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FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

The Alchemist7 said:
9 minutes is about 2.5 letters per minute, which is quite a lot.
Don't forget about visualisations, exploding the letters to smithereens with ones willpower.
Every man for himself, I guess, but I can't perform this ritual consisting of vibrating the words, visualising the carnage of letters and stating final confirmations in 7 or even 9 minutes. It just doesn't feel right to me, personally. I tend to be quite OCD and even anal about them rituals, performing them exactly as instructed.
Gear88 said:
The Alchemist7 said:

I do it simply cause I got nothing better to do. Not sure how that is dabbling.


...TLDR dabbling is the act of being in one religion while still having ties to another...

The Alchemist7 said:

What can I say I LOVE blaming other people. Cause I'm usually right it's others fault.

The sheer fact is if meditation is problematic for me. I blame myself but not for other things. If it's meditation sure. And why do I praise myself because "Why the hell not".

Meditation never worked for me. Some of you guys speak like you've been knee-deep in meditation for so many years or decades that you might as well be a guru in India teaching lessons. Not everyone can achieve such areas of development. If I can't it proves useless, why do I do it simply for curiosity particularly a mental curiosity.

The only interest at this point in time that I have is mere mental curiosity. My boredom is so deep and extreme that why am I in SS/NS simply out of sheer boredom, mental curiosity, and the fact you guys have you shit straight and know your information. If meditation is a point of doing things in this religion and it sure is. Then why hasn't it worked for me.

Well simply being I'm not someone who is meant for meditation. I do it cause I got nothing better to do with my time.

The Alchemist7 said:
..If you "still" do something, what? How that "at least I do something" helped or improved your life? Based on your own words, that "at least something" was useless for 16 years. What is the point of keeping doing something if you can't do it properly? Is like you would forcibly eat something which you don't like. It's just useless. You confirmed you can't do a meditation properly and then you said you are not dabbling. Dabbling means to do what you are doing, something totally superficial and without any interest, like "walking in the room while vibrating" as you told me in the other thread. Other religions have nothing to do with dabbling. It means you just do it without any will or interest.

Someone told me the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results when there is only one result and never changing.

I replied back "Probably because you didn't delve deep enough you didn't see different results but if you do something that produces the same results non-stop there might be differences at a lower level than observation".

I told them "Your viewing things from your perspective sure 1+1 = 2, but can you really confirm that without testing it and only then with tests there a myriad of test to prove 1 + 1 = 2. So there are differences even insanity has differences you just gotta look deeper."

Why do I continue to do it well as I said above it's just mental curiosity. I seek knowledge for the sake of seeking knowledge not because I like knowledge, no not at all I've long since grown tired of finding information. No more for the fact that I got nothing better to do and I've expanded my mental range of easing up on boredom and thinking.

It's the same thing with everything I've been doing since probably the end of high school. Like for example studying deeply on computers, Solid-State drives, or hell back when I researched the hell out of CRT monitors and come to find out that it wasn't until 2009 and really only in the last like 5 years that LCD monitors have only just recently been competitive with CRT monitors even high-end ones that sold for hundreds or thousands.

The Alchemist7 said:

RTRs are NOT mantras they are words the sensitivity of hebrew allows it to be pumped up. Even in the past for example say the 42 NoG back in May of 2018, I sat down had the whole day to myself and said let me do higher rep blasts. Sat down did 432(216/216) Shema(20 minutes), 18 72 NoG(18 is high rep blast took almost 20 minutes), when it came to 42 NoG I sat down and did 216 blasts of 42 NoG in 52 minutes; for words they sure take time especially stating the paragraph and finally did some other RTRs remaining at a higher level.

Now with F-RTR how is it any different. What are we suddenly vibrating, no. We are stating words that have powers.

Honestly if I am getting this right from what I read I know meditation works. The last year about I have put in effort and finally started progressing. The thing is if you haven't really gotten results and have been around that long I can believe that. Some of the people here know I have been around for awhile I dedicated in around 2006 and have been with the JOS pretty much sense then. Under various names like Indigo Nation etc So yeah you eaisly could have been around that long and not made progress that much. Either 1 you are on some sort of medication or drugs that was my issue. The thing is I meditated a lot but that took away most of my progress or two you are not doing the meditations correctly and don't have a huge variation on the meditations you do. You need to have a program put some time and effort into meditation. I made both mistakes here. It's not that meditation doesn't work at all. It was not at all a waste of time now that I am doing things more correctly I am progressing a lot faster than someone completely new would because of that but you have to make sure you are doing it right and putting effort in. Also I didn't do yoga that was my mistake too. If you add that in you will start to progress. If you made an effort you will progress a lot faster even if you did things that messed yourself up. But in order to progress you have to do things right. Not accusing you of anything but you have to do things right.

I don't think all my years were completely wasted I still count that I did internet warfare and I remember at least one person came here cause of something I put up (I remember them saying that ) but the thing is you also may want to do munka to deprogram yourself from xtianity or Islam or whatever you came from for 40 days or more. The thing is it doesn't matter how many years you have been SS or into the occult if you still have enemy programming if you were athiest leftist or into some other enemy occult stuff for awhile you still can do the munka working if you feel you need it.

For example some people remember before I did this this year I was Moody and going off on other Satanists sometimes sounding like a liberal etc and I did do dumb stuff too.

I ended up on the enemy side for awhile out of fearing Satan left me so when I came back I said I don't care if Satan left me I refuse to serve the enemy then I said I'll do whatever it takes to deprogram and advance be a better person and better at this. So I did. You can do the same up to you. Meditation does work but your not going about something right in your life or thinking that is all. Good luck figure it out and change whatever it is and you will advance.
It's not a matter of speed. It's a matter of what feels right and this is individual. As long as the ritual is spoken and not done silently in your mind and as long as the pronunciation resembles HPS Maxine's audio registration as closely as possible, everything will be fine. Focus on the goal of the ritual, as further discussing whether it's effective or not the way you do it will only work to dismantle the power you added to the group effort.

Personally, it can take me anything from 6.5 minutes (in average) to 15 minutes, depending upon the various factors (such as mood and time, to name a couple).
Stormblood said:
As long as the ritual is spoken and not done silently in your mind...
This was actually confirmed to be viable as well. See here:
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
You can do this but I have to say I do doubt doing it in the head does much I don't know where you heard that from.
I would never say this in such an absolute tone if I wasnt 100% sure of it.
It was confirmed by HC himself, here:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I removed something you shouldn't share online from this.

Whisper it or do it mentally, it works the same.

Make sure you also meditate daily. You do not need to make any sound to meditate. You can meditate when you appear to be asleep.

(Source: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20785&p=90131#p90131)
Shael said:
But this is als important.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Normal vibration voice + big intention + focus + raised energies = Great RTR.

It can also be done for those who lack space in whispers or mentally. But if you have space go for the normal voice. No strains needed.

It doesn't have to be perfect but the above would be ideal. Also, thanks everyone for your comments.
Shael said:
Stormblood said:
As long as the ritual is spoken and not done silently in your mind...
This was actually confirmed to be viable as well. See here:
Shael said:
slyscorpion said:
You can do this but I have to say I do doubt doing it in the head does much I don't know where you heard that from.
I would never say this in such an absolute tone if I wasnt 100% sure of it.
It was confirmed by HC himself, here:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I removed something you shouldn't share online from this.

Whisper it or do it mentally, it works the same.

Make sure you also meditate daily. You do not need to make any sound to meditate. You can meditate when you appear to be asleep.

(Source: https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=20785&p=90131#p90131)

Yes it is viable to do so mentally but it is not the most effective and if someone has time then that person should go for the most effective option. Doing mental vibrations only work on the realms that it affects while doing it out loud (vibrating physically) works on **all** realms. Either way though the RTR *works* regardless.

The length of time varies but is not substantial in how effective the RTR is. One simply needs the proper or close to proper pronunciation which can be heard in the mp3 files. Simply speaking is vibration in a way and from what I remember the RTR doesn't need long drawn out vibration to have an effect like say runes. Just having it resembling as close as possible to the mp3 is effective.

The RTR in of itself doesnt take very long. I personally do it on average of 10 minutes or so per. 8 minutes or so if im rushing. Sometimes I take longer depending on how deep I focus on it as I end up going slowly in those situations. This is just the RTR itself and not including any prior energy raising methods such as the MERKABA, RAUM, vu va vo, etc.

RTRs are extremely sensitive in that even being slightly off wouldnt make a substantial difference and the RTR would still work regardless. The point is that it needs to be done regardless and as much as "you personally" can do. If you have time (and be honest about this) then go for the most effective way and if not then the not as effective way is fine as well as long as it gets done. The RTR needs to be done.

TLDR: RTR works regardless of the method as long as it is done right. Doing it the best way is ideal. Ideal or not, do the RTR.
So guys,
I did my first frtr. I did't feel anything special. I'm not sure whether I did the rtr correctly; I pronounced the letters, blot them out with a blue marker in the 3d paint, and then deleted the file. Is this normal?
I must have done the raising energy thing correctly 'cause I felt more energy.
The Jews are under going their time of Av, the time of suffering this month relates to the time period both their Temples and nation was destroyed by the Pagan Gentiles that of Babylon and Rome. The Jewish Rabbinical texts state the title of Av, means "Alpha-bet" the Rabbinical statements relate their Temple to the 22 letters of the Jewish Alphabet. What does that suggest the Final RTR might accomplish even more at the time of Av.

Keep up the Final RTR as much as possible this month. The Jews are terrified of this time.[/quote]

´´Terrified of this time``? :) :)
Lets give them something to be REALLY TERRIFIED about :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Louis Cyphre said:
So guys,
I did my first frtr. I did't feel anything special. I'm not sure whether I did the rtr correctly; I pronounced the letters, blot them out with a blue marker in the 3d paint, and then deleted the file. Is this normal?
I must have done the raising energy thing correctly 'cause I felt more energy.

The FINAL RTR can do that to you. I feel the EXACT same thing, only more energy :D Its still valid, so https://youtu.be/ApAth15BXVc?t=14
I feel more energy after the Rising energies ritual. I can't really tell what I felt after the frtr. Maybe, I'm just not advanced enough to feel.
Artanis said:
Louis Cyphre said:
So guys,
I did my first frtr. I did't feel anything special. I'm not sure whether I did the rtr correctly; I pronounced the letters, blot them out with a blue marker in the 3d paint, and then deleted the file. Is this normal?
I must have done the raising energy thing correctly 'cause I felt more energy.

The FINAL RTR can do that to you. I feel the EXACT same thing, only more energy :D Its still valid, so https://youtu.be/ApAth15BXVc?t=14
I would avoid listening to that communist drugged piece of shit bob marley
The FINAL RTR: And THIS https://youtu.be/g0TNhnp-vxE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN HAS BEEN THE LATEST WINZ BROUGHT TO YOU BY, YOUUUUURRSSS TRULY!! :lol: :lol: :cool: :cool: :twisted: :twisted:
Three of the songs on my RTR playlists I will share for you. For those with darker taste in music, these are not for you:

Fight: https://youtu.be/HHSCyPg5lHM
Burn It Down: https://youtu.be/AtXDQecdZkU
Dragonhearted: https://youtu.be/92m5FjalKhE
I just noticed that on a few sections the word "each" is missing. Is that a forgetfulness or is it part of the Ritual?
Stormblood said:
Personally, it can take me anything from 6.5 minutes (in average) to 15 minutes, depending upon the various factors (such as mood and time, to name a couple).
It is a little late to respond to this post but thank you for sharing this.
For a lot of time now i haven't been doing the Rtr constantly because i was trying to find a way to make 15 minutes long because If I do it in a normal speed it takes 6-8 minutes . :roll:
Well what is done ,is done.
From starting from tomorrow (because it is quiet late now )I am gonna spam the Rtr more that ever :)

P.S I asked Beleth (my guardian demon )to help me find a way to make me do the rtr more but she probably couldn't respond,so she maybe guided me to see your post :shock:
Νίκος said:
Stormblood said:
Personally, it can take me anything from 6.5 minutes (in average) to 15 minutes, depending upon the various factors (such as mood and time, to name a couple).
It is a little late to respond to this post but thank you for sharing this.
For a lot of time now i haven't been doing the Rtr constantly because i was trying to find a way to make 15 minutes long because If I do it in a normal speed it takes 6-8 minutes . :roll:
Well what is done ,is done.
From starting from tomorrow (because it is quiet late now )I am gonna spam the Rtr more that ever :)

P.S I asked Beleth (my guardian demon )to help me find a way to make me do the rtr more but she probably couldn't respond,so she maybe guided me to see your post :shock:
Do not exhaust yourself,you can lose your voice.I almost lost my voice while doing to much RTR,now I have to do it only once a day to recover it.I think you can do more RTR if you schedule them in a way or another like only 3 in a row and then a pause. The number 3 for numbers of rtr works great (I saw it with my third eye) ,so 3 in the morning 3 before the lunch and 3 at the night should be enough . But never more than 3 in a row...I almost lost my voice by doing 6 in a row ,I don't recommand it . Personally I don't care too much about my voice but if I can't vibrate anymore it's a waste of time. So rest some time, it's important or you could waste some days by doing only once a day.
SABNAC50 said:
Do not exhaust yourself,you can lose your voice.I almost lost my voice while doing to much RTR,now I have to do it only once a day to recover it.I think you can do more RTR if you schedule them in a way or another like only 3 in a row and then a pause. The number 3 for numbers of rtr works great (I saw it with my third eye) ,so 3 in the morning 3 before the lunch and 3 at the night should be enough . But never more than 3 in a row...I almost lost my voice by doing 6 in a row ,I don't recommand it . Personally I don't care too much about my voice but if I can't vibrate anymore it's a waste of time. So rest some time, it's important or you could waste some days by doing only once a day.
I am not doing more than 4 in a row because it will make my energies drop and this makes someone vulnerable to attacks(and I don't think that the jews will keep it unnoticed).But lets go to you now.How did you lost your voice?Dude you don't have stream it.Vibrate it with enough voice to feel the vibrations not just loud.
To heal it now you should avoid speaking loud ,drink tea or hot chocolate ,stop drinking cold water if you do so .If you damage your vocal cords too bad it is possible that you will completely lose your voice or they will need much more time to recover. If you want to try to heal it spiritually use Venus since she rules voice(if you can't speak visualize the planet and absorb its energy to your throat or directly to your vocal cords if you know where they are and how they look)
Hope you get better soon.
Νίκος said:
SABNAC50 said:
Do not exhaust yourself,you can lose your voice.I almost lost my voice while doing to much RTR,now I have to do it only once a day to recover it.I think you can do more RTR if you schedule them in a way or another like only 3 in a row and then a pause. The number 3 for numbers of rtr works great (I saw it with my third eye) ,so 3 in the morning 3 before the lunch and 3 at the night should be enough . But never more than 3 in a row...I almost lost my voice by doing 6 in a row ,I don't recommand it . Personally I don't care too much about my voice but if I can't vibrate anymore it's a waste of time. So rest some time, it's important or you could waste some days by doing only once a day.
I am not doing more than 4 in a row because it will make my energies drop and this makes someone vulnerable to attacks(and I don't think that the jews will keep it unnoticed).But lets go to you now.How did you lost your voice?Dude you don't have stream it.Vibrate it with enough voice to feel the vibrations not just loud.
To heal it now you should avoid speaking loud ,drink tea or hot chocolate ,stop drinking cold water if you do so .If you damage your vocal cords too bad it is possible that you will completely lose your voice or they will need much more time to recover. If you want to try to heal it spiritually use Venus since she rules voice(if you can't speak visualize the planet and absorb its energy to your throat or directly to your vocal cords if you know where they are and how they look)
Hope you get better soon.
My voice is basically louder than usual so I guess that's the reason.
Νίκος said:
It is a little late to respond to this post but thank you for sharing this.
For a lot of time now i haven't been doing the Rtr constantly because i was trying to find a way to make 15 minutes long because If I do it in a normal speed it takes 6-8 minutes
Is more important to do it properly rather than to make it in 15 minutes. Better make yourself a goal to be fully focused on every RTR rather than to focus in extend it to 15 minutes. In this way maybe you can do even 2 effective RTRs in 15 minutes. Just follow your pace if you are OK with it. Don't extend it because "it should take 15 minutes". Actually a lot of people do it under 10 minutes.
The Alchemist7 said:
Νίκος said:
It is a little late to respond to this post but thank you for sharing this.
For a lot of time now i haven't been doing the Rtr constantly because i was trying to find a way to make 15 minutes long because If I do it in a normal speed it takes 6-8 minutes
Is more important to do it properly rather than to make it in 15 minutes. Better make yourself a goal to be fully focused on every RTR rather than to focus in extend it to 15 minutes. In this way maybe you can do even 2 effective RTRs in 15 minutes. Just follow your pace if you are OK with it. Don't extend it because "it should take 15 minutes". Actually a lot of people do it under 10 minutes.
Thank you !Two days now I do it like that and it feels great!
The Alchemist7 said:
Νίκος said:
It is a little late to respond to this post but thank you for sharing this.
For a lot of time now i haven't been doing the Rtr constantly because i was trying to find a way to make 15 minutes long because If I do it in a normal speed it takes 6-8 minutes
Is more important to do it properly rather than to make it in 15 minutes. Better make yourself a goal to be fully focused on every RTR rather than to focus in extend it to 15 minutes. In this way maybe you can do even 2 effective RTRs in 15 minutes. Just follow your pace if you are OK with it. Don't extend it because "it should take 15 minutes". Actually a lot of people do it under 10 minutes.
I think the RTR is special as in that it doesn't necessarily require as much "lengthy" vibrations and laser-focus as a normal working would in order to be effective. Being well focused probably would still add power, but the vibrations can be rushed as long as you keep the pronounciation correct (atleast imo).
An RTR takes me around 5-10 minutes depending on how much I hurry. A 4-rep RTR (36x each letter) takes roughly 30 minutes.
@Shael thanks for the answer.Now I am thinking about it ,knowing that it takes me the same time as you guys,I don't know what gave me the idea I was doing it wrong :?
Regarding the 4xRTR it takes me 25-30 minutes too.
I prefer doing them like that because I think it is time saving because instead of vizualize the letters being destoyed 4 times(wich adds time) you do it just once and also the affirmation is said only 3 times too (not that it takes much time )
Stormblood said:
Laser focus is required for everything that you don't want to half-ass. Workings, meditations, yoga, breathing exercises, RTRs, mundane goals. It applies especially for RTRs.

Focusing on The RTR WILL give it More Power, but NOT that much that you would need to Be SUPER-sayan focused.

Just vibrating The letters right is enough. Focusing just gives it some More Power.
It's not about whether it has more power or not. It's about doing witchcraft and spiritual practices properly. It's written in the JoS that what separates a witch from an NPC is focus. NPCs don't really have focus in life, being drifted away by any wind that comes into their mind. A witch knows that things can only be achieved by focus.

Sorry, not sorry about shattering people's wet dreams of watching anime and the heavens know that while doing an RTR. Self-discipline. Focus. Void.
Stormblood said:
It's not about whether it has more power or not. It's about doing witchcraft and spiritual practices properly. It's written in the JoS that what separates a witch from an NPC is focus. NPCs don't really have focus in life, being drifted away by any wind that comes into their mind. A witch knows that things can only be achieved by focus.

Sorry, not sorry about shattering people's wet dreams of watching anime and the heavens know that while doing an RTR. Self-discipline. Focus. Void.

Well too bad, but the argument is still valid. -.-

It STILL works, EVEN if you dont focus 100% and ´´just vibrate the words right``.

But focusing still gives more power nevertheless...
Stormblood said:
It's not about whether it has more power or not. It's about doing witchcraft and spiritual practices properly. It's written in the JoS that what separates a witch from an NPC is focus. NPCs don't really have focus in life, being drifted away by any wind that comes into their mind. A witch knows that things can only be achieved by focus.

Sorry, not sorry about shattering people's wet dreams of watching anime and the heavens know that while doing an RTR. Self-discipline. Focus. Void.
I think the misconception is in how much the focus should be.
You said that it needs "laser" focus mad Artanis says that it needs a normal amount of focus.
Laser focus means you focus exclusively on what you're doing. The Bindu. There is a reason void meditation is one of the basics of meditation.

There's no "normal amount of focus". There is only focus or non-focus. If you focus, you're thinking only about what you're doing and that's where the power lies. If you don't focus, you are letting your mind wander left and right, spreading your energies thin and accomplishing nothing of value. Mindlessly doing the RTR is the same as going to church and praying to the stoner, voyeuristic fat-ass on a cloud.
Artanis said:
Well too bad, but the argument is still valid. -.-

It STILL works, EVEN if you dont focus 100% and ´´just vibrate the words right``.

But focusing still gives more power nevertheless...
I agree completely with you here, brother Artanis. Even if someone were to watch anime while reversing the letters, like in the example given, it would still be effective nonetheless. Naturally it would be less effective than if it was done with full laser focus, but I wouldnt just tell people that it's a "no-go" entirely.

Think about it. If this is what it takes for someone to do an RTR, then why not? Better than having the person get burned out and doing 1 shallowy-done RTR a day at most while being pissed off. If they instead do 5 RTRs with "suboptimal" focus, and they do this enjoyably, then I see nothing wrong with this.

This is what happens when you try to be overly strict and linear in anything and everything. It will end up driving away a lot of people due to lack of flexibility and the rigid nature of it all. This shouldn't be employed with the RTRs. Anyone who does them, in whatever way they feel like doing them (as long as the basic things are followed), is still helping the cause nonetheless. Regardless of whether they watch anime during it, or have the TV running along side it, or maybe are watching out of their window into nature while doing it, it's still effective.

This being said, laser-focus should always be employed during the stating of the affirmation, of course. This is essential.
Νίκος said:
Stormblood said:
It's not about whether it has more power or not. It's about doing witchcraft and spiritual practices properly. It's written in the JoS that what separates a witch from an NPC is focus. NPCs don't really have focus in life, being drifted away by any wind that comes into their mind. A witch knows that things can only be achieved by focus.

Sorry, not sorry about shattering people's wet dreams of watching anime and the heavens know that while doing an RTR. Self-discipline. Focus. Void.
I think the misconception is in how much the focus should be.
You said that it needs "laser" focus mad Artanis says that it needs a normal amount of focus.

"Mad" Artanis?? :|
Artanis said:
Νίκος said:
Stormblood said:
It's not about whether it has more power or not. It's about doing witchcraft and spiritual practices properly. It's written in the JoS that what separates a witch from an NPC is focus. NPCs don't really have focus in life, being drifted away by any wind that comes into their mind. A witch knows that things can only be achieved by focus.

Sorry, not sorry about shattering people's wet dreams of watching anime and the heavens know that while doing an RTR. Self-discipline. Focus. Void.
I think the misconception is in how much the focus should be.
You said that it needs "laser" focus mad Artanis says that it needs a normal amount of focus.

"Mad" Artanis?? :|
:oops: :oops: I wanted to write : and
Stormblood said:
Three of the songs on my RTR playlists I will share for you. For those with darker taste in music, these are not for you:

Fight: https://youtu.be/HHSCyPg5lHM
Burn It Down: https://youtu.be/AtXDQecdZkU
Dragonhearted: https://youtu.be/92m5FjalKhE

Nice. I listen to "The Satanist" album by Behemoth. I really love that band. That album is the best satanic album of all time for me. It curses zion, Judah, and that shit Jewsus, and it praises Satan, while holding him in a positive light.

The lyrics and intensity of the music really get me in a right state while doing the RTRs.
Stormblood said:

Oy vey. Bad Stormblood. Trying to teach people the very basics of witchcraft.

-.- ... Your really getting on my nerves... I NEVER said anything like ´´NO NO NO!! THE FINAL RTR DOES *NOT* NEED FULL FOCUS OR *ANY* FOCUS!! YOU CAN JUST DO IT IN A MINUTE AND CALL IT A DAY!! :x :x ``
I just said that its MORE powerful WHEN you give it more focus OF COURSE, because you amplifyi your minds energy to the RTR MORE.

But the RTR is STILL valid if you DONT give it that much focus.

THAT was the WHOLE point of this imbecillic argument -.-

We have more important stuff to do than fight one another Brother :)
Artanis said:
Stormblood said:

Oy vey. Bad Stormblood. Trying to teach people the very basics of witchcraft.

-.- ... Your really getting on my nerves... I NEVER said anything like ´´NO NO NO!! THE FINAL RTR DOES *NOT* NEED FULL FOCUS OR *ANY* FOCUS!! YOU CAN JUST DO IT IN A MINUTE AND CALL IT A DAY!! :x :x ``
I just said that its MORE powerful WHEN you give it more focus OF COURSE, because you amplifyi your minds energy to the RTR MORE.

But the RTR is STILL valid if you DONT give it that much focus.

THAT was the WHOLE point of this imbecillic argument -.-

We have more important stuff to do than fight one another Brother :)
1st see you two argue is like a comic show.
Secondly Artanis The final ritual needs some focusing to be effective especially when you get distracted from someone and you stop the rtr to talk to him/her (Like seriously now my GD Beleth had told me so,ask her if you want).
Thirdly Stormblood what Artanis and Shael are stating has been confirmed many times in the past for the rtrs generally .
Finally very good point Artanis .Lets stop arguing and go and spam some Rtrs !!!,
Who is with me?? :)
Artanis said:
Stormblood said:

Oy vey. Bad Stormblood. Trying to teach people the very basics of witchcraft.

-.- ... Your really getting on my nerves... I NEVER said anything like ´´NO NO NO!! THE FINAL RTR DOES *NOT* NEED FULL FOCUS OR *ANY* FOCUS!! YOU CAN JUST DO IT IN A MINUTE AND CALL IT A DAY!! :x :x ``
I just said that its MORE powerful WHEN you give it more focus OF COURSE, because you amplifyi your minds energy to the RTR MORE.

But the RTR is STILL valid if you DONT give it that much focus.

THAT was the WHOLE point of this imbecillic argument -.-

We have more important stuff to do than fight one another Brother :)

Focus is the most important thing in performing magick but it is true that if one is not entirely focused, has problems focusing (due to an over active mind) or because of any valid reason, the reversing of the letters are still effective. As there were times I couldnt entirely focus( for a couple of reasons) and I still got the effects of doing the RTR.

Our goal is to put as much focus and energy into these RTRs because of wbat we are working towards, but if something happens to where you aren't or cant be 100 percent focused, then do not feel that the ritual is invalid.

If someone is purposely planning on watching TV while doing these RTRs..then that is pointless. Its a shame if one cant even take 35 mins out of their time to focus on doing the ritual just because they want to watch TV...

Anway, the words being spoken and reversed are a power on its own but when combined with intent and an objective, it is amplified. This is in speaking specifically with word vibrations, mantras, etc.
HPS Shannon said:
Artanis said:
Stormblood said:

Oy vey. Bad Stormblood. Trying to teach people the very basics of witchcraft.

-.- ... Your really getting on my nerves... I NEVER said anything like ´´NO NO NO!! THE FINAL RTR DOES *NOT* NEED FULL FOCUS OR *ANY* FOCUS!! YOU CAN JUST DO IT IN A MINUTE AND CALL IT A DAY!! :x :x ``
I just said that its MORE powerful WHEN you give it more focus OF COURSE, because you amplifyi your minds energy to the RTR MORE.

But the RTR is STILL valid if you DONT give it that much focus.

THAT was the WHOLE point of this imbecillic argument -.-

We have more important stuff to do than fight one another Brother :)

Focus is the most important thing in performing magick but it is true that if one is not entirely focused, has problems focusing (due to an over active mind) or because of any valid reason, the reversing of the letters are still effective. As there were times I couldnt entirely focus( for a couple of reasons) and I still got the effects of doing the RTR.

Our goal is to put as much focus and energy into these RTRs because of wbat we are working towards, but if something happens to where you aren't or cant be 100 percent focused, then do not feel that the ritual is invalid.

If someone is purposely planning on watching TV while doing these RTRs..then that is pointless. Its a shame if one cant even take 35 mins out of their time to focus on doing the ritual just because they want to watch TV...

Anway, the words being spoken and reversed are a power on its own but when combined with intent and an objective, it is amplified. This is in speaking specifically with word vibrations, mantras, etc.

I have a pretty stupid(?) question.

What exactly does ´´Focusing on the RTR`` mean? Like focusing that you vibrate the letters right?

I remember that HP HC said in the FAQ about the FINAL RTR topic, that the letters CAN be imagined to disintegrate, but it isnt a necessity.

So what EXACTLY focusing on the FINAL RTR mean? :? :lol:
Focusing on something means that you only think about that.
Just do the vibrations and don't think of anything else .If you imagine the letters being destroying only think about this not something else.It is pretty much like in any working (The three steps of witchcraft that Stormblood talked about)

So dude let me understand ,all this time you are arguing with Stormblood about rhe importance of focusing in the RTR and you didn't knew what it was.
You are so funny looooooool :lol: :lol:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
