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for those who have hard time to renounce christianity -Please read

Oct 26, 2022
For those who are actually from a christian background ,And who are confused if christianity or satanism is correct and who have a hard time renouncing christianity ...This post will indeed help you ..After finishing this blog ,I will also attach important JoS materials which also will help you to become enlightened and to know the truth ..

Even before coming to satanism ..I have been researching all the major world religions especially bible and quran ..Let's talk about the bible ..I will say everything in brief ..The very beginning of how their god creates this world itself is scientifically contradictive..Plants can never grow without sun,which is common sense ..and many other scientific contradictions in the very first chapter ..Then coming to the main part of the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil ..Firstly if I were a God ,and If I am an omniscient being ,I know very well that my created being called Devil(Their version and NOT our God Satan),will wreak havok in humanity and bring heavy sufferings and miseries ..So I would not have even created devil.But here this god creates a garden called Eden and in that he also creates a tree of knowledge of good and evil ..If I were a god I wont even have created a tree eating which brings suffering .Yet I am creating two beings with dirt and clay and telling them NOT to eat it ..Yet If I were a god and if I had created a garden ,how will I allow the devil to enter the garden?

On the contradictory the truth is this god did NOT want humans to have knowledge and this serpent actually wanted humans to have knowledge of both good and evil and to become gods ..The spiritual allegory of this is explained in the main JoS blog .I will attach all the main blogs ..Because this god has cursed humans because they wanted enlightenment and this is why humanity is spiritually down the drain ,.Then the bible has full of incest ,and all sort of blood shed and blood gore ...You have a verse in the bible where this god says "now that man has become like us ,;let us not allow man to eat from the tree of eternal life"

If one reads real history and real civilisations like Egypt,Babylon,Rome ,Greece ,Sumeria etc etc ..All these civilisations were the most prosperous civilisations ..Everything from medicine to arts to education to culture to business flourished ..ONLY the bible calls all these civilisations as evil and claims that these civilisation people resorted to all sort of criminal activities ..,which itself is a terrible lie ...On the contrary the entire old testament is filled with their god commanding isrealites to go and plunder all the gentile lands like cannanites,hittitites,jebusites,girgashites,phillistines etc etc ..

All these are gentile nations and their god commands this isrealites to go exterminate each and every race and to kill all the women,men BUT to take their cattle and lifestock and to spare liitle girl children so that isrealites can take these girls as slaves ..Many and many gentile nations were exterminated ,Isrealites did not have any land ,,Their god commands to extort and plunder all the gentiles and their nations and makes the israelites to occupy all nations for themselves .Their god also demands huge amount of animal sacrifices .What one also has to know is the bible is a copy of all the ancient stories of all other civilisations and gods of all other civilisations and replaced the legandary characters of all civilsations with that of their jewish fictional characters and replaced the places of those ancient civilsations with that of jewish fictional places ..

The entire genesis is full of soft pornography ..there is 0 thing spiritual in the entire bible ...This is what the entire old testament is about : full of gentile genocide ,gory animal sacrifices (which their god is so much obsessed with ),incest ,conquest of all nations ,and all sorts of negative prophecy(all so called minor prophets) and all sort of destruction of gentiles(read the book of daniel and ezekial)..

Now coming to the new testament ,it is full of hopeless and psychologically torturing messages like "if you dont forgive your enemies ,your heavenly father wont forgive you".Every human has heard about the lord's prayer .The bible keeps on stressing Forgiveness no matter the amount of injustice that has been done to u ..By doing this the bible is indirectly supporting injustice and criminals ..The bible is all for criminals ..Christians or new agers who believe in this lie who keep forgiving are only storing all sort of psychological and emotional pain inside them ..The bible keeps glorifying poverty and wanting riches is considered a very grievious evil (1 Timothy 6:10),(Ecclesiastes 5:10),,(Psalms 37:16-17),,(Hebrews 13:5),(Matthew 19:21),,(Matthew 6:24,),(1 Timothy 6:17-19),,(Luke 12:33),,,(Mark 12:41-44,),(Revelation 3:17),,(Luke 16:13-15),,(Matthew 13:22),,(James 5:1-6)..Read the above verses..These verses are just some samples of how much the bible commands gentiles to HATE money ..There are plenty other biblical verses which also speaks the very same ..The bible glorifies poverty ..

Bible also speaks of many life hating ,,death loving verses like this,,, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.” (John 12:24–25),,then this Galatians 5:24-25 NIV
“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.,1 John 2:15-17 :Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.,,Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.,,,Mark 8:34,,Mark 8:34,,Galatians 5:16-17,,Philippians 3: 7-8,,Colossians 3:1-3 and many such life hating and death loving verses are there in the new testament ..

The bible also says that we must be like blind slaves to the government and the masters..Ephesians 6:5-9 ..Women are all commanded only to be homemakers and to be slaves to their husband Ephesians 5:22-33,1 Timothy 2:11–13,,Ephesians 5:24 and many such verses which are heavily misogynistic and women hating ...The bible is a book which HATES all natural things in humans ..Poverty ,suffering,,,bearing injustices ,keep submitting to tyranny ,misogyny etc etc is glorified ...

another biggest troll is the "second coming of jesus "..There is no no bigger joke than this ..Christians keep claiming that every current year is the year of rapture ,armageddon and when that years comes and goes ,They twist by saying "God is waiting so that NONE may perish and that all comes to their truth" ..any earthquake or natural disaster means their lord is coming soon(can there be any bigger joke than this)..while earthquakes and all these natural disasters are all happening since many and many milenium

The very sarcastic thing is in old testament this same god promises all sort of blessings to jews by ordering and commanding them to amass the wealth and land of all gentiles and to even genocide them and there are hell lot of blessings for jews in old testament ..This god promises abraham to make him the father of all nations but in new testament all sort of death ,pain,hopelessness,disappointments ,poverty,sufferings is given for gentiles ..While the new testament claims a promise to gentile that once a gentile gets converted to christianity ,then they are automatically drafted as the seed of abraham Galatians 3:29,which means the gentile also inherits the blessings which this god has promised the jews ,but the factual truth ,it is just a very big lie and a very big brainwash and hogwash just to make many gentiles convert to christianity

The bible was ONLY invented to feed all the gentiles(both christians and muslims) soul and psychic energy to the jewish thoughtform (meaning of thoughtform is explained well in the links attached below) ..which keeps blessing the jews all over the world ..NO story of bible is their own ..It is all copied from all other predating ancient civilisations ..Every time a gentile like muslim and christian keep praying and are more and more sincere towards this fake spirituality ,they are giving off all their soul energy to keep strengthening jews ..This is the ONLY reason why Jews are dominating and controlling the whole world ..The jews are the the one controlling and ruling every industry of this world and they hold 90% of the world wealth ..The biggest ridiculous thing is church people are instructed that jesus is coming anytime ,so dont love the world or the things of this world,donate all your wealth to the poor,crucify your flesh ,pick up your cross ,hate your soul and life here in this earth so that u can gain eternity ,hate money,hate father and mother ,wife,husband,children ,,have no idols(like name,fame,success,ambition..The bible calls all good things also as idols) BUT the jews keep controlling the whole world ..The main reason why this world is in such a rampant spiritual degeracy is ONLY because of both the invented jewish bulwarks ...

Understand you are what you read and your sub conscious mind literally records and stores all whatever u read and manifests them to reality ..If u are a christian who reads the bible which glorifies poverty,suffering,enduring injustice ,love no money ..This kind of evil subliminal will what manifest in your life ..The inventors of the bible knew how to spiritually drain the whole world while keeping their race alone as the ruler of the world,that is why they invented christianity ...They want you to become nothing so that all your energies keep going to jews who can continue doing the filth that they had been doing since the last 2000 years ..Come out of that cult and start exploring the truth ..




Their god also demands huge amount of animal sacrifices .What one also has to know is the bible is a copy of all the ancient stories of all other civilisations and gods of all other civilisations and replaced the legandary characters of all civilsations with that of their jewish fictional characters and replaced the places of those ancient civilsations with that of jewish fictional places ..
What makes me laugh (actually no, it's not funny in reality) is that their Devil (I'm talking about you know who) inspired someone to write the following falsehood, I quote: "You don't desire neither sacrifice nor offering, you have opened my ears; you ask neither burnt offering nor sin offering." (Psalm 40:6) as if the Israelites never offered sacrifices to their Devil because he ordered them, this is simply false, read Leviticus 1, in it their Devil clearly orders the sacrifice of several species of animals to “have his favor”. The Contradictor has deceived them once again.

And in the NT we repeat the same stupidity again while "Jesus" transformed himself into a human in order to carry out a human sacrifice according to the Will of the Genocidist, they are really making fun of us:

"Wherefore when he cometh into the world, he saith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure."(Hebrews 10:5-6)
“and walk in love, after the example of Christ, who loved us, and gave himself to God for us as an offering and a sacrifice of a good odor.”(Ephesians 5:2)
“It is he whom God has destined, through his blood, to be, for those who would believe to be a propitiation victim, in order to show his justice, because he had left unpunished the sins committed previously, in the time of his patience”(Romans 3:25)

However, Lucifer (the True God) never asked for animal and human sacrifices.

This highlights, I think, the fact that Lucifer is truly God and the Jewish and Christian Devil, the false god.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
