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FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

Targ said:
Can I do the Final Rtr erasing the words in my phone and pronuncing in my mind?
Targ said:
Can I do the Final Rtr erasing the words in my phone and pronuncing in my mind?
You need to erase only the hebrew letters, and not the actual reversed ones that you vibrate. You can do it mentally if necessary, but this should only be done if there is no option whatsoever for doing them out loud.
Targ said:
Can I do the Final Rtr erasing the words in my phone and pronuncing in my mind?

Yes you can do it mentally.
Hi there!
I happen to be living in a place where physically chanting the RTR out loud may get me into some trouble. Can the RTR be said mentally whilst still blotting out the letters mentally (or physically if I have the chance?) I want to contribute and make this as powerful as it would normally be so that’s why I wanted to check.
dariatyvaros88 said:
Hi there!
I happen to be living in a place where physically chanting the RTR out loud may get me into some trouble. Can the RTR be said mentally whilst still blotting out the letters mentally (or physically if I have the chance?) I want to contribute and make this as powerful as it would normally be so that’s why I wanted to check.
Yes, if that is the best you are able to do, it still contributes and it still counts for something. Be sure to also visualize and imagine scenes of what you think the RTR does in the world, to add some direction to the energies and make them stronger.
Hello all. I recently dedicated myself/began practicing my spiritual growth. As with this, I felt extremely obligated to partake in the final RTR, especially with the Yom Kippur hype. I am writing to give my exeperience as a beginner to those who would like to participate, but have yet to.

Firstly: I would recommend dedicating yourself if not done already. Performing the RTR can draw attention to yourself, therefore it would be wise to seek protection while doing so.

Second: My next best advice for starting the final RTR, which may seem daunting at first, is to listen to the associated pronounciation .mp3. I suggest first listening and speaking along, and then doing another run through, but this time preempting the recording with your own pronouciation. This should catch any flaws in your pronounciation.

Third: Try your best, and do not stress too much, as all the different possible pronounciations of the letter are present, meaning if you screw up one, the others still count.

Fourth: You may find your focus/willpower waning as you progress. Given that intent and focus is a major (if not the defining) part of the ritual, I suggest you take the break between letters to refocus your destructive intent. I personally speak the reversed pronounciation in a threatening, chanting manner of destruction, using my marker to point at the letter, simultaneously. Give it your whole focus and try not to just mindlessly chant if you are aware of such behaviour.

Fifth: As far as the time to completion, it seems to take me about 20-25 minutes. Personally, anything quicker feels rushed. If you are short for time, I would imagine it better to use less numerous, but fully intentioned chants, as opposed to rattling off 9 weakling chants.

Sixth: I chant the letters at a decibel value somewhere between speaking to a friend and shouting, as this seems to really engage my intentions upon the letters. I perform the ritual in my room, with the door shut, away from other family members. I usually check for anyone occupying the adjacent rooms, just to be safe, as I would hate to explain what I was yelling about. If one cannot find such a room in their household, my next best suggestion, to those where it applies, is to sit in the car and perform it. Ideally, you could drive somewhere away from anyone, such as arriving early to school or work and performing the ritual, or any other parking spot isolated enough.

I was initially put off by the workload of the RTR, despite my acknowledgement of its significance. However, after performing the ritual for the first few times, it is incredibly easy, and should not be procrastinated upon. Hopefully my beginner experience and advice may prove useful to someone also in my shoes. Thanks for reading.
The best way of ´´profiting`` from these nightmares that many are having, is to EXACTLY when you wake up from them, to think about that same nightmare(like you would ´´go`` there again, but so that you ARE awake) and LAUGH at the ´´monster`` or the ´´thing`` that was scary or horrifying in that dream and tell that KIKE to FUCK OFF and say ´´SERIOUSLY??? *THIS* is the ONLY weapon you fuckers HAVE against me? The ONLY weapon strong enough in your arsenal, which is emptying faster than billion $ in 1 CENT coins on a jewish street, is to attack me in my fucking DREAM?? When im the MOST connected to the Astral. HAHAHA!! :lol: :lol: MAN you Reptilian FUCKS are PATHEEEEEETIC!! :lol: :lol: :lol: ``


:lol: :lol:
dariatyvaros88 said:
Hi there!
I happen to be living in a place where physically chanting the RTR out loud may get me into some trouble. Can the RTR be said mentally whilst still blotting out the letters mentally (or physically if I have the chance?) I want to contribute and make this as powerful as it would normally be so that’s why I wanted to check.

Do you have a car and attend school or work with it? Arrive to those locations early and do them, or do them before leaving. No one will say anything, and the car will be isolated.
What does this mean?

Report closed by HP. Hoodedcobra666 for:

"Re: FINAL RTR 21 July 2018``
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Artanis said:
Artanis, you always make me laugh :D

Yeah, he is amazing! And I really mean it! :)

He's inspiration for us all. He has this fire in him that never goes out, only burns bigger and stronger.
Artanis said:
What does this mean?

Report closed by HP. Hoodedcobra666 for:

"Re: FINAL RTR 21 July 2018``
You probably reported a post in here a while ago, and that report has now been closed. I think that the report system isn't too actively being maintained, so Cobra just goes through it every now and then and closes any reports that may have come up. Atleast this is what I think is happening.
Artanis said:
What does this mean?

Report closed by HP. Hoodedcobra666 for:

"Re: FINAL RTR 21 July 2018``

You have reported something, but this was a very long time ago, and yesterday I was decluttering the reports. Nothing major.

By the way, 103,257 views on this post, which is Annuda Shoah indeed.
Shael said:
Artanis said:
What does this mean?

Report closed by HP. Hoodedcobra666 for:

"Re: FINAL RTR 21 July 2018``
You probably reported a post in here a while ago, and that report has now been closed. I think that the report system isn't too actively being maintained, so Cobra just goes through it every now and then and closes any reports that may have come up. Atleast this is what I think is happening.

Every report, I have to look at these individually and judge if the case is actually of meaning and not trolling, this is why. Sometimes these can reach hundreds. And everyone I look at individually, which is enough to give normal people a seizure.

Sorry for the delays, I know none of this may be understood in the surface, but it is way more than one might imagine.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Every report, I have to look at these individually and judge if the case is actually of meaning and not trolling, this is why. Sometimes these can reach hundreds. And everyone I look at individually, which is enough to give normal people a seizure.

Sorry for the delays, I know none of this may be understood in the surface, but it is way more than one might imagine.
I appreciate all your hard work and the tons of things you are doing for the sake of these forums and the JoS in general. :)

Keep it up everyone! There is definitly a lot of people that are realizing the circus conducters!
DezFranky said:

Keep it up everyone! There is definitly a lot of people that are realizing the circus conducters!
Thanks for sharing this :)
Sometimes, when I am attacked in middle of the night while sleeping, I wake up, slowly get up from bed, sit in front of my computer, download the Final RTR.pdf, open up Preview, and say: “Alright, now it’s my turn.”
I had an interesting dream last night where I was in some city not familiar it was wintertime I went into this white house and there was this lady there that pulled out a piece of paper on it she drew all the Hebrew letters (as I remember them on the final Rtr too) then she started crossing each one of them out she gave this out to others who were in the room too (there was about 4 people) we all started vibrating them backwards as we did in the final Rtr. Then she said rememer to do more rtrs that is what will make this possible (or something like that I think in my case she was referring to me having or going to a Satanic gathering or family or something I am still not fully Shure the meaning of all this) then that was the end of my dream I know there was more to it but I can't remember the first part.

Interesting thought I would share. Yeah if you guys are motivated to have Satanic friends lovers or groups or anything in the future do the RTR more that will make it possible.

I know it was probably a personal message due to some other dreams or visions I had which I won't go into here and still don't get the meaning of fully BUT I wanted to share it that this is interesting and no I do not know who any of those people were in this dream.

Keep motivated to do this and do it more that message is clear this is the answer for fixing the world and making life better for everyone.
slyscorpion said:
I had an interesting dream last night where I was in some city not familiar it was wintertime I went into this white house and there was this lady there that pulled out a piece of paper on it she drew all the Hebrew letters (as I remember them on the final Rtr too) then she started crossing each one of them out she gave this out to others who were in the room too (there was about 4 people) we all started vibrating them backwards as we did in the final Rtr. Then she said rememer to do more rtrs that is what will make this possible (or something like that I think in my case she was referring to me having or going to a Satanic gathering or family or something I am still not fully Shure the meaning of all this) then that was the end of my dream I know there was more to it but I can't remember the first part.
Awww that sounds cool. Let's keep up the RTRs and in the future we'll make it happen :)
An iiiitty-bitty little motivation to keep the spirits of Warriors of Hell up :cool:
(Skyrim: The Song of the Dragonborn with slightly altered meanings)

https://youtu.be/UsnRQJxanVM (Remember that our Fathers ´´mythic animal`` is the Dragon ;) :cool: )

Dragonborn, Dragonborn(Our Father and Us)
by his honor is sworn
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout
when they hear triumph's shout,
Dragonborn(our Father), for your blessing we pray!

Hearken now, sons of snow(Aryans), to an age, long ago
and the tale, boldly told, of the one!
Who was kin to both wyrm(the other Gods)
and the races of man
with a power to rival the sun

And the Scrolls have foretold
of black wings in the cold,
that when brothers wage war come unfurled!
Alduin(The Enemy), Bane of Kings,
ancient shadow unbound,
with a hunger to swallow the world!

But a day, shall arise,
when the dark dragon's lies,
will be silenced forever and then!
Fair Skyrim(Earth) will be free from foul Alduin's maw!(when the war is over)

Dragonborn, Dragonborn
by his honor is sworn
To keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout
when they hear triumph's shout,
Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!

(HOOOOOLY shit this is a PERFECT song depicting ´´The War`` :lol: And the HUUUU-YAH is like a Skyrim version of HHHHHAIL!! :lol: :cool: )
Still doing daily RTRs, I think I'm finally cracking the curses!
You know its quite funny how things happen.
Last week on Sunday, I was gonna start doing so much more than I've been doing and going even further than before. I was gonna do astral hearing meditations, jupiter square, do some piano and japanese. The monday comes around and lose my money-maker hahaha :lol: . The best thing was that it did not emotionally destabliize me and carried on as usual doing what I needed. I'm still doing my Final RTR daily, prounciating and following them correctly. I've been doing a spiritual jupiter square for good luck and fortune! I've been hit with a bit of lethargy from mismanaged sleep schedule, if this is all that is gonna be thrown at me, I think I can definitly handle it!
Hail Satan! I have my Rosary now, so starting today or tomorrow depending I'll do some deep aura cleanings so that jupiter's blessings don't somehow become corrupted. I swear my aura might be dirty with the amount of bad luck I've had recently, but what can you do :D

Alternative title: We Are Hell ( :cool: )

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THINK about HOW much we could affect if just like 100 of Us go and just LIKE the comments(though like 95% of ALL the posts over there are from ´Ninja 666` :lol: ). It LITERALLY takes about 30 seconds to like the links that he/she posts :D :D
I also had a strange dream.
I was vibrating satan and was feeling like something is repleshing my brain with water, then i fallen a sleep.
I woke up, coudnt move, and saw some strange creatures standing near my bed. One was siting on my chair another one standing by my bed. Theyr faces were little bit bloody and very blurry, they ddidnt do anything, just looking at me, they were wearing white clothes. I was hearing my dog snorring, meanwhile i was feeling very agressive a little bit afraid tho. Somehow i was able to move my left hand and flip them (show them the middle finger) and they dissapear. Who were they?
Lovs satan
Paklausko said:
I also had a strange dream.
I was vibrating satan and was feeling like something is repleshing my brain with water, then i fallen a sleep.
I woke up, coudnt move, and saw some strange creatures standing near my bed. One was siting on my chair another one standing by my bed. Theyr faces were little bit bloody and very blurry, they ddidnt do anything, just looking at me, they were wearing white clothes. I was hearing my dog snorring, meanwhile i was feeling very agressive a little bit afraid tho. Somehow i was able to move my left hand and flip them (show them the middle finger) and they dissapear. Who were they?
Lovs satan

They sound VERY much like the Enemy(if they would have been Gods, they would have NOT try to scare you),+ the bloody and blurry faces could be from our FINAL RTR, as it DISINTEGRATES the Jews and their power TOTALLY, COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY. The disintegration started with their faces :lol: :lol: And then you just gave them the SATANIC Middle Finger and they disappeared, because you couldnt give one SHIT about their PATHETIC and ONLY way of ONLY SCAAAAARING you! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
SERIOUSLY Brothers and Sisters, how many years do you ACTUALLY think, that the YHVH could ACTUALLY survive under the CONSTANT ANNIHALITION of Our WUD(Weapon of Ultimate Destruction) called ´FINAL RTR`? :cool: :cool: :twisted: x666
Artanis said:
Paklausko said:
I also had a strange dream.
I was vibrating satan and was feeling like something is repleshing my brain with water, then i fallen a sleep.
I woke up, coudnt move, and saw some strange creatures standing near my bed. One was siting on my chair another one standing by my bed. Theyr faces were little bit bloody and very blurry, they ddidnt do anything, just looking at me, they were wearing white clothes. I was hearing my dog snorring, meanwhile i was feeling very agressive a little bit afraid tho. Somehow i was able to move my left hand and flip them (show them the middle finger) and they dissapear. Who were they?
Lovs satan

They sound VERY much like the Enemy(if they would have been Gods, they would have NOT try to scare you),+ the bloody and blurry faces could be from our FINAL RTR, as it DISINTEGRATES the Jews and their power TOTALLY, COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY. The disintegration started with their faces :lol: :lol: And then you just gave them the SATANIC Middle Finger and they disappeared, because you couldnt give one SHIT about their PATHETIC and ONLY way of ONLY SCAAAAARING you! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats good to hear, bcs first i tougth that i have done something wrong and satan didnt aprove me or something
Anyways final RTR means i a full member?
Love satan.
Paklausko said:
Artanis said:
Paklausko said:
I also had a strange dream.
I was vibrating satan and was feeling like something is repleshing my brain with water, then i fallen a sleep.
I woke up, coudnt move, and saw some strange creatures standing near my bed. One was siting on my chair another one standing by my bed. Theyr faces were little bit bloody and very blurry, they ddidnt do anything, just looking at me, they were wearing white clothes. I was hearing my dog snorring, meanwhile i was feeling very agressive a little bit afraid tho. Somehow i was able to move my left hand and flip them (show them the middle finger) and they dissapear. Who were they?
Lovs satan

They sound VERY much like the Enemy(if they would have been Gods, they would have NOT try to scare you),+ the bloody and blurry faces could be from our FINAL RTR, as it DISINTEGRATES the Jews and their power TOTALLY, COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY. The disintegration started with their faces :lol: :lol: And then you just gave them the SATANIC Middle Finger and they disappeared, because you couldnt give one SHIT about their PATHETIC and ONLY way of ONLY SCAAAAARING you! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thats good to hear, bcs first i tougth that i have done something wrong and satan didnt aprove me or something
Anyways final RTR means i a full member?
Love satan.

No. FINAL RTR is a FINAL RTR, the most WUD(Weapon of Ultimate Destruction) against the Enemy.

When you dedicate to Father Satan, THEN you are a ´Full member`(Brother/Sister)
Is there a reason, like intuition, that my soul KNOWS that the RTR's are the ULTIMATE key in this war, that i'm feeling the most drawn to check up on the posts in the FINAL RTR(I'm not checking up ALL the posts on ANY other topic) and answering questions that people have about it?

And like, when i'm feeling sick and be on the computer, but wont do the RTR's cause i don't want to spend my little energy that i have fighting the illness to do them and am about to shut the computer off, i'm feeling bad, that i couldn't do ANY RTR's on that day.

So, is there a reason for it?
Artanis said:
Is there a reason, like intuition, that my soul KNOWS that the RTR's are the ULTIMATE key in this war, that i'm feeling the most drawn to check up on the posts in the FINAL RTR(I'm not checking up ALL the posts on ANY other topic) and answering questions that people have about it?

And like, when i'm feeling sick and be on the computer, but wont do the RTR's cause i don't want to spend my little energy that i have fighting the illness to do them and am about to shut the computer off, i'm feeling bad, that i couldn't do ANY RTR's on that day.

So, is there a reason for it?
Because you already done it 666 thousand times, and you're permanently programmed into RTR? All your soul is now RTR.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Artanis said:
Is there a reason, like intuition, that my soul KNOWS that the RTR's are the ULTIMATE key in this war, that i'm feeling the most drawn to check up on the posts in the FINAL RTR(I'm not checking up ALL the posts on ANY other topic) and answering questions that people have about it?

And like, when i'm feeling sick and be on the computer, but wont do the RTR's cause i don't want to spend my little energy that i have fighting the illness to do them and am about to shut the computer off, i'm feeling bad, that i couldn't do ANY RTR's on that day.

So, is there a reason for it?
Because you already done it 666 thousand times, and you're permanently programmed into RTR? All your soul is now RTR.

Yeah well... Ive done it like 6130x now so, maybe that has something to do with it. :? :lol:
Artanis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Artanis said:
Is there a reason, like intuition, that my soul KNOWS that the RTR's are the ULTIMATE key in this war, that i'm feeling the most drawn to check up on the posts in the FINAL RTR(I'm not checking up ALL the posts on ANY other topic) and answering questions that people have about it?

And like, when i'm feeling sick and be on the computer, but wont do the RTR's cause i don't want to spend my little energy that i have fighting the illness to do them and am about to shut the computer off, i'm feeling bad, that i couldn't do ANY RTR's on that day.

So, is there a reason for it?
Because you already done it 666 thousand times, and you're permanently programmed into RTR? All your soul is now RTR.

Yeah well... Ive done it like 6130x now so, maybe that has something to do with it. :? :lol:
Lol, nice brother! :)

Does 6K+ you've done is that based on digital media i.e. the digital website to erase the alephbet. Or is that by physically printing everything and doing it manually?

I'm assuming since you kept count that is done physically right?

What have you done with the papers do you just leave them there or bury them and let them rot or what way or ways do you plan on disposing the papers so that the cursing continues?(I recall reading that disposing of the papers like the 72NoG paper back when it was released, creates more power)

Also one more thing Artanis like the Protoss commander, does that mean you like Starcraft series or is just you found the name interesting and use it?
Gear88 said:

Does 6K+ you've done is that based on digital media i.e. the digital website to erase the alephbet. Or is that by physically printing everything and doing it manually?

I'm assuming since you kept count that is done physically right?

What have you done with the papers do you just leave them there or bury them and let them rot or what way or ways do you plan on disposing the papers so that the cursing continues?(I recall reading that disposing of the papers like the 72NoG paper back when it was released, creates more power)

Also one more thing Artanis like the Protoss commander, does that mean you like Starcraft series or is just you found the name interesting and use it?

No. I have been doing the FINAL RTR's in digital form, downloading the FINAL RTR file, doing the RTR and in the end save THAT as ´Save AS`(NOT ´save`) and then delete THAT file completely.

I've kept count in my phone. And at every 100 FINAL RTR's done, i mark up that date. And in 500 i mark ´!!` in the end. And at 1000 ´!!!!`

And yes. I like have played all 3 games of the StarCraft 2 trilogy game and taken the name from that :D
Took a 2 week break, Managed to do it for 2 months straight, but I was getting irritated because I didn't have my sleep schedule, plus a myriad of other issues to affect my RTRs. Last thing I want to associate the RTR with is a feeling of annoyance, but 2 months was my longest so far and will shoot for 3 months and longer if I can keep up my streak of sleep, exercise, journal !
It took a good wakeup call yesterday to realize how serious this has become to get started instead of delaying my return and am doing full Aura cleaning.
I had a disturbance last night, The white noise came and what followed was I was lying on the ground in my sleep and this darkness crept up and tried to engulf me, so I panicked and struggled to get awake instead of using the blue fire method or simply visualizing the white-golden light to calm me down. I embarassingly had to invoke Satan's name just to get me to calm a bit "Satan Save me!" Gahhh, This is why I'm trying to stand on my own legs and it's great motivation too.
I hope each and everyone can maintain their discipline and carry forward this torch we are blessed to hold. I did some self-reflection and realized how fortunate I am that I don't live the life of ignorance that many others had suffered. It also humbles me as well to not try and believe that I am above them in any sort of way, but they certaintly are not my equals. I hope someday that when I cultivate that I may be able to teach others, but that's but a dream for now :).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
