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Forums Back Up Again - Are You Sad Lizards?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Recently our Forums were nuked on the enemy holidays [a usual affair for them]. We are here and we will remain. There is nothing they can do, except delay us. Not all sites were affected, just the forums. Thankfully it didn't last for a long time either.

We write about all these subjects such as the erosion of the West, the destruction of the spiritual culture of humanity, we have laid out all the dehumanizing reptilian plans of the Jews, laid out, bare in the open.

We speak about everything the Jew does not want us to speak, and we set the fire of the spirit into anything the jew cannot tolerate to see this holy fire burning. But it will KEEP burning.

Yes, we will teach humanity meditation, fucking lizards. Yes, we will totally keep exposing all your plots. Yes, you will put these syringes and your mutations, spiritual and physical, only up your own reptile asses.

People are already waking up to what's at stake, and this isn't about the flu.

Everyone who reads our material can know, and can understand. We are increasing exponentially and you can only just watch as you collapse while you try to destroy humanity in a last ditch effort to stop the next stage of this from coming up.

Everyone can see the deception now. Look at what is happening worldwide. That is also only the start of it. Re-read my post below, and tell me, do you not see it?

Jews are doing all of this. A handful of Jews are trying to rally all of humanity into what is the well known Reptilian plan of Jews. What looked like conspiracies of the past, are the realities of the present. All jewish owned and stamped.

When they rally the people in Spain into Lockdown yet again, with a claimed "Herd Immunity of 85%"?

When they will be making "Variant after variant" to troll humanity indefinitely, and give you 500 injections per year so you can literally only have the rights to work?

Where does it end when they turn you into a junkie just so that you have existing, and paying debts to the Kabbalistic Rituals of Pfizer and the "Holy Sacrificial Lamb of Israel, that Vaccinated For Your Sins Goyim?".

Never, you are indebted to Israel now goyim, as you were indebted to Jesus who died for your sins. But now you pay for vaccines up of yours and your children's asses.

When you will not be able to make your own medical decisions anymore? Who cares? These laws jews instate now will be perfect laws for us to use in the future. I am sure many would love to take over Pfizer and do some necessary experimental vaccines on the Jews, you know, to save them from mutations that will have arose by then.

The holy people must be protected as they are protecting all of us from literally existing lately, and genociding us, sorry I mean protect us, in the last 2 years of trolling us, sorry I meant protecting us from a super deadly virus that was launched by their gang in China, sorry I meant a Bat and a Pangolin in a wet food market in China.

That will be necessary at the time, believe me goy, if this continues and Israel doesn't do it's 65th doses in one big vaccination programme, that would be a sin of them to not do. People with vision that understand how important is, might make it their live's purpose to vaccinate the jews.

Why all of this is followed by a great Stocks crash and Crypto crash global mini crash, EXACTLY on Jewish holidays? Coincidences goyim, look elsewhere.

Humanity is being literally killed off and the Western World is being attacked to its foundations. All of these major hoax attacks also happen on literally the Jewish Holidays. What kind of a retard does it take to deny these obvious realities?

I tell you this: those that know, know. Those that do not, will only willingly soon have picked sides.

You either side with the Jew against humanity, or with humanity and the Gods against the Jews.

We will keep saying the Truth so long that we exist, and even if we do not, our Truth has been adopted and will be seeded everywhere. Seriously, go download this backup of the JoS and seed it everywhere you can. Anonymously. As humanity despairs, they will understand it all.

This is the generation of revolution. After this is done, jews will be crawling again on the bottom tier pit of humanity, as they always deserved. Their aeon is over.

Keep spreading the information, we are not even in the beginning of all this. The party has only just began.

PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.
The JOS is here to stay. The these parasitical Jews can try all they like but the The Powers of Hell have our backs. Thanks for being vigilant as always HP.

GoldenxChild1 said:
The JOS is here to stay. The these parasitical Jews can try all they like but the The Powers of Hell have our backs. Thanks for being vigilant as always HP.


Sorry this took that many hours. There is also low chance this might repeat, but if it does, we will put the site back up again. Now everything seems to work fine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.

i cannot tell you how grateful i am for you and the ministry for saving our asses ever dince the beginning. it is all of our duties to wake people up from the lullaby the eagle nosed jews have told them. this site crashing further proves the fact for anyone that the jews see us a s a threat to their disgusting organizations. we will keep fighting and we will terminate all jews from this planet while raising the middle finger to the greys and reptilians and those traitor nordics. Hail Enki forever
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.

On that note I’ve noticed an unusual amount of shootings and deaths about the same time the forums went down.
The message Artesian sent me was either a threat or a warning? I never intended to get into trouble! But I don't like being falsely accused of something either. :-( if I am a member I should be treated like a member! And I don't like the idea of people calling me Jewish and accusing me of being Jewish! I do not work with the Enemy! And I'm not a spy on here! I don't know why I'm being singled out? If there's something I did or said? Please let me know? Because it bothers me when people come to me with some kind of a threat or some kind of a warning and makes me want to know what I have ever done or said to anybody on here? And normally I don't get on here looking for fights I don't like the idea of starting shit? I don't like drama! And I do my very best to avoid! And I do whatever I can to protect myself. So if I've done something or said something? Please let me know! Because I am not on here to start fights with people and I'm not on here to be an enemy! And that's not what I am and that's not who and what I am and that's not what I'm all about! I am on here just like everybody else! And I am on here to learn just like the next person! And I don't go on and falsely accuse other people of doing things and I don't persecute people! I am just simply on here to mind my own business and do my own thing and learn on my own! Without being questioned or punished! And I just wanted to know ?.. if I had anything to do with the group page going down? And I don't know if the notice that I was given? By somebody on here that goes by the name of artisan if this person was just warning me or if he was threatening me? Or if it was a set-up? Because I don't like games and I don't like being led into things? I want to know what is going on and I want people to be honest with me and tell it like it is? Because it scares me! When I can get on here and read and every time something happens? Especially when it comes to other groups I'm always getting roped into something or blame for something? And then I have to sit there like an idiot and explain things to people and that's not fair and it's not right! :-( and I'm just on here as a student! Learning just as much if not more so as the next person. I'm not on here to show off! I'm not on here just start drama! And I'm not on here to pick a fight with people or to be angry or jealous with anybody! I have got better things to do with my time and energy than to get into fights with people! And just to let you know I am being honest here and I'm telling you the truth! And I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of! If anybody has a question please tell me and let me know what's going on and if I have ever done or said anything at all to anybody? Will you please just let me know!? And I had a bitch of a time trying to get back on here! I have been logged out and I've tried and tried and tried it every angle I could possible and even try to have friends help me get back on! And I am lucky that my email address and my password still works! And that I am lucky that I can still get back on! I don't know what's going on here? But if reached the hell out of me! And I don't like the thought of losing you and being exiled or banished out of here like some kind of animal! :-( I have been kicked out of many groups all over social media because of some misunderstanding! Or just because of somebody being jealous of me or for whatever other reason? And this is the only place I feel at home in this is the only place I feel welcome! And I don't want to lose you! And I don't want to upset anybody! I just want people to get along with each other and I just wanted to be able to fit in without a word or a problem or having to prove something! I just want to be comfortable on here and just be happy and just to know that I can get on here without a problem :) because you people make me feel at home and I don't know what I would do without you! This website means the world to me! And I love you all of you! Please don't mistake my kindness as weakness! And I'm not trying to be some mamsy-Pamsy- xtian!! I'm sure that there are many satanists on here that show their love and their affection to their friends and their family :) and I feel that in my heart that I have that right to say thank you! For tolerating me and putting up with me! And thank you for making me feel welcome and appreciated! My heart goes out to all of you and everyone of you! This is where I feel comfortable and this is what I call home!❤🧘‍♀️🔥 And I am proud and honored to be here. I don't know what i would do with out this website and Your help! 🙏🦚🧘‍♀️ you people mean the world to me and so does this website! And I mean that! And Satan's name❤ Hail Satan!!!
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.

On that note I’ve noticed an unusual amount of shootings and deaths about the same time the forums went down.

Many mass shootings in the US [done by racial jews] are also done on many of the Jewish Holiday dates. They literally do that stuff to raise death energy. We have posted about these so alongside many other matters this is also proven here.

Everytime they do rituals, evil overflows this earth, and panic too. Now for example they were doing that crap, and their jewish channels and jewish media started raving about the new "Mutations" and alluding to financial crashes, etc. It's all clearly planned.

They also rolled all the Lockdowns and new destruction measures and the major "Talks" during their holidays, while the QR for travellers was also instated on jewish holidays and so on.

All "Conspiracy Theorists" must understand all these conspiracies lead us to one proponent and that's the jews.
Is everyone doing okay? What happened? And did I have anything to do with this? I know but somebody on here gave me a warning about my name and my personal information? And I just want to let people know that the information I have on here is false when it comes to my name and phone number and all of that and then again I didn't put my phone number on here. I don't want the enemy to come after me and I will do whatever I can to protect you and myself! And I don't want to put anybody in danger! So I just want to know what's going on? And if I did or said anything? Please let me know? I don't want to be kicked out of here and I don't want to lose you! You people in this website means the world to me! And you were like the only family I have! And this place is Like Home to me! I don't know what I would do without this website! If there's anything I can do? Please let me know in the name of Satan!🙏
CandiceLee1313 said:
Is everyone doing okay? What happened? And did I have anything to do with this? I know but somebody on here gave me a warning about my name and my personal information? And I just want to let people know that the information I have on here is false when it comes to my name and phone number and all of that and then again I didn't put my phone number on here. I don't want the enemy to come after me and I will do whatever I can to protect you and myself! And I don't want to put anybody in danger! So I just want to know what's going on? And if I did or said anything? Please let me know? I don't want to be kicked out of here and I don't want to lose you! You people in this website means the world to me! And you were like the only family I have! And this place is Like Home to me! I don't know what I would do without this website! If there's anything I can do? Please let me know in the name of Satan!🙏

CandiceLee1313 said:
The message Artesian sent me was either a threat or a warning? I never intended to get into trouble! But I don't like being falsely accused of something either. :-( if I am a member I should be treated like a member! And I don't like the idea of people calling me Jewish and accusing me of being Jewish! I do not work with the Enemy! And I'm not a spy on here! I don't know why I'm being singled out? If there's something I did or said? Please let me know? Because it bothers me when people come to me with some kind of a threat or some kind of a warning and makes me want to know what I have ever done or said to anybody on here? ....

And I mean that! And Satan's name❤ Hail Satan!!!

I don't know to what incident you are referring to or what happened but as far as I know, I think you should relax because there has to be some sort of misunderstanding.

Maybe you have some bad 1 on 1 with some people and you might not like each other. That's fine and normal, learn to move on.

This is probably someone's alarm going on but nothing major or the product of some misunderstanding it looks like. Please stop worrying needlessly. Do retain your privacy and keep advancing.
This period of spiritual warfare reminds me of the Battle of Kursk. The enemy is also desperate to use everything.
Only now we win the end!
Im fine now. 💗 I don't know who would be mad at me? But I am not going to worry about it. Im just glad everyone else is doing well and That the website is back up. 🔥🙏 And thank you!! For being patient with me. I do go into panic attacks. And I do have PTSD. I do have my issues yes! And I have my medicine for that. 💗 Thank Satan!!! And I practice my yoga twice a day to keep in line. Other than that!! I am glad your doing well!!🙏 💖 Hail Satan!!! Hail Azazel!! 🔥🐍
CandiceLee1313 said:
... Hail Satan!!!

Wow it sounds exactly like something I wrote before and how I feel when I'm upset.
I think you might be my soulmate 🧐
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Sundara said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.

On that note I’ve noticed an unusual amount of shootings and deaths about the same time the forums went down.

Many mass shootings in the US [done by racial jews] are also done on many of the Jewish Holiday dates. They literally do that stuff to raise death energy. We have posted about these so alongside many other matters this is also proven here.

Everytime they do rituals, evil overflows this earth, and panic too. Now for example they were doing that crap, and their jewish channels and jewish media started raving about the new "Mutations" and alluding to financial crashes, etc. It's all clearly planned.

They also rolled all the Lockdowns and new destruction measures and the major "Talks" during their holidays, while the QR for travellers was also instated on jewish holidays and so on.

All "Conspiracy Theorists" must understand all these conspiracies lead us to one proponent and that's the jews.

It’s true. We’re in a blessed position with knowledge.
I wasn't worried because I knew everything will be fine. I know our website is immortal.

Thank you HP HC :)
Hail Satan!
Part of me knew this was just another thing that happens. Why bother with DDOS attacks though? 🤔 Clearly someone's upset and wants to get in the way.

As I'm typing this it appears they have also taken down other sites. It reminds me of the importance to write things down and I will be downloading a mirror. I have this feeling this is not the last of it.

I believe the appearance of Omicron and all this happening at once is no co-incidence either. It's kind of strange to see them in such a flap actually. I'm just not looking forward to everyone else in a flap 🙄.
I logged in, checked a notification and replied to a thread, then tried going to another notification... but Cloudflare told me "Computer says, 'No!'". Before this, I had opened Humanity 2021-2030: You Will Be Slaves Until You Revolt but didn't read it yet. I was wondering if there was a jew holiday... then with that thread open in another tab, I read "Now, they have their Hanukkah going". Hm! Nah! Just a (((cohen)))-cidence! Nothing suspicious here. As you were!
Hey every one.

I am just glad the forums are back up since last night and knew the dam jews were up to no good but did rtrs 4x before i felt tired, and the wittle lizards are gong bat shit nuts over this is hilarious since they will never win. and to Hp Cobra and other hp and priestess including our gods/goddess i cant thank you ever more for all the work and dedication during all of this past and future.

Now i am going to go make some Atomic Super men with a chest cannon strap to them to crush thoughts to disobey me hahaha and they call me mad you have to be mad if you put into a robot asylum. now if you excuse me i'll be in my Angry dome if you need me.
The situation in my country is chaotic, killings and protests over water،they have recently cut off the internet several times.

Fear of the corona virus has been replaced by fear of being killed and lacking water.
I hope we can get rid of everyone in the world quickly, otherwise the story of climate change will come true more than this.

Israel also wants chaos in the region, they have refused to negotiate many times, I hope the problems will not escalate.
But even if they negotiate, it will be detrimental, they really hit from both sides.

In the meantime the forums was attacked, but I was not worried I knew it would be fixed soon, thank you HP
CandiceLee1313 said:
.... you people mean the world to me and so does this website! And I mean that! And Satan's name❤ Hail Satan!!!

I agree, I recently realized how important it was to actually share everything that was of greatest importance to me. If you cannot communicate with the God's, do not stop yourself from asking what is important to you. And just because we have a search function doesn't mean the answer is right for your situation. We want to hear from you and want to help in whatever way possible. We are SS siblings.

I want you to know, I couldn't help but notice in one of your previous posts you mentioned a specific location. If that was your location, just know that your SS siblings aren't far. It has been difficult for me up until now to share the JOS with other people because as a child I was forced to go out into "field service" as a jewhovah witness, but I'm going to start spreading information in my state. My goal with my RTRs was always to enlighten and empower the community closest to me, and I have watched these people grow massively. When they choose to fight back, I will be among them, not just as a Spiritual Warrior, but now I'm choosing to be a leader.

Hitler is the man in most recent past to stand against the jew in front of the public eye. I'm going to study him extensively and find a way to bring our people together.
Nothing like the enemy trying to pull a "gotcha goys!" move only to be smacked on the head with failure.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
The JOS is here to stay. The these parasitical Jews can try all they like but the The Powers of Hell have our backs. Thanks for being vigilant as always HP.


Sorry this took that many hours. There is also low chance this might repeat, but if it does, we will put the site back up again. Now everything seems to work fine.

No worries. I can't imagine what it takes to protect the cybersecurity of a site/s as it's way out of my knowledge scope. I'm just glad there are those like you who do.
Fantastic. I just made this account the day before the site went down and luckily it’s still here. Great work as always HP.
I think it goes without saying once again. that as many members as possible should download for themselves offline backup copies of JoS so they can have permanent access.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.
Do you mean that we will be moving to a new forum again? The host must have been threatened by the jews or something. If there is anything you want me to help with, let me know.
Oy Vey! In Portugal, with supposedly 90% of the population vaccinated, they have just put another lockdown, and here in Spain they are already talking about putting it back.

Do the RTRs everyday!
I noticed this incident being very close to a timeline someone posted about Joy of Satan on /pol/, the original poster abandoned the thread, someone came in and started intellectually nuking christcucks, then jannies [those not on reddit suicide watch] or a designated FBI agent moved the thread to /bant/ section, where someone posted about RTR's, the website itself, around then the forums went down. The site was unaffected, but the forum got nuked. My assumption is Tel Aviv tranny cyber division DDOS-ing the forum because they couldn't get in and breach.

I'd suggest ensuring latest forum software, strong passwords, not using the same accounts for all things together, the usual stuff.

Whoever is in the penetration testing business should coordinate with the mods to schedule testing every week for forum exploit and wargames, in case there is something, so that the hole may be plugged and to ensure no breach can happen, to a reasonable degree, as nothing is 100% secure.

As for the DDOS, this may help if applicable:

>After this is done, jews will be crawling again on the bottom tier pit of humanity

No, please, let's finish them off completely and permanently. They tend to crawl out again.
The Alchemist7 said:
I think it goes without saying once again. that as many members as possible should download for themselves offline backup copies of JoS so they can have permanent access.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
PS - Save the current schedule because the site is up temporarily and we will be moving again.
Do you mean that we will be moving to a new forum again? The host must have been threatened by the jews or something. If there is anything you want me to help with, let me know.

We have been moving providers, but not to new forums, the forums will always be like this from now on until some major update is needed or something.

Up to now everything seems to be working. Generally this process should take a few hours at best. At worse, 1 or 2 days. But no more.

They do all sorts of things that I can't even write here. Harassment is endless. Thanks for offering help, all should be ok for now.
GakunGak said:
I noticed this incident being very close to a timeline someone posted about Joy of Satan on /pol/, the original poster abandoned the thread, someone came in and started intellectually nuking christcucks, then jannies [those not on reddit suicide watch] or a designated FBI agent moved the thread to /bant/ section, where someone posted about RTR's, the website itself, around then the forums went down. The site was unaffected, but the forum got nuked. My assumption is Tel Aviv tranny cyber division DDOS-ing the forum because they couldn't get in and breach.

I'd suggest ensuring latest forum software, strong passwords, not using the same accounts for all things together, the usual stuff.

Whoever is in the penetration testing business should coordinate with the mods to schedule testing every week for forum exploit and wargames, in case there is something, so that the hole may be plugged and to ensure no breach can happen, to a reasonable degree, as nothing is 100% secure.

As for the DDOS, this may help if applicable:


This explains a lot. This took down many things, let's say a general IP range. The cost to issue such an attack would be rather big, it was no small fry or potato doing this from their potato computer or something. Regardless we are used to this by now, it's consistent.

Security is tight on the back end, we try to do whatever we can. We have taken different measures for everything after years of going back and forth with this crap.
Keep going Commander and hump the Jew in every way shape or form. I was speaking the truth to some people recently and a big christmas decoration behind me was blown away by the wind and collapsed. What a great sign! Hail Satan forever!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GakunGak said:
I noticed this incident being very close to a timeline someone posted about Joy of Satan on /pol/, the original poster abandoned the thread, someone came in and started intellectually nuking christcucks, then jannies [those not on reddit suicide watch] or a designated FBI agent moved the thread to /bant/ section, where someone posted about RTR's, the website itself, around then the forums went down. The site was unaffected, but the forum got nuked. My assumption is Tel Aviv tranny cyber division DDOS-ing the forum because they couldn't get in and breach.

I'd suggest ensuring latest forum software, strong passwords, not using the same accounts for all things together, the usual stuff.

Whoever is in the penetration testing business should coordinate with the mods to schedule testing every week for forum exploit and wargames, in case there is something, so that the hole may be plugged and to ensure no breach can happen, to a reasonable degree, as nothing is 100% secure.

As for the DDOS, this may help if applicable:


This explains a lot. This took down many things, let's say a general IP range. The cost to issue such an attack would be rather big, it was no small fry or potato doing this from their potato computer or something. Regardless we are used to this by now, it's consistent.

Security is tight on the back end, we try to do whatever we can. We have taken different measures for everything after years of going back and forth with this crap.

I'm doing analysis and I have identified several risks that should be addressed by whoever made this forum.

I will not disclose those risks in public or private, here or otherwise.

I will, however, prepare a full report with as much detail as possible and deliver to you if I can, after which I'll delete the report locally, and after you confirm to me in private that you downloaded the report, I'll also delete from private messages if I can.

I also understand that there's a limit to what can be done, but whatever I can contribute to confidentiality, trust and safety of everyone here, I'll share what I have (and know).

However, my previous advice still stands, that we need a dedicated a blue team (defensive team in charge of forum security/maintenance) and a red team (offensive pentesting team) to emulate adversary attack, find bugs/holes and vulnerabilities/exploits and propose fixes to ensure this thing is as tight as possible.

This will be my last message on this and will not discuss it further. However, in private I'll be open only to forum staff admin/moderator approved by you.
Recycler1337 said:
>After this is done, jews will be crawling again on the bottom tier pit of humanity

No, please, let's finish them off completely and permanently. They tend to crawl out again.

This will be more addictive than bubble wrap, stomping on every jew mole rat's head that tries to crawl out of the ruins of their fallen tyranny.

When Attack on Titan promotes racial awareness.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
