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FAQ about the Final RTR + Tetragrammaton + Shattering [Updated 25 August 2021]

Artanis said:
Cfecit said:
Ciao brother and sister in Satan.

I want a little clarifications about how to procede with the letters. I make a two example, let me indicate which is correct.

First line we have two letters (letter and his variant):

1) Do 9x for each VAHT • FUHT • VUHT • VUHSS • OUT • OUTH • VAHSS
and I delete this two letters. (letter and his variant)


2) Do 9x for each VAHT • FUHT • VUHT • VUHSS • OUT • OUTH • VAHSS (for first letter, left)
and I do again 9x for each VAHT • FUHT • VUHT • VUHSS • OUT • OUTH • VAHSS (for second letter or "variant", right)
and now i delete this two letters. (letter and his variant)

Thanks for help.

"They" are just 1 letter. You do it 9x And then just delete The letter and procede to The next one

I can confirm this. One look at the Hebrew alphabet wikipedia shows how some letters can change shape when they are the final letter in a word and in other cases.
Hello my Brothers and Sisters!

I am new to SS. I have finally dedicated my soul to Satan after many years of searching and some setbacks caused by enemy.

Dropbox link gave me erro404, but I got the F-RTR pdf below that link. Hour of Saturn is approaching here in about 30 minutes and I will prepare to do this first time ever.

Hail Satan!
Quick question:

Since I do not own a printer, is it ok to upload pdf file to online pdf editor, vibrate letters, blot hebrew out and after it save file to computer and then delete the file? I shift-delete so it does not go through recycle bin and hard drive is solid state so it is not like magnetic drivers where one could restore (parts, or complete files) with proper software.

I mean I am basically looking for some confirmation yet I already did this rtr twice yesterday and cleaned myself after that as instructed and after a while I felt blessed. I'm new, so yeah...

I could also ask my mom to print files at work, but I wonder if it is ok since she is clueless about this stuff.
Henu the Great said:
Quick question:

Since I do not own a printer, is it ok to upload pdf file to online pdf editor, vibrate letters, blot hebrew out and after it save file to computer and then delete the file? I shift-delete so it does not go through recycle bin and hard drive is solid state so it is not like magnetic drivers where one could restore (parts, or complete files) with proper software.

I mean I am basically looking for some confirmation yet I already did this rtr twice yesterday and cleaned myself after that as instructed and after a while I felt blessed. I'm new, so yeah...

I could also ask my mom to print files at work, but I wonder if it is ok since she is clueless about this stuff.
Moro. You can use the paintable online version: https://www.satanslibrary.org/paintable.html


you could convert the PDF into JPEG and use it in any image editing software on a PC or your phone.
Henu the Great said:
Quick question:

Since I do not own a printer, is it ok to upload pdf file to online pdf editor, vibrate letters, blot hebrew out and after it save file to computer and then delete the file? I shift-delete so it does not go through recycle bin and hard drive is solid state so it is not like magnetic drivers where one could restore (parts, or complete files) with proper software.

I mean I am basically looking for some confirmation yet I already did this rtr twice yesterday and cleaned myself after that as instructed and after a while I felt blessed. I'm new, so yeah...

I could also ask my mom to print files at work, but I wonder if it is ok since she is clueless about this stuff.
That is fine, doing it on the computer will work good. Don't start overthinking on whether a solid state or harddrive is better, because none of that makes any difference.

Do not talk to your mom about this, and do not get her to print it at work. First reason is you do not know what she would think about it or how she would react, you should not be telling your mom or anyone else about any of this. And the biggest reason is especially never print anything like this at work. The company can look and see everything that gets printed and who printed it, and if they see something like this get printed by your mom, they could fire her.
Henu the Great said:
Hello my Brothers and Sisters!

I am new to SS. I have finally dedicated my soul to Satan after many years of searching and some setbacks caused by enemy.

Dropbox link gave me erro404, but I got the F-RTR pdf below that link. Hour of Saturn is approaching here in about 30 minutes and I will prepare to do this first time ever.

Hail Satan!
Sounds good :D
Apprentice said:
Henu the Great said:
Quick question:

Since I do not own a printer, is it ok to upload pdf file to online pdf editor, vibrate letters, blot hebrew out and after it save file to computer and then delete the file? I shift-delete so it does not go through recycle bin and hard drive is solid state so it is not like magnetic drivers where one could restore (parts, or complete files) with proper software.

I mean I am basically looking for some confirmation yet I already did this rtr twice yesterday and cleaned myself after that as instructed and after a while I felt blessed. I'm new, so yeah...

I could also ask my mom to print files at work, but I wonder if it is ok since she is clueless about this stuff.
Moro. You can use the paintable online version: https://www.satanslibrary.org/paintable.html


you could convert the PDF into JPEG and use it in any image editing software on a PC or your phone.


Ol argedco luciftias said:
Do not talk to your mom about this, and do not get her to print it at work. First reason is you do not know what she would think about it or how she would react, you should not be telling your mom or anyone else about any of this. And the biggest reason is especially never print anything like this at work. The company can look and see everything that gets printed and who printed it, and if they see something like this get printed by your mom, they could fire her.

Yes, thank you.

Hail Satan! :)
https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/alef-bet.mp3 HP gave us the mp3 file where each word is pronounced once. Imagine i edit the file to pronounce each word 9 times. for example, the bit where HP pronounces 'VAHT' gets looped 9 times, then the pronunciation for 'FUHT' gets looped 9 times, etc.

Will it count as a ritual if i play the edited file, instead of pronouncing it myself?
sola said:
https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/alef-bet.mp3 HP gave us the mp3 file where each word is pronounced once. Imagine i edit the file to pronounce each word 9 times. for example, the bit where HP pronounces 'VAHT' gets looped 9 times, then the pronunciation for 'FUHT' gets looped 9 times, etc.

Will it count as a ritual if i play the edited file, instead of pronouncing it myself?

Electronic machines have no soul. So how is it going to reverse it?

If machines could reverse somehow. We'd probably tell everyone to loop the tapes and blast it doing hundreds to thousands of F-RTRs a day. The enemy would probably get eviscerated within a short period of time.

Jokes aside the RTR comes from your soul. Machines cannot replicate kaballalistic intent that is part of your mind, body, and in particular your soul.

You perform the RTR mentally or better yet out-loud in a normal comfortable tone of voice so it vibrates out into the World.

It's very simple don't worry if it's not perfect just try it out and make sure to raise your energy a bit beforehand as well as clean afterwords.
sola said:
https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/alef-bet.mp3 HP gave us the mp3 file where each word is pronounced once. Imagine i edit the file to pronounce each word 9 times. for example, the bit where HP pronounces 'VAHT' gets looped 9 times, then the pronunciation for 'FUHT' gets looped 9 times, etc.

Will it count as a ritual if i play the edited file, instead of pronouncing it myself?

No. Because the recording doesnt have any energy, unlike your soul, when you perform it yourself.
No. Because the recording doesnt have any energy, unlike your soul, when you perform it yourself.[/quote]
Gear88 said:
sola said:
https://www.satanslibrary.org/Rtrs/alef-bet.mp3 HP gave us the mp3 file where each word is pronounced once. Imagine i edit the file to pronounce each word 9 times. for example, the bit where HP pronounces 'VAHT' gets looped 9 times, then the pronunciation for 'FUHT' gets looped 9 times, etc.

Will it count as a ritual if i play the edited file, instead of pronouncing it myself?

Electronic machines have no soul. So how is it going to reverse it?

If machines could reverse somehow. We'd probably tell everyone to loop the tapes and blast it doing hundreds to thousands of F-RTRs a day. The enemy would probably get eviscerated within a short period of time.

Jokes aside the RTR comes from your soul. Machines cannot replicate kaballalistic intent that is part of your mind, body, and in particular your soul.

You perform the RTR mentally or better yet out-loud in a normal comfortable tone of voice so it vibrates out into the World.

It's very simple don't worry if it's not perfect just try it out and make sure to raise your energy a bit beforehand as well as clean afterwords.

Thanks <3
I have successfully managed to do the Final RTR without much distraction. I had been using youtube videos as a crutch to distract me, but today I did it completely and elevating my energies via breathing exercise w/ 666 energy raise, definitely helped out. My head is buzzing from energy I'm assuming?
Just wanted to share since I felt happy about it :D
This comment was on the main topic for Final RTR. But I also put it here so it is easy to find.

Crystallized Mushroom said:
does anyone know where the 1 page printable rtr with all the Hebrew letters is? :cool:
Click this link, then click "open in browser" if you see that, then it's right there on the first page "Final_RTR_Page Only.pdf"
Can I do mind vibration? Is it still work? I share a room with some else literally 24/7.
homeraee said:
Can I do mind vibration? Is it still work? I share a room with some else literally 24/7.

Yes, it works albeit what I have gathered it is somewhat less effective. Better than none, for sure!

One way to get around of that is to put music or other sound to block your silent vibrating.
My tip for doing RTR fully effectively. Is it correct? Read below.

Relax yourself, do basic breathing exercises. Engage yourself mentally and physically just like as if you are about to do a very very VERY important ritual.

Be very formal about it , it will help you make your MIND ORGANISED beforehand about it but MORE EMOTIONAL.



DezFranky said:
I have successfully managed to do the Final RTR without much distraction. I had been using youtube videos as a crutch to distract me, but today I did it completely and elevating my energies via breathing exercise w/ 666 energy raise, definitely helped out. My head is buzzing from energy I'm assuming?
Just wanted to share since I felt happy about it :D

If this energy is too much to bear ask Satan or your GD to take it.
I need more clarification. The rtr letters are reversed letters in sanskrit and they vibrate it in reverse and ....we qre also reversing it? What...

I just can't understand...someone help me understand it in detail how they use these reversed letters in Hebrew to curse and bind gentiles...and

And how do they use it same time to give themselves blessings? They give themselves blessings, protection by vibrating the reversed sanskrit letters in their Hebrew which are the names of the Gods?
sahasrarabliss said:
I need more clarification. The rtr letters are reversed letters in sanskrit and they vibrate it in reverse and ....we qre also reversing it? What...

I just can't understand...someone help me understand it in detail how they use these reversed letters in Hebrew to curse and bind gentiles...and

And how do they use it same time to give themselves blessings? They give themselves blessings, protection by vibrating the reversed sanskrit letters in their Hebrew which are the names of the Gods?
The rtrs are reversed hebrew letters, hebrew letters contain jewish energy that gives power to the jews, by reversing it we are removing their power.
sahasrarabliss said:
I need more clarification. The rtr letters are reversed letters in sanskrit and they vibrate it in reverse and ....we qre also reversing it? What...

I just can't understand...someone help me understand it in detail how they use these reversed letters in Hebrew to curse and bind gentiles...and

And how do they use it same time to give themselves blessings? They give themselves blessings, protection by vibrating the reversed sanskrit letters in their Hebrew which are the names of the Gods?

Settle down, you've been here how long and you don't know what we are doing?

(Can RTRs be vibrated: sure, can they be slightly vibrated: sure, can they be said in just normal manner: sure)

Hebrew or reverse hebrew as in the RTR is reversing an amalgamation and assessment of different Kaballahs or Alphabets from Gentiles.

While it's true that a lot of the hebrew kaballah is taken from Greek alphabet/kaballah don't forget Egyptian. In reality what most likely happened is this in Sanskrit they took certain words and certain processes to create a few words, they went to Egypt and created things like Yod/Yot from Yoth, in Greek where they took the most they created other words.

It's been said the Greek kaballah is one of the most powerful if not the most powerful when it came time to do reverse new testament rituals such as the Financial termination or Demonic Authority. Non the less several hebrew letters are from Greek like Aleph or Bet or Gimel.


The jews basically just grabbed(stole) all these occult teachings and basically with their Seraphim/Elohim(read: Reptilian/Greys) created a language to counter our languages and created an occult language. Obviously it gets more dangerous as the occult language is actually a binding ritual on humans i.e. the letters not just fit the jewish soul for empowerment but also fit the Gentile soul for binding such as Sandolphon their so-called second most powerful angel which is really a fictitious entity(read: non-existent) and is represented as the second angel on the ark of the covenant. So metatron and sandolphon obviously sandolphon is the Yantra of all 22 letters focus on humanity as a form of binding the soul from spiritual powers.

So they created a specific entity that is the assessment of the 22 letters to create a binding puppet towards Gentiles.

Anyways the RNTR/RTRs they don't really remove blessings and boons and whatnot. Not to say they don't they do, it's basically like firing a shotgun in the air and splashing on everything. In reality the real reason why we do them is to kaballistically eviscerate the creation of a nefarious realities such as going down WW3 nuclear firefight.

For example we've stopped the Israeli-Syrian war like 9 times in the past 6 years since performing RTRs in 2014 when the 42 NoG popped up sometime in April or May of 2014 and it wasn't till September of 2014 were by the second RTR came.

The sheer fact is SURE it removes the blessings, boons, protection and other things hebs do. But that isn't the main goal per say the main goal is to avoid destruction of humanity through stereotypical jewish methods such as a war for profit and distraction or maneuvers to bring in more rapefugees like the 2017/2018 area Ergodan's removal, his removal would have meant probably 2-3-4+ million rapefugees into Europe. He wasn't removed he went full hava nagila on the dissenters and then well he's still in power. Sure he is a crypto-jew but his removal would be worse than his stay.

Anyways study a bit of history on our site on the RTRs.
Hello all fellow Satanists, I want to be sure that I am doing the Final RTR correctly and need to ask in what sequence do we repeat each of the words shown in it. For example, the first letter to be destroyed in the ritual consists of 7 seperate words beginning with VAHT. Do we say VAHT 9 times, and then proceed to the next one to the right, which is FUHT..and say this 9 times? Or do we say all of the 7 words in a row - like reading a sentence to the last word - and this counts as 1 passing, then go back to the beginning of it 8 more times? Thank you for your help.

Hi! The first one is ok!

lumpman666 said:
Hello all fellow Satanists, I want to be sure that I am doing the Final RTR correctly and need to ask in what sequence do we repeat each of the words shown in it. For example, the first letter to be destroyed in the ritual consists of 7 seperate words beginning with VAHT. Do we say VAHT 9 times, and then proceed to the next one to the right, which is FUHT..and say this 9 times? Or do we say all of the 7 words in a row - like reading a sentence to the last word - and this counts as 1 passing, then go back to the beginning of it 8 more times? Thank you for your help.

lumpman666 said:
Hello all fellow Satanists, I want to be sure that I am doing the Final RTR correctly and need to ask in what sequence do we repeat each of the words shown in it. For example, the first letter to be destroyed in the ritual consists of 7 seperate words beginning with VAHT. Do we say VAHT 9 times, and then proceed to the next one to the right, which is FUHT..and say this 9 times? Or do we say all of the 7 words in a row - like reading a sentence to the last word - and this counts as 1 passing, then go back to the beginning of it 8 more times? Thank you for your help.


9 reps per vibration. One at a time is how I have done it, but I guess it does not really matter now when I think of it? You get the 9 reps done, and that constitutes one round. Do more than one round if you feel like it.

You can do more than 9 reps in one go, by multilplying it making it a longer in one go. No need to do separate 9 rep workings if you want to do more. Of course doing single rounds is fine and you can do for example one in morning and one in evening.

Ps fuck the jews. :lol:
Greetings all Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

Is it o.k. if we go past 9 repetitions of each word in the final RTR? Like if we miscount how many times we said it, is it safe to go up to 10 or 12 repetitions of each word - just to make sure it was said at least 9 times?
And does this add extra power to the ritual? Thank you for your answers.

Salam satan saya mau bertanya kaka soalx saya baru bergabung jadi saya belum mngerti, saya bingung RTR itu tujuan nya untuk apa ya?
lumpman666 said:
Greetings all Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

Is it o.k. if we go past 9 repetitions of each word in the final RTR? Like if we miscount how many times we said it, is it safe to go up to 10 or 12 repetitions of each word - just to make sure it was said at least 9 times?
And does this add extra power to the ritual? Thank you for your answers.

If it happens by accident do not worry about it, the RTR still will work but its obviously better to stick to 9 or multiple like 18 and so on. If you do multiple it will count like two RTR if its 18 reps or more if you do more multiples.
lumpman666 said:
Greetings all Satanic Brothers and Sisters,

Is it o.k. if we go past 9 repetitions of each word in the final RTR? Like if we miscount how many times we said it, is it safe to go up to 10 or 12 repetitions of each word - just to make sure it was said at least 9 times?
And does this add extra power to the ritual? Thank you for your answers.

You can do it, but it doesnt add power. It weakens the ritual when that happens, so avoid it if possible. And this is if it happens maybe once or twice during the ritual, not on like every second letter or something.
It's important to put in the effort to keep proper count on the repetitions you make.
HP Mageson666 said:
The jooz stole the doving the swaying from the ancient east. Its about moving in away that opens the spine up its a form of yoga that acts directly on the spine. I have written about this before. That is why when jews do this they believe they are connecting with the shekinah energy which is their soul energy.

Naturally swaying around is normal when a lot of energy gets generated in the body. Because energy moves in a circular motion. Which is what the swaying is relating to. Take a look at how many serpent dances in Paganism are about moving in this kind of motion and direction. Its common for people when activating this energy to start swaying and rocking back and forth. Take a look at the Kundalini classes they do on mass in India when the power really starts to get strong people start doing this everywhere.

If people are swaying from this RTR that is because its unbinding the soul from the jewish curses that are trying to keep the soul bound. That if proof the RTR is working.

slowly but surely over the course of months this has started to happen gradually for me..i have recently been focusing the RTRS intensely on myself to ward off attacks and since then the rocking and swaying has become really extreme..from side to side and back and forth...even going in circles with out me forcing it. ive noticed too that it responds to yes and no questions like a pendulim.
how do i raise my energy before doing rtr?
And is it ok to listen to audio of rtr that i downloaded while doing it?

I've been wanting to do this but i dont know how.
I truly believe that we have been fed lies from birth and that all we see or hear is fabricated to make us stand in line. As I approach my 40's im looking for real answers
Russ said:
how do i raise my energy before doing rtr?
And is it ok to listen to audio of rtr that i downloaded while doing it?

I've been wanting to do this but i dont know how.[/quote


you can raise your energies by performing what's in the link above. or you can do yoga which raises energy too right before a working or RTR's.

to answer your second question, yes it should be fine.

And WHY did you then posted something where you said that you are a jew and a close friend with HP Mageson, he is also a jew and that you have been fooling the JOS for 20 years, that vibrating the Hebrew letters backwards is negative to ones aura etc etc??? :| :|[/quote]

Lol HEY, guess mageson was called out in January... this infiltrator guy might not have been lying after all.
Dmt1982 said:
I truly believe that we have been fed lies from birth and that all we see or hear is fabricated to make us stand in line. As I approach my 40's im looking for real answers

That is correct, we have been. One of these lies is that drugs can help with understanding Truth. In reality, they only cause hallucinations. What you need to do is raise your consciousness through meditation. Do start meditating. It will take a while, but you will see the Truth more and more each day.

Wish you luck. Also study www.joyofsatan.org
Dmt1982 said:
I truly believe that we have been fed lies from birth and that all we see or hear is fabricated to make us stand in line. As I approach my 40's im looking for real answers

The enemy are unlike us on a soul level. They blatantly lie and deceive and don't feel bad about it like a Gentile would. Anyway, welcome!
Is it okay to perform the RTR together with my wife? We did it like that for a while where I would speak one of the parts of the letters, and then she would speak it (for example, I would say vaht, then she would say vaht, back and forth 9 times). At the end of the ritual we were saying the affirmation 3 times, but it was a little different. I would say it 3 times, then she would say it 3 times, and then we would both say Hail Satan.

We've stopped doing that for a while because we were worried about the effectiveness of it being dampened. Some clarification on that would be very much appreciated. We have a really small apartment so it's a little difficult timing things like I would want to, and I desire to perform the ritual every 2 hours instead of every 4 hours since my wife and I alternate.
It's ok, as long as all the vibrations and affimations are being done in the correct number it is effective.

jrvan said:
Is it okay to perform the RTR together with my wife? We did it like that for a while where I would speak one of the parts of the letters, and then she would speak it (for example, I would say vaht, then she would say vaht, back and forth 9 times). At the end of the ritual we were saying the affirmation 3 times, but it was a little different. I would say it 3 times, then she would say it 3 times, and then we would both say Hail Satan.

We've stopped doing that for a while because we were worried about the effectiveness of it being dampened. Some clarification on that would be very much appreciated. We have a really small apartment so it's a little difficult timing things like I would want to, and I desire to perform the ritual every 2 hours instead of every 4 hours since my wife and I alternate.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
