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Europe's So Called "Demographic" Problem

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I am talking about the migration waves of the 3rd world whose mission is to just take pensions and fold stamps to "feel gud" in the millions.

As for transfer for students there is nothing wrong. Nor for tourism or limited labor. But for millions to just transfer and live on free money forever in a host country and envision a life like that, is that even correct.

Lastly in USSR ruled countries there is not development like the US but this is the case for most other European countries. But they are developed to an extent. Way more than people are thinking compared to many countries like Pakistan.

This granted there is will and knowledge (Whites can go abroad and study to other White countries and gain expertise) can be fixed in a few decades in full.

So migration for studying and experience is actually great for long term planning. Plus, upon your return, job wise, you will be a king in your country compared to the lazy people you describe. And better able to direct them in the proper way.

The solution of migration is people migrate for two reasons. Metaphorically speaking some are parasites and just move to rip the skin of off the beautiful people and try to stick it in their face. Others just migrate to learn how to be more beautiful and self apply it. While the second are a blessing the first are a curse.

For most of the time in the past we had the second type therefore things were decent. Now, we have the first type, in which the jewish governments literally just try to give the nation away. Which only collapses a nation.

In the future the developed White countries will help the less developed directly. Those who do not help the world advance will be attacked.

Plus lack of development is not always bad. I do not think for example Ukraine needs the conversation about having cameras that scan your face and send it directly to the gov so they blacklist people 24/7. And you do not have dangerous cancerous experimental drinks on the market or all sorts of dangerous drugs on every corner. Maybe lack of "developmemt" is not so bad in all ways.

White to White between countries should have more loose standards as time goes. Since it's the same race moving from one place to another. And there should be acceptance and lenience.

Lastly the jews in the European Kike Union say there are gaps in developed countries in regards to workers and pensions. But there is White Youth all over Europe being Neets aka Youth that does nothing and is well studied, and just swamps and plays video games depressed all day.

There is also a country filled with persecuted and highly skilled Whites who need a new life, that is, South Africans. If they brought people from there systematically in, not only they would save them, but also enhance Europe. A people which if not helped immidiately will get messacred in a racial apocalyptic war. These people know English and they have all the technical knowledge and White character ready to just come and adjust in the matter of months. They should be welcomed in their ancestral homeland but who cares...

But its fine let's import all the nigerian prisons and terrorists from the East. This will definitely help a lot. But Jewropean Union wants black kids too for its pedophile rings and therefore it cannot take in only Whites...Nor Rabbis would approve that.

And this is where the jewish conspiracy becomes clear as sky. The Kalergi plan of Jews. It is clear the issue is not demographic, not about finances, not about work, and not about development. All of these are excuses.

Anyone who has studied how this went from 2012 with bringing these people in they find that only 10% does anything valuable. The next 90% just writes rap songs about taking the spines out of White babies, do crimes, or just sit in palaces in Cologne with state pensions.

As for the other academic argument of pensions and the rest of the garbage and how these need to be supported. When you inject people to support future pensioners, you CREATE future pensioners. In proven statistics actually you create endless deficit since most of these people not even work or want any so called "intergation".

So essentially you create a financial black hole: money spent to educate these people who will in the end contribute nothing. This doubles or triples the first initial problem of labor and pensions. Since you are just paying lazy people pensions from...DAY ONE. And not 40 years later as calculated. So you are essentially fucked on the spot. This process increases the first problem exponentially. So what is the solution of jewish academia...IMPORT MORE OF THE THIRD WORLD.

This clearly overburdens the economy of any state and just collapses it. But who cares? Its Arabian and European Goyim that will die in this, and some Goyim country will go under? Why should the masters of this stupid plan be interested?

Plus anyone who watches academia on the subject will see they just create forgeries of studies and also do not generate new knowledge on the subject since 2015. Also they have dropped the claims that do not coincide with the jewish agenda. And finally they have stopped relating to the news the beautiful kalergi things that happen such as taking the spines out of babies as national anthems of the so called "opressed" in Paris.

South Africans could be evacuated and also help us directly. In the span of a month in most countries with zero money spent they could instantly work and habitualize. Since they are White, most are very hardworking, and have knowledge in any field.

But the reason is there is not any real demographic problem, if there ever was, they do not want it fixed, and if there was any financial problems, they only want to further it to collapse Europe. Oh and create the bastardized race of "Asiatic Black White Origin" which is called the Kalergi's children. And who knows maybe also Islamify Europe too for extra points in Jewish rewards.

So the purpose is clear: Injecting inferior criminals in Europe to arouse religious warfare, territoral conquest, and destruction of the White race in their own homelands and continent.

This in the future will also cotribute to the destruction of White South Africans.

If you were a jew looking at this situation, it goes PERFECT for you. White countries go extinct during seeming PEACETIME, and in a way where you will also take down endless other goyim races in the process. Could it be more perfect?

The drawbacks? Jews are getting exposed worldwide.

So in Europe...There is no demographic problem before that could not be easily fixed, it is only caused right now. Not a demographic problem but an extinction problem.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Reckoned666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries

Is it always worth to stay in the country and do your best to build it, instead of going somewhere else?
My country got cucked incredibly hard by USSR, and even now isn't fully recovered yet, rather not even half recovered of what it used to be. The culture is half russian-ish (of course only the bad traits of russian culture), and half of my own nation. Which is an awful combination. Nobody cares about labor or self improvement, rather just stay jobless and get a petty allowance just to cover your bills and eat.

That's why I plan to study abroad and build labor there, and then maybe after I improved a lot myself and have attained a decent financial status, can go back to my own country and do my best to make positive changes there. I'm not going to go to London or whichever huge city which is a mix of godzillion races and has a culture of joo knows what.
Thank you for an elaborate response. For myself, I plan to study abroad, then work, get Masters degree and then after I got a financial backing, i'd go back to my country. From then on, by then i'll have a plan for sure how I am supposed to improve and help the country recover it's former glory. I'm interested in politics and don't mind that, but there might be other ways. With how Final RTR is going, i'm quite excited for the future.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am talking about the migration waves of the 3rd world whose mission is to just take pensions and fold stamps to "feel gud" in the millions.

As for transfer for students there is nothing wrong. Nor for tourism or limited labor. But for millions to just transfer and live on free money forever in a host country and envision a life like that, is that even correct.

Lastly in USSR ruled countries there is not development like the US but this is the case for most other European countries. But they are developed to an extent. Way more than people are thinking compared to many countries like Pakistan.

This granted there is will and knowledge (Whites can go abroad and study to other White countries and gain expertise) can be fixed in a few decades in full.

So migration for studying and experience is actually great for long term planning. Plus, upon your return, job wise, you will be a king in your country compared to the lazy people you describe. And better able to direct them in the proper way.

The solution of migration is people migrate for two reasons. Metaphorically speaking some are parasites and just move to rip the skin of off the beautiful people and try to stick it in their face. Others just migrate to learn how to be more beautiful and self apply it. While the second are a blessing the first are a curse.

For most of the time in the past we had the second type therefore things were decent. Now, we have the first type, in which the jewish governments literally just try to give the nation away. Which only collapses a nation.

In the future the developed White countries will help the less developed directly. Those who do not help the world advance will be attacked.

Plus lack of development is not always bad. I do not think for example Ukraine needs the conversation about having cameras that scan your face and send it directly to the gov so they blacklist people 24/7. And you do not have dangerous cancerous experimental drinks on the market or all sorts of dangerous drugs on every corner. Maybe lack of "developmemt" is not so bad in all ways.

White to White between countries should have more loose standards as time goes. Since it's the same race moving from one place to another. And there should be acceptance and lenience.

Lastly the jews in the European Kike Union say there are gaps in developed countries in regards to workers and pensions. But there is White Youth all over Europe being Neets aka Youth that does nothing and is well studied, and just swamps and plays video games depressed all day.

There is also a country filled with persecuted and highly skilled Whites who need a new life, that is, South Africans. If they brought people from there systematically in, not only they would save them, but also enhance Europe. A people which if not helped immidiately will get messacred in a racial apocalyptic war. These people know English and they have all the technical knowledge and White character ready to just come and adjust in the matter of months. They should be welcomed in their ancestral homeland but who cares...

But its fine let's import all the nigerian prisons and terrorists from the East. This will definitely help a lot. But Jewropean Union wants black kids too for its pedophile rings and therefore it cannot take in only Whites...Nor Rabbis would approve that.

And this is where the jewish conspiracy becomes clear as sky. The Kalergi plan of Jews. It is clear the issue is not demographic, not about finances, not about work, and not about development. All of these are excuses.

Anyone who has studied how this went from 2012 with bringing these people in they find that only 10% does anything valuable. The next 90% just writes rap songs about taking the spines out of White babies, do crimes, or just sit in palaces in Cologne with state pensions.

As for the other academic argument of pensions and the rest of the garbage and how these need to be supported. When you inject people to support future pensioners, you CREATE future pensioners. In proven statistics actually you create endless deficit since most of these people not even work or want any so called "intergation".

So essentially you create a financial black hole: money spent to educate these people who will in the end contribute nothing. This doubles or triples the first initial problem of labor and pensions. Since you are just paying lazy people pensions from...DAY ONE. And not 40 years later as calculated. So you are essentially fucked on the spot. This process increases the first problem exponentially. So what is the solution of jewish academia...IMPORT MORE OF THE THIRD WORLD.

This clearly overburdens the economy of any state and just collapses it. But who cares? Its Arabian and European Goyim that will die in this, and some Goyim country will go under? Why should the masters of this stupid plan be interested?

Plus anyone who watches academia on the subject will see they just create forgeries of studies and also do not generate new knowledge on the subject since 2015. Also they have dropped the claims that do not coincide with the jewish agenda. And finally they have stopped relating to the news the beautiful kalergi things that happen such as taking the spines out of babies as national anthems of the so called "opressed" in Paris.

South Africans could be evacuated and also help us directly. In the span of a month in most countries with zero money spent they could instantly work and habitualize. Since they are White, most are very hardworking, and have knowledge in any field.

But the reason is there is not any real demographic problem, if there ever was, they do not want it fixed, and if there was any financial problems, they only want to further it to collapse Europe. Oh and create the bastardized race of "Asiatic Black White Origin" which is called the Kalergi's children. And who knows maybe also Islamify Europe too for extra points in Jewish rewards.

So the purpose is clear: Injecting inferior criminals in Europe to arouse religious warfare, territoral conquest, and destruction of the White race in their own homelands and continent.

This in the future will also cotribute to the destruction of White South Africans.

If you were a jew looking at this situation, it goes PERFECT for you. White countries go extinct during seeming PEACETIME, and in a way where you will also take down endless other goyim races in the process. Could it be more perfect?

The drawbacks? Jews are getting exposed worldwide.

So in Europe...There is no demographic problem before that could not be easily fixed, it is only caused right now. Not a demographic problem but an extinction problem.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Reckoned666 said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
This adds up, and the end result is a chaotic planet. This is the case with people and races who do not build their countries

Is it always worth to stay in the country and do your best to build it, instead of going somewhere else?
My country got cucked incredibly hard by USSR, and even now isn't fully recovered yet, rather not even half recovered of what it used to be. The culture is half russian-ish (of course only the bad traits of russian culture), and half of my own nation. Which is an awful combination. Nobody cares about labor or self improvement, rather just stay jobless and get a petty allowance just to cover your bills and eat.

That's why I plan to study abroad and build labor there, and then maybe after I improved a lot myself and have attained a decent financial status, can go back to my own country and do my best to make positive changes there. I'm not going to go to London or whichever huge city which is a mix of godzillion races and has a culture of joo knows what.
Not to seem too emotional, but sometimes I really can't understand what makes anti-Whites hate us so much. Most of us just want a safe homeland to live and be who we are, and we get a media that pushes anti-White nonsense constantly, and a government and academia that doesn't even believe we have a right to live. The anti-Whites sing songs about murdering us and mock the members of our Race who are brutally murdered. We're told that we're monsters just for being born, and then people wonder why Whites are angry.
You actually made me realise quite a few things I never payed too much attention to, so thank you very much!!!

Reckoned666 said:
Thank you for an elaborate response. For myself, I plan to study abroad, then work, get Masters degree and then after I got a financial backing, i'd go back to my country. From then on, by then i'll have a plan for sure how I am supposed to improve and help the country recover it's former glory. I'm interested in politics and don't mind that, but there might be other ways. With how Final RTR is going, i'm quite excited for the future.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
I am talking about the migration waves of the 3rd world whose mission is to just take pensions and fold stamps to "feel gud" in the millions.

As for transfer for students there is nothing wrong. Nor for tourism or limited labor. But for millions to just transfer and live on free money forever in a host country and envision a life like that, is that even correct.

Lastly in USSR ruled countries there is not development like the US but this is the case for most other European countries. But they are developed to an extent. Way more than people are thinking compared to many countries like Pakistan.

This granted there is will and knowledge (Whites can go abroad and study to other White countries and gain expertise) can be fixed in a few decades in full.

So migration for studying and experience is actually great for long term planning. Plus, upon your return, job wise, you will be a king in your country compared to the lazy people you describe. And better able to direct them in the proper way.

The solution of migration is people migrate for two reasons. Metaphorically speaking some are parasites and just move to rip the skin of off the beautiful people and try to stick it in their face. Others just migrate to learn how to be more beautiful and self apply it. While the second are a blessing the first are a curse.

For most of the time in the past we had the second type therefore things were decent. Now, we have the first type, in which the jewish governments literally just try to give the nation away. Which only collapses a nation.

In the future the developed White countries will help the less developed directly. Those who do not help the world advance will be attacked.

Plus lack of development is not always bad. I do not think for example Ukraine needs the conversation about having cameras that scan your face and send it directly to the gov so they blacklist people 24/7. And you do not have dangerous cancerous experimental drinks on the market or all sorts of dangerous drugs on every corner. Maybe lack of "developmemt" is not so bad in all ways.

White to White between countries should have more loose standards as time goes. Since it's the same race moving from one place to another. And there should be acceptance and lenience.

Lastly the jews in the European Kike Union say there are gaps in developed countries in regards to workers and pensions. But there is White Youth all over Europe being Neets aka Youth that does nothing and is well studied, and just swamps and plays video games depressed all day.

There is also a country filled with persecuted and highly skilled Whites who need a new life, that is, South Africans. If they brought people from there systematically in, not only they would save them, but also enhance Europe. A people which if not helped immidiately will get messacred in a racial apocalyptic war. These people know English and they have all the technical knowledge and White character ready to just come and adjust in the matter of months. They should be welcomed in their ancestral homeland but who cares...

But its fine let's import all the nigerian prisons and terrorists from the East. This will definitely help a lot. But Jewropean Union wants black kids too for its pedophile rings and therefore it cannot take in only Whites...Nor Rabbis would approve that.

And this is where the jewish conspiracy becomes clear as sky. The Kalergi plan of Jews. It is clear the issue is not demographic, not about finances, not about work, and not about development. All of these are excuses.

Anyone who has studied how this went from 2012 with bringing these people in they find that only 10% does anything valuable. The next 90% just writes rap songs about taking the spines out of White babies, do crimes, or just sit in palaces in Cologne with state pensions.

As for the other academic argument of pensions and the rest of the garbage and how these need to be supported. When you inject people to support future pensioners, you CREATE future pensioners. In proven statistics actually you create endless deficit since most of these people not even work or want any so called "intergation".

So essentially you create a financial black hole: money spent to educate these people who will in the end contribute nothing. This doubles or triples the first initial problem of labor and pensions. Since you are just paying lazy people pensions from...DAY ONE. And not 40 years later as calculated. So you are essentially fucked on the spot. This process increases the first problem exponentially. So what is the solution of jewish academia...IMPORT MORE OF THE THIRD WORLD.

This clearly overburdens the economy of any state and just collapses it. But who cares? Its Arabian and European Goyim that will die in this, and some Goyim country will go under? Why should the masters of this stupid plan be interested?

Plus anyone who watches academia on the subject will see they just create forgeries of studies and also do not generate new knowledge on the subject since 2015. Also they have dropped the claims that do not coincide with the jewish agenda. And finally they have stopped relating to the news the beautiful kalergi things that happen such as taking the spines out of babies as national anthems of the so called "opressed" in Paris.

South Africans could be evacuated and also help us directly. In the span of a month in most countries with zero money spent they could instantly work and habitualize. Since they are White, most are very hardworking, and have knowledge in any field.

But the reason is there is not any real demographic problem, if there ever was, they do not want it fixed, and if there was any financial problems, they only want to further it to collapse Europe. Oh and create the bastardized race of "Asiatic Black White Origin" which is called the Kalergi's children. And who knows maybe also Islamify Europe too for extra points in Jewish rewards.

So the purpose is clear: Injecting inferior criminals in Europe to arouse religious warfare, territoral conquest, and destruction of the White race in their own homelands and continent.

This in the future will also cotribute to the destruction of White South Africans.

If you were a jew looking at this situation, it goes PERFECT for you. White countries go extinct during seeming PEACETIME, and in a way where you will also take down endless other goyim races in the process. Could it be more perfect?

The drawbacks? Jews are getting exposed worldwide.

So in Europe...There is no demographic problem before that could not be easily fixed, it is only caused right now. Not a demographic problem but an extinction problem.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Reckoned666 said:
Is it always worth to stay in the country and do your best to build it, instead of going somewhere else?
My country got cucked incredibly hard by USSR, and even now isn't fully recovered yet, rather not even half recovered of what it used to be. The culture is half russian-ish (of course only the bad traits of russian culture), and half of my own nation. Which is an awful combination. Nobody cares about labor or self improvement, rather just stay jobless and get a petty allowance just to cover your bills and eat.

That's why I plan to study abroad and build labor there, and then maybe after I improved a lot myself and have attained a decent financial status, can go back to my own country and do my best to make positive changes there. I'm not going to go to London or whichever huge city which is a mix of godzillion races and has a culture of joo knows what.
HailVictory88 said:
Not to seem too emotional, but sometimes I really can't understand what makes anti-Whites hate us so much. Most of us just want a safe homeland to live and be who we are, and we get a media that pushes anti-White nonsense constantly, and a government and academia that doesn't even believe we have a right to live. The anti-Whites sing songs about murdering us and mock the members of our Race who are brutally murdered. We're told that we're monsters just for being born, and then people wonder why Whites are angry.

Jews make the problem,then they offer a solution and finally push everything together and make everyone stay right where they were, but worse.
HailVictory88 said:
Not to seem too emotional, but sometimes I really can't understand what makes anti-Whites hate us so much. Most of us just want a safe homeland to live and be who we are, and we get a media that pushes anti-White nonsense constantly, and a government and academia that doesn't even believe we have a right to live. The anti-Whites sing songs about murdering us and mock the members of our Race who are brutally murdered. We're told that we're monsters just for being born, and then people wonder why Whites are angry.

Because this physical realm is just a stepping stone for them.

The Priests have talked extensively about Jews/xians and their feces obsession.
HailVictory88 said:
Not to seem too emotional, but sometimes I really can't understand what makes anti-Whites hate us so much. Most of us just want a safe homeland to live and be who we are, and we get a media that pushes anti-White nonsense constantly, and a government and academia that doesn't even believe we have a right to live. The anti-Whites sing songs about murdering us and mock the members of our Race who are brutally murdered. We're told that we're monsters just for being born, and then people wonder why Whites are angry.

There are many reasons why people hate whites. Most of these reasons boil down to enemy propaganda, which is of extreme power to the other people in general. This propaganda is centered around the meme that if Whites die or go extinct, the remaining people will live in some sort of utopia.

And the multi-trillionaire jews just project this on people whose countries they have massacred financially so much that they lack many necessary things. Then the jews show videos of their racial buddies like the Kardashians and tell them that this is how the average American lives.

The major reason of hate is the jew both from whites to others, and from others to whites, is just the jew.

Hate is universal and whites get a big blunt of it, simply because we are too accepting, too tolerant, and we live undefined lines with other beings, who perceive this unnatural behavior, and increase their hatred in order to gain more out of this condition of debilitation Whites are.

Whites are trying to 'love' everyone and therefore everyone hates them. Think on this quote and you will understand what it means.

By giving blackmailers and dumb-asses what they ask, ie, allowing every retard to blackmail you with being called "racist", as they threaten you with very extinction or their cheap "hatred", you only increase the hatred: You tell them constantly to ahead since this is successful parasitism. This is like giving sugar to cockroaches and expecting they will just suddenly stop infesting your house since they like sugar, or thinking that many are clever enough to understand that you gave this as an act of 'friendship'. Because you was "kind enough" to give them what they wanted. You may done this out of love or out of fear, but the end result is the same.

This animal kingdom example just suffices to show why the more we are blackmailed and this works, many parasites just keep at it.

Seriously have you ever heard of any blackmailer who was given their money and didn't get killed or something...stop the blackmailing...Or any criminal who just lives perfectly in crime...stopping crime...Of course everyone will keep hating us until they are smacked on the face from it. This is like bullies who gain satisfaction, but this is way more serious as resources are concerned.

The few people that consider this unjust do see this and support us, but they cannot do shit if we ourselves do not raise up and smack the kike and his agents on the face. I do not think the average woman from africa, especially, living under the problem of daily rape, wants or really enjoys the fact that other women undergo the same. They just wish for this reality to end. And this has people from all races.

If I saw the same exploitation on any other race, I would instantly oppose this. And I'm sure Benjamin Franklin and others thought of the same and as thus ended slavery, as an example. But the clever and just are fewer than the rotting crap in this world.

Jews hate us for very simple reasons. They wanna exploit and ransack this world and we constantly bust them. So they hate us. There is no 'why' further than that, why does a bandit hate the police...
HailVictory88 said:
Not to seem too emotional, but sometimes I really can't understand what makes anti-Whites hate us so much. Most of us just want a safe homeland to live and be who we are, and we get a media that pushes anti-White nonsense constantly, and a government and academia that doesn't even believe we have a right to live. The anti-Whites sing songs about murdering us and mock the members of our Race who are brutally murdered. We're told that we're monsters just for being born, and then people wonder why Whites are angry.

People ACT like they are surprised on our anger. They are NOT. It's just the jew acts surprised everytime we, like Frankenstein, makes a twitch.

And then the jew uses the tranquilizer "You're racist". If the twitching gets stronger "You're a Nazi". And the list goes on. When nothing else works then Frankenstein will rise and kill the jewish scientist by strangling him, for all the experiments and torture done to him.

If Whites thought less philosophically and all the rest of the bullshit, the answers are pretty clear. There are beings who like free rides, are lazy as fuck, deprived, and the jew rallies them against his enemies, because well, he CAN do that. And it's better to use these other people since direct confrontation between White and Jew would have the jew destroyed before it even began with jews losing. But the jew knows Whites have compassion due to being developed creatures and they exploit this. Essentially just exploiting the weaknesses of your enemies as all animals do.

There is nothing deeply philosophical here. Just life.

The jew rewards those who act in his benefit with loot and shekels from the oppressed. An example here is how the jews constantly hire blacks in Africa to keep other Africans oppressed and enslaved. And how constantly these so called dictators are found with hundreds of millions of dollars in their personal bank accounts...Just jews. So some people are like, I'll do what the jew says and profit from it. Simple as that.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
