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FINAL RTR 21 July 2018

slyscorpion said:
slyscorpion said:
July 21st is special to me not only because of the final rtr being posted but also because a couple hours before the final rtr was posted is when I decided to join the groups and come back to Satan as crazy as that story is it is true. I was trapped by the angels and thought Satan had forever left me and that I was doomed etc. Then I came back here that was when I rejoined the group and I decided fuck that I want to serve Satan even if he didn't accept me I hate those enemies. And been back here sense it's gone good.

Now around this same time this year my friend who I was staying with at the time who was kind of xtian in a way at that time and had all sorts of problems is now looking at the JOS site and meditating and the entities are leaving her alone. She hasnt dedicated yet but is considering it I think. Strange thing is this is around the same month and time I was freed.

So good this is a time of year to celebrate. July 21st is spiritual Liberation day. Let's spam the rtr for spiritual Liberation day. We will have made it one year.

We can also do things to celebrate the Liberation of ourselves and mankind this day. If you did the rtr the whole year at least once a day each day more on other days it's great even if you did it most days this year great. This year I will try to go all year not missing one day. Imagine Spiritual Liberation Day next year how I'll feel and what other positive things will likely happen by then. Awesome

Hmm I was recently told also some interesting events happened around this time of year the last 2 years before that as well.

Somewhere between July 16th and The 21st I think it might even have been the 21st me and my friend we're rescued from a bad situation in Detroit and decided to turn our lives around and leave drugs or try to for good.

Around the same time the next year I went to rehab. Though not helpful and it stuck in my mind and caused me to relapse for a bit the next year cause all they did was talk about and reminice on the stuff. Plus they had xtian "prayers" we had to do.

July 21st the last year a few weeks after I had relapsed for a couple of months I had decided from some bad experiences those people were not my friends. Despite having been trapped with the enemy and praying to angels but hating them I started around a week or so before the 21st being a little scared but started looking up Enki and Satanism and longing to be back I believe it was Satan pulling me back cause I was really scared cause those entities had threatened me my energy was absolutely horrible and I was in a very fearful state about being damned forever and I'm stuck here no matter what I knew the truth but I believed Satan was gone. I even ended up in mental hospitals three times cause of this. Anyways so somehow on July 21st or shortly before the final rtr was posted I ended up back here. I regret all that nonsense and missing so many RTRs but still I am thankful to be back here. So I will post a thank you note to Satan and the Demon Beelzebub who said to me in a dream that I wasn't damned and was accepted and stuff I didn't know who it was at the time till I recognized his energy later.

So the 21st last year was when I got out of a very bad situation. I haven't even really asked the God's for anything this whole year as I am just grateful to be here other than to bring my friend to the truth which seems to be happening but also this lunar eclipse happens right over her Capricorn sun on the same degree so idk maybe that's part of it.

This year around this time I ordered some homeopathic remedy which worked for me in the past I will quit using nicotine altogether this will be my around my 9th attempt this year but I want to make positive changes I got to really try I want it to be my last. So yeah another positive change I hope this year too.

So yes I am grateful to be here. I hope everyone does the RTRs this whole next year try for everyday (unless the thought form fails totally before this time next year and we end up moving onto something else then try to do that every day and go as instructed).

Exellent to hear that brother/sister! Keep at it! :cool:

The Libtard Derpocrats are getting attacked by each other! :lol: :lol:

Keep up the RTRing Brothers and Sisters!
After barely 1 year since We started the Final RTR we are here stronger than ever!
Let's go on with the good work.
"Destruction and Creation are in Your Hands"
slyscorpion said:
July 21st is special to me not only because of the final rtr being posted but also because a couple hours before the final rtr was posted is when I decided to join the groups and come back to Satan as crazy as that story is it is true. I was trapped by the angels and thought Satan had forever left me and that I was doomed etc. Then I came back here that was when I rejoined the group and I decided fuck that I want to serve Satan even if he didn't accept me I hate those enemies. And been back here sense it's gone good.

Now around this same time this year my friend who I was staying with at the time who was kind of xtian in a way at that time and had all sorts of problems is now looking at the JOS site and meditating and the entities are leaving her alone. She hasnt dedicated yet but is considering it I think. Strange thing is this is around the same month and time I was freed.

So good this is a time of year to celebrate. July 21st is spiritual Liberation day. Let's spam the rtr for spiritual Liberation day. We will have made it one year.

We can also do things to celebrate the Liberation of ourselves and mankind this day. If you did the rtr the whole year at least once a day each day more on other days it's great even if you did it most days this year great. This year I will try to go all year not missing one day. Imagine Spiritual Liberation Day next year how I'll feel and what other positive things will likely happen by then. Awesome

Thats Beautiful.
Happy Anniversary, Final RTR. Gods, it really doesn't feel like a year, feels like almost yesterday I did my first take of this. Day one it took an awkward 40 minutes as I tried to repeat the reversed hebrew and listened to the recording multiple times. A month or two passed, became a 25 minute affair. Now an RTR is an easy, quick and clean 15 minute affair.

Never been much one for gloating, but I feel proud enough to say in the year the Final RTR has existed I've not missed a single day passing without doing it. As of now, I'm long into the 4 digit mark with how many times I've repeated it. Sure wouldn't be alone there, I'd say.

Can't wait to see what's next for us all.
Arcadia said:
A month or two passed, became a 25 minute affair. Now an RTR is an easy, quick and clean 15 minute affair.

I know that perhaps the way I've been doing it is not alright 100%, at least according to some, but for me an RTR is around like 7-9 minutes. The only times I spend 15 minutes to my best observation is doing multiple(9) reps.

For example 1, 3, or 9 reps probably anywhere from 2-9 minutes.

Doing 18 reps adds about 1 or 2 minutes longer. 11 or so.

And 36 reps, 9 x 4, is right around 15 minutes. I'd wager to say the extra 5th multiple(45) would be around another minute or so probably at around 17 minutes or so.

Multiples for one F-RTR not 9 separated into 4 or 5 F-RTR digital pages.

(Reason I mention is Cobra recently mentioned 1 F-RTR is fine, but preferably 4-5 a day. Or in other words 1, 3, 9 -to- 45 reps.)
Arcadia said:
Happy Anniversary, Final RTR. Gods, it really doesn't feel like a year, feels like almost yesterday I did my first take of this. Day one it took an awkward 40 minutes as I tried to repeat the reversed hebrew and listened to the recording multiple times. A month or two passed, became a 25 minute affair. Now an RTR is an easy, quick and clean 15 minute affair.

Never been much one for gloating, but I feel proud enough to say in the year the Final RTR has existed I've not missed a single day passing without doing it. As of now, I'm long into the 4 digit mark with how many times I've repeated it. Sure wouldn't be alone there, I'd say.

Can't wait to see what's next for us all.

Couldn't pretty much write better on myself Brother/Sister. On the first day i did pretty much like 1 or 2 reps and they took me about 20-30 mins. It took me almost a full month to reach full 100 FINAL RTRs :) Now im at 4930( :? :? ) and doing 10 RTRs a day.(My own personal objective is to do 5000-10000 FINAL RTRs before we stop doing the FINAL RTR for 1 reason or another)

Sometimes i write motivational ´´War-speech posts`` to inspire my fellow Warriors of Father and True King Satan to do EVEN more and EVEN more brutally and empathicless the F.I.N.A.L RTRs the Ferociously Insane Nullifyingly Annihilatingly Loosening Reverse Torah Ritual. The ULTIMATE Superweapon of ULTIMATE destruction and liberation of ALL the Enemy of ALL that is Good, Beautiful, Proud, Holy and Perfect has and IS destroying.
Gear88 said:

Don't think about it too hard. I've only ever done 9x reps, never done a 1x or 3x, so I have no mental basis for how long they'd take. 15 minutes is just a rough average for me, it can sometimes be less, variant on how much time I take to breathe and concentrate between each letter. Its a personal thing, so don't worry about using me as some sort of basis for yourself.

As a piece of advice though, don't worry about reps above 9. If you're going to do more reps, just repeat the 9x rep RTR. The HPs have clarified this in the past. Myself I just do multiple 9x rep RTRS a day, instead of doing say, a 45 rep RTR, which would roughly be an equivalent.
Arcadia said:
Gear88 said:

Don't think about it too hard. I've only ever done 9x reps, never done a 1x or 3x, so I have no mental basis for how long they'd take. 15 minutes is just a rough average for me, it can sometimes be less, variant on how much time I take to breathe and concentrate between each letter. Its a personal thing, so don't worry about using me as some sort of basis for yourself.

As a piece of advice though, don't worry about reps above 9. If you're going to do more reps, just repeat the 9x rep RTR. The HPs have clarified this in the past. Myself I just do multiple 9x rep RTRS a day, instead of doing say, a 45 rep RTR, which would roughly be an equivalent.

HP HC has said some time back that its as effective to do for example 45 reps RTR as it is to do 5 full 9x RTRs.

Its just which way is more easier.
Hello, this message was intended to be sent to all moderators of this forum, however I cant send it to you guys privately due to the contact button now working for me for some reason...
My name is Sam and I have been a dedicated satanist for a little over four years now! I owe a lot to this forum, and am grateful for the guy that showed it to me, when I was going to the Christian youth group at my church, every time we would pray to the cursed jew Nazarene, he would be invoking his much more powerful energy in the opposite direction. Anyway, this isn't being written to tell you about myself... instead it is aimed at a key topic that is missing from all JOS related websites. Here goes nothing!
In order for people to experience any of the meditations and Yoga as Satan has intended for them to be experienced, they must decalcify their pineal glands! The pineal gland is the "seat of the soul", as written about by many philosophers, as well as Tesla having said "I am only a transmitter to cosmic knowledge". I am pretty sure the moderators of this forum already know how powerful, and crucial, the pineal gland is to achieving any spiritual power. In that case, why hasn't this been talked about on the forums or website? I feel like we need to push healthy living and avoiding fluoride, mercury, vaccines etc... in order for our members to be able to produce more energy to fight the enemy.
Here is a link to a VERY powerful article describing the most effective ways of removing these neurotoxins and poisons from our systems. https://www.academia.edu/28630251/PINEAL_OSSIFICATION_PDF.pdf
Arcadia said:
Day one it took an awkward 40 minutes as I tried to repeat the reversed hebrew and listened to the recording multiple times.
Happy anniversary!
A year? Feels more like two-three months.

Back then, I had just dedicated like one month before the Final RTR was published. I remember one night asking Father Satan after meditating that I'd like to contribute a bit more. Next day was a hectic working day. In the evening I checked the forum, found the Final RTR and nearly jumped off my chair. I even hadn't started the warfare prep course or anything but felt the urge and a permission to jump right in.
First rituals took like forever! I listened to every word on my phone with headphones to get the pronunciation right before repeating it nine times. I had the ritual page printed out and used a permanent marker to blot out those nasty enemy letters. Oh man, those were exciting days.
Lately, Samsung Galaxy Note made the job much easier because of the digital pen. I use inverted jpeg file (black background, white letters). I found it is easier to destroy the letters in your mind that way.
I started with 9 reps of one word, never did 1 or 3 reps even when time was limited. Later, when I started doing 18 reps, it felt like I was back in the beginning because of the time and concentration it took.

Anyway, I'm still in it and I can see I'm evolving. There are areas in my life that need some improvement badly but I'm optimistic.
Thank you all, real warriors of Satan, for being here.
Apprentice said:
Arcadia said:
Day one it took an awkward 40 minutes as I tried to repeat the reversed hebrew and listened to the recording multiple times.
Happy anniversary!
A year? Feels more like two-three months.

Back then, I had just dedicated like one month before the Final RTR was published. I remember one night asking Father Satan after meditating that I'd like to contribute a bit more. Next day was a hectic working day. In the evening I checked the forum, found the Final RTR and nearly jumped off my chair. I even hadn't started the warfare prep course or anything but felt the urge and a permission to jump right in.
First rituals took like forever! I listened to every word on my phone with headphones to get the pronunciation right before repeating it nine times. I had the ritual page printed out and used a permanent marker to blot out those nasty enemy letters. Oh man, those were exciting days.
Lately, Samsung Galaxy Note made the job much easier because of the digital pen. I use inverted jpeg file (black background, white letters). I found it is easier to destroy the letters in your mind that way.
I started with 9 reps of one word, never did 1 or 3 reps even when time was limited. Later, when I started doing 18 reps, it felt like I was back in the beginning because of the time and concentration it took.

Anyway, I'm still in it and I can see I'm evolving. There are areas in my life that need some improvement badly but I'm optimistic.
Thank you all, real warriors of Satan, for being here.
It takes time to advance and to change your life but everything we do it's worth it. The more you advance the more easier changing your life become. Try to look where there is a major need and do workings to fix it, It may take more than a 40 days working but it depends how difficult the problem is and how powerful you are, in the end everything can be fixed but it take times.
Artanis said:
HP HC has said some time back that its as effective to do for example 45 reps RTR as it is to do 5 full 9x RTRs.

Its just which way is more easier.

Technically the simplest would be 9 x 4/5 or whatever multiples. 9 is much easier to count using the fingers of your two hands.

But 36-45 or more 54, 63 etc.etc. is harder to keep track of multiples gotta make sure to count your fingers in order and keep your memory of it well in your head.

  • Left hand (LH) : Right hand (RH) : Index/Middle/Ring/Pinkie/Thumb fingers : Red font = power multiple number

    1. LH: Index(1) to Thumb(5)
    2. RH: Thumb(6) to Ring(9)
    3. RH: Pinkie(10)
    4. LH -> RH: Middle(18)
    5. RH: Ring(19)
    6. LH -> RH Thumb(26) to Index(27)
    7. RH: Middle(28)
    8. LH -> RH: Thumb(36)
    9. RH -> Index(37)
    10. LH: Thumb(45)
    etc.etc. up to whatever multiple you wish to do. For example 54 would be left hand pinkie and thumb would be 55 then you travel thumb(55) to LH: pinkie(60) and then RH: Index(61), Middle(62), and finally Ring(63) and so forth in multiples of 9.

The reason for multiples is easier to push it through and gives you a one quick RTR. I'd wager to say the people that take at least 15 minutes or less a day can really benefit from pumping so much in one sitting.

Either way it's easier in one sitting than spreading it out over boredom or emotional cathartic. Non the less we aren't here to force people to try this out just letting them know of possible alternatives IF they might not have enough time at a different time. At least one RTR a day but that doesn't mean you can't use multiples, which constitutes as one RTR but with a bigger punch.

In whatever case/s it's an interesting prospect of what is better multiple niners per day or one concentrated fist of fury at a power multiple like say 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72 or whatever amount you think you might reasonably be able to do within a set period of time such as a 10-to-15 minute session.
I forgot to mention in my post:

I suggest finger counting rather than finger pad counting since RTRs are quicker and not mantras which can slow down the counting and finger pad becomes a great assist without a rosary.

Fingers are more coarse-grain and easier to use while finger pad counting is fine-grain.

I think it depends on the person some roll with pad counting I'm sure there is at least one person using it but perhaps it's more of a learning experiencing.

It's similar to re-hearing the RTR audios, it's happened before like an example back when I was doing 72NoG and I heard the audio and I'm like huh I need to hear this again and try it out more correctly.

Either method is fine just my counting is done in a coarse manner with fingers rather than pad.
Owen Benjamin brought this to my attention. Unknowingly, the Onion presents a good method of visualizing the 22 letters.

Artanis said:
By tomorrow i have done HALF of my ´minimum` target amount of FINAL RTRs done. And that is OC 2500!(5000-10000 before the ´ULTIMATE WIN`)But i wanted to write this EXTREMELY TREMENDOUSLY appreciative post to ALL and EVERYONE who have done the RTRs over the years.

about 4 years ago,when i joined this INCREDIBLE and AMAIZING family as a Brother, i never fucking *EVER* imagined in my WILDEST dreams, of what will become of my future. I cant belive that just in 2014... Oh GOD this sounds HORRIBLE to even THINK about, but that im about to *SAY* it... I wanted... To become a PRIEST... Or even... the ***POPE*** of ChristINSANITY!! :shock: :shock: :oops: :oops: TRULY thank GOD, the TRUE GOD, for saving me, before it could have been too late.

Over these 4 years i have grown up a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT

i remember how in 2015, when i started, my 1st question to the JoS Yahoo groups(it had about 12000-15000 members at that point i think :| ) was: How can i talk to our Great Father. I would really like to know

Even at that IGNORANT and blashphemous to the members and the Clergy with my seemed like never-ending ignorant and stupid questions(which continued to even last year, i know :oops: )-state, i was still feeling how BIG change Father Satan had already made in me.

And it took me almost 4 years to almost fully understand what it means, the saying ´The more you do for Satan, the more He does to you`. The more i asked Him for ´´the one thing and one thing only that i want``(My Soulmate), the more He ACTUALLY helped...

He made me understand, that i will NOT be given my Soulmate by the snap of a finger. If she is TRULY, what i want the MOST out of ALL things in this world(as it seems like it, as i think about my Soulmate EVERY single day)... I HAVE to use it, not ONLY as a goal, but as a MOTIVATOR. The more i want to find her, the MORE i have to work on it(Love working, meditation, RTRs(to possibly get the Gods help and blessing on it, by showing my devotion). I need to think and keep it as my motivator, that HOW happy and AMAIZING will it feel, when i One Day... Meet her.

But right now, i want to thank the Ones, who i Love as much as my biological Family, whose without i, or ANYONE else in on this Planet, wouldnt be here. Whose WITHOUT, the ENEMY would have WON and turned our BEAUTIFUL World into a JEWISH SHITHOLE!! WHOSE without, ALL that our ancestors have done in ALL the THOUSANDS of YEARS... Would have been for NOTHING!




Seiously? :lol: :lol: BITCH plz!

Ive done 5000 already! :cool:
Gear88 said:
but for me an RTR is around like 7-9 minutes. The only times I spend 15 minutes to my best observation is doing multiple(9) reps.
This is because you do it in the same way like you meditate, totally superficial. I bet you just read the letters like you would read normal words. A decent RTR at normal speed/vibration takes 15 minutes. Yours takes nearly half, so it's obvious that you do not struggle at all to do it properly.

Maybe SS is not for you.
Artanis said:
(The Final Battle Speech of ´´The War`` in the not so distant future:)

Great Millions of Warriors of Father Satan!
We Have Come To This Very Faithful Day Battlescarred And Tired!
Tired Of *ALL* These Enemies Of *EVERYTHING* That Is Good, Holy, Beautiful And Perfect!
Tired Of Seeing And Hearing Our Very Blood Brothers And Sisters From The Same Father And Mother Getting Raped, Tortured, Enslaved, Killed And WORSE!
Tired of Realizing That These WEAK And PATHETIC *THINGS* Are Destroying Our Civilizations And Our Heritage And Our Legacy!
We Have Fought Tooth And Nail To THIS Very Night!
Billions Upon Billions Of Lifeforms Have Been Lost!
Worlds Have Been Annihalited!
Civilizations Swept Away By The Winds Of Destruction That IS, The Enemy!
*ALL* Sacrificed So That *WE* Could End This *TENS OF THOUSANDS* Of YEARS Raged War ON THIS VERY FAITHFUL DAY!!
Tonight, Shall Be The Night, That The God's Remember!
Tomorrow, Will Be The Day That The Whole Universe Hails For **ETERNITY**!!
And Tonight!
With Our Very History!
We Shall PROUDLY Meet The DARKEST Of DEATHS, Of Our Enemies Bright Future!!!

For Our Brothers! *HUU!*
For Our Sisters! *HUU!*
For Our Loved Ones! *HUU!*
For Our Children! *HUU!*
For Our GODS!! *HUU!!*
For Our FATHER!! *HUU!!*
For The 4th REICH!! *HUU!!*


Brother this makes me cry in happiness. I'm not usually emotional but this wrung my emotions out of me. As a Black SS, I can't wait to end this shit with these kikes!! Siege Heil, All hail The Gods and Goddesess of Duat!!
The Alchemist7 said:
Gear88 said:
but for me an RTR is around like 7-9 minutes. The only times I spend 15 minutes to my best observation is doing multiple(9) reps.
This is because you do it in the same way like you meditate, totally superficial. I bet you just read the letters like you would read normal words. A decent RTR at normal speed/vibration takes 15 minutes. Yours takes nearly half, so it's obvious that you do not struggle at all to do it properly.

Maybe SS is not for you.

The fuck are you talking about?

Someone takes 30mins, other 20, someone 15 and someones 7-9 min... The RTR is still valid enough -.-

And even if Brother/Sister Gear88 wouldnt be able to properly do the FINAL RTR, how the FUCK does that mean Spiritual Satanism wouldnt be for him/her?

We have meditation, Online warfare and other projects one could also be working on besides RTRs...
The Alchemist7 said:
Gear88 said:
but for me an RTR is around like 7-9 minutes. The only times I spend 15 minutes to my best observation is doing multiple(9) reps.
This is because you do it in the same way like you meditate, totally superficial. I bet you just read the letters like you would read normal words. A decent RTR at normal speed/vibration takes 15 minutes. Yours takes nearly half, so it's obvious that you do not struggle at all to do it properly.
I was wondering when I read that. You have to put some will and energy into the ritual and also pronunciation/enunciation has to be correct. With final affirmation, I can't do it properly under 20 minutes and even then I feel like a plastic half-ass who can't dedicate the time to do it right.
The Alchemist7 said:
Maybe SS is not for you.

I have not followed all the replies, but just bumped into this answer and in particulary this sentence.

You should NEVER say something like this to a person that is making even a little effort to advance. He says that an RTR took to him 7-9 minutes, this means that at least he is doing the ritual. So instead of saying something like that, you should suggest to improve the quality of the RTR (which anyway an RTR with only one rep is still valid). With a sentence like that, you are just helping to cut our spiritual war resources.
We've discussed this subject before, and more to the point, a HP responded. There is no "golden average" time for how long it takes to do an RTR. Personally, roughly vibrating at the speed used in the mp3, I can take anywhere between 10-15 minutes. But that's just it. I can. And what I do, or you or anyone does is not the be all end all. Do it in the way that comes natural. So long as you're correctly vibrating the pronunciations you'll pretty much be in the clear and it will be valid. Yes, you could technically do this too fast.

Don't rush it. Don't forcibly elongate it. Just do it. Making up arbitrary conditions for what you think is valid, because deciding "who is an SS and who is not" based on their RTR being a few minutes slower or faster than yours is a waste of time. Yes, one should not rush it and take time to make sure they're actually vibrating the letter. But beyond this, the other factors are limitless, like how long one's break is between individual vibrations, how often one stops to breathe, or regain any lost focus, and so on.

Even in the off-chance Gear88 wasn't performing in full, telling them to fuck off is useless and does not help the movement as a whole. Ask, and offer advice accordingly. SS are few in number, we shouldn't start shunning people for such arbitrary reasons when we can instead help them, as said, "do it properly", if that's truly the case. After all, we need more people doing the RTRs, not less, even if they ARE still learning.

So my advice is simple. Gear, I'd suggest giving the mp3 a listen, and try to perform the RTR similar as you can to how presented there. Even if there is no golden average, it's still the most basic, straightforward idea of how we're vibrating the letters. That's all.
Apprentice said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Gear88 said:
but for me an RTR is around like 7-9 minutes. The only times I spend 15 minutes to my best observation is doing multiple(9) reps.
This is because you do it in the same way like you meditate, totally superficial. I bet you just read the letters like you would read normal words. A decent RTR at normal speed/vibration takes 15 minutes. Yours takes nearly half, so it's obvious that you do not struggle at all to do it properly.
I was wondering when I read that. You have to put some will and energy into the ritual and also pronunciation/enunciation has to be correct. With final affirmation, I can't do it properly under 20 minutes and even then I feel like a plastic half-ass who can't dedicate the time to do it right.
This has been debated time and time again, the average most are operating at here is 10-15 minutes. However a 10 minute Final RTR done with full focus, powerful intent, and raised energies is far better than a 30 minute Final RTR with only one of those or none. In other words it is not completely the length of the vibration and pace that makes the Final RTR stronger, but the power, will, and focus of the Satanist doing it, as it is with any other ritual.

If Gear88 can do a full 9 reps Final RTR in 7 minutes with full focus and strong intent, it's as good as any that take longer. It is important to take a few minutes to feel the energy of it after you clean however.
Artanis said:
The fuck are you talking about?

Someone takes 30mins, other 20, someone 15 and someones 7-9 min... The RTR is still valid enough -.-

And even if Brother/Sister Gear88 wouldnt be able to properly do the FINAL RTR, how the FUCK does that mean Spiritual Satanism wouldnt be for him/her?

Have you read his other posts?

Gear88 said:
I guess I love meditation but meditation doesn't love me back. What can I say meditation and magic have not exactly helped my life in any meaningful way. I keep trying don't get me wrong but in the end it doesn't work for me. I do it, got nothing better to do but does bother me meditation isn't what others state occurs.

Gear88 said:
Jack said:
What is your experience in vibrating algiz vs suryae. Which do you feel is more powerful ?

I don't feel anything there is no difference. I just do it.

The only reason I do it is because well there is nothing better to do with my time so I just do it.

And the difference is nothing. Algs for protection and Suryayay for cleaning and protection

This guy is dabbling in SS for around 20 years and he's still not able to do even a simple basic meditation. People spent a lot of their time to try to help him but he prefered to stay ignorant.

He even called us "neo-nazis" like we would be a bunch of cucks brainwashed with jewish pseudo-nationalism.
The Alchemist7 said:
Artanis said:
The fuck are you talking about?

Someone takes 30mins, other 20, someone 15 and someones 7-9 min... The RTR is still valid enough -.-

And even if Brother/Sister Gear88 wouldnt be able to properly do the FINAL RTR, how the FUCK does that mean Spiritual Satanism wouldnt be for him/her?

Have you read his other posts?

Gear88 said:
I guess I love meditation but meditation doesn't love me back. What can I say meditation and magic have not exactly helped my life in any meaningful way. I keep trying don't get me wrong but in the end it doesn't work for me. I do it, got nothing better to do but does bother me meditation isn't what others state occurs.

Gear88 said:
Jack said:
What is your experience in vibrating algiz vs suryae. Which do you feel is more powerful ?

I don't feel anything there is no difference. I just do it.

The only reason I do it is because well there is nothing better to do with my time so I just do it.

And the difference is nothing. Algs for protection and Suryayay for cleaning and protection

This guy is dabbling in SS for around 20 years and he's still not able to do even a simple basic meditation. People spent a lot of their time to try to help him but he prefered to stay ignorant.

He even called us "neo-nazis" like we would be a bunch of cucks brainwashed with jewish pseudo-nationalism.

Ohhhh... Well then. My bad i guess. :? :lol:
Scion of Atlantis said:
However a 10 minute Final RTR done with full focus, powerful intent, and raised energies is far better than a 30 minute Final RTR with only one of those or none.

Yea I agree with this but since he's walking in his room while just spelling mantras/runes like normal words, thinking at completely different things, and expecting the unimaginable to happen, why would I, or maybe you or anybody else, think that he's not doing the same with the RTRs? I mean obviously he can do this if he wants but it's a waste of time and maybe nearly useless.
The Alchemist7 said:
This guy is dabbling in SS for around 20 years and he's still not able to do even a simple basic meditation. People spent a lot of their time to try to help him but he prefered to stay ignorant.

He even called us "neo-nazis" like we would be a bunch of cucks brainwashed with jewish pseudo-nationalism.

When did I say "neo-nazi"? I said you guys are OG Nazi's. I understand from Sinistra's post that not all neo-nazi's are bad and perhaps my hatred of xtianity and silly racial division bothers me but I NEVER said JoS is Neo-Nazi. Not sure where you got that but you obviously didn't read properly.

Oh so I've been dedicated for 20 years that is nice I wish it were that long but it's only been 16 years 2019 - 2003 = 16 and some months as of the time of this post.

And yes so what if I can't even do a basic meditation? So what? if I do meditation half-assed at least I do something. Most people don't even clean their auras or add auras of protection. Do I wish I could meditate well i.e. mindfulness(void) and trance. Sure but that doesn't mean I dabble.

I have no idea why you state I dabble that is funny you imply I use other religions in the meantime. You do realize your talking to a person that has been OBSESSED with WW2 since about 1996/1997 when I got the history channel and later on delving into other things with the internet. So what can I say 22, 23, maybe 24 years involved in such manner.

You do realize I've been at this since I was 12 years old. I mean how many people can genuinely state that at 12 they just up and decided to jump into the occult.

Meditation doesn't work, okay I get it. But non the less I still do it and hope it works. I still do my RTR, I've been slacking these past few days but non the less I still do them.

What is the problem? I guess some people aren't meant to advance spiritually or meditate. That's me in a nutshell I just seemingly cannot interact in such manner with my mind, body, and soul.

Oh and it's not a matter of being ignorant it's a matter of most replies by people have already popped into my head long ago as a possible answer as to why meditation doesn't work for me.

Do I remain ignorant because I want to or need to, nope. It's more of I already answered myself talking to myself a while back. In other words the answers of others is very similar to my own answers except for certain spiritual answers. BTW just because people try and help me out doesn't mean they are helping me out. Most people's replies are falling into a personal effect which doesn't compound with my situation. Do I want or need help, not at all. But if I can simply ask for some okay sure that might be nice. Perhaps I'm just communicating because I want to know about said occult situation. More as a curiosity rather than outright understanding.

To be honest The Alchemist7 brings up a good point that I shouldn't ask for help. I've been carefully monitoring what I post not to offend or create a ruckus with in the forums. So I guess The Alchemist7 has proven police lingo 101, anything and everything can and will be used against you in a court of law. I guess I gave him ammunition to carry out his assault and now I have to answer back.

What can I say guys, sorry. I created ANOTHER situation this time a passive indirect one. Sorry.
Gear88 said:
The Alchemist7 said:
This guy is dabbling in SS for around 20 years and he's still not able to do even a simple basic meditation. People spent a lot of their time to try to help him but he prefered to stay ignorant.

He even called us "neo-nazis" like we would be a bunch of cucks brainwashed with jewish pseudo-nationalism.

When did I say "neo-nazi"? I said you guys are OG Nazi's. I understand from Sinistra's post that not all neo-nazi's are bad and perhaps my hatred of xtianity and silly racial division bothers me but I NEVER said JoS is Neo-Nazi. Not sure where you got that but you obviously didn't read properly.

Oh so I've been dedicated for 20 years that is nice I wish it were that long but it's only been 16 years 2019 - 2003 = 16 and some months as of the time of this post.

And yes so what if I can't even do a basic meditation? So what? if I do meditation half-assed at least I do something. Most people don't even clean their auras or add auras of protection. Do I wish I could meditate well i.e. mindfulness(void) and trance. Sure but that doesn't mean I dabble.

I have no idea why you state I dabble that is funny you imply I use other religions in the meantime. You do realize your talking to a person that has been OBSESSED with WW2 since about 1996/1997 when I got the history channel and later on delving into other things with the internet. So what can I say 22, 23, maybe 24 years involved in such manner.

You do realize I've been at this since I was 12 years old. I mean how many people can genuinely state that at 12 they just up and decided to jump into the occult.

Meditation doesn't work, okay I get it. But non the less I still do it and hope it works. I still do my RTR, I've been slacking these past few days but non the less I still do them.

What is the problem? I guess some people aren't meant to advance spiritually or meditate. That's me in a nutshell I just seemingly cannot interact in such manner with my mind, body, and soul.

Oh and it's not a matter of being ignorant it's a matter of most replies by people have already popped into my head long ago as a possible answer as to why meditation doesn't work for me.

Do I remain ignorant because I want to or need to, nope. It's more of I already answered myself talking to myself a while back. In other words the answers of others is very similar to my own answers except for certain spiritual answers. BTW just because people try and help me out doesn't mean they are helping me out. Most people's replies are falling into a personal effect which doesn't compound with my situation. Do I want or need help, not at all. But if I can simply ask for some okay sure that might be nice. Perhaps I'm just communicating because I want to know about said occult situation. More as a curiosity rather than outright understanding.

To be honest The Alchemist7 brings up a good point that I shouldn't ask for help. I've been carefully monitoring what I post not to offend or create a ruckus with in the forums. So I guess The Alchemist7 has proven police lingo 101, anything and everything can and will be used against you in a court of law. I guess I gave him ammunition to carry out his assault and now I have to answer back.

What can I say guys, sorry. I created ANOTHER situation this time a passive indirect one. Sorry.
The time that you have been a SS doesn't matter at all if you don't advance spiritualy.
Advancing spiritualy is the first thing in here, do you belive for example that in the Planet where the God's live there have been some people's that just don't want or "can't" advance spiritualy? It doesn't make sense, yes for some it may be harder but anyone can advance, if you keep saying that you cannot do it guess what it will happen...
This is a spiritual path. So keep trying because everyone can advance, if the jews can become somewhat spiritualy advance and they are the most materialist of all then so do you.

And meditations does work. You are not sitting there hoping that it work. What is the point then? We had enough experiences that we can say magick exist and meditations works.
Gear88 said:
I remember about you telling to HP Cobra not very long time ago something that this place ia neo-nazi or something similar. I might have also misunderstood and IF that's the case, I apologise im that regard.

If you "still" do something, what? How that "at least I do something" helped or improved your life? Based on your own words, that "at least something" was useless for 16 years. What is the point of keeping doing something if you can't do it properly? Is like you would forcibly eat something which you don't like. It's just useless. You confirmed you can't do a meditation properly and then you said you are not dabbling. Dabbling means to do what you are doing, something totally superficial and without any interest, like "walking in the room while vibrating" as you told me in the other thread. Other religions have nothing to do with dabbling. It means you just do it without any will or interest.

Gear88 said:
You do realize your talking to a person that has been OBSESSED with WW2 since about 1996/1997 when I got the history channel and later on delving into other things with the internet. So what can I say 22, 23, maybe 24 years involved in such manner.

You do realize that this has nothing to do with meditation or RTRs? And is not like you discovered on history channel some advanced forbidden knowledge about WW2 to tell me this.

And if you are delving into occult since 12, then what? You still struggle to do a void meditation. What is the reason of praising yourself for this? Also you try to blame meditation for being "useless" and "not working" while totally ignoring the fact that you don't have any urge to meditate. The meditation works for everybody, but of course when one is depressed and refuse to improve his life will always blame something or someone else, except their own incapacities.

Anyway I already opened useless and time wasting subjects already debated before without any result. I just was surprised to hear someone doing an RTR in 9 minutes.
The Alchemist7 said:
Gear88 said:
I remember about you telling to HP Cobra not very long time ago something that this place ia neo-nazi or something similar. I might have also misunderstood and IF that's the case, I apologise im that regard.

If you "still" do something, what? How that "at least I do something" helped or improved your life? Based on your own words, that "at least something" was useless for 16 years. What is the point of keeping doing something if you can't do it properly? Is like you would forcibly eat something which you don't like. It's just useless. You confirmed you can't do a meditation properly and then you said you are not dabbling. Dabbling means to do what you are doing, something totally superficial and without any interest, like "walking in the room while vibrating" as you told me in the other thread. Other religions have nothing to do with dabbling. It means you just do it without any will or interest.

Gear88 said:
You do realize your talking to a person that has been OBSESSED with WW2 since about 1996/1997 when I got the history channel and later on delving into other things with the internet. So what can I say 22, 23, maybe 24 years involved in such manner.

You do realize that this has nothing to do with meditation or RTRs? And is not like you discovered on history channel some advanced forbidden knowledge about WW2 to tell me this.

And if you are delving into occult since 12, then what? You still struggle to do a void meditation. What is the reason of praising yourself for this? Also you try to blame meditation for being "useless" and "not working" while totally ignoring the fact that you don't have any urge to meditate. The meditation works for everybody, but of course when one is depressed and refuse to improve his life will always blame something or someone else, except their own incapacities.

Anyway I already opened useless and time wasting subjects already debated before without any result. I just was surprised to hear someone doing an RTR in 9 minutes.

´´Anyway I already opened useless and time wasting subjects already debated before without any result. I just was surprised to hear someone doing an RTR in 9 minutes.``

Well... I do it in 7 mins actually(FOCUSED and RIGHT)...
The Alchemist7 said:

I do it simply cause I got nothing better to do. Not sure how that is dabbling.


...TLDR dabbling is the act of being in one religion while still having ties to another...

The Alchemist7 said:

What can I say I LOVE blaming other people. Cause I'm usually right it's others fault.

The sheer fact is if meditation is problematic for me. I blame myself but not for other things. If it's meditation sure. And why do I praise myself because "Why the hell not".

Meditation never worked for me. Some of you guys speak like you've been knee-deep in meditation for so many years or decades that you might as well be a guru in India teaching lessons. Not everyone can achieve such areas of development. If I can't it proves useless, why do I do it simply for curiosity particularly a mental curiosity.

The only interest at this point in time that I have is mere mental curiosity. My boredom is so deep and extreme that why am I in SS/NS simply out of sheer boredom, mental curiosity, and the fact you guys have you shit straight and know your information. If meditation is a point of doing things in this religion and it sure is. Then why hasn't it worked for me.

Well simply being I'm not someone who is meant for meditation. I do it cause I got nothing better to do with my time.

The Alchemist7 said:
..If you "still" do something, what? How that "at least I do something" helped or improved your life? Based on your own words, that "at least something" was useless for 16 years. What is the point of keeping doing something if you can't do it properly? Is like you would forcibly eat something which you don't like. It's just useless. You confirmed you can't do a meditation properly and then you said you are not dabbling. Dabbling means to do what you are doing, something totally superficial and without any interest, like "walking in the room while vibrating" as you told me in the other thread. Other religions have nothing to do with dabbling. It means you just do it without any will or interest.

Someone told me the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results when there is only one result and never changing.

I replied back "Probably because you didn't delve deep enough you didn't see different results but if you do something that produces the same results non-stop there might be differences at a lower level than observation".

I told them "Your viewing things from your perspective sure 1+1 = 2, but can you really confirm that without testing it and only then with tests there a myriad of test to prove 1 + 1 = 2. So there are differences even insanity has differences you just gotta look deeper."

Why do I continue to do it well as I said above it's just mental curiosity. I seek knowledge for the sake of seeking knowledge not because I like knowledge, no not at all I've long since grown tired of finding information. No more for the fact that I got nothing better to do and I've expanded my mental range of easing up on boredom and thinking.

It's the same thing with everything I've been doing since probably the end of high school. Like for example studying deeply on computers, Solid-State drives, or hell back when I researched the hell out of CRT monitors and come to find out that it wasn't until 2009 and really only in the last like 5 years that LCD monitors have only just recently been competitive with CRT monitors even high-end ones that sold for hundreds or thousands.

The Alchemist7 said:

RTRs are NOT mantras they are words the sensitivity of hebrew allows it to be pumped up. Even in the past for example say the 42 NoG back in May of 2018, I sat down had the whole day to myself and said let me do higher rep blasts. Sat down did 432(216/216) Shema(20 minutes), 18 72 NoG(18 is high rep blast took almost 20 minutes), when it came to 42 NoG I sat down and did 216 blasts of 42 NoG in 52 minutes; for words they sure take time especially stating the paragraph and finally did some other RTRs remaining at a higher level.

Now with F-RTR how is it any different. What are we suddenly vibrating, no. We are stating words that have powers.
Artanis said:
´´Anyway I already opened useless and time wasting subjects already debated before without any result. I just was surprised to hear someone doing an RTR in 9 minutes.``

Well... I do it in 7 mins actually(FOCUSED and RIGHT)...
Same here. 5-10 minutes depending on how much I try to hurry with it. A 90x RTR on a good pace takes around 1 1/2 hours.
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
They don't do a 9-minute RTR, they likely half ass an RTR in 9 minutes, there is a key difference which is the Will involved and most of us agree it's not effective enough in only 9 minutes.
9 minutes is about 2.5 letters per minute, which is quite a lot. One day when I had a flight I arrived home around 12-1 in the night and I was way too tired to do an RTR in 15 minutes as I do normally and I just vibrated the letters very quick and I done it somewhere between 6-10 minutes. I can truly say I done it like shit because I just didn't want to finish the day without doing any RTRs. 7-9 minutes means quick vibration/spelling of the letters and I doubt that this it's fully effective despite of the deep focus one might have.
The Alchemist7 said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
They don't do a 9-minute RTR, they likely half ass an RTR in 9 minutes, there is a key difference which is the Will involved and most of us agree it's not effective enough in only 9 minutes.
9 minutes is about 2.5 letters per minute, which is quite a lot. One day when I had a flight I arrived home around 12-1 in the night and I was way too tired to do an RTR in 15 minutes as I do normally and I just vibrated the letters very quick and I done it somewhere between 6-10 minutes. I can truly say I done it like shit because I just didn't want to finish the day without doing any RTRs. 7-9 minutes means quick vibration/spelling of the letters and I doubt that this it's fully effective despite of the deep focus one might have.

HP HC has said countless of times *DO NOT WORRY ABOUT IT*. Dont worry about HOW much energy you get into the RTR with right vibration or doing it slowly. Just DO it.

(YES, it DOES add more power to the RTR if you do it accurately, but if one struggles on putting energy into the RTR(like should i do this and this and that to make it more powerful), it will only decrease its effectiveness by making it harder to do. Do not worry about putting extra energy into the FINAL RTR(IF you do not know how, more energy is OC, ALWAYS better), JUST DO IT!)
The Alchemist7 said:
Gear88 said:
I remember about you telling to HP Cobra not very long time ago something that this place ia neo-nazi or something similar. I might have also misunderstood and IF that's the case, I apologise im that regard.

If you "still" do something, what? How that "at least I do something" helped or improved your life? Based on your own words, that "at least something" was useless for 16 years. What is the point of keeping doing something if you can't do it properly? Is like you would forcibly eat something which you don't like. It's just useless. You confirmed you can't do a meditation properly and then you said you are not dabbling. Dabbling means to do what you are doing, something totally superficial and without any interest, like "walking in the room while vibrating" as you told me in the other thread. Other religions have nothing to do with dabbling. It means you just do it without any will or interest.

Gear88 said:
You do realize your talking to a person that has been OBSESSED with WW2 since about 1996/1997 when I got the history channel and later on delving into other things with the internet. So what can I say 22, 23, maybe 24 years involved in such manner.

You do realize that this has nothing to do with meditation or RTRs? And is not like you discovered on history channel some advanced forbidden knowledge about WW2 to tell me this.

And if you are delving into occult since 12, then what? You still struggle to do a void meditation. What is the reason of praising yourself for this? Also you try to blame meditation for being "useless" and "not working" while totally ignoring the fact that you don't have any urge to meditate. The meditation works for everybody, but of course when one is depressed and refuse to improve his life will always blame something or someone else, except their own incapacities.

Anyway I already opened useless and time wasting subjects already debated before without any result. I just was surprised to hear someone doing an RTR in 9 minutes.
Your wasting time on this person. He is too far gone to be helped from the outside. There is only one thing that can happen, is he starts changing and realizing things himself. The more you push the more he'll sink deep into the pitch black void, the sea of nihilism that has been created.
Jack said:
Your wasting time on this person. He is too far gone to be helped from the outside. There is only one thing that can happen, is he starts changing and realizing things himself. The more you push the more he'll sink deep into the pitch black void, the sea of nihilism that has been created.
Yea true. I wanted anyway to stop "chating" with him on that subjects, because that is, useless chat which leads nowhere. Now he'll read your message and come with another essay about his great experince in occult and WW2
@Jack and @Alchemist7

This isn't a place to chat. It has no capacity to chat.

If you would like to talk then tell me to change the subject. You guys wanted such things and wanted to know how a person does it in 9 minutes or 10 minutes or whatever. Not my fault my mind works in such ways and opens up the avenues of communication to such matters.

It's funny you state I'm too far gone. No idea what that means mind explaining to me how I'm too far gone?

If you guys want to know something tell me just ask away. Let's chat together. Cause last time I recall the forums aren't for chit-chats.

If you guys want open up a thread call it "Gear88 let's do some talking".
Gear88 said:
You should take some time to ponder why Jack and Alchemist along with a number of others have been hostile toward you as of late, a lot of your posts on these forums have struck people as odd in the past and you've mentioned that you don't meditate consistently, coupled with unsubstantiated claims that you have been hanging around JoS since apparently 2004 marks you out as a tedious and suspicious person. With the influx of infiltrators and trolls on the forums these days, it's easy to get suspicious of someone in your shoes. I will keep my mostly impartial thoughts on the matter to myself, but perhaps it would be good time to take a break from posting on the forums and actually take time to meditate so that the hostility aimed toward you from others cools down and you prove to the rest that you are an actual Satanist who is working on advancing yourself.

As a general note of clarification on the matter of RTR vibrations, they are indeed mantras which is why we often feel a heightened energy after performing them; the clergy has stated numerous times in the past that the Hebrew letters are mostly stolen ancient mantras and the names of Gentile Gods all reversed to cause damage to Gentiles' souls (such as the Hebrew letter TEHS which reversed is SEHT or SAT, another name for Satan). The Hebrew alphabet is vibrated when spells are cast by the enemy and therefore it should be vibrated in reverse to undo those spells. With that said the vibration does not have to be extremely long, and it does not have to be very loud, as long as it's vibrated with intent and vibrated at all with the correct numerology, the RTR is valid.
Gear88 said:

Scion of Atlantis said:

I agree with Scion here. Speaking as someone who initially replied to you, Gear, with full intent to simply help or assist you instead of just shunning you immediately you admittedly have not done much to prove Alchemist and Jack's claims against you wrong. I won't say more than that, as once again, I agree with Scion. This is not the time nor the place for me to express my personal thoughts or judgements about the nature of your character, I'll just chime in with him in saying it is indeed probably best you just take a break from posting and do some soul searching, especially given that this is meant to be a thread about the Final RTR anyway. Adding to that, I think everyone here should be more than clear on the whole time taken thing by now.

The rest of Scion's post is also true. The RTR isn't just as simple as the words being reversed Hebrew, and this has been talked about plenty. Set is a good example. The Khem based words are another obvious one. Considering your supposed claim of being an SS for however long a time, you should have probably been aware of this by now, which only serves to make the rest of your claims more dubious. Having a 20 year interest in the occult and WW2 does not mean you have been an SS for 20 years, heh. Most people here by nature have had lifelong occult interests before coming here. Personally I feel one can only truly call themselves an SS, not only after dedication, but active participation and self progress as well.

To add one final point. Meditation doesn't just "not work". Energy in, energy out. Its the same thing when fat people say they don't magically lose weight even supposedly in spite of a good diet and exercise. In reality they're just not doing either thing properly or at all, because its not as if their bodies are magically disobeying the laws of thermodynamics. Meditation is the same way. Its energy. So if you're genuinely focusing and putting in daily effort, you'd know the end result, because you're not some mystical exception to the rule. Once again, this is what I meant by taking a break and doing soul searching. Because you wont do yourself any favors continuing to post like this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
