how everything is just catered towards charismatic dickheads. Some of the times it's exaggerated work history, status etc...

As we're in the age of Pisces, the kali yuga, where everything is catered toward deception, and is why the enemy has thrived for so long. This world is a shattered vase, broken. Sometimes what you think should make sense doesn't, the justice system being an obvious good example. Then there's the circus of the NPC mentality.

Either the broken ceramic gets sweeped away, or those with enough remaining will and strength piece back what was once a beautiful vase.
Do what you can, contribute with what you can. But be realistic. Do not use the pretense of that obstacle stop you from contributing to the extent you could. If all you can momentarily do are the Ritual schedules, do those. The Gods understand. Try to incorporate at least a short meditation session during the day. You will still be among the people that chose to do something.
You know, you make an excellent point!

I used to think that I could only truly excel as a Satanist if I dedicated every moment of my free time to meditation. I tried this for a little while and I started to feel imbalanced in my life, like I was always trying to catch up.

Lately I now meditate 2 hours every working day (instead of 4-5 hours) with energy breathing intermittently utilized throughout the day. Typically on these days I meditate an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. With a fully-open third eye and a lot of practice I find that transmuting energy becomes as instinctual as breathing is.

It's easy to become too focused on one thing thinking that it's the most essential and important thing. As all-encompassing and vital the 8-fold path is, I do feel that other things such as research, rest, socialization with people and creative/artistic inspiration also hold great value.

I'm a person of great extremes who has always immensely struggled with moderation. For that reason I'm one of those types that plans every little thing I do before doing it because if I don't, things can become too difficult for me to coordinate in a congruent way. I can only take action when all avenues reach a clear and comprehensive path of least resistance. (Crazy weird example: I write my grocery list on a paper in exact sequence to how the store is arranged. going from left to right and (in-between isles) forward and back. Unfortunately, with the way my mind works, if one thing is out of place so too are many things by affect. It can be very anxiety-inducing but I've gotten much better at coping with it over the years.

Maybe we're all different in our struggles but to exist itself is to struggle. These things I view as poor qualities in myself are probably not bad things. It's interesting to me how I used to believe myself disabled (autism), yet as I become older I'm starting to realize that everyone has something to some degree and that there is no flawless person. Many non-disabled (functioning) people appear far more disabled than some disabled people I know and have met. It's very strange to me.

Anyway, sorry for babbling away there. :-/
You know, you make an excellent point!

I used to think that I could only truly excel as a Satanist if I dedicated every moment of my free time to meditation. I tried this for a little while and I started to feel imbalanced in my life, like I was always trying to catch up.

Lately I now meditate 2 hours every working day (instead of 4-5 hours) with energy breathing intermittently utilized throughout the day. Typically on these days I meditate an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening. With a fully-open third eye and a lot of practice I find that transmuting energy becomes as instinctual as breathing is.

It's easy to become too focused on one thing thinking that it's the most essential and important thing. As all-encompassing and vital the 8-fold path is, I do feel that other things such as research, rest, socialization with people and creative/artistic inspiration also hold great value.

I'm a person of great extremes who has always immensely struggled with moderation. For that reason I'm one of those types that plans every little thing I do before doing it because if I don't, things can become too difficult for me to coordinate in a congruent way. I can only take action when all avenues reach a clear and comprehensive path of least resistance. (Crazy weird example: I write my grocery list on a paper in exact sequence to how the store is arranged. going from left to right and (in-between isles) forward and back. Unfortunately, with the way my mind works, if one thing is out of place so too are many things by affect. It can be very anxiety-inducing but I've gotten much better at coping with it over the years.

Maybe we're all different in our struggles but to exist itself is to struggle. These things I view as poor qualities in myself are probably not bad things. It's interesting to me how I used to believe myself disabled (autism), yet as I become older I'm starting to realize that everyone has something to some degree and that there is no flawless person. Many non-disabled (functioning) people appear far more disabled than some disabled people I know and have met. It's very strange to me.

Anyway, sorry for babbling away there. :-/

You're not babbling at all. You make fair points with being perceived and perceiving oneself as disabled while the reality being quite the opposite and the importance of the many facets of life.

I saw myself in parts of your post with the extremism and ocd-ish behaviors some years ago and am glad to hear you're aware of how things are. You seem to be on a good course, just keep it up. It can all be not just managed but fully overcome and with persistence new levels of efficiency in functioning can be reached.

In addition to your constation that energy work becomes instinctual with practice, so can entering and remaining in meditative states (even trance if there's a need) become sort of automated, for lack of a better term and the amount of time that's available throughout the day is optimally used without planning or anything.

Also cleaning as much as necessary. Between the morning and evening sessions it can sometimes be a good idea to do a quick one.

You're not babbling at all. You make fair points with being perceived and perceiving oneself as disabled while the reality being quite the opposite and the importance of the many facets of life.

I saw myself in parts of your post with the extremism and ocd-ish behaviors some years ago and am glad to hear you're aware of how things are. You seem to be on a good course, just keep it up. It can all be not just managed but fully overcome and with persistence new levels of efficiency in functioning can be reached.

In addition to your constation that energy work becomes instinctual with practice, so can entering and remaining in meditative states (even trance if there's a need) become sort of automated, for lack of a better term and the amount of time that's available throughout the day is optimally used without planning or anything.

Also cleaning as much as necessary. Between the morning and evening sessions it can sometimes be a good idea to do a quick one.

Thanks for the empowering words friend. I think you're right that these things can be overcome and meditation has definitely helped me the most in that regard; calming my mind and allowing abrupt changes to unfold without panicking.

I live in a busy house with kids around mind you so meditation can be challenging sometimes, hence why I tend to pick early mornings and late evenings. Hopefully void meditation will help. It's annoying sometimes, but my subconscious picks-up and registers all conversation in the background as I meditate. Completely shutting them out has been an almost insurmountable task. As they say, if at first you don't succeed... try, try again. Maybe a flame/candle meditation will help me there too.
Greetings everyone in the Spiritual Satanist family,

As a Spiritual Satanist, one must remember the first decision you have made: to part from all the false notions of the mob, of the fools, of the sheep, of those who simply sit there and want no real enlightenment. You have thrown your falsehood to the pit, and screamed loudly to it: We shall never see each other again!

And you have moved on, away from the notion of the mob, into the fold of conscious teamwork, individuality, of increasing your personal capacity, into the family of the Gods. What grace, indeed, to choose this choice, when everything else was so much easier than that.

Family is a notion of sacrifice, doing, spending, giving. Nowadays, we live in a worthless world that tells you that just because you exist you have a value by default. This value is so limited, it is a lie. We have a certain extent of value, but can you observe politics, or how the world is run? What do you truly tell yourself, does a false pretense work by itself.

They lie to you to just give you some relief. I cannot lie to you. Our value is limited. Satan shows us that we need to advance that soul in order to grow, and that this is not some sort of joke.

Our current states of "leadership" are liars and jews. These beings troll you in regards to the real structure of reality. They are keeping you in the Matrix. They tell you you can choose, but you cannot. They tell you that you matter, but you do not. They don't tell you how.

There is no equality in this world. There is are some people who spend every breath for the JoS, and some others who didn't get Yule gifts for this year, so that the Gods would advance their agenda in the world. And the Gods will tend to them.

There are those who lose sleep over the Gods, and those who want less things to manage. And may the Gods bless both, but who will you give your affairs into the hands of?

Accept this reality, that we might be strong together, but we are all finite; we give what we can give. How many breaths do we have to give to them, so that we receive a breath of the infinite soul of the Gods?

Others have just brought errant messages from the outside world, that they are "valued" too much. From the minutes that you have been given, what have you given?

I can dissilusion you very quickly on this. Go to Apple's headquarters, and just show up on the door, and say "I am valued to be the CEO of the company". Then, watch the security taking you out.

Go to the Parliament, and just say "Hello, I felt today I was valued to become the ruler of this Nation, let me in". They will kick you out.

If you don't like the above, go to a random woman who looks beautiful and has all the gifts in the world and say "Hey, I just woke up today and felt like I deserve you without doing nothing for you, not even flirtiing with you. In fact, 1,000,000 people have voted this is the case in my discord server".

Watch as she leaves, and contemplate to yourself, is what we have been told about the rules of "value", real in anyway? It is not. The further one harbors these delusions, the more one harms themselves, and the more strays away from the majorly important thing: the fact they can manifest actual potential in this life...

This "value" some ascribe to themselves is out of fear. Fear of doing anything at all. You are fearing getting out and doing something, it's the fear of your potential. You want value without doing a thing. Without going out there, and saying, "I will fight today.". And how will the gifts of a war be given to you, without it?

As a father cannot have a word over the life of a children he has abandoned, just because he had a night with a wife, but rather, another man who sacrificed his last 20 years to spend on the soul of an abandoned child, the second is the father, and the first is just the donor. The child belongs to the latter.

The community of Spiritual Satanists, must be one that is away from lies and self deception, things that feel good based on delusion. We do not need it! Take my warning, these lies will eat your soul until you are left destitute.

What you will remember, is what you have given and done, not what you "thought you deserved" in the end.

Those who do anything, how closer are you to the light, than those who simply try to ride on a false claim?

May in our next year, all of us realize, that this world is to be given to those who give something; and may anyone who believes otherwise, wake up quickly from this delusion, and understand the value of giving something for something higher, higher than themselves.

I live in this fucking dumb world where people still think that you can exist idly, do nothing, never raise a hand, and still entitled to anything. We are not. I was not, you are not. Universe, with your brutal rules, we are not entitled to a thing; thank you for your brutality, universe!

To this world, your lies, can be kept for the fools! Let none of these lies touch our people here. Let at least a portion of people to be away from this madness.

Let those who want to walk a higher path, understand, that the whole responsibility of this world falls upon ourselves. Me, and you, and Him, and Her. With more or less power, with more or less abilities, the question arises, how much are we willing to achieve, how much to give? How much can we overcome?

How can we come together, to be as one, and to hold each other strongly while we do this? That is the value of your community. Your ability to choose is the ability to hold the hand of the community strongly, not to just believe that you are! This is how we show our presence. We must hold a hand so others feel it, not just say that we will...

I declare therefore to this world: Fuck your mob and fuck your lies. Screw brainless, disgusting, and only seeks a form of nothingness. We have turned to the side of the Gods, for a reason. The real revolution will be from those who fought, who given, who sacrificed, who have the real rights on reality and on existence.

The stairway to heaven, is only for those who will climb it. You don't deserve it by default. You make yourself a deserving being. We climb, we climb, and we move away from the delusional comfort zone. Open, to the big vast universe, where the sun tries to give a birth to themselves; inside all of this darkness, the sun will try to birth himself, in order to win.

May all those who done something, who took time out of their lives, who struggled and fought, be rewarded, and may those who have done nothing wake up, before the precious gift of life is wasted. Because life, was given to us to expand it and to give it, not to squander it on a false sense of existing in it.

What is a God, my people, but one person that gives, and gives, and generates, and creates? What is a God? Is it someone who merely tells you they are, or someone who rips themselves open so that their blood will give life to new worlds?

To all of you who have raised your hand heroically to do a thing, any thing, I give you my salutations. To all who have not discovered this, I pray everyday that you will, because this is the path of the hero. May you take it, and may you elevate yourselves among the Gods.

The Gods will teach us this: That we must be in order to truly be. There is no other way, but the way of truly being. Creative thinking to believe, is the path to true being, but not the true being. True being is when we do this, in reality.

Let others dwell in delusion, while all of you will see yourselves and say: Yes, I will do what I can! Not in some other time, but now!

I will hold you as much as I breathe, not in words, but in deed and in a way that reflects to your souls and your futures. I am not an idea, I am real.

Be blessed, and happy New Year...

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you HPHC 666
Yes we must strive and do our best in this straight path, do our best in helping ourselves, helping Father Satan and our Gods for our lives the lives of our children our spiritual family our planet earth and our universe, I’ve always knew that this world was corrupt but didn’t know why and if it would ever change for the better, but after discovering Spiritual Satanism it was the only truth only salvation for us and our planet, I’m a truly grateful to be apart of this world where we can change the evils of this world and take back our planet from the evil Reptilians, Greys, Jews, and all that is against our Gods against the well being of our planet 🌍 I’m truly thankful to Father Satan and our Gods and for High Priestess Maxine for JoS and High Priest HoodedCobra 666 for all their hard work and for our brothers and sisters in SS all blessings to you all, I’m striving to be just as good I know I have a long way to go but this is not a race but a life time commitment, a way of life, this is our life, this is what we live for breathe for and work for! With gratefulness and appreciation and love, love for our Father Satan Creator God, love for our beloved Gods who have always been there for us, love for our spiritual brothers and sisters, family.
Hail Father God Satan ❤️
Hail to all the Gods and Goddesses ❤️

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
